

Friday’s 5 1-9-15

Dear Coastal,

What a great start to the New Year this past Sunday as we Baptized 5 people!  It was such an awesome day!  My message was called, “The Year in Review,” as we took a look back at 2014.  This Sunday, my message is entitled, “The Year Ahead.”  We’re going to talk about what God has in store for us in 2015.  Don’t miss it!

Oh Coastal, we are soooo close to starting the construction of our new building!  In fact, I’m told that silt fencing, tree protection, the retention pond, and the construction entrance will all begin next week.  Here’s what that practically means for all of us:  we will temporarily lose all of the parking in the field and on that side of our campus.  So here’s what I need you to do.  Start parking in the old Oakland Elementary School parking lot directly across the street from our field.  We want to save our parking at the first entrance side for guests and new people.  I am specically asking that NO VOLUNTEERS park on that first entrance side.  We all need to get healthy in 2015, so the extra steps will do us good!

Here are 5 Things I want you to make note of:

  1. Interested in formalizing your commitment to Coastal and becoming a Member?  Our next Membership Class is Monday night, January 19, 6-9pm.  Childcare and light refreshments provided.  RSVP on your Connect Card or on our website.
  2. If you are interested in leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group in this next semester, we need to hear from you – NOW!  We need all different types of Groups – Study Groups, Service Groups, Social Groups!!  Please respond to this email or give us a call.
  3. If you are leading, assisting or hosting a LIFE Group, please make plans to attend the LIFE Group Training Class on Saturday, January 24th from 9am-11am.  LIFE Group Sunday is January 25th!
  4. Interested in sponsoring a Student (6th-12th Grade) for this year’s Winter Retreat?  The cost of the retreat per student is $175.  We have several students who could use financial assistance.  Any amount donated would be greatly appreciated.  Please see Pastor Scott for more information.
  5. Join me (Pastor Chris & our Staff) as we read through the Bible in 2015.  Pick up a One Year Bible or follow along in exactly the same reading plan at Youversion’s site.  Go to – Reading Plans – Whole Bible – and it’s the trademarked plan entitled, “The One Year Bible” Reading Plan.  We also have a facebook group entitled, “Coastal’s One Year Bible Reading Group.”


Pastor Chris (friend me on facebook if we’re not already friends)

Coastal exists to share & experience LIFE – the life of Jesus!


Happy New Year!

Dear Coastal,

Happy New Year!  I hope you have had a wonderful Christmas and that you have been able to take some time off from work and spend it with family & friends over the last couple of weeks!  I’m not sure I’ll make it to midnight, but at the Rollins home we’re simply chilling out, flipping channels, and listening to neighbhorhood fireworks.  I know – pretty wild & crazy!

Like every year, 2014 has seen it’s share of ups & downs, highs & lows.  My simple prayer is that at the end of it all, we’re a little bit more like Jesus and the fruit of the Spirit is a little bit more evident.  I’m excited about 2015!  I believe this is going to be a year of tremendous growth & change.

One of the things I’m most excited about is reading through the Bible with my Coastal family!  I hope you’re ready to begin tomorrow – January 1st.  Like I said this past Sunday, go ahead and get your resources together ready to meet with God tomorrow!  Come with a reverent, expectant, obedient attitude.  Someone asked me today if there was an audio version of our One Year Bible reading plan.  The answer is yes!  From your phone or computer go to:  It really couldn’t be any easier – whether you’re reading from the One Year Bible book, listening to the audio, or reading from the One Year Bible app on your phone, the issue isn’t one of availability, it’s one of willingness & obedience.  But it’s also one of grace.  If you miss a day (or two), don’t give up.  Just pick up where you left off and continue.  Don’t slip into legalism and miss the relationship.  It’s not a race to hurry up and finish, it’s a relationship to pursue and develop.

I also wanted to share some exciting news with you!  Isabelle Carpenter, a woman who has been attending Coastal for the past 2 months, gave her life to Jesus on Christmas Eve and is getting baptized this Sunday morning, the first Sunday of the New Year!  In her own words, Isabelle “had been a strong agnostic for many years.”  Her husband is in the military and several people over the years had reached out to her and witnessed to her.  They moved to Charleston and became next door neighbors to Matt & Stacy Curtis (is God amazing or what).  Stacy reached out to her, became her friend, prayed for her, and shared her faith.  She also invited her to Coastal.  Isabelle is getting ready to be out of town for several weeks and Matt & Stacy recently got their orders for the USS Pennsylvania out of Washington State.  Isabelle asked if she could get baptized this Sunday, so that if at all possible, Matt & Stacy could be there before they moved.  Of course we said yes!

So we will be setting up our baptistry for this weekend!  I can’t think of a better way to begin 2015, following Jesus’ example and being Baptized!  Baptism is in fact a beautiful symbol of a new beginning, a fresh start, and the forgiveness of our sins.  If you would like to join Isabelle and get Baptized this Sunday, simply respond to this email and I’ll follow up with you!  To learn more about Baptism you can go to our website.

I was in tears listening to Isabelle share her story with me.  She was so thankful for Coastal, our Worship Team, and Stacy.  One thing that stood out to her was Stacy’s confidence that if Isabelle would truly seek God, she would find Him.  She said she could tell it was a confidence in God and His Word.  Well, Isabelle did seek God and she did find Him.  Coastal that’s why we exist!  That’s why we do what we do!  We don’t just go to church, we are the church!  We are all, together, on a mission, to share and experience the life and love of Jesus with the world!

I love you Coastal!  I love what we get to do!

Happy New Year!

Pastor Chris (friend me on facebook if we’re not already friends)

P.S.  You’ve got a little over an hour to give to Coastal in 2014.  You can still give online or through TEXTING – 843-277-8337.


Christmas Eve @ Coastal!

Dear Coastal,

So, are you ready for Christmas?  Well, ready or not, it’s here!  Which means of course, that we have our 3 Christmas Eve Services, this Wednesday night, 5pm, 6:30pm, or 8pm, ready for you to enjoy and invite & bring your friends!  It’s not too late to invite someone.  Make the ask!  What’s the worst thing that could happen?  Better yet – what’s the BEST thing that could happen?

Pray for me & my message.  Pray that people give their lives to Jesus and get saved!  Pray for our Worship Team that they would lead people to worship Jesus.  Pray for Children’s Ministry Volunteers, that they would teach our children about Jesus.  Pray for all our Ministry Volunteers, that they would serve Jesus by serving others.

Here are a few other reminders:

  • Be helpful, friendly and welcoming to all our guests.
  • Introduce yourself to people you don’t know.
  • Park over at Oakland to make more room for guests.
  • Fill out your Connect Card.  This encourages others to do the same. (We’re also giving away some fun gifts at the end of each service!)
  • Sit to the front of each section of the auditorium and to the center of each aisle.
  • We will be having our normal Children’s Ministry during all 3 services – Nursery, Splash Zone, Clubhouse, & Coastal Kidz.  Not only does this provide more seating for our guests, but Janet and our Volunteers have a wonderful evening planned for our children!  They won’t want to miss out!
  • If you are serving during a service, please come early and be in your spot no later than 30 minutes before each service.

Don’t forget that our entire offering on Wednesday night will go toward our “All In” Giving Campaign (the new building)!  Prayerfully consider making a year end sacrifcial gift.  We all can’t give the same amount, but together we can all make a sacrifice.  Our faith will start to become sight in just a couple of weeks when we begin our site work in the new year!  It’s going to be so exciting!  I can’t wait!  I know you can’t either!

Well, I think that’s about it.  Can’t wait to see you and your guests on Wednesday night!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  There will be only 2 services on Sunday, December 28th, 8:45am & 10:15am.


“I bring you good news of Great Joy!”

Dear Coastal,

I want to share with you some GREAT NEWS!  I just found out this morning that our new building plans have finally been approved by the final person at the City of Charleston! (In my loudest, wildest, Ric Flair voice) Woo-hoo!  It has been a long and difficult process.  One day I’ll share more about that.

So what exactly does that mean and what’s next? Now we print & deliver the hard copies of all finalized and approved plans to the City of Charleston.  We put up construction fencing and pay someone from the City to verify & approve said fencing.  Final plans are then signed and stamped by the City and Building Permits issued  And then construction begins!

Technically, it’s not “final” approval & building permits, in the sense that we can’t start construction tomorrow. But a HUGE hurdle was crossed today that paves the way for all of that to fall into place!  Praise the Lord!  Praise the Lord!

Like I’ve been saying, “When I know, you’ll know”, and I wanted you to hear the good news from me as soon as possible!  Spend a moment today giving thanks to God for this blessing!  Dream about the new building being filled to capacity multiple times with people needing Jesus!  Invite someone to attend our Christmas Eve service!

And then finally, consider giving a sacrificial gift toward “All In” at our Christmas Eve Service or before the end of the year!  We could not have reached this milestone today without your faithful, generous giving!  Now together, let’s work toward finishing what we started.  Remember, not equal gifts, equal sacrifice.  We can’t all give the same amount, but together we can all sacrificially give!  And when we do that together, that’s when God shows up and does a miracle!

I love you Coastal!

Pastor Chris


Angel Tree Emergency!

Okay Coastal, it’s time to do again what we do best – love our community! I got this message this morning from the Guidance Counselor over at Oakland, “Hey Pastor Chris! I might need some help! We have some tags left on the Oakland Angel Tree and a family turned in their request list yesterday. I hate to keep asking the teachers to spend more money. Did you have any members that wanted to help but didn’t get the chance to get a tag?”

So, I’m sure you know exactly what I did! I went over and took ALL the remaining Angel Tree Tags! We actually had LOTS of people this past Sunday who didn’t get a tag. I know it’s late notice. It would be great to get this stuff by Sunday, but since it’s late we can bring the gifts over no later than Wednesday morning (you could drop everything off here at Coastal by Tuesday).

So, here’s what I’m asking you to do: call the office today by 4:30pm to verbally be given your Angel Tree card information – 843-571-1777. We will then check off that card. If after 4:30pm, call my cell phone – 843-442-8820 – and I’ll give you your card information. Again this is a great way to love and serve the families right in our very own community – to love our neighbors! Share this message! Help get the word out! Now – let’s hear that phone ring all day today!


“The Sounds of Christmas”

Dear Coastal Friends & Family,

Don’t miss church this Sunday – let me give you some reasons why!  Thanksgiving has come and gone, it’s the first Sunday of December, and Coastal is kicking off a brand new series entitled, “The Sounds of Christmas.”  Each week we will hear and sing your favorite Christmas songs (and introduce you to a few new ones) and share the real story of Christmas!  Even it’s been a while since you’ve been in church, this is a great time of the year to come back!  You’re always welcome at Coastal!  In fact, invite & bring a friend!  We expect guests!

This Sunday is also Newcomer’s Lunch Sunday!  Immediately after the 11:45am service (approx. 1pm) there is a meal for all those who are new to Coastal.  It’s a great way to learn more about our church, meet other new people & our staff, enjoy a great meal, and discover possible next steps.  You can simply show up on Sunday or let us know you’re coming now on our website.

On Sunday you can also pick up tickets for our Christmas Eve services this year – Wednesday night, December 24th, 5pm, 6:30pm, & 8pm.  Obviously, the tickets are FREE, but they serve as a way to let us know when a service is filling up and a great way to invite friends!  Pick them up Sunday!

Want another great reason to come to church this Sunday?  This Christmas, Coastal is partnering with our neighbors, Oakland Elementary School, to help provide Christmas for over 30 children!  There is a little Christmas Tree in our building with 30 Angel Tree cards on it.  Take a card, purchase the gift, tape the card on the gift, and bring it back to church no later than Sunday, December 14th (one week). You only have one week to make the purchase and bring it back because we will take the gifts over to Oakland the last week of school before they let out for Christmas.

Honestly, most of the gifts are real needs like clothes & shoes. There’s even one that says, “Toothpaste & deodorant for a girl.” There are some fun things too – easy bake oven, skateboard, baby doll, etc. I know we only have 1 week, but I have no doubt we can do this! This is a great way to bless the children right here in our own community and to be a good neighbor to our friends at Oakland! Are you with me?  What a great way to kick off our Christmas series this Sunday!

Hope to see you Sunday & over the Holidays!  Our service times are Sunday morning 8:45am, 10:15am, & 11:45am.

Pastor Chris


Angel Tree

Coastal is partnering with our neighbors, Oakland Elementary School, to help provide Christmas for 30 children!  On Sunday, December 7th, there will be a Christmas Tree in the auditorium with 30 Angel Tree cards on it.  Take the card, purchase the gift/gifts, wrap the presents, tape the card on the gift, and bring it back to the tree no later than Sunday, December 14th (one week).  We will take the gifts over the Oakland the following week – the last week of school before Christmas.  This is a great way to bless the children of our community and to be a good neighbor to our friends at Oakland!


Happy Cyber Monday!

Happy Cyber Monday!

I don’t know about you, but my inbox & social media have been inundated with ads for Cyber Monday. The reality is that a lot of people will buy a lot of stuff online today and over the next month. That isn’t a bad thing, but it isn’t eternal. Our church exists to reach people that do not know Jesus and that IS eternal!

So, while you are shopping online today, why not consider doing one of 3 things as we participate in Cyber Monday. And here’s my CyberMonday offer: 100% of your investment will go to reaching people for Jesus.

1. Go here ( and give to God through the local church from our website. The investment is eternal. It lasts way longer than an iPod, toy or winter coat. You do not have to have a PayPal account to give.

2. It is now possible to give to Coastal with your smartphone through TEXTING! After a one step, one time registration process (takes less than 2 minutes), you simply text any amount to 843-277-8337 and hit send. GIVE IT A TRY! You can give any amount, any where, any time, any place. It is not billed to your phone. It is through your Bank/Credit Card that you register. It is simple, safe, and secure.

3. If you haven’t done so already, download our church app onto your phone, iPod, or tablet ( It’s free at your app store! It’s a great way to spread the Word and keep up with all things Coastal. Make sure you approve push notifications.

Happy Shopping (and giving)!

Pastor Chris


Friday’s 5 – 11/21/14

Dear Coastal,

I’ve said a lot lately about being on the lookout for people who are hurting, especially during this time of the year.  Honestly, part of that might be that just in the last week alone, I have been to two funerals of men who have taken their own life.  Well, because all of that and since this is the Sunday before Thanksgiving, I decided to preach a message about Depression.  I hope you will be there and that you will invite and bring a friend!

Here are 5 Things I want you to make note of:

  1. For our Christmas Offering this year, we are encouraging people to give to our “All In” Campaign.  So during the months of November & December, try to give above and beyond your regular giving toward “All In.”  Our entire Christmas Eve offering this year will go toward “All In.”
  2. Speaking of Christmas Eve – this Sunday we will have tickets available for our 3 Christmas Eve Services (5pm, 6:30pm, & 8pm).  These serve as a way to let us know when a service is filling up and a great way to invite friends!  Pick them up Sunday!
  3. Our next Newcomer’s Lunch is Sunday, December 7th, immediately after the 11:45am service.  Our Newcomer’s Lunch is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet other new people & our staff, enjoy a great meal, and discover possible next steps.  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or on our website.
  4. Have a great idea for a LIFE Group?  Interested in possibly leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group next semester?  Simply respond to this email or contact one of our Staff.  We are in the process right now of planning out the new semester!
  5. Looking for a creative ways to bless others during Christmas?  This Christmas our church is partnering with Oakland Elementary School to help them with their Angel Tree!  As soon as the tree is up and we have more information, we’ll pass it along.  This is a great way for our church to make an impact in our community!


Pastor Chris (PC)

P.S.  Going to be out of town for the Fall or during the Holidays?  Stay consistent in your giving and give TEXT giving a try!  It’s safe, secure, and simple!  TEXT any amount to 843-277-8337 and follow the one step sign up process.

Coastal exists to share & experience LIFE – the life of Jesus!


Friday 5 – 11-14-14

Dear Coastal,

I want to really challenge you to invite & bring people to church over the next two months.  We talk about Thanksgiving & Christmas being the “happiest time of the year.”  But for most people that’s simply not true.  People are hurting, lonely, hopeless, and need help.  In Christ, we have the answers!  Ask God to help you to see people through His eyes.  Pray for courage and boldness.  And then simply extend the invitation.  We will do our part here at Coastal to lift up Jesus and point people to Him.

Here are 5 Things I want you to make note of:

  1. TONIGHT, 6:30pm-8:30pm we are having a LIFE Group Leader Meeting/Oyster Roast for all current and potential Leaders/Assistants/Hosts.  Childcare provided.
  2. For our Christmas Offering this year, we are encouraging people to give to our “All In” Campaign.  So during the months of November & December, try to give above and beyond your regular giving toward “All In.”  Our entire Christmas Eve offering this year will go toward “All In.”
  3. Speaking of Christmas Eve – this Sunday we will have tickets available for our 3 Christmas Eve Services (5pm, 6:30pm, & 8pm).  These serve as a way to let us know when a service is filling up and a great way to invite friends!  Pick them up Sunday!
  4. Interested in going on the Missions Trip to Peru in August, missed the meeting?  See Pastor Scott Huff for more information.
  5. Our next Newcomer’s Lunch is Sunday, December 7th, immediately after the 11:45am service.  Our Newcomer’s Lunch is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet other new people & our staff, enjoy a great meal, and discover possible next steps.  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or on our website.

Have a great weekend!  Can’t wait to see you and your friends on Sunday!

Pastor Chris (PC)

P.S.  Going to be out of town for the Fall or during the Holidays?  Stay consistent in your giving and give TEXT giving a try!  It’s safe, secure, and simple!  TEXT any amount to 843-277-8337 and follow the one step sign up process.

Coastal exists to share & experience LIFE – the life of Jesus!


Christmas Offering

Dear Coastal Family & Friends,

This past Sunday, I explained that for several years prior to last year at this time, we announced plans for our Annual Christmas Offering.  Each year we challenged our church, during the months of November and December, to give above and beyond their regular giving and to make a sacrificial gift toward our Christmas Offering. Many people, during this time of year, are in fact looking for charitable opportunities to give.

Each year the money went to the ministries & projects that we believed gave us the greatest opportunity to make the greatest eternal impact.  For example, because of the Christmas Offering we were able to fund the Charleston Egg Drop, Easter Outreach, Student Ministry, Children’s Ministry, updating our website, & VBS.  We were also able to remodel and expand the Women’s Restroom and roof our entire facility.

Because we just started our “All In” Giving Campaign in October of last year and because it is a 2 year campaign, we did not do a Christmas Offering last year and we will not be doing one this year.  However, what we are doing is encouraging everyone to give toward our “All In” Campaign.  Our “All In” Campaign is all about the new building that we hope to get started on here at the close of 2014.  It is a 12,000 square foot multi-purpose building that will seat approx. 450 people!  It is a tool that will enable us to continue to grow and reach more people.  It will have a huge immediate positive impact on all of our ministries.

For those of you who have been and are currently giving – thank you!  We could not have accomplished all that has happened this year without you!  Continue to give faithfullly!  For those of you who are new or who have not yet started giving toward “All In”, I want to challenge you to start during the Thanksgiving/Christmas Season.

In fact, just like the beginning of our “All In” Campaign and just like our Christmas Offering, I want to challenge you to make an end of the year sacrificial gift.  Thanksgiving & Christmas are all about giving.  Some people will choose to give along the way, week by week during November & December.  Others of you will wait to give one large gift at one of our Christmas Eve services.  Our entire offering on Christmas Eve will go toward our “All In” Campaign.

How Can I Give Toward “All In”?  It’s simple to give toward “All In”.   In fact, you can use all the ways we currently have to give at Coastal:

  1. You can use our Offering Envelope provided in your bulletin on Sunday morning.  Simply fill in the amount in the grey box next to “Building Fund” and place it in the offering plate.  Or you can take home your Offering Envelope and mail in your gift during the week – postage paid by us.
  2. You can use our card swiping machine in the Welcome Center, next to the Cafe.  Simply designate the amount on the receipt that you are giving toward “All In.”
  3. You can also give through our website using Paypal (you don’t have to have a Paypal account to use this option – just a Credit/Debit card).  There is a “Purpose” line in Paypal where you can tell us what you are designating toward “All In.”
  4. You can also give through TEXTing.  Our giving number is 843-277-8337.  There is a one step sign up process to link your account.  After you do that, TEXT the amount you wish to give, space, and then type the word “AllIN” or “building”.  That money will then be designated toward “All In.”

How much should you give?  Prayerfully consider giving a gift that will stretch your faith and include your whole family.  For some people, coming up with “extra” money is difficult.  Our family will be looking through our garage & attic for things we can sell at a Garage Sale or on Craigslist.  We’ve learned that as we give, God provides.  For some people $1000 above your regular giving is a huge sacrifice.  For others, it’s not.  We can’t all give the same amount, but together we can make the same sacrifice.

Remember, this offering should be over and above what you regularly give.  If you’re not regularly giving, use this time of year to start giving.  If you’re not tithing (10% of your income), step out in faith and start tithing.  Remember, God doesn’t want your money, but He does want what it represents – you!  Christmas is a reminder that God gave His very best.  What will you give to Him in return?

Forever All In!

Pastor Chris Rollins


Friday’s 5 – 11-7-14

Dear Coastal,

This past Sunday, we kicked off a new series on the life/book of Job.  It really seemed to resonate with a lot people.  My daughter Lydia said, “I never knew Job could be so funny!”  If you’ve downloaded our new church app, you can very easily listen to the message from your phone.  We continue this Sunday with part 2 of his story.  I hope you’ll join us!

Wow – everyone loves a FREE T-SHIRT!  We gave away free, “I LOVE MY CHURCH” Shirts this past Sunday.  We still have large & extra-large available.  You can pick them up this Sunday.

We had a great Membership Class on Monday night!  15 new people committed to Coastal!

Here are 5 Things I want you to make note of:

  1. TONIGHT, 6:30pm-8:30pm we are having an “All In” Meeting/Pizza Party  specifically for those people who are new to Coastal over the last year.  I want to give you the opportunity to be a part of what we are doing – what God is doing through Coastal.  We will feed you dinner, provide childcare, and I will explain in detail what we’re doing, how we’re doing it, and how you can help.  Plus you will get to see the latest plans of the new building and hear all the most up to date information of where we are at in the process. If you have not already signed up, but would like to come, please respond to this email.
  2. This Saturday morning (TOMORROW), 10am-Noon, we are having our Operation Christmas Child Packing/Wrapping Party!  Don’t miss this fun event for the whole family!  It’s a great way to kick off the Thanksgiving/Christmas Season!  Childcare not provided.
  3. If you are a current LIFE Group Leader/Assistant/Host or if you are interested in possibly leading a LIFE Group in the 2015 Winter/Spring Semester, please join us for an Oyster Roast/Info Meeting on Friday Night, November 14th, 6:30pm-8:30pm.  Childcare provided.
  4. Interested in going on the Missions Trip to Peru in August, missed the meeting?  See Pastor Scott Huff for more information.
  5. If you would like to help plan quarterly activities for our preschoolers and elementary age children beginning in 2015, please contact Melissa Nicholson at (843) 609-5503 or These activities could be anything from a “Family Game Night” to visiting a nursing home.

Have a great weekend!  Can’t wait to see you and your friends on Sunday!

Pastor Chris (PC)

Coastal exists to share & experience LIFE – the life of Jesus!


Operation Christmas Child Packing/Wrapping Party!

This Saturday morning, November 8th, 10am-Noon, we are having a Operation Christmas Child party in our auditorium to pack and wrap our shoeboxes for delivery.  Don’t miss this family fun event!  It’s a great way to kick off the Holiday Season!  Childcare is NOT provided.  If you have toys/gifts for the shoeboxes, please bring them before Saturday.


Friday’s 5 – 10-31-14

Dear Coastal,

I’m excited about this Sunday!  We kick off a new series on the book/life of Job!  I’m excited for several reasons:  one, in 25 years of ministry I’ve never preached a series on Job;  two, Job suffered greatly and there are a lot of people who come to Coastal in great pain;  three, God blessed the second half of Job’s life more than the first and God is not done with YOU!

This Sunday is also Time Change Sunday – so you get an extra hour of sleep!  No one should be late!  And we have a small gift for everyone at Coastal this Sunday – an early Christmas present of sorts – a NEW COASTAL T-SHIRT!  If you’re around the church today (Friday) feel free to pick yours up!  It’s a new “I Love My Church” shirt!

Here are 5 Things I want you to make note of:

  1. This is the last week to bring gifts for “Operation Christmas Child” Bring toys and other items to fill a shoebox. Our wrapping & packing party will be Saturday morning, November 8th, 10am-Noon.
  2. Interested in formalizing your commitment to Coastal?  Want to officially join the Coastal family?  Make plans to attend our next Membership Class on Monday night, November 3rd, from 6pm-9pm.  Childcare and refreshments provided.  You can sign up on our website or on your Connect Card.
  3. We’re having an “All In” Meeting/Pizza Party on Friday night, November 7th, 6:30pm-8:30pm specifically for new people who have not yet participated in “All In” and would like to learn more about what we’re doing and how you can help.  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  4. If you are interested in possibly Leading, Assisting, or Hosting a LIFE Group in the 2015 Winter/Spring Semester, please join us for an Oyster Roast/Info Meeting on Friday Night, November 14th, 6:30pm-8:30pm.
  5. My Wednesday Morning Men’s Group is pressure washing the outside of our building on Saturday morning (tomorrow – weather permitting) at 8am.  Love for you to join us, especially if you have a sprayer or a pressure washing machine!

Have a great weekend!  Can’t wait to see you and your friends on Sunday!

Pastor Chris (PC)

P.S.  TEXT Giving is an safe, secure, and simple way to consistently give to Coastal!  It takes one simple step to sign up.  Give it a try today!  Text any amount to 843-277-8337 and get started!


Pressure Washing

Pastor Chris’ Morning Men’s Group is heading up pressure washing the outside of our building – Saturday morning, November 1st, 8am-10am.  If you have a pressure washing machine or would like to come help, come and join us!


Friday’s Five – 10-24-14

Dear Coastal,

This past Sunday was AWESOME!  Nothing like seeing people take next steps in baptism!  We ended up baptising 16 people.  That means that we have baptized close to 40 people this year!  Some churches don’t see that in a life time.  We also had 460 people in attendance (I think we’ve busted through 400 now) and the largest 2nd service we’ve ever had!  In fact, I know this sounds crazy, but it was too large.  What I mean by that is that is it was too large to sustain.  It’s exciting for a service, but people won’t return long term if they can’t find a place to sit.  We literally had to bring out more chairs and people were still standing.  We’re working on a longer term solution (new building), but we definitely need people to consider coming to the 1st or 3rd service.  Truthfully, with the 1st & 3rd service, we still have room to break 500 in attendance.

Happy Anniversary!  That’s right, it’s been 1 year since we started our “All In” Giving Campaign!  We’re getting so close to breaking ground and seeing your faith become a reality – a new building to reach more people for Jesus!  So keep giving!  Every gift above and beyond your regular giving counts and matters!  Remember, not equal gifts, but equal sacrifice.  If you give using PayPal from our website, you can designate your giving in the “Purpose” line.  Simply designate the amount toward “All In”.  If you give using texting, you can also give to “All In”.  Simply text the amount to 843-277-8337 (a space) and then text the key word “building” or “AllIn” (no spaces).  It’s that simple.  Your giving is very important, especially in the 1st phase of construction (site work, foundation, concrete, downpayment on metal building), as we rely on those funds before we take our first draw from our loan.

We’re having an “All In” Meeting/Pizza Party on Friday night, November 7th, 6:30pm-8:30pm specifically for new people who have not yet participated in “All In” and would like to learn more about what we’re doing and how you can help.  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.

Here are 5 Things I want you to make note of:

  1. We begin a new series on November 2nd on the book/life of Job!  I’ve never preached on the life of Job, so I’m excited about this series.  I also think that there are a lot of great principles and themes that directly speak to us today in this book.  The tag line for the series is, “Trusting God’s Heart, When You Can Not See His Hand.”
  2. The month of October is “Operation Christmas Child” month at Coastal!  Bring shoeboxes, toys, and other items to fill those shoeboxes to church. Our wrapping & packing party will be Saturday morning, November 8th, 10am-Noon.  For more information about the ministry & mission of Operation Christmas Child, please check out their website.
  3. If you have any smart phone (iPhone, Android, or Windows), ipad, or tablet, download the new Coastal App!  Simply go to your App Store and search for Coastal Community Church!  It’s FREE!  The App is a great way to spread the Gospel and keep up with all things Coastal!  Make sure you enable push notifications so we can periodically send out important text notices.
  4. Interested in formalizing your commitment to Coastal?  Want to officially join the Coastal family?  Make plans to attend our next Membership Class on Monday night, November 3rd, from 6pm-9pm.  Childcare and light refreshments provided.  You can sign up on our website or on your Connect Card.
  5. Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 2nd at 2am.  Your clocks “fall back” 1 hour.

Have a great weekend!  Can’t wait to see you and your friends on Sunday!

Happy Anniversary!

Pastor Chris (PC)

P.S.  A $75 non-refundable deposit for the Student Winter Retreat is due by November 5th.  See Pastor Scott for more info.


Happy Anniversary!!

Dear Coastal,

Happy Anniversary!  What Anniversary am I referring too?  It has been exactly 1 year since we kicked off our “All In” Campaign!  In fact, here is a quote from an email I sent out 1 year ago about “All In” Commitment Sunday:

“October 20th, 2013 will go down as one of those historic days in the life of our church family!  Because many of you stepped out in faith, because many of you went “All In”, you helped to insure that our church will continue to grow and reach people for Jesus for generations to come.  Our children’s children will talk about this weekend and your faith in our great God!  And I love you for it!”

One week later, Sunday, October 27th, 2013, we made the announcement of what we gave.  Here is an excerpt from the email I sent out afterwards:

“In one of the most difficult and unstable economies and smack dab in the middle of a government shutdown no less, our church gave the largest single Sunday offering in the history of our church for our “All In” Campaign – over $55,000 in cash and over $326,000 in 2 year commitments (for a grand total over $380,000)! Families and children gave over 300lbs. in change! In fact, people are still turning in money and Commitment Cards! What a GREAT GOD we serve!  I am so proud of you Coastal!  2Corinthians 8:3, “For I can testify that they gave not only what they could afford but far more. And they did it of their own free will.”

It’s been quite a year.  No, we haven’t broken ground yet, but we are very, very close.  We secured a loan for the project.  We’ve been through the painstakingly slow process of Technical Review with the City of Charleston and have submitted for permit.  We have contractors and subcontractors lined up and ready to go.  All of that has happened because of the faithful generosity of those of you who have given toward the new building project – our “All In” Campaign!

Our church has also continued to grow in the past year.  In fact, there are many of you who are reading this email who have never given toward our “AlI In” Campaign – simply because you’re new and don’t know what it’s all about.

If that’s you and you’re interested in learning more about what we’re building and how you can help, this invitation is for you!  On Friday night, November 7th, 6:30pm-8:30pm we are having an “All In” Meeting/Pizza Party at the church and I want to personally invite you to come.  I want to give you the opportunity to be a part of what we are doing – what God is doing through Coastal.  We will feed you dinner, provide childcare, and I will explain in detail what we’re doing, how we’re doing it, and how you can help.  Plus you will get to see the latest plans and hear all the most up to date information of where we are at in the process.

To RSVP, simply respond to this email or you can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  I hope you can come!  These are exciting times at Coastal and we want you to be a part of it!  For those of you who know all about “All IN” and have been giving – thank you!  We would not be where we are at today without you!  Continue in your faithful giving!  Remember, every gift/commitment matters!  Every gift/commitment counts!  What made “All In” so successful was not the “big” giving of a few, but the consistent sacrifice of so many!

Happy Anniversary!

Pastor Chris


Friday’s 5 (10-7-19)

Dear Coastal,

I want to give you a little bit of a head’s up on our next series.  As always, I’m very excited about it.  In fact, I’ve never preached on it before.  I’m going to preach a 4 week series on the book/character of Job.  Most people have heard about Job and know something about his story.  You’ve probably heard the phrase, “The patience of Job.” Many people refer to Job when answering the age old question:  why do bad things happen to good people?  Job is all about the sovereignty of God and remaining faithful in the midst of great pain and suffering.  The reality is that life is hard and many of you have experienced great pain.  Well, where is God is all of that and how do we remain faithful?  I’ll kick of the series on Sunday, November 2nd.  The tagline for the series is:  “Trusting God’s heart when you can’t trace His hand.”

Here are 5 Things I want you to make note of:

  1. The month of October is “Operation Christmas Child” month at Coastal!  Bring shoeboxes, toys, and other items to fill those shoeboxes to church. Our wrapping & packing party will be Saturday morning, November 8th, 10am-Noon.  For more information about the ministry & mission of Operation Christmas Child, please check out their website.
  2. We’re having a Baptism Service in all 3 services this Sunday!  Right now we have 18 people getting baptized!  If you are interested in getting baptized, simply respond to this email or sign up on our website!  We’d love for you to join us!
  3. If you have any smart phone (iPhone, Android, or Windows), ipad, or tablet, download the new Coastal App!  Simply go to your App Store and search for Coastal Community Church!  It’s FREE!  The App is a great way to spread the Gospel and keep up with all things Coastal!  Make sure you enable push notifications so we can periodically send out important text notices.
  4. Interested in going on a Missions Trip to Peru?  There is an informational meeting this Sunday, October 19th, at 6:30pm at Coastal.  See Pastor Scott Huff for more information.
  5. Interested in formalizing your commitment to Coastal?  Want to officially join the Coastal family?  Make plans to attend our next Membership Class on Monday night, November 3rd, from 6pm-9pm.  Childcare and light refreshments provided.  You can sign up on our website or on your Connect Card.

Have a great Saturday!  Can’t wait to see you and your friends on Sunday!

Forever & Always ALL IN!

Pastor Chris (PC)

P.S.  A $75 non-refundable deposit for the Student Winter Retreat is due by November 5th.  See Pastor Scott for more info.


Parents, Kids, & Recreational Sports

Parents, it’s that time of year again. What am I talking about? Sports! But let’s be honest and admit the obvious, between Fall Ball, Winter Ball, Spring Ball, Travel Teams, and Tournaments, it’s now year round and never ending. And for many parents, striking a balance is a real struggle. I want to share a great blog post by Pastor James Emery White:
and a recent article from the N.Y. Times of all places:


Friday’s Five 10-10-14

Dear Coastal,

It is truly amazing what God is doing at Coastal right now!  In fact, it’s not normal!  Most churches today have either plateaued or are in decline.  I was hoping the kick-off of “The Story of My Life” would finally push us through the 400 barrier and boy did it!  For the kick-off we had 477 and since then we have had 425 and 432!  I’d say we’ve broken through 400 and are heading fast and furious toward 500!  In fact, we have had more guests in this little stretch than we have ever had in the history of our church.  Keep inviting!  Keep reaching out!  Keep sharing!  Let’s work like it all depends on us and then let’s pray like it all depends on God.  Then we’ll walk by faith and trust God with the results!

To quote one of my favorite movies, “I think we need a bigger boat!”  Well, we’re working on it.  We’re getting closer and closer to getting our permit and getting started on our new building.  In the meantime, if possible, come to the 1st or 3rd service.  If you’re in the 2nd service, sit to the front (I promise I don’t bite) and center of each section to make room for more people.

Here are 5 Things I want you to make note of:

  1. The month of October is “Operation Christmas Child” month at Coastal!  Bring shoeboxes, toys, and other items to fill those shoeboxes to church. Our wrapping & packing party will be Saturday morning, November 8th, 10am-Noon.  For more information about the ministry & mission of Operation Christmas Child, please check out their website.
  2. This Sunday, October 12th, immediately following the 11:45am service we’re having a Newcomer’s Lunch.  Newcomer’s Lunch is a great way for new people to learn more about Coastal, meet other new people and our staff, enjoy a great meal, and discover possible next steps.  You can sign up here on our website.
  3. We’re having a Baptism Service in all 3 services on Sunday, October 19th!  If you are interested in getting Baptized, simply respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday!
  4. If you have any smart phone (iPhone, Android, or Windows), ipad, or tablet, please download the new Coastal App!  Simply go to your App Store and search for Coastal Community Church!  It’s FREE!  The App is a great way to spread the Gospel and keep up with all things Coastal!
  5. Interested in going on a Missions Trip to Peru?  There is an informational meeting on Sunday, October 19th, at 6:30pm at Coastal.  See Pastor Scott Huff for more information.

Have a great Saturday!  Can’t wait to see you and your friends on Sunday!

Forever & Always ALL IN!

Pastor Chris (PC)

P.S.  Not only is October, “Operation Christmas Child” month, but we’re also collecting slightly used shoes to help provide water for Kenya.  Simply tie the shoes together and place them in the barrels at church.


My Men’s Group

Kenneth Hahn, our church counselor, came to our Men’s Group this morning and afterwards shared with me how much he enjoyed it. He also said this, “There’s just something powerful about a group of Men getting together to share and pray together.” I think he’s right! I look forward to every Wednesday morning.  It’s one of my favorite times of the week.  We just have so much fun together!  We laugh so hard every week.  But it’s so much more than that.  Sure, we talk about the weather and work and sports, but we also talk about marriage and raising children and finances and relationships and every day struggles.  I’ve seen men find jobs through our group.  I’ve seen men share money with other hurting families through our group.

Right now we’re reading through 1 Timothy together.  This morning we read the end of chapter one where Paul talks about how he hunted down Christians and that he was the “worst of all sinners.”  But God had mercy on him and used that as an example of His great patience with “even the worst sinners.”  We talked about how our lives are testimonies of God’s patience – if He can save me, He can save anybody.  We also spent some time talking about vs. 19, “Cling tightly to your faith in Christ, and always keep your conscience clear.”  What can we do to “cling tightly” to our faith?  And then we pray together.  The group is short, sweet, and to the point.

Men, if you’re simply looking for some other guys to do life with and grow in your faith with, you can find that here at Coastal. My group meets at 7am on Wednesdays and we have another group that Rudy Polito leads on Thursday nights at 6:30pm at his home in West Ashley. Our groups are made up of real men with real struggles seeking to depend on a real God in the context of relationships. Love for you to join us!


Friday’s Five (on Saturday) 10-4-14

Dear Coastal,

If you had any difficulty getting in touch with me or any of our Coastal Staff this past week, I apologize.  We were all out of town together at a church leadership conference in Atlanta.  We just got back late last night.  We had a blast!  It was a great time of learning, laughter, worship, and so much more for all of us! We’ve all really been going at it pretty hard for a while now, without much of a break.  Conferences really aren’t a break or a vacation (many times they requre more work on both ends), but it was just what we all needed.  It will take some time for all of us to process everything we experienced, but one thing that I know for sure is that I am so very grateful for our Staff – Julie Kelly, Scott Huff, Michael Wright, and my wife Janet (first time Janet has ever got to go to a conference with me)!  Coastal, we are so blessed!

We stayed right around the corner from the conference with one of my life long friends, Leslie & Bo Scrivener.  To say that they treated us like we were staying at a 5 Star Resort would be an understatement!  When talking to Leslie about her hospitality, she humbly said it’s something she got from her mom.  She also said something I won’t forget, “Entertainment is all about you – showing off, making yourself or your home look good for your guests.  Hospitality is all about your guests – making them feel good, taking care of them.”  Oh, one more thing about my friends, Leslie & Bo have been blessed (their own heartfelt words) with twin boys with severe autism.  The boys are now 19.  To watch the servant, agape love they show in their home is truly inspirational.  Like I said, the conference was great and we learned a lot!

Don’t miss tomorrow!  Really loving this new series, “The Story of My Life!”  Hope you are too!  The past two weeks we’ve had almost 50 1st & 2nd time guest Connect Cards filled out!  50!  WOW!  Keep it up Coastal!  Thank you Jesus!  We beg You to continue to use Coastal to draw people to Yourself!

Here are 5 Things I want you to make note of:

  1. The month of October is “Operation Christmas Child” month at Coastal!  Bring shoeboxes, toys, and other items to fill those shoeboxes to church. Our wrapping & packing party will be Saturday morning, November 8th, 10am-Noon.  For more information about the ministry & mission of Operation Christmas Child, please check out their website.
  2. It’s still not too late to join a LIFE Group!  If you haven’t signed up yet, you can sign up at church on Sunday or right now on our website.
  3. We’re having a Baptism Service in all 3 services on Sunday, October 19th!  If you are interested in getting Baptized, simply respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday!
  4. If you have any smart phone (iPhone, Android, or Windows), ipad, or tablet, please download the new Coastal App!  Simply go to your App Store and search for Coastal Community Church!  It’s FREE!  The App will be a great way to spread the Gospel and keep up with all things Coastal!
  5. On Sunday, October 12th, immediately following the 11:45am service we’re having our next Newcomer’s Lunch.  Newcomer’s Lunch is a great way for new people to learn more about Coastal, meet other new people and our staff, enjoy a great meal, and discover possible next steps.  You can sign up here on our website or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.

Have a great Saturday!  Can’t wait to see you and your friends on Sunday!

Forever & Always ALL IN!

Pastor Chris (PC)

P.S.  I want to thank those of you who consistently give electronically to our church: by automatic Bill Pay through your bank, PayPal through our website, or TEXTing 843-277-8337 (give TEXT giving a try if you haven’t done it yet).  No one might see it on Sunday mornings, but God sees it and we are thankful!


My Friend Scott

Monday was already kind of a melancholy day here in our part of Charleston. They were laying to rest a Police Officer who was shot in the line of duty. I found myself watching/reading the news reports about the processional/service, praying for his family, and giving thanks for those who protect & serve.

And then I got a text from my good friend Buck Wardle simply saying, “Call me, it’s an emergency.” I called and he told me the news, our good friendScott Gamel had died. Honestly, all day long it felt like someone had punched me in the gut.

Scott was my friend. I’ve known Scott since I was 16. Actually, that’s when I first met Buck & Scott. Back then, as everyone knows, they came as a pair. They were traveling for ACC (with Laurie Bryan Wardle & Vicki Gamel – wow, talk about a great team) and like so many others, I was drawn to them. They became my life long friends.

So many Pastors today talk about their “Board of Advisors”. I’ve never had anything official like that – I’ve just had these guys and few other really good Pastor friends (Michael DiamondGary Thompson) that I talk to at least once a week, share the ups & downs of life/ministry with, speak truth into each others lives, laugh together, and encourage each other. Scott was a part of that group for me. He was one the groomsmen in my wedding.

Scott was larger than life! FUNNY, oh my gosh, he was funny! He could imitate every Professor at ACC and everyone else for that matter! And he was Smart/Funny too! If you knew Scott, you know what I mean. Man he was smart – so well read! If you were playing any kind of Triva/Pop Culture Game you wanted Scott or maybe Melissa Stinson on your team! To this day, when I’m preparing for messages or studies and I have questions about anything, I still call Scott & Buck – why they let me tag a long with them is still mind boggling! Don’t tell anyone, but we even share each other’s messages from time to time! Well, that’s not quite true. Scott & I could preach 2 sermons from one of Buck’s! And what an obnoxious Alabama fan! I can still remember going to a Bama/Georgia game with Scott, David Workman, and I’m not sure who else, but thinking all of us Bible College Boys were going to get the crap beat out of us because of how loud & obnoxious our friend was in Bama’s last minute victory!

And let’s just be honest, back then, Scott (and Buck) WAS obnoxious. He was arrogant, narrow minded, and legalistic. He was just so smart and funny about it (and I wanted to be just like him). But then that’s what makes Scott and his life so truly amazing and beautiful. The GRACE of God just got ahold of him! And you all know what I mean. I’m not sure exactly when or how it happened. Maybe it was just life or a process or failures or his wonderful wife & children. But got a hold of him it did. Still smart, funny, confident? You better believe it. But now that TRUTH was also full of GRACE – just like Jesus. And we’ve all been a witness to the results. And I am and will continue to be a better man for it. I love you Scott. I love you Vicki. You & the boys will be in my prayers! Carry on New Hope! Scott would expect nothing less. “May the GRACE of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” 2 Corinthians 13:14 (NIV)


Our Big Day on Sept. 21st & How You Can Help!

Dear Coastal,

For the last couple of weeks, we’ve been talking about our next “Big Day” coming up, Sunday, September 21st.  I wanted to explain what a “Big Day” is and share with you what you can do to help make it a success.

Obviously, every Sunday is big here at Coastal in the sense that every Sunday is important, every Sunday we share the Gospel, and each week we encourage you to invite and bring your friends.  But a “Big Day” is a strategic day on our church calendar where we tell everyone to pull out all the stops, do whatever it takes, and make that extra push to get your friends to church!  Usually on a “Big Day” we try to break the next attendance barrier and gain momentum for continued growth.

There are several obvious “Big Days” on the calendar – Christmas Eve & Easter come to mind.  We usually put a “Big Day” somewhere in early February.  The holidays are over and it’s a great push for the New Year.  Lately kicking off the Summer with “At the Movies” has been huge for us too.  The Fall “Big Day” works because Summer is finally over, kids are back in school, Labor Day has come and gone, and the football season has started.  What does all that have to do with getting people in church?  One word – routine.  People are back into a routine and they aren’t traveling as much.

So, on Sunday, September 21st we are kicking off a brand new series called, “The Story of My Life.”  Everyone has a story.  Every story matters to God.  It’s the decisions you make every day that determine the story you’re going to tell.  So, live a story worth telling.  During the series we’re going to do our best to emphasize the life change that we regularly see here at Coastal.  Each Sunday we’re going to show a video testimony of a different family/individual.  We really believe that this is going to be a powerful series.  And we’re going to end the series with a Baptism Service!

So what can you do to help make September 21st a success?

  1. Pray every day.  Pray for the people you are inviting.  Pray for all the people our church will be inviting.  Pray for people to come to know Jesus.  Pray for me & my messages.  Pray for our staff.  Pray for our volunteers.  Pray for the mailing that we are sending out to all of West Ashley.  Ask God to give you His eyes and His heart to see people and situations the way He does.  Beg God to draw people to Himself through our church.
  2. Come and participate in our church wide Prayer Walk on Friday, September 19th, 6-8pm.  Bring your friends and family and walk together around our campus, stopping to read Scripture and pray at 10 different stations.  It’s going to be a very powerful and moving experience.
  3. Fast for one week.  For the week of September 14-20 we are asking our church to consider participating in a Fast.  Let me try to answer a few questions you might have about fasting:  First of all, what is fasting?  Fasting is abstaining from something physical for a designated period of time, for spiritual purposes.  Many times in scripture people fasted from food.  But  today, I also believe it is possible to “fast” or give up something else, for example:  television, social media, meat, caffeine, sugar, certain activities/habits, etc.  What is the purpose of fasting?   The primary purpose of fasting is to focus on God and to center our attention on Him. In doing so, we glorify God (Zechariah 7:5).  Fasting can also reveal non-essential things that control us and take precedence in our lives.  It can increase the effectiveness of our prayer and bring guidance from God in decisions (2 Sam. 12:16; Acts 14:23).  Again, the idea is to give up something physical, that you personally would notice or feel, that would remind you to focus on God.  Don’t forget that the purpose of fasting for Christians is not to focus on whatever it is you’re giving up.  The focus is not on ourselves – grumbling and complaining about being hungry (Jesus warned against that) or whatever it is that we’ve denied ourselves.  The focus is on our relationship with God.  Our physical need is to drive us to and remind us of our total dependency on God.  It’s to help clear your mind so you can focus in prayer – in this case praying for the people in your life who need Jesus.
  4. Invite!  Make a personal goal to invite and bring so many people.  Use our series invite cards.  Use our little “You’re Invited” business cards.  Send emails.  Send personal messages on facebook and other social media.
  5. Fill out a “Story of My Life” Testimony Card.  Each week in your bulletin there will be one of these cards.  Share a few sentences of how Jesus and Coastal has changed your life.  We’re going to pin these cards on a large “picture frame” on display in our auditorium.  With your permission we’re also going to post them on a page on our website.  This will be an awesome witness to other people on just what a difference Jesus can make in your life.
  6. Consider serving!  A new series & new people means we need more and more volunteers.  If you’re not already serving somewhere, it’s time to jump in!  We need you!  Our 1st Impressions Team is a great place to get started.  Give Chris Ranew our 1st Impressions Ministry Leader a call or send him an email – 706-941-2044,  Our Children’s Ministry could definitely use more volunteers in Nursery or in any of their classes.  Call Janet, our Children’s Ministry Leader or send her an email – 843-442-8299,  Honestly, all of our Ministries need more volunteers!  Give Julie a call at the office and we’ll get you connected – 843-571-1777.
  7. 4 Things to Consider on the day of the “Big Day” itself – parking, service time, seating, & name tags.  Parking:  the further away you park, the better.  Please park at Oakland and save the closer parking for guests.  Service times:  the key is come to the service that your guests are coming to.  BUT THIS IS IMPORTANT, if it does not matter, PLEASE come to the 8:45am or the 11:45am service!  The 10:15am service is already standing room only sometimes.  Seating:  no matter which service you come to, PLEASE sit to the front and center of each section.  This makes more room for people as they come in.  Name Tags:  just like we did for “Name Tag Sunday” we’re going to ask EVERYONE (not just guests) to wear a name tag.  There will be Name Tag tables set up around our campus with pens and name tags.  This is a fun way to encourage everyone to meet someone new and to learn people’s names.

Whew!  I think that’s about it!  September 21st is going to be AWESOME!  People are going to come to Jesus!  I think we’ll break 500 that day!  Like I’ve said Coastal, let’s work, invite, and share like it all depends on us.  But then let’s fast and pray and ask God like it all depended on Him.  And then let’s walk by faith and trust God with the results!

Forever & Always All In!

Pastor Chris


The Story of My Life

On Sunday, September 21st, we begin a brand new series at Coastal called, “The Story of MY LIFE.”  The idea for the series is that everyone has a story and every story matters to God.  It’s the decisions we make today that determine the story we’ll tell tomorrow.  So live a story worth telling!  During this series we’re going to be highlighting real stories of life change from within our own church family!  It’s going to be awesome!  Start praying now!


Prayer Walk

On Friday, September 19th, 6-8pm, Coastal is having a Prayer Walk on our campus to pray & prepare for our Big Day – the kick off of our new Fall Series, “The Story of MY LIFE” on Sunday, September 21st.  Bring the whole family and walk around our campus stopping at 10 different prayer/devotion stations.  At each station you’ll be instructed what to do and what to pray for.  This will be a great time of prayer & fellowship for our church!  Make plans to walk with family, friends, LIFE Group, or Ministry Team.   Don’t miss it!


New Song This Sunday!

Hey Coastal! We’ll be introducing a new song this coming Sunday: Beneath The Waters (I Will Rise) – Hillsong

Be sure to download it and jam out on the way to work or school this week! Can’t wait to hear all of your voices!


This is my revelation
Christ Jesus crucified
Salvation through repentance
At the cross on which He died

Now hear my absolution
Forgiveness for my sin
And I sink beneath the waters
That Christ was buried in

I will rise
I will rise
As Christ was raised to life
Now in Him
Now in Him
I live

I stand a new creation
Baptised in blood and fire
No fear of condemnation
By faith i’m justified

I rise as You are risen
Declare Your rule and reign
My life confess Your lordship
And glorify Your name

Your word it stands eternal
Your kingdom knows no end
Your praise goes on forever
And on and on again

No power can stand against You
No curse assault Your throne
No one can steal Your glory
For it is Yours alone

I stand to sing Your praises
I stand to testify
For i was dead in my sin

But now i rise
I will rise
As Christ was raised to life
Now in Him
Now in Him
I live


LIFE Group Sunday!

At Coastal Community Church, we believe that LIFE is better together!  No one was meant to do life alone!  We were made for community.  In fact, I believe that while most people are looking for a friendly church, what they are really looking for are friends.

At Coastal, we do our best to meet that need through something called LIFE Groups.  Simply put, LIFE Groups are small groups of adults who meet in homes weekly all over Charleston to do LIFE together for a semester (10-12 weeks).  They serve together, have fun together, pray together, play together, and grow in their faith together – wherever they are at in their spiritual journey.  Over time, people meet life long friends in LIFE Groups!

This Sunday is LIFE Group Sunday – and you’re invited!  As always, you’ll enjoy great music.  I’ll share a short message about why being in a group is so important.  And then we’ll give you a chance to check out all the different Groups by visiting a table/booth representing each group underneath a large tent!  You’ll be able to meet other people checking out groups, enjoy some great snacks, have fun, and even sign up for a group!

I hope you can come!  Let’s do LIFE together!

Pastor Chris


Wedding/Welcome to Coastal Shower for the Wrights!

On Sunday, August 17th, at 5pm the entire church (men, women, & children) are invited to a “Wedding/Welcome to Charleston Shower” for our new Worship Pastor & his wife – Michael & Joy Wright!  Feel free to bring to gift to bless the new couple (gifts cards or something that says “Charleston” would be great).  But don’t feel like you have to bring a gift – simply come and fellowship with your church family!  We’re going to have a “Mexican Fiesta” – taco/burrito bar, rice, refried beans, chips, & salsa.  Feel free to bring your favorite Mexican dish to share!


LIFE Group Orientation/Dinner

Our entire staff is in the process of organizing & planning out our LIFE Groups for the Fall/Winter Semester.  An important part of this process is making sure we’re all together on the same page, heading in the same direction.  To help us do that, we’re having a “LIFE Group Orientation and Dinner” at the church for all LIFE Group Leaders, Assistants, and Hosts this Friday night, August 1st – childcare provided.  This dinner/meeting is also for anyone interested in leading, assisting, or hosting in the new semester.

We’ll eat from 6:30pm to 7:30pm and our meeting will be from 7:30pm to 8:30pm.  Obviously, we’re trying lure you with dinner (ham, green beans, mac & cheese, desserts), but this is a very important meeting.  Not only will this be a great time for fellowship, it will also be an opportunity for me to cast vision, talk about our LIFE Group expectations, and help us to plan out the upcoming semester.


New Sermon Series: “Summer Reading”

“Leaders are Readers!”  I wholeheartedly agree with that statement!  On Sunday, July 27th, we begin a brand new series at Coastal called, “Summer Reading.”  The idea for the series is simple.  I pick 6 different books that I consider worthwhile for the church to read.  We provide a small number of the books at a very discounted price and encourage you to read them.  Then, each week we use a different one of the books as a springboard for the message.

Here is a list of the books we’re using:  Circle Maker by Mark Batterson.  It’s a great book on prayer!  Catalyst Leader by Brad Lomenick.  It’s a great book on leadership that our staff is reading together right now.  Autopsy of a Deceased Church by Thom Rainer.  We used one of his books last year and this one is just as powerful.  The Dude’s Guide to Manhood:  Finding True Manliness in a World of Counterfeits by Darrin Patrick.  The title should speak for itself.  I hope every man (and woman) in our church reads it!  Unglued:  Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions by Lysa Terkeurst.  God gave us emotions to experience life, not destroy it.  It’s a book every woman (and man) ought to read.  And then finally, How to Be Rich by Andy Stanley, a great book on generosity.

Now before some of you freak out thinking that Pastor Chris has gone heretical and soft and has thrown out the Bible and is now preaching from other books or encouraging you to read other books instead of the Bible, throw away your email and take your medication.  That’s not what we’re doing.  If anything, I think you’ll discover that during this series you will find yourself compelled to go to scripture as we point people to the truth of His Word and a deeper relationship with God.  Some of you LOVE to read and need very little nudging to pick up a book and read it.  Others of you made a vow after school that you would never read another book again!  And then there is everything in between.  I hope that some of you will read all of the books and that all of you will read at least one of the books.  Growing Christian Leaders are Readers!  Join us this Summer and READ!


Baby Shower for Pastor Scott & Lori Huff

We are having a church wide (everyone is invited) Baby Shower for Pastor Scott & Lori Huff on Sunday, July 13, 5pm at the church!  They will have had several Baby Shower’s at this point so we are encouraging everyone to bring Gift Cards (Wal-Mart, Target, Babies-R-Us).  They are expecting a girl!  We will provide a dinner:  hamburgers/hotdogs, chili, baked beans, cole slaw, mac & cheese, cake, & drinks.  No childcare is provided.


“All In” Meeting/Dinner

If you are new to our church in the last 8 months, this invitation is for you. On Friday night, July 11th, 7-9pm we are having an “All In” Meeting/Dinner at the church and I wanted to personally invite you to come.  You may or may not have heard, but Coastal is in the process of building a new building on our property!  We hope to break ground later this Summer.

This past Fall, we launched into a campaign we called, “All In” that helped us to communicate the vision, the need, and the process of building our new building.  Since you are fairly new to Coastal, I want to give you the opportunity to be a part of what we are doing.  We will feed you dinner, provide childcare, and I will explain in detail what we are doing, how we are doing it, and how you can help.  Plus you will get to see the latest plans and hear all the most up to date information of where we are at in the process.

To RSVP, simply send an email to   I hope you can come!  These are exciting times at Coastal!


Kids Movie @ Citadel Mall Theater

On Wednesday, July 9th, Coastal would like to take any children from our church and their friends (and children at heart) to the 11:45am showing of “How To Train Your Dragon 2” at the Citadel Mall Cinema – on us!  Please send us an email to let us know how many kids you have coming.  Meet us at the Citadel Mall Cinema no later than 11:40am for your free tickets! (All pre-school children must have a chaperone.)  We’re providing the tickets – snacks are on you.  Just something fun we’d like to do for our community!


Outdoor Service & Barbeque!

On Sunday, July 6th (4th of July Weekend), we’re having 1 outdoor worship service underneath a giant tent and then a whole hog barbeque dinner immediately after the service!  We’re providing the meat, drinks, ice, and paper products.  We’re asking everyone else to bring plenty of food to share (potluck/covered dish), sides, desserts, etc.  Stick around after the service, enjoy a great meal, play corn hole, volleyball, and maybe even a pick up game of softball.  As always, invite and bring your family and friends!


Father’s Day @ Coastal!

This Sunday, June 15th, is Father’s Day!  It’s going to be a great celebration at Coastal that you won’t want to miss!  Pastor Chris will share a message geared toward men from our “At the Movies” series.  We will be giving away gifts to all guys present, plus some special gifts at the end of each service.  There will be a Baby Dedication during the 11:45am service.  And we will be giving away Barbeque Sliders and Root Beer outside underneath a tent!


Baby/Child Dedication!

We are having our next Baby/Child Dedication service on Father’s Day, June 15, during the 11:45am service.

3 John 4, “I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.”

Baby or Child dedications are special occasions.  The purpose of dedicating a child is just that – to dedicate the raising of a child in a Christian home.  It is a symbolic and public way of acknowledging that children are a gift from God and that we don’t take lightly our responsibility as parents or as a church.

At Coastal we believe that baby dedications are a family affair.  Not only is a child being dedicated to the Lord, but it is also a dedication the parents make –– to raise their children in the training and instruction of the Lord.  It’s a parent’s outward way of giving thanks, sharing joy, and committing to be the mom or dad that God has called them to be.

It is also a way of including the church.  We commit to being a help, an example, and a resource in raising their children.


“At the Movies” Series Kick-Off!

The Summer is just about here!  To kick off the Summer, on Sunday, June 8th, we roll out one of our favorite series here at Coastal:  “At the Movies!”  It’s where we use current blockbuster movies as a “hook” to talk about spiritual truth and we do it in true Coastal style.  We’ll have a lot fun, give away a lot of stuff (all 1st time guests get FREE movie tickets to Citadel Mall Theater), eat a lot of popcorn, and most importantly point people to Jesus!  Invite and bring your friends!


BIG SUR “Student Ultimate Relay”

Attention all Coastal Students!  This Wednesday, May 28th come and compete in the BIG SUR “Student Ultimate Relay”.  High School (wear blue) vs. Middle School (wear red) in the ultimate relay.  Wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty or wet.  There will be food!


Only 2 Services for Memorial Weekend!

This Sunday, May 25th (Memorial Weekend), there will only 2 Sunday morning Worship Sevices – 10:15am & 11:45am.  We’ll be continuing our Battlefield series with a message on Temptation.  We’ll also have a time to recognize and pray for those who serve or have served in the Military.  Hope to see you Sunday!


Friday’s 5

Dear Coastal,

That’s right – only 2 Worship Services this Sunday for Memorial Weekend – 10:15am & 11:45am.  We’ll be continuing our Battlefield series with a message on Temptation.  We’ll also have a time to recognize and pray for those who serve or have served in the Military.  Hope to see you Sunday!

The Summer is just about here!  To kick off the Summer, on Sunday, June 8th, we roll out one of our favorite series here at Coastal:  “At the Movies!”  It’s where we use current blockbuster movies as a “hook” to talk about spiritual truth and we do it in true Coastal style.  We’ll have a lot fun, give away a lot of stuff (all 1st time guests get FREE movie tickets to Citadel Mall Theater), eat a lot of popcorn, and most importantly point people to Jesus!  Invite and bring your friends!

And then to make June 8th even more AWESOME, we’re having a Beach Baptism at Folly Beach County Park at 5pm! If you’d like to get Baptized in the ocean at Folly Beach, you can sign up on Sunday on your Connect Card, you can sign up online, or you can simply respond to this email.  Come early, bring your “beach stuff”, and enjoy the day with your Coastal friends and family!  We’ve got 50 free parking passes to the 1st 50 people that want them!  On the weekend, unless you have a Park Pass that’s a $10 value that we’re giving away for FREE.

Here are 5 more things I want you to know about:

  1. LIFE Group Sign-Up has begun!  You can register online today or this Sunday at church.  LIFE Groups begin the week of June 8th!
  2. Student LIFE Missions Camp balane due this Sunday!  Please see Pastor Scott with payment and any questions.
  3. BIG SUR “Student Ultimate Relay” this Wednesday, May 28th, 6:26pm-8:15pm.  High School (wear blue) vs. Middle School (wear red) in the ultimate relay.  Wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty or wet.  There will be food!
  4. On Father’s Day, June 15th we are having another Baby/Child Dedication Service during the 11:45am service.  Sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or respond to this email if you are interested in participating.
  5. VBS this year is July 21st-25th!  This year’s theme is, “Weird Animals – Where Jesus’ Love Is One of a Kind.”  Our VBS Closing Program will be Sunday night, July 27th.  We are in need of 100 pool noodles for VBS – green, yellow, orange, purple or blue.  If you’d like to volunteer for VBS, please fill out the VBS Volunteer Insert in the bulletin and place it in the offering plate on Sunday!

Always & Forever All In!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  Mark Sunday, July 6th (4th of July Weekend) on your calendars!  We’re going to have 1 combined outdoor service & a barbeque!


Friday’s 5

Dear Coastal,

Guess what?  Our new Worship Pastor, Michael Wright, is officially here and will begin leading worship full time this Sunday!  He actually got here on Wednesday and led worship for our Students!  His fiance, Joy Brackett, will be in town this weekend as well. We might get to see her from time to time over the Summer and then obviously, she will join Michael after their wedding in late July.  Make an extra effort to be here on Sunday and introduce yourself to them.

And then Coastal, make me proud and simply do what you do best, love on them both and welcome them to Coastal and Charleston!  Over the next month, while he looks for an apartment, Michael will be living with Scott & Lori Huff.  Feel free to invite Michael out to lunch or have him over for dinner – a great way to get to know him.  Or maybe invite him out to some “Charleston thing” with you and your family.  I’m very proud of and excited about the Staff Team we are building here at Coastal!  I hope you are too!

Coastal, I want to brag on you and thank you for a moment.  You guys are such a generous people.  Whether it’s our food pantry, VBS, Student Ministry, a hurting family, Peru, or blessing one of our Staff during a difficult time, your generous, consistent giving never ceases to amaze me.

Which brings me to our “All In” Campaign.  I’ve not really said a lot about the Campaign since it began, but here again, you guys amaze me.  The key to any Giving Campaign is consistency from the entire church family.  And like we said at the very beginning of the Campaign, it’s not equal amounts, it’s equal sacrifice.  We can’t all give the same amount, but we can all pull together and sacrifice.  And every week, seeing the wide variety of gifts coming in from such a wide variety of people for “All In” just blows me away.

Very soon, we hope to announce the closing of our loan and a ground breaking ceremony.  If Easter Sunday taught us anything, it’s that our current facility is not adequate for our growth and the new building is simply a tool that will enable us to continue to grow.  If you are fairly new to Coastal and would like to join in and help us fund our new building (a multi-purpose building that will seat 450-500 people on our property), simply designate your check, offering envelope, pay pal, or text “AllIN” or “Building”.

Here are 5 more things I want you to know about:

  1. Our next Membership Class is tomorrow morning, Saturday, May 3rd, 9am-12pm.  Childcare and light refreshments provided.  Even if you haven’t signed up, we take walk-ins!  Our Membership Class is the way you formalize your commitment to Coastal.
  2. Coastal Day at the Riverdogs Game!  This Sunday, May 4th, 5pm.  Tickets $10 (Student Ministry Camp fundraiser).  Kids eat free!  Pastor Scott was able to get a few more tickets – see him on Sunday.

  3. Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 11th.  We’re having a Baby Dedication Service during the 11:45am service on Mother’s Day.  If you would like to participate, either respond to this email or indicate on your Connect Card on Sunday.  It’s going to be a great day!  Lots of gifts and giveaways!  Plus we’re going to have a photographer at church taking family photos!
  4. Don’t miss SERVEFEST on Saturday, May 17th, 9am-Noon, at Coastal.  Our Servolution LIFE Group is spearheading an opportunity to serve in many different ways and many different organizations around Charleston.  See the insert in your Sunday Bulletin, the table in the Welcome Center, and show up ready to serve on May 17th.
  5. Our next Newcomers Lunch is Sunday, May 18th, immediately following the 11:45am service.  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or right now on our website.  Our Newcomer’s Lunch is a great way to meet other new people and our Staff, learn more about Coastal and possible next steps, and enjoy a great meal!  Childcare provided.

Always & Forever All In!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  Only 2 services on Memorial Weekend Sunday, May 26th (10:15am & 11:45am).  Our next Beach Baptism is Sunday, June 8th, on Folly Beach at 5pm.


Friday’s Five 4-25-14

Dear Coastal,

In spite of all the elements, we had an AWESOME Easter at Coastal! First of all, I can’t say enough about our AWESOME Volunteers! I know I say that all the time, but I mean it. Each one of our teams knocked it out of the park!

I met so many new people! So many Coastal people proudly introduced me to their friends. I saw some “old friends” as well! One couple was simply walking their newborn baby in a stroller on our street, heard the music, and came to church!

Speaking of the music, it was great to have our new Worship Pastor, Michael Wright, lead worship for us!  The long weekend we spent together more than confirmed his calling to Coastal!

Tons of prayer requests! Lots of new volunteers! Lots of people recommitted their lives to Jesus! And 3 people came alive as they gave their lives to Jesus! Oh and by the way, we had our largest attendance ever – 651! The best is yet to come Coastal! I love you and I love what we get to do together!

Easter was great and it was something that we will build on, but don’t be discouraged if your friends didn’t come to church.  Keep praying!  Keep inviting!  We are not responsible for their responses.  We are responsible for casting seed – so keep casting!

We kick off our new series, “Battlefield” this Sunday!  We’re going to be talking about some of the common enemies that we all face in life and discover how we can defeat them.  (Our own Allen White did the mural on the stage and the graphic for our website.)

Here are 5 more things I want you to know about:

  1. Our next Membership Class is next Saturday, May 3rd, 9am-12pm.  Childcare and light refreshments provided.  Sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or register directly from our website here.
  2. Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 11th.  We’re having a Baby Dedication Service during the 11:45am service on Mother’s Day.  If you would like to participate, either respond to this email or indicate on your Connect Card on Sunday.  It’s going to be a great day!  Lots of gifts and giveaways!  Plus we’re going to have a photographer at church taking family photos!
  3. Coastal Day at the Riverdogs Game!  Sunday, May 4th, 5pm.  Tickets $10 (Student Ministry Camp fundraiser).  Kids eat free!  Sign up for your Tickets at the kiosk in the Welcome Center and see Pastor Scott for payment and tickets.
  4. Don’t miss SERVEFEST on Saturday, May 17th, 9am-Noon, at Coastal.  Our Servolution LIFE Group is spearheading an opportunity to serve in many different ways and many different organizations around Charleston.  See the insert in your Sunday Bulletin and show up ready to serve on May 17th.
  5. Our next Newcomers Lunch is Sunday, May 18th, immediately following the 11:45am service.  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or right now on our website.  Our Newcomer’s Lunch is a great way to meet other new people and our Staff, learn more about Coastal and possible next steps, and enjoy a great meal!  Childcare provided.

Always & Forever All In!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  Only 2 services on Memorial Weekend Sunday, May 26th (10:15am & 11:45am).  Our next Beach Baptism is Sunday, June 8th, on Folly Beach at 5pm.



On Sunday, April 27th, we begin a brand new sermon series entitled, “Battlefield.”  We’re going to be talking about defeating the common enemies that we all face.  Some of those enemies include:  temptation, worry, fear, depression, debt, and porn.  Ultimately, as Christians we know that because of Jesus we have won the victory and we are on the winning team!  But along the way, Satan wants to do everything in his power to make sure we live defeated lives.  In fact, Jesus said that Satan’s job is to, “steal, kill, and destroy.”  However Jesus came “to give life in all of its fullness.”  Our hope is that this series will help you face & defeat the enemy and live in victory!  Don’t miss it!


Easter Sunday 2014

In spite of the weather and being outside underneath a tent, we experienced an Easter Sunday I will never forget at Coastal! First of all, I can’t say enough about our AWESOME Volunteers! I know I say that all the time, but I really mean it. Each one of our teams knocked it out of the park! They worked long. The worked hard. And they enjoyed every minute of it!

I met so many new people! So many Coastal people proudly introduced me to their friends. I saw some “old friends” as well! One couple was simply walking their newborn baby in a stroller on our street, heard the music, and came to church! Even some of the people I invited came to church!

Speaking of the music, it was great to have our new Worship Pastor Michael Wright lead worship for us! Talk about a “Baptism by Fire!” And he did more than just survive. He did a great job! The long weekend we’ve spent together more than confirms his calling to Coastal! Can’t wait for Joy Brackett to join him in ministry here at Coastal!

I missed my friends Scott Huff & Lori! My heart is heavy for their loss. I know they would have much rather been in Charleston, experiencing Easter at Coastal than mourning the loss of a loved one, but they are right where they need to be – loving on family. Honestly, I wish I could be there with them. Scott is so much more than a Youth Pastor and “the announcement guy” here at Coastal (although he’s not bad at either).

Tons of prayer requests! Lots of new volunteers! Lots of people recommitted their lives to Jesus! And 3 people came alive as they gave their lives to Jesus! Oh and by the way, we had our largest attendance ever – 651! The best is yet to come Coastal! I love you and I love what we get to do together!


Baby Dedication

On Mother’s Day, May 11th, during the beginning of the 11:45am service (3rd service), Coastal will be having a Baby/Child Dedication Service.  Baby or Child dedications are special occasions.  The purpose of dedicating a child is just that – to dedicate the raising of a child in a Christian home.  It is a symbolic and public way of acknowledging that children are a gift from God and that we don’t take lightly our responsibility as parents.

At Coastal we believe that baby dedications are a family affair.  Not only is a child being dedicated to the Lord, but it is also a dedication the parents make – to raise their children in the training and instruction of the Lord.  It’s a parent’s outward way of giving thanks, sharing joy, and committing to be the mom or dad that God has called them to be.

It is also a way of including the church in this monumentous task and celebrating the gift of our children with them.  We commit to being a help, an example and a resource in raising their children.

If you are interested in participating on May 11th, please contact the church office or sign up on your Connect Card.


Friday’s 5 – 4-4-14

Dear Coastal,

Okay, it’s time!  Make the ask!  Easter is now 2 weeks away!  We have multiple invite tools for you to use to invite your friends:  the FREE Tickets (sign up for yours on Sunday or reserve them online today), our normal invite business cards, a large card mailer that will be sent out to all 29414 residents (good for mailing to friends-pick them up at the ticket booth), and a small invite card in your bulletin.

On Sunday, pick up whatever best suits you and people you will be inviting.  On top of that,  we have yard signs available!  Pick up a yard sign and put it in the front of your yard, closest to the street where people can see it.

We had lots and lots of names that were turned in on Sunday.  If you would like us to specifically join you in praying for the people that you’re inviting, write their first names on your Connect Card this Sunday.  Our Staff, Elders, and Prayer Team would love to join you in prayer.

Our service times for Easter are the same (8:45am, 10:15am, 11:45am).  However, we are having all 3 services outside, on our property, underneath a BIG TENT!  We’re calling it an Outdoor Community Easter Service (pray for good weather).  It should be a lot of fun! Our new Worship Pastor, Michael Wright, will be leading worship for us!  He will then join Coastal full time beginning Sunday, May 4th!

Here are 5 more things I want you to know about:

  1. We begin a new series right after Easter called, “Battlefield.”  We’re going to take a look at the some of the common enemies that we all face in our Christian life – worry, temptation, pornography, debt.  Can you think of others?
  2. Attention all Students:  BIG SUR (“Student Ultimate Relay”), Wednesday, April 16th, 6:26pm-8:15pm!  High School (Wear Blue) VS. Middle School (Wear Red) in the ultimate relay!  Wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty or wet!  There will be food!  Invite your friends!
  3. Prayerfully consider making a contribution to your “All In” Campaign commitment on Easter Sunday!  If you are new to Coastal and would like more information about our New Building Campaign, see me, respond to this email, or let us know on your Connect Card.
  4. We are making preparations for the Summer Semester of LIFE Groups!  If you are interested in leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group or if you simply have a creative idea for a Group, please respond to this email or indicate it on your Connect Card.
  5. Coastal Day at the Riverdogs Game!  Sunday, May 4th, 5pm.  Tickets $10 (Student Ministry Camp fundraiser).  Kids eat free!  Pick up Tickets at the Easter Ticket Booth.

Always & Forever All In!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  We already have 316 tickets that have been reserved for Easter!  That does not include children in our Children’s Ministry!!  RESERVE YOUR TICKETS FOR YOU & YOUR FRIENDS TODAY!

P.S.S. Sign up for Mobile TEXT Giving & give it a try!  843-277-8337



Attention all Students:  Don’t miss  BIG SUR (“Student Ultimate Relay”)!  Wednesday, April 16th, 6:26pm-8:15pm!  High School (Wear Blue) VS. Middle School (Wear Red) in the ultimate relay!  Wear clothes you don’t mind getting dirty or wet!  There will be food!  Invite & bring your friends!


Friday’s 5 – 3-21-14

Dear Coastal,

The Easter countdown continues!  Easter is just 4 weeks away!  The time is now to start praying and inviting!  In fact, if you would like us to specifically join you in praying for the people you are reaching out to, write their first names on your Connect Card this Sunday.  Our Staff, Elders, and Prayer Team would love to join you in prayer.  You can also respond to this email with their names.

Our service times are staying the same for Easter.  However, we are having all 3 services outside, on our property, underneath a BIG TENT (larger than any we’ve rented before!).  We’re calling it an Outdoor Community Easter Service (pray for good weather).  It should be a lot of fun!

Michael Wright, our new Worship Pastor (if you missed the Big Announcement on Sunday), will be leading worship on Easter Sunday!  He will then join Coastal full time beginning Sunday, May 4th!  Woo-hoo!  I’ll share more about Michael later and how we can all help make his transition a smooth one.

Our FREE Tickets for each Easter service have arrived!!  Use them as an invite tool.  You can pick them up this Sunday!  They also help us to gauge when a particular service is going to be full.

Here are 5 more things I want you to know about:

  1. Mobile (TEXT) Giving is now available!  Text any amount to 843-277-8337 and follow the instructions!  Give it a try!  it’s safe, simple, and secure!  Even if it’s not going to be the regular way in which you give, I would encourage you to register.
  2. Our next Newcomers Lunch is Sunday, March 30th, immediately following the 11:45am service.  This is for anyone new to Coastal who has not been to a Newcomers Lunch.  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday, respond to this email, or right now on our website.
  3. Prayerfully consider making a contribution to your “All In” Campaign commitment on Easter Sunday!  If you are new to Coastal and would like more information about our New Building Campaign, see me or respond to this email.
  4. We are already beginning to make preparations for the Summer Semester of LIFE Groups!  If you are interested in leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group or if you simply have a creative idea for a Group, please respond to this email or indicate it on your Connect Card.
  5. Coastal Day at the Riverdogs Game!  Sunday, May 4th, 5pm.  Tickets $10 (Student Ministry Camp fundraiser).  Kids eat free!  See Scott Huff for tickets.

Have a great weekend!  See you and your friends on Sunday as we continue with our series, “Hello, My Name Is”!  We’ll be looking at Jabez!

Always & Forever All In!

Pastor Chris


The Egg Drop Question

I’m actually surprised that more people haven’t asked the question yet.  I’ve been asked it a few times, but not as many as I thought I would.  The question is, “Are you doing the Egg Drop this year?”  Maybe people just assume we’re doing it, because, you know, it’s our thing now and we’ve done it for 5 years in a row.  Or maybe people assume we’re not doing it because they haven’t heard anything about it.  Either way, I thought I would answer the question and explain.

After 5 years and literally thousands and thousands of eggs (close to 200,000 plastic candy filled eggs to be exact), Coastal will NOT be doing an Egg Drop this year (2014). The reason why is simple.  Our church is growing and we’re building a new building on our property (the Egg Drop field) to accomodate the growth.  Although we haven’t broken ground yet, we weren’t sure when that would happen when we started the process.  And as you may or may not know, the Egg Drop takes months and months of planning and preparation.  It now looks like we will break ground sometime in June.

So be on the lookout for other churches around the area having one and give them your support!  And thank you for participating faithfully and spreading the word.  And a huge thank you to those of you who have volunteered over the years (you have the t-shirts)!  We could not do what we do without you!  Be on the lookout – you know Coastal!  We will always be looking for creative ways to reach out to and serve our children and community.

As always, we’d love for you to come check out our church! We have 3 services: 8:45am, 10:15am, & 11:45am!  This Easter we’re having an Outdoor Community Easter Service, at those same times, underneath a HUGE tent on our property!  It’s going to be a blast!  We’d love to see you!


Friday’s 5 – 3-14-14

Dear Coastal,

Easter is just 5 weeks away!  Did you hear that?  EASTER IS JUST 5 WEEKS AWAY!  I know that there are some churches and Christians who complain about people who only show up at church on Easter.  Not me!  And NOT Coastal!  If you know churches and people like that, tell them to send their guests to Coastal!  Instead of complaining about it, let’s take advantage of it.  Let’s pull out all the stops and make them feel at home and welcome.  And most importantly, let’s share Jesus with them.

So what can you do?  Most importantly, you can start praying.  Pray for our church and everyone that will be invited.  Ask God to use Coastal to draw people to Himself.  Pray for all the people you will be inviting.  Pray for my message.  Pray for the 16,000 mailing invitations that will be going out to all 29414 residents of West Ashley.

Start inviting.  Make a list of everyone you know and start inviting.  Use Social Media.  Send personal messages.  Walk across the hall at your office.  And then be open to the Holy Spirit throughout your day asking Him to put other people in your path that you can invite.  Take home an Easter Yard Sign.  Two weeks before Easter we’re going to have Easter Yard Signs available to anyone who would be willing to put one in their yard, especially those of you who live in a busy neighborhood.  The week before Easter, help us blitz West Ashley with the rest of our Yard Signs.

This Easter we are having our 3 normal service times, but we are having them outside, on our property, underneath a BIG TENT (larger than any we’ve rented before!).  We’re calling it an Outdoor Community Easter Service (pray for good weather).  It should be a lot of fun!  We’re also using tickets for the 3 services as an invite tool.  So as soon as the tickets arrive, you can start reserving seats for the service you will attend.  They also, help us to gauge when a particular service is full.

How many people do you think we can reach this Easter?  Our largest service ever was just over 600.  Can we do that again?  Can we blow that away?  I don’t know.  Will you do your part?  I believe God is looking for people and churches to draw people to Himself.  Beg God to look no further than you and Coastal!

Here are 5 more things I want you to know about:

  1. Mobile (TEXT) Giving is now available!  Text any amount to 843-277-8337 and follow the instructions!  Give it a try!  it’s safe, simple, and secure!
  2. 1st Impressions Team Dinner/Meeting this Saturday night (tomorrow), 5:30pm at the church.  Dinner & Childcare provided.  This is for anyone currently serving in 1st Impressions or those interested in serving.
  3. Prayerfully consider making a contribution to your “All In” Campaign commitment on Easter Sunday!  If you are new to Coastal and would like more information about our New Building Campaign, see me or respond to this email.
  4. We are already beginning to make preparations for the Summer Semester of LIFE Groups!  If you are interested in leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group or if you simply have a creative idea for a Group, please respond to this email or indicate it on your Connect Card.
  5. Our next Newcomers Lunch is Sunday, March 30th, immediately following the 11:45am service.  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or right now on our website.

Have a great weekend!  See you and your friends on Sunday as we continue with our series, “Hello, My Name Is”!  We’ll be looking at Deborah!

Always & Forever All In!

Pastor Chris


Outdoor Community Easter Services

Join us this Easter, April 20th, at Coastal Community Church for 1 of 3 services, outside on our property, underneath a BIG TENT!  Our service times are the same:  8:45am, 10:15am, or 11:45am.  Invite and bring a friend!  The dress is casual – come as you are.  The messages apply to every day LIFE!  The music is ROCKIN’!  We have an awesome Children’s Ministry during each service for your kids!  You’ll be glad you came!

Register Today for FREE Tickets to the Service you will attend!  The Tickets help us gauge the size of each service and when a particular service might be full.  Feel free to use the tickets to invite your friends!  We will either mail them to you or you can pick them up at Coastal – depending on what you indicate on the Registration Form.  Obviously, no one will be turned away without a ticket.  They are simply a tool to build momentum, track each service, and a way to invite our friends!  See you Sunday!

Easter Tickets

To register for your FREE Easter Tickets, simply fill out this form, indicating which service you will attend and how many tickets you need. You can either pick up your Tickets at Coastal or have them mailed to you.

  • Please enter a number greater than or equal to 1.


1st Impression Ministry Dinner/Meeting

On Saturday, March 15th, at 6pm, we are having a Dinner/Meeting for all 1st Impression Team members at the church.  It will be a great time of fellowship, training, and vision casting as we prepare for Easter, growth, and our new facility.  The 1st Impression Ministry is an easy “on ramp” for serving and it is also one of the largest, most important ministries at Coastal.  It’s purpose is to create a warm, welcoming atmosphere for our guests so that they would return to Coastal and take the next step in their spiritual journey.  We want our guests to feel like our welcome, expected guests in our home.

So don’t miss Saturday, March 15th!  Our menu is:  Barbeque, Mac-n’-cheese, Green Beans, Cole Slaw, Dessert, Tea & Lemonade.  Childcare is provided!  Let us know you’re coming on your Connect Card on Sunday.


Women’s YOGA LIFE Group

Attention Coastal Women:  Don’t miss out on one of this semester’s most exciting Groups – our Yoga Group!  Each week, the group has averaged around 30 women of different skill level and experience – from 1st time beginner to seasoned veteran.  Bring a towel or mat.  Enjoy the fellowship, the prayer time, and the exercise!  Feel free to invite and bring a friend!  See Lori Huff, Tracy Gundy, or Jennifer Smith for more information.


Friday’s 5 – 2-28-14

Dear Coastal,

Make sure you check out our new website!  Our old website, though nice & effecient, was just that – a little old.  It was time for an update.  The new website is brighter & cleaner with a few new features and the potential to add others that we will need.  There are also several “behind the scenes” features that you wouldn’t notice.  It’s more secure.  It’s a WordPress site which makes the CMS (content management system) more manageable.  And yes, don’t worry, we will be adding more up to date pictures of our people and events.  That simply takes time.

This Sunday, March 2nd, we kick off a new series called, “Hello, My Name Is.”  We’re going to be looking at some of the lesser known characters in the Bible and how their stories intersect with ours and what their lives can teach us.

We’re going to kick off the series with something called, “Nametag Sunday.”  As you come into the service this week, there will be tables with sharpies and nametags!  We’re asking everyone to please wear a nametag!  It will be a fun way to kick off the series and a great way to invite your friends – because everyone is going to feel like a guest!  And who knows?  You might just meet someone new and remember their name!  So pray – invite – bring!

Here are 5 more things I want you to know about:

  1. Our Children’s Director, Janet Rollins, is putting together a VBS Planning Team!  If you are interested in helping to plan and organize VBS this year, shoot Janet an email and let her know –!
  2. Parking!  One of the growing pains of a growing church is parking.  Very soon, instead of just greeting people, our 1st Impressions people in the parking lot (large field) will actually be directing traffic.  I need you to help the process by doing a couple of things.  One, follow their direction.  Two, please start parking along the tree line in the large field or over at Oakland Elementary School.  No on at Coastal has “their spot.”  We gladly, willingly give up our spots to make room for others.
  3. Prayerfully consider making a contribution to your “All In” Campaign commitment on Easter Sunday!  If you are new to Coastal and would like more information about our New Building Campaign, check the box on the back of your Connect Card or respond to this email.
  4. Attention all Students & Parents of Students:  Deposits ($100) for Student Llife Summer Camp are due this Sunday!  Camp dates are June 16-20 at Wake Forest University.  See Pastor Scott for more information.
  5. The Peru Summer Mission Trip (June 21-28) deposit ($500) is due this Sunday!  If you don’t have the deposit or are new, but interested in going, please see Pastor Scott for more information.

Have a great weekend!  See you and your friends on Sunday!

Always & Forever All In!

Pastor Chris


Men’s Morning LIFE Group

One of Coastal’s longstanding LIFE Groups has been my Wednesday morning Men’s Group.  It is always one of my favorite groups and a great way to start the day!  We meet before work for just under an hour.  We read through a book of the Bible, discuss it, and apply it to our lives.  We drink coffee and eat biscuits.  We pray together.  We laugh together – a lot!  We answer 2 questions:  How are you doing?  How can we pray for you?  Iron sharpens iron in this group!  We’d love for you to join us!


Friday’s 5

Dear Coastal,

One of the marks of a growing, thriving church is change.  There are several changes coming for Coastal I want you to know about.  Some of those changes are small; some are big.  One small change coming is our new sign out front.  The previous sign was destroyed and replaced with a temporary banner.  Our new sign should be ready in about a week. It will be a simple, clean, contemporary look.

Sometime this Spring, we will be going to electronic child check-in for our Sunday morning Children’s Ministry.  Parents will be assigned a number and given a key card that they will swipe and their child’s sticker will be printed.  It is a faster, more efficient way of checking in our children.

Another change in March is really more of an addition.  We will be adding another option for giving to Coastal – texting.  After a very simple one step sign up process, anyone with a smart phone will be able to text any amount, any time, any where, and give to Coastal.  It is simple, safe, and secure.  It is not tied to your phone bill.  It is connected to your Bank/Credit/Debit card that you register.  It’s just another way to make it convenient for people to worship God through their giving.

Probably one of the biggest ways that people find and come to Coastal is through our website.  For a church our size, we have a pretty decent website.  However, we felt like it was time for a change.  Our current website was looking a little dark and dated, so we decided to give it an overhaul.  Look for the unveiling in about a week.

Wow!  Lots of exciting changes!  And those don’t even include our new building and our search for a new Worship Pastor.  Healthy things grow and growth means change.  I’m just excited to be a part of a church that values and embraces change as an asset and not a liability.

On Sunday, March 2nd, we kick off a new series called, “Hello, My Name Is.”  We’re going to be looking at some of the lesser known characters in the Bible and how their stories intersect with ours and what their lives can teach us.

We’re going to kick off the series with something called, “Nametag Sunday.”  I don’t know about you, but we have so many new people each and every week that I have a hard time remembering everyone’s name.  Well, instead of asking only guests to wear Nametags, everyone is going to wear one!  It will be a fun way to kick off the series and a great way to invite your friends – because everyone is going to feel like a guest!  And who knows?  You might just meet someone new and remember their name!  Sunday, March 2nd, start praying and inviting!

Here are 5 more things I want you to know about:

  1. Our Children’s Director, Janet Rollins, is putting together a VBS Planning Team!  If you are interested in helping to plan and organize VBS this year, shoot Janet an email and let her know –!
  2. Interested in joining Coastal’s Security Team?  Simply respond to this email or check the box on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  3. Prayerfully consider making a contribution to your “All In” Campaign commitment on Easter Sunday!  If you are new to Coastal and would like more information about our New Building Campaign, check the box on the back of your Connect Card or respond to this email.
  4. We are forming a new team to help serve, host, and clean up at our Newcomer’s Lunches (approx. 6 times a year). If you are interested, please respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  5. Is Social Media – facebook, twitter, instagram – a part of your everyday life?  If the answer is yes, make sure you friend, follow, or add Coastal.  Coastal’s facebookCoastal’s twitterCoastal’s instagram (brand new).

Have a great weekend!  See you and your friends on Sunday!

Always & Forever All In!

(and yes, make sure you friend)Pastor Chris


Happy Valentine’s Day!

Today is mine and Janet’s 27th Wedding Anniversary!  Our first date was on Valentine’s Day and we got married the next Valentine’s Day!  Janet is the only woman I’ve ever kissed.  So yes, I am a romantic and I love Valentine’s Day.  I told someone to “Have a Happy Valentine’s Day” this week and she snapped back, “You mean, ‘Happy Single Awareness Day’?”  I responded, “Wow!  Well after you feed your cats, mabye you can go out with some friends.”  I told someone else the same thing and got a lecture on a Hallmark/Flower Industry conspiracy.  Another married woman told me, “I told my husband, ‘You better not get me flowers or chocolate on Valentine’s Day!  I don’t want that stuff unless you do it all year long.'”

Okay I get it.  Not everyone feels the same way about Valentine’s Day that I do.  By the way, romance has very little to do with expensive candlelight dinners, flowers, or chocolates.  Romance is simply choosing to love someone exactly the way they need to be loved, expecting nothing in return.  It’s the little things, done consistently, over time.  It’s willingly sacrificing your needs for someone else.  And when you find someone who will do that with you – there’s nothing better.

If that’s the real definition of romance – then in many ways, God is the Great Romantic.  He knows exactly the way each of needs to be loved and He chooses to love us that way, expecting nothing in return.  He does the little things, consistently, over time.  Thank God today for His great love and ask Him to help you to be a better lover!

Don’t forget about the new series we’re kicking off on Sunday, March 2nd called, “Hello, My Name Is.”  We’re going to be looking at some of the lesser known characters in the Bible and how their stories intersect with ours and what their lives can teach us.  We’re going to kick off the series with something called, “Name Tag Sunday.”  I don’t know about you, but we have so many new people each and every week that I have a hard time remembering everyone’s name.  Well, instead of asking only guests to wear Name Tags, everyone is going to wear one!  It will be a fun way to kick off the series and a great way to invite your friends – because everyone is going to feel like a guest!  And who knows?  You might just meet someone new and remember their name!  Sunday, March 2nd, start praying and inviting!

Here are 5 more things I want you to know about:

  1. Our Children’s Director, Janet Rollins, is putting together a VBS Planning Team!  If you are intersted in helping to plan and organize VBS this year, shoot Janet an email and let her know –!
  2. Our very own Pastor Scott Huff is now a published author!  He is a contributing author to “All Time Verses” a 90 Day Devotional Guide for Students (or adults).  The books are $12.  All proceeds from shirt sales help kids go to Summer Camp.  You can purchase them in the Welcome Center on Sunday.
  3. Prayerfully consider making a contribution to your “All In” Campaign commitment on Easter Sunday!  If you are new to Coastal and would like more information about our New Building Campaign, check the box on the back of your Connect Card or respond to this email.
  4. We are forming a new team to help serve, host, and clean up at our Newcomer’s Lunches.  If you are interested, please sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  5. Need Counseling or know someone who does?  Coastal provides affordable (donations only), professional, Christian Counseling through the Counseling Ministry of Kenny Hahn.  Contact him directly at 843-732-0245 or visit his website at for more intormation.

Have a great weekend!  See you and your friends on Sunday!

Always & Forever All In!

Pastor Chris

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Online Connect Card

  • If this is your 1st or 2nd time joining us, we'd love to mail you a little more information about Coastal along with a thank you for tuning in today.