

Friday’s Five – 2-17-17

Dear Coastal,

I hope you’re excited about the kickoff to our new series this weekend called, “UNITED WE STAND.”  The series is all about unity.  It could not come at a more needed time!  Use that to your advantage!  Leverage what’s happening in our world today for Kingdom purposes.  We mailed out a large postcard invitation for this series and already had several people come to church last Sunday because they received the card.  Do whatever it takes and get your friends to church this week!  Make that phone call, send those emails and social media invitations.  You never know the power and impact of a simple invitation!  I’ve been praying specifically this week for your ONE!  Don’t forget – each ONE of us, praying ONCE a day, for ONE minute, at ONEpm for ONE person – the power of ONE!

On Sunday, please do your part and park over in the school parking lot – as far away as possible to make room for guests.  Warmly welcome and greet everyone.  Go out of your way to be helpful.  If you’re serving, come early and be prepared.  Fill out a Connect Card.  Sit toward the front and center of each section of chairs.

Woohoo – LIFE Groups started this past week!  And from all reports so far, it’s been an awesome kickoff for this semester of LIFE Groups! If you didn’t make a Group this week, there is still plenty of time to sign up. Remember there are 3 different ways to sign up, but you only have to sign up one way, one time.  You can sign up any time online, on your Connect Card on Sunday, or at the LIFE Group Sign-Up Tables at the back of our auditorium on Sunday.  Right now we have well over 300 adults in LIFE Groups!

Friday’s 5:

  1. Join our entire church for a 40 Day period of Fasting & Prayer leading up to Easter Sunday.  The fast will begin Wednesday, March 1st and continue until Sunday, April 9th, Palm Sunday, the week before Easter.  Begin praying and thinking now about what you will choose to fast.
  2. There is a WAVES Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) House Party on Friday, February 24th at the Carolina Ice Palace!  Meet at the church at 8pm.  We will take a bus to the Ice Rink and skate from 9pm-11pm.  Cost $5.  Invite and bring your friends!
  3. There is a Security Team Meeting on Saturday, February 25th, at 9am in the new building.  This meeting is for all current team members and for those interested in serving.
  4. New to Coastal?  Want to learn more about the church and find out how to get connected?  Join us for  the next Newcomer’s Reception, Sunday, March 26th, immediately following the 11:15am service in the Welcome Center.  Meet other new people and our staff, enjoy a slice of pizza, and discover possible next steps.  Sign up online or on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  5. Go ahead and mark your calendar now, Coastal’s week of VBS will be July 17th-21st, 6pm-8pm!  This year’s theme is, “Maker Fun Factory – Created by God, Built for a Purpose!”  See Janet Rollins if you’re interested in serving –!


Pastor Chris

P.S.  We could have used a few more people this past Saturday for Chair Set-Up!  Chair Set-Up is every Saturday morning at 9am in our new building.  With 6 or more people, it only takes 30 minutes or less!  If you’ve never done it before, join us tomorrow!  It’s a great way to serve God, by serving others!


Friday’s Five – 2-10-17

Dear Coastal,

Wow – taIk about an AWESOME Superbowl Sunday!  And I’m not even talking about the football game!  I’m talking about the fact that last Sunday we Baptized 9 people and 1 more person gave their life to Christ which means that we now have 22 of our 52 lights already lit up on our ONE sign and it’s just February!  In fact, we’ve moved over to the “N” on the sign!  Maybe my faith goal was too small!  Coastal we are a part of an amazing move of God in our community!  And we are just getting started!

This Sunday is our last week of our “I Will” series and then on Sunday, February 19th (Presidents Weekend), we kick off a new series called, “UNITED WE STAND.”  The series is all about unity – unity in our home, in the church, and in our community.  We’ll be mailing out a large postcard invitation to all of West Ashley, Johns Island, & James Island (let me know when and if you get yours).  I really feel like that with what’s happening in our world today this is going to be a powerful and much needed series.  As always, invite & bring your friends and pray for your ONE!  We’ll have an extra postcard in your bulletin this Sunday for you to give away.

This coming Tuesday is Valentine’s Day!  I know a lot of people are pretty down on Valentine’s Day, calling it either “Single Awareness Day” or just another corporate, made up holiday for Hallmark, candy companies and florists to make a lot of money.  However, for me, it holds a special place in my heart.  Valentine’s Day was mine and Janet’s very first date!  I told her I loved her on that first date!  And then, we got married the next Valentine’s Day!  This Valentine’s Day will be our 30th Wedding Anninversary!  It’s hard to believe 30 years have come and gone – it all goes by so quickly!

While romance, cards, flowers, and special occasions are all fun and exciting, real love is so much more.  Love is a commitment, a decision to treat someone better than you want to be treated, regardless of how you feel and regardless of how they respond.  It’s the little things, done consistently, over time that build a relationship.  And the power and the strength to do that every day and over the long haul has to come from somewhere other than yourself.  It only comes from God.  And when both husband and wife are growing in their walk with God and loving each other sacrificially through His strength, it is a beautiful and special thing!  If you have that, thank the Lord, thank your spouse, keep it up and remain faithful.  If you’re single, don’t settle for anything less!  If you’re married and you don’t have what I’m talking about, pray, seek Godly counsel, and remember, the only thing you can change is yourself.  You can still practice Godly, sacrificial love.  It’s not dependent on their response or your feelings.  Godly, sacrificial love is the fertile soil in which miracles grow!

Janet, thank you for the best 30 years of my life!  Sometimes it’s hard to remember my life without you in it.  You make loving you so easy and natural and fun and exciting!  If God allows it, I look forward to the next 30 years and every day in between with YOU!  Happy Early Anniversary and Happy Early Valentines Day!

Friday’s 5:

  1. LIFE Groups start this coming week!  But there is still plenty of time to sign up.  Remember there are 3 different ways to sign up, but you only have to sign up one way, one time.  You can sign up any time online, on your Connect Card on Sunday, or at the LIFE Group Sign-Up Tables at the back of our auditorium on Sunday.  Right now we have over 300 adults in LIFE Groups!
  2. Unless otherwise noted, don’t forget that Chair Set-Up is every Saturday morning at 9am in our new building.  With 6 or more people, it only takes 30 minutes or less and it’s a great exercise and believe it or not it’s great fun!
  3. Looking for a place to serve at Coastal and are available on Monday Mornings?  Consider joining the Monday Morning Follow-Up Team!  Each Monday morning, 9am-11am, we have a group of volunteers who help us follow up with all of our guests from Sunday.  They also help with a variety of administrative tasks.    Snacks, coffee, and childcare provided.  Respond to this email or contact Ashley Hojnacki directly at
  4. There is a WAVES Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) House Party on Friday, February 24th at the Carolina Ice Palace!  Meet at the church at 8pm.  We will take a bus to the Ice Rink and skate from 9pm-11pm.  Cost $5.  Invite and bring your friends!
  5. There is a Security Team Meeting on Saturday, February 25th, at 9am in the new building.  This meeting is for all current team members and for those interested in serving.

I Will!

Pastor Chris


Friday’s Five – 2-3-17

Dear Coastal,

I can’t say enough good things about LIFE Group Sunday this past Sunday at Coastal!  All of our LIFE Group Leaders did such an awesome job of creatively promoting their Groups.  And most importantly, a ton of people signed up for a Group.  In fact, right now over 250 people have already signed up for a Group!

Our LIFE Groups start the week of February 12th (not this coming week, but the following week), so you still have plenty of time to sign up.  Remember there are 3 different ways to sign up, but you only have to sign up one way, one time.  You can sign up any time online, on your Connect Card on Sunday, or at the LIFE Group Sign-Up Tables at the back of our auditorium on Sunday.

Please begin praying for our, “UNITED We Stand” sermon series that we’ll be kicking off on Sunday, February 19th (Presidents Weekend).  We’re going to be talking about the importance of unity – unity in our home, in the church, and in our community.  We’ll be mailing out a large postcard invitation to all of West Ashley, Johns Island, & James Island.  I really feel like that with what’s happening in our world today this is going to be a powerful and much needed series.  As always, invite & bring your friends and pray for your ONE!

Friday’s 5:

  1. WOOHOO!  We’re having a Baptism Service this Sunday, February 5th in both services!  If you’ve given your life to Jesus, this is your next step – going public with your faith through Baptism!  Or, maybe you’ve never been Baptized by immersion in the example of Jesus.  If you haven’t already signed up and you’d like to participate and be Baptized this Sunday, please respond to this email!
  2. Have a heart for people and are comfortable praying with people?  Then maybe you would be interested in serving on our Sunday morning Prayer/Decision Team.  Each week, during each service we have people who either make decisions or would like for someone to pray with them.  Respond to this email or contact Billy Burnett at
  3. Looking for a place to serve at Coastal and are available on Monday Mornings?  Consider joining the Monday Morning Follow-Up Team!  Each Monday morning, 9am-11am, we have a group of volunteers who help us follow up with all of our guests from Sunday.  They also help with a variety of administrative tasks.    Snacks, coffee, and childcare provided.  Respond to this email or contact Ashley Hojnacki directly at
  4. There have been some exciting changes in our WAVES Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) this semester!  They’ve moved their main weekly gathering (6.2.SIX) from the old auditorium to the new auditorium.  And begining this coming Wednesday night (6pm-8:15pm) they will have a full band leading them in worship every week!  This is an intentional investment that we’re making in our Students!  Do everything in your power to get your Student and his/her friends there!
  5. If you haven’t already done so, make sure you download our church’s app – it’s FREE!  Just go to your app store and search for Coastal Community Church of Charleston or Coastal CC and look for our logo.  Make sure you allow for push notifications.  It’s a great tool to keep up with all things Coastal (upcoming events, Friday’s 5, announcements) and listen to our weekly messages.  (The first two people who respond to this email will receive a $5 Starbucks Gift Card – just checking to see who reads this to the end!)

I Will!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  Give TEXT Giving a try!  It’s simple, safe, and secure.  Text any amount to 843-277-8337.  After a quick sign up process, it’s a great way to give any time, any place, any amount as God blesses.  Try it today!


Friday’s Five – 1-17-17

Dear Coastal,

Well, I hope you’re as excited as I am for LIFE Group Sunday this week at Coastal!  That’s right!  It’s time to get everyone signed up for the Winter/Spring Semester of LIFE Groups!  LIFE Group Sunday is similar to a Job/College Fair, but for LIFE GROUPS! You’ll come to our Worship Service & check in your kids, just like normal, but our Worship Service will be a little shorter and then we’ll dismiss our adults (not the children) to go out to the giant tent to check out all the different groups (we’ll let you know when to go pick up your kids at the normal time).

Not only will you get to check out all the different Groups, but you will get to meet the Group Leaders, enjoy some great snacks, and have a BLAST!  You also get to vote: Best Overall Booth, Best Snack, Best “Sales Pitch”, Most Creative, Most Informative (the only time we allow judging at Coastal). And most importantly – you can sign up for a LIFE Group! Don’t miss it!  And as always – invite & bring a friend!  My sermon is entitled, “I Will Get Connected!”

In fact, you can go ahead and check out all our different Groups online and sign up today!  There are basically 3 different ways to sign up for a Group each semester, but you only have to sign up one time, one way.  You can sign up online, on your Connect Card, or at the Groups Sign-Up Tables (on Sunday these will be underneath the tent).

I wanted to let you know where I’m going with my next sermon series after “I Will.”  On February 19th (President’s Weekend) I’m kicking off a series entitlted, “UNITED We Stand.”  It’s going to be a short series on a very important issue today – unity!  With the current climate of our culture, regardless of your political persuasion, I feel like this is going to be a needed series.  I’ll be talking about unity, what it is, what it’s not, and how you walk it out in daily life – especially in your home (husband/wife/parents), in the church, and in our community.  Is it possible to agree to disagree with someone respectfully and still have unity?  What does it mean to speak the truth in love?  How important is it to have unity in your home with your spouse?  How important is it to be on the same page as your raise your children?  And can you have unity without uniformity in the local church?  How do you really live out the statement, “In the essentials we have unity;  in the non-essentials we have liberty;  in all things we show charity”?  As I hope you can see, this is going to be a powerful series and a great series to invite your friends!  Keep praying for your ONE!

Friday’s 5:

  1. We’re having a Baptism Service on Superbowl Sunday, February 5th in both services!  If you’ve given your life to Jesus, this is your next step – going public with your faith through Baptism!  Or, maybe you’ve never been Baptized by immersion in the example of Jesus.  If you’d like to participate and be Baptized, respond to this email, sign up online, or let us know on your Connect Card on Sunday!
  2. Our wonderful Cafe needs volunteers!  Each week at Coastal we give away A LOT of coffee and food!  That means each week our wonderful volunteers set up, set out, make, put away, and clean up!  If you love people, love serving, and have a little bit of hospitality in your heart, consider serving in our Cafe!  You can respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday, or email Matt Beam directly at!
  3. LIFE Group Training for ALL Leaders, Assistants & Hosts is this Saturday, January 28th, 10am-12noon.  LIFE Group Sunday (where you can sign up for a Group and we set up a Big Tent with LIFE Group Booths) is this Sunday, January 29th  and the new LIFE Group Semester will start the week of February 12th.  It’s going to be a great LIFE Group Semester!
  4. Looking for a place to serve at Coastal?  Don’t want to miss a service?  Enjoy technology and fast on your feet (fingers)?  We’re looking for volunteers in our Tech Booth – specifically with computer (slide presentation), lights, and video.  If you’re slightly tech savvy and have the desire, we’d love to train you!  Respond to this email, contact Christopher (, or let us know on your Connect Card.
  5. Our Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) semester is back in full swing!  There is a House Party tonight!  They’re meeting at the church at 6pm and leaving for a Stingrays Hockey Game (game at 7pm)!  Transportation and Ticket provided.  Bring money for food and/or souvenirs.

I Will!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  Unless you hear otherwise, Chair set-up is always on Saturdays at 9am!  Love for you to join us!  With 6 or more people it only takes 30 minutes or less!  Great exercise, great service, and great fun!


Friday’s Five – 1-20-17

Dear Coastal,

We kicked off a new series this past Sunday at Coastal called, “I Will” – not “I Could”, “I Might”, or “I Should”, but “I Will!”  It’s all about taking action and making commitments in this new year that will lead toward our growth.  Last week was, “I Will Reach My Friends for Christ.”  This week is, “I Will Get Healthy.”  Yes, we’re going to be talking about our physical health.

It’s been exactly 1 year since I’ve been on this health journey and although I’ve still got a long way to go, one thing I’ve learned is that the Bible definitely has a lot to say about our physical health. Join us this Sunday and make the commitment – “I Will Get Healthy in 2017!” No matter where you’re at, everyone has next steps to take. It’s all about small changes for life. We greatly overestimate what we can do in a week, but we underestimate what we can accomplish in a year.

Oh, and for a little extra fun, we’re giving away some fun health related stuff at the end of both of our services: a $50 gift card to Whole Foods, a brand new Fitbit Charge 2, and a FREE 6 month membership to Chucktown Fitness (my gym – the best gym in Charleston – and home away from home this past year!) that includes a Fitness Evaluation/Consultation, 1 Infinity Massage Session & 3 Ultimate Workout Classes!

Beginning this Sunday, you’ll see our “ONE” sign mounted in the auditorium as you enter and exit.  We will be officially lighting the bulbs starting this week for the number of people who have given their lives to Christ so far this year through the ministry of our church!  Keep praying!  Keep serving!  Keep loving!  Keep inviting!  And don’t forget – each one of us, praying once a day, for 1 minute, at 1pm, for 1 person – the Power of ONE!

Friday’s 5:

  1. Our wonderful Cafe needs volunteers!  Each week at Coastal we give away A LOT of coffee and food!  That means each week our wonderful volunteers set up, set out, make, put away, and clean up!  If you love people, love serving, and have a little bit of hospitality in your heart, consider serving in our Cafe!  You can respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday, or email Matt Beam directly at!
  2. LIFE Group Training for ALL Leaders, Assistants & Hosts is next Saturday, January 28th, 10am-12noon.  LIFE Group Sunday (where you can sign up for a Group and we set up a Big Tent with LIFE Group Booths) is January 29th  and the new LIFE Group Semester will start the week of February 12th.  It’s going to be a great LIFE Group Semester!
  3. New to Coastal?  Want to learn more about the church and find out how to get connected?  Join us for  the next Newcomer’s Reception, THIS Sunday, January 22nd, immediately following the 11:15am service in the Welcome Center.  Meet other new people and our staff, enjoy some great desserts and coffee, win some prizes and discover possible next steps.  Sign up online or on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  4. Interested in offically making Coastal your church home?  Our next Membership Class is THIS Monday, January 23rd, 6-9pm.  Childcare and refreshments provided.  Sign up online or on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  5. Looking for a place to serve at Coastal?  Don’t want to miss a service?  Enjoy technology and fast on your feet (fingers)?  We’re looking for volunteers in our Tech Booth – specifically with computer (slide presentation), lights, and video.  If you’re slightly tech savvy and have the desire, we’d love to train you!  Respond to this email, contact Christopher (, or let us know on your Connect Card.

I Will!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  Unless you hear otherwise, Chair set-up is always on Saturdays at 9am!  Love for you to join us!  With 6 or more people it only takes 30 minutes or less!  Great exercise, great service, and great fun!


Friday’s Five – 1-13-17

Dear Coastal,

Okay, bear with me and let me get this out of the way first – how ’bout them TIGERS!  Woohoo!  National Champions – finally!  I’ll be picking up and framing a copy of this week’s Sports Illustrated with Clemson on the cover.  It will join my framed copy of the 1981 Sports Illustrated in my office.  Hopefully, I won’t have to wait another 35 years to add to the collection.

I stayed up way too late Monday night after the game.  I was so amped up, I couldn’t sleep.  I wanted to watch all the celebrations, all the interviews.  I’m glad I did.  I loved a quote from Coach Dabo Swinney.  He said, “And I told the team, I said, ‘You know you guys, we’ve got a great opportunity to hopefully give a lot of people some hope out there, that greatness is for all of us. It’s not just for the Alabamas, the Ohio States, the Notre Dames, it’s for all of us. Nobody is better than us. You’ve got to believe man, you’ve got to believe.’”  Man I like that.  That’ll preach!  Greatness is for all of us.  You’ve got to believe.

If you were at church this past Sunday then you know that I introduced a year long goal at our church called “The Power of ONE” Campaign.  I preached a message from Luke 15, a passage that we’ve looked at many times here at Coastal.  Jesus tells 3 stories back to back to back to explain His mission and to give a look at the heart of God.  It’s the parable of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son or the Prodigal Son.  In each of these stories something of great value is missing.  At Coastal, we believe that people are either dead in their sin or alive in Christ.  Our goal this year is to see 52 people cross the line of faith and give their lives to Jesus.  52 people who once were lost, become found.  52 people who once were dead in their sin, come alive by the resurrection power of Jesus through the ministry of our church!  In other words, over the course of the year, we want to average at least one person each week getting saved.

And to serve as a visual reminder of our goal and our purpose this year, we had this sign built that spells the word ONE!  In the individual letters of the sign are 52 light bulbs.  Each light bulb represents one person.  We’re going to mount it in our building for everyone to see, and each time someone gives their life to Christ this year, we’re going turn on a light.  After all 52 lights are lit, we’re going to have a huge party – just like in Luke 15!

This Sunday, I begin a new series called “I Will” – not “I Could” or “I Might” or “I Should,” but “I Will!”  The idea for the series comes from the little book by the same title by author Thom Ranier.  The tagline of the book is “Nine Traits of the Outwardly Focused Christian.”  Each week we’re going to look at a commitment worth making in 2017.  This Sunday starts with, “I Will Reach My Friends For Christ.”  In some ways it’s a continuation of last weeks message.  In fact, we’ll be leaving out our ONE sign completely lit one more week before we mount it.  But here’s the GREAT NEWS – we already have ONE light to turn on as soon as we mount it!!!!  Last week we had one woman give her life to Christ and she’s already signed up to get baptized at our next baptism!  How AWESOME is that!

Make sure you keep all of our Students in your prayers this weekend!  59 (Students & Volunteers) of them just left for the Strength to Stand Youth Conference in Pigeon Forge, TN.  They will return on Monday night!  Pray for their safety, that they have fun, that they grow together as a group, and most importantly that they grow closer to God.  Let’s pray that at least ONE more light gets turned on because one of our Students gives their life to Christ!

Friday’s 5:

  1. Speaking of out ONE Campaign – join our church, praying once a day, for 1 minute, at 1pm, for 1 person – the Power of ONE!
  2. We finalize our LIFE Group catalog this coming week!  All Group details must be turned in to Julie by Tuesday, January 17th.  LIFE Group Training is Saturday, January 28th.  LIFE Group Sunday is January 29th and the new LIFE Group Semester will start the week of February 12th.
  3. New to Coastal?  Want to learn more about the church and find out how to get connected?  Join us for  the next Newcomer’s Reception, Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 immediately following the 11:15am service in the Welcome Center.  Meet other new people and our staff, enjoy some great desserts and coffee, win some prizes and discover possible next steps.  Sign up online or on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  4. Interested in offically making Coastal your church home?  Our next Membership Class is Monday, January 23rd, 6-9pm.  Childcare and refreshments provided.  Sign up online or on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  5. Looking for a place to serve at Coastal?  Don’t want to miss a service?  Enjoy technology and fast on your feet (fingers)?  We’re looking for volunteers in our Tech Booth – specifically with computer (slide presentation), lights, and video.  If you’re slightly tech savvy and have the desire, we’d love to train you!  Respond to this email, contact Christopher (, or let us know on your Connect Card.

Go Tigers!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  Chair set-up this Saturday at 9am!  Love for you to join us!  With 6 or more people it only takes 30 minutes or less!  Great exercise, great service, and great fun!


Friday’s Five – 1-6-16

Dear Coastal,

I’m so pumped about this Sunday!  I’m sharing (literally revealing – you’ll see) an exciting year long goal for our church for 2017!  Christmas & New Year’s has come and gone, kids are all back in school, everyone is back in town – so, make every effort to start the new year off right and be in church this Sunday.  You won’t want to miss it!  And don’t let the cold weather keep you away.  I promise the coffee will be hot and the buildings will be toasty warm!

I don’t know if you’ve heard the news or not, but Clemson plays Alabama for the second year in a row for the National Championship this Monday night!  Woohoo!  I am a life long Clemson fan.  If you grow up in these parts, you just end up picking sides.  Growing up I had a lot of family and friends who went to Clemson.  My Grandfather’s brother was a Clemson Graduate.  In my desk at the office I have his 1930 class ring.

The truth is however, I’ve always liked Alabama.  From Danny Ford to Dabo Swinney, there are a lot of Alabama connections with Clemson.  But just like last year, I can’t help think about my good friend Scott Gamel.  Scott was as big of an Alabama fan as I am a Clemson fan.  His dad was an Alabama State Trooper that guarded legendary Alabama Coach Bear Bryant.

Well, two years ago I got a text from one of my best friends, Buck Wardle, that simply said, “Call me.  It’s an emergency.”  Buck is a Pastor of a church in Virginia.  I called him up and he told me the news.  One of our mutual best friends, Scott Gamel, had just died of heart attack.  I’ve known Scott since I was 16 years old.  Scott & Buck are a few years older than me, and I met them at a camp I went to when I got saved.  I was in High School and Scott & Buck were traveling for the Bible College that we all ended up going to.  We all became life long friends. Scott was in my wedding.  We talked at least once a week about life, about ministry, about family, and about you.

The truth is, Scott was overweight.  Like me, and maybe like some of you, Scott struggled with his weight most of his life.  Well, he was doing something about it.  In fact, he had recently lost some weight.  And then two years ago on a Monday morning, as was his routine, he was out walking with his wife Vicki.  They were on a walking trail with a couple of other people from their church.  Scott stopped at a bench for a breather, stooped over, and dropped dead of a heart attack. Scott and Vicki had 6 children, 6 boys, between the ages of 10 & 24.  He was 52 years old and the Pastor of a loving, growing church in Indiana.

I don’t know why I shared all that with you.  Just thoughts in my head as I think about the Clemson/Alabama Game.  I miss my friend.  I wish I could call him up and finally rag him out after a Clemson victory.  I turn 50 this year.  My mantra is fit by 50.  I’m not there yet, but I’m healthier than I’ve been in a long time.  Every day is a gift.  I have two children.  I just had the privilege of performing the wedding of my son.  I want to walk my daughter down the aisle of her wedding one day.  I want to see my kids have children of their own.  This February 14th, Janet and I celebrate our 30th Wedding Anniversary.  I want 30 more.  I have been blessed to Pastor the best church in world for the past 26 years.  My calling is stronger today than it’s ever been, and I feel like we’re just getting started.  There are so many more people to reach, serve, love, and save.  I’ve said this before, but the hope and promise of heaven gets sweeter and sweeter to me each year that passes and after each loved one that I know goes on to glory.  Make the most of every day.  Love God.  Love people.  And day by day, as many days as you have left, until God calls you home or the sky splits, the trumpet sounds and Jesus returns, become more and more like Him.  That’s all that really matters.  I love you Coastal.  And, oh yeah – GO TIGERS!

Friday’s 5:

  1. Everyone has 1 week to finalize plans to lead, assist, or host a LIFE Group.  We are sending out email reminders and making phone calls, but you could help us out so much by simply responding to this email or calling the office (843-571-1777) and speaking with Julie Kelly directly.  LIFE Group Training is Saturday, January 28th.  LIFE Group Sunday is January 29th and the new LIFE Group Semester will start the week of February 12th.
  2. There is a First Impressions Team Oyster Roast/Chilli Supper Planning Meeting this Sunday, January 8th, 4-6:30pm at Coastal!  It’s for all current 1st Impressions Team Members and those interested in serving!  Our 1st Impressions Team are the folks who greet, hand out bulletins, open doors, drive the Golf Carts, work in the Parking Lot, usher, check the restrooms, take up the offering, and so much more!  They help to create a warm, welcoming environment for our guests.  Love for you to join the Team!
  3. New to Coastal?  Want to learn more about the church and find out how to get connected?  Join us for  the next Newcomer’s Reception, Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 immediately following the 11:15am service in the Welcome Center.  Meet other new people and our staff, enjoy some great desserts and coffee, win some prizes and discover possible next steps.  Sign up online or on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  4. Interested in offically making Coastal your church home?  Our next Membership Class is Monday, January 23rd, 6-9pm.  Childcare and refreshments provided.  Sign up online or on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  5. Looking for a place to serve at Coastal?  Don’t want to miss a service?  Enjoy technology and fast on your feet (fingers)?  We’re looking for volunteers in our Tech Booth – specifically with computer (slide presentation), lights, and video.  If you’re slightly tech savvy and have the desire, we’d love to train you!  Respond to this email, contact Christopher (, or let us know on your Connect Card.

Happy New Year!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  We’ve had a nice break, but this Saturday at 9am we’ll be setting up our chairs again!  Love for you to join us!  With 6 or more people it only takes 30 minutes or less!


Christmas Offering Update

Dear Coastal,

I just wanted to give you an exciting update on our Christmas Offering and remind you that this Sunday, January 8th, is the last day to give towards it.  Our B.H.A.G. (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) is $50,000.  Honestly, the last couple of years that we set our goal at $50,000 we’ve always had at least one person make a very large donation – up to $25,000.  We haven’t had that this year (yet – haha).  Instead, it’s just been the generous giving of so many people!  And right now, we have collectively given just over $41,000!  I’m already so excited and so proud of our church!  And you never know where it might end up.  We still have 4 days remaining to give.  If you text (843-277-8337), give online, use our app, or send a check, just make sure you designate it with the word, “Christmas.”  Like I said on Sunday, at Coastal we always “work (or give) like it all depends on us, pray like it all depends on God, walk by faith, trust God with the results, and celebrate the outcome!”  Truthfully, I’m already celebrating!

A couple of other quick things:

Don’t miss this Sunday!  I’m sharing (literally revealing – you’ll see) an exciting year long goal for our church for 2017!  Christmas & New Years has come and gone, kids are all back in school, everyone is back in town – so, make every effort to start the new year off right and be in church this Sunday.  You won’t want to miss it!

– And speaking of this Sunday, we’re having an OYSTER ROAST & Chili Supper (4-6:30pm) for everyone on our 1st Impressions Team and anyone looking to serve on our 1st Impressions Team.  Our 1st Impressions Team are the folks who greet, hand out bulletins, open doors, drive the Golf Carts, work in the Parking Lot, usher, check the restrooms, take up the offering, and so much more!  They help to create warm, welcoming environment for our guests.  Love for you to join the Team!

– Everyone has 1 week (by the end of next week) to finalize plans to lead, assist, or host a LIFE Group.  We are sending out email reminders and making phone calls, but you could help us out so much by simply responding to this email or calling the office (843-571-1777) and speaking with Julie Kelly directly.  LIFE Group Training is Saturday, January 28th.  LIFE Group Sunday is January 29th and the new LIFE Group Semester will start the week of February 12th.


Pastor Chris

P.S.  Did I already mention not to miss this Sunday?  DON’T MISS THIS SUNDAY!


Friday’s Five – 12-30-16

Dear Coastal,

I sincerely hope that you and your family had a wonderful, joy filled, Christ centered Christmas!  And if you were able to come to one of our 2 Christmas Eve services, I hope you were as blessed as I was!  It was such a great way to close out 2016 and be reminded that Jesus really is the light of the world.

I hope that you have been able to take some time off from work and spend it with family & friends over the last week!  I know we have at the Rollins home, and it’s been nice.  We take our daughter back to the airport tomorrow.  Although goodbyes are always tough, we’ve had a great visit and just knowing that she has great friends, in a great church, in a great Small Group and that she is pursuing God’s plan for her life, makes it so much easier.  I’m not sure we’ll make it to midnight tomorrow, but I’m pretty sure we’ll be watching football, flipping channels, and listening to neighbhorhood fireworks.  I know – pretty wild & crazy stuff!

This Sunday is January 1st, 2017 and we will only have 1 service – 9:30am.  I realize that a lot people will be out of town this weekend or out late celebrating on New Year’s Eve (maybe we should have ditched the early service – haha) or have family obligations on New Year’s Day, but If you are in town, make every effort to come on Sunday.

Usually, this time of the year, I share my annual “Year In Review/Year Ahead” message.  This year, I feel compelled to do something different.  2016 has been a very difficult, painful year for a lot of people.  The truth is, that could be said every year.  But all over social media, most Year End Reviews/Reflections or New Year’s Eve Parties are all about saying good riddance or #%!@ to 2016!  Much has been made and said about all the famous people/celebrities who have died this year.  Some guy even started a GoFund Me page to keep Betty White alive!  It’s always sad to hear about the loss of life and the pain and grieving of families, and many of those icons who passed away had varying degrees of impact on our collective lives.  However, for me it was the phone call I got, yet again this morning, from a member of my Coastal family, who lost a loved one this week that seems to impacts me the most.

There is a real crisis of hope in our world today.  On Christmas Eve, I talked about Jesus – the Light of the World.  Well, this Sunday, on New Year’s Day, I want to talk about Jesus – the Hope of the World.  Don’t miss it.  I think we need to be reminded that when this world is hopeless, when everything seems to be crashing in around us, as followers of Jesus, we still have hope.  I can’t think of a better way to start 2017!  Invite and bring a friend!

One of the things that I will always look back on 2016 and remember is the generosity of our church.  And it’s not just the generous giving of a few.  It’s the growing, Biblical giving of many.  I think people are really beginning to understand that although we all can’t give the same amount, we can all sacrifice together.  I think more and more people are beginning to understand that each gift counts and each gift matters, no matter how big or how small.  I think more and more people are beginning to understand that consistent giving, over time, makes a huge impact.  And finally I think more and more people are stepping out in faith, trusting God with their finances, and beginning to tithe – giving 10% of their gross income.  And what those people are discovering is that you can’t outgive God and that if you take care of God’s business, He will take care of yours.  I pray that what I’ve seen in 2016 is just the foundation of what’s to come in the new year and beyond.

So, if you are wanting to give and have it counted as a part of 2016, you only have today and tomorrow to do so.  The easiest way to do that would be to give online or to give by TEXTing.  If you’ve never given by TEXTing this would be a great opportunity to give it a try.  Simply text any amount to our giving number 843-277-8337 and hit send.  After a one step sign up process with your bank account (takes less than 2 minutes), you’re done.  It’s that simple.  This Sunday (January 1st) and next Sunday (January 8th) are the last services to give to our Christmas Offering.  Right now, we have given over $30,000!  While that seems a long way from our goal of $50,000, I’m so proud of our church and excited to see the Kingdom Impact of that investment!  While goals are good and give us something to strive towards, my attitude has always been to “work like all depends on us, pray like it all depends on God, and then trust God with the results and celebrate!”  We will announce the total amount given on Sunday, January 15th.

Friday’s 5:

  1. We’re in the planning stages of our Spring Semester (February-May) of LIFE Groups.  If you are intersted in leading, assisting, or hosting a group, please let us know on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  2. There is a First Impressions Team Oyster Roast/Planning Meeting on Sunday, January 8th, 2017, 4-6:30pm at Coastal!  It’s for all current 1st Impressions Team Members and those interested in serving!
  3. Interested in offically making Coastal your church home?  Our next Membership Class is Monday, January 9th, 6-9pm.  Childcare and refreshments provided.  Sign up online or on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  4. New to Coastal?  Want to learn more about the church and find out how to get connected?  Join us for  the next Newcomer’s Reception, Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 immediately following the 11:15am service in the Welcome Center.  Meet other new people and our staff, enjoy some great desserts and coffee, win some prizes and discover possible next steps.  Sign up online or on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  5. Looking for a place to serve at Coastal?  Don’t want to miss a service?  Enjoy technology and fast on your feet (fingers)?  We’re looking for volunteers in our Tech Booth – specifically with computer (slide presentation), lights, and video.  If you’re slightly tech savvy and have the desire, we’d love to train you!  Respond to this email, contact Christopher (, or let us know on your Connect Card.

Happy New Year!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  There will only be one service this Sunday morning, January 1st, 9:30am!


Friday’s Five – 12-23-16

Dear Coastal,

I want to thank everyone again for all the love shown to my family for my son’s wedding this past weekend!  I say it all the time – this is not just a job for me, Coastal is my family!  And what a loving family I have!

One of the things that made this past Sunday so awesome was the response to all the food that was given to our Food Bank from Oakland Elementary School.  We bagged it all up and then encouraged everyone to take a bag and help us feed our community.  ALL THE FOOD WAS TAKEN!  You guys ROCK!

I hope you’re as excited as I am for our 2 Christmas Eve Candlelight Services, tomorrow night, Saturday, December 24th, 5:30pm or 7pm!  We’ve had a Christmas Eve Service from the beginning of our church, however we’ve not actually incorporated lighting candles in a long time – maybe 10 years! Honestly, I’m looking forward to it.  There’s just something nostalgic, something warm, something beautiful about lighting candles, listening to O Holy Night, passing the light along, and singing Silent Night together!  And leading up to that my brief message will be about Jesus – the light of the world!  I hope you’ll come.  I hope you’ll invite and bring guests!

Our entire offering for both Christmas Eve Services will be going to our Christmas Offering.  As always, you can give online, text, our app, swipe a bank card, or use the offering envelope.  Since so many people will be out of town and we will only have 1 service (9:30am) on January 1st, you can give toward the Christmas Offering until January 8th.

Please be praying for our WAVES Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade).  Their Winter Retreat is fast approaching – January 13-16!  They are taking the largest group we’ve ever had – 60 (students & chaperones)!  Parents, all money for the Retreat is due Friday, January 6th.  If you are interested in sponsoring a Student or helping to cover expenses, please contact Ryan Spell –

Friday’s 5:

  1. We’re in the planning stages of our Spring Semester (February-May) of LIFE Groups.  If you are intersted in leading, assisting, or hosting a group, please let us know on your Connect Card on Saturday night.
  2. There is a First Impressions Team Oyster Roast/Planning Meeting on Sunday, January 8th, 2017, 4-6:30pm at Coastal!  It’s for all current 1st Impressions Team Members and those interested in serving!
  3. Interested in offically making Coastal your church home?  Our next Membership Class is Monday, January 9th, 6-9pm.  Childcare and refreshments provided.  Sign up online or on your Connect Card on Saturday night.
  4. New to Coastal?  Want to learn more about the church and find out how to get connected?  Join us the next Newcomer’s Reception, Sunday, January 22nd, 2017 immediately following the 11:15am service in the Welcome Center.  Meet other new people and our staff, enjoy some great desserts and coffee, win some prizes and discover possible next steps.  Sign up online or on your Connect Card on Saturday night.
  5. Looking for a place to serve at Coastal?  Don’t want to miss a service?  Enjoy technology and fast on your feet (fingers)?  We’re looking for volunteers in our Tech Booth – specifically with computer (slide presentation), lights, and video.  If you’re slightly tech savvy and have the desire, we’d love to train you!  Respond to this email, contact Christopher (, or let us know on your Connect Card.

Merry Christmas!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  There will be no services on Sunday morning, December 25th.  There will only be one service on Sunday morning, January 1st, 9:30am.  Our Christmas Services are on Christmas Eve – 5:30pm & 7pm.


Friday’s Five – 12-16-16

Dear Coastal,

Well today at 4pm I have the great privilege of performing the wedding ceremony for my son Christopher and his fiance Lizzy!  To say that I’m excited is an understatement!  Keep me in your prayers.  I think our staff has an office pool going for how long it takes for me to break down into a blubbering mess.  But the good news is that they will be tears of joy!  We absolutely love Lizzy and couldn’t be more proud of them both.  We’re not losing our son, we’re gaining a daughter!  And you’re all invited to the party/reception afterwards at Palmetto Brewery at 7pm.  Love for you to join us!

We continue our Christmas series entitled, “Misfits” this SundayEach week we’re looking at some of the unlikely characters and circumstances of the Christmas Story.  This is a great time of the year to make an easy invite and bring a friend!

And speaking of inviting and bringing friends – make plans now to come to one of our 2 Christmas Eve Candlelight Services, Saturday, December 24th, 5:30pm or 7pm!  And yes – we will be lighting candles!   It’s going to be a lot of fun and we will be giving away some gifts at the end of each service!

And speaking of Christmas, don’t forget about our Christmas Offering.  The Christmas Offering is a special/separate offering that we challenge our entire church to give above and beyond toward.  Each year, the money given goes to some amazing things.  This year the money will be used for Student Ministry (camp), Children’s Ministry (VBS), Haiti (solar powered generator for the well), remodeling the old kitchen (Food Bank), and our Community Partner (Oakland).  You can give online, text, our app, swipe a card on Sunday, or use the offering envelope.  However you give toward the Christmas Offering, just make sure you designate it with the word “Christmas.”  Our entire offering at both of our Christmas Eve Services will be going toward the Christmas Offering.  If you’re here, you might want to give then.

Friday’s 5:

  1. Our Food Bank has been blessed with an abundance of food donated from Oakland Elementary School.  This Sunday in each of our services we will have tables with bags of food.  Please come to church on Sunday, prepared to take a bag of food and give it to someone in need.
  2. We’re in the planning stages of our Spring Semester (February-May) of LIFE Groups.  If you are intersted in leading, assisting, or hosting a group, please let us know on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  3. There is a First Impressions Team Oyster Roast/Planning Meeting on Sunday, January 8th, 2017, 4-6:30pm at Coastal!  It’s for all current 1st Impressions Team Members and those interested in serving!
  4. Interested in offically making Coastal your church home?  Our next Membership Class is Monday, January 9th, 6-9pm.  Childcare and refreshments provided.  Sign up online or on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  5. There will be no services on Sunday morning, December 25th.  There will only be one service on Sunday morning, January 1st, 9:30am.  Our Christmas Services are on Christmas Eve – 5:30pm & 7pm.

Merry Christmas!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  This Saturday, 9am (tomorrow morning) is the LAST CHAIR SET UP OF 2016! We get to leave the chairs set up the next 2 weeks!


Friday’s Five – 12-9-16

Dear Coastal,

Last night Janet and I went and got our Christmas Tree – yes the Rollins family gets a REAL tree!  I grew up with an artificial (FAKE) tree and always wanted a real tree.  Janet grew up with a real tree and doesn’t really care.  Actually she’s always lobbied for an artificial tree because something about always being the one to water it, clean up after it – blah, blah, blah.  And every time Janet would make her case, my son Christopher would quickly come back with, “So, what you’re saying is, you hate the Baby Jesus!” (I don’t know where he gets that from.)

Well, last night as we went to get our tree, I noted that it was the first time, since I could remember, that we got a tree without either one of our children present.  Both children have now left the nest and are on their own, starting their own traditions.  Don’t be sad for us (although don’t bring it up to Janet – with the wedding just one week away from today, she’ll lose it!) – both of our children are walking with the Lord and we couldn’t be more proud of both of them.  In fact, with the wedding & Christmas this month, we get to see Lydia twice!  We can’t wait!

And speaking of our children, I want to thank our entire church for the wonderful wedding shower for my son Christopher and his fiance Lizzy this past Sunday night!  It was AWESOME!  We were all overwhelmed with the turnout, the food, the gifts, the prayers, and most importantly the LOVE!  We have the best church family!  The love that you show me and my family is humbling and overwhelming!  Thank you!  And now you’re all invited to the wedding reception – next Friday, December 16th, 7pm at the Palmetto Brewery downtown.  It’s going to be quite the party – or as Christopher says, “The Dopest!”

I hope you enjoyed the Christmas decorations this past Sunday as we kicked off our new Christmas series entitled, “Misfits.”  Each week we’re looking at some of the unlikely characters of the Christmas Story.  This is a great time of the year to make an easy invite and bring a friend!  And speaking of inviting and bringing friends – make plans now to come to one of our 2 Christmas Eve Candlelight Services, Saturday, December 24th, 5:30pm or 7pm!  And yes – we will be lighting candles!

And speaking of Christmas, don’t forget about our Christmas Offering.  The Christmas Offering is a special/separate offering that we challenge our entire church to give above and beyond toward.  It’s basically a “mini giving campaign” that lasts for 7 weeks.  Each year, the money given goes to some amazing things.  This year the money will be used for Student Ministry (camp), Children’s Ministry (VBS), Haiti (solar powered generator for the well), remodeling the old kitchen (Food Bank), and our Community Partner (Oakland).  Our BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) is $50,000!  I realize that most of you haven’t given yet, but right now, we’re not even a 5th of the way there – just over $8,000.  To reach our goal, it will take our entire church – each and every one of us giving.  You can give online, text, swipe a card on Sunday, or use the offering envelope.  However you give toward the Christmas Offering, just make sure you designate it with the word “Christmas.”  Our entire offering at both of our Christmas Eve Services will be going toward the Christmas Offering.  If you’re here, you might want to give then.

Friday’s 5:

  1. WAVES Student Christmas Party this coming Wednesday night, December 14th @6pm.  Bring a fun (and inexpensive) gift to exchange and wear your favorite Christmas sweater or pajamas!
  2. We’re in the planning stages of our Spring Semester (February-May) of LIFE Groups.  If you are intersted in leading, assisting, or hosting a group, please let us know on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  3. There is a First Impressions Team Oyster Roast/Planning Meeting on Sunday, January 8th, 2017, 4-6:30pm at Coastal!  It’s for all current 1st Impressions Team Members and those interested in serving!
  4. Interested in offically making Coastal your church home?  Our next Membership Class is Monday, January 9th, 6-9pm.  Childcare and refreshments provided.  Sign up online or on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  5. Our Security Team is looking for volunteers!  Respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card if you’re interested in volunteering.  One person, one service, once a month makes a HUGE impact!

Merry Christmas!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  There will be no services on Sunday morning, December 25th.  There will only be one service on Sunday morning, January 1st, 9:30am.

P.S.S.  Join us for Chair Set-Up in the morning – unless otherwise noted, Saturdays at 9am!


Friday’s Five – 12-2-16

Dear Coastal,

“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.”  December is here and Christmas is just around the corner!  Are you ready?  Are you excited?  Or are you overwhelmed?  Stressed?  If you’re already overwhelmed and stressed out, chances are you’ve lost your perspective.  Take some time to remember what Christmas is all about – God’s rescue plan to offer a Savior, His one and only Son, Jesus, to a lost and sinful world.  It’s all about God’s great love!  And that’s always worth getting excited about!

Some practical suggestions for the Christmas Holidays: Do your best to intentionally slow down this month.  Don’t overschedule and say yes to everything.  You might even have to say no to some good things to say yes to the best things.  Schedule simple family times – literally put it on everyone’s calendar.  Hang out with friends.  Watch a Christmas movie (my favorite is Elf).  Bake some cookies.  Drive around and see the lights.  Don’t go into debt.  It’s not worth it and it’s not what Christmas is all about.  Send a few hand written notes of love/thanks.  Take some food to a family (or a Police Station or Fire Station) unexpectedly.  Invite people to church.  Read the Christmas story (the one from Luke 2).  Go to and start a Christmas Bible Reading/Devotional.

I begin a new Christmas sermon series this Sunday called, “Misfits.”  The series is all about how God uses the most unlikely of characters and circumstances to do extraordinary things.  You can see that loud and clear in the Christmas story!  You can also see that every day in you and me.  In many ways, we’re “Misfits” – damaged, broken, discarded human beings, but made beautiful, useful and wanted in God’s Kingdom.  Don’t miss this series!  And as always, invite and bring a friend!

Friday’s 5:

  1. Chair Set-Up resumes as usual this Saturday (tomorrow) at 9am.  If you would be willing to serve in this ministry periodically or on a regular basis simply respond to this email or contact the “Chair-Man” Neal Van Sycoc at
  2. We are having a church wide Wedding Shower for Christopher Rollins (my son and Coastal’s Band Director) & Elizabeth “Lizzy” Willingham THIS Sunday, December 4th, 5pm at the church.  Everyone is invited!  There will be plenty of food, fun, and CAKE – basically a BIG PARTY!
  3. We’re in the planning stages of our Spring Semester (February-May) of LIFE Groups.  If you are intersted in leading, assisting, or hosting a group, please let us know on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  4. There is a First Impressions Team Oyster Roast/Planning Meeting on Sunday, January 8th, 2017, 4-6:30pm at Coastal!  It’s for all current 1st Impressions Team Members and those interested in serving!
  5. Interested in offically making Coastal your church home?  Our next Membership Class is Monday, January 9th, 6-9pm.  Childcare and refreshments provided.  Sign up online or on your Connect Card on Sunday.

Merry Christmas!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  Make your plans now to attend one of our 2 Christmas Eve Services, Saturday, December 24th, 5:30pm & 7pm.  There will be no services on Sunday morning, December 25th.  There will only be one service on Sunday morning, January 1st, 9:30am.


Happy Thanksgiving!

Dear Coastal Friends & Family,

I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!  Words can not express the deep gratitude I feel for you!  It is an honor to be your Pastor.  Janet and I are in North Georgia, spending a few days with Janet’s mom and family.  It’s our first Thanksgiving since Janet’s Dad passed away in July.

Heavenly Father thank You for loving me and saving me in spite of who I am!  Thank You for Jesus!  Thank You for Your grace and patience.  Thank You for the best life I could ever imagine.  Thank You for my beautiful wife Janet.  She is my best friend.  She is the best wife and mother I could ever imagine.  In her, You gave me more than I could ever ask, dream, or imagine.  Father, thank You for Lydia and Christopher.  Seeing them grow to know and love You and others is the joy of my life.  I am so proud of who they are and who they are becoming.  And this year, thank you for Lizzie, my new daughter-in-law!  Thank you for my health and renewed energy and all those who have encouraged me along this journey.  Thank You for some of the best friends a guy could or should ever have – friends that I could call at 3 in the morning and they would drop everything and be here.  Thank You for Coastal Community Church – my church family!  It has been the adventure of a lifetime and I truly believe the best is yet to come!  Thank You for allowing me to preach Your Word, shepherd Your flock, lead and serve Your people!  I am Your unworthy servant.  Thank You for the hope of heaven.  With each year and loved one passing, it gets sweeter and sweeter.  I can’t wait for the day when You call me home or when the sky splits, the trumpet sounds, I bow my knee, cry out, “Jesus is Lord,” and get to see Jesus face to face!  And thank You that in the meantime You allow me to share Jesus with the world around me!  I am truly a blessed man!

If you and your family are in town, we would love to see you at Coastal on Sunday!  This is a great time of the year to come back to church!  On Sunday, December 4th, we kick off our Christmas series, “Misfits.”  Take advantage of this season and this series and invite your friends to church!

I love you and thank God for you every day!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  Go online, to our App, or TEXT any amount to 843-277-8337 and to our Annual Christmas Offering!  Use the keyword “Christmas.”


Friday’s Five – 11-18-16

Dear Coastal,

I don’t know about you, but it’s hard to believe that Thanksgiving is already here next week.  Before you know it, Christmas will come and go and it will be 2017.  It’s so easy to get wrapped up in the cares and concerns of this world and forget all that we have to be grateful for, to forget Paul’s simple instruction for life found in 1 Thessalonians 5:18, “No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.”

I have so much to be thankful for – more than I could ever list – my wife, my children, my new daughter (December 16th!), my health, and somewhere near the top of that list is YOU, my Coastal family!  I mean that.  I am truly a blessed man.  I love what I do and more importantly I love who I get to do it with.  We’re not perfect, but we’re FAMILY!  We’re becoming, day by day, moment by moment, more and more like God already sees us in Christ Jesus – perfect!  And together we get to bring glory to God, exalt His Son Jesus, and by the very power of the Holy Spirit, beat down the gates of Hell, kick Satan in the teeth, and rescue this world one life at a time.  We get do that by loving, serving, giving, sharing, and being the hands, feet, and voice of Jesus to a hurting, hopeless, and dying world.  It doesn’t get any better than that!  Thank you Jesus!

This Sunday is the first week to give to our Annual Christmas Offering! Simply designate your gift with the word “Christmas”.  Our Christmas Offering is our chance to sacrificially give above and beyond our regular offering so that we can fully fund some exciting Kingdom Initiatives.  Our BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) is $50,000!  Pray about your gift.  Talk to your family and see how your whole family can get involved in sacrificing together.  You can give any time between this Sunday and Sunday, January 1st.

I begin a new Christmas sermon series beginning December 4th called, “Misfits.”  The series is all about how God uses the most unlikely of characters and circumstances to do extraordinary things.  You can see that loud and clear in the Christmas story!  You can also see that every day in you and me.  In many ways, we’re “Misfits” – damaged, broken, discarded human beings, but made beautiful, useful and wanted in God’s Kingdom.  Don’t miss this series!  And as always, invite and bring a friend!

Friday’s 5:

  1. Tonight is House Party for our WAVES Student Minstry and they are taking it to the MOVIES!! They are going to see the 6:45pm showing of “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them!”  It is opening night in the IMAX at Citadel Mall for the movie so be there by 6:15pm so they can get seats. The church has already purchased the tickets and we are covering the cost of them. All you need to bring is a FRIEND and some money for snacks!!!  Email if your Student and any friends are going.
  2. We are having a church wide Wedding Shower for Christopher Rollins (my son and Coastal’s Band Director) & Elizabeth “Lizzy” Willingham on Sunday, December 4th, 5pm at the church.  Everyone is invited.  There will be plenty of food, fun, and CAKE!  They are registered at Target, Amazon, and Zola.
  3. Do you play an instrument?  Can you sing?  We are looking to expand our Worship Team at Coastal!  Auditions will be held on Thursday, December 1st, at 7pm.  If you are interested in auditioning as a vocalist or instrumentalist, please contact our Band Director, Christopher Rollins at, 843-822-0301, or respond to this email.
  4. We’re in the planning stages of our Spring Semester (February-May) of LIFE Groups.  If you are intersted in leading, assisting, or hosting a group, please let us know on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  5. Make your plans now to attend one of our 2 Christmas Eve Services, Saturday, December 24th, 5:30pm & 7pm.  There will be no services on Sunday morning, December 25th.  There will only be one service on Sunday morning, January 1st, 9:30am.


Pastor Chris

P.S.  There will be a Visitation at the West Ashley Stuhrs off of the Glen McConnell, this Sunday, November 20th, from 4-6pm, for Hank Lane. The Funeral Service will be at Coastal on Monday at 11am with a Graveside immediately following the service at Live Oak on Hwy. 61. There will be a reception for Family and Friends back at Coastal immediately following the Graveside.


Friday’s Five – 11-11-16

Dear Coastal,

Well, the election is finally over and our nation has a new President-elect in Donald Trump.  Regardless of how you voted this past Tuesday, I bet no one would have thought that statement was possible 5 years ago.  But it is a fact.  The truth is, our mission as followers of Jesus hasn’t changed.  It’s the same as it was on Monday, the day before the election, and it’s the same as it is today, after the election.  It’s the same as it was during the Bush Administration as it is during the Obama Administration and it will be the same during the Trump Administration.

Our mission is to seek and save the lost – to do anything short of sin to see people come to Jesus!  Our job is to be the hands and feet of Jesus in a hurting world.  This is not our home.  We are simply passing through.  We are citizens of another Kingdom.  “But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.”  (Philippians 3:20-21)

Our hope is not in this world, a political party, or a president.  It’s in Christ and and Christ alone.  How you respond during times like these and how you treat people who think differently than you, says a lot about who you are and who you truly put your hope in.  If this election and these times have taught us anything, it’s that people are searching for help and hope.  The GOOD NEWS is that we have the answer!  His name is JESUS!  So let’s rise up and truly be the church to the world around us!  And don’t forget, the Bible is crystal clear that our responsibility is to pray for those in authority.

I hope you are as excited as I am about our Annual Christmas Offering!  Our Christmas Offering is our chance to sacrificially give above and beyond our regular offering so that we can fully fund some exciting Kingdom Initiatives.  Our BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) is $50,000!  You can start giving toward the Christmas Offering beginning next Sunday, November 20th – simply designate your gift with the word “Christmas.”

Speaking of Christmas – TODAY IS OUR OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD WRAPPING/PACKING PARTY!  Bring your whole family to Coastal at 6:30pm and get into the true spirit of Christmas by preparing boxes of Christ’s love to be sent to hurting/needy children around the world!  It really is a great way to kick off the Holidays

Friday’s 5:

  1. New to Coastal?  Interested in learning more our our church?  Like to meet our staff and key ministry leaders, other new people, and discover possible next steps?  Sign up and come to our next Newcomer’s Lunch on Sunday, November 13th, immediately following the 11:15am service.  Respond to this email, sign up online, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  2. We are having a church wide Wedding Shower for Christopher Rollins (my son and Coastal’s Band Director) & Elizabeth “Lizzy” Willingham on Sunday, December 4th, 5pm at the church.  Everyone is invited.  There will be plenty of food, fun, and CAKE!  They are registered at Target, Amazon, and Zola.
  3. Do you play an instrument?  Can you sing?  We are looking to expand our Worship Team at Coastal!  Auditions will be held on Thursday, December 1st, at 7pm.  If you are interested in auditioning as a vocalist or instrumentalist, please contact our Band Director, Christopher Rollins at, 843-822-0301, or respond to this email.
  4. Did you know that Coastal has a group of volunteers who help to ensure that our campus, our services, and our children are safe and secure each and every Sunday?  We do!  They’re called the Security Team! If you are interested in joining our Security Team respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  5. We’re in the planning stages of our Spring Semester (February-May) of LIFE Groups.  If you are intersted in leading, assisting, or hosting a group, please let us know on your Connect Card on Sunday.


Pastor Chris

P.S.  The Memorial Service for Taylor Stewart’s (our drummer) mom is this Sunday at 5pm at Coastal.


Christmas Offering

Dear Coastal Family,

I am so excited to share with you our plans for our 5th Annual Christmas Offering!  Historically, this offering has made a huge impact on our ministry!  Last year, for example, the Christmas Offering enabled us to help dig a well for a community in Haiti, totally remodel our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry as we moved into the new building, and help fund (over $17,000) a home renovation for a family on Wadmalaw Island!  God used our church and the Christmas Offering to do all of that!   Well, beginning Sunday, November 20th, through the first Sunday of the New Year, January 1st (7 weeks), we are encouraging our entire Coastal family to give above and beyond their regular tithes and offering to this year’s special Christmas Offering.

To give, all you have to do is designate your gift “Christmas” on your check, offering envelope, card swiping receipt, pay pal, or TEXT (keyword “Christmas”).  You can give your gift during those 7 weeks (Nov. 20th – Jan. 1st) at any of our regular Sunday morning services or anytime through TEXTing or PayPal.  You might also consider giving it all at once during one of our 2 Christmas Eve Services (Saturday, December 24th, 5:30pm & 7pm).  Our entire Christmas Eve offering will go toward our Annual Christmas Offering.

Why a Special Offering?  It’s a way for us to grow in our faith and to prepare us for what God wants to do through our church in a bigger way in 2017.  It’s a way for us to sacrifice together as a church family and give generously.  This offering is not because we are behind on budget, but rather it is to position us to make a greater impact in our community and in our church in 2017.  Christmas is all about giving.  Many people, during this time of year, are in fact looking for charitable opportunities to give.

What is our goal and where is the money going?  Our overall goal is $50,000!  Is that a big goal?  Yes!  Can we reach it?  Absolutely!  In fact, we gave just over $50,000 last year toward the Christmas Offering.  As always, I am very excited about where this year’s money will be going and the potential Kingdom impact.  The money will be used for Haiti, Student Ministry, Children’s Ministry, our Food Pantry & our Community Partnership.  We feel like these ministries give our church the greatest opportunity to make an eternal impact in the lives of children and families internationally, locally, and at home.

Let me explain each:  Last year a portion of our offering went to dig a well in Haiti.  It ended up being a little bigger of a project than originally anticipated because of the depth they had to drill.  Because of the scope of the project we are now going to help fund a solar energy power source for the well and look into the possibility of helpting the church in Haiti buy the land that the well is on (right now, it’s under a long term lease).  Haiti is one of the poorest countries on the planet.  This is a tangible way to make a lasting impact for generations to come.

Our Student Minstry and Children’s Minstry really need no explanation.  Children and Students are not the church of tomorrow.  They are the church of today.  When a church stops reaching the next generation for Christ, that church dies.  Specifically, we hope that this offering will help cut down the costs of Summer Camp and fully fund VBS.

Throughout the year Coastal does a lot to feed & help hurting families in our community through our Food Bank.  We house our Food Bank in a “make shift” pantry/closet in our old kitchen in the old facility.  Truthfully, the old kitchen is the one room in our old building that we have never remodeled or even touched – calling it dilapidated is being kind.  If we’re going to continue to feed & help people in our community, we’ve got to get this room upgraded and more fully functioning.

And then finally, we want to continue to fund our Community Partnership with Oakland Elementary School.  This past year, for example we gave them $1000 for books/supplies, bought school uniforms, and purchased Christmas gifts for needy families.  Not only do we bring teachers doughnuts and coffee every week, but we paid for the Christian Juggler to perform 4 shows at their school, the Friday before Children’s Day this year.  We want to continue to be known as a generous church in our community.

How much should you give?  Prayerfully consider giving a gift that will stretch your faith and include your whole family.  For some people, coming up with “extra” money is difficult.  We’ve learned that as we give, God provides.  Maybe you decide to give up eating out or buying coffee for 7 weeks and give that money to the Christmas Offering.  Maybe you sell something or have a yard sale.  For some people $1000 above your regular giving is a huge sacrifice.  For others, it’s not.  Maybe there is someone who might be willing to give a large matching gift.  Just like our “All In” Giving Campaign that enabled us to build our new building, we can’t all give the same amount, but TOGETHER, we can all make a similar sacrifice.

Remember, this offering should be over and above what you regularly give.  If you’re not regularly giving, use this time of year to start.  If you’re not tithing (10% of your gross income), step out in faith and start tithing.  Reaching this goal will be a celebration of what God can do through us as together we stretch our faith.

Merry Christmas!

Pastor Chris Rollins

PS – If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Friday’s Five – 11-4-16

Dear Coastal,

Okay let me get this reminder out of the way – this Sunday is TIME CHANGE SUNDAY!  Your clocks will FALL BACK one hour on Saturday night.  In other words, you get an extra hour of sleep!  So. . . no one has an excuse to miss church if you’re in town or be late this Sunday.

Now, on to more important things.  I told you that Children’s Day would be a lot of fun!  It was a great opportunity for us to highlight our AWESOME Children’s Ministry – Coastal Kidz!  If you’re looking for a fruitful & fulfilling place to serve at Coastal, look no further than our Coastal Kidz!  They are always in need of volunteers.  But don’t serve in Coastal Kidz just because of need.  Serve because you’re looking for place to make an eternal difference!  Serve because you want to change the world!  Whether it’s teaching, assisting, cleaning, holding babies, escorting parents, checking children in, or running a DVD player/computer, there is a place for you in Coastal Kidz!  Respond to this email or contact Janet Rollins directly at or 843-442-8299.  We WILL follow up with you!

Next week I’ll be sending out an email to annouce our Annual Christmas Offering!  Our Christmas Offering is our chance to sacrificially give above and beyond our regular offering so that we can fully fund some exciting Kingdom Initiatives.  Be on the lookout for it!

On a very sad note, I want all of you to be praying for Taylor Stewart, our drummer.  Taylor found out this past week that his mom died.  We will be having a Memorial Service for Taylor’s family at Coastal on Sunday, November 13th, probably at 5pm (I’ll confirm that later).  Taylor is not just our drummer – he’s a part of our Coastal family.

Friday’s 5:

  1. There is an important Security Team Meeting TOMORROW Saturday, November 5th, at 9am.  This meeting is for all current Security Team members and anyone interested in serving and learning more about this Ministry.
  2. This is the LAST SUNDAY to bring toys, games, supplies, and shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child!  There is a collection box in the Welcome Center and a table in Child Check-In.  You can also drop off supplies/toys next week at the church office, but the sooner you bring them before our Packing/Wrapping Party on Friday, the better.  Our Packing Party will be at the church on Friday, November 11th, 6:30pm.
  3. New to Coastal?  Interested in learning more our our church?  Like to meet our staff and key ministry leaders, other new people, and discover possible next steps?  Sign up and come to our next Newcomer’s Lunch on Sunday, November 13th, immediately following the 11:15am service.  Respond to this email, sign up online, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  4. Panera Bread is BACK!  And we need volunteers to join the team that picks up the bread each Sunday morning.  If you are interested or would like more information, respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  5. Do you play an instrument?  Can you sing?  We are looking to expand our Worship Team at Coastal!  Auditions will be held on Thursday, December 1st, at 7pm.  If you are interested in auditioning as a vocalist or instrumentalist, please contact our Band Director, Christopher Rollins at, 843-822-0301, or respond to this email.

Rocking the Beat!


P.S. If you are interested in sponsoring a full or partial scholarship for a Student for their Winter Retreat (January 13-16), please see our Youth Pastor, Ryan Spell.  The cost of the retreat is $225.


Operation Christmas Child

Dear Coastal,

This Sunday is your last Sunday to bring items to church for Operation Christmas Child before our Packing/Wrapping Party on Friday, November 11th, 6:30pm.  You can also drop off gifts at the church office any time this week or next, Monday-Friday, 9am-4pm, but the earlier you bring your toys/supplies, the more it helps us prepare.

Here are some ideas for gifts:
Hot Wheel cars, children’s jewelry, coloring books and crayons, small balls, stuffed animals, books, noise makers, yo-yo’s, slinky’s, travel size games, cards, flashlights with batteries, school supplies (pens, pencils, stickers), t-shirts, socks, head bands, brushes, combs, toothbrushes, candy (nothing that could melt).

Donations can be anything a child (ages 2-13) would like that can fit in a shoe box (no perishables, liquids, used items, breakable items, medicines of any kind, or toys that are associated with war or fighting).  We also need large shoe boxes!

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by.  Christmas is all about sharing the gift of God’s Son, Jesus Christ, with the world.  We have the opportunity of sharing Christ with needy children in troubled countries by using a simple shoe box filled with gifts of God’s love.  For more information about Operation Christmas Child, check out their website.

We will have several tables set up in the Auditorium and one in Child Check-In for everyone to bring their toys/gifts this Sunday.  Let’s see those tables overflowing with gifts!

Pastor Chris

P.S. Tomorrow would be a great time to pick up candy on sale (nothing that can melt)!


Friday’s Five – 10-28-16

Dear Coastal,

I know I say this a lot (and I mean it every time), you ARE NOT GOING TO WANT TO MISS THIS SUNDAY!!  This Sunday, October 30th is CHILDREN’S DAY!  It’s a day we’re setting aside to recognize the Children’s Ministry of our church – Coastal Kidz.  4 year olds and up will be in the service, our kids will be singing a couple of songs, there will be a Baby Dedication, Games, Food, a Petting Zoo, and even a World Champion Juggler (JamPastor Chris might also be making a special appearance – that’s all I’m saying)!  Don’t miss this opportunity to bring a friend – especially your friends with children!

3 Reminders – Parking, Seating, & Connect Cards:  If you’re a member or regular attender at Coastal, do your best to park in the school parking lot across the street.  We want to leave our closest parking for our guests!  In the auditorium, make an effort to sit to the front and center of each section.  This makes it easier for guests to find a seat (especially this Sunday with all the kids in the room).  Also, don’t forget that we want everyone to fill out a Connect Card each week.  Not only is this a simple way to take positive next steps in your Christian life, but it creates an atmosphere of postive peer pressure for our guests to fill out a card, which is our only way to follow up with them.  Can you tell that we care about our guests?  We do!  The church is the only organization that exists for those who are not yet members.  We want to create an environment where our guests (your friends, people God is drawing to Himself) feel as though they are our welcome, expected guests in our home.  Do your part to help us create that atmosphere.

Do you play an instrument?  Can you sing?  We are looking to expand our Worship Team at Coastal!  Auditions will be held on Thursday, December 1st, at 7pm.  If you are interested in auditioning as a vocalist or instrumentalist, please contact our Band Director, Christopher Rollins at, 843-822-0301, or respond to this email.

Our WAVES Students are turning in their $100 deposits this Sunday for their Winter Retreat (January 13-16).  If you are interested in sponsoring a full or partial scholarship for a Student, please see our Youth Pastor, Ryan Spell.  The cost of the retreat is $225.

Friday’s 5:

  1. WAVES Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) Fall Costume Party – tonight, 6-9pm.  Costume Contest, Food, & Games (the Juggler is also giving the Students a special performance tonight)!  Invite and bring your friends!  You won’t want to miss it!
  2. Only 2 more weeks to bring toys, games, supplies,and shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child!  There is a collection box in the Welcome Center.  Our Packing Party will be at the church on Friday, November 11th, 6:30pm.
  3. New to Coastal?  Interested in learning more our our church?  Like to meet our staff and key ministry leaders, other new people, and discover possible next steps?  Sign up and come to our next Newcomer’s Lunch on Sunday, November 13th, immediately following the 11:15am service.  Respond to this email, sign up online, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  4. Panera Bread is BACK!  And we need volunteers to join the team that picks up the bread each Sunday morning.  If you are interested or would like more information, respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  5. There is an important Security Team Meeting on Saturday, November 5th, at 9am.  This meeting is for all current Security Team members and anyone interested in serving and learning more about this Ministry.


Pastor Chris

P.S. Chair Set-Up is back to its regular schedule – Saturday morning at 9am!  Come out and join us!  Great fun, great exercise, and a great way to serve the Lord!


Friday’s Five – 10-21-16

Dear Coastal,

My message this week in our UNSHAKABLE series is about one of the most common storms that we all face – the storm of illness.  It really is a part of life.  The most common prayer request every Sunday on our Connect Cards and in every LIFE Group I’ve ever been in has to do with illness.  But beyond the more common health related sickness that we all deal with regularly, my guess is that every single person who receives this email has a close personal friend or an immediate family member who has been diagnosed with cancer or some sort of life threatening/debilitating disease.  Well, as a believer, what do you do, how do you respond, what do you pray?  How do you stand strong and remain UNSHAKABLE?  Don’t miss this Sunday!

Our Youth Pastor, Ryan Spell mentioned this last Sunday, but don’t forget to check-in on Facebook from your mobile device when you come to church on Sundays.  It’s a great form of free marketing for the church.  On average, at least 200 people see someone’s “check-in”.  When you “check-in”, tag other people that are there, people that you’re sitting with, or me & our staff.  I saw someone’s “check-in” last week and one of their friends asked about the church!  And if you have no idea what I’m talking about, wake up from your sleep Rumpelstiltskin and ask a student (they’ve already moved on to Snapchat and Instagram).

Friday’s 5:

  1. We have someone using our building this Saturday, so our Chair Set-Up will be at 7pm instead of 9am.  If you’ve never helped set up our chairs, this is a great way to serve!  With 6 or more people it only takes 30 minutes or less!  Come out this Saturday at 7pm and lend a hand!

  2. WAVES Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) Fall Costume Party – Friday night, October 28th, 6-9pm.  Costume Contest, Food, & Games!  Invite and bring your friends!
  3. Mark your calendar now and make sure you don’t miss Children’s Day, Sunday, October 30th at Coastal.  4 year olds and up will be in the service, our kids will be singing a couple of songs, there will be a Baby Dedication (sign up on your Connect Card or repsond to this email), Games, Food, a Petting Zoo, and even a World Champion Juggler!  You, your kids, and their friends won’t want to miss it!  Don’t miss this opportunity to bring a friend!
  4. October is Operation Christmas Child month!  Begin bringing toys, games, supplies, etc. that can fit in a shoebox to church.  There is a collection box in the Welcome Center.  Also, start gathering your shoeboxes.   Our Packing Party will be at the church on Friday, November 11th, 6:30pm.
  5. New to Coastal?  Interested in learning more our our church?  Like to meet our staff and key ministry leaders, other new people, and discover possible next steps?  Sign up and come to our next Newcomer’s Lunch on Sunday, November 13th, immediately following the 11:15am service.


Pastor Chris

P.S. Give TEXT Giving a try!  It’s simple, safe, and secure.  Text any amount to 843-277-8337.  After a quick sign up process, it’s a great way to give any time, any place, any amount as God blesses.  Try it today!


Friday’s Five – 10-14-16

Dear Coastal,

I don’t know about you – but I can’t wait to worship with my Coastal family this Sunday!  I’ve missed you!  And this Sunday (as always) is going to be AWESOME!  We’re having Baptisms in both services!  I can’t wait!  Baptism is a beautiful picture of the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.  It symbolizes new birth, a new beginning, a washing away of our sins.  It is an outward picture of the inward faith that we’ve placed in Christ.  It is our way of “going public” with our faith.  Colossians 2:12 says, “For you were buried with Christ when you were baptized. And with him you were raised to a new life because you trusted the mighty power of God, who raised Christ from the dead.”  The Bible also says that when just one person finds their way home to God, that all of Heaven rejoices and celebrates (Luke 15).  So be at Coastal this Sunday and help us celebrate!

My message this week in our UNSHAKABLE series is all about dealing with the storm of doubt.  Ever struggle with doubts?  Are doubts keeping you from taking a next step in an important area of your life?  Don’t miss this Sunday!

3 beautiful baby boys were born this week to wonderful Coastal families – and more are on the way!  Our church is GROWING (one way or another)!  If you’re looking for a fruitful & fulfilling place to serve at Coastal, look no further than our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry!  They NEED you!  Whether it’s teaching, assisting, cleaning, holding babies, escorting parents, checking children in, or running a DVD player/computer, there is a place for you!  You’ll meet other awesome people like yourself, make new friends, serve God by serving others, and make an eternal difference in the life of a child.  You change the life of a child – you change the world.  Be a world changer and volunteer to serve in Coastal Kidz!  Respond to this email or contact Janet Rollins directly at or 843-442-8299.  We will follow up with you!

Friday’s 5:

  1. Tonight, 6:30-8:30pm, our WAVES Student Ministry is having their Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction (auction closes at 8pm).  Tickets can still be bought at the door for $5.  All proceeds go directly to pay for the Winter Retreat in Pigeon Forge, TN, January 13th-16th.  Come out tonight and support our Student Ministry!
  2. Interested in going public with your faith through Baptism?  Never been Baptized by immersion?  Our next Baptism Service is THIS Sunday, October 16th.  Respond to this email, or sign up today online.
  3. Mark your calendar now and make sure you don’t miss Children’s Day, Sunday, October 30th at Coastal.  4 year olds and up will be in the service, our kids will be singing a couple of songs, there will be a Baby Dedication (sign up on your Connect Card or repsond to this email), Games, Food, a Petting Zoo, and even a World Champion Juggler!  You, your kids, and their friends won’t want to miss it!
  4. October is Operation Christmas Child month!  Begin bringing toys, games, supplies, etc. that can fit in a shoebox to church.  There is a collection box in the Welcome Center.  Also, start gathering your shoeboxes.   Our Packing Party will be at the church on Friday, November 11th, 6:30pm.
  5. New to Coastal?  Interested in learning more our our church?  Like to meet our staff and key ministry leaders, other new people, and discover possible next steps?  Sign up and come to our next Newcomer’s Lunch on Sunday, November 13th, immediately following the 11:15am service.


Pastor Chris

P.S. NO chair set up tomorrow (Saturday) morning!  Our Students & Volunteers will be setting up the chairs tonight after the Spaghetti Dinner/Silent Auction.


Good Sunday Morning!

Dear Coastal,

Wow – never in a million years when I planned this UNSHAKABLE series, with the tagline, “Standing Strong In the Storms of Life,” and the artwork of an aerial shot of a hurricane – never did I envision canceling one of services because of an ACTUAL HURRICANE!  But here I sit, early Sunday morning, in the darkness of my living room, without power, hoping I finish this before the battery of my laptop goes dead.

Well, what did I expect?  After all, this is hurricane season and this is Charleston.  And like I’ve said over and over again in this series, “Storms are a fact of life.  You’re either coming out of one, heading into one, or you’re smack dab in the middle of one right now.”

The truth is we could all just as easily say, “I didn’t expect to lose my job.  I didn’t think the economy would tank like it did.  Never in a million years did I think I would get cancer.  I never thought my husband would have an affair.  I never dreamed that my kids would make such poor decisions.  I never pictured being a widow at this age.  You’re not supposed to bury your children.”  And there you sit, all alone, in the darkness of your thoughts, wondering who to blame and will the pain ever stop.

Storms really are a part of life, whether we give them names like Hugo, Andrew, Katrina, Floyd, and Matthew, or names like depression, sickness, bankruptcy, cancer, divorce, and death.  God never promises us a storm free life, not even to the faithful, but He does promise to walk with us through the storm.  He promises to never leave us or forsake us.  And if we let Him, He even has the miraculous ability to use our greatest storm, our deepest pain, for our good and His glory.  There is help.  There is healing.  And there is hope.  His name is Jesus.  And that’s not just a trite saying, a t-shirt, or a bumper sticker.  If you will draw near to Him, He will draw near to you.  I know that to be true personally.

I’ll be honest with you, it feels really weird not to be getting ready to head to church this morning and worship together with you.  This has only happened a couple of times in 26 years.  So, make sure you take some time today to give God thanks today.  If you’re frustrated or angry, pour out your heart to Him.  Remember, His love for you is big enough – big enough to even handle your anger and pain.  Pray for those people who did not fare as well as you did through this storm.  Pray for people of Haiti.  Take some time today to help a neighbor.  Smile, laugh, hug your children.  Remember Coastal, we don’t just go to church – we what?  WE ARE THE CHURCH!  So let’s be the church, today and everyday, where we live, where we work, and where we play.  Let’s let the light of Christ shine through us, in our actions and in our attitudes.

I really believe that 27 years ago, in many ways, God used Hurricane Hugo to till the soil of people’s hearts, to prepare them for the Good News of the Gospel.  And I believe He can do the same thing today with Hurricane Matthew.  We’re in this UNSHAKABLE series right now for a reason.  My guess is that it will be easier than ever this week to invite someone to church, “Believe it or not, our church is in a series right now called, ‘UNSHAKABLE – Standing Strong In the Storms of Life.’  In fact, when we kicked off the series our church gave away generators and hurricane preparation buckets!  Each week we’re looking at a different storm that we all face – how to prepare for them, withstand them, and rebuild after them.  Come with me this Sunday!”  It doesn’t get any more relevant (and easier) than that!

Well, I can’t wait hear all your stories, HUG ALL YOUR NECKS, and see you and your friends next Sunday!  And speaking of next Sunday – we’re having a Baptism Service, Sunday, October 16, 9:30am & 11:15am!  It’s going to be an AWESOME PARTY!  I can’t wait!  I love you Coastal!  And I love what we get to do together!

I did it – 11% power left on my laptop!  Now if I can only find somewhere to go with wifi to send this thing!

Standing Strong With You – UNSHAKABLE,

Pastor Chris

Psalm 62:5-8, “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.  My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.  Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.”



Coastal’s Friday Five – 9-23-16

Dear Coastal,

Wow – what a great kick-off to our “UNSHAKABLE” series last Sunday!  Our attendance was 547 and we had 28 1st & 2nd time Guest Connect Cards filled out!  It was so exciting to meet so many of your friends who came to church this past Sunday.  If the people you invited to church didn’t come, don’t get discouraged and don’t give up!  Keep praying!  Keep loving!  Keep serving!  And keep inviting!  Remember Coastal, we work like it all depends on us, pray like it all depends on God, walk by faith, and then trust God with the results!

There are a couple of new opportunities for serving here at Coastal you might have noticed.  One is our new Prayer/Decision Team.  These are the people who pray with people during our response time immediately after my sermon and during communion.  If you have a heart for people, if you love helping people take next steps, if you feel comfortable praying with people, this might be the place of service for you.  You can respond to this email or contact Billy Burnette ( or Perry Moyer (  They would love to talk with you about this Ministry.

Another opportunity for service is our Monday Morning Follow Up Team.  These are the people who come to the church on Monday morning, 9am-11am, and help us follow up with all of our 1st & 2nd Time Guests.  They write notes, desconstruct the bulletins, prep crafts for Coastal Kidz.  Basically they do anything they can to help us follow up with and reach out to people.  And yes, we provide Childcare (which we also always need help with)!  If this is something you might be interested in helping with, please contact Ashley Hojnacki, one of our office administrators (  She helps run this awesome Team!

I really can’t say enough about all the awesome volunteers at Coastal!  We are a church FULL of humble, wiling servants – serving God by serving others.  Together we are literally changing the world, one life at a time.  If you are searching for meaning and fulfillment, it is found when you give your life away through serving.  And there is a place for you to volunteer and serve on a LIFE Team at Coastal.  If you haven’t found that place yet, let us help you.  If at some time you feel you did reach out to us and we dropped the ball and no one followed up with you, I apologize.  We’re not perfect.  We make mistakes.  Don’t give up on us and don’t give up on serving here at Coastal.  Again, there is a place of service for you here at Coastal.  I say all of that not because we’re desperate for warm bodies or our Ministries are struggling to survive.  I say that because YOU need it!  I say that because that’s where the joy comes from, that where freedom and fulfillment is found – through serving.  Whether it’s Student Ministry, Coastal Kidz, Security, Cafe, Prayer, Office Volunteers, LIFE Groups, Worship, Tech Booth, or 1st Impressions, there is a LIFE Team for you!  Simply respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card and we will do our best to get you Connected!

Friday’s 5:

  1. We had so much fun last year, we’re doing it again – our 2nd Annual Tailgate Party & Competition – next Sunday, October 2nd – 9am-1pm (before, during, and after church)!  If you are interested in participating, representing your team, sharing your favorite grub, possibly winning some cool prizes, and having a whole lot of fun, simply respond to this email and let us know.  Sign up to participate on your Connect Card.
  2. On Friday night, October 7th, our WAVES Student Ministry is having a Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction.  This will be their one big fundraiser for the Fall.  Students are selling tickets for $5.  All proceeds go directly to pay for the Winter Retreat in Pigeon Forge, TN, January 13th-16th.  Let Ryan Spell know if you are willing to help with the dinner (provide spaghetti noodles, sauce, bread, salad).  If you:  own a business, work for a generous company, have any connections, have some cool (and valuable) stuff you are willing to part with, or can donate any goods and services, please contact Ryan Spell at or sign up on your Connect Card and he will contact you.
  3. Interested in going public with your faith through Baptism?  Never been Baptized by immersion?  Our next Baptism Service is Sunday, October 16th.  Sign up on your Connect Card, respond to this email, or sign up today online.
  4. Mark your calendar now and make sure you don’t miss Children’s Day, Sunday, October 30th at Coastal.  4 year olds and up will be in the service, our kids will be singing a couple of songs, there will be a Baby Dedication (sign up on your Connect Card), Games, Food, a Petting Zoo, and even a World Champion Juggler!  You, your kids, and their friends won’t want to miss it!
  5. It’s that time of year again – time to start collecting items for Operation Christmas Child!  Begin bringing toys, games, supplies, etc. that can fit in a shoebox to church.  There is a collection box in the Welcome Center.  Also, start gathering your shoeboxes.   Our Packing Party will be at the church on Friday, November 11th, 6:30pm.

Standing Strong With You!

Pastor Chris

P.S. Chair set uptomorrow morning, Saturday at 9am!


Friday’s Five – 9-16-16

Dear Coastal,

So who are you inviting & bringing to church this Sunday, September 18th for the kick-off of “UNSHAKABLE”?  Who are you giving the “Unshakable” book to?  Make a commitment to attend the entire series and bring someone with you (and keep inviting during the entire series).  Pray for everyone that will be invited, for our mailing that went out to all of West Ashley, James Island, and Johns Island, and for all of our guests.  Let’s invite people like it all depends on us, pray like it all depends on God, walk by faith, and then trust God with the results!

Wow!  I can not say enough good things about this first week of LIFE Groups!  From all reports this has been one of the biggest and best kick-off weeks we’ve ever had in LIFE Groups!  And it’s still not too late to join a Group.  You can sign up on your Connect Card during one of our services, at the LIFE Group Tables at the back of the auditorium, or at any time directly from our website.

Friday’s 5:

  1. Interested in formalizing your commitment to Coastal as your church family?  Climbing up the Leadership Ladder here at Coastal and need to become a Member?  Sign up for our next Membership Class, Saturday, September 17th, 9am-12noon (tomorrow).  If you haven’t already done so, sign up online now, and let us know you’re coming.
  2. We had so much fun last year, we’re doing it again – our 2nd Annual Tailgate Party & Competition – Sunday, October 2nd – 9am-1pm (before, during, and after church)!  If you are interested in participating, representing your team, sharing your favorite grub, possibly winning some cool prizes, and having a whole lot of fun, simply respond to this email and let us know.  Sign up to participate on your Connect Card.
  3. On Friday night, October 7th, our WAVES Student Ministry is having a Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction.  This will be their one big fundraiser for the Fall.  Students are selling tickets for $5.  All proceeds go directly to pay for the Winter Retreat in Pigeon Forge, TN, January 13th-16th.  Let Ryan Spell know if you are willing to help with the dinner (provide spaghetti noodles, sauce, bread, salad).  If you:  own a business, work for a generous company, have any connections, have some cool (and valuable) stuff you are willing to part with, or can donate any goods and services, please contact Ryan Spell at or sign up on your Connect Card and he will contact you.
  4. Interested in going public with your faith through Baptism?  Never been Baptized by immersion?  Our next Baptism Service is Sunday, October 16th.  Sign up on your Connect Card, respond to this email, or sign up today online.
  5. Mark your calendar now and make sure you don’t miss Children’s Day, Sunday, October 30th at Coastal.  4 year olds and up will be in the service, our kids will be singing a couple of songs, there will be a Baby Dedication (sign up on your Connect Card), Games, Food, a Petting Zoo, and even a World Champion Christian Juggler!  You, your kids, and their friends won’t want to miss it!

Standing Strong With You!

Pastor Chris

P.S. Chair set up is back on the normal schedule – tomorrow morning, Saturday at 9am!



Dear Friend,

I just wanted to personally invite you to a brand new sermon series that kicks off this Sunday, September 18th, at Coastal Community Church.  The series is called, “UNSHAKABLE – Standing Strong In the Storms of Life.”

The idea for the series is simple.  Here in Charleston, we’re all very familiar with storms.  My guess is that you’ve probably faced more than a few personal storms of your own.  So each week we’re going to take a look at some of the common storms that we all face and discover how to stand strong – how to be UNSHAKABLE.  Like I said, it’s going to be awesome, don’t miss this Sunday or this series!

It’s also a great time to come back to church!  Not only are we kicking off a brand new series, but the Summer is over, kids are back in school, Labor Day has come and gone, and Football has started.  It’s just a great time to get back in the routine of doing something positive for your spirutal life.  That’s especially true if you have children!  In both of our services we have a great program for children from Birth to 5th Grade.

I would also encourage you to invite and bring a friend with you.  We expect guests at Coastal!  Come early and enjoy some free food & coffee from our Cafe!  There will also be some fun give-aways at the end of each service!

We have 2 services to make it convenient for you:  9:30AM & 11:15AM.  Have a great week!  Hope to see you and your friends this Sunday, September 18th!

Standing Strong Together!
Pastor Chris


UNSHAKABLE & How You Can Help

Dear Coastal,

For the last several weeks, we’ve been talking about our “Big Day” this Sunday, September 18th – the kick-off of “UNSHAKABLE.”  I want to explain what a “Big Day” is and share with you what you can do to help make it a success.

Obviously, every Sunday is big here at Coastal in the sense that every Sunday is important, every Sunday we share the Gospel, and each week we encourage you to invite and bring your friends.  But a “Big Day” is a strategic day on our church calendar where we tell everyone to pull out all the stops, do whatever it takes, and make that extra push to get your friends to church!  Usually on a “Big Day” we try to break the next attendance barrier and gain momentum for continued growth – basically kick Satan in the teeth!

There are several obvious “Big Days” on the calendar – Christmas Eve & Easter come to mind.  We usually put a “Big Day” somewhere in early February.  The holidays are over and it’s a great push for the New Year.  Mother’s Day is always a huge day for us.  Lately kicking off the Summer with “At the Movies” has been huge too.  The Fall “Big Day” works because Summer is finally over, kids are back in school, Labor Day has come and gone, and the football season has started.  What does all that have to do with getting people in church?  One word – routine.  People are back into a routine and they aren’t traveling as much.

So, this Sunday, we are kicking off a brand new series called, “UNSHAKABLE.”  It’s all about standing strong in the storms of life.  Each week, just like the “Unshakable” book, we’re going to look at a different “storm” that people face.  We really believe that this is going to be a powerful series!  To go along with the “storm” theme, we’re going to give away several “storm preparedness buckets” (flashlights, batteries, gloves, etc.) from Home Depot.  Plus we’re going to give away 1 small gas generator is each service!

So what can you do to help make this Sunday a success?

  1. Pray!  Pray for the people you are inviting.  Pray for all the people our church will be inviting.  Pray for people to come to know Jesus.  Pray for me & my messages.  Pray for our staff.  Pray for our volunteers.  Beg God to draw people to Himself through our church.
  2. Invite!  Make a personal goal to invite and bring so many people.  Use our “Unshakable” book and the large postcard as invite tools.  Use our little “You’re Invited” business cards.  Send emails.  Send personal messages on facebook and other social media.
  3. Welcome!  Go out of you way to speak to & welcome all of our guests (or anyone you don’t know).  Help us treat everyone as our welcome, expected guests in our home.  Remember, guests are GIFTS from God!  Help us treat everyone that way!
  4. Consider serving!  A new series & new people means we need more and more volunteers.  If you’re not already serving somewhere, it’s time to start!  We need you!  Our 1st Impressions Team is a great place to get started.  Give Chris Ranew our 1st Impressions LIFE Team Leader a call or send him an email – 706-941-2044,  Our Children’s Ministry could definitely use more volunteers in Nursery or in any of their classes.  Call Janet, our Children’s Ministry Leader or send her an email – 843-442-8299,  Honestly, all of our Ministries need more volunteers!  Give Julie a call at the office or respond to this email and we’ll get you connected – 843-571-1777.
  5. 3 More Things to Consider on the day of the “Big Day” itself – parking, service time, and seating.  Parking:  the further away you park, the better.  Please park at Oakland and save the closer parking for guests.  Service times:  the key is come to the service that your guests are coming to.  BUT THIS IS IMPORTANT, if it does not matter, PLEASE come to the 11:15am service!  The 9:30am service is by far the largest service.  Seating:  no matter which service you come to, PLEASE sit to the front and center of each section.  This makes more room for people as they come in.  And everyone PLEASE FILL OUT A CONNECT CARD!

Whew!  I think that’s about it!  Sunday is going to be AWESOME!  Most importantly, people are going to come to Jesus!  Like I’ve said Coastal, let’s work, invite, and share like it all depends on us.  But then let’s pray and ask God like it all depended on Him.  And then let’s walk by faith and trust God with the results!

Standing Strong With You!

Pastor Chris


Friday Five – 9-9-16

Dear Coastal,

Woohoo!  LIFE Groups start NEXT week!  I can’t wait!  It’s still not too late to sign up for the Fall Semester.  We have 3 different ways to sign up, but you only have to sign up one time, one way.  You can sign up on your Connect Card during one of our services, at the LIFE Group Tables at the back of the auditorium, or at any time directly from our website.

Well, thankfully from all reports, it looks like all Charleston got from Hurricane Hermine was a lot of rain and some wind.  However, we are right smack in the middle of Hurricane Season.  Our new series, “Unshakable – Standing Strong in the Storms of Life,” could not come at a better time.  The truth is, storms ARE a fact of life.  You are either heading into a storm, right in the middle of one, or coming out of one.  You can’t stop them from coming, but you can learn how to stand strong – how to be UNSHAKABLE.

So who are you inviting & bringing to church on Sunday, September 18th?  Who are you giving the “Unshakable” book to?  Start praying now for your friends and everyone you will be inviting.  Pick up some more “Unshakable” books on Sunday and our large “Unshakable” postcards and use them as an invite tool.  Pray for everyone that will be invited, for our mailing that will go out to all of West Ashley, James Island, and Johns Island, and for all of our guests.  Let’s invite people like it all depends on us, pray like it all depends on God, walk by faith, and trust God with the results!

Friday’s 5:

  1. New to Coastal and interested in taking next steps?  Like to meet other new people, our Staff, and learn a little bit more about our church?  Come to our next Newcomer’s Lunch, immediately following our 11:15am service this Sunday, September 11th (approx. 12:30pm).  If you haven’t already signed up, let us know you’re coming by signing up online now.
  2. Interested in formalizing your commitment to Coastal as your church family?  Climbing up the Leadership Ladder here at Coastal and need to become a Member?  Sign up for our next Membership Class, Saturday, September 17th, 9am-12noon.  Refreshments & Childcare provided.  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or you can sign up online now.
  3. We’re having a BIG DAY on Sunday, September 18th as we kick off our new Fall Sermon Series, “UNSHAKABLE – Standing Strong in the Storms of Life.”  It’s based on the book that I wrote the forward to, that we give away.  I really believe it’s going to be a great series and more importantly an easy way to invite and bring friends!  In fact, use the book as an invite tool to bring your friends!
  4. We had so much fun last year, we’re doing it again – our 2nd Annual Tailgate Party & Competition – Sunday, October 2nd – 9am-1pm (before, during, and after church)!  If you are interested in participating, representing your team, sharing your favorite grub, possibly winning some cool prizes, and having a whole lot of fun, simply respond to this email and let us know.  You can sign up to participate on your Connect Card beginning next Sunday.
  5. On Friday night, October 7th, our WAVES Student Ministry is having a Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction.  This will be their one big fundraiser for the Fall.  Students will be selling tickets starting next week for $5.  All proceeds go directly to pay for the Winter Retreat in Pigeon Forge, TN, January 13th-16th.  Let Ryan Spell know if you are willing to help with the dinner (provide spaghetti noodles, sauce, bread, salad).  If you:  own a business, work for a generous company, have any connections, have some cool (and valuable) stuff you are willing to part with, or can donate any goods and services, please contact Ryan Spell at or sign up on your Connect Card and he will contact you.


Pastor Chris

P.S. Due to some work being done in the new building, we had to change our chair set-up time this week from Saturday (tomorrow)at 9am until tomorrow night at 7pm.  Please join us if you are available.  It only takes 30 minutes or less with 6 or more people.


Friday’s Five: 9-2-16

Dear Coastal,

I hope you’re staying dry today!  Let’s pray for safety and protection for our community and all of our neighbors in the Southeast.  Our new Fall Series that begins Sunday, September 18th, “Unshakable – Standing Strong in the Storms of Life,” couldn’t be any more timely.  Start praying now for your friends and everyone you will be inviting.  Pick up an “Unshakable” book on Sunday and use it as an invite tool.  Pray for everyone that will be invited, for our mailing that will go out, and all of our guests.  Let’s invite people like it all depends on us, pray like it all depends on God, walk by faith, and trust God with the results!

Don’t forget, there will only be 1 Worship Service this Sunday – 9:30am – for Labor Day Weekend.  There will be no 11:15am service.  If you’re in town, make every effort to be in church.

Wow – was LIFE Group Sunday amazing or what?  I told you it would be!  It’s always one of my favorite Sundays of the year!  All of our LIFE Group Leaders did an awesome job!  But do you know what was the greatest thing to come out of LIFE Group Sunday?  Right now 368 adults have signed up for LIFE Groups!  That represents our LARGEST Semester EVER!!  WOW!  Don’t forget the new semester of LIFE Groups start the week of September 11th.

Last week I mentioned our Growing Nursery and Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry.  WE NEED YOU!  If you are willing, able, and interested in volunteering, simply respond to this email and we will put you in touch with Janet – our Children’s Director.  Or you can email her directly at  Don’t forget, “One person, in one service, once a month makes a HUGE IMPACT!”  There is no such thing as the “Black Hole of Nursery” at Coastal – in other words you won’t get stuck in there if it’s not a fit and you won’t miss worship.

Well, I want to let you know about something exciting that we’re going to be doing this Fall to emphasize our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry – we’re having a Children’s Day on Sunday, October 30th!  Outside there will be games, food, and a petting zoo!  All kids, 4 year olds and up will be in both services where there will be a Champion Christian Juggler performing!  Trust me – I’ve seen him – it’s going to be AWESOME!  Mark your calendars now – don’t miss it!  Invite and bring your friends!

Friday’s 5:

  1. New to Coastal and interested in taking next steps?  Like to meet other new people, our Staff, and learn a little bit more about our church?  Sign up and come to our next Newcomer’s Lunch, immediately following our 11:15am service on Sunday, September 11th (approx. 12:30pm).  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or you can sign up online now.
  2. Interested in formalizing your commitment to Coastal as your church family?  Climbing up the Leadership Ladder here at Coastal and need to become a Member?  Sign up for our next Membership Class, Saturday, September 17th, 9am-12noon.  Refreshments & Childcare provided.  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or you can sign up online now.
  3. We’re having a BIG DAY on Sunday, September 18th as we kick off our new Fall Sermon Series, “UNSHAKABLE – Standing Strong in the Storms of Life.”  It’s based on the book that I wrote the forward to, that we give away.  I really believe it’s going to be a great series and more importantly an easy way to invite and bring friends!  In fact, use the book as an invite tool to bring your friends!
  4. We had so much fun last year, we’re doing it again – our 2nd Annual Tailgate Party & Competition – Sunday, October 2nd – 9am-1pm (before, during, and after church)!  If you are interested in participating, representing your team, sharing your favorite grub, possibly winning some cool prizes, and having a whole lot of fun, simply respond to this email and let us know.  You can sign up to participate on your Connect Card beginning next Sunday.
  5. On Friday night, October 7th, our WAVES Student Ministry is having a Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction.  This will be their one big fundraiser for the Fall.  Students will be selling tickets starting next week for $5.  All proceeds go directly to pay for the Winter Retreat in Pigeon Forge, TN, January 13th-16th.  Let Ryan Spell know if you are willing to help with the dinner (provide spaghetti noodles, sauce, bread, salad).  If you:  own a business, work for a generous company, have any connections, have some cool (and valuable) stuff you are willing to part with, or can donate any goods and services, please contact Ryan Spell at or sign up on your Connect Card and he will contact you.

ALL IN (Go Tigers)!

Pastor Chris

P.S. Don’t forget – only ONE service on Labor Day Weekend, this Sunday, at 9:30am.


Friday’s Five – 8-26-16

Dear Coastal,

Well, I hope you’ve begun to figure out what Group you plan on joining this semester or at least that you’re as excited as I am for LIFE Group Sunday this week at Coastal!  That’s right!  It’s time to get everyone signed up for the Fall Semester of LIFE Groups!  LIFE Group Sunday is similar to a Job/College Fair, but for LIFE GROUPS! You’ll come to our Worship Service & check in your kids, just like normal, but our Worship Service will be a little shorter and then we’ll dismiss our adults (not the children) to go out to the giant tent to check out all the different groups (we’ll let you know when to go pick up your kids at the normal time).

Not only will you get to check out all the different Groups, but you will get to meet the Group Leaders, enjoy some great snacks, and have a BLAST!  You also get to vote: Best Overall Booth, Best Snack, Best “Sales Pitch”, Most Creative, Most Informative (the only time we allow judging at Coastal). And most importantly – you can sign up for a LIFE Group! Don’t miss it!  And as always – invite & bring a friend!  In fact, I’ll be talking about Friendship on Sunday!

Speaking of LIFE Groups, I want to put a plug in for something special my Bod4God LIFE Group is doing that anyone, even if you aren’t signing up for my Group, can participate in.  On Monday night, 7pm, August 29th, Steve Reynolds, the author of “Bod4God”, “Get Off the Couch”, and “Healthy Renegade Pastor” is coming to Coastal live and in person for a Bod4God Rally!  It’s going to be a great night of fun and inspiration all centered around healthy living!  Even if you can’t join my Group this Semester, come out, have some fun, and be inspired to get healthy!  We’re even going to give away some fun stuff – a FitBit, a County Park Pass, 2 Six Month Gym Memberships & a Certificate for 5 Personal Training Sessions with a Personal Trainer all from ChuckTown Fitness (my gym)!

And on top of that, on Tuesday morning, 9:30am-12noon, Steve Reynolds is hosting a Healthy Renegade Pastor’s Workshop at our church for Pastors and Church Staff.  We’ll be giving away his book, “The Healthy Renegade Pastor” and feeding everyone a healthy lunch from Verde – all FREE.  And because we’re the Host Site, Steve told me that any Ministry Leaders or Volunteers from our church that are available can also participate.  Yes, it’s geared to Pastors and Staff, but the information is really for anyone that wants to get healthy.  So if you’re available on Tuesday morning and would like to hang out with me and our staff, I’d love for you to come!

Let me know if you can come to either of these events – Monday night or Tuesday morning!  Let’s get healthy this year together!  #fitby50

Friday’s 5 (okay 6 – but there’s just so many exciting things happening at Coastal!):

  1. Our Church is GROWING and so is our Nursery!  If you are looking for a Geat Place to serve, love, and give back – our Nursery in the Coastal Kidz Ministry NEEDS you!  “One person, in one service, once a month makes a HUGE IMPACT!”  There is no such thing as the “Black Hole of Nursery” at Coastal – in other words you won’t get stuck in there if it’s not a fit and you won’t miss worship.  So, if you are willing, able, and interested, simply respond to this email and we will put you in touch with Janet – our Children’s Director.  Or you can email her directly at
  2. Interested in formalizing your commitment to Coastal as your church family?  Climbing up the Leadership Ladder here at Coastal and need to become a Member?  Sign up for our next Membership Class, Saturday, September 17th, 9am-12noon.  Refreshments & Childcare provided.  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or you can sign up online now.
  3. New to Coastal and interested in taking next steps?  Like to meet other new people, our Staff, and learn a little bit more about our church?  Sign up and come to our next Newcomer’s Lunch, immediately following our 11:15am service on Sunday, September 11th (approx. 12:30pm).  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or you can sign up online now.
  4. We’re having a BIG DAY on Sunday, September 18th as we kick off our new Fall Sermon Series, “UNSHAKABLE – Standing Strong in the Storms of Life.”  It’s based on the book that I wrote the forward to, that we give away.  I really believe it’s going to be a great series and more importantly an easy way to invite and bring friends!  In fact, use the book as an invite tool to bring your friends!
  5. We had so much fun last year, we’re doing it again – our 2nd Annual Tailgate Party & Competition – Sunday, October 2nd – 9am-1pm (before, during, and after church)!  If you are interested in participating, representing your team, sharing your favorite grub, possibly winning some cool prizes, and having a whole lot of fun, simply respond to this email and let us know.  You can sign up to participate on your Connect Card beginning next Sunday.
  6. On Friday night, October 7th, our WAVES Student Ministry is having a Spaghetti Dinner & Silent Auction.  This will be their one big fundraiser for the Fall.  Students will be selling tickets starting next week for $5.  All proceeds go directly to pay for the Winter Retreat in Pigeon Forge, TN, January 13th-16th.  Let Ryan Spell know if you are willing to help with the dinner (provide spaghetti noodles, sauce, bread, salad).  If you:  own a business, work for a generous company, have any connections, have some cool (and valuable) stuff you are willing to part with, or can donate any goods and services, please contact Ryan Spell at or sign up on your Connect Card and he will contact you.


Pastor Chris

P.S. Don’t forget – there is only ONE service on Labor Day Weekend, Sunday, September 4th at 9:30am.


Friday’s Five – 8-19-16

Dear Coastal,

This Sunday, we will have our Fall LIFE Group Catalog available!  I can’t wait for you to get your hands on it and begin figuring out what Group you will join!  And not only do we have a lot of new AWESOME Groups, but Julie & Ashley did an awesome job of putting the Catalog itself together.  We really “raised our game” so to speak with this new catalog.  In fact, I’ll let you in on a little secret – it’s already available online!  You can get a preview and go ahead and sign up for a Group!

Speaking of LIFE Groups, I want to put a plug in for something special my Bod4God LIFE Group is doing that anyone, even if you aren’t signing up for my Group, can participate in.  As we’ve been telling you, LIFE Group Sunday is next Sunday, August 28th.  Well, on Monday night, 7pm, August 29th, Steve Reynolds, the author of “Bod4God”, “Get Off the Couch”, and “Healthy Renegade Pastor” is coming to Coastal for a Bod4God Rally!  It’s going to be a great night of fun and inspiration all centered around healthy living!  Even if you can’t join my Group this Semester, come out, have some fun, and be inspired to get healthy!  We’re even going to give away some fun stuff!

Friday’s 5:

  1. There is a Planning Center Training Meeting for all Ministry Leaders on Tuesday night, August 23rd, 6:30pm at the church.
  2. There is a mandatory LIFE Group Training for all Leaders, Assistants, and Hosts for all Groups, even on-going & athletic groups, next Saturday, August 27th, 10am-12noon.  LIFE Group Sunday is August 28th.
  3. WAVES 6.2.SIX (6th-12th Grade) has begun meeting regularly again on Wednesday nights!  6-6:26pm – Food / 6:26-8:15pm – Games, Worship, Message, Groups!  Make sure your Student is there and brings their friends!  It’s going to be a great year in Student Ministry.
  4. There is only ONE service on Labor Day Weekend, Sunday, September 4th at 9:30am.
  5. We’re having a BIG DAY on Sunday, September 18th as we kick off our new Fall Sermon Series, “UNSHAKABLE – Standing Strong in the Storms of Life.”  It’s based on the book that I wrote the forward to, that we give away.  I really believe it’s going to be a great series and more importantly an easy way to invite and bring friends!  In fact, use the book as an invite tool to bring your friends!


Pastor Chris

P.S.  We’d love for you to join us for Chair Set-up, Saturday morning (tomorrow) at 9am.  With 6 or more people it only takes 30 minutes or less – plus it’s a lot of fun!  Next week, we will be setting up chairs on Thursday night, August 25th, at 6:30pm (there will be a Funeral Service at out building on that Friday).


Friday’s Five: 8-12-16

Dear Coastal,

I’m really getting excited about our Fall Semester of LIFE Groups!  We’re planning on having our catalog available at church and online next Sunday, August 21st.  You’ll have a week to check out all the Groups and then LIFE Group Sunday will be August 28th.  LIFE Group Sunday is where we have a GIANT TENT outside with booths representing all of the different groups (kind of like a Job Fair for Groups)!  You’ll get to check out all the Groups, meet the leaders, enjoy a lot of great snacks, and have a BLAST (you even get to vote for the best booths)!  It really is a lot of fun!  We then give everyone about a month to sign up for Groups and then all LIFE Groups begin the week of Sunday, September 11th.

Well, like it or not, kids go back to school in Charleston County on Monday.  We have a lot of children (and teachers) at Coastal!  Please keep all of them in your prayers.  Continue to pray specifically for our Community Neighbors, Oakland Elementary School and now Orange Grove Middle School (the schools directly across the street from our campus).  We’ve had a wonderful relationship with Oakland for a long time and now we are building one with Orange Grove.  In fact, they will begin using our facility for PE during the week from 12noon to 3pm beginning September 1st.  If you have some time during your lunch break or throughout the school day to volunteer to read with a student once a week or twice a month, let me know.  We’d love to help you schedule that.  They are always looking for reading volunteers (especially men).

Friday’s 5:

  1. If you’re planning on leading a LIFE Group this Fall, you’ll be getting a proof of your information going in the Catalog.  Make sure you read it, make any corrections/edits and respond quickly to Julie.  A mandatory LIFE Group Training for all Leaders, Assistants, and Hosts for all Groups, even on-going & athletic groups, is Saturday, August 27th, 10am-12noon.  LIFE Group Sunday is August 28th.
  2. TONIGHT: WAVES (6th-12th Grade) Back to School Bash – 8-11pm, at Sky Zone in Mt. Pleasant, cost $10l!!!  Spread the word – invite & bring a friend!!  Make sure you’ve filled out SkyZone’s waiver on their website.  WAVES 6.2.SIX begins meeting regularly again this coming Wednesday night!  Make sure your Student is there and brings their friends!  It’s going to be a great year in Student Ministry.
  3. There is a Prayer/Decision Team Meeting/Training on Tuesday night, August 16th, 6:30pm at the church.
  4. There is a Planning Center Training Meeting for all Ministry Leaders on Tuesday night, August 23rd, 6:30pm at the church.
  5. Bod4God Rally with author/founder Steve Reynolds, Monday night, August 29th, 7pm at the church.  The rally is for anyone who is interested in losing weight, getting healthy, and interested in being a part of Bod4God in the Fall.


Pastor Chris

P.S.  We’d love for you to join us for Chair Set-up, Saturday morning (tomorrow) at 9am.  With 6 or more people it only takes 30 minutes or less – plus it’s a lot of fun!


Friday’s Five – 8-7-16

Dear Coastal,

Wow!  If this Summer is any indication, we’re going to have an awesome Fall of growth at our church.  Usually, over the Summer I don’t really pay much attention to our attendance.  People are out of town, traveling, vacations, etc. and our attendance will flucuate a lot from week to week.  But what I do pay attention to however, is the number of 1st time guests we have.  Well, we have had a ton of guests this Summer!  In June & July alone, just 8 weeks, we’ve had 80 1st & 2nd time guest Connect Cards filled out (which represents a lot of people)!  Keep inviting!  Keep reaching out!  Pick up some “You’re Invited” Business Cards or some copies of the “Unshakeable” book and use them to invite people to church.  Oh, in case you’re wondering – we had 470 in attendance this past Sunday!

So – we need your help – don’t forget to sit to the center and front of each section (make plenty of room for guests and other people as they come in), especially in the 9:30am service.  Also, we need EVERYONE to fill out a Connect Card.  That creates positive peer pressure for our Guests to fill out a card – which is the only way we can follow up with people.

Friday’s 5:

  1. If you’re planning on leading a LIFE Group this Fall, we need all of your Group information turned in this week as we prepare for the Fall Catalog.  A mandatory LIFE Group Training for all Leaders, Assistants, and Hosts for all Groups, even on-going & athletic groups, is Saturday, August 27th, 10am-12noon.
  2. Our last Summer Movie Night will be tonight, 7pm.  We’ll provide popcorn, nachos, hotdogs, and drinks.  ALL FREE!  Bring lawnchairs or a blanket.  We’ll be showing the old Disney classic, “Swiss Family Robinson.”
  3. Friday, August 12: WAVES (6th-12th Grade) Back to School Bash – 8pm-11pm, at Sky Zone in Mt. Pleasant, cost $10l!!!  Spread the word – invite & bring a friend!!
  4. Coastal’s next Membership Class is Monday night, August 8th, 6pm-9pm in our old auditorium.
  5. There is a Prayer/Decision Team Meeting/Training on Tuesday night, August 16th, 6:30pm at the church.


Pastor Chris

P.S.  We’d love for you to join us for Chair Set-up, Saturday morning (tomorrow) at 9am.  With 6 or more people it only takes 30 minutes or less – plus it’s a lot of fun!


Friday’s Five – 8-29-16

Dear Coastal,

Well, it’s hard to believe that we only have 2 more weeks until Charleston County School starts again!  The Summer has flown by!  I’m getting very excited about our Fall Semester of LIFE Groups.  It really looks like lots of great LIFE Groups are forming!  If you are interested in leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group this Fall we need to know now!  If you’re planning on leading a Group, we need all of your information turned in by next Friday, August 5th.

I do want to tell you something exciting about my Bod4God Group that I’m leading again this Fall.  LIFE Group Sunday is Sunday, August 28th.  On Monday, August 29th, Steve Reynolds, the author of “Bod4God” is coming to Coastal for a BIG Bod4God Rally!  It’s going to be a lot of fun and a great way to advertise our Group in the community.  So if you’re interested in losing weight and getting healthy, join my Group this Fall and come to the Kick-Off Rally!

We always have a large number of people each Sunday over the Summer that are traveling, out of town, etc., but each and every Sunday, even over the Summer, we have A LOT of Guests!  Keep inviting!  Keep reaching out!  If the Summer is any indicator, we’re going to have HUGE Fall!  In fact, this past Sunday we had 222 people in the auditorium in the 1st service alone (not counting anyone in Children’s Ministry).  It looks like the 9:30am service is going to be the largest of the two services.  Don’t forget to sit to the center and front of each section (make plenty of room for guests and other people as they come in).  Also, we need EVERYONE to fill out a Connect Card.  That creates positive peer pressure for our Guests to fill out a card – which is the only way we can follow up with people.

We’ve already got 8-10 people who say they are interested in being a Prayer/Decision Counselor in our services.  We’ll schedule a planning/training meeting for that in mid August.  Again, let me know if you’re interested (see my previous email for details).

Friday’s 5:

  1. Welcome to WAVES Student Ministry Rising 6th Graders Party!  Wednesday, August 3, 5:30pm-7pm at Sky Zone in Mt. Pleasant (411 Wando Park Blvd.).
  2. TEXT Giving (843-277-8337) or Online Giving are both great options over the Summer if you’re out of town!
  3. Check out all the events going on over the Summer for our WAVES Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade).  See Ryan Spell for more information.
    • Thursday, August 4: WAVES Service Project, meet at Coastal at 8am
    • Friday, August 12: WAVES Back to School Bash – 8pm-11pm, at Sky Zone, cost $10l!!!  Spread the word – invite & bring a friend!!
  4. Our last Summer Movie Night will be Friday night, August 5th, 7-9pm.  We’ll provide popcorn, nachos, hotdogs, and drinks.  ALL FREE!  Bring lawnchairs or a blanket.  We’ll be showing the old classic, “Swiss Family Robinson.”
  5. Coastal’s next Membership Class is Monday night, August 8th, 6pm-9pm in our old auditorium.


Pastor Chris

P.S.  We’d love for you to join us for Chair Set-up, Saturday morning (tomorrow) at 9am.  With 6 or more people it only takes 30 minutes or less – plus it’s a lot of fun!


Friday’s Five – 7-22-16

Dear Coastal,

Well, I hate to say it, but, “I told you so!”  What I told you is that this past weekend was going to be AWESOME!  It really was!  I can’t say enough good things about VBS, our closing program, and all of our volunteers!  By the way, our VBS Missions Offering for Haiti ended up being just over $1300!  WOW!  And then it just kept getting better and better with the Beach Baptism & Barbeque on Saturday!  The weather, the food, the people, the Student Retreat, the fun, and 21 people were baptized into Jesus Christ in the ocean!

On Sunday, we kicked off our “Summer Reading” Sermon Series.  I hope this series will encourage you to read some great books and challenge you to grow in your faith.  On Sunday afternoon Janet and I left for Orlando for my Pastors Coaching Network and then our entire Staff joined us for a Conference on Church Systems and Evangelism.  In fact, we’re in Orlando right now as I type this and will be back on the road for Charleston on Friday afternoon.  Keep us in your prayers.  We’ve had A LOT of fun and it feels like we’ve been drinking from a fire hydrant!  I genuinely love the people I get to lead and work with!  Growing churches require growing Pastors and leaders, and it’s an honor to grow with our staff!

Friday’s 5:

  1. Chair Set-up is back to normal this Saturday morning (tomorrow) at 9am.  With 6 or more people it only takes 30 minutes or less – plus it’s a lot of fun!
  2. This Saturday’s CWP (Concealed Weapons Permit) Class filled up so fast that Stephen Voges (a member of our Security Team & a City of Charleston Police Officer) is offering another class on Saturday, September 10th, at the church, 9am-3pm.  $60 for regular students, $40 for Military.  Need eye & ear protection, a gun, holster, and 50 rounds of ammo.  For more information or to sign up, please contact Stephen at or 843-200-5449.
  3. Are you interested in leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group this Fall?  Let us know now!  LIFE Group Sunday is August 28th!  All of LIFE Group Info has to be turned in by August 10th.
  4. Check out all the events going on over the Summer for our WAVES Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade).  See Ryan Spell for more information.
    • Wednesday, July 27: Middle School Dinner & Movie (“The Secret Life of Pets” at Citadel Mall at 6:30pm, meet at Food Court at 5:15pm).  Let Ryan know if you’re coming.
    • Thursday, July 28: High School Dinner & Movie (“Star Trek: Beyond” at Citadel Mall at 7:45pm, meet at Food Court at 6:30pm).  Let Ryan know if you’re coming.
    • Wednesday, August 3: Rising 6th Graders Party (Time and Location TBD – probably SkyZone)
    • Thursday, August 4: WAVES Service Project, meet at Coastal at 8am
    • Friday, August 12: WAVES Back to School Bash – 5 to 8pm at Coastal!!!
  5. Our last Summer Movie Night will be Friday night, August 5th, 7-9pm.  We’ll provide popcorn, nachos, hotdogs, and drinks.  ALL FREE!  Bring lawnchairs or a blanket.  We’ll be showing the old classic, “Swiss Family Robinson.”


Pastor Chris

P.S.  TEXT Giving (843-277-8337) or Online Giving are both great options over the Summer if you’re out of town!


Friday’s Five – 7-15-16

Dear Coastal,

Janet and I just got back into town last night from her father’s funeral – right as people were leaving from Thursday night of VBS.  It was so great seeing everyone – especially for Janet!  Janet and I both cannot thank all of you enough for the outpouring of love from our church family.  Again, the calls, texts, emails, kind words, and hugs all mean more than you know.

We definitely hit the ground running.  It’s going to be a very busy, but very exciting weekend!  Tonight is the VBS Closing Program.  From 6pm-7pm there will be hotdogs, jump castle, giant slide, petting zoo, and ice cream.  And then at 7pm we all go into our new facilty for a magic show, all the kids singing the songs, a slide show from the week, and some special appearances from some of VBS’s favorite characters!  It’s going to be AWESOME!  Don’t miss it!

And then after the VBS Closing Program, our Middle & High School Students leave for their Beach Retreat at Folly Beach.  The whole church is then invited to join them on Saturday for our Beach Baptism and Barbeque!  The address of the Beach House is 1017 W. Ashley St., near the Folly Beach County Park.  And get this – right now we have 19 people getting Baptized!!  It’s going to be AWESOME!  After the Baptism, we’ll have a church wide picnic.  We’ll provide the paper products and pulled pork barbeque and we’re asking everyone else to bring sides and drinks to share.  Come early and enjoy the beach!  It’s going to be an awesome day.  There is only limited parking available at the house, so if you have a County Park Yearly Car Pass, you might consider parking at the Folly Beach County Park and walking to the house.

And then on Sunday we kick off our new message series, “Summer Reading.”  And speaking of Sunday, I absolutely love our new service times – 9:30am & 11:15am!  I especially love the extra time we have in between the 2 services.  It makes for an easier flow of people and for more time for fellowship.  I love the new services times – for now!  What I mean by that is that I look forward to the time when we’re busting at the seams and need to add another service.  Guess what we’ll do?  Add another service and change the times, because we are willing to do anything, short of sin, to reach people.

And then on Sunday afternoon, I leave for Orlando for my Pastor’s Coaching Network.  In fact, our whole staff will be driving down on Monday to join me for a week long conference on church systems and evangelism.  I’m really looking forward to growing together with our staff.  Like I said, we hit the ground running!  It’s going to be a busy weekend, but a GREAT one!

Friday’s 5:

  1. School Supplies are on SALE NOW!  It would be a great time to stock up on crayons, colored pencils, markers, stickers for Operation Christmas Child.  Feel free to drop off any items at the church.
  2. Our new Sunday morning Service Times are 9:30am & 11:15am.  Our Volunteer Meeting (V.I.P.) will be at 9am.
  3. Are you interested in leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group this Fall?  Let us know now!  LIFE Group Sunday is August 28th!  All of LIFE Group Info has to be turned in by August 10th.
  4. Check out all the events going on over the Summer for our WAVES Student Ministry (6th-8th Grade) on the back of the Sunday Morning Announcement Sheet or on our website.
  5. Our last Summer Movie Night will be Friday night, August 5th, 7-9pm.  We’ll provide popcorn, nachos, hotdogs, and drinks.  ALL FREE!  Bring lawnchairs or a blanket.  We’ll be showing the old classic, “Swiss Family Robinson.”


Pastor Chris

P.S.  There is no Chair Set-up this Saturday morning because we already set the chairs up for tonight’s VBS Closing Program.  However, we’d love for you join us every other Saturday at 9am to set-up the chairs for Sunday!


Friday’s Five – 7-8-16

Dear Coastal,

The principles and truths found 2 Chronicles 7:14 were on my heart and mind this morning: “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  There is no doubt or no denying it, our world, not just our country, is a mess.  The truth is, it always has been.  Is it getting worse?  Maybe, maybe not.  Maybe we’re just more aware of it.  But either way, the problem is and always has been the same – sin and the Evil One.  Therefore, the answer is and always has been the same – Jesus.  He is still the only true hope of the world!

2 Peter 3:8-12, 14, “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.  The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.  But the day of the Lord will come like a thief.  The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything in it will be laid bare.  Since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be?  You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming. . . So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him.”

Jesus didn’t return last night for one reason and one reason only – God is patiently waiting and wanting more people to be saved.  Coastal there is obviously much Kingdom work to be done!  Let’s get busy.  Maybe stay off of social media today or this weekend.  I’m not saying put your head in the sand.  I’m just saying, don’t get distracted or diverted from the real enemy and the real work at hand.  Be proactively prayerful, loving, and part of the solution.  Choose LOVE today.  LOVE really CAN change the world!  But love has a name – JESUS!  Share His/your story.  Share your faith.  Invite someone to Coastal this weekend!

Friday’s 5:

  1. Today is the last day to pre-register your child/children for VBS! July 11-15, 6pm-8pm, 4 year olds – 5th Grade.  On-site registration will be available daily during VBS at 5:30pm each evening.
  2. Interested in getting your CWP (Concealed Weapons Permit)?  Stephen Voges, a member of our Security Team and a City of Charleston Police Officer is offering a CWP Class on Saturday, July 23rd at the church, 9am-3pm.  $60 for regular students, $40 for Military.  Need eye & ear protection, a gun, holster, and 50 rounds of ammo.  For more information or to sign up, please contact Stephen at or 843-200-5449.
  3. Our next BEACH BAPTISM is July 16th (next Saturday), 4pm at the Baptist Beach House right on Folly Beach (1017 W. Ashley St., near the Folly Beach County Park).  Sign up online, on your Connect Card or respond to this email if you are interested in getting Baptized!  Come out to Folly Beach for a church wide picnic, an afternoon of fun, and a great celebration!  We’re going to provide the meat (barbeque), but we’re asking everyone else to bring drinks and a side dish to shaire.  Our Students will actually be at the Beach House for a Summer Beach Retreat, Friday Night, July 15th – Sunday, July 17th.  They will be leaving from the church immediately after the VBS Closing Program and returning after the 2nd service on Sunday, July 17th.
  4. Our new Sunday morning Service Times start this Sunday – 9:30am & 11:15am.  Our Volunteer Meeting (V.I.P.) will be at 9am.
  5. Are you interested in leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group this Fall?  Let us know now!  LIFE Group Sunday is August 28th!  All of LIFE Info has to be turned in by August 10th.


Pastor Chris

P.S.  Our new sermon series, “Summer Reading” begins next Sunday, July 17th.  Each week, I’ll use the subject matter of one of six different books for my sermon.  You can purchase the 6 books at church on Sunday for $5 each.


Friday’s Five – 7-1-16

Dear Coastal,

Well, guess what today is?  It’s my Birthday!  Here’s a little July 1st fun factoid for you:  it’s also Pamela Anderson’s Birthday (of “Babe” Watch fame).  In fact, we’re both the exact same age – 49 years old!  Considering the fact that I haven’t had nearly as much work done as she has had, I’m not doing too bad.  But one more year until I hit the Big 5-0.

Maybe it’s my age, maybe it’s the state of the world in which we live, or maybe it’s this healthy journey I’m on, but I find myself being a little more reflective, introspective, and goal oriented today than on Birthday’s past.  My theme this year is, “Fit by 50.”  I want to be healthier a year from now than I am today.  I want to be healthier physically.  I want to lose another 60lbs.  I want to run (not walk or “jalk”) the Bridge this year.  But I also want to be healthier spiritually, relationally, financially, and emotionally.  I also feel a renewed sense of urgency about our church and reaching the lost.  I want our church to continue to grow, not because I have a big ego that needs to be stroked, but because people are lost and going to Hell without Jesus.

What about you?  What goals and dreams do you have?  What areas of your life do you need to get healthier in?  What choices and decisions are you making today that will make your dream a reality tomorrow?  Anyway. . . just some of the million different thoughts going through my head today.  Happy Birthday Pamela!

Friday’s 5:

  1. Pre-register your child/children NOW for VBS! July 11-15, 6pm-8pm, 4 year olds – 5th Grade.  VBS is a life changing experience!  Remember, if you change a child’s life – you change the world!
  2. Don’t forget that we only have one service this Sunday – 10:15am.  And then starting July 10th we have our new service times begin – 9:30am & 11:15am.
  3. Interested in getting your CWP (Concealed Weapons Permit)?  Stephen Voges, a member of our Security Team and a City of Charleston Police Officer is offering a CWP Class on Saturday, July 23rd at the church, 9am-3pm.  $60 for regular students, $40 for Military.  Need eye & ear protection, a gun, holster, and 50 rounds of ammo.  For more information or to sign up, please contact Stephen at or 843-200-5449.
  4. Our next BEACH BAPTISM is July 16th, 4pm at the Baptist Beach House right on Folly Beach (1017 W. Ashley St., near the Folly Beach County Park).  Sign up online, on your Connect Card or respond to this email if you are interested in getting Baptized!  Come out to Folly Beach for a church wide picnic, an afternoon of fun, and a great celebration!  We’re going to provide the meat, but we’re asking everyone else to bring drinks and a side to shaire.  Our Students will actually be at the Beach House for a Summer Beach Retreat, Friday Night, July 15th – Sunday, July 17th.  They will be leaving from the church immediately after the VBS Closing Program and returning after the 2nd service on Sunday, July 17th.
  5. Jesse DeRosier, from our church, is the school counselor at Berkley Elementary School in Moncks Corner.  They are a Title 1 school with many children in need of clothes and shoes.  As the school counselor, Jesse is in charge of a clothes closet at her school.  She is organizing a clothing drive at Coastal to help meet that need.  New or gently used children’s clothing: sizes 4-14.  Shoes: sizes 11/12, 1-4.  New items needed: underwear, sizes 4-14.  You can drop off any of these items in the old Welcome Center in the Coastal Kidz building, in bags, labeled “Jesse’s Kids.”

All In!

Pastor Chris

P.S. Are you interested in leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group this Fall?  Let us know now!  LIFE Group Sunday is August 28th!  All of LIFE Info has to be turned in by August 10th.


Friday’s 5 – 6-24-16

Dear Coastal,

Had a great Father’s Day this past Sunday!  Loved seeing so many guests!  Keep inviting!  Keep reaching out!  I just absolutely love it when people from our church come up to me and introduce their friends!  Loved Baby Dedication too!  It’s just so heart warming to see so many Parents make a commitment to raise their children to know the Lord (and the kids are all just so cute).

I guess the BIG NEWS right now is our new service times starting July 10th – 9:30am & 11:15am.  The truth is, no one likes change.  But I’m so proud of those of you who are willing to do anything short of sin to reach people (even change service times).  We say in our Membership Class, “One mark of maturity is being willing to set aside your personal preferences and your position for the purpose of the church.”  I like the way one of our members, Gigi Wasson, put it on my Facebook wall, “It’s not about us, it’s about reaching the unchurched!!!”  You’re right Gigi!  So, this Sunday we have our same 3 service schedule: 8:45am, 10:15am, 11:45am.  July 3rd there will be only 1 service: 10:15am.  And our new service times – 9:30am & 11:15am – start July 10th!

On a personal note, Janet and I had to make a quick emergency trip to Atlanta this week to see Janet’s Dad.  Janet’s Dad has been terminal for a while now (congestive heart failure, leukemia, COPD).  3 weeks ago they called in Hospice.  When Janet called to talk to her Dad on Father’s Day, we discovered that he had taken a turn for the worst.  We drove to Atlanta on Monday and came home Thursday.  He actually had a better rest of the week and Janet was able to have some good time visiting with him.  Please keep Janet, her Dad, and her family in your prayers.

Friday’s 5:

  1. Pre-register your child/children NOW for VBS! July 11-15, 6pm-8pm, 4 year olds – 5th Grade.  VBS is a life changing experience!  Remember, if you change a child’s life – you change the world!
  2. Friday Night FREE Family Movie Night, tonight, 7pm at the church.  We’ll be showing the classic “Finding Nemo.” Come to our new facility, bring lawn chairs or blankets, and watch the movie with your entire family on our Big Screens!  We’ll provide popcorn, nachos (plenty of nacho cheese), and hotdogs – all FREE!  And we’ll give away a few prizes!  It’s going to be awesome!.
  3. New to Coastal and would like to learn more about Pastor Chris and the church, discover how to get involved, and meet other new people?  Then join us for our next Newcomer’s Lunch this Sunday, June 26th, immediately following the 11:45am service (approx. 1pm).  Sign up online or respond to this email.
  4. On Wednesday, June 29th, we’re paying for anyone who wants to go see the newly released, “Finding Dory” at the 11:45am matinee show at the Citadel Mall Theater. Come to the Theater and pick up your FREE Ticket from Coastal!
  5. Our next BEACH BAPTISM is July 16th, 4pm at the Baptist Beach House right on Folly Beach (1017 W. Ashley St., near the Folly Beach County Park).  Sign up online, on your Connect Card or respond to this email if you are interested in getting Baptized!  Come out to Folly Beach for a church wide picnic, an afternoon of fun, and a great celebration!  We’re going to provide the meat, but we’re asking everyone else to bring drinks and a side to shaire.  Our Students will actually be at the Beach House for a Summer Beach Retreat, Friday Night, July 15th – Sunday, July 17th.  They will be leaving from the church immediately after the VBS Closing Program and returning after the 2nd service on Sunday, July 17th.

All In!

Pastor Chris

P.S. TEXT Giving (843-277-8337) or Online Giving are both great options over the Summer if you’re out of town!


New Service Times!

Dear Coastal Family & Friends,

I’ve got an important announcement to make. Starting July 10th (in less than 3 weeks), we will go from having 3 Sunday Morning Worship Services to 2 – 9:30am & 11:15am! 

Now that we’ve been in our new facility for 3 months, we’ve learned several things:

  1. While our church continues to grow and reach more and more new people, the vast majority of those poeple only come to the 1st or 2nd service.  This past Sunday, for example, we had 21 1st & 2nd Time Guest Connect Cards filled out – none of them from the 3rd service.  We had 310 people (not counting children) in the first two services and only 45 people in the 3rd.  In fact, only once since Easter have we had over 70 in the 3rd service and that was Mother’s Day.
  2. We’ve also learned that with the size of our new facility we have more than enough seating capacity to continue to grow and reach people.  We can easily seat 400+ people in our current facility.  You don’t start to feel full in a room until you hit 70-80% capacity.
  3. With the small size of the 3rd service, it’s been difficult to staff all of the volunteer positions necessary to run a service.  It’s also so small that it’s possible that a guest would feel uncomfortable.

I really believe that as we combine our services into 2 and change the times, it will increase the energy, excitement, and momentum in each of our services and our volunteers.  If you are wondering, the 9:30am & 11:15am times are the times that we used before when we used to have 2 services and they worked well.  It also increases the time between the two services to help with people and traffic flow.

However, here’s the truth, be prepared for change.  When we hit that maximum seating capacity in our 2 services, we will simply change our times again and add another service.  At Coastal we are constantly praying and evaluating what we do so that we can reach more and more people.  We are willing to set aside our own personal preferences (even service times) if it means we can accomplish our mission.

So, this Sunday, July 26th, we will have our same current 3 services (8:45am, 10:15am, 11:45am).  On July 3rd (4th of July Weekend), we will have only one service – 10:15am.  And then beginning July 10th we will move to our 9:30am & 11:15am service times.  If you volunteer on any of our Sunday morning LIFE Teams (1st Impressions, Security, Worship, Tech, Coastal Kidz, Cafe), be aware of the upcoming change on your calendar/schedule.  Then, help us spread the word!

It is such an honor to serve at a church that values change – not change for the sake of change, but change for the purpose of growth and reaching people.  I love you Coastal and I love what we get to do together!  I’m so thankful for this great tool that God provided that enables us to make this change and continue to grow!  I hope you are too.  Of course, as always, if you have any questions, please let me know.

All In,

Pastor Chris


Friday Five – 6-17-16

Dear Coastal,

Most of you, at some point have heard my personal testimony, my story.  You’ve either heard it in a sermon or you’ve heard part of it at a Newcomer’s Lunch.  In fact, if we’re Facebook friends you might have read what I posted yesterday.  Yesterday was my 35th Birthday – no, not my physical birthday (although, I know I don’t look at day over 30 – haha), but my Spiritual Birthday, my Re-Birth!  That’s right 35 years ago, yesterday, I gave my life to Christ!  I actually had the honor of speaking at the same Camp yesterday, where I gave my life to Christ – same Camp, same ailse that I walked down, same night of the week.  To say that it was a humbling, overwhelming spiritual experience is an understatement.  35 years!  And it all started because a friend invited me to church!

Spend some time this weekend remembering your “Spiritual Birthday”.  When did you give your life to Christ?  What were the circumstances surrounding your “Birthday”?  And then, don’t ever forget, there are people all around you, who need to hear your story.  Open your eyes, open your heart, and then yes, open your mouth and invite someone to church.  You never know what a difference a simple invitation just might make.  That invitation, 35 years ago, literally changed my life forever and for all eternity.  And not just my life, but consequently the lives of countless others, yours in fact.  We are on a mission Coastal, all of us, to share and experience the LIFE of Jesus with the world around us.  We don’t just go to church, we ARE the church!  Be the church.  Be the hands and feet of Jesus where you work, where you live, and where you play.  Pray for people.  Serve them.  Love them.  Share your story.  Share your faith.  Invite them to Coastal.  And then leave the rest up to God.  We are not responsible for their response, but we ARE responsible for our witness and for the invitation.  Seriously, what’s the worst thing that could happen?  They say no?  Come on, don’t let a possible no, keep you from making the ask.  The truth is, they just might say yes!

And speaking of inviting someone, don’t miss Father’s Day, this Sunday, as another great opportunity to invite and bring someone to church!  It’s going to be awesome – child/baby dedication, gifts for all the men, Bar-b-que Sliders, and a Photo Booth for you and your family & friends!  And as always, there will be great worship, a great message, and a great experience for our children!  Don’t miss it!

Friday’s 5:

  1. The dates of VBS this year are July 11-15, 6pm-8pm, 4 year olds – 5th Grade.  Pre-register your child/children NOW!  VBS is a life changing experience!  Remember, if you change a child’s life – you change the world!
  2. Friday Night FREE Family Movie Night, Friday, June 24th, 7pm at the church.  We’ll be showing the classic “Finding Nemo.” Come to our new facility, bring lawn chairs or blankets, and watch the movie with your entire family on our Big Screens!  We’ll provide popcorn, nachos, and hotdogs – all FREE!  And we’ll give away a few prizes!  It’s going to be awesome!.
  3. New to Coastal and would like to learn more about Pastor Chris and the church, discover how to get involved, and meet other new people?  Then join us for our next Newcomer’s Lunch on Sunday, June 26th, immediately following the 11:45am service (approx. 1pm).  Sign up online, on your Connect Card or respond to this email.
  4. Not only at Coastal do we feed a lot of people on Sunday morning through our Cafe, but we feed a lot of people in our community throughout the week through our Food Pantry.  However, our Food Pantry is getting low.  If you would like to help us restock our Food Pantry and feed the hurting in our community simply drop off any non-perishable food items on Sunday morning or throughout the week.
  5. Our next BEACH BAPTISM is July 16th, 4pm at the Baptist Beach House right on Folly Beach (1017 W. Ashley St., near the Folly Beach County Park).  Sign up online, on your Connect Card or respond to this email if you are interested in getting Baptized!  Come out to Folly Beach for a church wide picnic, an afternoon of fun, and a great celebration!  We’re going to provide the meat, but we’re asking everyone else to bring drinks and a side to shaire.

All In!

Pastor Chris

P.S. Don’t forget, there will only be one service on Sunday, July 3rd, 10:15am.


Friday’s Five – 6-10-16

Dear Coastal,

Well, other than my Bod4God walking group getting rained out on Monday, it looks like we had a great first week of our Summer Semester of LIFE Groups!  If you haven’t joined one yet, it’s not too late.  We have a wide variety of Groups!  I promise you’ll be glad you joined one!  (My Group will be meeting at Hampton Park on Monday night, 6:30pm for a fun night of exercise!)

I hope you enjoyed our “At the Movies!” kick-off this past Sunday!  This Sunday, we have a special guest speaker, Scott Huff, our former Youth Pastor!  Scott is a great communicator and great friend of mine and Coastal.  Don’t miss what God has to say through him.

And speaking of “At the Movies!”, don’t miss our Friday Night FREE Family Movie Night, tonight at 7pm at the church.  We’ll be showing the newly released “Zootopia.” (On Friday night, June 24th, at 7pm we’ll be showing the family classic, “Finding Nemo.”)  Come to our new facility, bring lawn chairs or blankets, and watch the movie with your entire family on our Big Screens!  We’ll provide popcorn, nachos, and hotdogs – all FREE!  And we’ll give away a few prizes!  It’s going to be awesome!

Take advantage of all of these opportunities to invite and bring your friends to Coastal!

Friday’s 5:

  1. The dates of VBS this year are July 11-15, 6pm-8pm, 4 year olds – 5th Grade.  Pre-register your child/children NOW!  VBS is a life changing experience!  Remember, if you change a child’s life – you change the world!
  2. You are not going to want to miss Father’s Day this year – June 19th!  We will be having another child/baby dedication.  We’ll be giving away a special gift to all men!  We’ll be giving away Bar-b-que Sliders!  And there will be an awesome Photo Booth for you and your family & friends to take pictures and have fun!  If you are interested in participating in the Baby Dedication, please sign up on your Connect Card or respond to this email.  Include your child’s full name and the service you will be attending.
  3. New to Coastal and would like to learn more about Pastor Chris and the church, discover how to get involved, and meet other new people?  Then join us for our next Newcomer’s Lunch on Sunday, June 26th, immediately following the 11:45am service (approx. 1pm).  Sign up online, on your Connect Card or respond to this email.
  4. Not only at Coastal do we feed a lot of people on Sunday morning through our Cafe, but we feed a lot of people in our community throughout the week through our Food Pantry.  However, our Food Pantry is getting low.  If you would like to help us restock our Food Pantry and feed the hurting in our community simply drop off any non-perishable food items on Sunday morning or throughout the week.
  5. Our next BEACH BAPTISM is July 16th, 4pm at the Baptist Beach House right on Folly Beach (1017 W. Ashley St., near the Folly Beach County Park).  Sign up online, on your Connect Card or respond to this email if you are interested in getting Baptized!  Come out to Folly Beach for a church wide picnic, an afternoon of fun, and a great celebration!

All In!

Pastor Chris (friend me on Facebook)

P.S. Don’t ever think that Coastal has enough volunteers and that there isn’t a place for YOU to serve on one of our LIFE Teams!  We need YOU!  Whether it’s our Children’s Ministry, 1st Impressions, the Cafe, Security Team, Tech Booth – there is a place for YOU!  If you are interested in serving, respond to this email and WE WILL follow up.


Friday’s Five – 6-3-16

Dear Coastal,

I’m excited about this coming week for a couple of reasons.  One: our Summer Semester of LIFE Groups starts!  Check out all the different LIFE Groups on our website or in your bulletin!  The Summer Semester is only 5 weeks long.  We have a wide variety of Groups!  I promise you’ll be glad you joined a LIFE Group!

Two:  we kick off a Summer Sermon Series tradition here at Coastal this Sunday – “At the Movies!”  It’s where we use current or popular movies that people are seeing and talking about as a hook to talk about spiritual truth!  All of our 1st Time Guests (your friends) get FREE Movie Tickets (and if your friend attends with you, come up to me and I’ll give you a FREE Movie Ticket as well)! We give away a bunch of gifts!  We even have freshly popped popcorn in all of our services!

And this year, since we have our new building, twice during the series we’re going to have a Friday Night FREE Family Movie Night.  On Friday night, June 10th, at 7pm we’ll be showing the newly released “Zootopia.” On Friday night, June 24th, at 7pm we’ll be showing the family classic, “Finding Nemo.”  Come to our new facility, bring lawn chairs or blankets, and watch the movie with your entire family on our Big Screens!  We’ll provide popcorn, nachos, and hotdogs – all FREE!  It’s going to be awesome!  During the last week of June we’re going to have our Annual FREE Family Movie Matinee at Citadel Mall Theater to watch the new “Finding Dory.”

Take advantage of all of these opportunities to invite and bring your friends to Coastal!

Friday’s 5:

  1. The dates of VBS this year are July 11-15, 6pm-8pm, 4 year olds – 5th Grade.  Check out the VBS Volunteer Insert in your Bulletin and sign up this weekend!  VBS is a life changing experience for our children and our volunteers!  Remember, if you change a child’s life – you change the world!
  2. Father’s Day is just around the corner – June 19th!  We will be having another child/baby dedication.  If you are interested in participating, please sign up on your Connect Card or respond to this email.  Include your child’s full name and the service you will be attending.
  3. New to Coastal and would like to learn more about Pastor Chris and the church, discover how to get involved, and meet other new people?  Then join us for our next Newcomer’s Lunch on Sunday, June 26th, immediately following the 11:45am service (approx. 1pm).  Sign up on your Connect Card or respond to this email.
  4. Not only at Coastal do we feed a lot of people on Sunday morning through our Cafe, but we feed a lot of people in our community throughout the week through our Food Pantry.  However, our Food Pantry is getting low.  If you would like to help us restock our Food Pantry and feed the hurting in our community simply drop off any non-perishable food items on Sunday morning or throughout the week.
  5. Our next BEACH BAPTISM is July 16th, 4pm at the Baptist Beach House right on Folly Beach (1017 W. Ashley St., near the Folly Beach County Park).  Fill out your Connect Card if you are interested in getting Baptized!  Come out to Folly Beach for a church wide picnic, an afternoon of fun, and a great celebration!

All In!

Pastor Chris (friend me on Facebook)

P.S. Did you know that Coastal has an App for your smart phone?  In fact, we’ve had one for a while now.  Go to your App Store (wherever you get apps) and search for Coastal Community Church of Charleston.  You’ll see our logo.  The App is FREE.  You’ll be able to keep up with all things Coastal, listen to messages, and even read the Word.  Download it today and help us spread the word!


Friday’s Five – 5-27-16

Dear Coastal,

We had a great initial signup for our Summer Semester of LIFE Groups on Sunday!  Check out all the different LIFE Groups on our website or in your bulletin!  The Summer Semester is only 5 weeks long and starts the week of June 5th.  You can sign up 3 different ways (Connect Card, Website, Table), but you only have to signup one time, one way.  Once you sign up, you will be contacted by your Group Leader before the Group begins.

Also, don’t forget that we only have one service this Sunday – the 10:15am service.  It’s a holiday weekend and a lot of people will be out of town, but it’s always great to get everyone together in ONE BIG service!  However, keep in mind, that means only 1 service for ALL of our children & Nursery!  So, if you are available and willing, please connect with Janet about serving.

And then the following Sunday, June 5th, we kick off a Summer Sermon Series tradition here at Coastal – “At the Movies!”  It’s where we use current, popular movies that people are seeing and talking about as a hook to talk about spiritual truth!  All of our 1st Time Guests (your friends) get FREE Movie Tickets (and if your friend attends with you, come up to me and I’ll give you a FREE Movie Ticket as well)! We give away a bunch of gifts!  We even have freshly popped popcorn in all of our services!  And this year, since we have our new building, twice during the series we’re going to have a Friday Night FREE Family Movie Night.  Bring a blanket or your lawn chairs, watch a movie in the gym on our Big Screens, enjoy popcorn, hotdogs, and nachos!  It’s going to be awesome!

Friday’s 5:

  1. Janet tells me we are way ahead as far as VBS Volunteers go this year!  Coastal you are AWESOME and you always respond to needs, Kingdom vision, and ministry opportunities!   The dates of VBS are July 11-15, 6pm-8pm, 4 year olds – 5th Grade.  Check out the VBS Volunteer Insert in your Bulletin and sign up.  Remember, if you change a child’s life – you change the world!
  2. If you have not yet turned in any money for a deposit or the remaining balance for Student LIFE Camp (June 13-17) for your Student (6th-12th Grade), please see Ryan and do so soon.  Our Students have 1 remaining fundraiser:

    • Charleston Riverdogs Game – Saturday night, June 4th, 6:30pm.  Tickets are $12 and $5 of that cost will go directly to each student as they sell tickets.  It’s usually a great Church-wide event.  See a Student or Ryan and buy some tickets!
  3. We have another LIFE Group Leader Training on Thursday, June 2nd, 10am-12noon.  Childcare provided.  This is for ALL Group Leaders, Assistants, and Hosts of ALL Groups, including ongoing & atheletic groups.
  4. Father’s Day is just around the corner – June 19th!  We will be having another child/baby dedication.  If you are interested in participating, please sign up on your Connect Card or respond to this email.  Include your child’s full name and the service you will be attending.
  5. New to Coastal and would like to learn more about Pastor Chris and the church, discover how to get involved, and meet other new people?  Then join us for our next Newcomer’s Lunch on Sunday, June 26th, immediately following the 11:45am service (approx. 1pm).  Sign up on your Connect Card or respond to this email.

All In!

Pastor Chris (friend me on Facebook)

P.S. Did you know that Coastal has an App for your smart phone?  In fact, we’ve had one for a while now.  Go to your App Store (wherever you get apps) and search for Coastal Community Church of Charleston.  You’ll see our logo.  The App is FREE.  You’ll be able to keep up with all things Coastal, listen to messages, and even read the Word.  Download it today and help us spread the word!


Friday’s Five – 5-20-16

Dear Coastal,

Only 2 weeks left of school in Charleston County!  Are you ready for the Summer?  As I shared with you last week, I’m really excited about everything happening at Coastal this Summer!  One of those things is our Summer Semester of LIFE Groups.  Even though the Summer semester is shorter (only 5 weeks), it’s very important.  It helps maintain discipleship/care over the Summer, it keeps us from losing momentum going into the Fall, and it serves as a great “taste” of community and LIFE Groups for those of you who may have never been a part of one.  Groups begin the week of June 5th and end the week of July 3rd (the week before VBS).  You can sign up for a Group 3 different ways, but you only have to sign up once.  The Summer Catalog is now available on our website and you can sign up there.  You can sign up on your Connect Card starting this Sunday.  Or there will be a table available with sign up sheets.  Again, 3 different ways to sign up, but you only have to sign up once.  Once you sign up, you will be contacted by your Group Leader before the Group begins.

Also, don’t forget that we kick off a Summer Sermon Series tradition on June 5th with “At the Movies!”  It’s where we use current, popular movies that people are seeing and talking about as a hook to talk about spiritual truth!  All of our 1st Time Guests (your friends) get FREE Movie Tickets (and if your friend attends with you, come up to me and I’ll give you a FREE Movie Ticket as well)! We give away a bunch of gifts!  We even have freshly popped popcorn in all of our services!  And this year, since we have our new building, twice during the series we’re going to have a Friday Night FREE Family Movie Night.  Bring a blanket or your lawn chairs, watch a movie in the gym on our Big Screens, enjoy popcorn, hotdogs, and nachos!  It’s going to be awesome!

Friday’s 5:

  1. We had a GREAT response to the VBS Volunteer Insert this past Sunday.  The insert will be in this week’s bulletin as well.  The greatest need at this point is Crew Leaders.  Sign up this Sunday or respond to this email.  If you already filled out the insert or contacted Janet, you don’t need fill out one again.  The dates of VBS are July 11-15, 6pm-8pm, 4 year olds – 5th Grade.
  2. Neal Van Scyoc is now the Leader of our Chair Team Ministry!  If you are interested in joining this team and serving once or twice a month, please respond to this email or contact Neal at  We need a minimum of 6 people each Saturday morning at 9am to set up our chairs.  There is also a sign up list clip board next to the storage room in the auditorium.
  3. If you have not yet turned in any money for a deposit for Student LIFE Camp (June 13-17) for your Student (6th-12th Grade), please see Ryan and do so soon.
    Our Students are planning 2 Fundraisers:

    • The first one is “Zumba Loves WAVES!”  Prisca Denton (who I like to call the Queen of Zumba) has graciously volunteered to host a Zumba event in our gym THIS Sunday, May 22nd, 2:30-3:30pm.  The event itself is free, but a $5 minimum donation is appreciated and people are encouraged to give give generously.  Spread the word!
    • The second event is a Charleston Riverdogs Game on Saturday night, June 4th, 6:30pm.  Tickets are $12 and $5 of that cost will go directly to each student as they sell tickets.  It’s usually a great Church-wide event.  See a Student and buy some tickets!
  4. There is a mandatory LIFE Group Leader Training on Saturday (tomorrow morning), May 21st, 10am-12noon.  Childcare provided.
  5. Don’t forget – there will only be one large service, 10:15am, on Memorial Weekend (May 29th), 4th of July Weekend, and Labor Day Weekend!

All In!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  I want to thank all of you who consistently give so generously to our church either through our website, texting (843-277-8337), or automated bill pay (ACH) through your bank!  It might not be “seen” on Sundays when the blue buckets are passed, but God sees and it makes a huge Kingdom impact!  Thank you!!


Friday’s Five – 5-13-16

Dear Coastal,

Mother’s day this past Sunday was so GREAT!  I hope you were blessed!  It was so awesome to have so many children participate in our Baby Dedication.  My heart was so full by the end of the day!  By the way, you can pick your Family PIctures this Sunday at church.  if you missed out on Baby Dedication, don’t fret!  We’re planning another Baby Dedication this Summer on Father’s Day, June 19th.

Speaking of the Summer – I’m really getting pumped up about everything that we’re planning!  We kick off a Summer Sermon Series tradition on June 5th with “At the Movies!”  It’s where we use current, popular movies that people are seeing and talking about as a hook to talk about spiritual truth!  All of our 1st Time Guests (your friends) get FREE Movie Tickets!  We give away a bunch of gifts!  We even have freshly popped popcorn in all of our services!  And this year, since we have our new building, twice during the series we’re going to have a Friday Night FREE Family Movie Night.  Bring a blanket or your lawn chairs, watch a movie in the gym on our Big Screens, enjoy popcorn, hotdogs, and nachos!  Our Students will be heading to Wake Forest for Stuedent LIFE Camp, June 13th-17th.  As always VBS is going to be AWESOME – July 11th-15th!  I can’t wait to see what an impact our new facility makes on VBS!  We’ve rented a Beach House right on Folly Beach for our WAVES Student Ministry to have a Summer Beach Retreat – July 15th-17th!  The whole church is going to join them on Saturday, July 16th for a cookout and Beach Baptism Service!  And then we’ll close out the Summer with another Summer Sermon Series Tradition – “Summer Reading“!  I truly believe that Leaders are Readers.  So each Summer I give you about 5-6 books to read and then I preach a message based on the subject matter of each book.  We’ll post & provide the book titles soon!  As you can see, it’s going to be an AWESOME Summer!  So if you’re in town, don’t miss a thing!  Continue to leverage everything we do by inviting your friends and bringint them to church!

Friday’s 5:

  1. We are looking to expand our Sunday morning Tech Team!  If you have any knowledge or experience with running lights, light boards, lighting software or video filming/live streaming, please see me, respond to this email or give me a call.
  2. There is a Security Team Meeting this Saturday (tomorrow morning), May 14th, 10am.
  3. Looking for a place to serve at Coastal?  We’re forming a Chair Team Ministry!  We need a minimum of 6 people each Saturday morning at 9am to set up our chairs in the auditorium.  If you are interested in joining this team and serving once or twice a month, please respond to this email.
  4. If you have not yet turned in any money for a deposit for Student LIFE Camp (June 13-17) for your Student (6th-12th Grade), please see Ryan and do so soon.
    Our Students are planning 2 Fundraisers:

    • The first one is “Zumba Loves WAVES!”  Prisca Denton (who I like to call the Queen of Zumba) has graciously volunteered to host a Zumba event in our gym on Sunday, May 22nd, 2:30-3:30pm.  The event itself is free, but a $5 minimum donation is appreciated and people are encouraged to give more.  Spread the word!
    • The second event is a Charleston Riverdogs Game on Saturday night, June 4th, 6:30pm.  Tickets are $12 and $5 of that cost will go directly to each student as they sell tickets.  It’s usually a great Church-wide event.  See a Student and buy some tickets!
  5. We are in the process of planning out our short Summer Semester (5 weeks) of LIFE Groups.  If you are interested in leading, assisting, or hosting, or if you have a great idea for a Summer Group, please contact us now.  Simply respond to this email, talk to me (Pastor Chris), or see Julie.  There is a mandatory LIFE Group Leader Training on Saturday, May 21st, 10am-12noon.  Childcare provided.

All In!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  Don’t forget – there will only be one large service, 10:15am, on Memorial Weekend, 4th of July Weekend, and Labor Day Weekend!


Friday’s Five – 5-6-16

Dear Coastal,

“I’m baaaaack!”  Janet and I had a blast hanging out with our daughter Lydia in Los Angeles (hopefully I didn’t bug you too much with pictures and commentary on social media), but it’s always great to be home.  It was only a week, but we truly missed our Coastal family!  However, I knew everything would be fine and go great on Sunday – and it did!  By the way, I told you not to miss Galen preaching this past Sunday!  He did a great job!

This coming Sunday is Mother’s Day!  Mother’s Day is always a lot of fun at Coastal!  In fact, it’s ususally one of our biggest days of the Spring!  Renee Lyons will be taking family pictures.  The Kona Ice Truck will be on campus giving away FREE Snow Cones!  We have a little gift for all the women present!  We have a few fun giveaways at the end of each service.  Plus, right now we have around 15 Babies/Children participating in Baby/Child Dedication!  As you can see, it’s going to be an AWESOME Day!  However, keep in mind that for many people, especial many women, Mother’s Day can be difficult.  We try to recognize that and be sensitive to that as well.

On another note, I want to let you know about a couple of ministry needs that we have right now at the church.  We are looking to expand our Sunday morning Tech Team!  If you have any knowledge or experience with running lights, light boards, lighting software or video filming/live streaming, please see me, respond to this email or give me a call.  We are also in need of someone with Bookkeeping/Quick Books skills/experience to serve as a backup for our primary bookkeeper.  If you are available and interested, please let me know.

Friday’s 5:

  1. Because of the visitation and funeral this week (funeral service today at 2pm) for Melanie & Michael Townsend’s son, Zachary, our chairs are already set up for this Sunday.  There will be NO chair set up on Saturday morning.
  2. Want to formalize your commitment to Coastal?  Want officially make Coastal your church family?  Our next Membership Class is this Saturday (tomorrow), May 7th, 9am-Noon, in the old auditorium.  Childcare & light refreshments provided.  It’s not too late to attend.  Simply respond to this email or sign up online, so that we know that you are coming.
  3. If you are interested in participating in our Baby/Child Dedication this Sunday, it’s still not too late.  Simply respond to this email to let us know that you want to participate.  We need Parent’s names, child’s full name, and the service you will be attending.  (Keep in mind, we will have another Baby/Child Dedication on Father’s Day.)
  4. If you have not yet turned in any money for a deposit for Student LIFE Camp (June 13-17) for your Student (6th-12th Grade), please see Ryan and do so soon.  Our Students are planning 2 Fundraisers.  The first one is “Zumba Loves WAVES!”  Prisca Denton (who I like to call the Queen of Zumba) has graciously volunteered to host a Zumba event in our gym on Sunday, May 22nd, 2:30-3:30pm.  The event itself is free, but a $5 minimum donation is appreciated and people are encouraged to give more.  Spread the word!  The second event is a Charleston Riverdogs Game on Saturday night, June 4th, 6:30pm.  Tickets are $12 and $5 of that cost will go directly to each student as they sell tickets.  It’s usually a great Church-wide event.  See a Student and buy some tickets!
  5. We are in the process of planning out our short Summer Semester (5 weeks) of LIFE Groups.  If you are interested in leading, assisting, or hosting, or if you have a great idea for a Summer Group, please contact us now.  Simply respond to this email, talk to me (Pastor Chris), or see Julie.

All In!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  Don’t forget – there will only be one large service, 10:15am, on Memorial Weekend, 4th of July Weekend, and Labor Day Weekend.


Friday’s Five – 4-22-16

Dear Coastal,

Our new series, “The Power of Words” really struck a chord this past Sunday!  In fact, over 60 people signed up for the “30 Day No-Cursing Challenge.”  I got an email from a business owner at our church who shared our challenge with his staff.  The response he got was amazing.  In fact, here was one response, “I will accept as well.  I admit I struggle with this at times.  It’s easy to fall into the trap because we are surrounded by this everyday with the industry we work in.  That shouldn’t be an excuse.  Thanks for sharing.”  Wow!  If you missed the message, you can listen to it online or you can download our App and listen to it on your smart phone.  This Sunday, I’m going to be talking about when we have to use our words to confront someone else.

I’ve got some exciting personal news to share with you.  Many of you are already aware of this, but I wanted to let the whole church know so you could pray for us.  This coming Monday, Janet and I hop on a plane and head out to Los Angeles to see our daughter Lydia!  We’ll be gone for over a week.  We’ll be there for Lydia’s 25th Birthay!  To say that we’re excited is quite the understatement.  Please keep us in your prayers.

You may be wondering, “Who’s going to preach while you’re away?”  Well, I will only miss one Sunday – May 1st – and Galen Moyer will be preaching for me.  Coastal just happens to be blessed with several people who used to be Pastors.  Galen is one of those guys.  Currently, Galen works for a local Hospice company here in Charleston.  Galen and his wife Perry lead a LIFE Group and serve in our Cafe.  Don’t stay away on May 1st just because I’m not there.  In fact, make sure you come to support and encourage Galen.  I honestly wish I was there to hear him.   He’ll be speaking on using our words to express gratitude.

I can’t wait for this Sunday!  Right now it looks like we’re baptizing around 7 people (maybe more)!  Don’t miss it!  The Bible says that when one person comes to faith all of Heaven throws a BIG PARTY!  Come ready to celebrate this Sunday!  If you are interested in getting baptized, please let us know by simply responding to this email.  If you are getting baptized, make sure you invite friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers!  Your baptism is a great way to reach out to others!

Friday’s 5:

  1. We’re setting our chairs back up in the “worshi-gym-autorium” on Saturday’s (tomorrow) at 9am.  We could definitely use volunteers to help.  If you are interested in being part of a “chair ministry”, please respond to this email.  It’s a great way to get some exercise and serve our church all at the same time!
  2. Want to formalize your commitment to Coastal?  Want officially make Coastal your church family?  Our next Membership Class is Saturday, May 7th, 9am-Noon.  Childcare & light refreshments provided.  Sign up on your Connect Card or online.
  3. Mother’s Day is just around the corner – Sunday, May 8th!  It’s been our tradition to have a Baby/Child Dedication on Mother’s Day.  If you are interested in participating, please let us know.  You can respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card.
  4. If you have not yet turned in any money for a deposit for Student LIFE Camp (June 13-17) for your Student (6th-12th Grade), please see Ryan and do so soon.  Our Students are planning 2 Fundraisers.  The first one is “Zumba Loves WAVES!”  Prisca Denton (who I like to call the Queen of Zumba) has graciously volunteered to host a Zumba event in our gym on Sunday, May 22nd, 2:30-3:30pm.  The event itself is free, but a $5 minimum donation is appreciated and people are encouraged to give more.  Spread the word!  The second event is a Charleston Riverdogs Game on Saturday night, June 4th, 6:30pm.  Tickets are $12 and $5 of that cost will go directly to each student as they sell tickets.  It’s usually a great Church-wide event.  As soon as we get the tickets, our Students will be selling them.
  5. We are in the process of planning out our short Summer Semester (5 weeks) of LIFE Groups.  If you are interested in leading, assisting, or hosting, or if you have a great idea for a Summer Group, please contact us now.  Simply respond to this email, talk to me (Pastor Chris), or see Julie.

All In!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  Give TEXT Giving a try!  It’s safe, secure, and simple!  Text any amout to 843-277-8337 and after a 1 step, 1 time sign up process, you are done.  You can then give any amount, any time, from any where.  Give it a try today!  In fact, if you want to give toward a Student going to Summer Camp, you can text the amount, space, and then the word “Camp” and that money will be designated toward Camp.


Friday’s Five – 4-15-16

Dear Coastal,

I begin a new series this Sunday called, “The Power of Words.”  Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death. . .”  Wow!  Life and death all wrapped up in the words that we speak.  Jesus said that our words are a reflection of our heart.  In fact, Jesus went as far as saying this, “And I tell you this, that you must give an account on judgment day of every idle word you speak.”  Pretty strong stuff.

My guess is that we all have said things that we regret.  I know I have.  We all could do a better job of weighing our words and using them to bring about LIFE!  So, let’s talk about that for the next several weeks at Coastal.  I really believe that this series has the potential to change lives and strengthen relationships!  Invite and bring a friend to church this week!

On Saturday at 4pm (tomorrow) we’re hosting a Memorial Service for Ethan Shaff.  Ethan was a 26 year old young man who died on Easter Sunday of a drug overdose in Denver, Colorado.  Most of you didn’t know him.  However, Ethan and his family were all a part of our church from the very beginning.  In fact, Ethan was born 3 weeks before our church started.  I was in the hospital room, right before he was born.  Ethan was “raised” in our church.  I baptized him.  About 10 years ago, Ethan, his mom Barb, and little brother Logan, all moved out to Denver to start a new life.  While most of you didn’t know Ethan personally, many of you are very familiar with his story – addiction, recovery, relapse.  Please pray for Barb & Logan.  If you’re an addict, there is hope and there is help.  We have a church full of people who have been right where you are at and are willing to walk with you every step of the way.  If you know an addict, don’t give up on them.  Pray for them and keep reaching out to them.  Remember, we are all sinners saved by grace.  I could use a few volunteers to help with the service on Saturday.  Let me know if you’re available.

Friday’s 5:

  1. We’re setting our chairs back up in the “worshi-gym-autorium” on Saturday’s (tomorrow) at 9am.  We could definitely use volunteers to help.  If you are interested in being part of a “chair ministry”, please respond to this email.  It’s a great way to get some exercise and serve our church all at the same time!
  2. We’re having a Wedding Shower for Ryan Spell & Gracie Beechler this Sunday night at 6pm at the church (in the new building).  Everyone is invited!  Hamburgers & hotdogs, mac & cheese, baked beans, cole slaw, and cake will be served!  Come out and enjoy the fun!
  3. The Red Cross Blood Mobile Unit will be at Coastal this Sunday!  Make plans to donate blood (you get a cookie and get to save a life)!
  4. We are planning a Baptism Service in our new building for Sunday, April 24th!  If you are interested in getting baptized, please let us know on your Connect Card or sign up online.
  5. Want to formalize your commitment to Coastal?  Want officially make Coastal your church family?  Our next Membership Class is Saturday, May 7th, 9am-Noon.  Childcare & light refreshments provided.  Sign up on your Connect Card or online.

All In!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  Mother’s Day is just around the corner – Sunday, May 8th!  It’s been our tradition to have a Baby/Child Dedication on Mother’s Day.  If you are interested in participating, please let us know.  You can respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card.


Friday’s Five – 4-8-16

Dear Coastal,

Every year, this past weekend, is what I like to call, “The Busiest Weekend In Charleston!”  There was the Bridge Run, Flowertown Festival, Cajun Festival, the start of the Volvo Car Open (formerly known as the Family Circle Cup Tennis Tournament), Hootie & the Blowfish Concert, and Phantom of the Opera.  And then on top of that it was the last weekend of Spring Break in Charleston County and Final Four Weekend.  Whew!  My guess is that you and your family probably participated in at least one of those things.

Spring has definitely Sprung and we are now headed full steam into Summer.  As you make plans for the Summer and specifically for your children and students, don’t forget to mark your calendar for two things: VBS and Student LIFE Camp.  The dates & times for VBS (4 year old – 5th Grade) are July 11-15, 6-8pm.  At Coastal we like to say that VBS is “all hands on deck.”  In other words, to pull off the AWESOME VBS we do here at Coastal, we need everyone who considers Coastal their home to serve/volunteer in some way.  As it gets closer Janet (our Children’s Director) will post all of the different volunteer opportunities.  There will be a VBS Planning Meeting for people who want to help organize VBS on Wednesday night, April 20th during WAVES 6.2.SIX (6:30-8pm).

And then if you have a Student (6th-12th Grade) make sure you put Student LIFE Camp on their Summer Calendar.  The dates of Student LIFE Camp are June 13-17.  Student LIFE Camp is like a Christian Conference for Students on steroids!  A couple of thousand students all converge on Wake Forest campus for worship and messages all geared toward them.  Plus there is a missions element where our students will be serving the community during the day.  It is both time and money well spent for your student.  The total cost is $370.  A $60 deposit is due by Sunday, April 17th to hold their spot.  For more information, to answer any questions, or to donate $ to sponsor a student please contact Ryan Spell – or 843-442-8985.

Friday’s 5 (okay – 6):

  1. A couple of new LIFE Groups have just started:  Men’s Basketball & Co-Ed Volleyball!  Men’s Basketball is on Monday Nights, 6pm-9pm.  Volleyball is Tuesday Nights, 6:30pm-8pm, Childcare Provided on Tuesday nights for Volleyball.
  2. We’re setting our chairs back up in the “worshi-gym-autorium” this Saturday at 9am.  We could definitely use volunteers to help.  If you are interested in being part of a “chair ministry”, please respond to this email.
  3. New to Coastal?  Like to learn more about our church and meet other new people?  Sign up for our next Newcomer’s Lunch, immediately after the 3rd service this Sunday, April 10th.  Go to our website and sign up today!
  4. We are planning a Baptism Service in our new building for Sunday, April 24th!  If you are interested in getting baptized, please let us know on your Connect Card or sign up online.
  5. The Red Cross Blood Mobile Unit will be at Coastal on Sunday, April 17th!  Sign up at the Welcome Center Kiosk and make plans to donate blood (you get a cookie and get to save a life)!
  6. We’re having a Wedding Shower for Ryan Spell (our Youth Pastor In Residence) and Gracie Beechler on Sunday, April 17th, from 6-7:30pm.  They are registered at

All In!  Love Can!  Game On!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  If you haven’t already done so, make sure you download our FREE Coastal Community Church app!  Go to your app store and search for Coastal Community Church of Charleston (look for our logo) and download our app.  It’s a great way to listen to our messages, spread the Word, and keep up with all things Coastal.


Coastal Serving Opportunity

Dear Coastal,

I’m sure you’ve noticed how much our Children’s Ministry is growing and the wonderful facelift their facilities received as we moved into our new building.  It’s AWESOME!  Well, Janet informs me that our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry (Birth-5th Grade) could use about 25 more volunteers!  That’s a good problem for a church to have.  However, I need YOU to help be the solution for the problem.

But here’s one thing I’ve learned about getting people to serve and volunteer.  Only a very small percentage of people will respond to need.  In other words, churches constantly begging people to fill a spot simply based on need doesn’t work doesn’t work longterm.  You can only pull on people’s heartstrings and show pictures of little Suzy and little Johnny without a teacher so many times.

The answer?  Creating a Volunteer/Servant Culture in the church.  Everyone who considers Coastal their church home ought to be able to answer this question, “What is my ministry?  Where do I serve?”  In other words, it’s a stewardship issue.  I serve not just because there is a need, but because I’m a follower of Jesus and followers of Jesus serve.  This is MY church family.  And my church family is stronger and healthier and has a greater impact when everyone uses their time, gifts, passions, and abilities to serve God by serving others.

So, if you are not already involved in a specific Ministry on Sunday mornings, would you please consider serving our Children (Birth-5th Grade)?  We need Teachers, Assistants, Nursery Volunteers, and more.  Even one class, one service, once a month makes a huge difference.  Simply respond to this email, let us know on your Connect Card, or contact Janet Rollins directly at 843-442-8299 or if this might be your place of service.  If you’re not sure, Janet would love to give you a tour, answer any questions you might have, and even let you observe the different classrooms.  If you discover Children’s Ministry is not your place of service, she’ll even help you find another place to serve.

All In!  Love Can! Game On!

Pastor Chris


Friday’s Five – 4-1-16

Dear Coastal,

I have to admit – I love the week of Spring Break here in Charleston County for one main reason: MORNING TRAFFIC IS SO MUCH BETTER!  Okay, I know that was pretty random, but I hope you and your family are having a wonderful Spring Break.  If you’ve been out of town and weren’t here for Easter, I can’t wait for you to return and see our new place!

Speaking of the new place, I lied.  We’ve already begun to move the chairs!  I told you on Easter Sunday we were going to wait one week and then start moving them (giving everyone a break for Easter).  However, our Students used the facility on Wednesday night so we moved them.

Since lots of people have asked, let me explain what we’ll do each week (at least for now) with the chairs.  Immediately after the 3rd service we will ask everyone to stack the chairs (6 high).  We will line the front of the stage with a row of chairs for seating (and to keep people from sitting on the stage, scuffing the front with their shoes).  Until we move our container over and get it ready, we will have volunteers then move the stacks to the corner of the gym next to the sound booth and the exit door.  Last Sunday we put out approx. 525 chairs.  For now we will put out approx. 350 chairs.  The remainder of our chairs are already in our storage room.

So if you would like to volunteer to help move the stacks (with our chair dolly), stay or come back immediately after the 3rd service on Sundays (around 1pm).  This Saturday, around 8pm, immediately after a Student event, we will be setting the chairs back up.  We’re still trying to figure out what will be our regular system for cleaning the floor and setting the chairs up from week to week.  Some of that will depend on what we have going on that week (like the Student event on Saturday for example).  But we will keep you informed and will definitely need volunteers.  Right now it looks like sometime on Saturday will be the best time to put the chairs back out.

On another note, I’m sure you’ve noticed how much our Children’s Ministry is growing.  It’s AWESOME!  Well, Janet informs me that our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry could use about 25 more volunteers!  That’s a good problem for a church to have.  However, I need YOU to help be the solution for the problem.  Everyone who considers Coastal their church home ought to be able to answer this question, “What is my ministry?  Where do I serve?”  If you are not already involved in a specific Ministry on Sunday mornings, would you please consider serving our Children?  We need Teachers, Assistants, Nursery Volunteers, and more.  Even one class, one service, once a month makes a huge difference.  Simply respond to this email, let us know on your Connect Card, or contact Janet Rollins directly at 843-442-8299 or

Friday’s 5:

  1. A couple of new LIFE Groups start this week:  Men’s Basketball & Adult Co-Ed Volleyball!  Men’s Basketball is on Monday Nights, 6pm-9pm.  Volleyball is Tuesday Nights, 6:30pm-8pm, Childcare Provided on Tuesday nights for Volleyball.
  2. New to Coastal?  Like to learn more about our church and meet other new people?  Sign up for our next Newcomer’s Lunch, immediately after the 3rd service on Sunday, April 10th.  Go to our website and sign up today!
  3. We are planning a Baptism Service in our new building for Sunday, April 24th!  If you are interested in getting baptized, please let us know on your Connect Card or sign up online.
  4. A couple of WAVES Student Ministry Announcements:  this Saturday (tomorrow) 5pm-8pm, Basketball & Movie Night (popcorn & pizza) at the church.  Student LIFE Camp deposit ($60) due by April 17th.
  5. We’re having a Wedding Shower for Ryan Spell (our Youth Pastor In Residence) and Gracie Beechler on Sunday, April 17th, from 6-7:30pm.  They are registered at

All In!  Love Can!  Game On!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  We have new keys for our new building and our current building (your old key will no longer work).  If you need a key because of ministry or Groups, please see Pastor Chris or Julie.


Friday’s Five – 3-25-16

Dear Coastal,

Well Coastal, it’s finally upon us – Easter weekend is here!  It’s after 7pm on Friday and I’m just now stealing away a few minutes to send out my weekly email.  I have to admit, this new chapter that we’re embarking on has been quite emotional, especially today, seeing our new facility filled with all our chairs!  And it’s not just the new facility – our current building has seen a huge makeover for our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry.  I can’t wait for you to see everything!

Believe it or not, it’s still not too late to invite someone to church.  Go through your phone contacts and facebook friends – who could you send a personal message to?  Ask God to lay a burden on your heart to reach out to someone.

I’m also emotional because I’ve been thinking about all of the people who have had a hand in this project – so MANY of YOU!  There are so many people to thank.  First of all, I want to thank all of the people who 3 years ago decided to step out in faith, go ALL IN, and give sacrificially to this project.  All of this happened and continues to happen, because of your generous, consistent, sacrificial giving – period.  And God will reward you for it.  And then there all the countless contractors, engineers, sub-contractors, designers, and skilled craftsmen (including several from our church) who had hand in this job.  And then there are all the volunteers – from the cleaning, hauling, moving, setting up, to the sound & lighting.  I’ve always said that we have the best volunteers at Coastal and this project has proved that to be true.  And then there is Eddie Evans & Ricky Spell.  Words truly can not express my gratitude to these two men and all that they have given and done to see this project through.  The time, effort, energy, hard work, blood, sweat, and even tears that they have poured into this project has been truly inspirational.  Please make the effort to express your thanks to these two men.  They would NEVER ask for it, but as your Pastor, I’m asking you to thank them.  Trust me, they deserve it.

While Easter is going to be awesome, I’ll be the first to admit that we’re really just going to be figuring things out for a few weeks – systems, storage, best practices, etc.  So be patient, helpful, and considerate.  And just like when you move in to a new home, you develop a “punch list” of things that need to be done.  We’ll be doing the same thing.  Again, be patient, helpful, and considerate.  We’re already developing a fairly long list of things that we’re going to be working on.  Just remember, all projects require time and usually money.

So now that we have the new building, what’s next?  We’re going to fill it and we’re going to use it!  It’s simply a tool that enables us to continue to grow and reach more people and that helps us to love and serve our growing church family and community for the glory of God.  And then . . . we’re already praying and thinking about the next step!  But for now, at least for this weekend, let’s celebrate the Risen Savior and give thanks for God’s faithfulness in bringing our church to this next chapter.  And I can think of no better way to give thanks than by inviting and bringing a friend with you to church on Sunday.

Friday’s 5:

  1. As far as Easter Sunday or any Big Day goes, you know the drill:  come early, park far away, greet everyone, volunteer to serve, go out of your way to be helpful to our guests, and give generously.
  2. New to Coastal?  Like to learn more about our church and meet other new people?  Sign up for our next Newcomer’s Lunch, immediately after the 3rd service on Sunday, April 10th.  Go to our website and sign up today!
  3. We are planning a Baptism Service in our new building for Sunday, April 24th!  If you are interested in getting baptized, please let us know on your Connect Card or sign up online.
  4. We could still use a few voluteers here tomorrow from 9am-Noon.  The new Welcome Center and Bathrooms need to be swept, wiped down, and swiffered.  We also need a large trash pile to be moved to the dumpster.  And all the black silt fencing along the new sidewalk can be removed.
  5. We’re having a Wedding Shower for Ryan Spell (our Youth Pastor In Residence) and Gracie Beechler on Sunday, April 17th, from 6-7:30pm.  They are registered at

All In!  Love Can!  Game On!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  Even if you don’t have children in Coastal Kidz, make sure you check out all the changes and improvements in our current facility.  If I were a kid, this is the place I’d want to be on Sundays!


Friday’s Five – 3-18-16

Dear Coastal,

Easter Sunday and our Grand Opening (March 27th) countdown is now 9 days away (single digits)!  What can I say, that I haven’t already said?  All of the tools, all of the stuff we’ve done and said and given you to encourage you to invite someone to church, is useless unless you actually use it and invite someone.  We’re NOT responsible for their decision, but WE ARE responsible to make the ask, to sow the seed.

Well, I know a lot of you (myself included) have been wondering if we were going to be able to have a soft opening in our new building this Sunday.  That is looking less and less likely.  In fact, I was holding off on sending my Friday 5 until we knew something more definitive.  It’s nothing on our end, we’re just waiting for a couple more officials to sign off on things.  It could still happen by the end of business today, but again it’s not looking good for that right now.  If any of that changes, I’ll send out a quick email, social media blast to let you know.

However, the good news is that we are looking great for Easter Sunday and that’s what’s most important!  Either way, you will notice a lot of changes on the outside – landscaping, mulch, NEW PARKING LOT & ROAD!  By the way DO NOT drive on the new road or park in the new parking lot over the weekend.  They want it to set up good for 2 days (Saturday & Sunday).

Friday’s 5:

  1. We’re looking for Security Team volunteers!  The Security Team is led by Bryan Miller, a former SC State Trooper.  If you are interested in learning more about the Security Team and possibly volunteering, you can respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday, email Bryan directly at or call him at 843-296-2991.
  2. New to Coastal?  Like to learn more about our church and meet other new people?  Sign up for our next Newcomer’s Lunch, immediately after the 3rd service on Sunday, April 10th.  Go to our website and sign up today!
  3. We are planning a Baptism Service in our new building for Sunday, April 24th!  If you are interested in getting baptized, please let us know on your Connect Card or sign up online.
  4. As our church expands and grows, we want to expand our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry.  To do this, we are wanting (and needing) to start a new class.  Each time we expand and start a new class, we typically need a minimum of 12-18 volunteers (teachers & assistants) willing to serve 1-2 services a month.  If you are interested in being a part of this growing and rewarding Ministry, please respond to this email or contact Janet Rollins at 843-442-8299 or
  5. Parents and Students (6th-12th Grade), don’t forget that WAVES House Party (a hangout time for our Students with games, bonfire, food, and fun) meets tonight, 6pm-9pm at the church!  Invite and bring a friend!  The student who brings the most friends gets a PRIZE!  For more information contact Ryan Spell 843-442-8985,

All In!  Love Can!  Game On!

Pastor Chris


Friday’s Five – 3-11-16

Dear Coastal,

Easter Sunday and our Grand Opening (March 27th) in our new facility is now just 16 days away!  Take advantage of all the different tools that we have to invite people and spread the word about our church and our service – “You’re Invited” business cards, Unshakable books, Easter Sunday/Grand Opening Ticketmaster tickets, and now Yard Signs.

Pick up and read a FREE copy of the little book, The Difference Maker.  It’s all about making a difference in people’s lives by inviting them to church, sharing your story, and sharing your faith.  My life, and as a result, your life, was forever changed simply because a friend invited me to church.  You have the chance to be that kind of Difference Maker this Easter!

We’ve been hoping that we would have our C.O. (Certificate of Occupancy) by next week so that we can have a “soft opening” for our church in our new facility on Sunday, March 20th, the week before Easter Sunday.  Honestly, we won’t know if that’s possible until late next week.  It may or may not happen.  As soon as we know, you will know.  But we are still looking great for Easter!  Please continue to keep this whole process in your prayers.  A LOT will be happening this coming week!  Please continue to give sacrificially!  Everything that we are doing for the new facility and our current facility costs money.  It is your consistent, generous giving that funds this project and Big Days like Easter Sunday.

Friday’s 5:

  1. This weekend is “Time Change Weekend”!  Your clocks will “Spring Forward” one hour on Saturday night.  Yes, you lose an hour of sleep, but you gain an hour of daylight!  If you’re tired, sleep in and come to our 11:45am service this Sunday!
  2. New to Coastal?  Like to learn more about our church and meet other new people?  Sign up for our next Newcomer’s Lunch, immediately after the 3rd service on Sunday, April 10th.  Go to our website and sign up today!
  3. We are planning a Baptism Service in our new building for Sunday, April 24th!  If you are interested in getting baptized, please let us know on your Connect Card or sign up online.
  4. As our church expands and grows, we want to expand our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry.  To do this, we are wanting (and needing) to start a new class.  Each time we expand and start a new class, we typically need a minimum of 12-18 volunteers (teachers & assistants) willing to serve 1-2 services a month.  If you are interested in being a part of this growing and rewarding Ministry, please respond to this email or contact Janet Rollins at 843-442-8299 or
  5. Parents and Students (6th-12th Grade), don’t forget that we are now feeding the Students before WAVES 6.2.SIX on Wednesdays nights, 6-6:26pm.  If you are interested in helping to provide food, please respond to this email or contact Ryan Spell 843-442-8985,

All In!  Love Can!  Game On!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  I’m praying for those of you who are participating in our Easter Fast!


Friday’s Five – 2-4-16

Dear Coastal,

Easter Sunday/Grand Opening, Sunday, March 27th –  23 days away!  Okay, keep praying, but it’s now time to start inviting people.  We have several tools at the church for you to use – the Unshakable book, “You’re Invited” business cards, Easter Sunday/Grand Opening tickets.  Just think, one small invitation could potentially change someone’s life forever!  You and I have the opportunity to change the trajectory of multiple generations for all eternity!  Yes – I truly belive that much is at stake, each and every Sunday.  In fact, this Sunday I have a free gift for you – a short little book called The Difference Maker.  It’s all about making a difference in people’s lives by sharing your faith.  Make sure you pick up a copy on Sunday and read it.

This past Sunday was awesome!  One of the reasons for that was 137 adults made the decision to particpate in our Easter Fast by denying themselves something physical between now and Easter Sunday, March 27th.  It’s going to be a time of great spiritual growth for our entire church!  Remember, it’s not about whatever the “thing” is that you’re denying yourself – some sort of food, technology, or stronghold.  It’s about turning to God, focusing on Him, and listening to His voice.

Friday’s 5:

  1. New to Coastal?  Like to learn more about our church and meet other new people?  Sign up for our next Newcomer’s Lunch, immediately after the 3rd service on Sunday, April 10th.  Go to our website and sign up today!
  2. We are planning a Baptism Service in our new building for Sunday, April 24th!  If you are interested in getting baptized, please let us know on your Connect Card or sign up online.
  3. As our church expands and grows, we want to expand our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry.  To do this, we are wanting (and needing) to start a new class.  Each time we expand and start a new class, we typically need a minimum of 12-18 volunteers (teachers & assistants) willing to serve 1-2 services a month.  If you are interested in being a part of this growing and rewarding Ministry, please respond to this email or contact Janet Rollins at 843-442-8299 or
  4. Special Services & Big Days like Easter Sunday & our Grand Opening mean extra expenses.  I just want to challenge and encourage you to be mindful of that and to be faithful in your consistent and generous giving.  Consider giving above and beyond or making a special sacrificial offering during this month before Easter.  Maybe consider giving something special toward our new building as we make final preparations to move in.
  5. Parents and Students (6th-12th Grade), don’t forget that we are now feeding the Students before WAVES 6.2.SIX on Wednesdays nights, 6-6:26pm.  If you are interested in helping to provide food, please respond to this email or contact Ryan Spell 843-442-8985,

All In!  Love Can!  Game On!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  Time Change is not this weekend, but NEXT weekend!  Yeah – longer days are on their way!


Friday’s Five – 2-26-16

Dear Coastal,

The Easter Sunday/Grand Opening Countdown continues!  Easter Sunday, March 27th is only 30 days away!  To say that I’m excited is quite the understatement!  I’m asking you to begin praying now that God will show up in a mighty way!  Pray for my message.  On Easter Sunday, I’m beginning a new series called, “Finding Your Way Back to God.”  We want people to know that they can come home!  Who do you know that needs to hear that message?  Start praying for them now.

Beg God to use our church to draw people to himself.  I believe that God uses churches that are not only ready to receive those guests, but are willing to do their part.  What’s your part?  Simple.  Invest and invite.  Live for Jesus where you live, work, and play.  Pray.  Love people.  Invite them to Coastal.  We’re going to do our part to till the soil and help you.  Right now you can use our Invite Cards as a simple tool to invite people.  The Unshakable book is a great way to reach out to someone going through a difficult time.  Soon we’ll have tickets available just for our Easter Services.  In a couple of weeks we’ll have yard signs.  We’re going to put up a billboard on 526 and we’ll be sending out our largest direct mailing we’ve ever done, hitting all of West Ashley, James Island and Johns Island.  Like I said, we’re going to do our part, but you’ve got to do yours.  Invite and bring someone to church!  Remember, never underestimate what God might choose to do through a group of people who choose to walk by faith and trust Him!

By the way, we are still going to have all 3 services when we move into our new building.  We already have the volunteers and systems in place, it gives people and our volunteers options, and it enables us to reach the most people.  That’s one of the reasons I’m trying to get healthy and lose weight (20lbs. so far!) – to keep up with the pace and growth of our ministry.

Friday’s 5:

  1. There is a WAVES (Student Ministry – 6th-12th Grade) Movie Night, Saturday Night (tomorrow) at Citadel Mall Theater.  They are seeing the 7pm showing of the movie, “Risen.”   Meet at the Theater.  Cost – $5.
  2. New to Coastal?  Like to learn more about our church and meet other new people?  Sign up for our next Newcomer’s Lunch, immediately after the 3rd service on Sunday, April 10th.  Go to our website and sign up today!
  3. We are wanting to plan a Baptism Service in our new building.  If you are interested in getting baptized, please let us know on your Connect Card or sign up online.  We will keep you apprised as to the date when we get in the new building.
  4. As our church expands and grows, we want to expand our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry.  To do this, we are wanting (and needing) to start a new class.  Each time we expand and start a new class, we typically need a minimum of 12-18 volunteers (teachers & assistants) willing to serve 1-2 services a month.  If you are interested in being a part of this growing and rewarding Ministry, please respond to this email or contact Janet Rollins at 843-442-8299 or
  5. Special Services & Big Days like Easter Sunday & our Grand Opening mean extra expenses.  I just want to challenge and encourage you to be mindful of that and to be faithful in your consistent and generous giving.  Consider giving above and beyond or making a special sacrificial offering during this month before Easter.  Or maybe consider giving something special toward our new building as we make final preparations to move in.

All In!  Love Can!  Game On!

Pastor Chris – PC


Friday’s Five – 2-19-16

Dear Coastal,

I really can’t say enough good things about our 1st Annual Marriage Retreat last weekend!  That’s right – ANNUAL!  We will definitely do it again next year!  But this years attendees, speakers, venue, and food all worked together to make this a weekend worth remembering!  A huge thank you to Dan Blumenstock and his staff at the Doubletree for all their hard work and extra care in making our weekend so special.  We are also talking with Sharon Thomas about hosting a Women’s Conference this year at Coastal!

Easter Sunday, March 27th is only 37 days away!  Start praying now!  Who will you bring?  Who will you invite?  Right now it looks like we are going to combine Easter Sunday with the Grand Public Opening of our new building!  Woohoo!  We will have a soft opening a week (possibly 2) before Easter to get all the kinks worked out.  Last year we had 774 people on Easter Sunday underneath a huge tent on our property with the threat of bad weather.  I think we can break 1,000 in our new building this year!  What do you think?  Let’s work like it all depends on us, pray like it all depends on God, walk by faith, and trust God with the results!  Are you with me?

Friday’s 5:

  1. There is a WAVES (Student Ministry – 6th-12th Grade) House Party tonight at the church – 6pm-9pm!  There will be a bonfire, food, fun, and games (bring your video games)!
  2. The new semester of LIFE Groups has begun!  Go to our website, check out all the Groups, and sign up today!
  3. There is a Security Team Meeting at Coastal tomorrow morning, Saturday, February 20th at 10am.
  4. We need some 1st service people to volunteer to help pick up the Panera Bread on Sunday mornings at 7:30am and bring it to the church.  Write it on your Connect Card on Sunday or contact Ryan Spell at or 843-442-8985.
  5. We are wanting to plan a Baptism Service in our new building.  If you are interested in getting baptized, please let us know on your Connect Card.  We will keep you apprised as to the date when we get in the new building.

All In!  Love Can!  Game On!

Pastor Chris – PC

P.S.  Give TEXT Giving a try!  It’s simple, safe, and secure!  Text any amount, any time, any where to 843-277-8337.


Friday’s Five – 2-12-16

Dear Coastal,

It’s finally here! Our Marriage Retreat starts tonight at 6pm! I can’t tell you how excited I am! I talked to Marvin Thomas (one of our Conference speakers) this week, he and his wife Sharon can’t wait to join us and minister to us this weekend.  They have a lot people praying for our weekend!  We’re praying for this weekend!  God is going to show up and move in miraculous ways!  If you’ve signed up for the Retreat, don’t let anything get in the way of you coming!  Don’t let Satan have that victory!  Right now we have almost 80 people signed up!

Don’t forget a few important details about the weekend: the Conference is located at the Doubletree Hotel off of 526 at the Airport Exit. The Conference begins at 6pm with dinner.  Let me say this – COME HUNGRY!  You will NOT be disappointed with our food this weekend.  They are really taking care of us (thanks Dan Blumenstock)!  We will be done around 9pm on Friday night.  Saturday begins at 8am with breakfast.  Again, don’t miss the meals.  They are an important part of the Retreat.  We get to hang out together, have some fun, and even meet some new people.  The Conference will be over around 11:45am, before lunch on Saturday.  If you haven’t finished paying for the Conference, just bring a check with you this weekend.  Pray for Marvin & Sharon.  Pray for your spouse.  Pray that God will use this weekend in mighty ways!  I love you Coastal and I can’t wait to see you this weekend! And yes, Janet and I will be spending the night Friday night at the Hotel – woohoo!

Friday’s 5:

  1.  The new semester of LIFE Groups has begun!  Check out our Groups and sign up on your Connect Card on Sudnay or onlineGo to our website, check out all the Groups, and sign up today!
  2. There will be a Security Team Meeting at Coastal on Saturday, February 20th at 10am.
  3. We need some 1st service people to volunteer to help pick up the Panera Bread on Sunday mornings at 7:30am and bring it to the church.  Write it on your Connect Card on Sunday or contact Ryan Spell at or 843-442-8985.
  4. We are wanting to plan a Baptism Service in our new building.  If you are interested in getting baptized, please let us know on your Connect Card.  We will keep you apprised as to the date when we get in the new building.
  5. If you haven’t tried it yet, give TEXT Giving a try!  It’s simple, safe, and secure!  Text any amount, any time, any where to 843-277-8337.  After a simple and quick one step sign up process, you can save that number to your phone and use it any time!  It’s a great way to give as God leads and as God blesses.  And it’s a great way to track your giving!

All In!  Love Can!  Game On!

Pastor Chris – PC

P.S.  I hope you have a wonderful Valentine’s Weekend!  This Sunday, Valentine’s Day, will be mine and Janet’s 29th Wedding Anniversary!


Friday’s Five – 1-29-16

Dear Coastal,

What a great LIFE Group Sunday this past week!  Hopefully you’ve signed up for a LIFE Group and heard from your Leader.  If you haven’t heard from your Leader yet, I’m sure you will soon.  Most Groups start the week of February 7th.  If you haven’t signed up for a Group yet, it’s not too late.  You only have to sign up one way, one time, but there are 3 different ways to choose from – on your Connect Card, online, or at the LIFE Group Sign up table.  Go to our website, check out all the Groups, and sign up today!

I’ve been “laying down the gauntlet” lately about our Marriage Conference, February 12 & 13.  The reason I’m so passionate about this is because as the Pastor of Coastal I read the prayer requests week in and week out, I do the counseling, I see the relationships.  I’m asking all the married couples of our church to stop making excuses and take advantage of this opportunity.  Stop asking God to bless your marriage if you’re not willing work on it and put Him at the center of it.  Our marriages need this!  I promise you that you’ll have a blast, meet other couples from our church, and enjoy your spouse as together you work on your relationship.

I understand if you have to work or you’re out of town, but don’t let the $100 be a reason not to come. In fact, I’ll say this, if finances are TRULY an issue, pay what you can, when you can, how you can and come to the Conference, no questions asked.

Don’t let children be an excuse for not coming. Start looking for childcare NOW. If it was a priority, you’d figure it out. After all, one of the best gifts we can ever give our children is a great marriage.  So, sign up online!  Sign up this Sunday on your Connect Card!  Or call the office and we’ll sign you up.

We are having a drawing for all those who have registered for the Conference by Sunday, February 7th.  The winner will receive the Conference paid in full, a 2 night stay at the Hotel for the Conference, and 2 tickets to the Garth Brooks/Trisha Yearwood Concert!  Register NOW!

Friday’s 5:

  1.  The new semester of LIFE Groups is fast on it’s way!  Check out our Groups and sign up on your Connect Card on Sudnay, online, or at the LIFE Group Sign up table.  Go to our website, check out all the Groups, and sign up today! LIFE Groups begin the week of February 7th!
  2. Our next Newcomer’s Lunch is Sunday, January 31st immediately after the 3rd Service (approx. 1pm).  Sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or online.
  3. Ready to formally make Coastal your church home?  Our next Membership Class is Monday, February 1st, 6-9pm.  Childcare & refreshments provided.  Sign up on your Connect Card or online.
  4. On Super Bowl Sunday, February 7th, help us restock our Community Food Pantry by bringing canned goods and non-perishable food items.  Note:  please remember to check the expiration dates of the food items you bring.
  5. SAVE THE DATE Coastal and sign up NOW! We’re having a Marriage Retreat/Conference on Friday night, February 12th (6-9pm Dinner included) & Saturday morning, February 13th (8-11:45am Breakfast & Refreshments included) at the newly renovated Doubletree Hotel at the airport exit off of 526. Cost $100 per couple ($50 deposit due January 31st). If you and your spouse would like to stay the night (or 2) at the hotel we have a special room rate of $159 per night for Conference Attendees.

All In!  Love Can!  Game On!

Pastor Chris – PC

P.S.  On February 7, I begin a new sermon series called, “The 7 Deadly Sins.”  By the way, can you name them?  I’m sure all you former good Catholics can!


Friday’s Five – 1-22-16

Dear Coastal,

I’m so grateful to be a part of a church community that values and encourages honesty and being real – even from it’s Pastor.  Last week I shared a little about my “personal, painful, and lifelong struggle” of losing weight and getting healthy.  I’ve said it countless times, “revealing is the beginning of healing.”  It’s true.  As painful as it is to talk about and share, true life change starts with humble confession.  What you’re afraid of and what you’re expecting is judgement, but what you find is grace, love, and encouragment.  And true to form for our church, that’s exactly what I found.  Thank you so much for your support and encouragement.  It’s been a breath of fresh air (and I’ve lost 5 pounds)!  I’ve got a long way to go, but at least I’m headed in the right direction with loving and supportive people.  By the way, if you’re interested in going on the journey with me, sign up for my Bod4God LIFE Group this Sunday!

Friday’s 5:

  1.  The new semester of LIFE Groups is fast on it’s way!  Our LIFE Group Leader/Assistant Training is this Saturday, January 23rd, 10am-Noon.  LIFE Group Sunday is this Sunday, January 24th (tent, booths, & signups)!  LIFE Groups begin the week of February 7th!
  2. Our next Newcomer’s Lunch is Sunday, January 31st immediately after the 3rd Service (approx. 1pm).  Sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or online.
  3. Ready to formally make Coastal your church home?  Our next Membership Class is Monday, February 1st, 6-9pm.  Childcare & refreshments provided.  Sign up on your Connect Card or online.
  4. On Super Bowl Sunday, February 7th, help us restock our Community Food Pantry by bringing canned goods and non-perishable food items.  Note:  please remember to check the expiration dates of the food items you bring.
  5. SAVE THE DATE Coastal and start signing up this Sunday! We’re having a Marriage Retreat/Conference on Friday night, February 12th (6-9pm Dinner included) & Saturday morning, February 13th (8-11:45am Breakfast & Refreshments included) at the newly renovated Doubletree Hotel at the airport exit off of 526. Cost $100 per couple ($50 deposit due January 31st). If you and your spouse would like to stay the night (or 2) at the hotel we have a special room rate of $159 per night for Conference Attendees.

All In!  Love Can!  Game On!

Pastor Chris – PC


Marriage Conference

We are having a Marriage Retreat/Conference on Friday night, February 12th (6-9pm Dinner included) & Saturday morning, February 13th (8-11:45am Breakfast & Refreshments included) at the newly renovated Doubletree Hotel at the airport exit off of 526.  The cost of the Marriage Conference is $100 per couple.

If you and your spouse would like to stay the night (or 2) at the hotel we have a special room rate of $159 per night for Conference Attendees.  You can reserve your room on your own by going to: or by calling the Hotel directly at 843-576-0300.  The room price is separate from the cost of the Conference.

Our conference speakers are Marvin Thomas & Sharon Marshall Thomas, of Newport News, VA.  To learn more about their ministry visit  

Spread the word – you don’t have to be a member of Coastal to attend!  I promise you, it will be the best money spent this year on your marriage – a true investment!  Engaged, Newlyweds, or “Old Married Couples” – I promise there will be something for all of us to strengthen our marriage!

There are 4 ways to register:

  1. You can register at church on Sunday morning on your Connect Card.
  2. You can register online below.
  3. You can register by calling the church office, 843-571-1777, M-F, 9am-3pm.
  4. You can register by emailing Pastor Chris at

If you have any questions, please call the church office at 843-571-1777 or email Pastor Chris Rollins at

Marriage Conference

You can register today for Coastal Community Church's Marriage Conference - February 12 & 13. Simply fill out the form below - whether you are a Married Couple or Single Adult, address, email, & phone number. The cost of the retreat is $100 and can be paid in full to our church with cash, check or credit card at our church or you can bring the full amount to the first night of the retreat.


Friday’s Five – 1-8-16

Dear Coastal,

The Holidays have come and gone, the parties are over, the guests are gone, the decorations are down, and the kids are back in school.  Yes – 2016 is here!  Last week we took a look back at 2015 in my annual, “Year In Review” message.  This Sunday is all about 2016, as I take a look at “The Year Ahead.”  Don’t miss it!  It’s an opportunity for me to remind us what Coastal is all about and where we are headed for 2016.

For those of you who have been gone for a while, come back!  We miss you!  This is a great week to come home.  A new year brings new opportunities for growth and change.  I’ve got a lot of changing and growing to do.  On January 17th, we kick off a new series called, “Get Fit.”  I’ll be talking about getting fit relationally, spiritually, financially, and yes, even physically.  I’ve got some work to do in that area.  I’ve got to lose weight and get healthy in 2016.  We’ve all got next steps to take, areas to work on, areas to grow.  What are yours?  Let’s grow (or shrink) together!

Friday’s 5:

  1.  Our Newcomer’s Lunch scheduled for this Sunday after the 3rd service has been RESCHEDULED to Sunday, January 31st immediately after the 3rd Service (approx. 1pm).  Sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or online.
  2. Our Students leave for their Annual Winter Retreat to Gatlinburg TN for the Strength to Stand Conference on Friday, January 15th and return Saturday, January 18th.  We have 35 students & adult volunteers going!  Please keep them in your prayers!
  3. The new semester of LIFE Groups is fast on it’s way.  Our LIFE Group Leader/Assistant Training is Saturday, January 23rd, 10am-Noon.  LIFE Group Sunday is Sunday, January 24th (tent, booths, & signups)!  LIFE Groups begin the week of February 7th!
  4. SAVE THE DATE Coastal and start signing up this Sunday! We’re having a Marriage Retreat/Conference on Friday night, February 12th (6-9pm Dinner included) & Saturday morning, February 13th (8-11:45am Breakfast & Refreshments included) at the newly renovated Doubletree Hotel (formerly the Holiday Inn) at the airport exit off of 526. Cost $100 per couple. If you and your spouse would like to stay the night (or 2) at the hotel we have a special room rate of $159 per night for Conference Attendees.
  5. Ready to formally make Coastal your church home?  Our next Membership Class is Monday, February 1st, 6-9pm.  Childcare & refreshments provided.  Sign up on your Connect Card or online.

Well, I think that’s about it.  We have a potential new Worship Leader leading Worship for us this Sunday and we announce the grand total of our Christmas Offering!  Lots going on – don’t miss it!


Pastor Chris – PC


Friday’s Five – 12-18-15

Dear Coastal,

So, are you ready for Christmas?  Well, ready or not, it’s almost here!  Which means of course, that we have our 4 Christmas Eve Services, this coming Wednesday & Thursday night, 5:30pm & 7pm, ready for you to enjoy and invite & bring your friends!  It’s not too late to invite someone.  Make the ask!  What’s the worst thing that could happen?  Better yet – what’s the BEST thing that could happen?

We continue this Sunday with our “Presence” series talking about Jesus our Everlasting Father.  I hope you’re enjoying this series.  This past Sunday marked the first time that the first service was larger than the second service – by 3 people!  Now we need a few of you to start attending the third service!  Or better yet, all of you who regularly attend the third service, invite and bring a friend!  I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty sure we need a bigger building!  We’re working on it!

Have you given to this year’s Annual Christmas Offering yet?  You still have a few more opportunities.  Never underestimate what God might choose to do through you, if you will only walk by faith and trust Him!  Prayerfully consider what you and your family might sacrificially give.

Here are 5 more things not to forget:

  1. The Christmas Offering.  You can give at church, online, or through TEXTing (843-277-8337).  Simply use the keyword, “Christmas.”  This year’s offering is going toward digging a well in Haiti, funding our LOVE CAN Help A Child budget, and remodeling our Children’s Area/Child Check-in as we move into our new facility.  Our Goal is $50,000!
  2. Reserve your FREE Tickets today to one of Coastal’s 3 Remaining Community Christmas Services! Wednesday, December 23rd, 5:30pm (almost full) & 7pm / Thursday, December 24th, 7pm (the 5:30pm service on the 24th is FULL). If you’ve already registered & picked up your tickets at church, you don’t have to register again.  Tickets are only necessary for the number of people in the actual service itself (tickets are not needed for children going to our Children’s Ministry).
  3. Speaking of our Christmas Services (a few reminders) – park across the street at Oakland, come early, and sit to the front & center of each section in our auditorium!  Don’t forget to fill out a Connect Card!
  4. We still need a few Nursery Volunteers at each of our Christmas Eve services on Thursday, December 24th, 5:30pm & 7pm.  Email Janet and volunteer or respond directly to this email.

  5. Have an idea for a LIFE Group?  Interested in Leading, Assisting, or Hosting a group for the upcoming semester in the new year?  Sign up on your Connect Card or respond to this email.  We are in the process of planning the new semester now!

Isaiah 9:6, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

See you Sunday!

Pastor Chris


Friday’s Five – 12-4-15

Dear Coastal,

“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas!”  That’s definitely true around our church this week with all the lights and decorations!  I can’t wait to see you Sunday as we kick off our new Christmas series called, “Presence.”

Sure, Christmas is all about Jesus!  But for the follower of Jesus, all of LIFE is about Jesus!  It’s about living every day in His presence!  Jesus doesn’t want a season of your life.  He wants it all!  So for the next several weeks we’re going to use Isaiah 9:6 and talk about the reality of living in the presence of Jesus day by day.

Here are 5 more things not to forget:

  1. Pray about what you can sacrificially give, above and beyond your regular tithes and offering, to our Annual Christmas Offering.  You can give at church, online, or through TEXTing (843-277-8337).  Simply use the keyword, “Christmas.”  This year’s offering is going toward digging a well in Haiti, funding our LOVE CAN Help A Child budget, and remodeling our Children’s Area/Child Check-in as we move into our new facility.  Our Goal is $50,000!
  2. Looking for an Angel Tree or a needy child to buy a Christmas gift for this year?  Look no further than our neighbors at Oakland Elementary School.  Instead of tags and a tree, they are using an online website.  Here is the link:  Simply click on the gift you want to purchase and bring the unwrapped gifts to Coastal by 12/13.
  3. Reserve your FREE Tickets today to one of Coastal’s 4 Community Christmas Services! Wednesday, December 23rd, 5:30pm & 7pm / Thursday, December 24th, 5:30pm & 7pm. If you’ve already registered & picked up your tickets at church, you don’t have to register again.  Tickets are only necessary for the number of people in the actual service itself (tickets are not needed for children going to our Children’s Ministry).
  4. Speaking of our Christmas Services – to pull off 4 services over 2 nights, we need all of Coastal to find a place to volunteer.  Speak to your Ministry Leader and tell him/her you would like to serve or respond to this email and we will find you a place!  Christmas Eve is a huge outreach service!  Spread the word!  Invite & bring your friends!
  5. Have an idea for a LIFE Group?  Interested in Leading, Assisting, or Hosting a group for the upcoming semester in the new year?  Sign up on your Connect Card or respond to this email.  We are in the process of planning the new semester now!

Isaiah 9:6, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

See you Sunday!

Pastor Chris


Cyber Monday

Dear Coastal Friends & Family,

Happy Cyber Monday!  I don’t know about you, but my inbox & social media have been inundated with ads for Cyber Monday.  The reality is that more people will buy more stuff online today and over the next month than any other time of the year. That isn’t a bad thing, but it isn’t eternal.  Our church exists to reach people that do not know Jesus and that IS eternal!

So, while you are shopping online today and over the next month, why not consider doing one of 3 things as we participate in Cyber Monday.  And here’s my Cyber Monday offer: 100% of your investment will go to reaching people for Jesus.

  1. Go here and give to God through the local church from our website. The investment is eternal.  It lasts way longer than an iPod, toy or winter coat.  You do not have to have a PayPal account to give.
  2. It is now possible to give to Coastal with your smartphone through TEXTING!  After a one step, one time registration process (takes less than 2 minutes), you simply text any amount to 843-277-8337and hit send.  GIVE IT A TRY!  You can give any amount, any where, any time, any place.  It is not billed to your phone.  It is through your Bank/Credit Card that you register.  It is simple, safe, and secure.
  3. If you haven’t done so already, download our church app onto your phone, ipod, or tablet.  It’s free at your app store!  It’s a great way to spread the Word and keep up with all things Coastal.  Make sure you approve push notifications.

You can also give toward our Christmas Offering this year by using the keyword “Christmas”.  This year’s Christmas Offering is going toward digging a well in Haiti, meeting the needs of at risk children/families in our community, and remodeling our children’s areas for our move into our new building.

Happy Shopping (and giving)!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  Now that the Thanksgiving Holiday has come and gone, we’d love to see on Sunday at Coastal!  We begin a new series this Sunday called, “Presence.”  Our service times are 8:45am, 10:15am, and 11:45am.  I promise – you’ll be glad you came!


Happy Thanksgiving!

Dear Coastal,

I want to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!  Words can not express the deep gratitude I feel for you!  It is an honor to be your Pastor.

One passage of scripture always come to mind when I think about Thanksgiving – Luke 17:11-19:

“As Jesus continued on toward Jerusalem, he reached the border between Galilee and Samaria.  As he entered a village there, ten lepers stood at a distance, crying out, “Jesus, Master, have mercy on us!”  He looked at them and said, “Go show yourselves to the priests.” And as they went, their leprosy disappeared.  One of them, when he saw that he was healed, came back to Jesus, shouting, “Praise God, I’m healed!”  He fell face down on the ground at Jesus’ feet, thanking him for what he had done. This man was a Samaritan.  Jesus asked, “Didn’t I heal ten men? Where are the other nine?  Does only this foreigner return to give glory to God?”  And Jesus said to the man, “Stand up and go. Your faith has made you well.”

“Didn’t I heal ten men?  Where are the other nine?”  It’s sad to say, but sometimes it seems as though the statistics haven’t changed that much. Which group would you be in? Would you be with the nine, the majority, who wanted and received a great blessing from God, but didn’t give thanks? Or would you be like the one, who knew he had been greatly blessed, who recognized it came from Jesus, and who personally made the effort to thank Him?

Let’s be in the group that expresses our thanks with every aspect of our lives. And let’s be like the one who was healed who “praised God in a loud voice” and who “threw himself at Jesus’ feet and thanked Him.”

Father thank You for loving me and saving me in spite of who I am!  Thank You for Jesus!  Thank You for Your grace and patience.  Thank You for the best life I could ever imagine.  Thank You for my beautiful wife Janet.  She is my best friend.  She is the best wife and mother I could ever imagine.  In her, You gave me more than I could ever ask, dream, or imagine.  Father, thank You for Lydia and Christopher.  Seeing them grow to know and love You and others is the joy of my life.  I am so proud of who they are and who they are becoming.  Thank You for some of the best friends a guy could or should ever have – friends that I could call at 3 in the morning and they would drop everything and be here.  Thank You for Coastal Community Church!  It has been the adventure of a lifetime and I truly believe the best is yet to come!  Thank You for allowing me to preach Your Word, shepherd Your flock, lead and serve Your people, and cast Your vision.  I am Your unworthy servant.  Thank You for the hope of heaven.  I can’t wait for the day when You call me home or when the sky splits, the trumpet sounds, I bow my knee, cry out, “Jesus is Lord,” and get to see Jesus face to face!  And thank You that in the meantime You allow me to share Jesus with the world around me!

If you and your family are in town, we would love to see you at Coastal on Sunday!  This is a great time of the year to come back to church!  On Sunday, December 6th, we kick off our Christmas series, “Presence.”  Take advantage of this season and this series and invite your friends to church!

I love you and thank God for you every day!

Pastor Chris (friend me on facebook)

P.S. If you haven’t done so already, make sure you download Coastal’s app!  Go to your app store and search for Coastal Community Church, Charleston.  You’ll see our logo.  It’s a great way to listen to messages, keep up with events, and share the good news with your friends!


Friday’s Five – 11-20-15

Dear Coastal,

Guess what Coastal?  We wrapped & packed 156 shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child!  I want to thank all of you who donated toys and time to make this happen.  You are helping to sow the seeds of the Gospel all around the world.  Change the life of a child – change the world!

I also want to give you a new building update.  We got a few important inspections behind us, which means we were able to start “closing up” the inside with insulation and sheetrock this week!  In other words, the inside is really starting to take shape.  Drop by during the week and we’d love to give you a tour.  I can’t thank you enough for your patience.  My mantra is, “I’d rather it be right, than rushed.”  I know you feel the same way.  Keep praying that we can navigate the red tape and bureaucracy in a timely, God honoring manner (did I say that in a kind way?).  I also can’t thank you enough for your sacrificial giving toward this project.  Keep it up!  Every dollar goes toward making this dream a reality and expanding the Kingdom by enabling our church to continue to grow!  Thank you!

Speaking of giving, I’m so excited about this year’s Annual Christmas Offering!  Our initial goal is $50,000!  I say “initial” goal because someone has already generously donated a $25,000 matching gift.  In other words, they will match anything we give up to $25,000.  I say we can give that and beyond.

Our Christmas Offering will be used to fund 3 projects:  building/digging a well in Haiti, funding our LOVE CAN Help A Child budget, and renovating our Children’s area/new child check-in in our current facility as we move into our new facility.

To give, all you have to do is designate your gift “Christmas” on your check, offering envelope, card swiping receipt, pay pal, or TEXT (keyword “Christmas”).  You can give your gift beginning this Sunday, Nov. 22nd – Jan. 3rd, at any of our regular Sunday morning services or anytime through TEXTing or PayPal.  You might also consider giving it all at once during one of our 4 Christmas Eve Services (Wednesday, December 23rd, 5:30pm & 7pm / Thursday, December 24th, 5:30pm & 7pm).  Our entire Christmas Eve offering will go toward our Annual Christmas Offering.  Feel free to pick up a Christmas Offering Bank to include your whole family!

A quick Staffing update:  We are currently trying to fill 2 Full Time Staff positions – Administrative Assistant & Youth Pastor.  We are taking resumes, scheduling interviews, and going through the hiring process.  In the meantime, I can not say enough about our current staff, our part time staff, and all our volunteers!  You guys ROCK – especially our Student Ministry Volunteers!

Here are 5 things to remember:

  1. The remaining balance for the Youth Winter Retreat (6th-12th Grade) will be due Dec. 13th ($175 total).  The retreat is Jan. 15th-Jan. 18th in Pigeon Forge, TN.  We are also accepting donations for scholarships.
  2. Christmas Offering begins this Sunday, Nov. 22nd – Sunday, Jan. 3rd!  Goal:  $50,000!
  3. Coastal’s 2015 Christmas Eve Services:  4 Services – Wednesday, December 23rd, 5:30pm & 7pm / Thursday, December 24th, 5:30pm & 7pm.  In addition to how you serve already, we need EVERYONE to find a place to serve at our Christmas Even Services.  All hands on deck!
  4. Interested in Leading a LIFE Group for the 2016 Winter/Spring Semester?  Have a new idea for a LIFE Group?  Let us know NOW!  We are in the process of planning the new semester.  Simply respond to this email.
  5. We will have our full & normal Children’s Ministry during each of our 4 Christmas Eve services.  All Children, 2 years – 5th Grade, will have an age appropriate Pizza & Movie Party!  We’re even encouarging all children to wear their Christmas P.J.’s!

Hoping You Have A Wonderful Thanksgiving!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  Janet and I will be heading to Atlanta next week (Tuesday – Friday) to see Janet’s family for Thanksgiving!


Friday’s Five – 11-13-15

Dear Coastal,

I hope you do your best to come out tonight to our Operation Christmas Child Packing & Wrapping Party!  It will be at the church from 6:30pm-8:30pm.  It really is a great way to usher in the Thanksgiving/Christmas season.  (There will be PIZZA!)

I’m so excited about this year’s Annual Christmas Offering!  Our initial goal is $50,000!  I say “initial” goal because someone has already generously donated a $25,000 matching gift.  In other words, they will match anything we give up to $25,000.  I say we can give that and beyond.

Our Christmas Offering will be used to fund 3 projects:  building/digging a well in Haiti, funding the LOVE CAN Help A Child budget, and renovating our Children’s area/new child check-in in our current facility as we move into our new facility.

To give, all you have to do is designate your gift “Christmas” on your check, offering envelope, card swiping receipt, pay pal, or TEXT (keyword “Christmas”).  You can give your gift beginning next Sunday, Nov. 22nd – Jan. 3rd, at any of our regular Sunday morning services or anytime through TEXTing or PayPal.  You might also consider giving it all at once during one of our 4 Christmas Eve Services (Wednesday, December 23rd, 5:30pm & 7pm / Thursday, December 24th, 5:30pm & 7pm).  Our entire Christmas Eve offering will go toward our Annual Christmas Offering.

Here are 5 things to remember:

  1. Operation Christmas Child Wrapping & Packing Party TONIGHT, 6:30pm-8:30pm.
  2. $75 deposits for the Youth Winter Retreat (6th-12th Grade) are due NOW.  $100 balance due Dec. 13th.  The retreat is Jan. 15th-Jan. 18th in Pigeon Forge, TN.  We are also accepting donations for scholarships.
  3. Christmas Offering begins Sunday, Nov. 22nd – Sunday, Jan. 3rd!  Goal:  $50,000!
  4. Coastal’s 2015 Christmas Eve Services:  4 Services – Wednesday, December 23rd, 5:30pm & 7pm / Thursday, December 24th, 5:30pm & 7pm.
  5. Interested in Leading a LIFE Group for the 2016 Winter/Spring Semester?  Let us know NOW!  We are in the process of planning the new semester.  Simply respond to this email.

Loving Him, You, & What We Get To Do!

Pastor Chris


Our 4th Annual Christmas Offering

Dear Coastal Family,

I am so excited to share with you our plans for our 4th Annual Christmas Offering!  We have not done a Christmas Offering for the past 2 years, because of our “All In” Giving Campaign, but this is the 4th time our church has collected a special Christmas Offering during the Holidays.  We have the opportunity through this offering to impact our world for Jesus!  Beginning Sunday, November 22nd, through the first Sunday of the New Year, January 3rd (7 weeks), we are encouraging our entire Coastal family to give above and beyond their regular tithes and offering to our special Christmas Offering.

To give, all you have to do is designate your gift “Christmas” on your check, offering envelope, card swiping receipt, pay pal, or TEXT (keyword “Christmas”).  You can give your gift during those 7 weeks (Nov. 22nd – Jan. 3rd) at any of our regular Sunday morning services or anytime through TEXTing or PayPal.  You might also consider giving it all at once during one of our 4 Christmas Eve Services (Wednesday, December 23rd, 5:30pm & 7pm / Thursday, December 24th, 5:30pm & 7pm).  Our entire Christmas Eve offering will go toward our Annual Christmas Offering.

Why a Special Offering?  This Special Offering is a small way for us to grow in our faith and to prepare us for what God wants to do through our church in a bigger way in 2016.  This offering is not because we are behind on budget, but rather it is to position us to make a greater impact in our community and in our church in 2016.  Christmas is all about giving.  Many people, during this time of year, are in fact looking for charitable opportunities to give.

What is our goal and where is the money going?  Our overall goal is $50,000!  Someone has already generously agreed to match whatever we give up to $25,000!  The money is going toward digging a water well in Haiti, funding our budget for LOVE CAN Help A Child, and remodeling our current facility to expand our Children’s Ministry.  We feel like these ministries give our church the greatest opportunity to make the greatest eternal impact in the lives of children and families internationally, locally, and at home.

How much should you give?  Prayerfully consider giving a gift that will stretch your faith and include your whole family.  For some people, coming up with “extra” money is difficult.  We’ve learned that as we give, God provides.  For some people $1000 above your regular giving is a huge sacrifice.  For others, it’s not.  Just like our “All In” Giving Campaign, we can’t all give the same amount, but we can all make the same sacrifice.

Remember, this offering should be over and above what you regularly give.  If you’re not regularly giving, use this time of year to start.  If you’re not tithing (10% of your income), step out in faith and start tithing.  Reaching this goal will be a celebration of what God can do through us as together we stretch our faith.

Merry Christmas!

Pastor Chris Rollins

PS – If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Friday’s Five – 11-6-15

Dear Coastal,

I met so many new people this past Sunday!  Keep up the good work Coastal!  Invest and invite!  Our spread of people over the 3 services has been so much better lately.  Thanks for making room for growth!

Because of our “All In” Giving Campaign, it’s been 2 years since we’ve had our annual Christmas Offering.  Well, this year as “All In” closes out and with the large number of new people at our church, we’ve decided to add our Christmas Offering.  What is a Christmas Offering?  It’s kind of like a “mini giving campaign” – from Thanksgiving until New Years.  Our entire offering during our Christmas Eve services will go the Christmas Offering.  During this time we ask you to give above and beyond your regular giving to help fund several exciting projects.  During our previous Christmas Offerings we’ve funded our Egg Drop, raised money for VBS & Student Ministry, and even remodeled our women’s bathroom and put a new roof on our entire facility.  I can’t wait to share with you this coming week what this year’s Christmas Offering will be used to accomplish!  Look for an email from me early next week!

Here are 5 other things to remember:

  1. While October was Operation Christmas Child month at Coastal, you can still bring large shoeboxes and items to fill the shoeboxes right up until our Packing Party!  Right now we could use small stuffed animals and sports balls (look for deflated soccer balls and small hand pumps).  The Packing Party will be at the church on Friday, November 13th, 6:30pm-8:30pm.
  2. $75 deposits for the Youth Winter Retreat (6th-12th Grade) are due this Sunday, Nov. 8th.  $100 balance due Dec. 13th.  The retreat is Jan. 15th-Jan. 18th in Pigeon Forge, TN.  We are also accepting donations for scholarships.
  3. Interested in formalizing your commitment to Coastal?  Want to officially make Coastal your church family?  Make plans to attend our next Membership Class, this Saturday (tomorrow), November 7th, 9am-Noon.  Childcare and refreshments provided.  Sign up online or on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  4. It’s never too late to start giving toward our new building!  Every gift counts and every gift matters – large or small.  Help us leave a legacy for future generations, continue to grow, and reach people with the Good News!  Simply designate your gift:  building or All In.  Small gifts given consistently, over time make a huge impact!
  5. Every person at Coastal should be able to answer this question, “Where is my ministry at my church?  Where am I volunteering?”  LIFE is found in serving God by serving others.  There is a place for you at Coastal!  Looking for a place to serve?  Respond to this email and we will contact you and help you find your place.  Whether it’s the Cafe, our 1st Impressions Team, our Security Team, or the Nursery – one person, one service, once a month, makes a HUGE impact!  You are needed at Coastal!  Respond to this email and simply say, “Help me find a place to serve.”

All In!  LOVE CAN!  Game On!

Pastor Chris


Friday’s Five – 10-9-15

Dear Coastal,

Has this been a wild and crazy week or what?  I don’t know if it’s just me and I’m getting old, but I’ve been off on my days all week.  Well, I’m pretty sure that today is still Friday and that means the weekend is upon us and it’s time for my Friday 5.

Please, please continue to pray for and look for ways to serve those in our community still hurting from the rain and flooding, especially those in the Columbia area and all over our state beyond.

Canceling services this past Sunday was definitely the right call to make, but I’ve missed you!  I’ve seen many of you at the office or in a Group, but quite frankly, I’ve missed my church family!  Remember, if it doesn’t matter to you, please make an effort to attend the 8:45am or 11:45am service.  The 10:15am service has been standing room only.  If you typically give weekly or on the first of the month, I simply want to encourage you to be faithful in your giving and to help us make up any shortfall from this past Sunday.  Times like these are great opportunities to try out online or mobile giving.  We might not have had services, but our bills keep coming.

Here are 5 other things to remember:

  1. Please feel free to give toward our Benevolence Fund.  We use this money to help people in need – times just like these.  You can designate your gift, “benevolence” on your check, paypal, receipt, or even through texting an amount and then the word “benevolence” to 843-277-8337.  We will use money from this fund to help Crosstowne Christian Church.
  2. New to Coastal?  Sign up for our next Newcomer’s Lunch – Sunday, October 25th, immediately after the 11:45am service (approx. 1pm).  It’s a great opportunity to learn more about Coastal, meet other new people and our staff, enjoy a great meal, and discover possible next steps.  Repsond to this emai or sign up online!
  3. Interested in getting more involved at Coastal?  Want to learn the “inside scoop”?  Attend our next FUEL Gathering, Saturday, October 17th, 10am-Noon.  Childcare provided. Cafe will be open.  FUEL is a time of fellowship, worship, and information for all Ministry Leaders, Volunteers, and those who are interested in serving – basically everyone who considers Coastal their home!  It’s kind of a “family meeting” – a behind the scenes talk from me, our staff, and several leaders about what’s going on and coming up at Coastal.  If you’re in town, make every effort to come.
  4. October is Operation Christmas Child month!  Begin bringing toys, games, supplies, etc. that can fit in a shoebox to church during the month of October.  Also, start gathering your shoeboxes.  There is an insert in the bulletin with more information.  Our Packing Party will be at the church on Friday, November 13th, 6:30pm-8:30pm.
  5. This is a great opportunity to fill our Food Pantry at Coastal.  Bring non-perishable food items to church this Sunday!  Let’s completely restock our Food Pantry and be prepared to feed those people in need in our community.  We have plenty of beans and corn.  We really need canned fruits, pastas, sauces, dry goods, and cereals.

All In!  LOVE CAN!  Game On!

Pastor Chris


FUEL Rescheduled & Other Things

Dear Coastal,

I just wanted to let you know that we have decided to postpone our FUEL meeting one week until Saturday, October 17th, 10am-11:45am.  What is FUEL and who is invited?  FUEL is a time of fellowship, worship, and information for all Ministry Leaders, Volunteers, and those who are interested in serving – basically everyone who considers Coastal their home!  It’s kind of a “family meeting” – a behind the scenes talk from me, our staff, and several leaders about what’s going on and coming up at Coastal.  Childcare is provided and our Cafe will be open.  With the transition into our new facility coming up, I feel that it’s important that we’re all on the same page and it’s hard to share all of that on a Sunday morning.  Please try to come!

Here are several other things people have asked about:

– Several people have mentioned reaching out to Crosstowne Christian Church on Bees Ferry Rd.  Their facility was completely flooded and they lost everything – a total loss.  I talked with their Pastor, Paul Rienzo.  Right now they are overwhelmed (in a positive way) with the outpouring of offers of assistance from our community and beyond.  They will begin meeting this Sunday at the IMAX cinema at Citadel Mall.  They will be compiling a list of supplies and needs as they go portable.  As soon as I get that list, we will pass it on and see how we can help.  They did have insurance and are meeting with their insurance company now to assess their situation financially.  They are also working closely with Seascoast to assess needs and assist with the outpouring of help.  I talked to Josh Surratt from Seacoast and expressed our desire to be a part of that assistance.  So again, as soon as I know, you will know.

– This is a great opportunity to fill our Food Pantry at Coastal.  Bring non-perishable food items to church this Sunday!  Let’s completely restock our Food Pantry and be prepared to feed those people in need in our community.  We have plenty of beans and corn.  We really need canned fruits, pastas, sauces, dry goods, and cereals.

– We do not have the space for a clothes closet.  Good Will, Salvation Army, and the Red Cross are still the best bet for clothes and household items.

– Please feel free to give toward our Benevolence Fund.  We use this money to periodically help people in need – times just like these.  You can designate your gift, “benevolence” on your check, paypal, receipt, or even through texting an amount and then the word “benevolence” to 843-277-8337.  We will use money from this fund to help Crosstowne Christian Church.

– Obviously, we cancelled services this past Sunday.  However, just like you, our bills, salaries, & expenses were not cancelled.  They keep coming regardless of our meeting schedule.  I simply want to encourage you to be faithful in your giving and to help us make up any shortfall from this past Sunday.  Times like these are great opportunities to try out online or mobile giving.

I think that’s about it!  I love you and I’m so thankful to be your Pastor and to serve our church and community together with you!

All In!  Love Can!  Game On!

Pastor Chris


Our Response

Dear Coastal Friends & Family,

Well, it looks like we made it through the worst sustained rainfall in the history of recorded weather activity in our country.  Unbelievable.  I say “made it” realizing that in most areas the waters have not yet receded and our friends in the midlands, upstate, and further up the coast are still reeling from flooding rivers and rains.  All I mean to say is that it at least looks like the worst of the rain for the Charleston area is over and that the sun will make an appearance tomorrow.  To say that our city has been through a lot this year is quite the understatement.

What now?  What can we do to help?  Well, first and most importantly, pray.  Prayer really does work.  Prayer is not the last resort, “Well, all we can do now is pray.”  No, prayer is our first response.

But prayer should also, always lead us into action.  As you get out and about and start assessing (many are just beginning this process) and networking with neighbors, friends, and family, keep an open heart to the leading of the Holy Spirit.  And then simply obey His voice.

Communicate.  If there is a need that you’re aware of, that together we can make an impact, please let us know.  Send an email.  Give us a call.  Talk about it in your LIFE Group.  That’s a great place for action.  We are going to do our best to put people and needs together as we become aware of them.  We can’t help everyone, but we can help someone.  And together we can help more.  We’ll also do our best to partner with and support other churches and organizations doing the same.  We’re in this together.

Simply put – be the church!  We say it all the time.  But it’s not just a slogan.  It’s a way of life.  This is our time to shine, to serve, to love, to clean, to lend a neighbor a helping hand, to be a shoulder to cry on, to listen, and to give.  Charleston is a special place with special people.  My experience is that the majority of our community will rise to the occasion and pull together.  Let’s simply be a part of that movement.  And when and if someone asks why – point them to Jesus!

Smile, be positive, and gracious today and in the days to come!  People respond to tragedy in different ways.  Let’s lead the way in simple human kindness.  Put away judgement and “snarkiness.”

Oh, and for those of you who have asked, our church facility itself, both old and new, is fine.  No flooding and no damage.  In fact, if you’re still without power and need a place to chill, hop on the internet, or cook a hot meal, give us a call and come on by.  It’s just a tool.  And the Rollins family, we’re all doing great!  Thanks for asking!  Thanks for praying – for Coastal, Charleston, and our entire State!  I love you Coastal!  I love what we get to do together!  I missed you yesterday and can’t wait to see you this week and on Sunday!

All In!  Love Can!  Game On!
Pastor Chris


Friday’s Five – 10-2-15

Dear Coastal,

One of the things that made last weekend so special was the family that we helped with the bedding need came to church on Sunday.  After the service, the mom told me how much she enjoyed our service and that she wanted to thank our church for the beds and supplies for her children.  I was almost in tears as she told me how one of her boys told her it was the best night of sleep he ever had and that he didn’t want to get out of bed!  Thank you Coastal for serving and for giving.  Whether it’s children at Oakland Elementary School, gifts for Operation Christmas Child, or supporting our Students going to the Winter Retreat – change the life of a child, change the world!

Our 10:15am service has been standing room only lately.  At first that can be fun and exciting, but eventually it does get a little difficult, especially on our guests.  If it really doesn’t matter to you, please make an effort to attend the 8:45am or 11:15am service (we have Newcomer’s Lunch immediately after the 3rd service this week).  I promise we’re doing our best to work on a solution!  I’m praying we’ll be in before Christmas!

Do your best to stay dry this weekend (good thing we had our Baptism last Saturday).  Don’t let the rain keep you from church on Sunday!  Our 1st Impression’s Team will be out in full force with plenty of umbrellas!

Here are 5 other things to remember:

  1. If you made a commitment to purchase chairs for our new facility, please try to fulfill your commitment during the month of October.
  2. New to Coastal?  Sign up for our next Newcomer’s Lunch – THIS Sunday, October 4th, immediately after the 11:45am service (approx. 1pm).  It’s a great opportunity to learn more about Coastal, meet other new people and our staff, enjoy a great meal, and discover possible next steps.  Repsond to this emai or sign up online!
  3. Interested in getting more involved at Coastal?  Want to learn the “inside scoop”?  Attend our next FUEL Gathering, next Saturday, October 10th, 10am-Noon.  Childcare provided.  FUEL is for all Ministry Leaders, Volunteers, and anyone interested in serving.
  4. October is Operation Christmas Child month!  Begin collecting toys, games, supplies, etc. that can fit in a shoebox.  Also, start gathering your shoeboxes.  You can bring your items and shoeboxes to church during the month of October.  There will be an insert in the bulletin with more information.  Our Packing Party will be at the church on Friday, November 13th, 6:30pm-8:30pm.
  5. Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) Winter Retreat, January 15-18th in Pigeon Forge, TN.  $175 per student.  $75 deposit due November 8th.  $100 balance due December 13th.  See Michael for more information.

All In!  LOVE CAN!  Game On!

Pastor Chris


Friday’s Five – 9-25-15

Dear Coastal,

I told you “Game On!” was going to be awesome!  I can’t thank our Staff and all our Volunteers enough for all their hard work.  We have an awesome team at Coastal.  It was just a FUN day and everything fit together and communicated the message that it’s not “Game Over”, it’s “Game On!”  A special thanks to everyone who Tailgated.  You guys went above and beyond!  It was definitely something that we will do again.  And yes, the votes are in, but you’ll have to wait until Sunday for us to announce the winner.

– Keep inviting and bringing your friends.  I love, love, love meeting your friends that you invited!  This is a great series for your friends to hear that God has a wonderful plan for their lives.

– LIFE Groups began this week!  And from all reports it’s been a great start!  It’s still not too late to join a Group.  Sign up today on our website.

– I want to thank those of you who donated “bedding stuff” and money to the LOVE CAN Help A Child need this past week.  Everything has been taken care of and now has to be delievered and set up.  They are going to be meeting at the church at 1pm to take the bedding & supplies to the family.  They need a couple of men to help with the moving, loading, and set up.  They could also use some help with childcare at the church for the children of the families who will be serving.  It all should take about an hour & a half.  If you are interested in serving, please call Morgan Verdery at 706-717-0029.

Here are 5 other things to remember:

  1. Our last Beach Baptism Service of the year will be this Saturday (tomorrow morning), at 11am at Folly Beach County Park.  Respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card, or sign up online.  We have free parking passes available at church.  Come and celebrate with those getting Baptized!
  2. New to Coastal?  Sign up for our next Newcomer’s Lunch – Sunday, October 4th, immediately after the 11:45am service (approx. 1pm).  It’s a great opportunity to learn more about Coastal, meet other new people and our staff, enjoy a great meal, and discover possible next steps.  Repsond to this email, sign up online, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  3. Interested in getting more involved at Coastal?  Want to learn the “inside scoop”?  Attend our next FUELGathering, Saturday, October 10th, 10am-Noon.  Childcare provided.  FUEL is for all Ministry Leaders, Volunteers, and anyone interested in serving.
  4. October is Operation Christmas Child month!  Begin collecting toys, games, supplies, etc. that can fit in a shoebox.  Also, start gathering your shoeboxes.  You can bring your items and shoeboxes to church during the month of October.  There will be an insert in the bulletin with more information.  Our Packing Party will be at the church on Friday, November 13th, 6:30pm-8:30pm.
  5. Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) Winter Retreat, January 15-18th in Pigeon Forge, TN.  $175 per student.  $75 deposit due November 8th.  $100 balance due December 13th.  See Michael for more information.

All In!  LOVE CAN!  Game On!

Pastor Chris


Friday’s Five – 9-18-15

Dear Coastal,

I can’t wait to see you and your friends for “Game On!” this Sunday!  It’s not too late to “make the ask” and invite someone to come.  What’s the worst that can happen?  They say, “No.”  Then you keep loving, keep serving, and keep praying.  And when the time is right, you invite again.  But if they say, “Yes!”, it could change their life forever and beyond!

You know the drill – Sunday is going to be awesome!  We’ve gone to great lengths to do our part to make it special.  But we need you to do your part.  Warmly welcome everyone you see.  Make it a point to talk to people you don’t know.  Smile.  Be helpful.  Pick up trash.  Park as far away as you can.  Sit to the FRONT & CENTER of each section in our auditorium.  If at all possible, come to the 8:45am service or the 11:45am service.  But most importantly, come to the service your invited guests will attend.

This past year, with the help and heart of Morgan Verdery, Amy Mark, and Vanessa Lopez, we started an ongoing ministry initiative called, “Love Can Help A Child.”  The focus of the ministry is meeting the needs of orphans, foster children, and chldren in our community in need.  Long term we hope to be a part of solving the foster child crisis in our community.  Right now we have a couple of families who are going through the Foster Family or Respite Care certification process.  I was overwhelmed by the response of our church to collecting backpacks/school supplies and providing Birthday Presents for all Foster Children with birthday’s in September.

One of the places we wanted to continue to grow in our involvement is at Oakland Elementary School.  Simply put, we made the offer that if there are children in need at Oakland, we would love to be a part of meeting those needs.  Well, we got a call this week about some children who were sleeping on the floor and needed bedding.  I made a couple of calls, the need was put on the Coastal Women’s Facebook page (Coastal Community Church Women’s Group), and in less than 24 hours, everything was either taken care of, or being arranged (we still need about $300)!  It all happened so fast, I knew many of you wouldn’t even be aware of it.  That happens a lot around here.  People are serving, loving, and sharing in our community, meeting needs in Jesus name!  I am so thankful to be a part of a church that genuinely cares about the community in which we live.

If you would like to help meet the $300 need, simply give on Sunday, designating the money, “Love Can.”  Any surplus money we collect will go to that Ministry.

Here are 5 other things to remember:

  1. Woohoo!  LIFE Groups begin this coming week!  It’s not too late to sign up.  There are 3 ways to sign up for a LIFE Group, but you only have to sign up 1 time/1 way.  You can sign up on your Connect Card, on the LIFE Group Table in the Welcome Center, or online.  Sign up today!
  2. Our last Beach Baptism Service of the year will be on Saturday, September 26th at 11am at Folly Beach County Park.  Respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card, or sign up online.  We have free parking passes available at church.
  3. We are helping to support Touching Lives Ministry and their goal to bring a child from Kenya to MUSC for care.  We are not asking for money – simply clean out your closet and place used shoes or purses/pocket books in the container in the Welcome Center.  See Gracie Beechler for more information.
  4. New to Coastal?  Sign up for our next Newcomer’s Lunch – Sunday, October 4th, immediately after the 11:45am service (approx. 1pm).  It’s a great opportunity to learn more about Coastal, meet other new people and our staff, enjoy a great meal, and discover possible next steps.  Repsond to this email, sign up online, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  5. Feel free to make and bring your favorite appetizer and give it to a Tailgater to help feed the crowd on Sunday!

All In!  LOVE CAN!  Game On!  (I think I see a pattern!)

Pastor Chris


Friday’s Five – 9-11-2015

Dear Coastal,

I hope you’re getting pumped up about our new series, “Game On!” that we’re kicking off next Sunday, September 20th!  Pull out all the stops, do whatever it takes and invite and bring your friends to church!  Wear your favorite team jersey/shirt!  There will be a Tailgating Competition on our front lawn during all 3 services (so come early and plan to hang out after the service).  Respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card if you’d like to partcipate in the Tailgating Competition.  There will be prizes, giveaways, and the Kona Ice Truck!  We even have real tickets for you to use as invite cards for your friends!  It’s going to be an awesome day you won’t want to miss!

I can’t thank everyone enough for committing to pay for ALL 400 chairs we need for our new worship space so quickly!  Simply pay for your chair/chairs by the beginning of October.  Several people have asked me if there is anything else that isn’t covered in our loan that we need to pay for in the new building.  Yes, there is, mainly our kitchen appliances/supplies and the remodeling of our Coastal Kidz room/new Child-Check-In area.  We will price these needs out and hopefully have a pretty accurate figure next week.  Every dollar given to the new building, the All In Campaign, and these specific needs helps us to make a smooth transition and continue to grow and reach as many people as possible with the good news of the Gospel.

Here are 5 other things to remember:

  1. Most of our LIFE Groups begin the week of September 20th!  It’s not too late to sign up.  There are 3 ways to sign up for a LIFE Group, but you only have to sign up 1 time/1 way.  You can sign up on your Connect Card, on the LIFE Group Table in the Welcome Center, or online.  Sign up today!
  2. Interested in formalizing your commitment to Coastal and officially becoming a Member of our church family?  Our next Membership Class is Monday night, September 14, 6pm-9pm.  Childcare and refreshments provided.  Respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card, or sign up online.
  3. Our last Beach Baptism Service of the year will be on Saturday, September 26th at 11am at Folly Beach County Park.  Respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card, or sign up online.  Maybe you don’t want to wait until September 26 and you don’t want to get baptized at the beach, well I’ve got GREAT news for you!  We’re actually having a Baptism this Sunday!  We have a couple of students who wanted to get baptized now, so we’re doing it on Sunday.  Love for you to join us!  If you want to get baptized this Sunday, please respond to this email.
  4. We are helping to support Touching Lives Ministry and their goal to bring a child from Kenya to MUSC for care.  Please place used shoes or purses/pocket books in the container in the Welcome Center.  See Gracie Beechler for more information.
  5. New to Coastal?  Sign up for our next Newcomer’s Lunch – Sunday, October 4th, immediately after the 11:45am service (approx. 1pm).  It’s a great opportunity to learn more about Coastal, meet other new people and our staff, enjoy a great meal, and discover possible next steps.  Repsond to this email, sign up online, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.

All In!

Pastor Chris


Friday Five – 9-4-15

Dear Coastal,

First of all, don’t forget this Sunday is a part of Labor Day weekend and we will only be having 2 Sunday morning services – 8:45am and 10:15am.

Even in the rain, LIFE Group Sunday was awesome!  I was so proud of all of our LIFE Group Leaders – their booths, the food, their enthusiasm – they really did a great job!  Most importantly A TON of poeple signed up for LIFE Groups!  Remember, there are 3 ways to sign up, but you only have to sign up one time/one way.  You can sign up at the LIFE Group Table in the Welcome Center, you can sign up on your Connect Card, or you can sign up online.   Online registration is available here.  Most of our LIFE Groups begin the week of September 20th.

Speaking of September 20th, we’re kicking off a new Fall series on that day called “Game On!”  Pull out all the stops, do whatever it takes and invite and bring your friends to church!  It’s a sports/football theme so wear your favorite team jersey/shirt!  The big idea of the series is that God wants to use you!  It’s going to be a great series to help prepare our whole church for all of the changes and growth coming with our new facility this Fall.

One of the fun things that we’re doing on that day is having a “Tailgating Competition” on our front lawn!  We already have 9 people signed up!  We want people to go all out and be as elaborate as possible in rooting for their favorite sports team!  It will be a great way to invite and bring our friends and a great way to fellowship and feed people between and after services.  Please respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday if you’d like to participate.  By the way, pick up as many “Tickets” on Sunday as you need to invite your friends to the 20th!

Here are 5 other things to remember:

  1. We only need commitments for about another 50 chairs for our new facility.  Let us know how many chairs you/your family intend to purchase on your Connect Card.  We’re asking everyone to buy a chair for every member of their family and the friends they will invite.  Chairs need to be paid in full by the beginning of October.  Cost – $50 per chair.  Please desginate your gift “chairs.”  You can pay for the chairs on Sunday mornings, online, or through TEXTing.
  2. Our regular Student Ministry 6.2.SIX kicks off the school year with a Back to School Bash on Wednesday night, September 9th!  There will be FUN, FOOD, & GAMES!  You, your 6th-12th Grade Student, and their friends won’t want to miss it!
  3. Interested in formalizing your commitment to Coastal and officially becoming a Member of our church family?  Our next Membership Class is Monday night, September 14, 6pm-9pm.  Childcare and refreshments provided.
  4. Our last Beach Baptism Service of the year will be on Saturday, September 26th at 11am at Folly Beach County Park.  Respond to this email or let us know on your Connect Card if you want to get Baptized.
  5. Everyone volunteers at Coastal and we always need more volunteers!  So, where is your ministry and where do you serve?  Like to get involved?  Respond to this email and we’ll help you find a place to volunteer.

All In!

Pastor Chris


Friday’s Five – 8-28-15

Dear Coastal,

Last week I changed the title of my Friday Email to “From My Heart To Yours” to see if more people would read it.  I’m not sure if it worked or not but I did get an email response from someone who said that they do read my emails (not always on Friday), but when they saw the new title they read it immediately thinking someone died.

This past Sunday, we had 500 people in attendance – no “Big Day”, no special event, no Holiday service – just a regular Sunday with 500 in attendance!  Wow!  I can’t wait to see what happens this Fall!  I can’t wait to see what happens when we move into our new building!  Keep inviting!  Keep reaching out!  Keep loving!  Keep serving!  Keep working like it all depends on us, pray like it all depends on God, walk by faith, and then let’s trust God with the results!  Numbers ARE important, but each number represents a real PERSON!

This Sunday is LIFE Group Sunday!  During and between each service you’ll have a chance to go and browse the LIFE Group Tent, enjoy great snacks, meet Leaders, register for a LIFE Group, and vote for your favorite display!  It’s a lot of fun – you won’t want to miss it!  Online registration is available now.

We’re kicking off a new series called “Game On!” on September 20th!  Pull out all the stops, do whatever it takes and invite and bring your friends to church on that day!  Yes, it’s a sports/football theme so wear your favorite team jersey/shirt!  The big idea of the series is that God wants to use you!  You will learn how to fulfill God’s mission for your life by serving others and giving your life to something bigger than yourself.  You will learn how to make a difference in your family, our community, our church and in the world.  It’s going to be a great series to help prepare our whole church for all of the changes and growth coming with our new facility this Fall.

One of the fun things that we want to do on that day is have a “Tailgating Competition”!  We’d like to have a minimum of a dozen different entries.  We will set it up out on the front lawn of the church.  Back up your truck (if you have one), put up your tent, and set out your food!  We will give away a grand prize for best overall Tailgating Experience.  We want people to go all out and be as elaborate as possible in rooting for their favorite sports team!  It will be a great way to invite and bring our friends and a great way to fellowship and feed people between and after services.  Please respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday if you’d like to participate.

Here are 5 other things to remember:

  1. Don’t forget to let us know how many chairs you/your family intend to buy for the new building.  We’re asking everyone to buy a chair for every member of their family and the friends they will invite.  Chairs need to be paid in full by the beginning of October.  Cost – $50 per chair.  Please desginate your gift “chairs.”  You can pay for the chairs on Sunday mornings, online, or through TEXTing.  Right now we still need about 100 chairs.
  2. There will only 2 Services on Labor Day weekend, Sunday, September 6th (8:45am & 10:15am).
  3. Our regular Student Ministry 6.2.SIX kicks off the school year with a Back to School Bash on Wednesday night, September 9th!  There will be FUN, FOOD, & GAMES!  You, your 6th-12th Grade Student, and their friends won’t want to miss it!
  4. Interested in formalizing your commitment to Coastal and officially becoming a Member of our church family?  Our next Membership Class is Monday night, September 14, 6pm-9pm.  Childcare and refreshments provided.
  5. Our last Beach Baptism Service of the year will be on Saturday, September 26th at 11am at Folly Beach County Park.  Respond to this email or let us know on your Connect Card if you want to get Baptized.

All In!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  If you are a nursing mom or have a crying baby, we want you to know that there is a room available to you right off of our Nursery with the service “piped in.”


Friday’s Five – 8-7-15

Dear Coastal,

This past Sunday was so incredible!  We baptized 14 people in the ocean at Folly Beach!  I think we’ve baptized right at 38 people so far in the past 7 months!  Each and every person has such an awesome story. That we get to be a small part of it, is so overwhelming.

One of my favorite stories from Sunday’s baptism was little Emily White.  Emily is 8 years old.  Her family has been coming to Coastal for about 7 years.  2 years ago Emily’s dad, Delma, passed away.  I baptized Delma at Folly Beach about 5 years ago.  Just before the Baptism on Sunday, Emily’s mom, Melissa, spread some of Delma’s ashes in the ocean.  It was very powerful to say the least.

In my message this past Sunday, I talked about how all of heaven and all of the angels throw a big party when one lost sinner comes home and the church ought to reflect that.  I’d like to think that Delma was partying in heaven watching his little girl get baptized!  Keep it up Coastal!  Keep loving!  Keep serving!  Keep sharing!  Keep inviting!

We have 11 people from Coastal leaving on a Missions Trip today to Peru (Michael Wright, Jennifer Smith-Glover, Pam Gross, Ben Bargiel, Gracie Beechler, Ryan Spell, Eve/Kaycee/Kristal Blumenstock, Heather Olson, Anna Projanowska + Scott Huff and Pam’s neice).  Among the many wonderful adventures and opportunities they will experience, they will be serving at the New Life Children’s Home, a ministry of Pastor Mike Kennedy and Peru Missions. Please keep them, their trip, and their families in your prayers. Pray for LIFE change – theirs and the lives of the people they will serve.

Here are 5 other things to remember:

  1. The final Summer Event for our Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) is a night at Frankie’s Fun Park on Wednesday, August 12th, 6-9pm!  They will be meeting at Frankie’s Fun Park – 5000 Ashley Phosphate Rd, North Charleston.  Cost:  Parents/students can go to this link to find out pricing for each attraction. There is no admission cost, you just pay per attraction. All of the activities and prices are found on the attached link.
  2. Charleston County Schools begin Monday, August 17th!  Please keep all of our Teachers, Students, and Parents in your prayers!  Pray especially for Oakland Elementary School our Community Partner!  We LOVE Oakland!
  3. If you are leading a LIFE Group this semester, Julie needs all of your Group Info turned in ASAP!  Study Name, Leaders Names, Email/phone #, Day/Time/Location, Childcare Y/N, 2-3 sentence description of LIFE Group Studay.
  4. There is a mandatory LIFE Group Leader Training on Saturday, August 22nd, 10am-Noon for all Leaders & Assistants.  Childcare and light refreshments provided.
  5. Our regular Student Ministry 6.2.SIX kicks off the school year with a Back to School Bash on Wednesday night, September 9th!  There will be FUN, FOOD, & GAMES!  You, your 6th-12th Grade Student, and their friends won’t want to miss it!


Pastor Chris

P.S.  Don’t forget to purchase “your chairs” for the new building.  Cost – $50 per chair.  Please desginate your gift “chairs.”  We’re asking everyone to buy a chair for every member of their family and the friends they will invite.


Friday’s Five – 7-31-2015

Dear Coastal,

Is it hard to believe that today is the last day of July?  The Summer is just whizzing by!  School will be back before you know it.  I do hope you’re having a great Summer.  I hope you’ve been able to take some time off from work, do something fun, and spend some time with friends and family.  If you go out of town and miss a Sunday service, our App is a great way to stay up with our messages, events, and announcements.  It’s completely FREE.  Simply go to your App Store, search for Coastal Community Church of Charleston SC, and download the App.  You’ll see our logo.  You can also go here:

Our new building is really starting to take shape.  Keep the process, the financing, and the people involved in your prayers.  Like I announced last Sunday, there are several key components that are our responsibility financially, not the bank’s.  They include some of the sound/lighting, the new kitchen appliances, the remodeling of our existing Coastal Kidz room for child check-in & a new kids room, AND chairs for our auditorium.  The chairs alone will cost around $20,000 (approx. $50 per chair).

Where is all the money for those projects coming from?  Us!  You & me!  For those of you who made a commitment to give to our All In Campaign, I want to challenge you to continue to give sacrificially and generously to the very end.  For those of you who are new to Coastal, especially in the last 2 years, we need you to jump in and start giving.  Consider making a commitment above and beyond your regular giving to our new building.  That’s what we did for All In and that’s how we’re doing what we’re doing right now – plain and simple.  Every gift counts and every gift matters.  Pray about how many chairs you and your family can purchase.  At the very least help purchase a chair for you, your family, and the friends you will invite.  Our new space will seat around 600.  To save a little money we’ll be adding 400 chairs to our existing 200.  If you’re giving toward our new chairs, simply use the word, “chairs” to designate your gift.  In fact, you can even give through texting.  Simply text the amount and then the word “chairs”.

We’re also still in the search process for a new Youth Pastor.  Please keep that in your prayers.  It’s a slow process, but we want to find the right person.  However, the good news is that we have some of the greatest high capacity volunteers in our Student Ministry.  They are each ready to step up and make sure that Student Ministry doesn’t miss a beat this Fall.  In fact, with the help of our Staff, they are planning and preparing for a great 6.2.SIX Back to School Kick-Off/Bash on Wednesday night, September 9th!  There will be FUN, FOOD, & GAMES!  You, your 6th-12th Grade Student, and their friends won’t want to miss it!

Here are 5 other things to remember:

  1. There is a LIFE Group Ministry Meeting/Dinner tonight at the church, 6:30pm-8:30pm, for all those serving in our LIFE Group Ministry and for those interested in Leading, Assisting, or Hosting in the Fall semester.  Childcare provided.
  2. This is the last Sunday to bring supplies for the Peru Missions Team.  These supplies will be used to bless the New Life Children’s Home in Peru.
  3. There is a Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) Bible Study & Cookout on Saturday, August 1st (tomorrow), 5-7pm at Phil & Krista Votaw’s home, 345 Cross St.  Bring a Bible!
  4. Our Beach Baptism Service has been rescheduled for Sunday, August 2nd, 5pm at Folly Beach County Park.  You can sign up by responding to this email or signing up online.
  5. LOVE CAN Foster – Birthday’s For All!  We are helping to provide Birthday Gifts for kids in Foster Care.  Grab a balloon off the poster at church and bring the gifts to Coastal by August 15th (wrapped & tagged).


Pastor Chris

P.S.  Did you know that there is a Coastal Community Church Women’s Facebook page?  Look it up and join!  It’s a great way for the women of Coastal to keep in touch, stay connected, and serve one another.


Friday’s Five – 7-10-15

Dear Coastal,

VBS is less than 2 weeks away, Monday night, July 21st – Friday night, July 24th, 6-8pm!  We like to say at Coastal that VBS is “all hands on deck.”  What that means is that to pull off an excellent VBS we need everyone at Coastal who considers Coastal their home to help in some way.

Most importantly, we need you to pray.  Pray for all the children we will see for VBS.  Typically, we serve & minister to approximately 175 individual kids the week of VBS.  It is a great time in the life of a child to introduce or reinforce the love and message of Jesus.

Invite.  Be that parent in your neighborhood, in your community that brings a van load of kids to VBS each night.  You are potentially making an eternal difference in the life of that child – change a child, change the world!  Use social media to invite your friends’ kids.  Encourage them to pre-register! 

Serve.  Many, many of you have already signed up to serve in some capacity.  We still need about 8 more Crew Leaders and 2 more Nursery Volunteers.  Respond to this email if you can meet any of these needs and someone will contact you.  Maybe you can’t come all 5 nights;  drop by when you can come and Janet will put you to work.  You won’t regret it.

And finally, if you haven’t yet done so, PLEASE PRE-REGISTER your child.  This greatly helps with preparing our crews and getting ready for a great week of VBS!  Even if your child can’t come each night, still bring them whenever you can come.  Many children can’t come each night.  And it still helps to PRE-REGISTER!

Here are 5 other things to remember:

  1. New to Coastal?  Interested in learning more about the church and meeting other new people?  Come to our next Newcomer’s Lunch, this Sunday, July 12th immediately after the 3rd (11:45am) service.  Lunch and childcare provided.  You can sign up on our website or by responding to this email.
  2. VBS Crew Leader Orientation Meeting on Monday night, July 13th, 7pm at the church.
  3. LOVE CAN Foster  – School Supplies Drive.  For the month of July, we will have a box in the Welcome Center to collect new backpacks and school supplies for kids in Foster Care.  Help start the school year off right for those in need in our community.
  4. On Thursday, July 16th, 10am-4pm, our Students (6th-12th Grade) will be spending the day at Whirlin’ Waters!  They will be meeting at and leaving from the church at 9:15am.  Cost – $11.  Lunch will be provided.
  5. PLEASE PRE-REGISTER YOUR CHILD for VBS if you haven’t yet done so!


Pastor Chris

P.S.  I’m not sure if I mentioned this yet or not, but if you haven’t done so yet, it would help greatly if you would PLEASE PRE-REGISTER YOUR CHILD for VBS!

P.S.S.  Our Beach Baptism Service has been rescheduled for Sunday, August 2nd, 5pm at Folly Beach County Park.  You can sign up by responding to this email or signing up online.


Friday’s Five – 6-19-15

Dear Coastal,

I am so proud to call Charleston my home.  To quote Joseph in Genesis 50:20, “As far as I am concerned, God turned into good what you meant for evil.”  God was not the cause of what happened on Wednesday night at Emanuel AME Church.  We live in a world of sin, evil, and free will.  Left to ourselves, we all choose to go our own way and that way leads to death.  However, if we let Him, our loving God has a miraculous way of bringing good even out of evil.  What one person meant for our pain, can bring about healing.  What one person meant for our destruction, can make us stronger.  What one person did in the hopes of dividing us, can bring about unity.  What one person did in the hopes of spreading more hatred, can create a revolution of love.  At least I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that that’s exactly what the 9 people who lost their lives on Wednesday night at a Bible Study would want to see happen as a result of their deaths.  And I’m encouraged that I see pictures and hear stories of that all around our beautiful city!

I thought about ditching our series and the sermon I planned this Sunday and going a different direction.  However, it’s Father’s Day and my sermon is all about being a man, a real man, God’s man.  Truthfully, it’s a strong message that’s desperately needed today.  It’s a message that I have no doubt that Pastor Pinckney believed strongly in and proclaimed frequently at Emanuel AME through his words and his walk.  It’s a message that Dylann Roof apparently never heard, saw, or at least acted on.

Don’t miss Father’s Day this Sunday at Coastal!  If you’re a man, get your butt in church!  In fact, invite and bring someone with you.  If you have a man or are raising one, get his butt in church!  If you’re tired of settling for anything less than a Godly man, but are confused as to what that looks like, get your butt in church!

Yes, we’re going to have a lot fun on Sunday – the Kona Shaved Ice Truck will be here!  Yes, we’ll give away some cool stuff!  And yes, we’re also going to take some time to pray for our city, Emanuel AME Church, for the families of those who lost their lives, and for Dylann Roof and those like him full of hate and in need of the love of Christ.  We will also dig into God’s Word and challenge men to rise up and be the men that God has called us to be, to live a life worthy of our calling.  Don’t stay away from church this Sunday!  Don’t be afraid!  Don’t let hate win!  Let’s make Charleston known as the Holy City, not because of the number of steeples across our skyline, but because of the number of people who follow and live for Jesus!

Here are 5 other things to remember:

  1. VBS Volunteers Needed!  VBS-July 20-24th, 6-8pm.  VBS at Coastal is “All Hands On Deck!”  In other words, we need EVERYONE to help/volunteer to make it a success!  Please complete the VBS Volunteer Insert in your Bulletin this Sunday and place it in the offering plate.  We need CREW LEADERS!
  2. We’re having a Baby/Child Dedication Service on Father’s Day, June 21st during the 3rd Service (11:45am).  If you are interested in participating and haven’t yet signed up, please respond to this email.
  3. BEACH BAPTISM – Sunday, June 28th, Folly Beach County Park!  Our Students (6th-12th Grade) are having a Beach Day that same day, 1-5pm, so we’re going to join them for a Church-Wide Baptism Service at 5pm!  If you are interested in being Baptized in the ocean please respond to this email or sign up online.
  4. New to Coastal?  Interested in learning more about the church and meeting other new people?  Sign up for our next Newcomer’s Lunch, Sunday, July 12th immediately after the 3rd (11:45am) service.  Lunch and childcare provided.  You can sign up on your Connect Card or on our website.
  5. We’re already planning out our Fall Semester of LIFE Groups.  Interested in hosting, assisting, or leading a Group?  Got a great idea for a new group?  Please let us know now.  Simply respond to this email or let us know on your Connect Card.


Pastor Chris

P.S.  Going to be out of town this Summer?  Stay consistent in your giving.  Give TEXT Giving (843-277-8337) or online giving a try!


Friday’s 5 – 6-12-15

Dear Coastal,

I hope you enjoyed our series kick-off to “At the Movies!” this past Sunday!  I decided to do something different this year, in that I’m picking 6 of my own personal all-time favorite movies.  This past Sunday I used “Rocky” as a springboard to talk about David & Goliath.  This Sunday I’ll be using another one of my all-time favorite movies, but you’ll have to come to church to find out which one.  Don’t forget that all of your friends that you bring to church will get FREE movie tickets in the mail to the Citadel Mall Movie Theater.

Here are 5 other things to remember:

  1. Our 2015 Summer Semester of LIFE Groups has started!  It’s still not too late to join.  Check out the groups online and sign up today!
  2. VBS Volunteers Needed!  VBS-July 20-24th, 6-8pm.  VBS at Coastal is “All Hands On Deck!”  In other words, we need EVERYONE to help/volunteer to make it a success!  Please complete the VBS Volunteer Insert in your Bulletin this Sunday and place it in the offering plate.  We need CREW LEADERS!
  3. Our Students & Volunteers leave for Student LIFE Missions Camp this Monday morning and will return on Friday.  They need to be at the church no later than 8am on Monday.  They will return on Friday approximately 4pm-5pm.  Keep them in your prayers!
  4. We’re planning another Baby/Child Dedication Service on Father’s Day, June 21st during the 3rd Service (11:45am).  If you are interested in participating, please respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  5. BEACH BAPTISM – Sunday, June 28th, Folly Beach County Park!  Our Students (6th-12th Grade) are having a Beach Day that same day, 1-5pm, so we’re going to join them for a Church-Wide Baptism Service at 5pm!  If you are interested in being Baptized in the ocean please respond to this email or sign up online.

Going to be out of town this Summer?  Stay consistent in your giving.  Give TEXT Giving (843-277-8337) or online giving a try!

Forever and Always All In!

Pastor Chris


Friday’s 5 – 5-29-15

Dear Coastal,

I’m BACK!  For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been gone for the past 2 weeks taking my daughter out to Los Angeles, CA.  It was quite the adventure!  If you’re on Facebook, thanks for putting up with all the pictures and long posts!  It was fun including you in our journey.  While I’m feeling overwhelmed and exhausted right now, it is so good to be back!  I not only missed my family, I missed YOU, my Coastal family!  I really don’t understand how people make it in this world without true community.  The truth is, they don’t, at least not well.  We’ve got it here at Coastal and I’m so thankful for it!

When Janet picked me up from the airport yesterday, our first stop was 460 Arlington Dr.  I wanted to see all the work on our new buidling!  You see, I left the day they started pouring concrete and other than pictures, haven’t seen anything!  WOW!  WOW!  It’s taking shape and looking awesome!  Our faith really is becoming sight.  Again for those of you who have been giving – large OR small – THANK YOU!  It all counts and it all makes a difference.  For those of you who haven’t started giving – what are you waiting on?  Great things are happening here and we get to be a part of it!  Join us!  Start giving now, this weekend.  We still need your help.  Help us finish what God started in us!  Let’s pay the whole thing off in record time!

We are just a little over one week away from our BIG Summer Kick-Off!  On Sunday, June 7th, we roll out one of our favorite series here at Coastal:  “At the Movies!”  It’s where we use current blockbuster movies as a “hook” to talk about spiritual truth and we do it in true Coastal style.  We’ll have a lot of fun, give away a lot of stuff (all 1st time guests get FREE movie tickets to Citadel Mall Theater during the entire series), eat a lot of popcorn, and most importantly point people to Jesus!  Invite and bring your friends!

Here are 5 other things to remember:

  1. Our 2015 Summer Semester of LIFE Groups begin in ONE WEEK!  There are 3 ways to sign up (online, Connect Card, LIFE Group Table in Welcome Center).  You only have to sign up 1 time/1 way!  Check out the groups and sign up today!  The Summer Semester begins the week of June 7 and all groups end before VBS in July (4-6 weeks).
  2. “Take Me Out To The Ball Game!”  Coastal Day at the Charleston Riverdogs Joe Riley Stadium – Tuesday, June 2nd, 7pm!  Student Summer Camp Fundraiser – Tickets $10.  See Scott to purchase tickets.
  3. We are having a “Going Away Party” for Pastor Scott, Lori, & Carly Huff this Sunday night, May 31st, 6pm.  Dinner provided.
  4. VBS Volunteers Needed!  VBS-July 20-24th, 6-8pm.  VBS at Coastal is “All Hands On Deck!”  In other words, we need EVERYONE to help/volunteer to make it a success!  Please complete the VBS Volunteer Insert in your Bulletin this Sunday and place it in the offering plate.
  5. BEACH BAPTISM – Sunday, June 28th, Folly Beach County Park!  Our Students (6th-12th Grade) are having a Beach Day that same day, 1-5pm, so we’re going to join them for a Church-Wide Baptism Service at 5pm!  If you are interested in being Baptized in the ocean please respond to this email or sign up online.

Love you Coastal!  As always, invite and bring a friend with you this Sunday!

Forever and Always All In!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  We’re planning another Baby/Child Dedication Service on Father’s Day, June 21st during the 3rd Service (11:45am).  If you are interested in participating, please respond to this email.


Friday’s 5 – 5-8-15

Dear Coastal,

Let me just say it!  Mother’s Day is going to be awesome at Coastal this Sunday!  First of all we’re having a Baby/Child Dedication throughout the day in all 3 services (right now 20 babies/children).  We have some special gifts that we’re giving away at the end of each service.  The Kona Shaved Ice Truck will be on our campus giving away FREE shaved ice to all women & children!  We’re going to have a photographer outside taking FREE family pictures (weather permitting)!  Either way there will be a photo booth inside to take fun/crazy picutures!

If at all possible, to help with seating, come to the 1st or 3rd service.  In all services, make sure you sit toward the front and center of each section.  Come early and give yourself time for pictures!

Here are 5 other things to remember:

  1. Our LOVE CAN Help A Child Interest/Info Meeting is  Saturday, May 16th, 10am-Noon in our auditorium.  This meeting is all about helping to solve the Foster Care problem in Charleston County.  There will be discussion/Info concerning adoption, fostering, and support services.  Please plan on coming.  You can sign up on your Connect Card.  CHILDCAE IS PROVIDED!
  2. Our 2015 Summer Semester LIFE Group Catalog is here!  There are 3 ways to sign up (online, Connect Card, LIFE Group Table in Welcome Center).  You only have to sign up 1 time/1 way!  Check out the groups and sign up today!  The Summer Semester begins the week of June 7 and all groups end before VBS in July (4-6 weeks).(Speaking of LIFE Groups, I made a mistake in last weeks Friday 5.  It was Carol Wessel’s “Boss Ladies” who put a “beat down” on the “Winner’s” in the “No More Perfect Mom’s Group” end of the year scavenger hunt!  A great idea and a great group!)
  3. “Take Me Out To The Ball Game!”  Coastal Day at the Charleston Riverdogs Joe Riley Stadium – Tuesday, June 2nd, 7pm!  Student Summer Camp Fundraiser – Tickets $10.  See Scott to purchase tickets.
  4. Our next Membership Class is Saturday, May 30, 9am-Noon.  Childcare and light refreshments provided.  You can RSVP on your Connect Card or sign up online.
  5. We are having a “Going Away Party” for Pastor Scott, Lori, & Carly Huff on Sunday, May 31st, 6pm.  Dinner provided.

Love you Coastal!  As always, invite and bring a friend with you this Sunday!

Forever and Always All In!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  Consider giving a gift to our new building project through our TEXTing number.  It’s safe, simple, and secure.  TEXT any dollar amount to 843-277-8337, space, and then type the word “AllIn”.  It would look like this: 100 AllIn.  Yes, it’s THAT EASY!   If you’re new to TEXT giving, you’ll have to take about 2 minutes to set up your bank card.


Friday’s 5

Dear Coastal,

Don’t you just love Baptism’s at Coastal!  I know I do!  We Baptized another 10 people this past Sunday.  I think that makes 20 so far for 2015!  Our next Baptism will probably be on the Beach!  So be on the lookout for that and let us know if you’d like to participate.

Okay Coastal, I need to “talk shop” with you for a moment.  If you were here this past Sunday, for the 10:15am service, you know what I’m going to talk about.  The service was COMPLETELY FULL!  In fact, we had to bring in chairs.  First of all, that’s a great problem to have.  I’d rather have this problem than the opposite problem any day of the week.  But it is a problem none the less, because people won’t consistently keep coming if they can’t find a seat.  At first it’s exciting, but then it can get annoying, especially for new people.

So here’s what I need you to do.  If it really doesn’t matter to you, please start coming to the 1st or 3rd service (8:45am or 11:45am).  Now, the priority is always come to the service your guests are coming to.  After that, it’s come to the service that enables you to serve/attend.  But if it really doesn’t make any difference whatsoever, “make room for Jesus”, and come to the 1st or 3rd.  Again, this is a great problem to have and one that we are well aware of and are working on.  To quote a line from one of my favorite movies, “I think we’re going to need a bigger boat!”  We do and can’t build it quick enough!

Speaking of our new buidling, I want to thank those of you who continue to give so faithfully to this project!  I hope you’re getting excited!  I also want to challenge those of you who are new to join in.  Pray about it, talk about it with your family, and together make a giving commitment above and beyond your regular giving to the new building.  You can designate your giving with the words, “New Building” or “All In”.  It looks like they will be pouring the concrete foundation next week!  Like I said this past Sunday, the foundation of this new building was laid almost two years ago when a group of people decided to go, “All In” and give sacrificially.  Well it’s not too late to join in the excitement!  We need all of us giving together to see this project to the end!

Here are 5 other things to remember:

  1. Our next Newcomer’s Lunch is Sunday, May 3rd immediately after the 3rd service.  You can sign up online or on your Connect Card on Sunday.  Our Newcomer’s Lunch is a great way for new people to learn more about Coastal, meet other new people and our staff, enjoy a great meal, and discover possible next steps.
  2. On Mother’s Day, May 10th, we are having our next Baby/Child Dedication Service.  If you are interested in participating, please respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card so we can be prepared.  By the way, we have some really fun stuff planned for Mother’s Day!  You’re not going to want to miss it!
  3. Our LOVE CAN Help A Child Interest/Info Meeting is now scheduled for Saturday, May 16th, 10am-Noon.  This meeting is all about helping to solve the Foster Care problem in Charleston County.  Ther will be discussion/Info concerning adoption, fostering, and support.  Sign up on your Connect Card.
  4. We are now in the process of planning our our 2015 Summer Semester of LIFE Groups!  The Summer Semester is only 4-6 weeks long, between the weeks of June 7th and July 12th.  If you have an idea for a LIFE Group or if you are interested in leading, assisting, or hosting, please let us know soon.  We need all info no later than Friday, May 1st.
  5. Looking for something fun to do for your Elementary Age child (completed 1st-6th grade) this Summer?  Register them for Camp Winshape – the ultimate day camp experience!  June 29th – July 3rd, 7:45am – 5pm, $149 per child.  Register online at

I think that’s it!  Love you Coastal!  This week we continue our LOVE CAN series talking about Patience.  Don’t miss it!  Invite and bring a friend!

Forever and Always All In!

Pastor Chris


Thank You & Other Stuff

Dear Coastal,

WOW!  I feel like we say that a lot around here at Coastal.  And the truth is – we do!  But it’s just that we are amazed at the favor and blessing of God and what He is doing in us and through us these days!  Don’t take that spiritual momentum lightly or for granted – I know I don’t.  Continue to humbly beg God to use you and us together.  Beg Him to draw people to Himself through our ministry.  Invite, love, serve, give, share like it all depended on you.  Pray like it all depends on God.  Walk by faith and trust God for the results!  From Easter Sunday to our 25th Anniversary to 14 people (as of right now) getting baptized this Sunday, it’s all a little overwhelming and amazing!

By the way, speaking of Baptism, if you would like to join in and get baptized this Sunday, we’d love to include you.  Simply respond to this email and let us know.  If you’ve given your life to Jesus, but have not yet been baptized by immersion as a believer, baptism is your next step (you can read more about it here).  It is an outward way of going public with your faith.  Come ready to celebrate!

And speaking of our 25th Anniversary.  I know not all of you are on facebook, so I simply want to paste a thank-you that I posted last week:

“It hasn’t happened very often in my life – I AM SPEECHLESS! I am absolutely humbled and overwhelmed by all of the events of today and this entire week! Coastal, past & present, I love you! I actually leave tomorrow to drive down to Orlando for my Pastor’s Coaching Network meeting. I will be bragging about all of you all week long! They will not be able to shut me up!

“I really don’t know where to begin and I don’t want to leave anyone out – THANK ALL OF YOU! Today was AWESOME! I honestly didn’t know what to expect about today, but it exceeded all of my expectations. I really believe that Jesus was lifted up today, high and clear! I knew in my heart that God was telling me it was time to give thanks for our past, celebrate this milestone, and march forward together. I am so glad we listened to His voice and now I know why it was so important. Today was a real marker. If you’ve been reading with us through the Old Testament, today was a day that we built an altar to God’s faithfulness that will be remembered for generations to come.”

“My face & eyes are literally sore from smiling and crying so much today. I feel like I was nothing but a crying, bawling, ball of emotions all week and especially today. I’m not even sure what I said all day long. And then I came home and just collapsed. Just seeing all the fun, smiling faces, joy, laughter and excitement of today on Facebook and emails from so many is again overwhelming. I can’t thank you enough for how you all loved on me and my family today. The video, the kind words, the surprise visits, the personalized notes, the personalized gifts (I have to single out a couple of quilts), the church gift from all of you, the hugs, oh the hugs – I LOVE YOU!

“Coastal, all of you, all of US, we are all trophies of God’s love, faithfulness and grace. We are all a part of His unfolding plan and story. I hope you saw and heard that loud and clear today. Any thanks or recognition directed toward me and my family, is really just a reflection of Him. The best is truly yet to come and the thought of getting to do what we do together, for His glory, is pure JOY! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! I LOVE YOU! LOVE CAN!”

There is A LOT of activity around here today as we get ready for Student Ministry’s GLOW Weekend!  Pastor Scott tells me that we could have as many as 250 Students and Volunteers representing 8 different churches here tonight & tomorrow.  Tonight’s service is from 8-9pm.  Tomorrow morning the Students leave from our campus at 8:30am to serve Charleston and then come back at 3pm for games (inflatables) and a cookout.  There will be a closing worship service from 6-7pm.  Make sure your 6th-12th Grader is here!

Our next Newcomer’s Lunch is Sunday, May 3rd immediately after the 3rd service.  You can sign up online or on your Connect Card on Sunday.  Our Newcomer’s Lunch is a great way for new people to learn more about Coastal, meet other new people and our staff, enjoy a great meal, and discover possible next steps.

On Mother’s Day, May 10th, we are having our next Baby/Child Dedication Service.  If you are interested in participating, please respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card so we can be prepared.

I think that’s about it.  Make sure you notice all of the “underground” activity going on for the new building.  We may be pouring the foundation as early as next week!  I can’t thank those of you enough who continue to give so faithfully to the new building and our All In Campaign.  Up to this point you have truly given by faith.  Well, now your faith will soon be made sight!


Pastor Chris

P.S.  It looks like our LOVE CAN Help A Child Interest Meeting (Foster, Adoption, & Support) will be Saturday, May 16th, in the morning.  We will let you know more information as we work out the details.

Coastal Exists To Share & Experience LIFE – the LIFE of Jesus!


Anniversary Sunday!

Dear Coastal,

25 years!  25 YEARS!!  I really can’t believe it!  In some ways, it feels like a long time and such a distant memory.  In other ways, it feels like just yesterday and the blink of eye has passed.  I’ll be honest with you, I’ve been trying to hide it as best I can, but I’ve been an emotional wreck this week – in a good way.  I’ve just been overwhelmed with the faithfulness and goodness of God.  I am the poster child for God using the weak and the foolish.  If He can and will use someone like me, He’ll use anyone!  I think in some Bibles my picture is next to 1 Cor. 1:27, “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong.”  I’ve also had the pleasure to talk to a lot of pepople from “back in the day” this week.  Most of them have moved around the country and won’t be able to come to Charleston this weekend, but it’s been so nice to reconnect.

So bear with me on Sunday.  Give me, Janet, and my family hugs!  Janet and I will probably be crying balls of emotion.  We will have a lot of guests with us on Sunday!  Go out of your way to welcome everyone and make everyone feel at home.  Several different people who have meant a lot to me over the years are speaking on Sunday and then I will speak at the end and wrap things up – no notes, no manuscript, just a few things God has laid on my heart.  My guess is that I will be blubbering through all of it.  In case you don’t hear it loud and clear on Sunday – I LOVE YOU!!  THANK YOU for loving me and my family, putting up with me and my mistakes, following me and my flawed, fumbling leadership, and living the adventure of a lifetime and beyond with me and my family!  I truly believe that I am the most blessed man on the planet!

But hear this loud and clear – the other message that God has impressed so strongly on me these last several weeks and months, and one that I hope to be able to share on Sunday, is that WE ARE JUST GETTING STARTED!  He is not finished with me, with you, or with Coastal.  As great as the last 25 years have been, our best days are ahead!  Until He returns or calls me home, I will spend my last breath sharing the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ with this world!  Let’s lock arms, march forward together, beat down the gates of Hell, and rescue people one life at a time!

Now a few reminders:

  • There will only be one service on Sunday – 10:15am.  Come early.
  • Even though it’s our Anniversary it will be a GREAT opportunity to invite people.  As always at Coastal, the focus will be on God and His love and faithfulness.  We will point people to Jesus!
  • Parking.  Park as far away as possible, leaving the best parking for our guests.  A good place to park will be the New Oakland Elementary School parking lot, just over the greenway take your first right.
  • Seating.  It will probably be crowded.  PLEASE sit as close to the front and close together as possible.
  • Children.  Elementary School children (Coastal Kidz) will be in the service.  We will provide Nursery and Childcare in the building for all other children.  Child Check-in will be just like we did for Easter Sunday.  If your child is in the service, please take responsibility for your child and their behavior.
  • Bugs.  We are treating the fields for ants & mosquitoes, however there is not a lot we can do about gnats.  We will have fans to help keep the air circulating and we will have bug spray.
  • Reception.  Immediately after the service and after you get your children, we will all walk to the ball field out back to another tent for a reception/lunch/party!  There will be great food, fun music, and lots of laughter.  Please stay, have fun, and again, go out of your way to make our guest feel welcome.

I think that’s about it!  I can’t wait to see you, your friends, and some of our old friends this Sunday!  This week’s LOVE CAN theme is LOVE CAN Persevere!  If you look up persevere in the dictionary this is what it says:

“verb:  continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty or with little or no prospect of success, persist, continue, carry on, go on, keep on, keep going, struggle on, hammer away, be persistent, be determined, see/follow something through, keep at it, press on/ahead, not take no for an answer, be tenacious, stand one’s ground, stand fast/firm, hold on, go the distance, stay the course, plod on, stop at nothing, leave no stone unturned, hang on, plug away, stick to one’s guns, stick it out, hang in there.”

I like that!  LOVE CAN Persevere!  LOVE HAS Persevered here at Coastal for 25 years!  And LOVE WILL CONTINUE to Persevere here at Coastal!


Pastor Chris


Come & Celebrate our 25th Anniversary!

Dear Friends & Family of Coastal Community Church,

This Sunday, April 12th, Coastal is celebrating it’s 25th Anniversary!  That right – 25 years of serving, loving, and sharing Jesus with our community!  We are having 1 combined service at 10:15am, out front on our campus underneath a huge tent!  We would LOVE for you to come and celebrate with us!  In fact, the theme of our Anniversary Service is LOVE CAN Persevere!

After the service we’re going to have a reception/party on our ball field underneath another tent!  We’ll even have a D.J. & a Dance Floor!  You don’t have to bring a thing!  We’ll have plenty of food for everyone!  Please make plans to come and be a part of our special day!


Pastor Chris


Good Friday & Some Good News!

Dear Coastal,

I’ve got good news on this Good Friday!  If you haven’t already heard, we FINALLY got our full approval from the City of Charleston for our new building plans and were issued our official Building Permit yesterday morning!  Now it’s time to get rolling!  The plumber comes out next week, the electrian after that.  They’ll be working in the ground before we pour concrete.  The steel structure is still on schedule for delivery the very end of April/beginning of May.  There is much to be done between now and then.  Keep the whole process in your prayers.

But the BEST news is that Easter weekend if finally here!  I hope you’re as excited as I am!  You know what to do:

  • Pray!!  Pray for all the people we’re inviting to church.  Pray for me.  Pray for all our volunteers.  Pray for our Worship Team.  Pray for the message.  Pray that people get saved!

  • Invite!!  It’s time.  Have the courage to actually invite some to church with you!  Make the ask!  Use facebook and social media.  Call or send personal invites to people that you know who come to Coastal but you haven’t seen in a while.

  • Warmly Welcome Everyone!!  Everyone is unofficially a part of the First Impressions Team this week!  Smile, talk to people, welcome them, introduce yourself, be helpful and kind. Show people with children where to go.  Our Cafe will be inside as normal.

  • Park!!  Park far away – even at the new Oakland Elementary School parking lot.

  • Volunteer to serve!!  Give Chris Ranew (1st Impressions) 706-941-2044 & Janet Rollins (Children’s Ministry) 843-442-8299 a call and say, “I’m available this service, put me to work!”

  • Seating!!  Under the tent sit close to the front and center of each section.  Make room in the back and on the sides for people as they come in.

Why?  That’s the real important question.  Why pray?  Why invite?  Why reach out?  Why pull out all the stops for Easter Sunday?  Because we believe that people are dead in their sin without Jesus.  Because we believe that LIFE is only found in Jesus.  Because we believe in the power of the resurrection – Easter Sunday, every Sunday, and every day!  Because lost people matter to God and therefore they ought to matter to us!  Because LOVE really CAN change the world – one life at a time!  That’s the why!

I love you!  Can’t wait to see you and your friends on Sunday!


Pastor Chris

P.S.  Consider giving a special “ALL IN” offering on Easter Sunday!  For those of you who are new, “All In” is simply the name of our Giving Campaign for the new buildng.  You can help us build our new building by giving above and beyond your regular giving and designating your gift – “ALL IN” or “new building.”  No gift is too small (or too big for that matter) and every gift counts!  We can’t all give the same amount, but together we can all sacrifice and give something.

Coastal exists to share & experience LIFE – the life of Jesus!


Friday’s 5 – 3-27-15

Dear Coastal,

Easter Sunday, April 5th is now just 9 days away!  Are you tired of our countdown yet?  Well, believe it or not, we actually had someone call the church this past week and argue with us about the date of Easter.  It was an older woman who apparently had seen one of our Yard Signs and she called to tell us how dumbfounded she was that we could make such a stupid mistake because Easter, “My Dear”, is April 12th!  That’s a Southern thing – to criticize someone and call them “Dear.”  Michael assured her that we had not made a mistake and encouraged her to Google “Easter 2015.”  I’m not sure she knows what Google means, but at least she saw one of our Yard Signs!  And who knows – she just might show up at Coastal!

By the way, I love seeing all the Yard Signs around town this week and I love seeing everyone wear our “LOVE CAN” t-shirts!  Early this week I took one of our shirts to Jeff Watts in the hospital.  He’s the brother of David Watts (one of our bass players).  I knew Jeff would really like the shirt, because of the artistic nature of the shirt (the nod to Andy Warhol) and the simple message:  LOVE CAN.  Jeff was a talented man – a writer, director, and stage designer in the theater world of New York.  Jeff has been battling cancer and my Men’s Group has been praying for him for several years.  He passed away on Wednesday night.  On Thursday morning I got a text Gracen, his sister-in-law, with a picture attached.  It was a picture taken of Jeff, smiling with a friend, on his last day on this earth – wearing his LOVE CAN t-shirt!

Coastal, LOVE really CAN change the world!  I believe that!  Jeff believed that!  Do you?  If you do, then join me in praying for our community.  Join me in reaching out and inviting our friends, neighbors, relatives, and co-workers to church on Easter Sunday, April 5th.  Let’s open up a big ol’ can of LOVE on Charleston!

Here are my FRIDAY 5:

  1. Consider giving a special “ALL IN” offering on Easter Sunday!  For those of you who are new, “All In” is simply the name of our Giving Campaign for the new buildng.  You can help us build our new building by giving above and beyond your regular giving and designating your gift – “ALL IN” or “new building.”  No gift is too small (or too big for that matter) and every gift counts!  We can’t all give the same amount, but together we can all sacrifice and give something.
  2. On Sunday, April 12th, Coastal will celebrate it’s 25th Anniversary!  There will be one service at 10:15am and a lunch reception/party to follow!  You won’t have to bring a thing!  Just invite & bring friends to join in the fun!
  3. We need about 8 more volunteers to care for our children from nursery to kindergarten during our 25th Anniversary Service. Volunteers should be at least 16 years old to adults.  We will pay $20 for this service – 10am-Noon.  If you are interested in helping out or know someone who would, please contact Janet Rollins at: or 843-442-8299 (cell).
  4. On Friday & Saturday, April 17th & 18th, our Student Ministry (6th-12 Grade) will be joining with 6 other area Student Ministries on our campus for a special GLOW Weekend – night of Worship, day of service, cookout, and more!  See Pastor Scott for more details and information.  The event is FREE but Students need to sign up by April 8th.
  5. On Sunday, April 19th, we are having our next Baptism Service!  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday, respond to this email, or sign up online.

Forever & Always ALL IN!

Pastor Chris (friend me on facebook if we’re not already friends)


Friday’s 5 – 3-20-15

Dear Coastal,

Easter Sunday, April 5th is now just 16 days away!  We have multiple invite tools for you to use to invite your friends: our normal “You’re Invited” business cards, an Easter specific invite card, and on top of that, we still have some yard signs available!  Pick up a yard sign and put it in the front of your yard, closest to the street where people can see it, or at a nearby busy intersection.  We also have a FREE “Love Can” t-shirt for everyone at Coastal this Sunday!

Our service times for Easter are the same (8:45am, 10:15am, 11:45am).  However, we are having all 3 services outside, on our property, underneath a BIG TENT!  Pray for good weather.  Pray for our church and everyone that will be invited.  Ask God to use Coastal to draw people to Himself.  Pray for all the people you will be inviting.  Pray for my message.  Pray for the 23,921 mailing invitations that will be going out to all 29407 & 29414 residents of West Ashley.

This Sunday we wrap up our “Happily Ever After?” series by talking about “How to Have A Fair Fight?”  Don’t miss it!

Here are my FRIDAY 5:

  1.  On Monday night March 23rd, 7-8:30PM, we will have a meeting for anyone interested in helping to plan, organize, and lead the different areas of VBS. Simply respond to this email if you would like to be part of our planning team.
  2. Consider giving a special “ALL IN” offering on Easter Sunday!  For those of you who are new, “All In” is simply the name of our Giving Campaign for the new buildng.  You can help us build our new building by giving above and beyond your regular giving and designating your gift – “ALL IN” or “new building.”  No gift is too small (or too big for that matter) and every gift counts!  We can’t all give the same amount, but together we can all sacrifice and give something.
  3. On Sunday, April 12th, Coastal will celebrate it’s 25th Anniversary!  There will be one service at 10:15am and a lunch reception/party to follow!  You won’t have to bring a thing!  Just invite & bring friends to join in the fun!
  4. We need about 18 volunteers to care for our children from nursery to kindergarten during our Anniversary 10:15am service so all of our volunteers can participate in the celebration. Volunteers should be at least 16 years old to adults.  We will pay $20 for this service.  If you are interested in helping out or know someone who would, please contact Janet Rollins at: or 843-442-8299 (cell).
  5. On Sunday, April 19th, we are having our next Baptism Service!  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday, respond to this email, or sign up online.

Forever & Always ALL IN!

Pastor Chris (friend me on facebook if we’re not already friends)

P.S.  No Yard Work this Saturday morning.  Paul and his guys finished it up for us!


Friday’s 5 – 3-6-15

Dear Coastal,

This Sunday is what?  TIME CHANGE SUNDAY!  I know our clocks “spring forward” and we lose an hour, but I can’t wait for the longer days!  We’re also in week 3 of our “Happily Ever After?” series!  I hope you’re enjoying it!

The Easter countdown continues!  Easter is just 4 weeks away – Sunday, April 5th!  I know that there are some churches and Christians who complain about people who only show up at church on Easter.  Not me!  And NOT Coastal!  If you know churches and people like that, tell them to send their guests to Coastal!  Instead of complaining about it, let’s take advantage of it.  Let’s pull out all the stops and make them feel at home and welcome.  And most importantly, let’s share Jesus with them.

So what can you do?  Start praying.  Pray for our church and everyone that will be invited.  Ask God to use Coastal to draw people to Himself.  Pray for all the people you will be inviting.  Pray for my message.  Pray for the thousands of mailing invitations that will be going out to all 29407 & 29414 residents of West Ashley.

Start inviting.  Make a list of everyone you know and start inviting.  Use Social Media.  Send personal messages.  Walk across the hall at your office.  And then be open to the Holy Spirit throughout your day asking Him to put other people in your path that you can invite.  In a couple of weeks we’re going to have Easter Yard Signs available to anyone who would be willing to put one in their yard, especially those of you who live in a busy neighborhood.  The week before Easter, help us blitz West Ashley with the rest of our Yard Signs.

This Easter we are having our 3 normal service times, but we are having them outside, on our property, underneath a BIG TENT (larger than any we’ve rented before!).  Pray for good weather.  How many people do you think we can reach this Easter?  Last year we had 651.  Can we do that again?  Can we blow that away?  I don’t know.  Will you do your part?  I believe God is looking for people and churches to draw people to Himself.  Beg God to look no further than you and Coastal!

Here are 5 Things I want you to make note of:

  1. $100 deposits are due NOW for Student LIFE Mission Camp.  Camp dates are June 15-19 at Wake Forest University.  Total cost:  $330.  Balance due on May 1st.  Bring your deposit to church on Sunday.

  2. Family Game Night for all Clubhouse & Coastal Kidz Parents and Children, Saturday, March 14th, 5pm-7pm.  Bring board games and $5 for pizza per family!
  3. Consider giving a special “ALL IN” offering on Easter Sunday!  For those of you who are new, “All In” is simply the name of our Giving Campaign for the new buildng.  You can help us build our new building by giving above and beyond your regular giving and designating your gift – “ALL IN” or “new building.”  No gift is too small (or too big for that matter) and every gift count!  We can’t all give the same amount, but together we can all sacrifice and give something.
  4. On Sunday, April 12th, Coastal will celebrate it’s 25th Anniversary!  There will be one service at 10:15am and a reception/party to follow!
  5. On Sunday, April 19th, we are having our next Baptism Service!  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday, respond to this email, or sign up online.

Forever & Always ALL IN!

Pastor Chris (friend me on facebook if we’re not already friends)

P.S.  Give digital giving a try – either through our website or through mobile TEXT Giving (843-277-8337)!  They’re both simple, safe, and secure!

Coastal exists to share & experience LIFE – the life of Jesus!


Friday’s 5 – 2-6-15

Dear Coastal,

This Sunday is going to be awesome!  Don’t miss it!  We’re in week 3 of “This Is How We Roll” and I’ll be talking about worship.  But it’s also Baby/Child Dedication Day!  Right now we’re going to dedicating 11 different children spread out through the 3 services!  Baby/Child Dedication is all about praying for the child and their parents.  It’s also gives the chance for the parents to recommit their lives to Jesus, to each other, and to raise their child/children in a Christian home.  And it gives the church community a chance to commit to do our part as a support to see that happen.  It’s always very special and a lot of fun!  If you’re interested in participating, but can’t do so this weekend, our next Baby/Chlid Dedication will be Mother’s Day, May 10th.

HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT:  Coastal’s 25th Anniversary Service/Celebration will be Sunday morning, April 12th (the Sunday after Easter)!  We’re going to have 1 huge/combined service outside underneath a huge tent on our campus and then we’re going to have a reception/party afterwards! We will worship, sing, & celebrate in true Coastal style! We’d also like to invite anyone and everyone from our past and from afar to come back and celebrate with us, if at all possible!  Reach out to those folks who have moved away that you know.  Let me know if you/they can come! We’re even working on a special rate at one of our area hotels.

Oh, before I forget, I can’t thank you enough for all the food brought last weekend to restock our Food Pantry!  Coastal you’re awesome!  Lots of people get fed throughout the year because of your donation.

Here are 5 Things I want you to make note of:

  1. Most of our LIFE Groups BEGIN NEXT WEEK!  You can still sign up for a Group – on your Connect Card, at the LIFE Group table, or on our website!  There are 3 different ways to sign up, but you only have to sign up one way/one time.
  2. We need more 1st Impression/parking volunteers!  If you are willing to volunteer, please give Chris Ranew (706-941-2004) or Greg Orr (843-367-4051) a call.  They will put you to work!
  3. Our next Newcomer’s Lunch is Sunday, February 22nd, immediately after the 11:45am service (approx. 1pm).  Our Newcomers Lunch is an informal gathering where you will enjoy a great meal, meet other new people, meet our staff, hear Coastal’s story, and learn about possible next steps.  Childcare is provided.  It’s a great next step for those who are new to Coastal!  You can sign up on our website!

  4. On Sunday, Februrary 22nd, we kick off a brand new series called, “Happily Ever After.”  It’s a series all about relationships – love, sex, dating, single/married.  You won’t want to miss a single week!  Invite & bring a friend!
  5. Believe it or not, Easter Sunday is only 8 weeks away!  Start praying and planting seeds now for all the people you will invite!  We’ll be kicking off a new series on Easter Sunday entitled, “Love Can”!


Pastor Chris (friend me on facebook if we’re not already friends)

P.S.  Give digital giving a try – either through our website or through mobile TEXT Giving (843-277-8337)!  They’re both simple, safe, and secure!

Coastal exists to share & experience LIFE – the life of Jesus!


Friday’s 5 – 1-30-15

Dear Coastal,

I love our church!  I know I say that a lot, but it’s true!  I love what we get to do and who we get to do it with – I love you!  This past Sunday was so much fun!  I love LIFE Group Sunday!  I think you got the point on Sunday – we were created to be connected!  You must have gotten it because over 260 adults signed up for a LIFE Group!  And let me just say what an awesome job all of our LIFE Group Leaders did on their booths!  All of you went above and beyond, and it showed (although there were no losers in our voting, we did have some winners that will be announced on Sunday)!  For the next several weeks we will be encouraging everyone to sign up for a Group – on your Connect Card, at the LIFE Group table, or on our website!  There are 3 different ways to sign up, but you only have to sign up one way/one time.  Most Groups begin the week of February 8th!

If you didn’t see the pictures on Facebook or get the Push Notification from our App on your phone, DIRT IS MOVING for the new building!  We’ve got a long way to go, but it’s still very exciting!

Here are 5 Things I want you to make note of:

  1. This Sunday, Super Bowl Sunday, February 1st, we are asking everyone to please bring non-perishable food items (canned goods, cereal, box pasta/meals, etc.) with them to church to help re-stock our food pantry.  Our food pantry helps feed many hurting families throughout the month.
  2. Our next Baby/Child Dedication is going to be Sunday, February 8th.  If you are interested in participating, please respond to this email with which service you will be in and child’s full name.  (We will have another Baby/Child Dedication on Mother’s Day, May 10th.)
  3. We need more parking volunteers!  If you are willing to volunteer, please give Chris Ranew (706-941-2004) or Greg Orr (843-367-4051) a call.  They will put you to work!
  4. Our next Newcomer’s Lunch is Sunday, February 22nd, immediately after the 11:45am service (approx. 1pm).  Our Newcomers Lunch is an informal gathering where you will enjoy a great meal, meet other new people, meet our staff, hear Coastal’s story, and learn about possible next steps.  Childcare is provided.  It’s a great next step for those who are new to Coastal!  You can sign up on our website!
  5. On Sunday, Februrary 22nd, we kick off a brand new series called, “Happily Ever After.”  It’s a series all about relationships – love, sex, dating, single/married.  You won’t want to miss a single week!  Invite & bring a friend!


Pastor Chris (friend me on facebook if we’re not already friends)

P.S.  Give digital giving a try – either through our website or through mobile TEXT Giving (843-277-8337)!  They’re both simple, safe, and secure!

Coastal exists to share & experience LIFE – the life of Jesus!


Friday’s 5 1-23-15

Dear Coastal,

Don’t miss this Sunday!  Not only is it the second week of “This Is How We Roll,” but it is also LIFE Group Sunday!  What that means is that each one of our 3 services will end a little earlier, giving everyone time to go outside underneath a huge tent to check out all the different LIFE Groups this semester!  Each Group will have a table/display representing their Group.  You’ll be able to mee the leaders, check out the materials, and even enjoy some great snacks!  There will also be a ballot in your bulletin on Sunday where you can vote on the different booths – most creative, most informative, best sales pitch, best snack,etc.  As you can tell, it’s going to be a lot of fun.  You won’t want to miss it!  Invite & bring a friend!  By the way, LIFE Group sign ups are available NOW on our website!

Thanks for being so accommodating in parking across the street in the old Oakland Elemenatary School parking lot!  Everyone did an awesome job!  Keep it up!  We do need more parking volunteers now though.  If you are willing to volunteer, please give Chris Ranew (706-941-2004) or Greg Orr (843-367-4051) a call.  They will put you to work!

Here are 5 Things I want you to make note of:

  1. If you are leading, assisting or hosting a LIFE Group, please make plans to attend the LIFE Group Training Class on Saturday, January 24th (tomorrow) from 9am-11am.  Childcare is provided.
  2. If you are planning on going on the Peru Mission Trip on August 7-15, please turn in your deposit and see Scott Huff today!  Thanks!
  3. On Super Bowl Sunday, February 1st, we are asking everyone to please bring non-perishable food items with them to church to help re-stock our food pantry.  Our food pantry helps feed many hurting families throughout the month.
  4. Our next Baby/Child Dedication is going to be Sunday, February 8th.  If you are interested in participating, please respond to this email with which service you will be in and child’s full name.  (We will have another Baby/Child Dedication on Mother’s Day, May 10th.)
  5. Our next Newcomer’s Lunch is Sunday, February 22nd, immediately after the 11:45am service (approx. 1pm).  Our Newcomers Lunch is an informal gathering where you will enjoy a great meal, meet other new people, meet our staff, hear Coastal’s story, and learn about possible next steps.  Childcare is provided.  It’s a great next step for those who are new to Coastal!  You can sign up on our website!


Pastor Chris (friend me on facebook if we’re not already friends)

Coastal exists to share & experience LIFE – the life of Jesus!


Friday’s 5 – 1-16-15

Dear Coastal,

This coming Sunday we kick off a new series called, “This Is How We Roll.”  For the next 4 or 5 weeks, we’re going to look at the purposes of the church.  And then we’re going to take it a step further, a kind of behind the scenes look and say, “And this is how this looks here at Coastal.  This is what we’re about.  This is how it’s played out here.  This is the culture here.  This is how we roll.”  Because it’s the first Sunday of the series, we’re also going to be giving away some fun stuff at the end of each service!  Invite and bring a friend!  It’s going to be fun!

Hopefully you heard the good new from me this week!  The site work on our property for the new building has begun.  What does that mean for you and me?  We temporarily lose all of our parking on that side of our campus.  We need everyone to start parking in the old Oakland Elementary School parking lot directly across the street from our field.  We want to save our parking at the first entrance side for guests and new people.  I am specically asking that NO VOLUNTEERS park on that first entrance side.  We all need to get healthy in 2015, so the extra steps will do us good!

Here are 5 Things I want you to make note of:

  1. Interested in formalizing your commitment to Coastal and becoming a Member?  Our next Membership Class is this Monday night, January 19, 6-9pm.  Childcare and light refreshments provided.  RSVP on your Connect Card or on our website.
  2. If you are leading, assisting or hosting a LIFE Group, please make plans to attend the LIFE Group Training Class on Saturday, January 24th from 9am-11am.  Childcare is provided.
  3. Our LIFE Group brochure for the 2015 Winter/Spring Semester will be available this Sunday!  Take your time, look it over, and be prepared to sign up NEXT Sunday on LIFE Group Sunday, January 25th!  We’ll have a Big Tent outside (with heaters) and all of our Groups will have tables/displays.  You’ll be able to check out all the different groups, meet the leaders, enjoy some great snacks, and sign up for a LIFE Group!  Don’t miss it!
  4. On Super Bowl Sunday, February 1st, we are asking everyone to please bring non-perishable food items with them to church to help re-stock our food pantry.  Our food pantry helps feed many hurting families throughout the month.
  5. Our next Newcomer’s Lunch is Sunday, February 22nd, immediately after the 11:45am service (approx. 1pm).  Our Newcomers Lunch is an informal gathering where you will enjoy a great meal, meet other new people, meet our staff, hear Coastal’s story, and learn about possible next steps.  Childcare is provided.  It’s a great next step for those who are new to Coastal!  You can sign up on our website!


Pastor Chris (friend me on facebook if we’re not already friends)

P.S.  Do you have or know anyone who has a Golf Cart that’s not being used, maybe sitting in a garage?  We’re looking for a couple more Golf Carts that we could use during construction to help with parking.  Let me know if you have one.

Coastal exists to share & experience LIFE – the life of Jesus!


Great News!

Dear Coastal Friends & Family,

I’ve got great news to announce!  Our new building project has officially STARTED!!  They pulled up on our property and started on the site work today!

I’ll be honest with you – it really affected me.  All I can say is that it’s been 25 years coming – portable (setting up and breaking down every Sunday) for 14 years, moving here 10 years ago, all the growth over the last 5 years (more than quadrupled in size – 457 on Sunday), and all the hoops over the last year just trying to get started.  When I walked outside, my heart started racing and I got emotional just watching them put up the fencing!  I told Janet I was going to put out some beach lawn chairs, an umbrella, and a fire pit and just sit, watch, and thank the Lord!

Well, I won’t do that, but I am thanking the Lord and I do want to thank YOU!  You are the reason we’re doing this!  Each one of you matters to God and has a story!  Jesus has changed your life and together we get to change the world – one life at a time!  I said it Sunday and I’ll say it again today, the new building is just a tool.  But it’s an important tool that we will leverage for God’s glory to keep reaching more and more people for Jesus!  We will fill it, fill it again, fill it again, and keep filling it until we have to figure out what to do next!  God is not finished with you or with Coastal.  In fact, He’s just getting started!

I also want to thank all of you who keep faithfully giving to Coastal and specifically to this project (“All In”).  You have been giving by faith.  Today your faith begins to become sight!  Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!  We could not be doing this without your faithful, generous, consistent giving – period!  In fact, I want to encourage you to keep it up!  Together, let’s see what we can really give by faith.  Let’s see what God can accomplish through us.

I also want to challenge those of you who are new or who haven’t yet started giving to Coastal or this project.  Join us!  Join in with what God is doing here!  We’ve said it all along – we can’t all give the same amount, but we can all sacrifice together!  Every amount matters – large or small!  I’m believing that we can pay for this building and pay it off in record time!

In fact, just to show your support or excitement or to start giving for the first time, why not give right now through our website or through TEXTing.  Stop what you’re doing and give a gift of Thanksgiving!  After a 1 step sign up, you can give any amount, any time, any where to 843-277-8337.  In fact, add the word “building” or “allin” and it is designated for the new building.

I love you Coastal!  And I love what we get to do together!  I’ll try not to drive you crazy with pictures or updates, but I felt this was an important one.  I’ve said it all along, when I know, you’ll know!  Now you know!  Invite and bring someone with you Sunday – if you do, we’ll let you park down the first entrance!  Haha!

Loving You, Loving Jesus, & Loving Our Community!

Pastor Chris

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Online Connect Card

  • If this is your 1st or 2nd time joining us, we'd love to mail you a little more information about Coastal along with a thank you for tuning in today.