On Mother’s Day, May 11th, during the beginning of the 11:45am service (3rd service), Coastal will be having a Baby/Child Dedication Service.  Baby or Child dedications are special occasions.  The purpose of dedicating a child is just that – to dedicate the raising of a child in a Christian home.  It is a symbolic and public way of acknowledging that children are a gift from God and that we don’t take lightly our responsibility as parents.

At Coastal we believe that baby dedications are a family affair.  Not only is a child being dedicated to the Lord, but it is also a dedication the parents make – to raise their children in the training and instruction of the Lord.  It’s a parent’s outward way of giving thanks, sharing joy, and committing to be the mom or dad that God has called them to be.

It is also a way of including the church in this monumentous task and celebrating the gift of our children with them.  We commit to being a help, an example and a resource in raising their children.

If you are interested in participating on May 11th, please contact the church office or sign up on your Connect Card.