Dear Coastal,

What an amazing LIFE GROUP SUNDAY we had last week (in spite the weather)!  Our LIFE Group Leaders and all of our Volunteers really went above and beyond.  The engergy, excitement, sense of community, the food, the fun (the Pastor Chris body double) – it was such a great day!  And MOST IMPORTANTLY – A LOT OF PEOPLE SIGNED UP FOR A LIFE GROUP!  Right we have over 400 signups in all of our Groups!  And people are still signing up!  In fact, you can check out our 2018 Winter/Spring Semester LIFE Group Catalog online and sign up today!  Most of our Groups begin the week of Febrary 11th.  Spread the word and invite someone to join you!

“Saturday Serve” officially launches TOMORROW!  What is “Saturday Serve” you ask?  Well, the first Saturday of each month we’ll gather at the church at 8:30am and then send off groups of people to love, serve, help our neighbors or different organizations in our community.  And don’t worry, each project will be organized and have a leader.  All you have to do is show up, pick an activity you’re interested in, and serve.  It’s our way to make being the hands and feet of Jesus in our community a priority.    This month, for example, we are collecting any and all Thrift Store Donations (furniture, household items, basically anything you’re getting rid of).  There will be a truck here to collect everything from 9am-12noon.  Those donated items are collected to raise funds for families at My Sister’s House (a shelter for abused women).  There will be a group serving at the Lowcountry Food Bank.  Another group will help beautify a local Community Garden.  We’ll have volunteers serving at Jenkins Orphanage.  And we’ll be putting on a “Tailgate Party” for a Homeless Ministry in North Charleston.  WOW!  For more information or to answer any of your questions, contact Kiersten Brown  918-798-7299 or  You can also visit our website each month to check out the different areas of service:  See you in the morning!

Friday’s 5:

  1. Interested in offically making Coastal your church home?  Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, February 3rd, 9am-12noon.  Childcare and refreshments provided. You can sign up online, on your Connect Card on Sunday, or respond to this email.
  2. On Sunday February 11th, we kick off a brand new series called, “Financial Freedom”!  We’re going to talk about things like, “How Do I Find Financial Peace? How Do I Overcome the Desire for More?  How Do I Get Out of Debt?  How Do I Save in this Economy?  How Do I Make Wise Financial Decisions?  How Do I Honor God with My Finances?”  This series has the potential to make a huge IMPACT not only in our church, but in our community!  And as a part of the kick-off of this series, we’re doing a “Debt-Free” Giveaway – where we give away $500 to help pay down someone’s debt (one person in each service)!  Start spreading the word now – invite & bring your ONE!
  3. “Covered In Love” – As a part of making an IMPACT in February, we’re collecting filled out Valentines and blankets now through February 14th (you can drop the items off at the church) to be distributed to a local Assisted Living Center.  We’re also looking for Volunteers to deliver them on Valentine’s Day!  Contact Kiersten Brown for more information – 918-798-7299 or
  4. Want to feel more comfortable in sharing your story and your faith with people God puts in your life?  Want to feel like you’re ready and prepared to make an IMPACT?  Then sign up for our IMPACT Seminar, Friday night, March 9th, 6pm-9pm at the church. We’ll provide childcare and food!  Sign on up on your Connect Card or respond to this email (we already have 38 people registered!).
  5. Our next Newcomer’s Reception is Sunday, February 25th, immediately after our 11:15am service (it’s only about 30 minutes).  Childcare and pizza are provided.  You can sign up for our Newcomer’s Reception on our website or simply by responding to this email now.  This is a great opportunity for anyone new to Coastal to meet our Staff, our Ministry Leaders, and learn more about Coastal!  It’s a great introduction to Coastal!

Making an IMPACT!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  Remember to pray for your ONE!  We will reach our IMPACT goal of 100 Salvations & Baptisms this year ONE life at a time!  Make sure you check out our IMPACT sign this Sunday!