Dear Coastal,
Our Students leave for their Annual Winter Retreat in Pigeon Forge, TN TODAY at 6pm! They return Monday, January 15th at 6pm! Right now I believe they are taking 66 Students and 16 Adults for a grand total of 82! Last year’s total was 52! And more significantly, 14 Students last year indicated that they gave their life to Christ on the Retreat. I ask you to join me in not only praying for their safety, but that even more of our Students come to Christ this weekend! Parents, if you have any last minute questions about the Retreat, please call Ryan at 843-442-8985.
We kicked of the New Year baptizing 4 people this past Sunday – woohoo! Our goal for 2018 is to Baptize 100 people. To help us accomplish that goal we knew we needed to make getting Baptized more accessible and more available. So we purchased a new portable Baptistry to help us do that. In fact, from here on out, you don’t have to wait until WE schedule a Baptism Service. When you’re ready, just sign up on our Connect Card or on our website and we’ll Baptize you as soon as the following Sunday. We’d eventually love to see people getting Baptized every Sunday during our worship. We’d also love to start seeing the people who had a hand in that person becoming a believer do the Baptizing (parents, LIFE Group Leaders, friends). We will still have several specific Baptism Services throughout the year (like our Beach Baptism). So, let us know when you’re ready!
Friday’s 5:
- This Sunday, January 14th, is the last Sunday to give toward our 6th Annual Christmas Offering! Our goal is $60,000. We’ll announce our grand total after this Sunday. Please designate your gift with the word, “Christmas.”
- If you are leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group this Semester there is a Mandatory Life Group Training – either 7pm, Tuesday, Jan 23rd or 10am, Saturday, Jan 27th. All Life Group Leaders are required to attend one, just choose the date that works best for you.
- Life Group Sunday – January 28th! The tent will be setup and everyone will have the opportunity to check out all the Groups for the Winter/Spring Semester! Life Groups Kick-Off the week of Sunday, February 11th and end the week of May 13th.
- Help us make an IMPACT in our community by coming to “Saturday Serve.” The first Saturday of each month (beginning Februrary 3rd, 8:30am) we’ll gather at the church and then send off groups of people to serve, help, assist different organizations in our community. It’s a tangible way to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Sign up on your Connect Card to volunteer. If you have any questions or an idea about a worthy cause or volunteer/service opportunity, please contact Kiersten Brown, our Director of Missions & Outreach at or 918-798-7299.
- Interested in offically making Coastal your church home? Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, February 3rd, 9am-12noon. Childcare and refreshments provided. You can sign up online, on your Connect Card on Sunday, or respond to this email.
Making an IMPACT!
P.S. Interested in a fun way to serve at Coastal? Join us tomorrow morning for Chair Set Up! Each Saturday morning at 9am a group of volunteers come to the auditorium and set up our chairs for Sunday worship. With 6 or more volunteers it only takes less than 30 minutes. Plus it’s great fun, you meet other people, and get in some quick exercise!