Posts by

Chris Rollins


Friday 5 – 7-1-22

First of all, I just want to thank everyone for all the love you’ve shown me, your Pastor, this week and today – my Birthday!  I am now 55 years old!  I am constantly overwhelmed by all the expressions of love shown to me and my family!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  Coastal is not just a church that I attend or a job where I work.  It’s a family that I’m a part of!  I say it all the time, but I sincerely mean it – I love you Coastal, I love being your Pastor, and I am truly humbled by what we get to do together and that I am a part of it!   

(Long Post Alert)  This is July 4th weekend.  I realize that we are facing a lot of problems in our country today and that the divisions seem to be greater and deeper than ever before, but I believe we still have much to be grateful for in our great country.  I am so thankful to God for the birth of America and the privilege that was mine to be born here in the land of the free and home of the brave. As we celebrate our independence this weekend, may we as individuals, families, and as a church recognize our dependence on God. He alone is our source of strength and blessing.  Let us prayerfully humble ourselves in obedience to God, His Holy Word, and the Lordship of Christ.  

As a follower of Christ, that paradigm shapes everything I do.  As a result of that, I am unashamedly pro life and pro love.  Let me explain.  I am pro life, the life of women – before, during, and after pregnancy.  I am pro life, the life of children – before they are born and after they are born.  I am pro life, the life of men – challenging and encouraging them to be the men that God has called them to be and to take personal responsibility for the decisions they make and actions they take.  I am pro life, the life of families – through all the hardships and struggles they face.  

You see, for me, being pro life is not a political statement, it is a Biblical mindset and lifestyle.  Jesus was “pro life.”  In John 10:10, Jesus said, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have LIFE and have it to the full.”  Ultimately, the hope of the world is not and never has been a President, a Political Party, or a Platform – it’s in the person of Jesus Christ.  Laws will never change hearts.  Only the Gospel and the love of Christ can do that.  So while we’re here on this earth, it’s our mission to share and experience the LIFE and LOVE of Jesus with Charleston and the world!  LIFE and LOVE. 

Maybe it’s time we spent less time complaining on social media and more time praying and being the light of the world that Jesus talked about in Matthew 5:14: “You are the light of the world—like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see.”  The truth is, the darker this world gets, the greater our opportunity to shine!  It’s time for the church – you and me – to rise up and be the church, serving and loving the world around us like never before, doing the things that we are known for here at Coastal.  But what I’m seeing today and what is so disheartening and discouraging, is not just complaining on social media, but out and out evil, nasty, hatred being spewed by people who call themselves Christians.  We are called to love people, ALL people, even people we disagree with, even people who vote differently than you, or who embrace a different lifestyle than you.  The Bible says in James 1:19, “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry.”  Jesus said in Matthew 12:36, “I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak.”  I’m pretty sure that includes what you post on social media!  Like anything else, social media is simply a tool that can be leveraged for good or for evil.  Lately though, it seems to be nothing more than a black hole vacuum of hatred and virtue signaling.  Coastal, let’s do better.  Let’s be better.

I’ll be frank with you – sometimes, even as a Pastor, it’s easy to feel like, “Well, you’re damned if you do and damned if you don’t.”  You feel like you’ve got to respond on social media to every single thing that happens in this world with the perfect post, sound bite, tweet, or meme.  And if you don’t respond quick enough or creatively enough, well then, you must be complicit, out of touch, or you just don’t care.  Now don’t get me wrong, I have no problem standing on the Word of God and speaking the truth in love.  However, the best place for that to happen is in real conversations, in true community – not on social media.  But we’ve lost the ability to have those conversations.  And in many cases we’ve lost the right to have them, because of our lack of love.  

I gave up trying to please everyone a long time ago.  l don’t have all the answers and I will never write the “perfect post” (not even this one) for all circumstances, for all people.  But I know who does have the answers and whose words are perfect, true, and never fail.  Ultimately, this world is not our home.  We are aliens in a foreign land, passing through.  And from what I understand from God’s Word, this world will actually get worse.  But none of that is an excuse to not care about the world in which we live and the people who live in it.  Until He calls us home or comes again, it’s an opportunity to glorify God, exalt His Son Jesus, and by the power of the Holy Spirit, beat down the gates of Hell and rescue people one life at a time!  

Pastor Chris

    – Another Summer of IMPACT is in the books!  As I said last week, it’s been the BEST SUMMER OF IMPACT EVER!  Please pray for all the seeds of love that were planted, that they will bear much fruit for years to come!

    – There is NO Saturday Serve this Saturday (tomorrow).  This is the only first Saturday of the month that we don’t do Saturday Serve.  Not only is it July 4th weekend, but it’s also coming off of Summer of IMPACT.  But check out all the other upcoming serving opportunities:
    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes Friday, July 8th, 9am-11am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.

    Charleston Vets Tailgate – We’re hosting a tailgating event at Charleston Vets, Saturday, July 9th, 10am-1pm. Coastal Vets is a transitional housing facility for veterans in North Charleston.  Meet at Coastal at 10am.

    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, July 12th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (The Elks Lodge).

    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, July 15th (and again on July 29th), 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.

    Hope Center Tailgate – We will be tailgating for the City of Charleston Resource Center for the Homeless – called the Hope Center.  Tuesday, July 19th.  Time TBA.  Meet at  Coastal.  

    Patriot Villas Veterans Tailgate –  We will be putting on a Tailgate for the Veterans at Patriot Villas on Thursday, July 21st, 6-8pm.  Meet at Coastal. 

    Joseph Floyd Manor Tailgate –  Our Tailgate will be rolling and serving our friends downtown at the Joseph Floyd Manor –  Thursday, July 28th, 10am-1pm. Meet at the church.

    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. You are invited to attend the Charleston Riverdogs game on Sunday, July 31st at 5pm with your Coastal family! Tickets are FREE but MUST BE reserved ahead of time by providing your email and number of tickets needed on your Connect Card or to Pastor Scott at so that the digital tickets may be forwarded to your email. We already have over 475 tickets reserved!  But we ONLY HAVE 50 TICKETS LEFT!  It’s first come, first serve for the remaining 50 and after that, you’re on your own.  If you have one, please wear a Coastal t-shirt!  Please reach out to Pastor Scott with any questions.
  3. As a fun way to celebrate the Summer and our “At the Movies” series, we’d like to take any children from our church and their friends (and children at heart) to the 10am special showing of the new “Minions” movie at Citadel Mall Cinema THIS Wednesday, July 6th – on us (concessions on you)!  Doors open at 9:30am.  RSVP on your Connect Card or respond to this email with a number of tickets.  Right now we have over 200 people who have reserved tickets!
  4. We are in the planning stages for our FALL LIFE GROUPS!  LIFE Groups are the primary vehicle at Coastal for community – learning, friendships, fellowship, and care.  We typically have all different types of Groups – Bible studies, book studies, activity groups, active groups, support groups, men’s/women’s groups.  Would you possibly be interested in leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group this Fall?  The Fall Semester begins in September and depending on the Group, lasts for 8-12 weeks.  Sign up on your Connect Card or contact Pastor Scott Huff at if you are interested in leading a Group.
  5. We are so excited about Vacation Bible School at Coastal this year! After COVID & Construction, VBS is back and will be better than ever in our brand new facility!  The dates & times for VBS this year are Monday, July 11th – Friday, July 15th, 6pm-8pm!  This year’s theme is “Make Waves – What you do today, can change the world around you!”  VBS at Coastal is ALL HANDS ON DECK!  In other words, it takes EVERYONE to pull off a great VBS for our church and our community.  There will be greeters, security, snacks, registration, teachers, games, worship, decorations, nursery, crafts – in other words, something for EVERYONE!  If you are interested in serving in any capacity, please go to our website and sign up today!  To register your child, ages 4 year olds – 5th Grade, go to and sign them up today!  If you have any questions, contact Janet Rollins at or 843-442-8299.

    P.S. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, August 27th, 9-11:30am. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.

    P.S.S. Our church feeds an enormous amount of people through our Community Food Bank.  That’s especially true during the Summer and with the rising costs of food.  As a result, our Food Bank is starting to get a little low.  If you are able, would you consider donating non-perishable food items (anything really, but canned protein goes really fast)?  And now that we have a refrigerator and freezer, we also take perishables – eggs, meat, cheese, bread, milk, frozen meals, etc.  You can drop off food during the week or on Sunday mornings. Thank you!

Newcomer’s Reception This Sunday!

We have A LOT of guests each week at Coastal – in fact, we expect them!  We work hard to create an environment where anyone new to Coastal feels like our welcomed, expected guest in our home.  One of the ways in which we do that is by regularly providing a Reception for all of our Guests.  

So let me ask you a question.  Are you fairly new to Coastal?  If you are (and you’ve never been to a Newcomer’s Reception), I want to personally invite you to join us in the Coastal Chapel this Sunday, June 26th, immediately following the 11:15am service for our next Newcomer’s Reception!  

Our Newcomer’s Reception is a great 1st/next step for those people looking to learn a little bit more about our church.  Not only will I share my story and our church’s story with you, but we’ll introduce our Pastors, Staff, and Ministry Leaders.  You’ll also get to meet other new people just like yourself and learn about ways to get involved.  We’ll even have some fun giveaways and other goodies just for you.  The whole thing lasts about 30 minutes.  Lunch (pizza) & childcare provided.

So if you’re new to Coastal, go here to sign up online for our Newcomer’s Reception or simply respond to this email, and let us know that you’re coming! 

In His Service & Yours!

Pastor Chris

P.S. For those of you who are already Members & Regular Attenders here at Coastal – THANK YOU for all that you do to help create that warm, welcoming environment!  We couldn’t do what we do without YOU!  In fact, you might consider officially joining our 1st Impressions Team!  If you’re interested in that, respond to this email or reach out to Chris Ranew at or text him at 706-941-2044.


Friday’s 5 – 6-24-22

It’s hard to believe, but this next week is the LAST WEEK OF SUMMER OF IMPACT!  It truly has been an amazing month!  I can’t thank our Pastor of Outreach, Chris Jones and his awesome group of Project Leaders, enough for all their hard work!  They have all done an amazing job!  And I can’t thank all of you – those of you who have volunteered – enough for your humble, willing service!  You truly are the heroes of our church!  I hope you discovered what we always say – that YOU were blessed by the experience!  But don’t think for a minute that just because Summer of IMPACT is over that serving comes to a halt here at Coastal!  Serving our community is part of the DNA of our church.  Continue to check out our website, my Friday 5, and our announcement sheet, & Connect Card for regular & upcoming opportunities to serve all year round.  If serving during Summer of IMPACT was a first for you, don’t let it be the last time you serve.  The need is always great and our ability to to make an IMPACT is only dictated by our availability.  So go to our website, check out the remaining projects, and sign up today (and KEEP serving)!  

As I’m sure you know, our church feeds an enormous amount of people through our Community Food Bank.  That’s especially true during Summer of IMPACT and with the rising costs of food.  As a result, our Food Bank is starting to get a little low.  If you are able, would you consider donating non-perishable food items (anything really, but canned protein goes really fast)?  And now that we have a refrigerator and freezer, we also take perishables – eggs, meat, cheese, bread, milk, frozen meals, etc.  Thank you!  

As our church continues to grow, one of the things we always have to stay on top of is parking.  I want to offer a few suggestions that would help us out greatly.  We have now opened up field parking in the back of our building.  Come down the first drive and go the back of our property.  Our Worship & Tech Team have already begun to park there, but there is still plenty of room for more cars.  This would be an ideal place for all of our 1st service volunteers.  You can also turn around and park down the first drive at an angle in the grass.  And then the largest parking lot that we have access to, that we really haven’t started using, is Oakland Elementary School’s parking lot (take the first right immediately past the Greenway on your way to church).  Yes, it’s a little bit of a longer walk, but you’ll get some extra steps in and most importantly, you’ll make room for our guests.  This is a great problem (opportunity) to have!  Thanks in advance for being a part of the solution!   

Making An IMPACT With You!
Pastor Chris

    Summer of IMPACT!!!! – Well, this coming week is the last week of Summer of IMPACT (SOI)!  SOI has been a month-long effort (the entire month of June) where we as a church saturate our community with the love of Jesus through simple acts of service.  There has been something for everyone – from serving through our existing partnerships with non-profit organizations all over Charleston like the Lowcountry Food Bank, Soldiers Angels, the Ronald McDonald House, Carolina Youth Development Center, Charleston Vets, The Pink House, Patriots Villas, and Lowcountry Orphan Relief, to sewing lap throws for the residents of Joseph Floyd Manor, to feeding, clothing, and bringing supplies to literally hundreds of hungry, hurting, and homeless people all over Charleston. There are still opportunities to serve. You simply sign-up and then show-up. It’s that easy.  Every project has a leader and every project is well-organized. 

    So here’s what I am asking you to do RIGHT NOW:

    Click on this link:
    Take a look at the remaining opportunities. Find the project(s) right for you and then sign up today! You can sign up for as many opportunities as you want directly from our website.

    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. You are invited to attend the Charleston Riverdogs game on Sunday, July 31st at 5pm with your Coastal family! Tickets are FREE but MUST BE reserved ahead of time by providing your email and number of tickets needed on your Connect Card or to Pastor Scott at so that the digital tickets may be forwarded to your email. We already have over 300 tickets reserved!  If you have one, please wear a Coastal t-shirt!  Please reach out to Pastor Scott with any questions.
  3. As a fun way to celebrate the Summer and our “At the Movies” series, we’d like to take any children from our church and their friends (and children at heart) to the 10am special showing of the new “Minions” movie at Citadel Mall Cinema on Wednesday, July 6th – on us (any concessions on you)!  Doors open at 9:30am.  RSVP on your Connect Card or respond to this email with a number of tickets.
  4. We are in the planning stages for our FALL LIFE GROUPS!  LIFE Groups are the primary vehicle at Coastal for community – learning, friendships, fellowship, and care.  We typically have all different types of Groups – Bible studies, book studies, activity groups, active groups, support groups, men’s/women’s groups.  Would you possibly be interested in leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group this Fall?  The Fall Semester begins in September and depending on the Group, lasts for 8-12 weeks.  Sign up on your Connect Card or contact Pastor Scott Huff at if you are interested in leading a Group.
  5. We are so excited about Vacation Bible School at Coastal this year! After COVID & Construction, VBS is back and will be better than ever in our brand new facility!  The dates & times for VBS this year are Monday, July 11th – Friday, July 15th, 6pm-8pm!  This year’s theme is “Make Waves – What you do today, can change the world around you!”  VBS at Coastal is ALL HANDS ON DECK!  In other words, it takes EVERYONE to pull off a great VBS for our church and our community.  There will be greeters, security, snacks, registration, teachers, games, worship, decorations, nursery, crafts – in other words, something for EVERYONE!  If you are interested in serving in any capacity, please go to our website and sign up today!  To register your child, ages 4 year olds – 5th Grade, go to and sign them up today!  If you have any questions, contact Janet Rollins at or 843-442-8299.

    P.S. New to Coastal? Join us in the Coastal Chapel or online Sunday, June 26th immediately following the 11:15am service for our next Newcomer’s Reception. Learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, and get plugged in. Lunch & childcare provided. RSVP online or on your Connect Card on Sunday!

    P.S.S. Our church has moved to a new management software, and we’re updating our church database!  You could help us by texting “ME” to 843-571-1777, then follow the link to claim your account, see your information, verify that it’s correct, and make any necessary changes.  You can even upload a family/personal picture.  If you receive an error, that means that we do not have your cell phone number in our system. So fill out a Connect Card with your correct information and check the “change in contact information” box.  Once you claim your account, you’ll be able to keep your information up to date, text keywords to sign up for Groups and events, and text “CHECK”to check your children into Coastal Kidz on Sunday mornings before you even leave your house or on your way to church (and pick up your printed out stickers waiting for you when you arrive).

Friday’s 5 – 6-17-22

First of all, before I jump into this Sunday and Father’s Day, let me just say that this past Sunday was AMAZING!  We had a great kickoff to our “At the Movies” series with 730 people in person and another 500 people online.  We had lots and lots of guests, gave away lots of movie tickets, and ate A LOT of popcorn!  But the best part of last week was definitely Sunday afternoon at Folly Beach where WE BAPTIZED 41 PEOPLE!!  That’s the most people we’ve ever baptized at any one time and a ton of people came out early, enjoyed time at the beach, and celebrated with us!  It was truly miraculous – something I will never take for granted!  

And then I know I say this every year (because it’s true), but this has already been our BEST SUMMER OF IMPACT EVER!  The energy, excitement, and enthusiasm with all the different projects has been so high you can almost reach out and touch it!  Each and every project has gone so well – great leaders, lots of volunteers, and lots of NEW volunteers!  And we are just past the mid-way point.  There are still lots of opportunities left.  Go to our website, check out the remaining projects, and sign up today!  

One thing for you to consider about Summer of IMPACT:  it is your generous, consistent giving that enables our church to do all that we do – including Summer of IMPACT.  This month alone we’re putting on 14 different Tailgate Parties, feeding literally hundreds and hundreds of people in our community.  Our church gladly buys all the food and supplies for these and other projects.  But when I say the church, keep in mind that means YOU.  You are the church.  People tend to travel and go on vacations over the Summer, which is great (Janet and I are looking forward to getting away later this Summer).  Just remember that the Ministry and IMPACT of Coastal continues whether you’re here on a Sunday or not.  And everything we do is made possible by your consistent, generous giving.  You can give through our website or simply text ANY amount to 843-277-8337.

And speaking of giving, I want to share an exciting announcement!  This year for our VBS Special Offering we’re going to step out in faith and attempt something we’ve never done before for VBS.  We’re going to purchase and up fit a 3rd Coastal Box Truck that will become a MOBILE CLOTHING DISTRIBUTION TRUCK!  I can’t tell you how excited we are about this!  Our church gives away hundreds and hundreds of articles of clothing every month  – and it’s growing!  We’ve discovered that one key component of this ministry is being able to take the clothes to wherever the need is located.  A box truck upfitted with racks, storage, and bins would enable us to do that and free up our clothing team and their vans that they are using now.  I’m saying a step of faith because normally for our VBS offering we take up $2,000-$5,000.  A new box truck will cost approximately $40,000.  But, I know the need and I have a big faith in an even bigger God and where God guides, He always provides.  So begin praying now about what you can give.  If you’re excited about this opportunity, simply put your money where your excitement is.  If you want to start giving now toward that project, use the keyword “boxtruck.”

This Sunday is FATHER’S DAY!  And yes, it’s going to be AWESOME!  There will be FREE Kona Ice for everyone, Baby/Child Dedication, a gift for all the guys (you’re going to love the gift), and some fun giveaways (yes, probably MEAT) at the end of each service!  Don’t miss it!  Invite and bring your friends!  And remember, every 1st time guest (and the person who invited them – YOU) gets a FREE Movie Ticket to Citadel Mall Theater during our “At the Movies” series!

Making An IMPACT With You!
Pastor Chris

    Summer of IMPACT!!!! – Summer of IMPACT (SOI) has officially reached the mid-way point!  SOI is a month-long effort (the entire month of June) where we as a church saturate our community with the love of Jesus through simple acts of service.  There is something for everyone – from serving through our existing partnerships with non-profit organizations all over Charleston like the Lowcountry Food Bank, Soldiers Angels, the Ronald McDonald House, Carolina Youth Development Center, Charleston Vets, The Pink House, Patriots Villas, and Lowcountry Orphan Relief, to sewing lap throws for the residents of Joseph Floyd Manor, to feeding, clothing, and bringing supplies to literally hundreds of hungry, hurting, and homeless people all over Charleston. There are opportunities nearly every day of the month. You simply sign-up and then show-up. It’s that easy.  Every project has a leader and every project is well-organized. 

    So here’s what I am asking you to do RIGHT NOW:

    Click on this link:
    Take a look at all the opportunities. Find the project(s) right for you and then sign up today! You can sign up for as many opportunities as you want directly from our website.

    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. You are invited to attend the Charleston Riverdogs game on Sunday, July 31st at 5pm with your Coastal family! Tickets are FREE but MUST BE reserved ahead of time by providing your email and number of tickets needed on your Connect Card or to Pastor Scott at so that the digital tickets may be forwarded to your email. We already have 213 tickets reserved!  Please reach out to Pastor Scott with any questions.
  3. As a fun way to celebrate the Summer and our “At the Movies” series, we’d like to take any children from our church and their friends (and children at heart) to the 10am special showing of the new “Minions” movie at Citadel Mall Cinema on Wednesday, July 6th – on us (any concessions on you)!  Doors open at 9:30am.  RSVP on your Connect Card or respond to this email with a number of tickets.
  4. We are in the planning stages for our FALL LIFE GROUPS!  LIFE Groups are the primary vehicle at Coastal for community – learning, friendships, fellowship, and care.  We typically have all different types of Groups – Bible studies, book studies, activity groups, active groups, support groups, men’s/women’s groups.  Would you possibly be interested in leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group this Fall?  The Fall Semester begins in September and depending on the Group, lasts for 8-12 weeks.  Sign up on your Connect Card or contact Pastor Scott Huff at if you are interested in leading a Group.
  5. We are so excited about Vacation Bible School at Coastal this year! After COVID & Construction, VBS is back and will be better than ever in our brand new facility!  The dates & times for VBS this year are Monday, July 11th – Friday, July 15th, 6pm-8pm!  This year’s theme is “Make Waves – What you do today, can change the world around you!”  VBS at Coastal is ALL HANDS ON DECK!  In other words, it takes EVERYONE to pull off a great VBS for our church and our community.  There will be greeters, security, snacks, registration, teachers, games, worship, decorations, nursery, crafts – in other words, something for EVERYONE!  If you are interested in serving in any capacity, please go to our website and sign up today!  To register your child, ages 4 year olds – 5th Grade, go to and sign them up today!  If you have any questions, contact Janet Rollins at or 843-442-8299.

    P.S. New to Coastal? Join us in the Coastal Chapel or online Sunday, June 26th immediately following the 11:15am service for our next Newcomer’s Reception. Learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, and get plugged in. Lunch & childcare provided. RSVP online or on your Connect Card on Sunday!

    P.S.S. Our church has moved to a new management software, and we’re updating our church database!  You could help us by texting “ME” to 843-571-1777, then follow the link to claim your account, see your information, verify that it’s correct, and make any necessary changes.  If you receive an error, that means that we do not have your cell phone number in our system. So fill out a Connect Card with your correct information and check the “change in contact information” box.  Once you claim your account, you’ll be able to keep your information up to date, text keywords to sign up for Groups and events, and text “CHECK” to check your children into Coastal Kidz on Sunday mornings before you even leave your house or on your way to church (and pick up your printed out stickers waiting for you when you arrive).

You’re Invited to Father’s Day!

This coming Sunday is Father’s Day and I want to personally invite you to spend part of your day with us at Coastal Community Church!  Father’s Day is always a lot of fun at Coastal – Baby Dedication, FREE Kona Ice for everyone, a special gift for all the men (trust me guys – you’re going to LOVE it!), and we even have a some fun giveaways at the end of each service!

We have 2 identical services to make it convenient for you:  9:30am or 11:15am.  We’re in a series right now called, “At The Movies!” where we use current/popular movies to talk about spiritual truth.  And speaking of movies, we’re also taking anyone who is available to see “Minions: The Rise of Gru” FREE, ON US,Wednesday morning, July 6th at the Citadel Mall Theater!  Doors open at 9:30am – movie starts at 10am.  If you haven’t already signed up to come, simply respond to this email and let us know how many people you’re bringing or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday  And yes, as always, invite & bring your friends – it’s FREE for them too!

As you can see, Father’s Day is going to be AWESOME at Coastal!  So if you are in town, please come and join us – 9:30am or 11:15am.  If you’re out of town, you can catch both services live online.  We also have a dynamic Children’s Ministry called Coastal Kidz for all kids Birth-5th Grade during both services.  I promise you – you’ll be glad you came!

Hope to see you & your friends on Sunday!

Pastor Chris

(friend me on Facebook or Instagram)

Coastal Community Church
460 Arlington Dr.
(located in West Ashley directly across the street from Oakland Elementary and Orange Grove Middle Schools)


Friday’s 5 – 6-10-22

Summer of IMPACT is off to a great start as people from Coastal have literally been serving all over Charleston! We’ve already hosted multiple tailgate events feeding hundreds of people, we’ve resupplied blessing boxes, packed bag grab & go boxed lunches for the Ronald McDonald House, prepared meals in the Coastal kitchen for S.C Strong and served at the Lowcountry Food Bank. Volunteers hosted two hospitality tables with free coffee and snacks at the VA Hospital and a team served coffee and donuts for local veterans at Patriot Villas. Yes, we did all that and we’re just getting started! In fact, we have already had 171 signups for Summer of IMPACT 2022!  We only had 167 signups for the entire month of June last year, and we’re only about a 1/3 of the way through!  There are still so many opportunities to serve and yes, we need your help.

ONE BIG NEED NEXT WEEK:  This Tuesday, June 14th, 8am-12:30pm we’re serving with Soldiers Angels and the Veterans Mobile Food Distribution. This event will provide about 70lbs. of groceries to 200-local veterans who are facing food insecurity. Coastal has been serving at this event for several years, but for the first time we’re also sponsoring the entire event.  We will be buying the food and helping to distribute it.  We’ll have both box trucks, all our tents, and our flags out and I’ll be handing out “At the Movies” Popcorn Invitations to every veteran who comes through the distribution.  The event requires about 40-volunteers. If you are looking for the perfect opportunity to serve, this one is it.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (Elks Lodge).  Sign up on your connect card this Sunday or sign up right now by going to:

Have a great week!  Hope to see you and your friends on Sunday!
Pastor Chris

    Summer of IMPACT!!!! – Summer of IMPACT has officially begun! It’s a month-long effort (the entire month of June) where we as a church saturate our community with the love of Jesus through simple acts of service.  There is something for everyone – from serving through our existing partnerships with non-profit organizations all over Charleston like the Lowcountry Food Bank, Soldiers Angels, the Ronald McDonald House, Carolina Youth Development Center, Charleston Vets, The Pink House, Patriots Villas, and Lowcountry Orphan Relief, to sewing lap throws for the residents of Joseph Floyd Manor, to feeding, clothing, and bringing supplies to literally hundreds of hungry, hurting, and homeless people all over Charleston. There are opportunities nearly every day of the month. You simply sign-up and then show-up. It’s that easy.  Every project has a leader and every project is well-organized. 

    So here’s what I am asking you to do RIGHT NOW:

    Click on this link:
    Take a look at all the opportunities. Find the project(s) right for you and then sign up today! You can sign up for as many opportunities as you want directly from our website.

    SIGN UP FOR THIS OPPORTUNITY:  This Tuesday, June 14th, 8am-12:30pm we’re serving with Soldiers Angels and the Veterans Mobile Food Distribution. This event will provide groceries to 200-local veterans who are facing food insecurity. Coastal has been serving at this event for several years, but for the first time we’re also sponsoring the entire event. We will be buying the food and helping to distribute it. We’ll have both box trucks, all our tents, and our flags out, and I’ll be handing out “At the Movies Popcorn Invitations” to every veteran who comes through the distribution. The event requires about 40-volunteers. If you are looking for the perfect opportunity to serve, this one is it.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (Elks Lodge).  Sign up on your connect card this Sunday or sign up right now by going to:

    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. You are invited to attend the Charleston Riverdogs game on Sunday, July 31 at 5pm with your Coastal family! Tickets are FREE but MUST BE reserved ahead of time by providing your email and number of tickets needed on your Connect Card or to Pastor Scott at so that the digital tickets may be forwarded to your email. Please reach out to Pastor Scott with any questions.
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park on THIS Sunday, June 12th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public,” and it’s a great celebration!  In fact, the whole church is invited out to Folly to celebrate!  Make sure you leave early.  Parking at the County Park is $15, unless you have a Gold Pass and then it’s free.  Carpool or find street parking.  On the beach we’ll be closest to the park entrance side – look for our Coastal flags!  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card, or sign up on our website.
  4. Summer for Coastal Student Ministry is officially here! Check out the calendar above for all the fun things planned as well as a weekly Bible study through the book of James!  If you have any questions, please reach out to our Youth Pastor, Jacob Bonetti – It’s going to be a great Summer for our Students!
  5. We are so excited about Vacation Bible School at Coastal this year! After COVID & Construction, VBS is back and will be better than ever in our brand new facility!  The dates & times for VBS this year are Monday, July 11th – Friday, July 15th, 6pm-8pm!  This year’s theme is “Make Waves – What you do today, can change the world around you!”  VBS at Coastal is ALL HANDS ON DECK!  In other words, it takes EVERYONE to pull off a great VBS for our church and our community.  There will be greeters, security, snacks, registration, teachers, games, worship, decorations, nursery, crafts – in other words, something for EVERYONE!  If you are interested in serving in any capacity, please go to our website and sign up today!  To register your child, ages 4 year olds – 5th Grade, go to and sign them up today!  If you have any questions, contact Janet Rollins at or 843-442-8299.

    P.S. New to Coastal? Join us in the Coastal Chapel or online Sunday, June 26th immediately following the 11:15am service for our next Newcomer’s Reception. Learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, and get plugged in. Lunch & childcare provided. RSVP online or on your Connect Card on Sunday!


I just wanted to personally invite you to a new sermon series that kicks off this Sunday at Coastal Community Church called, “At The Movies!”  For the next 6 weeks, we’re going to use 6 different current/popular movies to talk about Biblical truth.  Come enjoy great music, a relevant message, and an awesome Children’s Ministry for kids birth to 5th grade.

I would also encourage you to invite and bring a friend with you – we expect guests at Coastal!  In fact, here’s where the FREE MOVIE TICKETS come in.  Not only will we be serving popcorn and giving away several free movie tickets & other fun prizes to people at the end of each service this Sunday, but every 1st time guest during the entire 6 week series will receive a FREE MOVIE TICKET to the Citadel Mall movie theater!  And if you bring a friend with you – you get a ticket too! 

Come a few minutes early and enjoy a hot cup of coffee or a treat from our Cafe – all FREE!  It’s going to be a great day and an awesome series!  We have 2 services to make it convenient for you:  9:30am or 11:15am (in-person or online)!

Have a great week!  Hope to see you and your friends on Sunday!
Pastor Chris

P.S.  As another fun way to celebrate our At the Movies” series, we’ll be taking anyone who is available to see the new “Minions” movie on Wednesday, July 6th, 10am (doors open at 9:30am) at the Citadel Mall Theater.  And we’re picking up the cost of the ticket!  It’s our way to thank you and bless our community (your friends – yes, please invite and bring friends).  Simply let us know how many people you’ll be bringing to the movie (respond to this email or let us know on your Connect Card this Sunday). 


Friday’s 5 – 6-3-22

This Sunday, I’ll be closing out our Living In Victory” series through the 23rd Psalm.  I’ll be talking about living in victory over fear – specifically, fearing the future.  Let me ask you a question.  When you face the future, what do you see?  Do you look at it with eyes of doubt?  With eyes of fear?  With eyes of cynicism, expecting the worst?  You have two choices in life.  You can either face the future with fear, expecting the worst.  Or you can face the future with confidence, expecting God to be with you and His goodness and His mercy to follow you all the days of your life.  Psalm 23:6, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.”  It is amazing how much better life gets when you start to actively look for God’s goodness and mercy in every experience.  It will change your life.  Don’t miss this Sunday!

It’s been a great start to “Summer of IMPACT”!  Already we’ve had Teams of Volunteers help two different Graduations at our campus, pack meals for the Ronald McDonald House, put on a Tailgate Party for our friends at Joseph Floyd Manor, and later this morning we’ll be providing coffee & doughnuts to the Vets at Patriot Villas.  And that’s just over the last 3 days!  But we’re just getting started!  There’s still plenty of different projects to be a part of.  Simply click on this link: Summer of IMPACTtake a look at all the different opportunities, find the project(s) right for you, and then sign up today! 

One great opportunity tomorrow is Saturday Serve!  We meet at the church at 8:30am, hear a “pitch” from the leaders of the different projects that day, pray, and you pick what you want to do and go serve.  It’s THAT easy!  And it’s the backbone of all our serving at Coastal.  We would love to see you in the morning!

Don’t forget that we kick-off “AT THE MOVIES” on Sunday, June 12th!  “At the Movies” is where we take current or popular movies and use them as a hook to talk about spiritual truth.  The movies we are using this year are:  “Dr. Strange”, “Elvis”, “Jurassic World”, “Top Gun: Maverick”, “Minions: The Rise of Gru”, and “Where the Crawdads Sing.”  ALL 1st Time Guests will receive FREE Movie Tickets to Citadel Mall Theater (and the person who invited them – YOU) throughout the entire series.  There will be popcorn, movie trailers, and cool giveaways!  Make sure you pick up the microwave popcorn invite tool this weekend to invite your friends to the series.  I love YOU, I love being your Pastor, I love what we get to do together, and I can’t wait to see you at Saturday Serve and again on Sunday!

Pastor Chris

    Summer of IMPACT!!!! – Summer of IMPACT has officially begun! It’s a month-long effort (the entire month of June) where we as a church saturate our community with the love of Jesus through simple acts of service.  There is something for everyone – from serving through our existing partnerships with non-profit organizations all over Charleston like the Lowcountry Food Bank, Soldiers Angels, the Ronald McDonald House, Carolina Youth Development Center, Charleston Vets, The Pink House, Patriots Villas, and Lowcountry Orphan Relief, to sewing lap throws for the residents of Joseph Floyd Manor, to feeding, clothing, and bringing supplies to literally hundreds of hungry, hurting, and homeless people all over Charleston. There are opportunities nearly every day of the month. You simply sign-up and then show-up. It’s that easy.  Every project has a leader and every project is well-organized. 

    So here’s what I am asking you to do RIGHT NOW:

    Click on this link:

    Take a look at all the opportunities. Find the project(s) right for you and then sign up today! You can sign up for as many opportunities as you want directly from our website.

    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. If you would like your family to participate in the Baby/Child Dedication on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19th, please respond to this email.  Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.  Coastal’s Baby Dedication is a special time for our parents and children. The purpose of our Baby Dedication is not for the child’s salvation. It is more of a prayer/renewal time for the parents as they commit to raise their child the way God wants them to and a time of prayer for the child to grow to be the man or woman God has called them to be. It is also a time for our church family to commit to you, the parents, to be the support that you need.  Most people think of a Baby Dedication as just for our newborns, but we’ve had all different ages participate. If you’ve never had that special prayer time for you and your child, we’d love for you to sign up and participate.
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park on Sunday, June 12th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public,” and it’s a great celebration!  In fact, the whole church is invited out to Folly to celebrate!  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card, or sign up on our website.
  4. Summer for Coastal Student Ministry is officially here! Check out the calendar above for all the fun things planned as well as a weekly Bible study through the book of James!  If you have any questions, please reach out to our Youth Pastor, Jacob Bonetti – or . It’s going to be a great Summer for our Students!
  5. We are so excited about Vacation Bible School at Coastal this year! After COVID & Construction, VBS is back and will be better than ever in our brand new facility!  The dates & times for VBS this year are Monday, July 11th – Friday, July 15th, 6pm-8pm!  This year’s theme is “Make Waves – What you do today, can change the world around you!”  VBS at Coastal is ALL HANDS ON DECK!  In other words, it takes EVERYONE to pull off a great VBS for our church and our community.  There will be greeters, security, snacks, registration, teachers, games, worship, decorations, nursery, crafts – in other words, something for EVERYONE!  If you are interested in serving in any capacity, please go to our website and sign up today!  To register your child, ages 4 year olds – 5th Grade, go to and sign them up today!  If you have any questions, contact Janet Rollins at or 843-442-8299

    P.S.  Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Monday night, June 6th, 6-8:30pm. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.

    P.S.S. You are invited to attend the Charleston Riverdogs game on Sunday, July 31 at 5pm with your Coastal family! Tickets are FREE but MUST BE reserved ahead of time by providing your email and number of tickets needed on your Connect Card or to Pastor Scott at so that the digital tickets may be forwarded to your email. Please reach out to Pastor Scott with any questions.

Summer of IMPACT 2022

There is no doubt that many people today are hurting, hopeless, and afraid.  So Coastal, let’s DO something about it!  If you want to make a difference, if you want to change the world, it’s not going to happen by crafting the most shared or liked social media post.  Let me tell you where we can ALL start – SUMMER OF IMPACT!  Summer of IMPACT is all about serving and loving our neighbors, our community – where we live, work, parent, and play.  It’s a month long emphasis that kicks off every Summer at Coastal, and it literally starts TOMORROW – June 1st!

Summer of IMPACT is where we as a church saturate our community with the love of Jesus through simple acts of service. Given the 37 different serving opportunities, there is literally something for everyone.  Nearly every serving opportunity is family friendly.  We’ll be serving veterans, the homeless, the elderly & sick, children in crisis, those who struggle with drug & alcohol addictions and more.  There are opportunities nearly every day of the month.  You simply sign-up and then show-up.  It’s that simple!  Every project has a leader and every project is well-organized.  

Click on this link:  Take a look at all the opportunities.  Find the projects that are right for you and sign up today! 

If you are looking to make an Impact in our community, if you want to “be” the change, this is the way to do it!  I truly believe that everyone who calls Coastal home can sign up for at least one event.  But here’s what I would also encourage you to do – invite friends, neighbors, family, and co-workers to join you!  You don’t have to be a member of Coastal to participate.  And get this, you don’t even have to be a believer to participate!  Truthfully, I think this is the best way we have to show people what a difference Jesus truly makes in our lives.


If you have any questions about Summer of IMPACT and any of the projects, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones – (843) 870-4613.

Sure, these are dark and evil times.  But it’s times like these where the light shines the brightest!  Coastal, that’s you and me!  Let’s be the light for all the world to see!

Shining With You!
Pastor Chris

P.S. Join us this Saturday for Saturday Serve!  Show up at the church at 8:30am, hear our Leaders pitch several different projects, and then GO SERVE!


Friday’s 5 – 5-27-22

Typically, Memorial Weekend officially marks the end of the school year and the beginning of Summer.  But no matter when your child gets out of school this year,  I am seriously excited about all the awesome things happening at Coastal this Summer – the biggest of which is Summer of IMPACT!  If you and your family haven’t yet signed up for multiple projects, it’s time to do so!  And I seriously encourage you to spread the word with your friends, neighbors, family, and co-workers, especially those people in your life who don’t have a church or who aren’t even believers.  Why?  Because God created everyone with the desire to be a part of something bigger than yourself and to make a difference.  And believe it or not, most churches don’t have a very good reputation for serving and loving their communities unconditionally.  So leverage Summer of IMPACT as way to include those who might not darken the door of a church yet, but would be willing to volunteer in the community.  Don’t you see?  Not only is Summer of IMPACT an opportunity to serve and bless our community and you, but it is also an opportunity for outreach!  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.

Another reason I’m excited about the Summer here at Coastal is that on Sunday, June 12th, we kick off one of our favorite sermon series traditions here at Coastal – “AT THE MOVIES”!  It’s where we take current or popular movies and use them as a hook to talk about spiritual truth.  ALL 1st Time Guests (and the person who invited them – YOU) will receive a FREE Movie Ticket to Citadel Mall Theater throughout the entire series!  There will be popcorn, movie trailers, and cool giveaways!  We’ll also be taking anyone who is available to see the new “Minions” movie on Wednesday, July 6th, 10am at the Citadel Mall Theater.  And we’re picking up the cost of the ticket!  It’s our way to thank you and bless our community (your friends – yes, please invite and bring friends).  

But the best part of our “At the Movies” kick-off on June 12th is that it’s also the day of our Beach Baptism out at Folly Beach County Park at 5pm (see below)!  Come out early (traffic might be an issue) and make it a fun day for your entire family (parking at the County Park on Sunday is $15, with a County Park Pass it’s free)!    If you are interested in getting Baptized, simply respond to this email, sign up online, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  Either way, come out and celebrate with your Coastal family!

Father’s Day on Sunday, June 19th! There will be FREE Kona Ice for everyone, a gift for all the guys, and some fun giveaways (yes, probably MEAT) at the end of each service!  We’re also super excited to be bringing back VBS this year (see below) – July 11th-15th, 6-8pm, for 4 year olds-5th Grade!  Make sure you register your kidssign up to serve, and help spread the word!  Oh, and on top of all of that (Summer of IMPACT, At the Movies, Beach Baptism, Father’s Day, VBS), our Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) just unveiled their Summer Calendar (see below) with a ton of events, activities, and service projects!

As you can see, it’s going to be a great Summer at Coastal!  The only thing that’s potentially missing right now is. . .YOU!  We can only provide the opportunities for connections, community, and service.  You have to make the choice to participate.  I hope you will!  I love YOU, I love being your Pastor, I love what we get to do together, and I can’t wait to see you on Sunday!

Pastor Chris

P.S. Coastal, while I truly am excited about this Summer, my also heart breaks for the many families in our nation who are grieving as they walk through “the valley of the shadow of death.”  I don’t have quick, easy answers – there aren’t any.  At times it’s hard to comprehend the evil that exists and persists in this world.  But I do know that because of what Jesus accomplished through the cross and the empty tomb, that sin, death, and evil have ultimately been defeated.  I know that this is not my home, that I’m just passing through, and so are you.  Because of Jesus, there is still hope – not in this world, but in Him.  And so in the meantime, I will weep with those who weep, I will mourn with those who mourn, and I will rejoice with those who rejoice.  I will also be moved into Kingdom action.  I will pray.  I will serve.  I will love.  I will give.  I will share.  I will point as many people as possible to Jesus – the only one who can truly change the condition of the human heart (the real problem).  And that’s why what we do as a church matters.  

We’re in this series right now on the 23rd Psalm.  Slowly read these words once more and find comfort:

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters.
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
    for his name’s sake.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
    I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
    your rod and your staff,
    they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me
    in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
    my cup overflows.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
    all the days of my life,
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord

    Summer of IMPACT!!!! – Summer of IMPACT kicks off on June 1st! It’s a month-long effort (the entire month of June) where we as a church saturate our community with the love of Jesus through simple acts of service.  It’s basically what we normally do all throughout the year, but ON STEROIDS for the month of June!  There is something for everyone – from serving through our existing partnerships with non-profit organizations all over Charleston like the Lowcountry Food Bank, Soldiers Angels, the Ronald McDonald House, Carolina Youth Development Center, Charleston Vets, The Pink House, Patriots Villas, and Lowcountry Orphan Relief, to sewing lap throws for the residents of Joseph Floyd Manor, to feeding, clothing, and bringing supplies to literally hundreds of hungry, hurting, and homeless people all over Charleston. There are opportunities nearly every day of the month. You simply sign-up and then show-up. It’s that easy.  Every project has a leader and every project is well-organized. 

    So here’s what I am asking you to do RIGHT NOW:

    Click on this link:

    Take a look at all the opportunities. Find the project(s) right for you and then sign up today! You can sign up for as many opportunities as you want directly from our website.

    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. If you would like your family to participate in the Baby/Child Dedication on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19th, please respond to this email.  Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.  Coastal’s Baby Dedication is a special time for our parents and children. The purpose of our Baby Dedication is not for the child’s salvation. It is more of a prayer/renewal time for the parents as they commit to raise their child the way God wants them to and a time of prayer for the child to grow to be the man or woman God has called them to be. It is also a time for our church family to commit to you, the parents, to be the support that you need.  Most people think of a Baby Dedication as just for our newborns, but we’ve had all different ages participate. If you’ve never had that special prayer time for you and your child, we’d love for you to sign up and participate.
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park on Sunday, June 12th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public,” and it’s a great celebration!  In fact, the whole church is invited out to Folly to celebrate!  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card, or sign up on our website.
  4. Summer for Coastal Student Ministry is officially here! Check out the calendar above for all the fun things planned as well as a weekly Bible study through the book of James!  If you have any questions, please reach out to our Youth Pastor, Jacob Bonetti – or . It’s going to be a great Summer for our Students!
  5. We are so excited about Vacation Bible School at Coastal this year! After COVID & Construction, VBS is back and will be better than ever in our brand new facility!  The dates & times for VBS this year are Monday, July 11th – Friday, July 15th, 6pm-8pm!  This year’s theme is “Make Waves – What you do today, can change the world around you!”  VBS at Coastal is ALL HANDS ON DECK!  In other words, it takes EVERYONE to pull off a great VBS for our church and our community.  There will be greeters, security, snacks, registration, teachers, games, worship, decorations, nursery, crafts – in other words, something for EVERYONE!  If you are interested in serving in any capacity, please go to our website and sign up today!  To register your child, ages 4 year olds – 5th Grade, go to and sign them up today!  If you have any questions, contact Janet Rollins at or 843-442-8299.

    P.S.S. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Monday night, June 6th, 6-8:30pm. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.

Friday’s 5 – 5-20-22

For those of you who like, “True Crime Stories,” I’ve got a little story of my own to share.  This past Saturday was “Double Tailgate Day” at Coastal.  In other words, both Box Trucks were out in use in the community, feeding and serving those in need.  One Truck was at Charleston Vets and the other one was at The Pink House.  I went to the Pink House.  After we got back to the church, I stuck around to help unload and clean up.  After everyone left, I went over my sermon for Sunday.  When I went outside to go to my car, I was surprised to find our last remaining coyote (the other 3 “coyote decoys” have already been stolen) on top of my car!  My first thought was this was some sort of prank.  I took a picture and sent it to the Staff – thinking maybe they knew who the culprit was (okay, maybe I thought one of them did it – haha!).  No one had a clue.  When I got home, I pulled up our video cameras and “watched the tape.”  The culprits were two young boys.  They rode their bikes down the drive behind the church, saw the coyote, and decided to destroy it – or at least try to.  Then they threw it in the woods and left.  But before they left, they got another idea, went back to the woods, retrieved the coyote, and threw it on top of my car.  Then they picked up some rocks and threw them at my car.  Needless to say, I wasn’t too happy watching all this transpire.  In fact, I wanted to drive over to the church, ride around the neighborhood, and find these two boys.  But I simmered down and honestly was a little too tired to head back to the church, and waste the rest of my Saturday on what would probably be a useless search.

Well, on Sunday morning, I was doing what I normally do before church, standing in our Gather space, welcoming everyone as they come through our front door.  Just a few minutes before the first service started, an older woman with two young boys comes through the front door.  “OH MY GOODNESS, IT’S THEM,” I thought to myself!  The criminals have returned to the scene of the crime!  I recognized them from the video!  So I walked up to them and with great enthusiasm said, “Good morning boys!  How are you doing?”  They said nothing.  Their Great Grandmother said, “Say something boys.  The preacher is talking to you.”  Still nothing.  I stooped down and said, “What did you do this weekend?  No, I want to know what you did YESTERDAY, here at our church.”  You should have seen their eyes – wide as saucers!  Their Great Grandmother knew something was up and laid into them, “What did you boys do?  You told me you were going to play basketball!”  Still nothing from the boys.  I said, “Tell her.  Tell her what you did.”  Still nothing.  I said, “That’s okay, I’ll tell you exactly what you did.  I watched the whole thing on video.”  I then proceeded to retell their every move.  And when I got to the part about throwing the coyote on top of the car, I leaned in a little closer and said, “And that car, was MY car.  And then you picked up rocks and threw them at MY car.”  At that dramatic moment, one of the boys broke silence, stepped back, pointed his finger at his brother and shouted, “He did it!  It was his idea!  He did it!”

Needless to say, their Great Grandmother was mortified and livid.  After the service, she gave me their mom’s name and phone number. I called their Mom on Monday.  We had a great conversation.  She assured me that they were being disciplined and that her boys would be back at church and would be giving me a proper apology.  She’s a single mom, with two other small children with special needs, trying to do the best she can, living with her Grandmother, their Great Grandmother, right around the corner from the church.  I told her that I believed that God was going redeem this whole story and use it as a turning point in her boy’s lives.  The Mom and Grandmother wanted me to come up with something for the boys to do here at the church.  So, on Saturday, June 4th, they will be coming with me to our next Saturday Serve.  I will put them to work and take them with me to the North Charleston Tailgate where they will help feed and clothe those in our community who have far, far less than they do.

In the grand scheme of things, this was just a small infraction by 10 year old boys.  Most of us can probably remember quite a few things we did in our younger days, much, much worse.  And most of us probably wish we had learned a few lessons early in life.  Hopefully, prayerfully, they will learn a lesson about grace and God’s love (and, don’t mess with Pastor Chris – haha!).  They’re actually students at Oakland.  And on Tuesday morning when I was passing out coffee & doughnuts to the Teachers, they sought me out and spoke with me.  What’s really interesting is that on that Friday – before the incident – I was the Substitute Teacher in their younger brother’s classroom (my substitute teaching stories are the subject for another day).  But my point is, it’s amazing how God weaves the stories of our lives together, stories of redemption and hope.  Pray for these boys and their family.  Pray that God would open our eyes and hearts to see opportunities all around us to be used in His unfolding story of redemption.  I love you Coastal, I love being your Pastor, and I can’t wait to see you on Sunday!

Pastor Chris

    Patriot Villas Veterans Tailgate –  We will be putting on a Tailgate for the Veterans at Patriot Villas on Thursday, May 26th, 6-8pm.  Meet at Coastal.

    Summer of IMPACT!!!! – Summer of IMPACT kicks off on June 1st! It’s a month-long effort (the entire month of June) where we as a church saturate our community with the love of Jesus through simple acts of service.  It’s basically what we normally do all throughout the year, but ON STEROIDS for the month of June!  There is something for everyone – from serving through our existing partnerships with non-profit organizations all over Charleston like the Lowcountry Food Bank, Soldiers Angels, the Ronald McDonald House, Carolina Youth Development Center, Charleston Vets, The Pink House, Patriots Villas, and Lowcountry Orphan Relief, to sewing lap throws for the residents of Joseph Floyd Manor, to feeding, clothing, and bring supplies to literally hundreds of hungry, hurting, and homeless people all over Charleston. There are opportunities nearly every day of the month. You simply sign-up and then show-up. It’s that easy.  Every project has a leader and every project is well-organized.  So here’s what I am asking you to do RIGHT NOW:

    Click on this link:

    Take a look at all the opportunities. Find the project(s) right for you and then sign up today! You can sign up for as many opportunities as you want directly from our website.

    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. If you would like your family to participate in the Baby/Child Dedication on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19th, please respond to this email.  Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.  Coastal’s Baby Dedication is a special time for our parents and children. The purpose of our Baby Dedication is not for the child’s salvation. It is more of a prayer/renewal time for the parents as they commit to raise their child the way God wants them to and a time of prayer for the child to grow to be the man or woman God has called them to be. It is also a time for our church family to commit to you, the parents, to be the support that you need.  Most people think of a Baby Dedication as just for our newborns, but we’ve had all different ages participate. If you’ve never had that special prayer time for you and your child, we’d love for you to sign up and participate.
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park on Sunday, June 12th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public,” and it’s a great celebration!  In fact, the whole church is invited out to Folly to celebrate!  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card, or sign up on our website.
  4. We’re looking to grow and expand our Online Engagement Team.  Coastal’s Online Engagement Team serves online, every Sunday, during both services.  What do they do?  They greet and serve our guests, regular attenders, and members who are attending our services virtually on Church Online (by way of our church website), Facebook, and on YouTube.  

    When you consider the Online Engagement Team think of it as, First Impressions, but online. Our Team members chat in the chatrooms, share thoughts about upcoming events, share moments during the service, pray for people requesting prayer, and provide the same level of excellence we’ve come to expect during our in-person services.  The reality is this, if we’re going to take the online experience to the next level, we’re going to need some additional help. You’ll receive training and can serve as little as once per month or as many times as you like. If you are looking for a great serving opportunity, this might be it!  Reach out to Pastor Ryan Spell ( – 843-442-8985) or Pastor Chris Jones ( – 843-870-4613) for more information.
  5. We are so excited about Vacation Bible School at Coastal this year! After COVID & Construction, VBS is back and will be better than ever in our brand new facility!  The dates & times for VBS this year are Monday, July 11th – Friday, July 15th, 6pm-8pm!  This year’s theme is “Make Waves – What you do today, can change the world around you!”  VBS at Coastal is ALL HANDS ON DECK!  In other words, it takes EVERYONE to pull off a great VBS for our church and our community.  There will be greeters, security, snacks, registration, teachers, games, worship, decorations, nursery, crafts – in other words, something for EVERYONE!  If you are interested in serving in any capacity, please go to our website and sign up today!  To register your child, ages 4 year olds – 5th Grade, go to and sign them up today!  If you have any questions, contact Janet Rollins at or 843-442-8299.

    P.S. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Monday night, June 6th, 6-8:30pm. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.

Friday’s 5 – 5-13-22

Wow – we had an amazing Mother’s Day this past Sunday!  We had 13 children participate in Baby/Child Dedication (we have another Baby/Child Dedication coming up Father’s Day – see below).  We had lots and lots of guests!  And we had 842 people in attendance!  Moving forward, especially on Big Days, we’re going to need people to start parking in Oakland Elementary School’s parking lot (not just Orange Grove – which was full).  Oakland’s parking lot (which is a little further away – but MUCH MUCH BIGGER) is located down the first entrance right past the Greenway.  Also, we’re getting ready to open up the field parking in the back of our campus.  Either way, these are good problems (opportunities) to have!

Not only is our church continuing to grow in person, but our online presence is strong and continues to grow – which leads me to a new ministry opportunity.  We’re looking to grow and expand our Online Engagement Team.  Coastal’s Online Engagement Team serves online, every Sunday, during both services.  What do they do?  They greet and serve our guests, regular attenders, and members who are attending our services virtually on Church Online (by way of our church website), Facebook, and on YouTube.  

When you consider the Online Engagement Team think of it as, First Impressions, but online. Our Team members chat in the chatrooms, share thoughts about upcoming events, share moments during the service, pray for people requesting prayer, and provide the same level of excellence we’ve come to expect during our in-person services.  The reality is this, if we’re going to take the online experience to the next level, we’re going to need some additional help. You’ll receive training and can serve as little as once per month or as many times as you like. If you are looking for a great serving opportunity, this might be it!  Reach out to Pastor Ryan Spell ( – 843-442-8985) or Pastor Chris Jones ( – 843-870-4613) for more information.

This Sunday we’re in week 4 of our study through the 23rd Psalm called, “Living In Victory.”  I’ll be talking about living in victory over indecision and discovering God’s will for your life in the process.  Psalm 23:3b says, He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name.”  My guess is that many of you have had to make some major decisions this past year, or you are facing some right now.  Should I hold on, or should I let go?  Should I get in, or should I get out?  Should I get married?  Should I get a new job?  Should I move?  The stress of indecision begins to get to you.  Sometimes even after we make a decision we start second guessing ourselves, “Did I do the right thing?”  And that causes stress.  The good news?  The Good Shepherd not only feeds us, He leads us.  He not only provides, He also guides.  The good Shepherd not only protects, He also directs.  Come this Sunday as we talk about how!

And speaking of this Sunday, I saw this quote that I wanted to share with you:  “One of the best things you can do for your church this Sunday is to sit in the front middle of the room, worship passionately, and respond to your Pastor’s preaching.  10 people like that can change the atmosphere of a whole room and lift hearts heavenward!”  I think they’re right!  Invite and bring someone to church with you this Sunday and bring the energy – I’ll bring mine!  I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor!

Pastor Chris

    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes Friday (TODAY), May 13th, 9am-11am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, May 13th, (and again on Friday, May 20th) 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, on Saturday, May 14th, 10am-1pm. Meet at Coastal at 10am.
    Charleston Vets Tailgate – We’re hosting a tailgating event at Charleston Vets, Saturday, May 14th, 10am-1pm. Coastal Vets is a transitional housing facility for veterans in North Charleston.  Meet at Coastal at 10am.
    Joseph Floyd Manor Tailgate –  Our Tailgate will be rolling and serving our friends downtown at the Joseph Floyd Manor –  Thursday, May 19th, 10am-1pm. Meet at the church.
    Patriot Villas Veterans Tailgate –  We will be putting on a Tailgate for the Veterans at Patriot Villas on Thursday, May 26th, 6-8pm.  Meet at Coastal. 

    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. If you would like your family to participate in the Baby/Child Dedication on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19th, please respond to this email.  Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.  Coastal’s Baby Dedication is a special time for our parents and children. The purpose of our Baby Dedication is not for the child’s salvation. It is more of a prayer/renewal time for the parents as they commit to raise their child the way God wants them to and a time of prayer for the child to grow to be the man or woman God has called them to be. It is also a time for our church family to commit to you, the parents, to be the support that you need.  Most people think of a Baby Dedication as just for our newborns, but we’ve had all different ages participate. If you’ve never had that special prayer time for you and your child, we’d love for you to sign up and participate.
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park on Sunday, June 12th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public,” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card, or sign up on our website.
  4. One of the ways our church marks the beginning of Summer every year is through something called Summer of IMPACT!  If you are fairly new to Coastal, Summer of IMPACT is a month-long effort (the entire month of June) where we as a church saturate our community with the love of Jesus through simple acts of service.  It’s basically what we normally do all throughout the year, but ON STEROIDS for the month of June!  

    There is something for everyone – from serving through our existing partnerships with non-profit organizations all over Charleston like the Lowcountry Food Bank, Soldiers Angels, the Ronald McDonald House, Carolina Youth Development Center, Charleston Vets, The Pink House, Patriots Villas, and Lowcountry Orphan Relief, to sewing lap throws for the residents of Joseph Floyd Manor, to feeding, clothing, and bring supplies to literally hundreds of hungry, hurting, and homeless people all over Charleston. There are opportunities nearly every day of the month. You simply sign-up and then show-up. It’s that easy.  Every project has a leader and every project is well-organized. So here’s what I am asking you to do RIGHT NOW: Click on this link: Take a look at all the opportunities. Find the project(s) right for you and then sign up today! You can sign up for as many opportunities as you want directly from our website.
  5. We are so excited about Vacation Bible School at Coastal this year! After COVID & Construction, VBS is back and will be better than ever in our brand new facility!  The dates & times for VBS this year are Monday, July 11th – Friday, July 15th, 6pm-8pm!  This year’s theme is “Make Waves – What you do today, can change the world around you!”  VBS at Coastal is ALL HANDS ON DECK!  In other words, it takes EVERYONE to pull off a great VBS for our church and our community.  There will be greeters, security, snacks, registration, teachers, games, worship, decorations, nursery, crafts – in other words, something for EVERYONE!  If you are interested in serving in any capacity, please go to our website and sign up today!  To register your child, ages 4 year olds – 5th Grade, go to and sign them up today!  If you have any questions, contact Janet Rollins at or 843-442-8299.

    P.S.  Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Monday night, June 6th, 6-8:30pm. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom. 

Friday’s 5 – 5-6-22

Alright everyone – this Sunday, May 8th, is Mother’s Day!  It’s going to be a BIG DAY at Coastal!  Make sure you come early, park far away, and go out of your way to make our guests feel welcome and at home.  And speaking of guests –  invite and bring your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers!  We have a gift for all the Moms (and a little something for all women), fun giveaways at the end of each service (SPA PACKAGE), a photo booth, Baby/Child Dedication during the service, and FREE Kona Ice for everyone! 

I was out of town last week for a few days.  I went to Florida for my Pastor’s Coaching Network meeting.  It’s a group of about 25 Pastors from around the country.  We meet 5 times a year for coaching and encouragement.  It was the first time we’ve been back in person in over 2 years.  It was awesome and much needed!  Knowing that I was going to be gone for a few days, I got Pastor Scott to preach for me last week (he did a great job talking about busyness).  Honestly, I was really looking forward to the weekend.  It was the first time in a long time that Janet and I didn’t really have anything going on and I wasn’t preaching.  It was going to be a nice break.  However, that’s not exactly what happened.  I ended up doing two funerals  for 2 men who went to Coastal.  For both of the funerals I shared a message from the 23rd Psalm.  I talked about the very passage I’ll be preaching on this weekend, Psalm 23:3, “He restores my soul.”  

You know, one of the great mysteries of my theology is how can a God we cannot see and touch and hear audibly, but who is real, how can He reach into the ravaged souls of human beings and restore them?  The answer:  I don’t know. . .but I know that He does it.  He’s done it for me, I’ve seen Him do it for countless people, and He can do it for you if you let Him.  There is no crisis, no tragedy, no loss so great that He can’t sustain you and restore you completely and David knew that.  How do I know that David knew that?  Because David lost his son.  In fact, after the death of his child, after weeping and grieving, David said this, “I can’t bring him back.  He can’t come to me, but one day, I can go to him.”  We can’t bring our loved ones back, but we can go to them one day.

At one of the funerals I did last weekend, the Graveside was at the same cemetery on James Island where my Dad was buried when I was 13 years old.  It’s been a long time since I’ve been to my Dad’s grave.  Honestly, I wasn’t sure we could find it – but we did.  As I stared at my Dad’s grave, I had forgotten that he was only 41 years old when he died – 41.  That seems so young to me now.  I was also reminded how God used something so terrible in my life, to bring about so much good.  I was humbled and grateful, and I was reminded that the Good Shepherd can restore our soul if we let him.  Don’t miss this Sunday.  It’s going to be a powerful day!  I love you, I love our church, and I love being your Pastor!      

Pastor Chris

    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes Friday (TODAY), May 6th (and again on May 13th), 9am-11am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday (TOMORROW), May 7th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am (or come at 7:30am to help with chair set-up), project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Two different Tailgate Parties go out from Saturday Serve! 
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, May 10th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (The Elks Lodge).
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, May 13th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, on Saturday, May 14th, 10am-1pm. Meet at Coastal.
    Charleston Vets Tailgate – We’re hosting a tailgating event at Charleston Vets, Saturday, May 14th, 10am-1pm. Coastal Vets is a transitional housing facility for veterans in North Charleston.  Meet at Coastal at 8:30am.  

    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. If you would like your family to participate in the Baby/Child Dedication on Mother’s Day this Sunday, please respond to this email.  Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.  Coastal’s Baby Dedication is a special time for our parents and children. The purpose of our Baby Dedication is not for the child’s salvation. It is more of a prayer/renewal time for the parents as they commit to raise their child the way God wants them to and a time of prayer for the child to grow to be the man or woman God has called them to be. It is also a time for our church family to commit to you, the parents, to be the support that you need.  Most people think of a Baby Dedication as just for our newborns, but we’ve had all different ages participate. If you’ve never had that special prayer time for you and your child, we’d love for you to sign up and participate.
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park on Sunday, June 12th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public,” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card, or sign up on our website.
  4. One of the ways our church marks the beginning of Summer every year is through something called Summer of IMPACT!  If you are fairly new to Coastal, Summer of IMPACT is a month-long effort (the entire month of June) where we as a church saturate our community with the love of Jesus through simple acts of service.  It’s basically what we normally do all throughout the year, but ON STEROIDS for the month of June!  

    There is something for everyone – from serving through our existing partnerships with non-profit organizations all over Charleston like the Lowcountry Food Bank, Soldiers Angels, the Ronald McDonald House, Carolina Youth Development Center, Charleston Vets, The Pink House, Patriots Villas, and Lowcountry Orphan Relief, to sewing lap throws for the residents of Joseph Floyd Manor, to feeding, clothing, and bring supplies to literally hundreds of hungry, hurting, and homeless people all over Charleston. There are opportunities nearly every day of the month. You simply sign-up and then show-up. It’s that easy.  Every project has a leader and every project is well-organized. So here’s what I am asking you to do RIGHT NOW: Click on this link:

    Take a look at all the opportunities. Find the project(s) right for you and then sign up today! You can sign up for as many opportunities as you want directly from our website.
  5. Are you grieving the loss of a spouse or do you know someone who is?  You are invited to join our FREE “Loss of a Spouse” Seminar through our Grief Share Support Group THIS Monday, May 9th, 6:30-8:30pm at Coastal.  Discover practical advice, support, prayer, and encouragement from others who’ve been there.  Learn what to expect in your grief and how to cope with life without your spouse.  Register at or call Freeda (540-903-5030) or Sue (616-443-6553).

    P.S. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Monday night, June 6th, 6-8:30pm. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.  

Friday’s 5 – 4-29-22

It’s hard to believe, but this Sunday is May 1st!  What does that mean?  That SUMMER is almost here!!  One of the ways our church marks the beginning of Summer every year is through something called Summer of IMPACT!  If you are fairly new to Coastal, Summer of IMPACT is a month-long effort (the entire month of June) where we as a church saturate our community with the love of Jesus through simple acts of service.  It’s basically what we normally do all throughout the year, but ON STEROIDS for the month of June!  

There is something for everyone – from serving through our existing partnerships with non-profit organizations all over Charleston like the Lowcountry Food Bank, Soldiers Angels, the Ronald McDonald House, Carolina Youth Development Center, Charleston Vets, The Pink House, Patriots Villas, and Lowcountry Orphan Relief, to sewing lap throws for the residents of Joseph Floyd Manor, to feeding, clothing, and bring supplies to literally hundreds of hungry, hurting, and homeless people all over Charleston. There are opportunities nearly every day of the month. You simply sign-up and then show-up. It’s that easy.  Every project has a leader and every project is well-organized. 

So here’s what I am asking you to do RIGHT NOW:

Click on this link:

Take a look at all the opportunities. Find the project(s) right for you and then sign up today! You can sign up for as many opportunities as you want directly from our website.  And by the way, you don’t even have to call Coastal your home to participate!  Spread the word (forward this email) and invite and bring your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to serve!  If you are looking to Make an IMPACT in our community, this is the way to do it! 

The other thing that May always marks is Teacher Appreciation Week at Oakland Elementary School – this Monday, May 2nd – Friday, May 6th.  We have a special relationship with the school.  Each year we go above and beyond to express our love and appreciation to the Teachers and Staff of Oakland.  We have several special things planned – lunch, breakfast, gifts, and more.  Just remember that all of our community outreach projects (Summer of IMPACT, Saturday Serve, Box Truck Tailgates, Teacher Appreciation Week, Annual Oakland T-Shirts, VBS, and MORE) are all funded by your consistent, generous giving.  You can give through our website or simply text ANY amount to 843-277-8337. I love you, I love our church, and I love being your Pastor!  Let’s make this the best Summer ever!      

Pastor Chris

    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes Friday, May 6th (and again on May 13th), 9am-11am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island. 
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, May 7th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Two different Tailgate Parties go out from Saturday Serve! 
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, May 10th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (The Elks Lodge).
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, May 13th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, on Saturday, May 14th, 10am-1pm. Meet at Coastal.

    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. If you would like your family to participate in the Baby/Child Dedication on Mother’s Day (May 8th), sign up on your Connect Card.  Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.  Coastal’s Baby Dedication is a special time for our parents and children. The purpose of our Baby Dedication is not for the child’s salvation. It is more of a prayer/renewal time for the parents as they commit to raise their child the way God wants them to and a time of prayer for the child to grow to be the man or woman God has called them to be. It is also a time for our church family to commit to you, the parents, to be the support that you need.  Most people think of a Baby Dedication as just for our newborns, but we’ve had all different ages participate. If you’ve never had that special prayer time for you and your child, we’d love for you to sign up and participate.
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park on Sunday, June 12th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public,” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card, or sign up on our website.
  4. New to Coastal? Join us in the Chapel or online Sunday, May 1st immediately following the 11:15am service for our next Newcomer’s Reception. Learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, and get plugged in. Lunch & childcare (and some fun giveaways) provided. RSVP online or on your Connect Card on Sunday!
  5. Are you grieving the loss of a spouse or do you know someone who is?  You are invited to join our FREE “Loss of a Spouse” Seminar through our Grief Share Support Group on Monday, May 9th, 6:30-8:30pm at Coastal.  Discover practical advice, support, prayer, and encouragement from others who’ve been there.  Learn what to expect in your grief and how to cope with life without your spouse.  Register at or call Freeda (540-903-5030) or Sue (616-443-6553).

    P.S. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Monday night, June 6th, 6-8:30pm. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.

Friday’s 5 – 4-22-22

Wow – we had an amazing Easter Weekend at Coastal!  First of all, I can’t thank all of our volunteers enough for all of your hard work – 6 services over 3 days!  All of our Teams – Praise & Worship, Tech, Coastal Kidz, Security, Cafe, Prayer, 1st Impressions – all knocked it out of the park!  Many, many people were at multiple services, and some were at all 6.  We seriously have the best volunteers at Coastal and could not do what we do without you!  

Going into the weekend, I seriously had no idea how many people to expect in attendance in-person.  I told our Staff that I had hoped to be close to pre-COVID Easter numbers – 1500+.  In fact, 2 years ago, before anyone had ever heard of COVID, we had our largest attendance ever, just over 1600 for Easter.  Well, this year we set a new Coastal attendance record with 1782 people in-person over the weekend!  And then we had another 1115 online – for a grand total of 2897!

We had a ton of 1st time guests – people who were invited by a friend or who saw an ad, received a post card, or found us online.  In fact, we had 43 1st & 2nd Time Guest Connect Cards filled out, 46 Coastal “Bags of Swag” given away, and 21 different decisions made!  And of those 21 decisions. . . 8 PEOPLE GAVE THEIR LIFE TO JESUS!!  Like I said, WOW!  Thank you Jesus!!

Now, let me say this – Easter has come and gone, but Jesus is still alive, and there is still a sense of urgency.  Keep praying, keep inviting, keep serving, keep reaching out.  People still need Jesus, and He is still the hope of the world.  And if the people you invited didn’t come, don’t get discouraged and don’t give up.  And for those of you who came for the first time or maybe came for the first in a long time, come back!  You are welcome at Coastal!  In fact, we begin a new series this Sunday called, “Living In Victory.”  And this Sunday I’ll be talking about living in victory over worry.  Don’t miss it!

Don’t forget that we go back to our regular Sunday morning worship services times this week – 9:30am & 11:15am.  If you took home and put up a Yard Sign, please pick them up and return them to the church.  And if you see any others, out and about in the community, make sure you grab those as well and drop them off at the church.  We really try to do our best to reuse them each Easter.  

I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor!

Pastor Chris

    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes Friday, May 6th, 9am-11am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island. 
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, May 7th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Two different Tailgate Parties go out from Saturday Serve! 
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, May 10th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (The Elks Lodge).
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, May 13th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.

    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. If you would like your family to participate in the Baby/Child Dedication on Mother’s Day (May 8th), sign up on your Connect Card.  Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.  Coastal’s Baby Dedication is a special time for our parents and children. The purpose of our Baby Dedication is not for the child’s salvation. It is more of a prayer/renewal time for the parents as they commit to raise their child the way God wants them to and a time of prayer for the child to grow to be the man or woman God has called them to be. It is also a time for our church family to commit to you, the parents, to be the support that you need.  Most people think of a Baby Dedication as just for our newborns, but we’ve had all different ages participate. If you’ve never had that special prayer time for you and your child, we’d love for you to sign up and participate.
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park on Sunday, June 12th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public,” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card, or sign up on our website.
  4. New to Coastal? Join us in the Chapel or online Sunday, May 1st immediately following the 11:15am service for our next Newcomer’s Reception. Learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, and get plugged in. Lunch & childcare provided. RSVP online or on your Connect Card on Sunday!
  5. Are you grieving the loss of a spouse or do you know someone who is?  You are invited to join our FREE “Loss of a Spouse” Seminar through our Grief Share Support Group on Monday, May 9th, 6:30-8:30pm at Coastal.  Discover practical advice, support, prayer, and encouragement from others who’ve been there.  Learn what to expect in your grief and how to cope with life without your spouse.  Register at or call Freeda (540-903-5030) or Sue (616-443-6553).

    P.S. Homeschool educators and their kids of all ages are invited to a HOMESCHOOL HANGOUT THIS Wednesday, April 27th, 10am-12noon, to meet and network with other Homeschool families at Coastal.  We’ll have pizza for lunch and the Coastal Kidz playgrounds will be open for playtime.  RSVP on your Connect Card or respond to this email so we’ll know how much pizza to order!

Friday’s 5 – 4-15-22

Finally – Easter Weekend is here!  I’m not exactly sure where the phrase, “Not today Satan, not today!” originated (I think it became popular on a few Reality TV Shows), but our Staff definitely uses it around the office.  For us, it’s just a reminder that Spiritual Warfare is real and that Satan wants to do anything he can to distract and divert us from our mission, especially weeks like this week.  

Why this week?  Because our entire church is reading through the Bible together, our 40 Day Easter Fast ends today, we’ve literally been reaching out to hundreds and thousands of people, inviting them to church, and of course, it’s the week of Easter!  It’s obvious that God is up to something at Coastal, and He’s using us to reach out to the lost.  When churches and Christians get serious about reaching the lost, loving and serving the community, inviting their friends and neighbors, that’s when Satan attacks.  In fact, the truth is, we expect it around the office, and it’s almost comical when it happens.  For example, this week alone someone got ahold of some checks from our church through one of our vendors and committed bank fraud, wasting hours upon hours of our time with Wells Fargo.  The transmission went out in my car.  A tire blew out on my bike.  The truth is, in the grand scheme of things, these are only minor distractions.  

Minor, because today is Good Friday.  2000 years ago Satan thought he had won.  Jesus, the one and only Son of God, had been crucified.  But when the ground in Jerusalem shook from a violent earthquake, and the sky went black, and the temple curtain that separated the people from the presence of God ripped in two, it was as though God Himself shouted from the Heavens, “Not today Satan, not today!”  And 3 days later Jesus rose from the dead just like He said He would and defeated sin, Satan, and death!  And now, in Christ, we have victory!  That’s what we’ll be celebrating this weekend!   I can’t wait to see you and your friends & family!  Our service times are:  Friday (tonight), 7pm;  Saturday, 4:30pm, 6pm;  Sunday, 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am.  (FREE KONA ICE at the Saturday and Sunday services!)

It’s still not too late to make that call, send that email or text, walk across the street or the office, and invite someone to church for this weekend!  You never know the power of a simple invitation. Yesterday I took a plate of Janet’s homemade cookies and a postcard invitation to some of my neighbors.  You never know the power of a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie either!

A few other quick reminders about Easter at Coastal:  Parking & Seatingreally is important on Big Services like Easter (especially on Sunday).  Please, please park as far away as possible and sit to the front and center of each section.  And this is important – COME EARLY!  With more guests on our campus, make sure you’re even more gracious, kind, loving, and helpful to everyone!  Treat everyone as your welcomed, expected guest in your home.  

I also want to challenge you to give above and beyond this Easter Weekend.  You can give through our website, our App, or TEXT any amount to 843-277-8337. It’s simple, safe, secure, and convenient!  It is your consistent, generous giving that enables our church to do everything it does here and in our community.

Oh, and one more thing – HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!  Today is our church’s 32nd Anniversary!  Our first Sunday as a church was Easter Sunday, April 15th, 1990.  32 years of loving, serving, and giving to our community.  32 years of seeing lives changed by the power of the Gospel!  I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor!  Hold on to your fork, because the best is yet to come!

Pastor Chris

    Patriot Villas Veterans Tailgate –  We will be putting on a Tailgate for the Veterans at Patriot Villas on Thursday, April 21st, 6-8:15pm.  Meet at Coastal.
    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes Friday, May 6th, 9am-11am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island. 
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, May 7th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Two different Tailgate Parties go out from Saturday Serve! 
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, May 10th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (The Elks Lodge).
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, May 13th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. If you would like your family to participate in the Baby/Child Dedication on Mother’s Day (May 8th), sign up on your Connect Card.  Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.  Coastal’s Baby Dedication is a special time for our parents and children. The purpose of our Baby Dedication is not for the child’s salvation. It is more of a prayer/renewal time for the parents as they commit to raise their child the way God wants them to and a time of prayer for the child to grow to be the man or woman God has called them to be. It is also a time for our church family to commit to you, the parents, to be the support that you need.  Most people think of a Baby Dedication as just for our newborns, but we’ve had all different ages participate. If you’ve never had that special prayer time for you and your child, we’d love for you to sign up and participate.
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park on Sunday, June 12th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public,” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card, or sign up on our website.
  4. New to Coastal? Join us in the Coastal Cafe or online Sunday, May 1st immediately following the 11:15am service for our next Newcomer’s Reception. Learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, and get plugged in. Lunch & childcare provided. RSVP online or on your Connect Card on Sunday!
  5. Are you grieving the loss of a spouse or do you know someone who is?  You are invited to join our FREE “Loss of a Spouse” Seminar through our Grief Share Support Group on Monday, May 9th, 6:30-8:30pm at Coastal.  Discover practical advice, support, prayer, and encouragement from others who’ve been there.  Learn what to expect in your grief and how to cope with life without your spouse.  Register at or call Freeda (540-903-5030) or Sue (616-443-6553).

    P.S. Homeschool educators and their kids of all ages are invited to a HOMESCHOOL HANGOUT on Wednesday, April 27th, 10am-12noon, to meet and network with other Homeschool families at Coastal.  We’ll have pizza for lunch and the Coastal Kidz playgrounds will be open for playtime.  RSVP on your Connect Card or respond to this email so we’ll know how much pizza to order!

You’re Invited to Easter At Coastal!

I want to personally invite you and your friends & family to attend one of Coastal Community Church’s 6 Identical Easter Services this weekend!  

Our service times are:
Friday, April 15th @ 7pm
Saturday, April 16th @ 4:30pm and 6pm
Sunday, April 17th @ 8:30am, 10am, and 11:30am!

Please let us know which service you plan on attending by registering at  Our regular Nursery & Children’s Ministry (Birth-5th Grade) called Coastal Kidz will be provided during all 6 services. Your kids will be safe & secure and will have a blast in our brand new facility! Our Cafe provides great coffee and treats for free; the music will be ROCKIN’; the message will be straight from God’s Word and apply to your every day life; and you’ll meet a bunch of amazing people just like you! We expect guests each week at Coastal, so invite and bring someone with you (all 1st time guests receive a FREE Gift)! Plus, FREE Kona Ice on Saturday and Sunday!  I promise you, you’ll be glad you came!

Hope to see you, your friends, and family over Easter Weekend!
Pastor Chris Rollins (friend me on Facebook or Instagram)

Coastal Community Church
460 Arlington Dr.
(located in West Ashley directly across the street from Oakland Elementary and Orange Grove Middle Schools)


Friday’s 5 – 4-8-22

Well, it’s time – time to make the ask and invite your friends to church this Easter!  Our Easter services are officially ONE WEEK AWAY!  Hopefully by now you’re well aware that we’re having 6 identical services over three days:  Friday, April 15th, 7pm;  Saturday, April 16th, 4:30pm, 6pm;  Sunday, April 17th, 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am.  And speaking of making the ask, what’s the worst thing that can happen?  They say no.  And by the way, just because someone says no, keep praying, keep loving, keep serving, look for the open door and ask again later.  But think for a moment about the best thing that could happen.  You could be used by God to literally affect someone’s eternity.  It’s possible that they hear the Good News of the Gospel and give their life to Jesus!  We have the opportunity to literally change the trajectory of entire generations by a simple ask.  Don’t  believe me?  You’re a part of Coastal today because a friend invited me to church when I was 13 years old.  One week later from that ask I gave my life to Jesus and felt God’s call for ministry.  Make the ask! 

For those of you on Social Media, please go to our Easter at Coastal webpage and click on the “Download Shareable Easter Invite Images for Social Media” button.  A zip file containing a folder of different images will automatically download on your computer.  Or you can simply click on this link and download them now!  These are great images to use on Facebook and Instagram to get the word out and invite people to Coastal for Easter!

And while you’re on our Easter At Coastal page, make sure you go ahead and register for the service you and your family and friends are planning to attend!  That way we can spread everyone out and let people know when a service is reaching capacity.  Make sure you connect with your Ministry Leader and sign up now to serve at one or more of our services.  If you are not currently serving in a Ministry, Easter is a great time to get started!  Respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday and we’ll put you in touch with a Ministry Leader.

I haven’t said this in a while, but it’s probably time to say it again.  For many of you, I believe that Easter weekend is a great time to come back to in-person worship!  I am so thankful for the growing online ministry of our church (especially during the pandemic and shutdown).  We went “all in” and made a huge investment in this ministry.  It is here to stay, and it will continue to be a powerful tool to leverage for the community and for the Kingdom.  However, it is NOT a replacement for gathering together in-person for worship and fellowship.  It’s time to come back to in-person worship.  I love this quote from Pastor Tony Evans, “I hear people say, ‘I don’t have to go to church to be a Christian,’ and they are absolutely right.  Salvation is through faith alone, in Christ alone.  You don’t have to go home to be married either, but stay away long enough and your relationship will be affected.”

I say none of that to guilt or pressure anyone.  There are some in our community at Coastal who are shut-in, sick, out of town, traveling, and our online services are a great option. But there are others of you who simply need the nudge to return.  Consider this your nudge.  We need you and you need us! 

I close out our “At the Cross” series this Sunday with a look at the cross through the eyes of the thief on the cross.  Don’t miss it!  I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor! 

Pastor Chris

    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes Friday (TODAY), April 8th, 9am-11am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, on Saturday (TOMORROW), April 9th, 10am-1pm. Meet at Coastal.
    Tailgate at Charleston Vets –  As a part of Saturday Serve, we’re going to host a tailgating event at Charleston Vets, THIS Saturday, March 5th.  Meet in the Welcome Center at Coastal at 8:30am.  Coastal Vets is a transitional housing facility for veterans in North Charleston.
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, April 12th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (The Elks Lodge).
    Joseph Floyd Manor Tailgate –  Our Tailgate will be rolling and serving our friends downtown at the Joseph Floyd Manor –  Thursday, April 14th, 10am-1pm. Meet at the church.

    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. If you would like your family to participate in the Baby/Child Dedication on Mother’s Day (May 8th), sign up on your Connect Card.  Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.  Coastal’s Baby Dedication is a special time for our parents and children. The purpose of our Baby Dedication is not for the child’s salvation. It is more of a prayer/renewal time for the parents as they commit to raise their child the way God wants them to and a time of prayer for the child to grow to be the man or woman God has called them to be. It is also a time for our church family to commit to you, the parents, to be the support that you need.  Most people think of a Baby Dedication as just for our newborns, but we’ve had all different ages participate. If you’ve never had that special prayer time for you and your child, we’d love for you to sign up and participate.
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park on Sunday, June 12th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card, or sign up on our website.
  4. New to Coastal? Join us in the Coastal Cafe or online Sunday, May 1st immediately following the 11:15am service for our next Newcomer’s Reception. Learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, and get plugged in. Lunch & childcare provided. RSVP online or on your Connect Card on Sunday!
  5. Are you grieving the loss of a spouse or do you know someone who is?  You are invited to join our FREE “Loss of a Spouse” Seminar through our Grief Share Support Group on Monday, May 9th, 6:30-8:30pm at Coastal.  Discover practical advice, support, prayer, and encouragement from others who’ve been there.  Learn what to expect in your grief and how to cope with life without your spouse.  Register at or call Freeda (540-903-5030) or Sue (616-443-6553).

    P.S. 6 Services over 3 days for Easter means that it’s “all hands on deck.” WE NEED YOU TO PULL OFF EASTER WEEKEND!  Make sure you reach out to your Ministry Leader NOW to let them know when you can serve over the Easter Weekend!  Attend one service and then serve in MULTIPLE services!  If you aren’t serving anywhere right now, Easter is a great time to start!  Go to our website right now and sign up to serve!  Or you can respond to this email or on your Connect Card on Sunday, and we’ll direct you to a Ministry.

Friday’s 5 – 4-1-22

Wow – it just seems as though God is moving in a powerful way through our church right now, and something is stirring.  It feels like God is preparing us for something big.  In the last month alone we’ve had 60 1st & 2nd Time Guest Connect Cards filled out representing well over 100+ new people!  In that same time we’ve had over 20 different decisions for Christ and almost 1 baptism each week (by the way, you can go ahead and sign up for our BEACH BAPTISM – see below)!  This year alone (3 months) we’ve given away almost 4,000 items of clothing to our community and served over 2,200 meals at 13 Tailgating Events, not counting the bags and bags of groceries we give away each week at our Food Pantry or the boxes and boxes of groceries we supply at our 7 Blessing Boxes in the community.  Last month we had over 100 Volunteers show up for Saturday Serve (the next Saturday Serve is TOMORROW – see below), loving and serving our community.  On top of all of that we have hundreds of people in LIFE Groups this semester, reading through the Bible together this year as a church, our 40 Day Easter Fast, the Night of Worship – again, God is moving at Coastal!  

On top of all that, last Sunday we had 683 people in-person for worship and another 511 online!  In fact, it’s time to bring out more chairs for the 9:30am service and to get back into the habit of asking everyone to sit toward the front and center of each section of chairs to help make more room.  And if it doesn’t really matter to you or you don’t have a preference, please start coming to the 11:15am service.  Eventually, when we add a 3rd service it will be 8:30am, 10am, and 11:30am (like this Easter), but until then let’s do everything we can to make room for people.  And then what’s really exciting is that we had 195 kids/volunteers in Coastal Kids this past week (34 children in the 4-K room and 31 children in the 1st-3rd room in the first service)!  That could have never happened in our old facility. 

All of that to say, Easter Weekend is going to be something special at Coastal!  And it’s now 2 weeks away!  Our service times are:  Friday, April 15th, 7pm;  Saturday, April 16th, 4:30pm, 6pm;  Sunday, April 17th, 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am.  Go to right now and let us know which service you and your guests will be attending.  This helps us to know when a service reaches capacity.  The general rule of thumb is come to the service your friends can attend.  Historically, Sunday morning at 10am & 11:30am are the largest services.  Unless your guests are coming to one of those services, please try to attend one of the other services to make room.  Our goal is to have our Chapel ready for overflow.  

While you’re on the Easter at Coastal page make sure you click on the “Download Shareable Easter Invite Images for Social Media” button.  A zip file containing a folder of different images will automatically download on your computer (like the one above).  Or you can simply click on this link and download them now!  Start using these images on Facebook and Instagram to get the word out and invite people to Coastal for Easter.

Pray for God to draw people to Himself at Coastal, asking Him to go before us and prepare the soils of people’s hearts.  Pray for me and my message.  Pray for people to respond to the Gospel and take next steps.  Pray for our volunteers.  Pray for the 94,000 postcards that will get sent out into our community.  Like we always say, “Pray like it all depends on God.”  And now it’s time to do our part, “Work, like it all depends on us.”  And what do I meant by that?  Make the ask!  Reach out to your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers and invite them to one of our 6 Easter Services.  Send a text, send an email, make a phone call, hand out tickets, post something on social media, put out a yard sign.  And speaking of Yard Signs, more came in this week and are ready to go.  You can pick one up at Saturday Serve or at church on Sunday.  Strategically place them in neighborhoods, shopping centers, high traffic areas, and intersections.  Take a picture of your sign and share it on social media with the hashtag:  #easteratcoastal.  

One final thought – I know I said it on Sunday, but I want you to hear it again loud and clear.  All of those exciting things that are happening here at Coastal, could not happen without the generous, consistent giving of our people – YOU!  Thank you for your generosity!  This Sunday in our “At the Cross” series, we’ll be looking at the cross through the eyes of another Mary – Mary, the mother of Jesus.  Don’t miss it!  I love you Coastal and I love what we get to do together! 

Pastor Chris

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes Friday, April 1st & Friday, April 8th, 9am-11am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is THIS Saturday (tomorrow), April 2nd.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am (come at 7:30am to set up chairs), project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Two different Tailgate Parties go out from Saturday Serve!  There’s something for the entire family!  Bring the kiddos as they will be working on a craft that will go to the residents of Patriot Villas. The kids are sure to have a great day, and the “adult kids” will also have a great time too!
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, on Saturday, April 9th, 10am-1pm. Meet at Coastal.
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, April 12th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (The Elks Lodge).
    Joseph Floyd Manor Tailgate –  Our Tailgate will be rolling and serving our friends downtown at the Joseph Floyd Manor –  Thursday, April 14th, 10am-1pm. Meet at the church.
    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. If you would like your family to participate in the Baby/Child Dedication on Mother’s Day (May 8th), sign up on your Connect Card.  Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.  Coastal’s Baby Dedication is a special time for our parents and children. The purpose of our Baby Dedication is not for the child’s salvation. It is more of a prayer/renewal time for the parents as they commit to raise their child the way God wants them to and a time of prayer for the child to grow to be the man or woman God has called them to be. It is also a time for our church family to commit to you, the parents, to be the support that you need.  Most people think of a Baby Dedication as just for our newborns, but we’ve had all different ages participate. If you’ve never had that special prayer time for you and your child, we’d love for you to sign up and participate.
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park on Sunday, June 12th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card, or sign up on our website.
  4. New to Coastal? Join us in the Coastal Cafe or online Sunday, May 1st immediately following the 11:15am service for our next Newcomer’s Reception. Learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, and get plugged in. Lunch & childcare provided. RSVP online or on your Connect Card on Sunday!
  5. Are you grieving the loss of a spouse or do you know someone who is?  You are invited to join our FREE “Loss of a Spouse” Seminar through our Grief Share Support Group on Thursday, May 5th, 6:30-8:30pm at Coastal.  Discover practical advice, support, prayer, and encouragement from others who’ve been there.  Learn what to expect in your grief and how to cope with life without your spouse.  Register at or call Freeda (540-903-5030) or Sue (616-443-6553).

    P.S. 6 Services over 3 days for Easter means that it’s “all hands on deck.” WE NEED YOU TO PULL OFF EASTER WEEKEND!  Make sure you reach out to your Ministry Leader NOW to let them know when you can serve over the Easter Weekend!  Attend one service and then serve in MULTIPLE services!  If you aren’t serving anywhere right now, Easter is a great time to start!  Go to our website right now and sign up to serve!  Or you can respond to this email or on your Connect Card on Sunday, and we’ll direct you to a Ministry.

Friday’s 5 – 3-25-22

Easter Weekend is now 3 weeks away!  If you haven’t heard, we are having 6 services over 3 days – Friday, April 15th, 7pm;  Saturday, April 16th, 4:30pm, 6pm;  Sunday, April 17th, 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am.  Go to right now and let us know which service you and your guests will be attending.  This helps us to know when a service reaches capacity.  The general rule of thumb is come to the service your friends can attend.  Historically, Sunday morning at 10am & 11:30am are the largest services.  Unless your guests are coming to one of those services, please try to attend one of the other services to make room.  Our goal is to have our Chapel ready for overflow.  

Just like last Sunday, be prepared to take home all the Easter Invite Tools – tickets, books, and now YARD SIGNS!  We’ll have 200 yard signs that we want to saturate Charleston with this year!  Pick up several and then strategically place them in neighborhoods, shopping centers, high traffic areas, and intersections.  Take a picture of your sign and share it on social media with the hashtag:  #easteratcoastal.  While you’re on the Easter at Coastal page make sure you click on the “Download Shareable Easter Invite Images for Social Media” button.  A zip file containing a folder of different images will automatically download on your computer (like the one above).  Or you can simply click on this link and download them now!  Start using these images on Facebook and Instagram to get the word out and invite people to Coastal for Easter. 

I want to share with you the power of a simple invitation and leveraging Big Days like Easter to reach out and invite someone to church.  We had a man that was invited and came to one of our Christmas Eve services this past year.  He could not remember the last time he had been in church.  He LOVED it and kept coming!  About a month ago he started attending our Celebrate Recovery Group that meets at the church on Tuesday nights at 6:30pm.  Are you ready for this?  This past Tuesday night he gave his life to Jesus!  Because someone reached out to him, because we leveraged a Big Day, that man stepped from Death to LIFE, was forgiven of his sin, was adopted into God’s forever family, and now has a home secured for all eternity in heaven!  Coastal, that’s why we do what we do!  Don’t you dare tell me that a ticket, a yard sign, a postcard, a post on social media, a simple invitation can’t make a huge IMPACT!  So. . . who are you praying for, who are you inviting?  Let’s do this Coastal!  Let’s work, share, & invite like it all depends on us, pray like it all depends on God, walk by faith, trust God, and celebrate what God does in our midst!

This Sunday, we’ll be looking at the cross through the eyes of Mary Magdalene, a devoted servant.  Don’t miss it!  I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor and being a part of the special thing that God is doing here! 

Pastor Chris

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday (TODAY), March 25th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes Friday, April 1st & Friday, April 8th, 9am-11am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, April 2nd.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Two different Tailgate Parties go out from Saturday Serve!
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, on Saturday, April 9th, 10am-1pm. Meet at Coastal.
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, April 12th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (The Elks Lodge).
    Joseph Floyd Manor Tailgate –  Our Tailgate will be rolling and serving our friends downtown at the Joseph Floyd Manor –  Thursday, April 14th, 10am-1pm. Meet at the church.
    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Student Ministry Summer Camp!  The deadline to sign your Student (6th-12th Grade) up for Summer Camp is April 1st!  All 6th-12th grade students are invited to join us for an amazing week at Student Life Summer Camp in Lakeland, Florida on June 27-July 1. There will be hundreds of students from all over the southeast joining us for amazing music, messages specifically for teenagers, and great games and recreation! Total cost is $300 per person and friends are invited to join us too! Sign up on today!!  If you would like to sponsor a student or help provide a scholarship (full or partial), or if you have any questions about Camp, please reach out to Pastor Jacob Bonetti (our new Youth Pastor!) at 864-554-2371.
  3. Homeschool educators and their kids of all ages are invited to a HOMESCHOOL HANGOUT on Wednesday, March 30th, 10am-12noon, to meet and network with other Homeschool families at Coastal.  We’ll have pizza for lunch and the Coastal Kidz playgrounds will be open for playtime.  RSVP on your Connect Card or respond to this email so we’ll know how much pizza to order!
  4. New to Coastal? Join us in the Coastal Cafe or online Sunday, May 1st immediately following the 11:15am service for our next Newcomer’s Reception. Learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, and get plugged in. Lunch & childcare provided. RSVP online or on your Connect Card on Sunday!
  5. Are you grieving the loss of a spouse or do you know someone who is?  You are invited to join our FREE “Loss of a Spouse” Seminar through our Grief Share Support Group on Thursday, May 5th, 6:30-8:30pm at Coastal.  Discover practical advice, support, prayer, and encouragement from others who’ve been there.  Learn what to expect in your grief and how to cope with life without your spouse.  Register at or call Freeda (540-903-5030) or Sue (616-443-6553).

    P.S. 6 Services over 3 days for Easter means that it’s “all hands on deck.” WE NEED YOU TO PULL OFF EASTER WEEKEND!  Make sure you reach out to your Ministry Leader NOW to let them know when you can serve over the Easter Weekend!  Attend one service and then serve in MULTIPLE services!  If you aren’t serving anywhere right now, Easter is a great time to start!  Go to our website right now and sign up to serve!  Or you can respond to this email or on your Connect Card on Sunday, and we’ll direct you to a Ministry.

Friday’s 5 – 3-18-22

Are you ready for this?  Easter Weekend is now officially less than one month away – 27 days to be exact!  This year we are having 6 services over 3 days – Friday, April 15th, 7pm;  Saturday, April 16th, 4:30pm, 6pm;  Sunday, April 17th, 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am.  This Sunday, be prepared to take home the first of several Easter Invite Tools – tickets & books.  The book is meant to be a gift for the people you’re inviting called, “At the Cross,” which corresponds to the series we’re starting this Sunday.  It’s a great tool for sharing the Gospel with someone.  

And then on the following Sunday we’ll have our yard signs!  We have 200 yard signs that we want to saturate Charleston with this year!  Pick up several and then strategically place them in neighborhoods, shopping centers, high traffic areas, and intersections.  Take a picture of your sign and share it on social media with the hashtag:  #easteratcoastal.  All of this is designed for you to use to invite your friends to Easter at Coastal this year!  

By the way, the tickets are invite tools that we’ve used for many years now with our service times.  Obviously, you and your friends don’t need a ticket to attend a service.  They’re simply great little invite cards for you to give away.  We would however, like to know which of our 6 services you and your friends are planning on attending.  So, go to Easter at Coastal and sign up today!  Encourage your friends to do the same.  That way we can spread everyone out and let you know when a service is reaching capacity.  Start spreading the word and register today!

While you’re on the Easter at Coastal page make sure you click on the “Download Shareable Easter Invite Images for Social Media” button.  A zip file containing a folder of different images will automatically download on your computer.  Or you can simply click on this link and download them now!  Start using these images on Facebook and Instagram to get the word out and invite people to Coastal for Easter. 

Make sure you reach out to your Ministry Leader NOW to let them know when you can serve over the Easter Weekend!  Services like these require “all hands on deck.”  Consider attending one of the services and then serving at multiple services.  If you aren’t serving anywhere right now, Easter is a great time to start!  Respond to this email or on your Connect Card on Sunday, and we’ll direct you to a Ministry.

Also, I want to challenge you to give a sacrificial gift, above and beyond over the Easter Weekend.  Big days like this incur extra expenses.  At Coastal, however, we look at it as an investment – a Kingdom investment, planting seeds to reach our community for Jesus.  You might also consider giving towards your Daring Faith commitment.  We’re actually hoping that the chapel renovations are complete for Easter!  

So many people are hurting and searching for hope right now.  Let’s do everything in our power to leverage this Easter for Jesus!  And as always Coastal, let’s work, share, and invite like it all depends on us.  Let’s pray like it all depends on God. And then let’s walk by faith, trust God for outcome, and celebrate the results!  If together we do that, then this will be the best Easter ever!  I love you Coastal, and I love being your Pastor!

Pastor Chris

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there today, Friday, March 18th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Patriot Villas Veterans Tailgate –  We will be putting on a Tailgate for the Veterans at Patriot Villas on Thursday, March 24th, 6-8:15pm.  Meet at Coastal.
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, March 25th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes Friday, April 1st, 9am-11am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, April 2nd.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!
    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. If you missed the BIG ANNOUNCEMENT last week, we hired a new Youth Pastor – Jacob Bonetti!  Jacob and his wife Hannah currently live in Greenville, SC.  Jacob will be joining us soon, commuting from Greenville, while his wife finishes out the school year teaching (she teaches 3rd Grade in a public school in Greenville).  Please add them to your Prayer List, praying for a smooth transition as they move to Charleston, join our Coastal family, and help lead our Students!  I simply ask you to do what you do best Coastal – love them!  Show them that Coastal hospitality, support them, encourage them, and welcome them to their new home!  In fact, if you would like to send them a text, email, or card, here is their current contact information:  Jacob & Hannah Bonetti / 65 Villa Rd Apt #408 / Greenville, SC 29615 / (864)554-2371 /  Jacob will start commuting to Charleston on Saturday, March 26th – Wednesday night March 30th (for Student Ministry).  That will probably be his rhythm until Hannah joins him at the end of the school year. 
  3. Homeschool educators and their kids of all ages are invited to a HOMESCHOOL HANGOUT on Wednesday, March 30th, 10am-12noon, to meet and network with other Homeschool families at Coastal.  We’ll have pizza for lunch and the Coastal Kidz playgrounds will be open for playtime.  RSVP on your Connect Card or respond to this email so we’ll know how much pizza to order!
  4. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Saturday (TOMORROW) morning, March 19th, 9am-11:30am. You can respond to this email or sign up on our website.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom (we’ll send you the link).
  5. The easiest way to stay connected, see all the announcements, listen to our messages, and fill out a Connect Card, is through our App.  Yes, if you didn’t already know it, Coastal has a FREE App you can download for your phone or mobile device.  Download it today from your App Store!  If you’re searching for it, make sure you search for “Coastal Community Church of Charleston or Coastal CC Charleston” (There are other Coastal Community Churches around the country).

    P.S. Don’t miss our Night of Worship TONIGHT, March 18th, from 7-8:30pm!  Invite your friends and family to join us for an inspirational evening of worship, prayer, and encouragement.  Childcare will be provided for birth to kindergarten.  The theme for the evening will be, “At the Cross,” the same as the sermon series we’ll be starting this Sunday, preparing us for Easter.  It’s really going to be an awesome night!  Don’t miss it!  It’s in-person or ONLINE at all of the usual places – Facebook, YouTube, or at

Friday’s 5 – 3-11-21

Well, I’ve got some exciting news to announce!  We have officially hired our new Youth Pastor – Jacob Bonetti!  Hiring Staff can be a long, difficult, and sometimes painful process.  We have been actively searching for almost 2 years now (COVID didn’t help).  But after much prayer and many conversations, we truly believe that God has led us to the right person.  Instead of me telling you about Jacob, I’ve asked him to introduce himself and his wonderful wife Hannah (see picture above):

  • Hello Coastal! On behalf of Hannah and myself, I am so pleased to be writing to you all as your new Youth Pastor! Words do not describe how excited we are to be a part of what God is doing in Charleston. So many events led to this moment that I cannot possibly elaborate them all during this brief introduction, but please know that I am so grateful to God for leading my family to Coastal. Hannah and I cannot wait to get to know you all, but for those who want to know a little about us, here is a brief explanation of our stories. I was born in the Republic of Georgia and was adopted when I was two years old. I grew up in Abbeville, SC as the youngest of seven children (six of which were adopted). I surrendered my life to Jesus as a seventh grader and shortly after I came to faith, God began to draw me to the call of Student Ministry. I accepted that call and have pursued it ever since. I went to North Greenville University and graduated with a degree in Youth Ministry. During my freshman summer of college, I met my wife here in Charleston while working together at a summer camp. Hannah’s story doesn’t have a true beginning “place.” Hannah grew up in a military household with her dad, mom, and sister, so home was always more about the people than the location. During her sophomore year of high school, she gave her heart to Jesus at a summer camp. Hannah loves children and students and has committed to equipping and educating the next generation. She’s currently a third grade teacher and loves every minute of it! We got married in 2020 and are closing in on two years being married! After graduating from North Greenville with a degree in Youth Ministry, my wife and I patiently worked and waited on God’s direction for where He would have us. We eventually found Coastal Community Church and through a friendship we had with Scott Huff, we began to seriously consider the possibility of coming to Coastal. In spending time with the staff and people of Coastal, God made it clear that we had indeed found home!  We are so excited to join the Coastal family to share the love of Jesus to students, to Charleston, and to the world! 

I can’t wait for you to meet Jacob and Hannah as well!  They are a sweet, humble, gifted couple, who love the Lord, love Students, and already love Coastal! Jacob will be joining us soon, commuting from Greenville, while his wife finishes out the school year teaching.  Please add them to your Prayer List, praying for a smooth transition as they move to Charleston, join our Coastal family, and help lead our Students!  I simply ask you to do what you do best Coastal – love them!  Show them that Coastal hospitality, support them, encourage them, and welcome them to their new home!  In fact, if you would like to send them a text, email, or card, here is their current contact information:

Jacob & Hannah Bonetti
65 Villa Rd Apt #408
Greenville, SC 29615

Pastor Chris

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes Friday (TODAY), March 11th, 9:30am-11:30am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, on Saturday, March 12th, 10am-1pm. Meet at Coastal.
    Joseph Floyd Manor Tailgate –  Our Tailgate will be rolling and serving our friends downtown at the Joseph Floyd Manor –  Thursday, March 17th, 10am-1pm. Meet at Coastal.
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, March 18th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Patriot Villas Veterans Tailgate –  We will be putting on a Tailgate for the Veterans at Patriot Villas on Thursday, March 24th, 6-8:15pm.  Meet at Coastal.
    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Student Ministry Summer Camp!  All 6th-12th grade students are invited to join us for an amazing week at Student Life Summer Camp in Lakeland, Florida on June 27-July 1. There will be hundreds of students from all over the southeast joining us for amazing music, messages specifically for teenagers, and great games and recreation! Total cost is $300 per person and friends are invited to join us too! Sign up on today!!  If you would like to sponsor a student or help provide a scholarship (full or partial), or if you have any questions about Camp, please reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at 859-230-5129.
  3. Multiple churches (including Coastal) have partnered financially to help completely remodel the PINK House kitchen. In preparation for a professional demolition of the old kitchen, a few handymen (and women) from Coastal are needed to help move the refrigerator, stove, and dishwasher out of the kitchen and in to the living room. Volunteers are also needed to help pack the kitchen supplies for temporary storage in other rooms of the house. If you’d like to help, we’ll be meeting at Coastal on Saturday (TOMORROW), March 12th at 10am, as a part of our regular Tailgate/Clothing Distribution at the Pink House.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  4. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, March 19th, 9am-11:30am. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  5. Easter Sunday is April 17th!  Coastal is having 6 identical Easter Services over 3 days this year:  Friday, April 15th, 7pm;  Saturday, April 16th, 4:30pm, 6pm;  Sunday, April 17th, 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am!.  Start praying NOW about who you’re going to invite and bring.  And with 6 services, keep in mind that it’s ALL HANDS ON DECK!  In other words, we need everyone serving and volunteering multiple services!  Check with your LIFE Team Leader and go ahead and sign up now!  If you are not yet serving, indicate your interest on your Connect Card on Sunday and we will find you a place to serve God by serving others!

    P.S. Make sure you mark your calendars and plan to attend our next Night of Worship on Friday night, March 18th, from 7-8:30pm (one week from today).  Invite your friends and family to join us for an inspirational evening of worship, prayer, and encouragement.  Childcare will be provided for birth to kindergarten (RSVP for Childcare on your Connect Card).  The theme for the evening will be, “At the Cross,” the same as the sermon series we’ll be in, preparing us for Easter.  It’s really going to be an awesome night!  Don’t miss it!

Friday’s 5 – 3-4-22

So many exciting things going on at Coastal right now or coming up.  First of all, it’s just awesome that several hundred people from our church are reading through the Bible together! Each week of my Men’s Group, I just love hearing the stories of Men reading their Bibles and talking about what they’ve read!  Keep it up everyone!  If you haven’t joined with us, start today!  And then, to go along with that, we’ve had a great start signing people up for our 40 Day Easter Fast which starts THIS MONDAYMarch 7th and goes through Good Friday, April 15th!  Fasting is simply denying yourself something physically for a set period of time for the spiritual purpose of focusing on prayer, the Word, repentance, and your relationship with God.  Just think about it – 100’s of people reading their Bibles and Fasting together!  It gives me goose bumps!  As a Pastor, I can’t wait to see how God uses all of this for our good, our growth, and His glory!!  If you’d like to sign up for the Fast, respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday!  

Tomorrow is one of my FAVORITE days of the month – SATURDAY SERVE!!  Be at the church at 8:30am, sign-in, get some coffee, get a Coastal t-shirt if you don’t have one, listen to a “pitch” from one of our GREAT Leaders, pray, and then GO SERVE!  It’s that simple and that AWESOME!  If you know, you know.  If you’ve never been, join us this Saturday and experience it for yourself!

What can I say about Sunday’s at Coastal!  Each and every week, God is moving in powerful ways – lives changing, people giving their lives to Jesus, signing up to serve, and signing up to get Baptized!  This week we have a Baptism in each service!  In our Staff Meeting this week, we talked about bringing in more chairs for the 9:30am service.  Between in-person and online, our attendance was over 1200 last Sunday!  This week the name of God that I’ll be talking about is El Shaddai – our Almighty, All-Sufficient, Sustaining God!  Don’t miss it!  Also, there will be a potential new Youth Pastor and his wife at Coastal this weekend – Jacob and Hannah Bonetti.  Make sure you introduce yourself and welcome them.  We haven’t offered him the position yet, but we are pretty far down the road with them.  If and when it happens, we’ll tell you all about them!  Student Ministry & Children’s Ministry have always been and always will be a priority at Coastal!  If a church is not constantly trying to reach and disciple the next generation for Jesus, that church will die!

And then, of course, there is Easter Weekend!  We’ll be having 6 services over 3 days – Friday, April 15th, 7pm;  Saturday, April 16th, 4:30pm, 6pm;  Sunday, April 17th, 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am!  Start praying now about who you’re going to invite (and where you’re going to strategically place that Easter Yard Sign – haha!). Before you know it, Summer will be here and that means “Summer of IMPACT”, Student Camp, VBS (July 11th-15th, 6-8pm), Beach Baptisms, “At the Movies”, “Summer Reading”, and so much more!!  Like I said, so much is going on and coming up!  Don’t miss it!  Be a part of what God is doing here at Coastal!

I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor (hopefully one of five soon)!  On a personal note, I want to share something from my life that I’m very excited about.  I’m now a Substitute Teacher here in Charleston County.  Now, don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere – haha!  Most of you know about my heart for and our involvement with Oakland Elementary School (one of the schools across the street).  Well, one of the big needs, especially over the last couple of years has been Subs.  The only day I really have available is Friday (most of our Staff take the day off on Friday or a half day), and that just happens to be one of the biggest days where there is need.  I’ve been talking about going through the process for a while now, and finally decided to do it.  In fact, I have my first classroom assignment today!  Pray for me that I can be a blessing to the class that I’m in, the Teacher, and the school!

Pastor Chris

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is THIS Saturday (tomorrow), March 5th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!
    Tailgate at Charleston Vets –  As a part of Saturday Serve, we’re going to host a tailgating event at Charleston Vets, THIS Saturday, March 5th.  Meet in the Welcome Center at Coastal at 8:30am.  Coastal Vets is a transitional housing facility for veterans in North Charleston.
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, March 8th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (The Elks Lodge).
    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes Friday, March 11th, 9:30am-11:30am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, on Saturday, March 12th, 10am-1pm. Meet at the church.
    Joseph Floyd Manor Tailgate –  Our Tailgate will be rolling and serving our friends downtown at the Joseph Floyd Manor –  Thursday, March 17th, 10am-1pm. Meet at the church.
    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Student Ministry Summer Camp!  All 6th-12th grade students are invited to join us for an amazing week at Student Life Summer Camp in Lakeland, Florida on June 27-July 1. There will be hundreds of students from all over the southeast joining us for amazing music, messages specifically for teenagers, and great games and recreation! Total cost is $300 per person and friends are invited to join us too! Sign up on today!!  If you would like to sponsor a student or help provide a scholarship (full or partial), or if you have any questions about Camp, please reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at 859-230-5129.
  3. Multiple churches (including Coastal) have partnered financially to help completely remodel the PINK House kitchen. In preparation for a professional demolition of the old kitchen, a few handymen (and women) from Coastal are needed to help move the refrigerator, stove, and dishwasher out of the kitchen and in to the living room. Volunteers are also needed to help pack the kitchen supplies for temporary storage in other rooms of the house. If you’d like to help, we’ll be meeting at Coastal on Saturday, March 12th at 10am, as a part of our regular Tailgate/Clothing Distribution at the Pink House.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  4. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, March 19th, 9am-11:30am. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  5. Coastal has a Care Team that’s all about “Compassion in Action.” This team sends cards and hand-written notes, delivers CARE baskets, and provides meals for those in our church and community experiencing significant life events. The CARE Team ministers to those dealing with chronic illness or hospitalization, coping with loss or welcoming a new baby. The Care Team also contacts shut-ins within our church. If you are part of Coastal Community Church and cannot attend in-person services or know someone who is unable to attend, please reach out to us with current contact information. The CARE Team would love to bridge the gap. If you’d like to join the CARE Team, email

    P.S. Make sure you mark your calendars and plan to attend our next Night of Worship on Friday night, March 18th, from 7-8:30pm.  Invite your friends and family to join us for an inspirational evening of worship, prayer, and encouragement.  Childcare will be provided for birth to kindergarten (RSVP for Childcare on your Connect Card).  The theme for the evening will be, “At the Cross,” the same as the sermon series we’ll be in, preparing us for Easter.  It’s really going to be an awesome night!  Don’t miss it!

40 Day Easter Fast

It’s that time of the year again – preparing our hearts and minds for Easter!  I really believe that this is going to be an Easter Weekend to remember at Coastal!  It will be our first Easter in our new facility.  And we’re hoping that our new Chapel will be open as well for overflow.  But one of the ways that we prepare ourselves spiritually for Easter at Coastal is by participating in an Annual 40 Day Easter Fast! The Fast begins this coming Monday, March 7th and goes through Good Friday, April 15th!  Fasting is simply denying yourself something physical for a set period of time for the spiritual purpose of focusing on prayer, the Word, repentance, and your relationship with God. Jesus said, “When you fast . . .”  In other words, Jesus meant for fasting to be a regular part of the Christian lifestyle.  I would encourage you to get your whole family involved and make it a powerful spiritual experience.  

What do you choose to fast?  It’s different for different people.  It’s probably the thing that first comes to mind when you start considering to fast. It might be some form of technology or social media that seems to have a stronghold in your life.  It could be television.  It might be some specific type of food – sugar, caffeine, sodas, meat, etc.  It could be drinking or smoking.  It could be time – where you get up earlier each day for 40 days and have a quiet time.  It could be gossip or negative words.  You decide that for 40 days nothing negative will come out of your mouth.  It could be worry.  You pray.  You decide.  Read through Matthew 6:16-18.  Don’t make a big deal or a fuss about it.  If you are interested in participating, respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday.

Begin praying now for your “ONE”, the people in your life you will be inviting to church over Easter weekend, and the people our church will be reaching out to through personal invitations, advertising, email, yard signs, postcard, etc.  We’ll be having 6 services over 3 days – Friday, April 15th, 7pm;  Saturday, April 16th, 4:30pm, 6pm;  Sunday, April 17th, 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am!

Sometimes the first few days of a fast are the most difficult.  Satan will plant seeds in your mind that it’s really no big deal, no one will know if you really do it, or that it really doesn’t make any difference.  Remember, Satan is a liar and the Father of Lies!  Jesus promises in His Word that the Father will reward you!  How will He reward you?  I don’t know, but I know that He will!  So – keep it up and don’t give up!  What you are doing has eternal consequences and God is using it to do a work in you.  But remember the focus is not on the actual thing you are giving up, it’s to be directed on prayer, your relationship with God, repentance, service, scripture reading, and scripture memorization.
For those of you who like to read and research, here are some scriptures references and books on fasting:

Moses (Exodus 34:28; Deut. 9:9,18), David (2 Samuel 12:16), Elijah (1 Kings 19:8),  Nehemiah (Nehemiah 1:4); Esther (Esther 4:16), Daniel (Daniel 1:12), Anna (Luke 2:37), Paul (Acts 14:23), Jesus (Matthew 4:1-2), the early church (Acts 13:2-3).

Jesus on Fasting:
Example: Matthew 4:1-2
Teaching: Matthew 6:1-18; Matthew 9:15
Paul on Fasting:  1 Corinthians 7:5
Purposes of Fasting:  Zechariah 7:5; 1 Corinthians 6:12; 2 Samuel 12:16; Acts 14:23; Acts 13:2; Daniel 1:12

Fasting Bibliography:
The Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth by Richard J. Foster

The Power of Prayer and Fasting: 10 Secrets of Spiritual Strength by Ronnie W. Floyd

Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough by Elmer L. Towns

A Hunger for God: Desiring God Through Fasting and Prayer by John Piper

Hope this helps!  See you on Sunday!

Pastor Chris

P.S. Join us this Saturday, March 5th, 8:30am at the church for Saturday Serve!  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am (come at 7:30a, if you want to help with chairs), project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  It’s a great opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus right here in our community, where we live, work, parent and play!  I promise you’ll be glad you came!


Friday’s 5 – 2-25-22

It’s that time of the year again – preparing our hearts and minds for Easter!  I really believe that this is going to be an Easter Weekend to remember at Coastal!  It will be our first Easter in our new facility.  And we’re hoping that our new Chapel will be open as well for overflow.  But one of the ways that we prepare ourselves for Easter at Coastal is by participating in an Annual 40 Day Easter Fast! The Fast begins on Monday, March 7th and goes through Good Friday, April 15th!  Fasting is simply denying yourself something physical for a set period of time for the spiritual purpose of focusing on prayer, the Word, repentance, and your relationship with God. Jesus said, “When you fast . . .”  In other words, Jesus meant for fasting to be a regular part of the Christian lifestyle.  I would encourage you to get your whole family involved and make it a powerful spiritual experience.  

What do you choose to fast?  It’s different for different people.  It’s probably the thing that first comes to mind when you start considering to fast. It might be some form of technology or social media that seems to have a stronghold in your life.  It could be television.  It might be some specific type of food – sugar, caffeine, sodas, meat, etc.  It could be drinking or smoking.  It could be time – where you get up earlier each day for 40 days and have a quiet time.  It could be gossip or negative words.  You decide that for 40 days nothing negative will come out of your mouth.  It could be worry.  You pray.  You decide.  Read through Matthew 6:16-18.  Don’t make a big deal or a fuss about it.  If you are interested in participating, respond to this email or write the words, “Easter Fast” on your Connect Card this Sunday.  

Begin praying now for your “ONE”, the people in your life you will be inviting to church over Easter weekend.  We’ll share the specific service times soon, but right now, like last year, it looks like we’ll be having 6 services over 3 days – 1 service on Friday night, 2 services on late Saturday afternoon, and 3 services on Sunday morning!

This Sunday, I’ll be continuing in our series called, “The Names of God.”  The name I’ll be looking at this week is Yahweh. Out of all the names for God in the Bible, this particular name is the most common.  And yet, it’s a name that’s rarely translated in our modern versions. Go ahead and read Exodus 3 & 4 in preparation for my message. This is the passage where God taps Moses, an 80 year old fugitive, murderer to lead His people out of their captivity in Egypt.  And in doing so, He reveals a few things about Himself to us.  Don’t miss it!  And as always, invite someone to join you!  I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor! 

Pastor Chris

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes TODAY, Friday, February 25th & Friday, March 11th, 9:30am-11:30am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, March 5th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!
    Tailgate at Charleston Vets –  As a part of Saturday Serve, we’re going to host a tailgating event at Charleston Vets, Saturday, March 5th.  Meet in the Welcome Center at Coastal at 8:30am.  Coastal Vets is a transitional housing facility for veterans in North Charleston.
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, March 8th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (The Elks Lodge).
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, on Saturday, March 12th, 10am-1pm. Meet at the church.
    Joseph Floyd Manor Tailgate –  Our Tailgate will be rolling and serving our friends downtown at the Joseph Floyd Manor –  Thursday, March 17th, 10am-1pm. Meet at the church.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Mark you calendars NOW and SAVE THE DATES!  We are so excited to announce that VBS at Coastal this year is Monday, July 11th – Friday, July 15th, 6pm-8pm!  After COVID & Construction, VBS is back in our brand new facility!  And this year’s them is “Make Waves – What you do today, can change the world around you!”  VBS at Coastal is ALL HANDS ON DECK!  In other words, it takes EVERYONE to pull off a great VBS for our church and our community.  There will be greeters, security, snacks, registration, teachers, games, worship, decorations, nursery, crafts – in other words, something for EVERYONE!  If you are interested in planning, leading, teaching, or serving in any capacity, please respond to this email or contact Janet Rollins at or 843-442-8299.
  3. Have you signed up for a LIFE Group yet (or 2 or 3) yet?  It’s still not too late to join!  As always, there are multiple ways to sign up for a Group, but you only have to sign up one time/one way.  You can sign up online from our website, on your Connect Card (in-person or online), or at the LIFE Group Sign-up sheets on the kiosk just outside the auditorium.  We have the most Groups we’ve ever had – 35 different LIFE Groups!  There is something for EVERYONE!  Unless otherwise indicated, most Groups last 10-12 weeks (ending around the week of Mother’s Day).  Make sure you check out our catalog and start signing up today!
  4. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, March 19th, 9am-11:30am. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  5. JOIN A LIFE TEAM!  One of the best ways to meet new people and grow in your faith at Coastal is to serve alongside others on a LIFE Team or Ministry.  There are so many places to start serving here at Coastal – our 1st Impressions Team, welcoming and greeting people as they come on our campus, loving and serving our children through our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry, and then there’s the Security Team, our Online Engagement Team, Student Ministry, our Worship Team, our Tech Team, Chair Set-up, and more!  You can sign up for a LIFE Team this Sunday on your Connect Card or anytime on our website.  Sign up today and start serving!

    P.S. Make sure you mark your calendars and plan to attend our next Night of Worship on Friday night, March 18th, from 7-8:30pm.  Invite your friends and family to join us for an inspirational evening of worship, prayer, and encouragement.  Childcare will be provided for birth to kindergarten (RSVP for Childcare on your Connect Card).  The theme for the evening will be, “At the Cross,” the same as the sermon series we’ll be in, preparing us for Easter.  It’s really going to be an awesome night!  Don’t miss it!

Friday’s 5 – 2-18-22

Make sure you mark your calendars and plan to attend our next Night of Worship on Friday night, March 18th, from 7-8:30pm.  Invite your friends and family to join us for an inspirational evening of worship, prayer, and encouragement.  Childcare will be provided for birth to kindergarten (RSVP for Childcare on your Connect Card).  The theme for the evening will be, “At the Cross,” the same as the sermon series we’ll be in, preparing us for Easter.  It’s really going to be an awesome night!  Don’t miss it!

I want to share some great news from this past Sunday at Coastal.  First of all, we had A LOT of 1st Time Guests with us!  In many ways, that’s normal at Coastal.  We expect Guests.  We expect that you invite people to join us.  We expect that you pray for your ONE, that you’re praying for the growth of our church, that you’re asking God to use Coastal to draw people to Himself.  We expect you to warmly welcome and greet people each week, making people feel like welcome, expected guests in your home.  Well, this past Sunday we gave away 17 1st Time Guest Bags!  And then, are you ready for this?  3 people gave their life to Jesus, 3 people want to get Baptized, 5 people renewed their commitment to Christ, and one person wants to talk to someone about becoming a follower of Christ!  WOW!  WOW!  WOW!  Coastal that’s why we do what we do right there!  Praise the Lord!  Keep inviting, keep sharing, keep reaching out, and keep praying!

It’s been a great start to LIFE Groups this week!  If you haven’t joined one yet, it’s still not too late (see below).  In my Wednesday Morning Men’s Group this week, I was encouraged to hear so many guys were reading through the Bible with our church this year!  Well, now that we’re in Leviticus, a lot of questions came up about the law, the sacrifices, the tabernacle, and many of the details.  One of the guys in my Group reminded me about a great resource/website to help answer many of the questions you might have about a particular book, section, or passage of Scripture that I want to pass along.  It’s called, “The Bible Project.”  It’s filled with awesome videos outlining and overviewing the entire Bible!  I would highly recommend it!  You can literally use their search, type in “Leviticus” (for example), and find lots of videos explaining this book and answering so many of your questions.  They even have a free app for your phone or mobile device!  But most importantly, don’t give up!  Keep reading!  If you missed a day, don’t fret!  Today is a new day.  As you read, ask God to speak to you.  And speaking of the Word, I’ll be in Genesis 22 this week, talking about Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord Will Provide) in our series on the Names of God.  Don’t miss it!

Pastor Chris

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, TODAY, February 18th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Patriot Villas Veterans Tailgate –  We will be putting on a Tailgate for the Veterans at Patriot Villas on Thursday, February 24th, 6-8:15pm.  Meet at Coastal’s Welcome Center.
    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes TODAY, Friday, February 25th, 9:30am-11:30am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, March 5th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!
    Tailgate at Charleston Vets –  As a part of Saturday Serve, we’re going to host a tailgating event at Charleston Vets, Saturday, March 5th.  Meet in the Welcome Center at Coastal at 8:30am.  Coastal Vets is a transitional housing facility for veterans in North Charleston.
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, March 8th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (The Elks Lodge).
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Mark you calendars NOW and SAVE THE DATES!  We are so excited to announce that VBS at Coastal this year is Monday, July 11th – Friday, July 15th, 6pm-8pm!  After COVID & Construction, VBS is back in our brand new facility!  And this year’s them is “Make Waves – What you do today, can change the world around you!”  VBS at Coastal is ALL HANDS ON DECK!  In other words, it takes EVERYONE to pull off a great VBS for our church and our community.  There will be greeters, security, snacks, registration, teachers, games, worship, decorations, nursery, crafts – in other words, something for EVERYONE!  If you are interested in planning, leading, teaching, or serving in any capacity, please respond to this email or contact Janet Rollins at or 843-442-8299.
  3. LIFE Groups started this week at Coastal!  Have you signed up for one (or 2 or 3) yet?  It’s still not too late to join!  As always, there are multiple ways to sign up for a Group, but you only have to sign up one time/one way.  You can sign up online from our website, on your Connect Card (in-person or online), or at the LIFE Group Sign-up sheets on the kiosk just outside the auditorium.  We have the most Groups we’ve ever had – 35 different LIFE Groups!  There is something for EVERYONE!  Unless otherwise indicated, most Groups began this week and last 10-12 weeks.  Make sure you check out our catalog and start signing up today!
  4. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, March 19th, 9am-11:30am. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  5. JOIN A LIFE TEAM!  One of the best ways to meet new people and grow in your faith at Coastal is to serve alongside others on a LIFE Team or Ministry.  There are so many places to start serving here at Coastal – our 1st Impressions Team, welcoming and greeting people as they come on our campus, loving and serving our children through our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry, and then there’s the Security Team, our Online Engagement Team, Student Ministry, our Worship Team, our Tech Team, Chair Set-up, and more!  You can sign up for a LIFE Team this Sunday on your Connect Card or anytime on our website.  Sign up today and start serving!

    P.S. Have you considered automating your giving? It’s a great way to stay consistent in your giving. You can do that through your Bank, through our TEXT to GIVE provider (843-277-8337), or our Offering Envelope.  If you have any questions you can call the church (843-571-1777) and Ashley will step you through it.  Just remember, everything we do as a church is made possible by your consistent, generous giving.  You can give through our websiteour app, in-person offering envelope, giving kiosks, Venmo (@coastalcommunitychurchCHS), or simply text ANY amount to 843-277-8337.

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!  I LOVE VALENTINE’S DAY!  Why you ask?  Because today is mine and Janet’s Wedding Anniversary – 35 years in fact!  Our very first date was actually on Valentine’s Day as well.  I was a freshman and Janet was a senior at a small Bible College in Atlanta (Atlanta Christian College – now Point University).  On that first Valentine’s Day date I told Janet that I loved her.  She replied, “I love you too.”  But honestly, her response was more like, “Aww, I love Jesus and puppies and ice cream, and being at Bible College where we love everyone like a brother and sister in Christ, sure, I love you too, Chris Rollins.”  But I knew this was different and I figured she would too, soon enough.  She did.  We were engaged in May and got married the following Valentine’s Day!  Janet is the first and only woman I’ve ever dated or kissed.  So yes, I am a romantic and yes, I love Valentine’s Day.

However, over the years as I’ve told people to “Have a Happy Valentine’s Day” I’ve actually had people snap back, “You mean, ‘Happy Single Awareness Day’, don’t you?!”  Or today is the day I usually hear all about the Hallmark/Flower Industry conspiracy.  One married woman once told me, “I told my husband, ‘You better not get me flowers or chocolate on Valentine’s Day!  I don’t want that stuff unless you do it all year long.'”

Okay, okay I get it.  Not everyone feels the same way about Valentine’s Day that I do.  But hear me out, romance has very little to do with expensive candlelight dinners, flowers, or chocolates – although for some people it might.  Romance is simply choosing to love someone exactly the way they need to be loved, expecting nothing in return, regardless of how you feel and regardless of how they respond.  It’s the little things, done consistently, over time.  It’s willingly sacrificing your needs for someone else – putting their needs ahead of your own.  And when you find someone who will do that with you – trust me, there’s nothing better!

But here’s what I want you to think about today.  If that’s the real definition of romance – then in many ways, our God is the “Great Romantic.”  He knows exactly the way each of us needs to be loved and He willingly chooses to love us that way, regardless of how we respond, expecting nothing in return.  He does the little things (and big things), consistently, over time – things that we usually take for granted.  Thank God today for His great love for you and ask Him to help you to be a better lover!

Pastor Chris


Friday’s 5 – 2-11-22

It’s finally here – LIFE GROUPS START THIS COMING WEEK!  If you haven’t yet signed up for a Group, it’s not too late to join one.  You can go online now, check out all the Groups in our 2022 Spring Semester LIFE Group Catalogand sign up for a Group today!  There are multiple ways to sign up for a LIFE Group (online, Connect Card, LIFE Group Kiosk), but you only have to sign up one time, one way.  Once you sign up for a Group, your Group Leader will contact you with all the details.  And get this, so far we’ve had 588 LIFE Group sign-ups!  I say so far, because there is still plenty of time to sign up for a group.  In fact, hopefully by now you received your LIFE Group Catalog in the mail.  If you didn’t, we might not have your correct address.  If you’ve already signed up for a Group, please pass the catalog along to someone else and invite them to join.  It’s going to be an awesome LIFE Group semester!!

I’m also excited about tomorrow – Coastal will be operating 2 Tailgating Parties at the same time, on the same day (meet at the church tomorrow at 10am – chair set up at 9am)!  We’ll be at the Pink House and our new location at Charleston Vets.  We’re only able to pull this off because of YOU – your generosity and your availability!  If you want to serve in either of these opportunities, go to our website and sign up today!  You’ll also be able to see and sign up for all of the other outreach opportunities of our church as well. 

For those of you who have simply gotten out of the habit of attending church in-person, consider this your nudge to return!  You are truly missed here at Coastal!  I love what we’re doing online.  We have greatly improved our online experience over the last several years at Coastal.  It is a GREAT, GREAT TOOL!   We have invested time, money, volunteers, and staff to it.  It is not going away, and we will continue to make it better.  However, it is NOT the same as being in-person.  It’s easier to get distracted online.  There is a lack of accountability (no one knows if you’re there or not).  And therefore, it’s just easier to get out of the habit.  Now, if you’re sick, out of town, or live out of town, by all means, take advantage of it.  In fact, everyone should be regularly sharing it with your friends and spreading the word.  Most people will check out our church online before they come in-person.  But it’s time to remove from your conversational vocabulary this statement, “Let’s just stay at home and watch church online today.”  Push through and COME to church!  Obviously, the church is not a building.  And one of our sayings over the years here at Coastal has been, “We don’t just GO to church, we ARE the church!”  We even had a t-shirt with that on it (mental note – we need to redo that t-shirt)!  I believe all of that with my whole heart.  So that’s not what I’m talking about.  But there’s just something powerful when God’s people gather together in-person for worship and for the proclamation of God’s Word!  So join us online when you HAVE to, but don’t make it a habit.  I love you Coastal, and I love being your Pastor!  And I can’t wait to SEE you in-person on Sunday (and yes even online)!

Pastor Chris

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, TOMORROW, Saturday, February 12th, 10am-1pm. Meet at the church at 10AM.
    New Project at Charleston Vets –  Want to try something brand new? We’re going to host a tailgating event at Charleston Vets, TOMORROW, Saturday, February 12th (yes, two tailgates on the 12th!). Meet in the Welcome Center at Coastal at 10am.  Coastal Vets is a transitional housing facility for veterans in North Charleston.
    Neighbors Together Grocery Distribution –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, February 16th, 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    Joseph Floyd Manor Tailgate –  Our Tailgate will be rolling and serving our friends downtown at the Joseph Floyd Manor –  Thursday, February 17th, 9:30am-12:30pm. Meet at the church at 9:30am.
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, February 18th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Patriot Villas Veterans Tailgate –  We will be putting on a Tailgate for the Veterans at Patriot Villas on Thursday, February 24th, 6-8:15pm.  Meet at Coastal’s Welcome Center.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. We’re excited to announce that we are having a SUPER BOWL PARTY in our new facility THIS Sunday, February 13th at 6pm!  Come watch the Big Game being played simultaneously on all 6 HUGE screens!  We’ll provide pulled pork BBQ, drinks, and paper products.  You bring your favorite sides or game snacks to share!  Childcare is not provided; however, the playgrounds and Coastal Kidz will be open (you are responsible for your children).  Come join the fun and invite and bring friends!
  3. Have you signed up for a LIFE Group yet?  As always, there are multiple ways to sign up for a Group, but you only have to sign up one time/one way.  You can sign up online from our website, on your Connect Card (in-person or online), or at the LIFE Group Sign-up sheets on the kiosk just outside the auditorium.  We have the most Groups we’ve ever had – 35 different LIFE Groups!  There is something for EVERYONE!  Unless otherwise indicated, most Groups begin this coming week and last 10-12 weeks.  Make sure you check out our catalog and start signing up today!
  4. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, March 19th, 9am-11:30am. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  5. JOIN A LIFE TEAM!  One of the best ways to meet new people and grow in your faith at Coastal is to serve alongside others on a LIFE Team or Ministry.  There are so many places to start serving here at Coastal – our 1st Impressions Team, welcoming and greeting people as they come on our campus, loving and serving our children through our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry, and then there’s the Security Team, our Online Engagement Team, Student Ministry, our Worship Team, our Tech Team, Chair Set-up, and more!  You can sign up for a LIFE Team this Sunday on your Connect Card or anytime on our website.  Sign up today and start serving!

    P.S. Mark your calendars now!  Coastal will be hosting a Night of Praise and Worship on Friday night, March 18th, from 7-8:30pm.  Invite your friends and family to join us for an evening of worship, prayer, and encouragement.  Childcare will be provided for birth to kindergarten (RSVP for Childcare on your Connect Card).

Friday’s 5 – 2-4-22

Wow!  I really can’t say enough good things about LIFE Group Sunday this past week at Coastal!  First of all, it was so awesome to have everything inside in our new facility!  Can you imagine how cold it would have been outside underneath a tent (like we used to do)?  And all of our LIFE Group Leaders really knocked it out of the park with their booths/tables!  You could just feel the energy and excitement on our campus!  And most importantly, we’ve had 462 LIFE Group sign-ups SO FAR!  I say so far, because there is still plenty of time to sign up for a group.  In fact, hopefully you received your LIFE Group Catalog in the mail this week.  If you’ve already signed up for a Group, share it with someone else. 

It’s hard to believe, but this Saturday is the 6th Anniversary of our church doing Saturday Serve – 6 years of consistently being the hands and feet of Jesus, serving and loving our community!  As always, we meet in the Welcome Center at Coastal at 8:30am (come at 7:30am and help us set up chairs). You’ll hear a pitch from a ½ dozen great leaders explaining the different serving opportunities they are leading for the day. Then you’ll choose the serving opportunity you like the best, and then head out to serve!  It’s that simple!  There is no need to bring anything. All we need is YOU and a willingness to serve (and we even give you a FREE t-shirt). All projects will wrap up by lunchtime so, it’s not a sacrifice of your entire Saturday.  And bring your whole family – several of our projects are definitely “child friendly.”  In fact, one of the projects that we are bringing back this Saturday is a Craft Project for young children – the kids will be making Valentines for Veterans!  So again, don’t miss this Saturday Serve this Saturday!

And speaking of Veterans and serving, I have an exciting announcement to make.  On Saturday, February 12th, Coastal will be operating 2 Tailgating Parties at the same time, on the same day!  It will also be the very first serving project for our 2nd Box Truck!  By the way, this is made possible through your generous giving toward our Christmas Offering!  One Tailgate Party will be at the Pink House (see below) and the second Tailgate Party will be at Charleston Vets.  Charleston Vets is a transitional housing facility for veterans in North Charleston. And what’s even more exciting about this relationship is that it’s managed by one of Coastal’s very own – Joe Towles.  We’ll be grilling up some burgers & hotdogs with chips, desserts, and drinks.  Most of the veterans we will be serving are in recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Additionally, some were also previously homeless. The facility is much like Patriot Villas, another transitional housing area for veterans where we send outreach teams to serve. Join us as we serve and build new friendships with these local heroes.  If you want to serve in any of these opportunities, let us know on your Connect Card or go to and sign up today!

I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor!  What we’re a part of and what we get to do together never gets old!  I hope you feel the same way!

Pastor Chris

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is TOMORROW, February 5th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, February 8th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (The Elks Lodge).
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, on Saturday, February 12th, 10am-1pm. Meet at the church at 10:00AM.
    New Project at Charleston Vets –  Want to try something brand new? We’re going to host a tailgating event at Charleston Vets on Saturday, February 12th (yes, two tailgates on the 12th!). Meet in the Welcome Center at Coastal at 10am.  Coastal Vets is a transitional housing facility for veterans in North Charleston.
    Neighbors Together Grocery Distribution –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, February 16th, 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. We’re excited to announce that we are having a SUPER BOWL PARTY in our new facility on Sunday, February 13th at 6pm!  Come watch the Big Game being played simultaneously on all 6 HUGE screens!  We’ll provide pulled pork BBQ, drinks, and paper products.  You bring your favorite sides or game snacks to share!  Childcare is not provided; however, the playgrounds and Coastal Kidz will be open (you are responsible for your children).  Come join the fun and invite and bring friends!
  3. Have you signed up for a LIFE Group yet?  As always, there are multiple ways to sign up for a Group, but you only have to sign up one time/one way.  You can sign up online from our website, on your Connect Card (in-person or online), or at the LIFE Group Sign-up sheets on the kiosk just outside the auditorium.  We have the most Groups we’ve ever had – 35 different LIFE Groups!  There is something for EVERYONE!  Unless otherwise indicated, most of Groups begin the week of February 13th and last 10-12 weeks.  Make sure you check out our catalog and start signing up today!
  4. New to Coastal? Join us in the Coastal Cafe or online THIS Sunday, February 6th immediately following the 11:15am service for our next Newcomer’s Reception. Learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, and get plugged in. Lunch & childcare provided. RSVP online or on your Connect Card on Sunday!
  5. JOIN A LIFE TEAM!  One of the best ways to meet new people and grow in your faith at Coastal is to serve alongside others on a LIFE Team or Ministry.  There are so many places to start serving here at Coastal – our 1st Impressions Team, welcoming and greeting people as they come on our campus, loving and serving our children through our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry, and then there’s the Security Team, our Online Engagement Team, Student Ministry, our Worship Team, our Tech Team, Chair Set-up, and more!  You can sign up for a LIFE Team this Sunday on your Connect Card or anytime on our website.  Sign up today and start serving!

    P.S. Mark your calendars now!  Coastal will be hosting a night of praise and worship on Friday night, March 18th, from 7-8:30pm.  Invite your friends and family to join us for an evening of worship, prayer, and encouragement.  Childcare will be provided for birth to kindergarten (RSVP for Childcare on your Connect Card).

Friday’s 5 – 1-28-22

No, you’re not seeing double and you don’t need to check your eyes – that’s 2 BOX TRUCKS in the picture above!  And it was made possible by your generosity (the Christmas Offering).  We hope to put it out on the road very soon, serving and loving our community (think simultaneous Tailgate Parties).  We still need to “outfit” it with all the necessary equipment, but it should be ready soon.  Next week, however, we are going to use it to load up and deliver all of the gifts and supplies for Oakland Elementary School (another example of your generosity).  But the real requirement for operating two Box Trucks and two Tailgate Parties is people – YOU!  In fact, sign up to serve at our next Saturday Serve, Saturday, February 5th to show your support and your commitment to community outreach.  Go to our website, sign up today, and then show up next Saturday morning at 8:30am, and make it obvious that we have plenty of volunteers to man two Tailgate Parties!  

This Sunday at Coastal is going to be a lot of fun!  We kick off a new series called, “The Names of God.”  Over the next several weeks, we’re going to be looking at some of the names through which God has revealed himself in the Bible.  My message this Sunday is an overview of the series, titled, “What’s In a Name?”   As a part of the series kickoff on Sunday we’re asking everyone to wear a Name Tag.  We’ll have several “Name Tag Stations” setup as people are entering the building.  

And that goes along perfectly with the other exciting thing happening this week – it’s LIFE Group Sunday!!  What is LIFE Group Sunday? I’m glad you asked.  Think Job/College Fair, but for LIFE Groups!  Before and after both Sunday morning services everyone is invited to our Welcome Center/Gathering Space where you’ll get to visit a booth/table representing all the different LIFE Groups this semester!  You’ll get to meet the leaders, ask any questions, meet other people just like you checking out all the groups, and enjoy some great food (snacks at every table)!  You’ll even get to vote on the Best Overall Booth, Most Creative, Best Sales Pitch, Best Food/Snacks, etc.  Don’t miss it!  Most importantly, sign up for a LIFE Group!

Pastor Chris

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, today, January 28th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Warming Shelter –  We will be assisting with meals for the homeless warming shelter right around the corner from our church at Seacoast West Ashley.  Dinner Team, Tuesday, February 1st, 6-8pm.  Meet at Coastal’s Welcome Center.
    Neighbors Together Grocery Distribution –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, February 2nd, 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, February 5th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, February 8th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (The Elks Lodge).
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. We’re excited to announce that we are having a SUPER BOWL PARTY in our new facility on Sunday, February 13th at 6pm!  Come watch the Big Game being played simultaneously on all 6 HUGE screens!  We’ll provide pulled pork BBQ, drinks, and paper products.  You bring your favorite sides or game snacks to share!  Childcare is not provided; however, the playgrounds and Coastal Kidz will be open (you are responsible for your children).  Come join the fun and invite and bring friends!
  3. Please bring back the “Oakland Orca” items (unwrapped) you signed up for at the church by this Sunday.  If you lost your Orca and have forgotten what you signed up for, or if you have any questions, just call the church office – 843-571-1777.  If you would like to donate money toward purchasing any items not taken, simply give to the church in any of the different ways and let us know.  Let’s show the love and generosity of Jesus to our neighbors across the street – Oakland Elementary School!
  4. New to Coastal? Join us in the Coastal Cafe or online next Sunday, February 6th immediately following the 11:15am service for our next Newcomer’s Reception. Learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, and get plugged in. Lunch & childcare provided. RSVP online or on your Connect Card on Sunday!
  5. JOIN A LIFE TEAM!  One of the best ways to meet new people and grow in your faith at Coastal is to serve alongside others on a LIFE Team or Ministry.  There are so many places to start serving here at Coastal – our 1st Impressions Team, welcoming and greeting people as they come on our campus, loving and serving our children through our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry, and then there’s the Security Team, our Online Engagement Team, Student Ministry, our Worship Team, our Tech Team, Chair Set-up, and more!  You can sign up for a LIFE Team this Sunday on your Connect Card or anytime on our website.  Sign up today and start serving!

    P.S. DON’T FORGET – we offer our Coastal Members and regular attendees free access to RightNow Media, an online church video library.  It’s just one of the many ways to express our generosity to our church family.  Essentially, RightNow Media is a Netflix for Bible studies with videos for kids, students, singles, parents and married couples by teachers like Dave Ramsey, John Piper, Max Lucado, Tim Tebow, and more. All the content can be accessed from any computer or smart television and through the RightNow Media app on a phone, tablet, Roku, Apple TV, etc.  If you haven’t already  done so, click here to set up your account!

Join a LIFE Group!

We just unveiled our 2022 Fall Semester LIFE Group Catalog (it’s available online)!  We would love for you to check out all of our different Groups (there’s something for everyone) and sign up to join a LIFE Group this semester (10-12 weeks)! By the way, our LIFE Groups are for everyone – whether you’re a member of our church, an occasional attender, or even if you’ve never attended on a Sunday.   We’re called Coastal COMMUNITY Church and you (and your friends and family) are a part of our community.  There are all types of Groups – online, in-person, activity, women’s, men’s, support, marriage, Bible study, and more! 

By the way, not only can you view the catalog online, but you can sign up for a Group online!  Once you sign up for a group, your Group Leader will contact you before the semester begins.  Unless otherwise stated in the catalog, all Groups begin the week of February 13th. 

I also want to invite you to attend LIFE GROUP SUNDAY, this Sunday, January 30th at Coastal!  We have 2 services – 9:30am & 11:15am.  Before and after both services you’ll be able to visit a table/booth representing each one of our 35 different LIFE Groups (kind of like a Job/College Fair, but for LIFE Groups)!  There will be food & drinks, you’ll be able to meet other people checking out all the Groups, meet the different Group Leaders, and ask any questions you might have.  I promise it will be a great day and a lot of fun!  Hope to see you on Sunday!  Start signing up for a LIFE Group today!

LIFE is Better Together!

Pastor Chris


Friday’s 5 – 1-21-22

I wanted to send a “shout out” to Coastal’s Sewing Group!  Check out the picture and article above!  They made the paper!  Truthfully, our Sewing Group at Coastal is really more of an Outreach Group.  Yes, it’s full of folks who love to sew and with those who want to learn to sew (Evalyn & Beth can teach ANYONE to sew).  But over the years, Coastal’s Sewing Group has made blankets for NICU babies, bags for our Blessing Bags, zipper bags for Tailgate Parties, stockings for Joseph Floyd Manor, pillowcases for MUSC Children’s Hospital, and dresses for the Operation Christmas Child.  And the Sewing Group is just of ONE of 35 DIFFERENT LIFE GROUPS this upcoming semester!  

Which leads me to today’s BIG ANNOUNCEMENT:  Our Spring Semester LIFE Group Catalog is now available online and you can start signing up TODAY!  The physical catalog will be available in-person this Sunday, and we’ll also be mailing it out to everyone.  As always, there are multiple ways to sign up for a LIFE Group (online, on your Connect Card, or at the LIFE Group tables), but you only have to sign up one time, one way.  And yes, you can sign up for multiple groups.  There are a variety of groups (both in-person and/or online) on every day of the week.  YOU NEED THIS!  WE NEED THIS!  We were made for community, for connections, to do LIFE with people.  And the primary way for that to happen at Coastal is through LIFE Teams (serving/volunteering) and LIFE Groups (relationships).  The majority of our LIFE Groups all begin the week of February 13th (less than one month away) and last for 10-12 weeks (depending on the group).  So check them all out this weekend and start signing up!

The other BIG ANNOUNCEMENT is that next Sunday, January 30th, is LIFE Group Sunday!! What is LIFE Group Sunday you ask?  Think Job/College Fair but for LIFE Groups!  Before and after both Sunday morning services everyone is invited to our Welcome Center/Gathering Space where you’ll get to visit a booth/table representing all the different LIFE Groups this semester!  You’ll get to meet the leaders, ask any questions, meet other people just like you checking out all the groups, and enjoy some great food (snacks at every table)!  You’ll even get to vote on the Best Overall Booth, Most Creative, Best Sales Pitch, Best Food/Snacks, etc.  Don’t miss it – it’s always A LOT of fun!  And most importantly, you’ll get to sign up for a LIFE Group!

On a personal note, Janet and I made it safe and sound through the snow and ice up to Knoxville, TN this week to see our daughter and her husband.  We’ve had a great visit and by the time you read this, we should be heading home – just in time to arrive in Charleston for some potentially, pretty nasty weather.  Keep our return trip in your prayers.  Can’t wait to see you and your friends and family in church this Sunday – in person or online!

Pastor Chris

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Warming Shelter –  We will be assisting with meals for the homeless warming shelter right around the corner from our church at Seacoast West Ashley.  Breakfast Bag Team, Tuesday, January 25th, 6-8pm.  Meet at Coastal’s Welcome Center.
    Joseph Floyd Manor Tailgate –  Our Tailgate will be rolling and serving our friends downtown at the Joseph Floyd Manor –  Thursday, January 27th, 9:30am-12:30pm. (Meet at the church at 9:30am)
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, January 28th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Neighbors Together Grocery Distribution –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, February 2nd, 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, February 5th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. We’re excited to announce that we are having a SUPER BOWL PARTY in our new facility on Sunday, February 13th at 6pm!  Come watch the Big Game being played simultaneously on all 6 HUGE screens!  We’ll provide pulled pork BBQ, drinks, and paper products.  You bring your favorite sides or game snacks to share!  Childcare is not provided; however, the playgrounds and Coastal Kidz will be open (you are responsible for your children).  Come join the fun and invite and bring friends!
  3. Please continue to bring back the “Oakland Orca” items (unwrapped) you signed up for at the church by the end of January.  If you lost your Orca and have forgotten what you signed up for, or if you have any questions, just call the church office – 843-571-1777.  If you would like to donate money toward purchasing any items not taken, simply give to the church in any of the different ways and let us know.  Let’s show the love and generosity of Jesus to our neighbors across the street – Oakland Elementary School!
  4. New to Coastal? Join us in the Coastal Cafe or online on Sunday, February 6th immediately following the 11:15am service for our next Newcomer’s Reception. Learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, and get plugged in. Lunch & childcare provided. RSVP online or on your Connect Card on Sunday!
  5. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Monday night, January 24th, 6-8:30pm. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.

    P.S. You should be receiving your 2021 Giving Statement from our church this week in the mail.  If you have any questions about your statement or do not receive yours, please contact the office (843-571-1777) and speak with Ashley Hojnacki.  Your consistent, faithful, generous giving enables our church to make its IMPACT.

Friday’s 5 – 1-14-22

I’ve got some exciting news to share – our Christmas Offering!  First of all, let me say that there is no doubt that we set a big goal this year – our biggest ever – $125,000.  Now, that was based partly on how you responded to our Christmas Offering the year before.  Our goal last year was $75,000 and you gave $117,000!  So, $75,000 or even $100,000 just didn’t seem like faith to me – we’ve done that already.  So, after much prayer and thought, we decided to set the goal at $125,000!  I know what you’re thinking, “Pastor Chris, you’re killing me!  Just tell me the final number!”  Well, here it is. . . drum roll please!  Coastal, for this year’s Annual Christmas Offering you gave $141,747!  Coastal, your faith, your generosity, never ceases to amaze me!  And don’t think for a second that that money came mainly from one family or from just a few families – no, not at all!  It came from SO MANY people!  It’s what we’ve learned time and time again, that when all of us give together, that’s when God shows up and does a miracle!  And show up He did!  What do we always say, “Let’s work, and serve, and give like it all depends on us, let’s pray like it all depends on God, let’s walk by faith and trust Him, and then let’s celebrate the results!”  Let’s celebrate!

And now you might be asking, “What are we going to do with that money?”  Simple – we’re going to do what we set out to do!  In fact, we’ve already purchased the Box Truck, tagged it, insured it, wrapped it, and wired it (sound & lights).  Now we need to “outfit” it – supply it with everything we need to do what we do, serving and loving our community (tables, chairs, tents, grills, etc.).  Hopefully, it will be up and on the road very soon!  And all of that is made possible through your consistent, faithful generosity!

Because of the Christmas Offering, we’re also going to be able to remodel our old, original sanctuary and turn it into a brand new Chapel.  We’ll be able to use that space for worship overflow (think Easter Sunday), LIFE Groups, community space, Student Ministry, funerals, weddings, and so much more.  Even doing most of the work ourselves, it’s an expensive undertaking (the technology alone will cost us around $40,000), but the Christmas Offering sets all of that into motion.  Our realistic goal is that the space is functional and ready to use by Easter Sunday, April 17th.  We’ll do our best to give you updates along the way and announce any projects that we could use help with (ripping up and throwing away old carpet for example).  

So for those of you who consistently and generously give to Coastal – thank you!  I say it all the time, but it’s true – we could not do what we do without you!  Remember, God owns it all.  We’re simply the managers of everything He’s given us.  And one day we will stand before Him and give an account of how we managed His stuff – our time, our gifts and talents, our resources, and yes, even our money.  It’s all His.  We’ve simply been blessed to be a blessing.  I pray that He finds us faithful.  I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor!  I can’t wait to see you Sunday!  We’re in week 3 of our series called, “The Word,” and I’ll be giving you some very practical instructions on how to have a Quiet Time! 

Pastor Chris

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes TODAY, Friday, January 14th, 9:30am-11:30am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
    Neighbors Together Grocery Distribution –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, January 19th, 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    Patriot Villas Veterans Tailgate –  We will be putting on a Tailgate for the Veterans at Patriot Villas on Thursday, January 20th, 6-8:15pm.  Meet at Coastal’s Welcome Center.
    Warming Shelter –  We will be assisting with meals for the homeless warming shelter right around the corner from our church at Seacoast West Ashley.  Breakfast Bag Team, Tuesday, January 25th, 6-8pm.  Meet at Coastal’s Welcome Center.
    Joseph Floyd Manor Tailgate –  Our Tailgate will be rolling and serving our friends downtown at the Joseph Floyd Manor –  Thursday, January 27th, 9:30am-12:30pm. (Meet at the church at 9:30am)
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, January 28th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. We’re excited to announce that we are having a SUPER BOWL PARTY in our new facility on Sunday, February 13th at 6pm!  Come watch the Big Game being played simultaneously on all 6 HUGE screens!  We’ll provide pulled pork BBQ, drinks, and paper products.  You bring your favorite sides or game snacks to share!  Childcare is not provided, however, the playgrounds and Coastal Kidz will be open (you are responsible for your children).  Come join the fun and invite and bring friends!
  3. Great news – we only have a few “Orcas” left from our Wish Fish Display on Sunday!  Respond to this email or call the office (843-571-1777) if you want to pick one of the remaining “Orcas.”  Each “Orca” represents a wish list item/need at Oakland Elementary School (the Elementary School across the street).  There are books, supplies, snacks, small things, big things, and “dream items”!  Purchase your items and then bring them back to the church (unwrapped) by the end of January.  Let’s show the love and generosity of Jesus to our neighbors across the street!
  4. ATTENTION COASTAL: Sunday, January 30th is a BIG DAY here at Coastal!  It’s LIFE Group Sunday!  Think Job/College Fair but for LIFE Groups!  Before and after both Sunday morning services everyone is invited to our Welcome Center/Gathering Space where you’ll get to visit a booth/table representing all the different LIFE Groups this semester!  You’ll get to meet the leaders, ask any questions, meet other people just like you checking out all the groups, and enjoy some great food!  You’ll even get to vote on the Best Overall Booth, Most Creative, Best Sales Pitch, Best Food/Snacks.  Don’t miss it – it’s always A LOT of fun!  And most importantly, you’ll get to sign up for a LIFE Group!
  5. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Monday night, January 24th, 6-8:30pm. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.

P.S. Start the New Year off right!  Don’t forget that simply because you are a part of the Coastal family, ALL of Dave Ramsey’s best selling resources and tools are available to you for FREE!  This includes 5 classes (Financial Peace, Legacy Journey, Smart Money Smart Kids, the Jump Start Course and a new Budgeting course), the Everydollar+ budgeting tool, and a host of other resources designed to help families track their progress through the baby steps. You have access to everything for an entire year at your own pace, on your own schedule.  Here’s the link:  Sign up today!  We want to be known as a generous church, and we also want to do everything we can to equip our church and community to experience true financial peace in these difficult times!


Friday’s 5 – 1-7-22

WOW – what a great start to our new series, “The WORD!”  This past Sunday we laid the foundation for the series by trying to answer the question as to why you should read the Bible in the first place.  We talked about how the Bible is unique, it’s accurate, and it’s inspired.  This coming Sunday we’re going to take it a little bit further and personalize it for you as we talk about what are some of the benefits of reading and studying the Bible.  But what I was really excited about is that right now, approximately 200 people have made a commitment to read through the Bible with us this year!  Is that awesome or what?!  I can’t wait to see how God speaks and moves in your life this year!  And it’s not too late to join in with us.  Simply respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  And then the easiest thing to do is to go to or your Bible App and sign up for The One Year Bible reading plan.  So what if you didn’t get started on January 1st – your year can start today!  The devil will give you all kinds of excuses.  Don’t listen to him!  There is nothing in my life that Satan has fought me harder and more consistently with over the years than trying to keep me from reading my Bible and having a Quiet Time.  The reason should be obvious.  He knows the power found in God’s Word. 

This Sunday is also the last Sunday to give toward our Christmas Offering.  We set a Big Goal this year – $125,000.  But with that goal we’re going to do some great things.  First of all, we’re going to purchase and outfit a new Coastal Box Truck for outreach in our community.  And then we’re going to remodel our old auditorium into a Chapel that can be used by our church, children, students, and community.  So where are we with our goal?  Great question.  All I’m going to say right now is that we’re close, but we’re still short.  If you haven’t given anything yet toward this special offering, I hope you’ll do so this week/weekend.  What we’ve learned over the years is that when all of us give together, that’s when God shows up and does a miracle.  Every gift counts – no gift is too small or too big.   To give, all you have to do is designate your gift “Christmas” on your check, offering envelope, card swiping “description”, online through Paypal, our App, or TEXTing (843-277-8337).  I will announce our Grand Total next Sunday and together we’ll celebrate what God did in our midst!

And don’t forget that we’re back to our regular in-person Sunday morning service schedule this Sunday – 9:30am & 11:15am.  And as always, you can watch all of our services (9:30am, 11:15am, and 6pm) on our Facebook page, our YouTube channel, or at  

Pastor Chris

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, on Saturday, January 8th, 10am-1pm. Meet at the church at 10:00AM.
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, January 11th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (The Elks Lodge).
    Warming Shelter –  We will be assisting with meals for the new homeless warming shelter right around the corner from our church at Seacoast West Ashley – Dinner Team.  Thursday, January 13th, 6-8:30pm.  Meet at Coastal.
    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes Friday, January 14th, 9:30am-11:30am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
    Neighbors Together Grocery Distribution –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, January 19th, 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    Patriot Villas Veterans Tailgate –  We will be putting on a Tailgate for the Veterans at Patriot Villas on Thursday, January 20th, 6-8:15pm.  Meet at Coastal’s Welcome Center.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. We’re excited to announce that we are having a SUPER BOWL PARTY in our new facility on Sunday, February 13th at 6pm!  Come watch the Big Game being played simultaneously on all 6 HUGE screens!  We’ll provide pulled pork BBQ, drinks, and paper products.  You bring your favorite sides or game snacks to share!  Childcare is not provided, however, the playgrounds and Coastal Kidz will be open (you are responsible for your children).  Come join the fun and invite and bring friends!
  3. Okay Coastal, it’s time to show your generosity once again! Stop by the display in the Welcome Center on Sunday to pick up an “Oakland Orca” to help provide classroom wish list items for Oakland Elementary School Teachers & Staff (the Elementary School across the street).  There are books, supplies, snacks, small things, big things, and “dream items”!  Purchase your items and then bring them back to the church (unwrapped) by the end of January.  Let’s show the love and generosity of Jesus to our neighbors across the street!
  4. ATTENTION ALL SPRING LIFE GROUP LEADERS: There is a LIFE Group Leader Training on Saturday (tomorrow), January 8th, 9am-10:30am OR Monday, January 10th, 6:30pm-8pm.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at  
  5. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Monday night, January 24th, 6-8:30pm. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.

    P.S. Our WAVES Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) resumes this Wednesday night, January 12th, 6pm-8pm.  Make sure your Student is there for a night of Food, Games, Groups, Worship, & a Message!  As always, invite and bring friends!  Also, if you would like to help pay for a scholarship for one of our Students to go to the Winter Retreat (January 15th-17th in Pigeon Forge, TN), the full cost is $225.  You can pay any amount using the keyword “winter retreat.”  You can use Venmo @coastalcommunitychurchchs or texting any amount to 843-277-8337 (ex. “225.00 winter retreat”) and following the prompts. If you have any questions about Student Ministry, reach out to Pastor Scott Huff, 859-230-5129.

Friday’s 5 – 12-31-21

Happy New Year everyone – well almost!  2022 is just about here!  But guess what?  Jesus is still on the throne, God is still in control, and our mission is still the same – “to share and experience the LIFE and LOVE of Jesus with Charleston and the world!” 

I sincerely hope you and your family have had a wonderful Christmas!  And let me say how awesome Christmas Eve was at Coastal, both in-person and online!  I want to thank all of our volunteers who served so joyfully!  We could not do what we do without you!  I especially want to thank all of our Tech Team & Worship Team who came very early and were here for all 3 services!  There is just something special about lighting candles and worshipping together.

For those of you who have had some time off from work this week, I hope you’ve been able to rest, refresh and enjoy spending time with family.  This is a great time of the year to reflect on 2021 (the good, the bad, and the ugly) and dream about 2022.  One great way to do that is to ask questions.  Dorothy Grooms (author, motivational speaker) once said, “The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask yourself.”  Here’s a few to get you started:

1. Am I closer to God today than I was on Jan 1, 2021?
2. What is my spiritual growth plan for 2022?
3. What drained me emotionally in 2021? 
4. What fills me emotionally?
5. Is there anyone whose forgiveness I need to seek or forgiveness I need to give?
6. Where is the clutter in my life?
7. Would I rate my marriage a 10? Would my spouse (you might want to ask over a nice dinner)? If it’s not a 10 ask this question, “What would it take in 2022 to make it a 10?”
8. Have I scheduled my date nights for January?
9. How much do I weigh? Is that OK?
10. Do I have a Physical/Mammogram scheduled between now and March 31?
11. What’s my major physical focus area for 2022?
12. Are my finances in order?
13. Do I have debt beyond my mortgage?
14. What’s my next step in my giving?
15. How am I growing as a leader?
16. What are my reading goals for 2022?
17. What caused me the most stress in 2021?
18. How am I going to fix that in 2022?
19. What am I pretending NOT to know?
20. What is my calling?  

You see, at some point in all of our lives, we’ve all heard or said this widely accepted saying, “Experience is the best teacher.”  But guess what?  It’s a myth!  It’s just not true.  Experience is not the best teacher.  EVALUATED experience is the best teacher!  And one way to evaluate and learn from your experiences is to ask and answer the right questions.  I’m sure many of you have a love/hate relationships with resolutions.  I get it.  I prefer the word goals.  Over the next several days, I would encourage you to evaluate this past year and set some goals for 2022.  There is tremendous power in simply writing them down and then sharing them with someone else.  I truly believe that 2022 is going to be a great year at Coastal!  

And as you’re praying about goals and changes you want to make in 2022, can I encourage you to include making Coastal a priority?  Jesus called the church His Body, His Bride.  Jesus died for the church.  Jesus started the church.  The church is the Family of God and the only thing that will last on into eternity.  The church is the hope of the world, and when done right, there is nothing greater or more powerful than the local church.  However, there is no perfect church – because the church is made up of people, you and me, and there are no perfect people.  Church attendance/involvement is just like any other habit – it’s easy to make excuses and get out of the habit (especially if you’re trying to stay engaged online).  So, my advice, make a commitment and push through.  If it’s been a while, get back in the habit this year.  If you already attend regularly, maybe it’s time you started serving.  Maybe this is the semester that you join a LIFE Group.  How does your giving reflect your commitment to the church?  Is it consistent?  Generous?  Maybe this is the year you officially become a Member of Coastal.  Our next Membership Class is Monday night, January 24th, 6-8:30pm.  And how about this – invite and bring someone with you to church (again, in-person OR online)!  You never know the power of a simple invitation.

Don’t forget that we’re only having ONE IN-PERSON SERVICE this Sunday, January 2nd at 9:30am (no 11:15am in-person service)!  However, as always, you can watch all of our services (9:30am, 11:15am, and 6pm) on our Facebook page, our YouTube channel, or at  

Happy New Year!
Pastor Chris

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Saturday Serve –  There will be NO Saturday Serve on New Year’s Day, Saturday, January 1st.
    Neighbors Together Grocery Distribution –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, January 5th, 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, on Saturday, January 8th, 10am-1pm. Meet at the church at 10:00AM.
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, January 11th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (The Elks Lodge).
    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes Friday, January 14th, 9:30am-11:30am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Only 2 weeks left to give toward our 9th Annual Christmas Offering!   Our goal is $125,000!  Now through the second Sunday of the New Year, January 9th (2 more weeks), we are encouraging our entire Coastal family to give above and beyond their regular tithes and offering to this year’s Christmas Offering.  To give, all you have to do is designate your gift “Christmas” on your check, offering envelope, card swiping “description”, online through Paypal, or TEXTing (843-277-8337).  You can give your gift during these 2 weeks at any of our regular Sunday morning services or anytime through TEXTing, our website, or our App.    With this year’s offering we are purchasing a second box truck and remodeling our old auditorium (turning it into a Chapel). 
  3. We’re excited to announce that starting January 1st, 2022 we’re going to be reading through the Bible together this year at Coastal!  We’ll be following the One Year Bible reading plan (a daily reading of the Old Testament, the New Testament, Psalms & Proverbs).  We’ll have a limited number of One Year Bibles for purchase at the church ($10) if you’d like a hard copy, or you can purchase them online.  You can also simply choose the One Year Bible reading plan through the YouVersion app or  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday, and we’ll add you to an email list for regular encouragement and Study notes throughout the year!  If you’ve never read through the Bible, this would be a great way to get started! 
  4. SPRING LIFE GROUP LEADERS! If you are interested in Leading, Co-Leading, or Hosting a Spring 2022 LIFE Group in-person or online, sign up on your Connect Card.  For more details or to answer any of your questions, please reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at  There is a LIFE Group Leader Training on Saturday, January 8th at 9am or Monday, January 10th at 6:30pm.
  5. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Monday night, January 24th, 6-8:30pm. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.

    P.S. Our WAVES Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) resumes on Wednesday night, January 12th, 6pm-8pm.  Make sure your Student is there for a night of Food, Games, Groups, Worship, & a Message!  As always, invite and bring friends!  Also, if you would like to help pay for a scholarship for one of our Students to go to the Winter Retreat (January 15th-17th in Pigeon Forge, TN), the full cost is $225.  You can pay any amount using the keyword “winter retreat.”  You can use Venmo @coastalcommunitychurchchs or texting any amount to 843-277-8337 (ex. “225.00 winter retreat”) and following the prompts. If you have any questions about Student Ministry, reach out to Pastor Scott Huff, 859-230-5129.

Friday’s 5 – 12-24-21

So, are you ready for Christmas?  Well, ready or not, it’s ALMOST here!  Which means of course, that we’re having our 3 Christmas Eve Services, TONIGHT – 3pm, 4:30pm & 6pm!  I hope you areready to invite & bring your friends!  Remember, it’s not too late to invite someone.  Make the ask!  What’s the worst thing that could happen?  Better yet – what’s the BEST thing that could happen?  Think through all your contacts – social media, work, neighbors, friends, family – and invite them to come!

Also, Christmas Eve is one of those times where it is “all hands on deck.”  In other words, if you serve in ministry and you’re not out of town, we need you to serve.  Contact your Ministry Leader and let them know which service you are available ASAP.  Every ministry needs plenty of volunteers (and extra volunteers) to pull off Christmas Eve and create a welcoming atmosphere.

Pray for me & my message.  Pray that people give their lives to Jesus and get saved!  Pray for our Worship Team that they would lead people to worship Jesus.  Pray for all our Ministry Volunteers, that they would serve Jesus by serving others.

Here are a few other important reminders:

  • Be helpful, friendly and welcoming to all our guests!
  • Introduce yourself & talk to people you don’t know.
  • This is important – park over at Oakland to make more room for guests.  The further away you park, the better.
  • Fill out your Connect Card.  This encourages others to do the same. 
  • Sit to the front & center of each section of the auditorium.
  • Coastal Kidz (Birth-5th Grade) will be fully operational during all 3 services.  
  • If you are serving during a service, PLEASE COME EARLY.  Our V.I.P. Volunteer meeting will be at 2:30pm in the Gathering Space as usual.

Don’t forget that our entire offering on Christmas Eve (all 3 services) will go toward our Christmas Offering! Prayerfully consider what you and your family can give.  You might also consider making a year end sacrificial gift. 

Well, I think that’s about it.  For those of you who are traveling or out of town – HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS!  Safe travels and please keep us in your prayers!  And remember, if you can’t make it in person, you will be able to watch all of our services live online.  Can’t wait to see the rest of you and your guests tonight!  Also, don’t forget that there are NO IN-PERSON SERVICES on Sunday – ONLINE ONLY (9:30am, 11:15am, 6pm – all online)!

Merry Christmas Eve!
Pastor Chris
Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Saturday Serve –  There will be NO Saturday Serve on New Year’s Day, Saturday, January 1st.
    Neighbors Together Grocery Distribution –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, January 5th, 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, on Saturday, January 8th, 10am-1pm.
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, January 11th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (The Elks Lodge).
    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes Friday, January 14th, 9:30am-11:30am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Our goal for our 9th Annual Christmas Offering is $125,000!  Now through the second Sunday of the New Year, January 9th (3 more weeks), we are encouraging our entire Coastal family to give above and beyond their regular tithes and offering to this year’s Christmas Offering.  To give, all you have to do is designate your gift “Christmas” on your check, offering envelope, card swiping “description”, online through Paypal, or TEXTing (843-277-8337).  You can give your gift during these 3 weeks at any of our regular Sunday morning services or anytime through TEXTing, our website, or our App.  You might also consider giving it all at once during one of our 3 Christmas Eve Services (Friday, December 24th, 3pm, 4:30pm, & 6pm).  Our entire Christmas Eve offering will go toward our Annual Christmas Offering.  With this year’s offering we are purchasing a second box truck and remodeling our old auditorium (turning it into a Chapel). 
  3. We’re excited to announce that starting January 1st, 2022 we’re going to be reading through the Bible together this year at Coastal!  We’ll be following the One Year Bible reading plan (a daily reading of the Old Testament, the New Testament, Psalms & Proverbs).  We’ll have a limited number of One Year Bibles for purchase at the church ($10) if you’d like a hard copy, or you can purchase them online.  You can also simply choose the One Year Bible reading plan through the YouVersion app or  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday, and we’ll add you to an email list for regular encouragement and Study notes throughout the year!  If you’ve never read through the Bible, this would be a great way to get started!
  4. SPRING LIFE GROUP LEADERS! If you are interested in Leading, Co-Leading, or Hosting a Spring 2022 LIFE Group in-person or online, sign up on your Connect Card.  For more details or to answer any of your questions, please reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at  There is a LIFE Group Leader Training on Saturday, January 8th at 9am or Monday, January 10th at 6:30pm.
  5. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Monday night, January 24th, 6-8:30pm. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.

    P.S. We’ll have 3 special Christmas Eve Services TONIGHT, December 24th at 3pm, 4:30pm, and 6pm.  Childcare (Birth-5th Grade) will be provided for all 3 Christmas Eve services with a Christmas Pajama Party for children 2 years old and up.  Sunday, December 26th, there will be NO IN-PERSON SERVICES.  All services will be ONLINE ONLY.  Sunday, January 2nd, there will be one in-person service at 9:30am.  As always, the service will be online live at 9:30am, and rebroadcast online at 11:15am and 6pm.

Friday’s 5 – 12-17-21

Well, the weekend is finally here!  And that means our Christmas Party at Joseph Floyd Manoris finally here!  It’s one of our biggest outreach events of the year – and I can’t wait!  It’s going to be awesome!  Joseph Floyd Manor is a public housing building in downtown Charleston. It’s been a fixture in Charleston for a long time.  It’s home primarily to limited income, disabled, and older residents of our city.  And it’s a great opportunity for us, as a church, to truly be the hands and feet of Jesus!

I can’t thank all of you enough for how you have responded to this opportunity.  I talked to Pastor Chris Jones last night, and he told me that all of the food, supplies, and gifts have been purchased or accounted for.  At this point, simply drop off everything you’ve signed up for by 6pm tonight at the church.  And speaking of 6pm, we’re having a Packing & Prep Party tonight at the church to prepare and stage everything for tomorrow.  We’d love for you to join us.

And then tomorrow (Saturday) at 9:30am we’ll gather at the church and load everything up (actually, feel free to join us at 8:30am to help set up our chairs in the auditorium).  Please park over at Orange Grove Middle School.  Since there is limited parking at JFM, and we have so many people who have signed up to volunteer, we have a Bus that will be taking a large number of people from the church – leaving at 10am and leaving from JFM at 12:45pm.  I’m calling it the Coastal Party Bus!

Truthfully, tonight and tomorrow at JFM will be a great example of what I call Holy Spirit Controlled Chaos!  But that’s something we embrace at Coastal.  I heard a long time ago that you can either structure your church for control or for growth, but you can’t have both.  Now don’t get me wrong, Chris Jones and his Team Leaders have been meeting, praying, planning, and preparing for this event for weeks (and I can’t say enough good things about all of them and the job they have done).  But we will have more volunteers on site than we have specific roles and at times, especially at first, it will appear chaotic.  However, the greatest role for EVERYONE is simply speaking with and loving on the residents of JFM.  Ask someone their story – where they’re from, their families, what they did for a living, their faith journey.  And then just listen.  That’s why we’re there.  And if together, we focus on that – it will be a great success!

As always, if you’d like to join us at JFM or any of our various upcoming Outreach Projects, go to our website and sign up today:  If you have any questions about this or any of our other Outreach Events, please respond to this email or reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.

And finally, I want to share with you something that happened this week.  We discovered yesterday morning that someone had vandalized our Box Truck.  They cut out and stole the two catalytic converters from the truck.  Apparently, they get about $300 a piece for the metal found in these parts.  Of course, it cost our church about $2100 to get it fixed.  When something like this happens it’s easy to get angry, sad, frustrated,  disappointed, and ultimately distracted from our mission.  Honestly, it’s simply a reminder to me that there is evil in this world and that people need Jesus.  But what someone meant for evil, we’re going to turn around and literally use it for good!  And not only that, after this year’s Christmas Offering, we’re going buy, wrap, and equip a second Box Truck to multiply our community outreach effort!  I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor!  Join us, as we continue to “share and experience the LIFE and LOVE of Jesus with Charleston and the world!” 

Merry Christmas!
Pastor Chris

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, December 17th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Christmas at JFM Prep –  We’ll be packing and staging everything for our BIG Christmas Party at Joseph Floyd Manor on Friday night, December 17th, 6-8pm at the church!
    Christmas Party at JFM –  We’re putting on a HUGE Christmas Party at Joseph Floyd Manor!  Joseph Floyd Manor is a public housing building in downtown Charleston. It is home primarily to limited income, disabled, and older residents of our city.  The event is this Saturday (TOMORROW), December 18th, from 9:30am (meet at the church at 9:30am) until 1:30pm.  We’ll have a volunteer Bus leaving the church at 10am and returning from JFM at 12:45pm.  Please park over at Orange Grove Middle School.
    Seacoast Church Warming Shelter –  We will be assisting with meals for the new homeless warming shelter right around the corner from our church at Seacoast West Ashley.  Breakfast Bag Team, Monday, December 20th, 6-9pm.  Meet at Coastal’s Welcome Center.
    Neighbors Together Grocery Distribution –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, December 22nd, 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Our goal for our 9th Annual Christmas Offering is $125,000!  Now through the second Sunday of the New Year, January 9th (4 more weeks), we are encouraging our entire Coastal family to give above and beyond their regular tithes and offering to this year’s Christmas Offering.  To give, all you have to do is designate your gift “Christmas” on your check, offering envelope, card swiping “description”, online through Paypal, or TEXTing (843-277-8337).  You can give your gift during these 4 weeks at any of our regular Sunday morning services or anytime through TEXTing, our website, or our App.  You might also consider giving it all at once during one of our 3 Christmas Eve Services (Friday, December 24th, 3pm, 4:30pm, & 6pm).  Our entire Christmas Eve offering will go toward our Annual Christmas Offering.  With this year’s offering we are purchasing a second box truck and remodeling our old auditorium (turning it into a Chapel). 
  3. We’re excited to announce that starting January 1st, 2022 we’re going to be reading through the Bible together this year at Coastal!  We’ll be following the One Year Bible reading plan (a daily reading of the Old Testament, the New Testament, Psalms & Proverbs).  We’ll have a limited number of One Year Bibles for purchase at the church ($10) if you’d like a hard copy, or you can purchase them online.  You can also simply choose the One Year Bible reading plan through the YouVersion app or  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday, and we’ll add you to an email list for regular encouragement and Study notes throughout the year!  If you’ve never read through the Bible, this would be a great way to get started!
  4. SPRING LIFE GROUP LEADERS! If you are interested in Leading, Co-Leading, or Hosting a Spring 2022 LIFE Group in-person or online, sign up on your Connect Card.  For more details or to answer any of your questions, please reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at
  5. Young Adults Ice Skating Night – all young adults are invited to the Carolina Ice Palace TONIGHT, Friday, December 17 for ice skating from 8-10pm. The cost is $14 which includes skates. We will meet at the Ice Palace at 7pm to eat before we skate.  If you would like to join us or if you have any questions, contact Pastor Scott Huff –

P.S. THIS Sunday, December 19th, is going to be “Ugly Christmas Sweater Day” at Coastal!  We’re encouraging everyone to break out and wear that ugly Christmas sweater! We’ll have 3 special Christmas Eve Services on Friday, December 24th at 3pm, 4:30pm, and 6pm.  Childcare (Birth-5th Grade) will be provided for all 3 Christmas Eve services with a Christmas Pajama Party for children 2 years old and up.  Sunday, December 26th, there will be NO IN-PERSON SERVICES.  All services will be ONLINE ONLY.  Sunday, January 2nd, there will be one in-person service at 9:30am.  As always, the service will be online live at 9:30am, and rebroadcast online at 11:15am and 6pm.


Friday’s 5 – 12-10-21

WOW – what a great kick off to “Christmas at Coastal” this past Sunday!  All the decorations were a huge hit, we had a big crowd, lot’s of guests, 24 people stuck around for our Newcomer’s Reception, we sold out of our One Year Bibles (we got more for this Sunday), and one person gave their life to Jesus!  It just doesn’t get any better than that!

If you haven’t heard yet, one of the biggest things we are doing this year for Christmas is putting on a HUGE Christmas Party for the residents of Joseph Floyd Manor.  And the event is just ONE WEEK AWAY!  Joseph Floyd Manor is a public housing building in downtown Charleston. It is home primarily to limited income, disabled, and older residents of our city.  The date of the party is Saturday, December 18th, from 9:30am (meet at the church at 9:30am) until 1:30pm. We’re hoping to provide a huge holiday meal with turkey & all the trimmings, a Christmas stocking packed with goodies, and a Christmas gift for every resident! This is a wonderful opportunity because the gifts are actual items the residents have requested.  What’s important to know is the Christmas party we’re hosting on the 18th will be the only Christmas many of these residents will experience.  It’s a great opportunity for us, as a church, to truly be the hands and feet of Jesus!

Picture in your mind all the gifts, stockings, food, a Christmas cookie decoration station, games with prizes, and a coffee & hot chocolate bar!  And then we’ll top off the event with singing Christmas carols!  This will be an event that will positively impact the community and help the residents of the manor feel loved and appreciated.  And by the way, this event is family friendly, and all are welcome (a great way to show your kids the true meaning of Christmas). 

Now, a project this size needs two things:

  1. Lots of volunteers!  We want to flood Joseph Floyd Manor with love.  Go to our website, give us your contact info, scroll down to this event/date & click, and then scroll down and hit the “click here to register” button. 
  2. An event this size also requires lots of supplies and resources. Your help is needed to help provide the meal (right now probably the biggest need), the gifts, the Christmas cookie decorating supplies, and the goodies for the stockings (see sign up lists below). 

 There are multiple sign up lists to help out:

The Meal:

The Gifts:

The Stockings:

The Cookies:

To Serve:

If you have any questions about this event, please respond to this email or reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.

Merry Christmas!
Pastor Chris
Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes TODAY, December 10th, 9:30am-11:30am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, this Saturday (TOMORROW), December 11th, 10am-1pm.
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, December 14th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (The Elks Lodge).
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, December 17th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Christmas at JFM Prep –  We’ll be packing and staging everything for our BIG Christmas Party at Joseph Floyd Manor on Friday night, December 17th, 6-8pm at the church!
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Our goal for our 9th Annual Christmas Offering is $125,000!  Now through the second Sunday of the New Year, January 9th (5 more weeks), we are encouraging our entire Coastal family to give above and beyond their regular tithes and offering to this year’s Christmas Offering.  To give, all you have to do is designate your gift “Christmas” on your check, offering envelope, card swiping “description”, online through Paypal, or TEXTing (843-277-8337).  You can give your gift during these 5 weeks at any of our regular Sunday morning services or anytime through TEXTing, our website, or our App.  You might also consider giving it all at once during one of our 3 Christmas Eve Services (Thursday, December 24th, 3pm, 4:30pm, & 6pm).  Our entire Christmas Eve offering will go toward our Annual Christmas Offering.  With this year’s offering we are purchasing a second box truck and remodeling our old auditorium (turning it into a Chapel). 
  3. We’re excited to announce that starting January 1st, 2022 we’re going to be reading through the Bible together this year at Coastal!  We’ll be following the One Year Bible reading plan (a daily reading of the Old Testament, the New Testament, Psalms & Proverbs).  We’ll have a limited number of One Year Bibles for purchase at the church ($10) if you’d like a hard copy, or you can purchase them online.  You can also simply choose the One Year Bible reading plan through the YouVersion app or  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday, and we’ll add you to an email list for regular encouragement and Study notes throughout the year!  If you’ve never read through the Bible, this would be a great way to get started!  
  4. SPRING LIFE GROUP LEADERS! If you are interested in Leading, Co-Leading, or Hosting a Spring 2022 LIFE Group in-person or online, sign up on your Connect Card.  For more details or to answer any of your questions, please reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at
  5. Young Adults Ice Skating Night – all young adults are invited to the Carolina Ice Palace on Friday, December 17 for ice skating from 8-10pm. The cost is $14 which includes skates. We will meet at the Ice Palace at 7pm to eat before we skate.  If you would like to join us or if you have any questions, contact Pastor Scott Huff –

    P.S. Sunday, December 19th, is going to be “Ugly Christmas Sweater Day” at Coastal!  We’re encouraging everyone to break out and wear that ugly Christmas sweater! We’ll have 3 special Christmas Eve Services on Friday, December 24th at 3pm, 4:30pm, and 6pm.  Childcare (Birth-5th Grade) will be provided for all 3 Christmas Eve services with a Christmas Pajama Party for children 2 years old and up.  Sunday, December 26th, there will be NO IN-PERSON SERVICES.  All services will be ONLINE ONLY.  Sunday, January 2nd, there will one in-person service at 9:30am.  As always, the service will be online live at 9:30am, and rebroadcast online at 11:15am and 6pm.

We Need Your Help!

We need your help! I am reaching out everyone at Coastal to help us provide a wonderful Christmas to the residents of Joseph Floyd Manor.  Joseph Floyd Manor is a public housing building in downtown Charleston. It is home primarily to limited income, disabled, and older residents of our city.  Coastal is partnering with “Friends of Joseph Floyd Manor” (one of our many ministry partners) to host a Christmas Party at the manor on Saturday, December 18th, from 9:30am (meet at the church at 9:30am) until 1:30pm. We’re hoping to provide a huge holiday meal with turkey & all the trimmings, a Christmas stocking packed with goodies, and a Christmas gift for every resident! This is a wonderful opportunity because the gifts are actual items the residents have requested.  What’s important to know is the Christmas party we’re hosting on the 18th will be the only Christmas many of these residents will experience.  It’s a great opportunity for us, as a church, to truly be the hands and feet of Jesus!

Picture in your mind all the gifts, stockings, food, a Christmas cookie decoration station, games with prizes, and a coffee & hot chocolate bar!  And then we’ll top off the event with singing Christmas carols!  This will be an event that will positively impact the community and help the residents of the manor feel loved and appreciated.  And by the way, this event is family friendly and all are welcome (a great way to show your kids the true meaning of Christmas). 

Now, a project this size needs two things:

  1. Lots of volunteers!  We want to flood Joseph Floyd Manor with love.  Go to our website, give us your contact info, scroll down to this event/date & click, and then scroll down and hit the “click here to register” button. 
  2. An event this size also requires lots of supplies and resources. Your help is needed to help provide the meal (right now probably the biggest need), the gifts, the Christmas cookie decorating supplies, and the goodies for the stockings (see sign up lists below). 

 There are multiple sign up lists to help out:

The Meal:

The Gifts:

The Stockings:

The Cookies:

To Serve:

If you have any questions about this event, please respond to this email or reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.

Merry Christmas!
Pastor Chris

P.S.  Again, right now the food for the meal is probably the biggest need.  Go to this link and sign up today:


Friday’s 5 – 12-3-21

One of the challenges that most of us face every Christmas is connecting with the Christmas story with a fresh set of eyes that hasn’t been glazed over with familiarity.  A lot of us have heard the story of Mary and Joseph, the Shepherds, and the Wise Men so many times, that our brains can easily shift into neutral whenever we hear it.  In fact, it’s easy to mentally check out because we already know the story.  I mean, we LOVE the story, but we sometimes no longer HEAR the story.

And so to combat that tendency, each year we Pastors try to look at the story from a slightly different angle –– not so much to see “new” things –– but to see the same great truths with a new freshness!  And this year I want us to experience the wonder and joy of the birth of Jesus through the eyes of the Wise Men and the gifts that they brought Jesus.  

Matthew 2:1-2 says, “After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.”  Verse 11 of that same chapter says, “On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.”  So who were these Magi or Wise Men from the East?  And what if anything is the significance of these gifts – gold, frankincense, and myrrh?  Join us this Sunday, December 5th, as we kick off “Christmas at Coastal” and discover the answers to those questions and so much more!

And speaking of Christmas at Coastal – a few other things to make note of:  

  • Our facility looks AWESOME (thank you Teresa Spell for your vision and all your hard work)!  You’re definitely going to want to get family pictures in our facility!  
  • Sunday, December 19th, is going to be “Ugly Christmas Sweater Day” at Coastal!  We’re encouraging everyone to break out and wear that ugly Christmas sweater! 
  • We’ll have 3 special Christmas Eve Services on Friday, December 24th at 3pm, 4:30pm, and 6pm.  Childcare (Birth-5th Grade) will be provided for all 3 Christmas Eve services with a Christmas Pajama Party for children 2 years old and up.  
  • Sunday, December 26th, there will be NO IN-PERSON SERVICES.  All services will be ONLINE ONLY.
  • Sunday, January 2nd, there will one in-person service at 9:30am.  As always, the service will be online live at 9:30am, and rebroadcast online at 11:15am and 6pm.

Invite and bring someone to church during the Christmas season!  Let me ask you a question – how did YOU find Jesus?  My guess is that Jesus drew you to Himself through His Spirit and His Word.  But He also provided a “star,” a travel guide, someone to help lead you to Jesus.  It might have been your Mom and Dad who pointed the way.  It may have been someone at work, a neighbor, a close friend, a teacher, a pastor – someone that God had cross your path.  It was probably someone whose light was bright, whose love was real.  Well, guess what?  God wants to use you as His star!  Who do you know in your “universe” (where you live, work, parent, and play) who needs to be guided to Jesus?  Daniel 12:3 says, “…and those who lead many to righteousness will shine like the stars for ever and ever.”  Be that guiding light, that bright star, and invite and bring someone to Coastal.  And you never know, maybe, just like the Wise Men, they will bow down and worship Him!
Pastor Chris

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is tomorrow, Saturday, December 4th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!
    Neighbors Together (formerly Tri-County Ministries) –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, December 8th, 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    Patriot Villas Veterans Tailgate –  We will be putting on a Tailgate for the Veterans at Patriot Villas on Thursday, December 9th, 6-8:15pm.  Meet at Coastal’s Welcome Center.
    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes Friday, December 10th, 9:30am-11:30am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, Saturday, December 11th, 10am-1pm.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Our goal for our 9th Annual Christmas Offering is $125,000!  Now through the second Sunday of the New Year, January 9th (6 more weeks), we are encouraging our entire Coastal family to give above and beyond their regular tithes and offering to this year’s Christmas Offering.  To give, all you have to do is designate your gift “Christmas” on your check, offering envelope, card swiping “description”, online through Paypal, or TEXTing (843-277-8337).  You can give your gift during these 6 weeks at any of our regular Sunday morning services or anytime through TEXTing, our website, or our App.  You might also consider giving it all at once during one of our 3 Christmas Eve Services (Thursday, December 24th, 3pm, 4:30pm, & 6pm).  Our entire Christmas Eve offering will go toward our Annual Christmas Offering.  With this year’s offering we are purchasing a second box truck and remodeling our old auditorium. 
  3. We’re excited to announce that starting January 1st, 2022 we’re going to be reading through the Bible together this year at Coastal!  We’ll be following the One Year Bible reading plan (a daily reading of the Old Testament, the New Testament, Psalms & Proverbs).  We’ll have a limited number of One Year Bibles for purchase at the church ($10) if you’d like a hard copy, or you can purchase them online.  You can also simply choose the One Year Bible reading plan through the YouVersion app or  You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday, and we’ll add you to an email list for regular encouragement and Study notes throughout the year!  If you’ve never read through the Bible, this would be a great way to get started!   
  4. SPRING LIFE GROUP LEADERS! If you are interested in Leading, Co-Leading, or Hosting a Spring 2022 LIFE Group in-person or online, sign up on your Connect Card.  For more details or to answer any of your questions, please reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at
  5. If you’re fairly new to Coastal, a great next step is our Newcomers Reception.  Our next Newcomers Reception is THIS Sunday, December 5th, in the new Gather Space next to the cafe immediately following the 11:15am service (at approximately 12:30pm).  This is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, as well as meet some other new people.  You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  Childcare provided.

    P.S. We’ll be back at Joseph Floyd Manor on Saturday, December 18th for a HUGE Christmas Party! We would love for you to join us! You can sign up to bring food, buy gifts, stuff stockings, and/or assist at the cookie decorating station here:

Friday’s 5 11-26-21

Okay, okay, we’re not really having a “Black Friday Sale” at Coastal!  I just thought it might be a creative way to get you to open and read my “Friday 5.”  I know how some of you get when you hear the word SALE!  I hope you and your family truly had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday!  Today is traditionally called “Black Friday.”  And then next week we have “Cyber Monday” and “Giving Tuesday”!  Regardless of what labels we assign these days, the reality is that more people will buy more STUFF online this weekend and over the next month than any other time of the year. That’s not a bad thing, BUT it isn’t eternal.  Our church exists to share and experience the LIFE and LOVE of Jesus with Charleston & the world – and that IS eternal!

So, while you’re shopping online today and over the next month, why not consider doing one of 2 things.  And here’s my CYBER OFFER100% of your investment will go to reaching people for Jesus!

  1. Go here and give to God through the local church from our website. The investment is eternal.  It lasts way longer than a big screen, toy, or new shoes.
  2. Give toward our Christmas Offering – simply use the keyword “Christmas” (see below).  Each and every gift counts – small and large.  We can’t all give the same amount, but we can each sacrifice.  And when all of us do that together, that’s when God does a miracle.  Our goal this year is $125,000.  With that money, we’ll be purchasing a second Box Truck and remodeling our old auditorium into a beautiful Chapel! 

Many people give to Coastal with their smartphone through TEXTING!  After a one step, one time registration process (takes less than 2 minutes), you simply text any amount to 843-277-8337 and hit send.  GIVE IT A TRY!  You can give any amount, any where, any time, any place.  It is not billed to your phone.  It is through your Bank/Credit Card that you register.  It is simple, safe, and secure.

Whether you and your family are here in Charleston or out of town this weekend, I hope to see you at Coastal on Sunday – in-person or online!  However, remember we are only having 1 in-person service this Sunday – 9:30am.  As always, the service will be online live at 9:30am, and rebroadcast online at 11:15am and 6pm. We kick off our “Christmas at Coastal” series on Sunday, December 5th.  Take advantage of this season and this series and invite your friends to church!

On a very personal note, I’m asking you to please pray for a friend of mine – Mike Diamond.  He has COVID-19, and I just found out that he’s been admitted to the hospital with pneumonia.  He’s had many respiratory issues over the years, so this is very serious.  I say my friend, but in all reality he’s my Dad.  He was the one who led me to the Lord, he was my Youth Pastor growing up, he was the best man in my wedding, he’s my mentor, my Pastor, and my spiritual Father.  I’m pretty sure I’ve talked to him every week of my life for the past 41 years.  Pray for his wife, his children, and his grand children.  Pray for his church.  He’s the Pastor of Victory Christian Church in Goose Creek, a small church that he started years ago.  I will keep you updated as I hear more.  Thank you! 

Pastor Chris

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, December 4th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!
    Seacoast Church Warming Shelter –  We will be assisting with meals for the new homeless warming shelter right around the corner from our church at Seacoast West Ashley.  Breakfast Bag Team, Saturday, December 4th, 6-8pm & Dinner Team, Sunday, December 5th, 5-8:30pm.  Both Teams will meet at Coastal’s Welcome Center.
    Neighbors Together (formerly Tri-County Ministries) –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, December 8th, 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    Patriot Villas Veterans Tailgate –  We will be putting on a Tailgate for the Veterans at Patriot Villas on Thursday, December 9th, 6-8:15pm.  Meet at Coastal’s Welcome Center.
    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes Friday, December 10th, 9:30am-11:30am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Our goal for our 9th Annual Christmas Offering is $125,000!  Now through the second Sunday of the New Year, January 9th (7 more weeks), we are encouraging our entire Coastal family to give above and beyond their regular tithes and offering to this year’s Christmas Offering.  To give, all you have to do is designate your gift “Christmas” on your check, offering envelope, card swiping “description”, online through Paypal, or TEXTing (843-277-8337).  You can give your gift during these 7 weeks at any of our regular Sunday morning services or anytime through TEXTing, our website, or our App.  You might also consider giving it all at once during one of our 3 Christmas Eve Services (Thursday, December 24th, 3pm, 4:30pm, & 6pm).  Our entire Christmas Eve offering will go toward our Annual Christmas Offering.  With this year’s offering we are purchasing a second box truck and remodeling our old auditorium. 
  3. Our Christmas at Coastal series kicks off on Sunday, December 5th!  Our new facility will be beautifully decorated and a great place to get pictures!  Sunday, December 19th is going to be “Ugly Christmas Sweater Day” at Coastal!  We’re encouraging everyone to break out and wear that ugly Christmas sweater!  We’ll have 3 special Christmas Eve Services on Friday, December 24th at 3pm, 4:30pm, and 6pm.  Childcare (Birth-5th Grade) will be provided for all 3 Christmas Eve services with a Christmas Pajama Party for children 2 years old and up.
  4. Don’t forget – there will only be one in-person service THIS Sunday, November 28th at 9:30am.  The service will be online at 9:30am live and replayed online again at 11:15am and 6pm on Sunday.  If you’ve got friends and family in town from Thanksgiving, bring them with you to church!
  5. If you’re fairly new to Coastal, a great next step is our Newcomers Reception.  Our next Newcomers Reception is Sunday, December 5th, in the new Gather Space next to the cafe immediately following the 11:15am service (at approximately 12:30pm).  This is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, as well as meet some other new people.  You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.

    P.S. SPRING LIFE GROUP LEADERS! If you are interested in Leading, Co-Leading, or Hosting a Spring 2022 LIFE Group in-person or online, sign up on your Connect Card.  For more details or to answer any of your questions, please reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at

Friday’s 5 – 11-19-21

First of all, I just want to thank everyone who participated in Operation Christmas Child this year!  It looks like we filled around 900 shoeboxes this year!  I say around 900 because we had multiple people take shoeboxes directly over to Charleston Baptist after we had already loaded ours up and taken them over.  Plus you can still build boxes online until November 22nd. Go to Coastal’s Build a Shoebox Online Challenge Page and for only $25 you can build shoeboxes that are used to reach “the ends of the earth – hard to reach places.”  Here’s the link  Think about it – that’s over 900 opportunities to share and experience the life and love of Jesus with children around the world!  And as we say here at Coastal, if you change a child’s life, you change the world!  Thanks for being a world changer!

Also, I want to encourage you to come tonight to our Night of Worship, 7pm, here in our main auditorium.  And that’s exactly what it’s going to be – a night of worship and praise, singing to and about our awesome God!  You need this.  We need this.  The Holidays tend to be a very stressful time of the year for a lot of people.  Add that to the stress of this past year, plus just the normal stuff of life, and you have a recipe for disaster.  The theme of the night is peace.  Come worship and experience the Prince of Peace together with your church family.  This service will NOT be online.  It’s in-person only.  Honestly, I think that’s good sometimes for a church.  There is just something powerful and different about the gathered church.  In fact, all through the Bible you find example after example of God moving in powerful ways when His people gathered together to worship Him.  Come and gather with us – 7pm tonight, childcare only for children Birth-Kindergarten.  Everyone else will be in the auditorium.  I hope to see you!

Have you and your family prayed about what you can give to our Christmas Offering this year (see below)?  Have you made an initial gift?  Our goal this year is $125,000.  Big Goal.  But guess what?  After just one week, we’ve already received $22,935!  How awesome is that?!  As we’ve learned time and time again, not everyone can give the same amount, but everyone can make the same sacrifice.  The amount will look different from person to person, family to family.  What’s a sacrifice to one family, might not be a sacrifice to another.  But, when we all sacrifice together and give generously by faith, that’s when God shows up and does a miracle!  What do we say at Coastal?  We’re going to work like it all depends on us, pray like it all depends of God, walk by faith, trust God with the results, and celebrate what He does in our midst!

We wrap up our series on the Fruit of the Spirit this Sunday.  I’ll be talking about self-control.  I hope you’ll make it and that you invite and bring a friend.  I also hope you’ll make a real push to invite and bring someone over the month of December and especially Christmas Eve (see below).  People are open to spiritual things throughout the Holidays.  Leverage that, use that openness for the Kingdom.  People are most open to an invitation to church during times of trouble, transition, and tension.  That pretty much describes the times in which we live.  And people especially feel that way during the Holidays.  Pray for the open door and then boldly walk through it.  What’s the worst thing that could happen?  They say no.  What’s the best thing that could happen?  They could give their life to Jesus, and you were just used by God to help change someone’s eternity.  It doesn’t get any better than that!  I love you Coastal!  And I love being your Pastor!  I never want to take that for granted, and I never want to take for granted what God is doing through our church!

Pastor Chris

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes TODAY, November 19h, 9:30am-11:30am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
    Thanksgiving at Joseph Floyd Manor –  Wednesday, November 24th, 9:30am-1pm, we’re going to be putting on a huge Thanksgiving Meal for the folks at Joseph Floyd Manor.  The food is covered, but we really need volunteers to come and serve.  Joseph Floyd Manor is public assistance housing and has a large number of low income elderly and disabled people.  Meet at the church.
    Neighbors Together (formerly Tri-County Ministries) –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, November 24th (and Wednesday, December 8th), 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, December 4th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Our goal for our 9th Annual Christmas Offering is $125,000!  Now through the second Sunday of the New Year, January 9th (8 more weeks), we are encouraging our entire Coastal family to give above and beyond their regular tithes and offering to this year’s Christmas Offering.  To give, all you have to do is designate your gift “Christmas” on your check, offering envelope, card swiping “description”, online through Paypal, or TEXTing (843-277-8337).  You can give your gift during these 8 weeks at any of our regular Sunday morning services or anytime through TEXTing, our website, or our App.  You might also consider giving it all at once during one of our 3 Christmas Eve Services (Thursday, December 24th, 3pm, 4:30pm, & 6pm).  Our entire Christmas Eve offering will go toward our Annual Christmas Offering.  With this year’s offering we are purchasing a second box truck and remodeling our old auditorium. 
  3. Our Christmas at Coastal series kicks off on Sunday, December 5th!  Our new facility will be beautifully decorated and a great place to get pictures!  Sunday, December 19th is going to be “Ugly Christmas Sweater Day” at Coastal!  We’re encouraging everyone to break out and wear that ugly Christmas sweater!  We’ll have 3 special Christmas Eve Services on Friday, December 24th at 3pm, 4:30pm, and 6pm.  Childcare (Birth-5th Grade) will be provided for all 3 Christmas Eve services with a Christmas Pajama Party for children 2 years old and up.
  4. Don’t forget – there will only be one in-person service on Sunday, November 28th (the Sunday after Thanksgiving) at 9:30am.  The service will be online at 9:30am live and replayed online again at 11:15am and 6pm on Sunday.  If you’ve got friends and family in town from Thanksgiving, bring them with you to church!
  5. If you’re fairly new to Coastal, a great next step is our Newcomers Reception.  Our next Newcomers Reception is Sunday, December 5th, in the new Gather Space next to the cafe immediately following the 11:15am service (at approximately 12:30pm).  This is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, as well as meet some other new people.  You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.

    P.S. SPRING LIFE GROUP LEADERS! If you are interested in Leading, Co-Leading, or Hosting a Spring 2022 LIFE Group in-person or online, sign up on your Connect Card.  For more details or to answer any of your questions, please reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at

Friday’s 5 – 11-12-21

Shoeboxes, Shoeboxes Shoeboxes!  Don’t forget, all filled and completed shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child must be returned by this Sunday!  You can also build and send these boxes directly through OCC’s website without even leaving your home!  Go to Coastal’s Build a Shoebox Online Challenge Page and for only $25 you can build shoeboxes that are used to reach “the ends of the earth – hard to reach places.”  Here’s the link  Together, with Christians all around the country, we get to be a part of reaching thousands of children all around the world!  How exciting is that!  None of this would be possible without YOU and your generosity!

And speaking of Christmas and generosity, I hope you saw my email yesterday about this year’s Annual Christmas Offering!  Our goal is big – $125,000!  But I believe that over the next 9 weeks, with God’s help, together we can reach it!  Beginning this Sunday, November 14th, through the second Sunday of the New Year, January 9th (9 weeks), we are encouraging our entire Coastal family to give above and beyond their regular tithes and offering to this year’s Christmas Offering.  To give, all you have to do is designate your gift “Christmas” on your check, offering envelope, card swiping “description”, online through Paypal, or TEXTing (843-277-8337).  You can give your gift during those 9 weeks (Nov. 14th – Jan. 9th) at any of our regular Sunday morning services or anytime through TEXTing, our website, or our App.  You might also consider giving it all at once during one of our 3 Christmas Eve Services (Friday, December 24th, 3pm, 4:30pm, & 6pm).  Our entire Christmas Eve offering will go toward our Annual Christmas Offering. 

So what are we going to do with that $125,000?  Mainly 2 things: 1. We are going to be purchasing our SECOND “Box Truck”!  Given the popularity of the tailgating outreach at Coastal, the number of volunteers who attend these types of events, and the impact made in the community, the deployment of a 2nd truck would potentially double the impact of our outreach efforts.   2. We’re going to remodel our old auditorium into a Chapel.  As a Chapel, it will serve many purposes – not only for kids, but for students, overflow worship, LIFE Groups, community meeting space, weddings, and funerals.  Specifically, we hope that this Christmas Offering will help purchase the flooring, paint, chairs, lighting & AV equipment. 

So, start praying about what you and your family can give toward this offering and maybe make an initial gift this weekend.  Remember, this offering should be over and above what you regularly give.  If you’re not regularly giving (weekly, monthly), use this time of year and this offering to start.  If you’re not tithing (10% of your gross income), step out in faith and start tithing.  Reaching this goal will be a celebration of what God can do through our church as together we stretch our faith.  Again, simply use the keyword “Christmas” whenever and however you give toward the Christmas Offering.

And speaking of generosity – I say it all the time – I want our church to be known in the community as a generous church.  Well, you might be wondering what we did with all the cases and equipment that we were setting up for the past year for Coastal Kidz over at Orange Grove Middle School?  WE GAVE IT AWAY to a new church plant in Roswell, GA!  We probably saved them $50,000!  Here’s a part of an email we got back from them:  

  • “I wanted to reach back out to you and tell you how incredibly thankful we are! We were able to open and go through everything today with our Children’s Director… and she was blown away!  You guys are such a blessing to us and our mission to reach Roswell, GA. Thanks for being an example of radical generosity that we will be able to model in the future. We pray for blessings on your staff and church as you all enter into this new season of ministry!  With the supplies you donated to us we are able to provide an incredible environment for our families and the children of the community! Again, I can’t say enough how thankful we are!” 

Thank you Coastal for your continued generosity!  I love you and I love being your Pastor!  Have a great Friday!  Can’t wait to see you over the weekend – Saturday: Membership Class 9am at the church (or Zoom – see below), chair set-up at 9:30am, Tailgating at the Pink House 10am (see below), or Sunday: Worship in-person or online, 9:30am & 11:15am!  Oh and speaking of Sunday services, there will only be one in-person service on Sunday, November 28th (the Sunday after Thanksgiving) at 9:30am.

Pastor Chris

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes on Friday, November 19h, 9:30am-11:30am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
    Thanksgiving at Joseph Floyd Manor –  Wednesday, November 24th, 9:30am-1pm, we’re going to be putting on a huge Thanksgiving Meal for the folks at Joseph Floyd Manor.  The food is covered, but we really need volunteers to come and serve.  Joseph Floyd Manor is public assistance housing and has a large number of low income elderly and disabled people.  Meet at the church.
    Neighbors Together (formerly Tri-County Ministries) –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, November 24th, 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Our Divorce Care Support Group is having a “Surviving the Holidays” seminar on Tuesday night, November 16th, 6:30pm-8:30pm.  To RSVP or for more information on Divorce Care contact Tracy Trunkle at  or register at  This event will help you discover how to deal with emotions, give helpful tips on how to survive holiday social events, and discover hope for the future.    Spread the word – the Group and this event are open to the public!
  3. Our Christmas at Coastal series kicks off on Sunday, December 5th!  Our new facility will be beautifully decorated and a great place to get pictures!  Sunday, December 19th is going to be “Ugly Christmas Sweater Day” at Coastal!  We’re encouraging everyone to break out and wear that ugly Christmas sweater!  We’ll have 3 special Christmas Eve Services on Friday, December 24th at 3pm, 4:30pm, and 6pm.  Childcare (Birth-5th Grade) will be provided for all 3 Christmas Eve services with a Christmas Pajama Party for children 2 years old and up.
  4. Mark your calendars now!  Coastal will be hosting a Night of Worshipon Friday night, November 19th, from 7-8:30pm.  Invite your friends and family to join us for an evening of worship, prayer, and encouragement.  Childcare will be provided for Birth to Kindergarten.  This service will be in-person only.  Don’t miss it!
  5. If you’re fairly new to Coastal, a great next step is our Newcomers Reception.  Our next Newcomers Reception is Sunday, December 5th, in the new Gather Space next to the cafe immediately following the 11:15am service (at approximately 12:30pm).  This is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, as well as meet some other new people.  You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.

    P.S. SPRING LIFE GROUP LEADERS! If you are interested in Leading, Co-Leading, or Hosting a Spring 2022 LIFE Group in-person or online, sign up on your Connect Card.  For more details or to answer any of your questions, please reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at

Annual Christmas Offering

I am so excited to share with you our plans for our 9th Annual Christmas Offering!  Over the years, this offering has made a huge IMPACT on our ministry!

For example, the Christmas Offering has enabled us to:

  • fully fund our “Summer of IMPACT”
  • complete a well for a community in Haiti 
  • re-roof our entire building 
  • renovate a home for a family on Wadmalaw Island
  • fully fund our Summer VBS
  • pay down the cost of Camp & the Winter Retreat for our Student Ministry
  • pay for our Easter Outreach
  • pay for the Oakland Elementary School Annual T-Shirt 
  • buy our first Box Truck for Community Outreach 

God has used our church and the Christmas Offering to do all of that and so much more!   Well, beginning THIS Sunday, November 14th, through the second Sunday of the New Year, January 9th (9 weeks), we are encouraging our entire Coastal family to give above and beyond their regular tithes and offering to this year’s Christmas Offering.

To give, all you have to do is designate your gift “Christmas” on your check, offering envelope, card swiping “description”, online through Paypal, or TEXTing (843-277-8337).  You can give your gift during those 9 weeks (Nov. 14th – Jan. 9th) at any of our regular Sunday morning services or anytime through TEXTing, our website, or our App.  You might also consider giving it all at once during one of our Christmas Eve Services.  Our entire Christmas Eve offering will go toward our Annual Christmas Offering.

Why a Special Offering?  It’s a way for us to grow in our faith and to prepare us for what God wants to do through our church in a bigger way in 2022.  It’s a way for us to sacrifice together as a church family and give generously.  Christmas is all about giving.  Many people, during this time of year, are in fact looking for opportunities to give.  And there is no better place to give than to your local church.

What is our goal and where is the money going?  Our overall goal is $125,000 – our largest Christmas Offering to date!  Is that a big goal?  Yes!  Can we reach it?  Absolutely!  As always, I am very excited about where this year’s money will be going and the potential Kingdom impact.  The money will be used for Community Outreach & Remodeling Our Old Auditorium.  Let me specifically explain each:

  • Community Outreach.  This year I’m excited to announce that we are going to be purchasing our SECOND “Box Truck”!  Since purchasing our first Box Truck we have hosted 39 Tailgate Parties serving the homeless, hurting, and hungry all over Charleston.  The average tailgate provides food for approximately 200 people.  A quick run of the math concludes that the box truck in its first year of service has fed approximately 7,800 people!  Tailgating is arguably one of the most popular serving opportunities at Coastal. On average, a tailgate event will draw as many as 40 volunteers.  Most of our church’s tailgates typically require 12 to 15 volunteers.  Given the popularity of the tailgating outreach at Coastal, the number of volunteers who attend these types of events, and the impact made in the community, the deployment of a 2nd truck would potentially double the impact of our outreach.  As part of the Christmas offering, we’d also replace our grills to units that are more robust and able to endure the stresses of our outreach events.  We’d also improve and expand exterior lighting on the vehicles so that Coastal can host a greater number of evening outreach events.
  • Remodeling our old auditorium.  For the past year, during construction, our old auditorium has served as storage for EVERYTHING in our old building.  Now that we’ve moved into our new facility, we’re going to remodel the old auditorium and transform it into a Chapel.  Prior to construction, that space was used very specifically as a Children’s Auditorium for our 1st-5th Graders.  Now, as a Chapel, it will serve many purposes – not only for kids, but for students, overflow worship, LIFE Groups, community meeting space, weddings, and funerals.  Specifically, we hope that this Christmas Offering will help purchase the flooring, paint, chairs, & AV equipment.

How much should you give?  Prayerfully consider giving a gift that will stretch your faith and include your whole family.  For some people, coming up with “extra” money is difficult.  We’ve learned that as we give, God provides.  Maybe you decide to give up eating out or buying coffee for 9 weeks and give that money to the Christmas Offering.  Maybe you sell something or have a yard sale.  For some people $1000 above your regular giving is a huge sacrifice.  For others, it’s not.  

Maybe there is someone who might be willing to give a large matching gift this year.  Just like our “Daring Faith” Giving Campaign that has enabled us to build our new building and all the other Christmas Offerings we’ve done in the past, we can’t all give the same amount, but TOGETHER, we can ALL make a sacrifice.  That’s when God does a miracle, when together we ALL step out in faith.

Remember, this offering should be over and above what you regularly give.  If you’re not regularly giving (weekly, monthly), use this time of year to start.  If you’re not tithing (10% of your gross income), step out in faith and start tithing.  Reaching this goal will be a celebration of what God can do through us as together we stretch our faith.

Merry Christmas!
Pastor Chris Rollins

P.S. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  The easiest and fastest way to give to the Christmas Offering is through TEXTing.  Simply TEXT any amount followed by the word “Christmas” to 843-277-8337 (Example:  “$100 Christmas”).  If you haven’t signed up for TEXT-to-Give it’s a quick, simple, and secure process!


Friday’s 5 – 11-5-21

WOW! WOW! WOW!  Grand Opening Weekend was truly AMAZING at Coastal!  Honestly, we really didn’t know what to expect at the Open House on Friday night.  Would anyone actually show up and drop-by?  Well, show up you did!  In fact, several hundred people showed up!  And then Sunday came – the Grand Opening – our first official Sunday using our new space.  I was speechless!  It all started with our VIP Volunteer Meeting at 9am.  We were two deep with Volunteers in our circle in the new Gather Space.  And speaking of Volunteers, I can’t say enough good things about all of our Sunday morning LIFE Team Volunteers.  You guys ROCK!  From First Impressions, to the Cafe, to Security, to Coastal Kidz, to Worship and Tech, and the Prayer Team – all of you showed up in full force and served with love, joy, and excellence!  I am so proud of all of you and can’t thank you enough!  We had 662 people in person and another 475 people online!  I think my jaw was sore Sunday afternoon from all the smiling.  Finally seeing all the children in their classrooms, playing on the playgrounds, seeing all the people in the Gather Space getting coffee and snacks from the new Cafe, talking and connecting before and after services – it all filled my heart with so much joy and gratitude! 

But like I said on Sunday, God is not finished with us and we’re just getting started!  We’re going to keep loving, keep serving, and keep sharing and experiencing the LIFE and LOVE with Jesus with Charleston and the world!  The new facility is just a tool to leverage towards that end.  We’re going to use it, fill it up, add another service and keep growing!

If you were unable to be a part of Grand Opening weekend in-person, no worries!  I can’t wait to see you this Sunday or very soon.  And for those of you who came in person for the first time in a long time, I can’t tell you how great it was to see you.  You made my day!  There’s just something about the “gathered church” that being online can’t replace.  It’s a great tool, one that we’re going to continue to use and improve, but don’t think for a second that it’s the same.  It’s not.  For those of you who have not yet returned to in-person worship, it’s time to come home.  Use the opening of the new facility as a great time to return.  In fact, the opening of the new facility is an opportunity for all of us to use to invite and bring friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to come and see. 

For those of you who were a part of our “Daring Faith” Giving Campaign or you have given generously and consistently to our church, thank you!  We could not do what we do – including this new facility – without you.  Now let’s finish what we started.  We have 1 year left in our “Daring Faith” Campaign.  Continue to give in faith.  For those of you who weren’t a part of “Daring Faith” or who don’t give consistently or generously, it’s time to start – not for us, but for you.  You are missing out on the joy of giving and the blessing of God. 

Back to Volunteers for just a moment – don’t think for a second that we have all the Volunteers we need and that there’s not a place for you.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  There is a place for you and you are needed!  Go to our website, check out all the LIFE Teams, and sign up to Volunteer today!

One last thing, speaking of leveraging our new facility.  If there are any stay at home parents with small children looking for a fun play date, feel free to use our indoor & outdoor playgrounds, Monday-Thursday, 9am-3pm.  And yes, feel free to invite and bring other friends with kids to join you.  Or maybe you’re looking for a quiet place to work, use the internet, get away from your office or home office for a bit, feel free to utilize our great Gather Space during those same times.  We have a great facility – now let’s use it!

I jump back into our series on the Fruit of the Spirit this weekend, and I’ll be talking about faithfulness.  Read Luke 7:1-10 in preparation for my message on Sunday. And this Sunday is Time Change!  Enjoy that “extra” hour as your clocks “Fall Back” one hour.  I love you Coastal, and I love being your Pastor!  I hope to see you Saturday at “Saturday Serve” and on Sunday for worship!

Pastor Chris

  1. Just a couple more weeks to pick up and return your shoeboxes for  Operation Christmas Child! Simply pray and ask God how many shoeboxes He wants you to fill, take home the shoeboxes we provide, pack them as a family, and then bring back your completed boxes to the church between now and Sunday, November 14th.  Our kiosk in the Welcome Center is filled with shoeboxes ready to take home!  This is a GREAT opportunity for you to teach your children about generosity, the true meaning of Christmas, and the love of Jesus.  You can also build and send these boxes directly through OCC’s website without even leaving your home!  Go to Coastal’s Build a Shoebox Online Challenge Page and for only $25 you can build shoeboxes that are used to reach “the ends of the earth – hard to reach places” by abiding by strict custom regulations.  Here’s the link  Help us reach our goal of packing over 1000 shoeboxes this year and share the love of Jesus with children all around the world!
  2. Winter Retreat signups are open for all 6th-12th graders!Winter Retreat is Jan. 15-17 in Pigeon Forge, TN with worship led by Rush of Fools & concerts by Crowder & Kari Jobe. Speakers are: Scott Dawson, Ed Newton, KB, & Ben Stuart. The cost is $225. Students can sign up on their Connect Card or on 
    Sign up today for the best weekend of the year!
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is THIS Saturday (tomorrow), November 6th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, November 9th, 8am-1pm.
    Neighbors Together (formerly Tri-County Ministries) –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, November 10th, 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, November 12th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, Saturday, November 13th, 10am-1pm.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  4. We’re serving our community by rolling up our sleeves – literally! As part of our November 6th Saturday Serve, Coastal is hosting a Blood Drive from 8:30am-12:30pm at the church.  Every donor will receive a $10 gift card. You can use that gift card to meet your own needs or you can donate the gift card back to the church where we’ll use it to help struggling neighbors in our community. Let’s come together as a church and donate life! You can easily sign up for a convenient time slot by clicking here:
  5. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, November 13th, 9-11:30am. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  6. Our Divorce Care Support Group is having a “Surviving the Holidays” seminar on Tuesday night, November 16th, 6:30pm-8:30pm.  To RSVP or for more information on Divorce Care contact Tracy Trunkle at  or register at  This event will help you discover how to deal with emotions, give helpful tips on how to survive holiday social events, and discover hope for the future.    Spread the word – the Group and this event are open to the public!

    P.S. Mark your calendars now!  Coastal will be hosting a Night of Worship on Friday night, November 19th, from 7-8:30pm.  Invite your friends and family to join us for an evening of worship, prayer, and encouragement.  Childcare will be provided for Birth to Kindergarten.

Friday’s 5 – 10-29-21

Woohoo!  It’s hard to believe it’s finally here – Grand Opening Weekend!  Can you believe it?  I’m not sure I can!  I don’t use the word “surreal” very often, because I think it’s way over used.  But it feels appropriate for this moment.  We’re having an Open House Party, TONIGHT, 6-8pm, and YOU ARE INVITED!  There will be food, balloons, music, pictures of the past year, and you’ll be able to walk through all the classrooms, playgrounds, and office space!  Don’t miss it!  Come and celebrate with us!  It’s a drop by, so even if you’ve got other plans, drop by and celebrate with us!

And then, THISSunday, October 31st will be our Grand Opening Sunday!! Our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry will be meeting in their new facility! It’s going to be a great day! Invite and bring your friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors! If you serve in Coastal Kidz, Cafe, 1st Impressions, or Security, contact your LIFE Team Leaders and let them know you’re willing to jump in wherever needed.  It’s going to be an “all hands on deck” kind of day!  And if you’re interested in serving, there IS a place for you!  Respond to this email, and we’ll get you connected.  I hope to see you over the weekend!

On Sunday, please park as far away as possible to make room for our guests.  If you have kids, please come early to help check-in go as smoothly as possible.  While the new drive/road around the back of our building will be open, parking in the very back of our property will not be available yet.  We need to wait on the grass to grow.  You WILL be able to park immediately down the first drive and next to the old auditorium.  Please try to come to the Open House.  That’s really the time to walk around the entire new facility and check everything out.  On Sunday morning, during services, Coastal Kidz will be a secure space and only parents, volunteers, and children going to class will be able to enter.  Tonight you can park over at Orange Grove Middle School if our parking lot is full. If you have any questions, please reach out.

And one more thing, I don’t do this very often, but I’m asking everyone to give something above and beyond this weekend as a way to simply give thanks to God for everything He has done and provided for us through this new building.  I don’t care about the amount, that’s between you and God, but let it serve as a tangible way to recognize your excitement, gratitude, and desire to leverage everything we have (including this new facility) for the Kingdom of God. 

I love you Coastal, and I love being your Pastor!  And I can’t wait to see you and your friends over the weekend!  Together, let’s mark this moment in time and celebrate everything God has done in our midst!

Pastor Chris 

  1. Just a couple more weeks to pick up and return your shoeboxes for  Operation Christmas Child! Simply pray and ask God how many shoeboxes He wants you to fill, take home the shoeboxes we provide, pack them as a family, and then bring back your completed boxes to the church between now and Sunday, November 14th.  Our kiosk in the Welcome Center is filled with shoeboxes ready to take home!  This is a GREAT opportunity for you to teach your children about generosity, the true meaning of Christmas, and the love of Jesus.  You can also build and send these boxes directly through OCC’s website without even leaving your home!  Go to Coastal’s Build a Shoebox Online Challenge Page and for only $25 you can build shoeboxes that are used to reach “the ends of the earth – hard to reach places” by abiding by strict custom regulations.  Heres the link  Help us reach our goal of packing over 1000 shoeboxes this year and share the love of Jesus with children all around the world!
  2. Winter Retreat signups are open for all 6th-12th graders!Winter Retreat is Jan. 15-17 in Pigeon Forge, TN with worship led by Rush of Fools & concerts by Crowder & Kari Jobe. Speakers are: Scott Dawson, Ed Newton, KB, & Ben Stuart. The cost is $225. Students can sign up on their Connect Card or on 
    Sign up today for the best weekend of the year!
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, November 6th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, November 9th, 8am-1pm.
    Neighbors Together (formerly Tri-County Ministries) –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, November 10th, 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, November 12th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, Saturday, November 13th, 10am-1pm.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  4. We’re serving our community by rolling up our sleeves – literally! As part of our November 6th Saturday Serve, Coastal is hosting a Blood Drive from 8:30am-12:30pm at the church.  Every donor will receive a $10 gift card. You can use that gift card to meet your own needs or you can donate the gift card back to the church where we’ll use it to help struggling neighbors in our community. Let’s come together as a church and donate life! You can easily sign up for a convenient time slot by clicking here:
  5. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, November 13th, 9-11:30am. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  6. Two of our Support Groups –  Grief Share & Divorce Care –  are both having a “Surviving the Holidays” seminar.  Grief Share’s seminar will be Thursday night, November 4th, 6:30pm-8:30pm.  To RSVP or for more information on Grief Share contact Sue Muoio at  or register at  Divorce Care’s seminar will be Thursday night, November 16th, 6:30pm-8:30pm.  To RSVP or for more information on Divorce Care contact Tracy Trunkle at  or register at  Both of these events will help you discover how to deal with emotions, give helpful tips on how to survive holiday social events, and discover hope for the future.    Spread the word – both of these Groups and this event are open to the public!

    P.S. Mark your calendars now!  Coastal will be hosting a Night of Worship on Friday night, November 19th, from 7-8:30pm.  Invite your friends and family to join us for an evening of worship, prayer, and encouragement.  Childcare will be provided for Birth to Kindergarten.

Friday’s 5 – 10-22-21

This Sunday we’ll be in week 6 of our series on the Fruit of the Spirit, which means I’ll be talking about goodness.  “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness. . .”  One of the main points that we’ve made in this series is that the fruit of the Spirit is a gift.  In other words, it is received by grace at salvation.  That gift must then be developed.  But God isn’t going to force you.  And it doesn’t happen automatically.  We have to work at it.  We have to cooperate with God in the process – not out of fear or obligation.  Heaven is already ours if Jesus is in our life.  But we strive for goodness out of love and appreciation for what God has already done for us – out of a desire that God puts in our hearts to be truly good.  

Philippians 1:6, “And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work (Notice that it is God’s work.  We are dependent on Him.  We can’t do it ourselves.) until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”What does that mean?  You see, even though when you become a follower of Jesus you are saved instantly and your eternity in heaven is secured instantly, it doesn’t mean you become “good” instantly.  

You begin a process (the theological word is “sanctification”) where you gradually become more and more like Jesus every day.  This continues the rest of your life – you cooperating with God to become good and develop all of the fruit of the Spirit in your life.  But you never completely finish that process on this side of eternity – not until the day you stand before Jesus at the end of your life and He makes you perfect in every way!

Coastal, don’t miss this Sunday AND please invite and bring a friend with you!  Invite your “ONE”, the person you’re praying for to receive Christ and come to faith.  I am specifically going to be talking about how we are made good in God’s eyes through faith in Christ.  I will be clearly sharing the good news of the Gospel, and I truly believe that people are going to be saved.  Will you join me in praying for that?  I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor!  And I can’t wait to see you and your friends on Sunday!

Pastor Chris 

  1. One of our favorite missions that we support here at Coastal is Operation Christmas Child (OCC) – sharing the love of Jesus and the Good News of the Gospel through gifts & supplies in a simple shoebox.  What we are asking our church (YOU) is to simply pray and ask God how many shoeboxes He wants you to fill, take home the shoeboxes we provide, pack them as a family, and then bring back your completed boxes to the church between now and Sunday, November 14th.  Our kiosk in the Welcome Center will be filled with shoeboxes ready to take home each Sunday.  This would be a GREAT opportunity for you to teach your children about generosity, the true meaning of Christmas, and the love of Jesus.  This year, you can also build and send these boxes directly through OCC’s website without even leaving your home!  Go to Coastal’s Build a Shoebox Online Challenge Page and for only $25 you can build shoesboxes that are used to reach “the ends of the earth – hard to reach places” by abiding by strict custom regulations.  Heres the link  Through this link, you will also see a running total of how many online boxes are built and credited to Coastal’s count for this year.  Help us reach our goal of packing over 1000 shoeboxes this year and share the love of Jesus with children all around the world!  Pray about how many boxes your family would be willing to pack, step out in faith, grab a few shoeboxes on Sunday, and help us do just that!
  2. Young Adults (18-25 years old) join us for Passion Conference in Atlanta, GA on Jan. 2-4! Join 40,000+ other 18-25 year olds while being challenged by God’s Word to be a movement of His love to this world with amazing speakers, artists, & musicians. You will worship, celebrate, grow in your faith, & build new friendships. Cost is $225 due by Nov. 30th. See more details and signup at
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday (TODAY), October 22nd, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, October 27th, 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes on Friday, October 29h, 9:30am-11:30am.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  4. We’re serving our community by rolling up our sleeves – literally! As part of our November 6th Saturday Serve, Coastal is hosting a Blood Drive from 8:30am-12:30pm at the church.  Every donor will receive a $10 gift card. You can use that gift card to meet your own needs or you can donate the gift card back to the church where we’ll use it to help struggling neighbors in our community. Let’s come together as a church and donate life! You can easily sign up for a convenient time slot by clicking here:
  5. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, November 13th, 9-11:30am. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  6. Two of our Support Groups –  Grief Share & Divorce Care –  are both having a “Surviving the Holidays” seminar.  Grief Share’s seminar will be Thursday night, November 4th, 6:30pm-8:30pm.  To RSVP or for more information on Grief Share contact Sue Muoio at  or register at  Divorce Care’s seminar will be Thursday night, November 16th, 6:30pm-8:30pm.  To RSVP or for more information on Divorce Care contact Tracy Trunkle at  or register at  Both of these events will help you discover how to deal with emotions, give helpful tips on how to survive holiday social events, and discover hope for the future.    Spread the word – both of these Groups and this event are open to the public!

    P.S. Mark your calendars now!  Coastal will be hosting a night of praise and worship on Friday night, November 19th, from 7-8:30pm.  Invite your friends and family to join us for an evening of worship, prayer, and encouragement.  Childcare will be provided for birth to kindergarten.

Friday’s 5 – 10-15-21

A good friend of mine pastors a church in New York City.  He says that he hears people say all the time, “New Yorkers are rude!”  His response,  “No, we’re just in a hurry.”  Haha – I’m not sure if either statement is completely accurate, but I do know this – rudeness and meanness are definitely on the rise today.  You see examples of that everywhere – people losing it on airplanes, cursing outbursts in grocery stores, fights at school board meetings, and the utter nastiness all over social media.  I mean people are more abusive of each other, physically and verbally, than at any other time before.  It just seems like people are on edge, ready to go off at any moment.  What we used to know as common courtesy is just not so common anymore.  Obviously, people are in a hurry today, but I think it’s more than that.  I think being self-absorbed is probably the #1 reason we aren’t kind anymore.  We are thinking about ourselves so much that we just don’t notice the opportunities we have all around us to show God’s love through kindness.

But we can’t let that happen.  And here’s why.  Because God gives us divine moments every day.  Moments where God orchestrates encounters between us and another person so that we can show them kindness in a way that might change their life, that might show them God’s love!  Kindness is so much more than just being nice or agreeable.  It’s not just NOT hurting someone else.  It’s love in action!  Kindness looks for a way to improve somebody’s life.  Kindness builds people up.  Again it’s LOVE IN ACTION.

And that’s what we’ll be talking about on Sunday as we continue our series on the Fruit of the Spirit.  “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness. . .”  Out of all of the fruit listed in Galatians 5, kindness may be one of the most underrated fruits on the stand and yet the most needed today.  The famous Quaker missionary, Stephen Grellet, once said, “I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.”  He’s right.  We only have one life to live.  I pray that God would open our eyes and our hearts to see all the opportunities for kindness around us and that we would actually DO them – love in action.  I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor!  And I can’t wait to see you and your friends on Sunday!

Pastor Chris

  1. One of our favorite missions that we support here at Coastal is Operation Christmas Child (OCC) – sharing the love of Jesus and the Good News of the Gospel through gifts & supplies in a simple shoebox.  What we are asking our church (YOU) is to simply pray and ask God how many shoeboxes He wants you to fill, take home the shoeboxes we provide, pack them as a family, and then bring back your completed boxes to the church between now and Sunday, November 14th.  Our kiosk in the Welcome Center will be filled with shoeboxes ready to take home each Sunday.  This would be a GREAT opportunity for you to teach your children about generosity, the true meaning of Christmas, and the love of Jesus.  This year, you can also build and send these boxes directly through OCC’s website without even leaving your home!  Go to Coastal’s Build a Shoebox Online Challenge Page and for only $25 you can build shoesboxes that are used to reach “the ends of the earth – hard to reach places” by abiding by strict custom regulations.  Heres the link  Through this link, you will also see a running total of how many online boxes are built and credited to Coastal’s count for this year.  Help us reach our goal of packing over 1000 shoeboxes this year and share the love of Jesus with children all around the world!  Pray about how many boxes your family would be willing to pack, step out in faith, grab a few shoeboxes on Sunday, and help us do just that!
  2. Young Adults (18-25 years old) join us for Passion Conference in Atlanta, GA on Jan. 2-4! Join 40,000+ other 18-25 year olds while being challenged by God’s Word to be a movement of His love to this world with amazing speakers, artists, & musicians. You will worship, celebrate, grow in your faith, & build new friendships. Cost is $225 due by Nov. 30th. See more details and signup at
    Patriot Villas Veterans Tailgate –  We will be putting on a Tailgate for the Patriot Villas, Wednesday, October 20th, 6pm-8:15pm. 
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, October 22nd, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, October 27th, 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes on Friday, October 29h, 9:30am-11:30am.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  4. We’re serving our community by rolling up our sleeves – literally! As part of our November 6th Saturday Serve, Coastal is hosting a Blood Drive from 8:30am-12:30pm at the church.  Every donor will receive a $10 gift card. You can use that gift card to meet your own needs or you can donate the gift card back to the church where we’ll use it to help struggling neighbors in our community. Let’s come together as a church and donate life! You can easily sign up for a convenient time slot by clicking here:
  5. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, November 13th, 9-11:30am. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  6. Two of our Support Groups –  Grief Share & Divorce Care –  are both having a “Surviving the Holidays” seminar.  Grief Share’s seminar will be Thursday night, November 4th, 6:30pm-8:30pm.  To RSVP or for more information on Grief Share contact Sue Muoio at  or register at  Divorce Care’s seminar will be Thursday night, November 16th, 6:30pm-8:30pm.  To RSVP or for more information on Divorce Care contact Tracy Trunkle at  or register at  Both of these events will help you discover how to deal with emotions, give helpful tips on how to survive holiday social events, and discover hope for the future.    Spread the word – both of these Groups and this event are open to the public!

    P.S. Mark your calendars now!  Coastal will be hosting a night of praise and worship on Friday night, November 19th, from 7-8:30pm.  Invite your friends and family to join us for an evening of worship, prayer, and encouragement.  Childcare will be provided.

Friday’s 5 – 10-8-21

This Sunday we’re in week 4 of our series on the Fruit of the Spirit, and I’ll be preaching on PATIENCE!!   “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience. . .”  Of all the fruit of the Spirit, I bet this is the one that most people would say is the one they need to work on the most.  So what is it?  Other translations use the word forebearance, long suffering.  That’s the idea here.  Being long tempered, the ability to be inconvenienced or even taken advantage of, and yet it doesn’t blow up, fly off the handle, or respond in kind.

Proverbs 14:29 says, “A patient man has great understanding, but a quick-tempered man displays folly.”  That’s a great description of this word.  It conveys the idea of being slow to get angry, of having a long fuse and a short memory.  Unfortunately, we get that turned around, some of us have a short fuse and a long memory.  The word literally means “wrath that is put far away.”  If we are being controlled by the Spirit, then fits of rage will be put far away.  Patient people are hard to provoke.  Their temper can absorb a lot before they “lose it.”

In Colossians 3:12 patience is one of the character traits that Paul mentions that we’re to literally clothe ourselves with, “Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clotheyourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.”  So patience is part of our new wardrobe in Christ.  It’s interesting, when Paul describes life outside of Christ, he often describes an angry life.  In fact, right before he lists the fruit of the Spirit, he gives us another list, remember?  And among the works of the flesh or the acts of the sinful nature that are listed earlier in Galatians 5, Paul mentions “hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, and factions.”  What do they all have in common?  They’re all rooted in irritation and anger.  We need a change of clothes!  We’re to put off those things, and in their place, put on compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.  The point is that these new clothes are a gift, but every day we have to choose to put them on.  Make the decision today to put on patience.  Come this Sunday and discover how!  I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor!  And I can’t wait to see you and your friends on Sunday!

Pastor Chris 

  1. One of our favorite missions that we support here at Coastal is Operation Christmas Child (OCC) – sharing the love of Jesus and the Good News of the Gospel through gifts & supplies in a simple shoebox.  What we are asking our church (YOU) is to simply pray and ask God how many shoeboxes He wants you to fill, take home the shoeboxes we provide, pack them as a family, and then bring back your completed boxes to the church between now and Sunday, November 14th.  Our kiosk in the Welcome Center will be filled with shoeboxes ready to take home each Sunday.  This would be a GREAT opportunity for you to teach your children about generosity, the true meaning of Christmas, and the love of Jesus.  This year, you can also build and send these boxes directly through OCC’s website without even leaving your home!  Go to Coastal’s Build a Shoebox Online Challenge Page and for only $25 you can build shoesboxes that are used to reach “the ends of the earth – hard to reach places” by abiding by strict custom regulations.  Heres the link  Through this link, you will also see a running total of how many online boxes are built and credited to Coastal’s count for this year.  Help us reach our goal of packing over 1000 shoeboxes this year and share the love of Jesus with children all around the world!  Pray about how many boxes your family would be willing to pack, step out in faith, grab a few shoeboxes on Sunday, and help us do just that!
  2. Coastal’s CARE Team coordinates baskets, meals, and cards for those in our church and community who need additional encouragement.  The CARE Team will be hosting an information and training session THIS Sunday, October 10th, at 6pm for anyone who is currently serving or interested in joining the Team.  RSVP to
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, THIS Saturday (TOMORROW), October 9th, 10am-1pm.
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, October 12th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at:1113 Sam Rittenberg Blvd. Charleston (Elks Lodge).
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, October 13th, 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    Joseph Floyd Manor Tailgate –  Our Tailgate will be rolling and serving our friends downtown at the Joseph Floyd Manor –  Thursday, October 14th, 9:30am-12:30pm. (Meet at the church at 9:30am)
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  4. Coastal is hosting “Celebrate Christmas at Joseph Floyd Manor” on Saturday, December 18th!  Are you interested in serving on the Planning Team as we prepare to host a Christmas Party to remember for the residents of Joseph Floyd Manor?  Let us know on your Connect Card, and we’ll reach out to you with more details.
  5. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, November 13th, 9-11:30am. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  6. Many of you might not be aware of this, but our church has a Grief Share Support Group that meets on Monday nights, 6:30pm at the church.  Grief Share is a support group for people who are grieving the loss of a loved one and need support, encouragement, and hope.  On Thursday night, November 4th, 6:30pm-8:30pm  our Grief Share Group is hosting a “Surviving the Holidays” seminar.  This event will help you discover how to deal with emotions, give helpful tips on how to survive holiday social events, and discover hope for the future.  Contact Sue Muoio at to RSVP or for more information or register at  Spread the word – the Group and this event are open to the public!

    P.S. Mark your calendars now!  Coastal will be hosting a night of praise and worship on Friday night, November 19th, from 7-8:30pm.  Invite your friends and family to join us for an evening of worship, prayer, and encouragement.  Childcare will be provided.

Friday 5 – 10-1-21

Probably the most asked question I get lately is, “When are we moving in to our new facility?”  Typically, my answer is, “As soon as I know, you will know.  And right now. . . I just don’t know.”  Several weeks ago, I mentioned that this weekend, October 3rd, was a possibility.  Well, that possibility has come and gone.  However, we are making big strides every day and we are getting very, very close.  Every Thursday afternoon I have an OAC Meeting (Owner, Architect, Contractor) and after this week’s meeting, there is a very strong possibility that we’ll have a temporary CO (Certificate of Occupancy) sometime at the end of next week.  Now, there are still several things that have to fall into place, but as I said, we are very, very close.  I really think our first Sunday fully occupying our new space will either be October 17th or 24th.  Once we get our CO, we still need about a week to move in all of “our stuff” and make sure all of our rooms and technology are ready and prepared for operation.  So once all that takes place, we’ll announce our Open House Party and Grand Opening Sunday Celebration!

I actually think it will be quite funny and fitting if we do get our CO sometime next weekend.  Why you ask?  Well because we’ll be in week 4 of our series on the Fruit of the Spirit, and I’ll be preaching on PATIENCE!!  Does God have a sense of humor or what?  This whole process has definitely been a lesson in patience.  But before we get to patience, this Sunday I’ll be talking about peace.  “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace. . .”  The Bible refers to God as the “God of peace.”  Jesus is called the “Prince of Peace.”

The last year and a half has been anything but peaceful. Just the opposite.  Turn on the news, and what do you see?  Terrorist bombings, school shootings, racial tension, and political hatred and division.  In fact, you honestly find yourself asking this question:  “Well, if Jesus is the Prince of Peace, did He fail?”  At the conclusion of Jesus’ ministry, before He goes back to Heaven, Jesus said this, John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”  And then in John 16:33, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.”  Jesus came to bring peace.  He said it Himself.  So, again, did Jesus fail?

Well, I think it all depends on how do you define peace?  The world defines peace as the absence of conflict, the absence of trouble.  But obviously, Jesus had something else in mind.  In fact, back in those verses in John, He said, “And the peace I give isn’t like the peace the world gives. In this world you will have trouble.”  So that can’t be the kind of peace He’s talking about.

I meet and talk to a lot of people.  You could say that comes with my job.  It’s really rare to find people who are at peace.  I talk to people all the time.  I meet people who are busy.  I meet people who are stressed out.  I meet people who are tired, who are beat down, relationally, financially, and emotionally.  I rarely meet people who are totally at peace, at peace with themselves, at peace with the world, and at peace with God.  What about you?  That really is the question of the day, are you at peace?  How would you answer that question?  Think it through.  Are you at peace in the different areas of your life?  Are you at peace relationally, financially, emotionally, physically?  Are you at peace with yourself?  Are you at peace with the other people in your life – your family, your friends, your co-workers?  And most importantly, are you at peace with God?  Don’t miss this Sunday as we continue this discussion.  I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor!  See you Sunday!

Pastor Chris 

  1. If you’re fairly new to Coastal, a great next step is our Newcomers Reception.  Our next Newcomers Reception is THIS Sunday, October 3rd, in the Welcome Center immediately following the 11:15am service (at approximately 12:30pm).  This is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, as well as meet some other new people.  You can respond to this email or sign up on our website.
  2. Coastal’s CARE Team coordinates baskets, meals, and cards for those in our church and community who need additional encouragement.  The CARE Team will be hosting an information and training session on Sunday, October 10th at 6pm for anyone who is currently serving or interested in joining the Team.  RSVP to
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is THIS Saturday, October 2nd (TOMORROW).  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!  If you’re coming, park over at Orange Grove Middle School and walk over.  It looks like they’ll be paving our new drive & road on Saturday!
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, Saturday, October 9th, 10am-1pm.
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, October 12th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at:1113 Sam Rittenberg Blvd. Charleston (Elks Lodge).
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, October 13th, 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    Joseph Floyd Manor Tailgate –  Our Tailgate will be rolling and serving our friends downtown at the Joseph Floyd Manor –  Thursday, October 14th, 9:30am-12:30pm. (Meet at the church at 9:30am)
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  4. Coastal is hosting “Celebrate Christmas at Joseph Floyd Manor” on Saturday, December 18th!  Are you interested in serving on the Planning Team as we prepare to host a Christmas Party to remember for the residents of Joseph Floyd Manor?  Let us know on your Connect Card, and we’ll reach out to you with more details.
  5. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, November 13th, 9-11:30am. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.

    P.S. Right now it looks as though they will probably be paving our new road and drive at the church this Saturday!  That’s a huge step as we move closer to opening up our new facility!  However, it does mean that on Saturday, we need everyone to park over at Orange Grove Middle School and walk over for Saturday Serve.  Thanks in advance for your flexibility, servant’s heart, and PATIENCE!! 

Friday’s 5 – 9-24-21

We’re in week 2 of our series on the “Fruit of the Spirit” and this week I’ll be talking about joy.  “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy. . .”  God wants to cultivate joy in your life.  However, joy is often misunderstood.  We tend to equate happiness with joy, and while there’s definitely some overlap, at the same time, there are some differences because they each spring from a different source.  For example, one comes from the world around me, and the other originates directly from the Spirit of the living God.

Happiness is based on happenings.  In other words, it’s conditioned by and dependent upon what’s happening to me – my circumstances.  If the sun is shining and people are nice and everything is going well in my life, then I am HAPPY!  But if my circumstances fluctuate and bottom out, well then I’m unhappy!

Joy, on the other hand, is different.  It’s not solely dependent upon what may or may not be happening to me in the moment.  In fact, since it originates with the Holy Spirit, it has a divine component that is capable of actually transcending my circumstances.  But let me give you a gentle caution.  I’m not suggesting that Biblical joy is about denying reality.  We live in a jacked-up, fallen world where we’re often confronted with things like pain, disappointment, stress, heartache, loss, anxiety, suffering, and death.

But if joy transcends our earthly circumstances, then hey, if you’re truly filled with it, doesn’t that mean that you’ll just skate right along above all those things?  You’re a joyful Christian, right?  Well, then surely you don’t ever get sad or fearful or stressed out or down or depressed!  Okay if that’s true, let me be the first to say, “Then I am not a Christian!”  I’m simply saying that Biblical joy is not about denying reality.  In fact, sometimes it’s experienced in the very midst of sadness and hardship and heartache.  Regardless of what you’re facing today, your life can be full of joy.  Philippians 4:4 (this week’s memory verse) reminds us of this, “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!”  So how do we make this joy a reality in our lives? How do we cultivate the fruit of joy?  Come to Coastal this Sunday and discover how!  I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor!  See you Sunday!

Pastor Chris 

  1. If you’re fairly new to Coastal, a great next step is our Newcomers Reception.  Our next Newcomers Reception is Sunday, October 3rd, in the Welcome Center immediately following the 11:15am service (at approximately 12:30pm).  This is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, as well as meet some other new people.  You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  2. Coastal’s CARE Team coordinates baskets, meals, and cards for those in our church and community who need additional encouragement.  The CARE Team will be hosting an information and training session on Sunday, October 10th at 6pm for anyone who is currently serving or interested in joining the Team.  RSVP to
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, TODAY, Friday, September 24th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, September 29th, 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, October 2nd.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, Saturday, October 9th, 10am-1pm.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  4. Coastal is hosting “Celebrate Christmas at Joseph Floyd Manor” on Saturday, December 18th!  Are you interested in serving on the Planning Team as we prepare to host a Christmas Party to remember for the residents of Joseph Floyd Manor?  Let us know on your Connect Card, and we’ll reach out to you with more details.
  5. Interested in serving in our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry (Birth-5th Grade)?  Go to our website, check out all the different volunteer positions, and sign up today!  It’s that easy!  If you have any questions, please reach out to Janet Rollins at or 843-442-8299. 

    P.S. Have you signed up for a LIFE Group yet?  As always, there are multiple ways to sign up for a Group, but you only have to sign up one time/one way.  You can sign up online from our website, on your Connect Card (in-person or online), or at the LIFE Group Tables/Sign-up sheets in the Welcome Center.  And this semester, we have the most Groups we’ve ever had – 29 different LIFE Groups – online and/or in-person Groups, activity Groups, study Groups, support Groups, and more!  There is something for EVERYONE!  Most of our Groups just started this week, so it’s not too late to sign up!  Make sure you check out our catalog and start signing up today!

Friday’s 5 – 9-17-21

We’re kicking off our new series on the Fruit of the Spirit this Sunday, September 19th!  Don’t miss it!  Our memory verse for this week is Galatians 5:22-23, which says, “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.”  Each week of the series, there will be a memory verse and a daily devotional which will be emailed out Monday through Saturday.  Several of our LIFE Groups are going to use small group questions that we provide each week to dig deeper into that week’s message. (By the way, most of our LIFE Groups start this coming week!  Woohoo!) 

This week’s sermon is on love.  In preparation for Sunday, I would encourage you to read through 1 Corinthians 13 – the love chapter of the Bible.  Some have suggested that this is the greatest, strongest, and deepest passage ever written about love.  It is, no doubt, the most read passage of scripture at weddings.  But it’s interesting, when Paul wrote this chapter, he was not thinking about weddings or romance, at least, not primarily.  Chapter 13 comes right in the middle of a lengthy discussion on the use of spiritual gifts in the church.  The Corinthians had turned that into a battle ground.  They argued about which gift was the most significant.  They were selfish and they were taking each other to court.  Seriously, the Corinthian church was literally plagued with disputes, dissension and division.

It was into THAT context that Paul introduced the Corinthians to a new kind of love – God’s love.  So as you read through 1 Corinthians 13, don’t just think about your spouse or your boyfriend or girlfriend.  Think about how you treat other people in the church, people you come into contact with in the community – where you live, work, parent, and play.  Jesus said, “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.”  You see, the distinguishing mark of a Christian is not a cross.  The sign of the Christian is not a crucifix.  It’s not a dove.  It’s not a fish on your car.  The distinguishing mark of a Christian is love.  So, how many people know that you are a Christian because of your loving lifestyle?  One of the most loving things you could do this week is to invite and bring someone to church with you!

Pastor Chris 

  1.  If you’re fairly new to Coastal, a great next step is our Newcomers Reception.  Our next Newcomers Reception is Sunday, October 3rd, in the Welcome Center immediately following the 11:15am service (at approximately 12:30pm).  This is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, as well as meet some other new people.  You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  2. Have you signed up for a LIFE Team yet – Coastal Kidz, First Impressions, Cafe, Security, Worship, Tech?  Our LIFE Teams are the volunteers who carry out the mission of Coastal.  To see a complete list of our LIFE Teams go to our website and sign up today!
    Patriot Villas Veterans Tailgate –  We will be putting on a Tailgate for the Patriot Villas, Thursday, September 22nd, 6pm-8pm.  Meet at church Welcome Center.
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, September 24th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, September 29th, 9:45am-12:30pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, October 2nd.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  4. Waves Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) is back and meeting regularly on Wednesday nights!  Doors will open at 6pm and all Students 6th-12th grade are invited to come out and join in a night of fellowship and growth from 6pm-8pm.  Food, games, worship, a Biblical message and small groups are all part of a Wednesday night at Waves Student Ministry, so invite and bring a friend!  For any questions, reach out to Pastor Scott at, 859-230-5129.
  5. Interested in serving in our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry (Birth-5th Grade)?  Go to our website, check out all the different volunteer positions, and sign up today!  It’s that easy!  If you have any questions, please reach out to Janet Rollins at or 843-442-8299. 

    P.S. Have you signed up for a LIFE Group yet?  As always, there are multiple ways to sign up for a Group, but you only have to sign up one time/one way.  You can sign up online from our website, on your Connect Card (in-person or online), or at the LIFE Group Tables/Sign-up sheets in the Welcome Center.  And this semester, we have the most Groups we’ve ever had – 29 different LIFE Groups – online and/or in-person Groups, activity Groups, study Groups, support Groups, and more!  There is something for EVERYONE!  Unless otherwise indicated, most of Groups begin the week of September 19th and last 8-12 weeks.  Make sure you check out our catalog and start signing up today!

Friday’s 5 – 9-10-21

I’M BACK!  Not that I’ve actually gone anywhere, but this Sunday I’m back preaching!  Before we kick off a new series (more about that in just minute), before we open up our new facility, I think it’s important to look back at where we’ve been, to mark this moment in time, and remember what and who got us here.  And that’s what I want us to do on Sunday.  So don’t miss it!  I really believe it’s going to be a powerful Sunday.

And then on the following Sunday, September 19th, I’ll be kicking off a brand new series that I’m very excited about.  It’s a 9 week series on the Fruit of the Spirit.  Galatians 5:22-23 says this, “But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.”

Earlier in Galatians the Apostle Paul uses this little phrase, “until Christ is fully developed in your life.”  That’s what the fruit of the Spirit is.  It’s a picture of Jesus fully developed in your life.  You see, Jesus is love.  Jesus is joy.  Jesus is peace.  Jesus is patience.  He’s kindness.  He’s goodness.  He’s faithfulness and gentleness and self-control.  And so each week, we’re going to look at each one of those qualities and talk about what it looks like to have that quality fully developed in your life.  And not only that, but we’re going to be giving everyone a daily devotional that follows along with each week of the series.  Several of our LIFE Groups are going to use small group questions that we provide each week to dig deeper into that week’s message.  I really believe it’s going to be a great series.  You’re not going to want to miss it.  In fact, I want to challenge you to invite and bring someone with you to church.

Our new facility is really taking shape!  I can’t wait for everyone to see it!  All the carpet and flooring has been installed, furniture has been delivered and unpacked, the indoor playground has been installed, and some of the concrete out front has been poured.  There are still a lot of details, technology, and sitework to be completed, but the end is definitely in sight.  It’s looking more and more like our first Sunday using the new facility will be October 3rd.  But again, as soon as I know, you will know, and we will PARTY!

I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor!

Pastor Chris 

  1. If you’re fairly new to Coastal, a great next step is our Newcomers Reception.  Our next Newcomers Reception is Sunday, October 3rd, in the Welcome Center immediately following the 11:15am service (at approximately 12:30pm).  This is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, as well as meet some other new people.  You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.
  2. Have you signed up for a LIFE Team yet – Coastal Kidz, First Impressions, Cafe, Security, Worship, Tech?  Our LIFE Teams are the volunteers who carry out the mission of Coastal.  To see a complete list of our LIFE Teams go to our website and sign up today!
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, TOMORROW, Saturday, September 11th, 10am-1pm.
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, September 14th, 8am-1pm.
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, September 15th, 9:45am-1pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  4. Waves Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) is back and meeting regularly on Wednesday nights!  Doors will open at 6pm and all Students 6th-12th grade are invited to come out and join in a night of fellowship and growth from 6pm-8pm.  Food, games, worship, a Biblical message and small groups are all part of a Wednesday night at Waves Student Ministry, so invite and bring a friend!  For any questions, reach out to Pastor Scott at, 859-230-5129.
  5. Interested in serving in our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry (Birth-5th Grade)?  Go to our website, check out all the different volunteer positions, and sign up today!  It’s that easy!   There will be a Training THIS Sunday night, September 12th, 5pm-6:30pm.  We will meet in the worship auditorium or you can attend through Zoom (  This will be a great time for us to pray, plan, and prepare for all that God has in store for Coastal KIdz as we move into our new facility. Plus you can get a sneek peek at our new facility! This is also a great time for returning or new volunteers to get connected in Children’s Ministry at Coastal.  If you have any questions or to RSVP, please reach out to Janet Rollins at or 843-442-8299. 

    P.S. Have you signed up for a LIFE Group yet?  As always, there are multiple ways to sign up for a Group, but you only have to sign up one time/one way.  You can sign up online from our website, on your Connect Card (in-person or online), or at the LIFE Group Tables/Sign-up sheets in the Welcome Center.  And this semester, we have the most Groups we’ve ever had – 29 different LIFE Groups – online and/or in-person Groups, activity Groups, study Groups, support Groups, and more!  There is something for EVERYONE!  Unless otherwise indicated, most of Groups begin the week of September 19th and last 8-12 weeks.  Make sure you check out our catalog and start signing up today!

Friday’s 5 – 9-3-21

So, have you signed up for a LIFE Group yet?  If you haven’t heard, we unveiled our 2021 Fall Semester LIFE Group Catalog last week!  You can go to our website right now, check out all the different Groups and sign up today.

But why?  Why should you sign up for a LIFE Group?  Let me give you 3 good reasons.  First of all, I need others to WALK with me.  In other words, I need people to help me grow spiritually.  Colossians 2:6, “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him…”  The Bible often calls your spiritual life, your walk.  Why?  Because life is a journey.  You’re always growing.  And all through the Bible we’re instructed how to walk this walk.  But this is important:  God never intended for you to walk through life alone.  Never.  Now some of you might say, “Well what’s wrong with walking alone? I like to walk alone.  I prefer to walk alone.  I get my own way when I walk alone.”  Well, that’s part of the problem, you’re not learning cooperation.  You’re not learning relationships.  You’re not learning love.

Hebrews 10:25 says this, “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another.”  I need people to encourage me in my daily walk.  And how do you do that?  He says, “By meeting together.”  He’s talking about community.  It’s possible that you don’t have community when you come to Coastal for worship.  Community is what develops over time when you do life with a small group of people.  You get to know them, and they get to know you.  You see, you could be in a crowd, you could come to church every week for years and still be lonely because you never know anybody.  We need a few people in our lives that we know really well, and they know us really well.  And we all need a place, a group, where we can practice relationships and learn to love.

Another reason you need to join a LIFE Group, I need others to WATCH OUT for me.  I need people who will defend me, who will protect me, who will stand up for me, who will help me stay on track, who will warn me.  I need people to watch out for me.

Philippians 2:4 says this, “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.”  Now that’s a countercultural statement because in America, everybody says, “It’s all about me, my needs, my interests, my hurts, and the rest of you, forget you because it’s all about me.”  And yet the Bible says, “Look out for one another’s interests.”

What do we do when we go out of town?  We find people to watch our pets and our stuff – because those things are important.  Well, let me ask you, do you have anybody looking out for your soul?  Because your soul is more important than your stuff – right?  Is there anybody who is helping you out in your spiritual journey?  Who’s watching out for you?  To make sure that you’re still growing?  To make sure that you’re not getting discouraged and depressed and feel like giving up?

Ecclesiastes 4:12, “A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back to back and conquer.  Three are even better for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.”  That’s why you need a LIFE group.  Who’s watching your back right now, spiritually?  And who’s back are you watching out for?  You can’t expect anybody to watch out for you if you’re not watching out for anybody else?  That’s one of the values of LIFE groups.  It gives us support.

A third reason you need a join a LIFE Group,  I need others to WAIT AND WEEP with me, to wait and weep with me.  What am I talking about here?  I need people who are going to be there in the inevitable crises of life.  Now as your pastor, I feel this one really deeply because I see it all the time.  There are many situations in life that nobody should ever have to go through alone.  Nobody should ever have to sit alone in a hospital, waiting during a life or death surgery.  No woman should have to wait alone while she’s waiting for a lab test from a problem pregnancy.  No man or woman should have to spend the night alone when the wife walks out, or the husband has walked out.  I could go on and on and on.  No one should ever have to stand at an open grave alone.

Now the fact is some of these things are going to happen in your life.  They are going to happen.  We’re all going to lose loved ones.  And only a fool would go through life unprepared for what they know is inevitably going to happen.  You need the support network in your life now because you don’t know when the crisis is going to come.  You need that support group.  You don’t need a hundred, but you do need five or six people in your life who are going to be there when you need them.  And the time to prepare is now.  We need each other.  We need other believers to walk with us, to watch out for us, and to wait and weep with us.  Those are just 3 reasons for joining a LIFE Group.  Check out our catalog and sign up today!

Pastor Chris 

    Don’t forget that THIS Sunday, September 5th (Labor Day Weekend), there will only be ONE in-person service – the 9:30am service.  There will be NO 11:15am service in-person.
  2. Have you signed up for a LIFE Team yet?  Our LIFE Teams are the volunteers who carry out the mission of Coastal.   To see a complete list of our LIFE Teams go to our website and sign up today!
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, September 4th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, Saturday, September 11th, 10am-1pm.
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, September 14th, 8am-1pm.
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, September 15th, 9:45am-1pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  4. Waves Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) is back and kicking off its Fall semester on Wednesday, September 8th!  Doors will open at 6pm and all students 6th-12th grade are invited to come out and join in a night of fellowship and growth from 6pm-8pm.  Food, games, worship, a Biblical message and small groups are all part of a Wednesday night at Waves Student Ministry, so invite and bring a friend!  The Students are also going Bowling this Sunday night, 6-8pm at Ashley Lanes!  For any questions, reach out to Pastor Ryan Spell at
  5. Interested in serving in our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry (Birth-5th Grade)?  Go to our website, check out all the different volunteer positions, and sign up today!  It’s that easy!   There will be a Training on Sunday, September 12th, 5pm-6:30pm.  We will meet in the worship auditorium, but we will not have childcare because we don’t have a place for it yet.  This will be a great time for us to pray, plan, and prepare for all that God has in store for Coastal KIdz as we move into our new facility hopefully in September. Plus you can get a sneek peek at our new facility! This is also a great time for returning or new volunteers to get connected in Children’s Ministry at Coastal.  If you have any questions or to RSVP for a Training time, please reach out to Janet Rollins at or 843-442-8299.

    P.S. Have you considered automating your giving? It’s a great way to stay consistent in your giving. You can do that through your Bank, through our TEXT to GIVE provider (843-277-8337), or our Offering Envelope.  If you have any questions you can call the church (843-571-1777) and Ashley will step you through it.  Just remember that the Ministry and IMPACT of Coastal continues whether you’re here on a Sunday or not.  And everything we do is made possible by your consistent, generous giving.  You can give through our website or simply text ANY amount to 843-277-8337.

Friday’s 5 – 8-27-21

I love what we do here on Sunday mornings!  I do!  I love the music.  I love watching people come to faith.  Coastal is an exciting place to be.  I don’t understand how you would ever want to miss it.  I love attracting a crowd and sharing the Good News of the Gospel with as many people as possible.  Jesus attracted a crowd.  There’s nothing wrong with large numbers of people.  The early church grew very large, very fast.

But. . . there is one weakness with a crowd.  It’s hard to grow in a crowd.  You don’t live out/walk out your faith in a crowd.  You need community.  You and I were created for community.  Now, at Coastal, what do we use to live out that community?  What do we call them?  LIFE Groups!  And this coming Sunday is LIFE GROUP SUNDAY!  What does that mean?  It means that we will be unveiling our 2021 Fall Semester LIFE Group Catalog and you can start signing up for a Group!

I love our LIFE Groups.  I love the community I’ve experienced over the years in our LIFE Groups.  I love that I have 3 o’clock in the morning friends because of a LIFE Group I’ve been a part of.  I love that I know many of your stories and you know mine because we’ve been in a LIFE Group together over the years.  I love that the first call many people here at Coastal make when they’re in need is their LIFE Group members and leaders – not me.

Notice what the Bible says in Romans 12:5, “Since we are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other and each of us needs all the others.”  We need each other!  So let me just be as straight forward as I can and tell you exactly what I want you to do.  I want everyone here at Coastal to join a LIFE Group!  It’s as simple as that.  I want to challenge you to make the time, re-prioritize your life, and get in a LIFE Group for one semester, one semester, not for life, 10-12 weeks.

I can already hear some of your excuses.  And here is the biggest one of all.  “But Pastor Chris, I just don’t have the time.  I’m too busy.”  Hear this with all the love I can muster.  You have time to do whatever it is you value – tv, social media, sports, hobbies.  It’s just not that important to you yet.

Or here’s another excuse, “But I don’t know those people.”  First of all, no one bites.  But listen, every relationship you currently have, you have because you got out of your comfort zone and met someone.  I’m not saying that everyone in your group will overnight become your best friend.  But it will provide you an opportunity to meet people and put you in the atmosphere where you can develop friends.  After all, that’s what we’re all looking for anyway.  People don’t just want a friendly church, they want friends.

Here’s another excuse, “But people are weird and they have issues.”  Listen, they’re thinking the same thing about you!  Everyone’s got issues.  Everyone’s a wackjob.  And if you think no one’s got issues in your group and no one is a little weird – guess what?  You’re the weird one – haha!

Bottom line, you need it, and it’s worth it.  You can not grow to become the person God intended you to become on your own.  You need other people.  Once you learn something, you have to live it out.  You can learn about love all week, but it gets fleshed out in the context of community, with people.  Patience, kindness, generosity, faith are all lived out in community, in relationships.  At Coastal, LIFE Groups are the primary vehicle of the church being the church – of living out your faith, of care, fellowship, love, prayer, discipleship.  

As always, there are multiple ways to sign up for a LIFE Group, but you only have to sign up one time/one way.  You can sign up online from our website, on your Connect Card (in-person or online), or at the LIFE Group Tables/Sign-up sheets in the Welcome Center.  And this semester, we have the most Groups we’ve ever had – 29 different LIFE Groups – online and/or in-person Groups, activity Groups, study Groups, support Groups, and more!  There is something for EVERYONE!  Unless otherwise indicated, most of Groups begin the week of September 19th and last 8-12 weeks.  Make sure you check out our catalog and start signing up today!

Pastor Chris 

    Don’t forget that on Sunday, September 5th (Labor Day Weekend), there will only be ONE in-person service – the 9:30am service.  There will be NO 11:15am service in-person.
  2. Have you signed up for a LIFE Team yet?  Our LIFE Teams are the volunteers who carry out the mission of Coastal.  Several of our LIFE Teams are having Interest & Information Meetings as we head into the Fall and the opening of our new facility.  The First Impressions Team is having a meeting on Monday, August 30 at 7pm, at the church.  For more information on our First Impressions Team, reach out to Chris Ranew at, or call/text him at 706-941-2044.  (For information about serving in Coastal Kidz, see below.)  To see a complete list of our LIFE Teams go to our website and sign up today!
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, TODAY Friday, August 27th, 10am-12noon. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, September 1st, 9am-1pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, September 4th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  4. Building Update:  I don’t know if you realize this or not, but it was almost a year ago that demolition began on our old building in preparation for construction!  It’s been one year of setting up and breaking down Coastal Kidz across the street, one year of being reminded of just how flexible our Staff truly is, one year of seeng miracles because of your generosity!  Coastal we’re getting close.  Right now we’re hoping to open our new facility sometime between mid and late September.  Trust me, as soon as we know, you will know!  AND we will celebrate!  We’ll have an Open House and a Grand Opening.  Until then, keep praying, keep giving, keep inviting, keep loving, and keep serving!  And if you’d like a behind the scenes tour, drop by the church any time!
  5. Interested in serving in our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry (Birth-5th Grade)?  Go to our website, check out all the different volunteer positions, and sign up today!  It’s that easy!   There will be a Training on Sunday, September 12th, 5pm-6:30pm.  We will meet in the worship auditorium, but we will not have childcare because we don’t have a place for it yet.  This will be a great time for us to pray, plan, and prepare for all that God has in store for Coastal KIdz as we move into our new facility hopefully in September. Plus you can get a sneek peek at our new facility! This is also a great time for returning or new volunteers to get connected in Children’s Ministry at Coastal.  If you have any questions or to RSVP for a Training time, please reach out to Janet Rollins at or 843-442-8299.
  6. Waves Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) is back and kicking off its Fall semester on Wednesday, September 8th!  Doors will open at 6pm and all students 6th-12th grade are invited to come out and join in a night of fellowship and growth from 6pm-8pm.  Food, games, worship, a Biblical message and small groups are all part of a Wednesday night at Waves Student Ministry, so invite and bring a friend!  For any questions, reach out to Pastor Ryan Spell at

    P.S. Fall LIFE Group Leader Training!  Attention all LIFE Group Leaders, Assistants, and Hosts:  If you did not already attend the earlier Training Session this week, make sure you’re at the Training on Saturday (TOMORROW), August 28th, 9am-10:30am (online or in-person).  Fall LIFE Groups kick off the week of September 19th.  If you have any questions you can also reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at  

Friday’s 5 – 8-20-21

It’s easy to look at all the events of our world lately and feel heartbroken and absolutely overwhelmed – Haiti, Afghanistan, the rising COVID numbers.  It’s a daily reminder of just how desperate we should be for Jesus and His Kingdom here on this earth.  In Matthew 6:10 we are instructed to pray, “May your Kingdom come soon. May your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.”  It also leaves us with a desire to do something to help.  But what can we do?  

Let me offer 3 suggestions:  Pray, Serve, Give.  Pray:  I heard a Pastor share this prayer, “Father, you are the God of peace, the ‘…rebuilder of walls and a restorer of homes…’ (Isaiah‬ ‭58:12‬). We pray for the people of Afghanistan and Haiti. We ask you for their safety, provision, and hope. Lord, have mercy. In Jesus’ name, amen.”  Join me in praying this simple prayer.

Serve:  You’re probably not going to be able to go to Haiti or Afghanistan any time soon and physically help those in need there or assist our Military.  But you could do something here.  Go back to that passage in Isaiah.  Isaiah 58:9-10 says, “Stop pointing your finger and spreading vicious rumors (do we need to hear that message today or what?!  That will preach!)!  Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble (doesn’t get any simpler than that does it?).”   You want to support our Troops?  Honor their service and their legacy by serving and feeding them at our next Veteran’s Tailgate at the Patriot’s Villas (see below) or the next time we’re serving alongside Soldier’s Angels (Tuesday, September 14th).  Join us at the next Saturday Serve (September 4th), here at the church, when we get to be the hands and feet of Jesus right here in our own community, bringing a little bit of “the up there, down here.”  Go to our website and sign up for these or other opportunities!

Give:  Here are 3 good organizations, all doing great relief work here and around the world.  

So, what’s the result of our faithful prayer, service, and giving?  Isaiah 58:10-11, “Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.  The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength.”  Our light will outshine the darkness and God will give us direction and restoration!  The very last verse in the Bible says this, “Amen!  Come, Lord Jesus!  May the grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s holy people.”  Until the Lord Jesus calls us home or comes again, I pray He finds us faithful – loving, serving, sharing, giving – beating down the gates of Hell, rescuing people, doing anything short of sin to see all people come to know Him!  Come, Lord Jesus!

Pastor Chris 

  1. Have you signed up for a LIFE Team yet?  Our LIFE Teams are the volunteers who carry out the mission of Coastal.  Several of our LIFE Teams are having Interest & Information Meetings as we head into the Fall and the opening of our new facility.  The Security Team is having a meeting on Wednesday, August 25th at 6:30pm, at the church.  For more information on the Security Team, reach out to Bryan Miller at, or call/text him at 843-296-2991.  The First Impressions Teamis having a meeting on Monday, August 30 at 7pm, at the church.  For more information on our First Impressions Team, reach out to Chris Ranew at, or call/text him at 706-941-2044.  (For information about serving in Coastal Kidz, see below.)  To see a complete list of our LIFE Teams go to our website and sign up today!
    Patriot Villas Veterans Tailgate –  We will be putting on a Tailgate for the Patriot Villas, Thursday, August 26th, 6pm-8pm.  Meet at church Welcome Center.
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, September 1st, 9am-1pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  3. The new school year would be a great time to checkout Ramsey+”.  Simply because you are a part of Coastal, you have access to ALL of Dave Ramsey’s best selling resources and tools FREE!  This includes 5 classes (Financial Peace, Legacy Journey, Smart Money Smart Kids, the Jump Start Course and a new Budgeting course), the Everydollar+ budgeting tool, and a host of other resources designed to help families track their progress through the baby steps.  If you were to sign up for this on your own it would cost $130.  NOT NOW!  All of that and more will be FREE for our entire church!  You’ll have access to everything at your own pace, on your own schedule.  Simply go to this link and sign up today!
  4. Interested in serving in our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry (Birth-5th Grade)?  Go to our website, check out all the different volunteer positions, and sign up today!  It’s that easy!   There will be a Training on Monday, August 23, 6:30pm-8pm OR Sunday, September 12th, 5pm-6:30pm.  All volunteers need to attend just one.  We will meet in the worship auditorium, but we will not have childcare because we don’t have a place for it yet.  This will be a great time for us to pray, plan, and prepare for all that God has in store for Coastal KIdz as we move into our new facility hopefully in September. Plus you can get a sneek peek at our new facility! This is also a great time for returning or new volunteers to get connected in Children’s Ministry at Coastal.  If you have any questions or to RSVP for a Training time, please reach out to Janet Rollins at or 843-442-8299.
  5. Waves Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) is back and kicking off its Fall semester on Wednesday, September 8th!  Doors will open at 6pm and all students 6th-12th grade are invited to come out and join in a night of fellowship and growth.  Food, games, worship, a Biblical message and small groups are all part of a Wednesday night at Waves Student Ministry, so invite and bring a friend!  For any questions, reach out to Pastor Ryan Spell at

    P.S. Fall LIFE Group Leader Training!  Attention all LIFE Group Leaders, Assistants, and Hosts:  RSVP on your Connect Card for a Training Session on either Tuesday, August 24th, 6:30pm-8pm OR Saturday, August 28th, 10am-11:30am.  Both sessions will be offered online or in-person.  Fall LIFE Groups kick off the week of September 19th.  If you have any questions you can also reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at

Friday’s 5 – 8-13-21

Well, Teachers have made their way back to their classrooms and Students will be joining them on Wednesday!  One of the things that I look forward to every year is seeing all the first day of school pictures!  No matter what school looks like for you this year – public, private, charter, homeschool, college – will you join me in praying for our Teachers, Students, and Parents?

So, have you signed up for a LIFE Team yet?  For the month of August, we’ve made a huge push to get everyone at Coastal serving on a LIFE Team.  Today, I’d like to make a plug for our Security Team.  You’re probably aware that we typically have 2 City of Charleston Police Officers on our campus on Sunday mornings – one in Coastal Kidz and one in front of our Auditorium.  But did you know that we also have a Security Team?  No one can prevent every situation or scenario from taking place.  However, people want to know, have you reasonably done everything you can to help provide a safe and secure environment for them and their children.  Simply put, that’s what we are trying to do at Coastal through our Security Team.  As our church continues to grow and expand, we need more and more volunteers in this important Ministry.

The Security Team is led by Bryan Miller, a former SC State Trooper.  If you are interested in learning more about the Security Team and possibly volunteering, you can respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card or at the LIFE Team Sign-Up Table on Sunday, email Bryan directly at, or call him at 843-296-2991.  There is an important Security Team Meeting on Wednesday, August 25th at 6:30pm, at the church.  This meeting is for all current Team Members or those interested in joining the Team! 

And speaking of important LIFE Team meetings, there will be a First impressions Team Training on Monday, August 30 at 7:00pm.  Please email Ashley at to let us know you are coming!  This will be a great time to meet Pastor Scott and Chris Ranew, hear about why First Impressions is so important, learn some of the positions that we need the most help with, learn the roles/duties of these positions, and how you can get involved (plus you’ll get a tour of our new facility).  Mark it on your calendar and tell us you’re coming!

And last, but not least, join us tomorrow morning over at Orange Grove Middle School at 8am for Coastal Kidz Setup.  When that’s done we head over to our auditorium (around 8:30/8:45am) for Chair Setup.  And then you might as well stick around and help us get ready for the Pink House Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, & BACK TO SCHOOL BASH!  

I Love You Coastal!
Pastor Chris 

  1. In addition to all the ways that you can give to our church – our website, our app, in-person offering envelope, texting (843-277-8337), giving kiosk – you can now use our Venmo account!  Our business username is:  @coastalcommunitychurchCHS.
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, & BACK TO SCHOOL BASH, Saturday, August 14th, 10am-1pm. 
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, August 18th, 9am-1pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    Patriot Villas Veterans Tailgate –  We will be putting on a Tailgate for the Patriot Villas, Thursday, August 26th, 5:30pm-8pm.  Meet at church Welcome Center.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  3. The new school year would be a great time to checkout Ramsey+”.  Simply because you are a part of Coastal, you have access to ALL of Dave Ramsey’s best selling resources and tools FREE!  This includes 5 classes (Financial Peace, Legacy Journey, Smart Money Smart Kids, the Jump Start Course and a new Budgeting course), the Everydollar+ budgeting tool, and a host of other resources designed to help families track their progress through the baby steps.  If you were to sign up for this on your own it would cost $130.  NOT NOW!  All of that and more will be FREE for our entire church!  You’ll have access to everything at your own pace, on your own schedule.  Simply go to this link and sign up today!
  4. Attention all Coastal Kidz Volunteers or those interested in serving!  There will be a Training on Saturday, August 14, 10am-11:30am, OR Monday, August 23, 6:30pm-8pm. All volunteers need to attend just one.  We will meet in the worship auditorium, but we will not have childcare because we don’t have a place for it yet.  This will be a great time for us to pray, plan, and prepare for all that God has in store for Coastal KIdz as we move into our new facility hopefully in September. Plus you can get a sneek peek at our new facility! This is also a great time for returning or new volunteers to get connected in Children’s Ministry at Coastal.  All volunteers need to attend just one meeting, but we’re offering it twice to accommodate everyone.  If you have any questions or to RSVP for a Training time, please reach out to Janet Rollins at or 843-442-8299.
  5. The last Student Ministry Event of the Summer – BOWLING NIGHT – is this Sunday night, 6:30pm-8:30pm August 15th (meet at Ashley Lanes)!  The event is FREE!  Waves Student Ministry is back and kicking off its Fall semester on Wednesday, September 8. Doors will open at 6pm and all students 6th-12th grade are invited to come out and join in a night of fellowship and growth. Food, games, worship, a Biblical message and small groups are all apart of a Wednesday night at Waves Student Ministry so invite and bring a friend. For any questions, reach out to Pastor Ryan Spell at

    P.S. Fall LIFE Group Leader Training!  Attention all LIFE Group Leaders, Assistants, and Hosts:  RSVP on your Connect Card for a Training Session on either Tuesday, August 24th, 6:30pm-8pm OR Saturday, August 28th, 10am-11:30am.  Both sessions will be offered online or in-person.  Fall LIFE Groups kick off the week of September 19th.  If you have any questions you can also reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at

Friday’s 5 – 8-6-21

Two weeks ago I reminded everyone that our church has purchased a site license for something called, “Dave Ramsey+”.  What that means is that simply because you are a part of Coastal, you have access to ALL of Dave Ramsey’s best selling resources and tools FREE!  This includes 5 classes (Financial Peace, Legacy Journey, Smart Money Smart Kids, the Jump Start Course and a new Budgeting course), the Everydollar+ budgeting tool, and a host of other resources designed to help families track their progress through the baby steps.  If you were to sign up for this on your own it would cost $130.  NOT NOW!  All of that and more will be FREE for our entire church!  You’ll have access to everything at your own pace, on your own schedule.  Simply go to this link and sign up today!

We see this as an investment in you, your finances, and your future!  It’s also a way to practically express our generosity and love toward you and our community and to be a real source of help.  Think about it – what if you had gone into the “shutdown” debt free and with money in the bank?  What if you could have hope for your life, including your finances? That’s what Dave Ramsey+ is all about – giving you a plan and hope so you can experience financial peace.

I hope you’re as excited about this as I am.  And more importantly, I hope you’ll sign up and access the material.  We want to be known as a generous church and we also want to do everything we can to equip our church and community to experience true financial peace in these difficult times! 

While the Summer is not technically over yet, we have begun stacking and packing our chairs again in our auditorium on Sunday mornings after the second service (we hosted a Volleyball Camp this week and Teachers report next week).  What that means is that Saturday morning Chair Setup resumes again tomorrow morning.  Typically, Chair Setup takes place on Saturday mornings at approximately 8:45am, immediately after Coastal Kidz Setup.  However, this Saturday is also Saturday Serve.  So, we’ll be over at Orange Grove Middle School at 8am for Coastal Kidz Setup (that also resumes this Saturday), at our auditorium at 8:30am for Chair Setup, and then Saturday Serve begins at 9am.  I hope to see you there!

And finally, have you signed up to serve on a LIFE Team yet (especially a Sunday morning LIFE Team)?  I told you last week that my wife Janet has a goal to see 40 new volunteers this year in Coastal Kidz.  She’s already at 19!  We hope to open our brand new, multi-million dollar Children’s facility some time in September.  We would love for you to be a part of this Team!  If you think you might be interested or would just like to know what different opportunities are available in Coastal Kidz, either respond to this email or reach out to Janet directly – or 843-442-8299.  This past Sunday I think we also added over a dozen new volunteers in 1st Impressions!  But maybe for you it’s our Cafe, or the Security Team, or the Tech Booth, or countless other opportunities.  This Sunday, stop by the LIFE Team Tables, check out all the different opportunities to serve, and sign up!  

In His Service & Yours!
Pastor Chris 

  1. Don’t forget that we are providing school supplies for the families in the Ardmore/Sherwood Forrest neighborhoods!  Collect supplies from the list in your bulletin last Sunday (or on our Facebook page) and then drop them off at the Coastal Outreach Box Truck before our services THIS SUNDAY August 8th. You can also drop them off at the office during the week. Supplies will then be distributed at the PINK House Tailgate on Saturday, August 14th!
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, August 7th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, August 10th, 8am-1pm.
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, & BACK TO SCHOOL BASH, Saturday, August 14th, 10am-1pm. 
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  3. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is THIS Monday night, August 9th, 6-8:30pm. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  4. Our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park is THIS SUNDAY, August 8th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public,” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized, simply respond to this email or sign up on our website.  
  5. If you haven’t already seen it, make sure you check out our WAVES Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) Summer Calendar.  They’ve had a great Summer, with lots of events, but it’s quickly coming to an end.  There is a Bowling Night, next Friday night, August 13th (meet at Ashley Lanes at 6:30pm)!  Go to our website, their Instagram pageor reach out to Ryan Spell for the details. Oh and by the way, all the events are FREE!!  Bring your Student and invite a friend!

    P.S. Right now, we are in the process of planning out our Fall Semester of LIFE Groups!  If you are interested in possibly leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group (in person or online), please sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or respond to this email.  If you have any questions you can also reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at

Friday’s 5 – 7-30-21

I love our volunteers here at Coastal – I do!  I love that people value serving here and that anyone can get involved.  I truly believe we have some of the best volunteers any church could imagine.  I believe that we have done a great job of both elevating the value of volunteering here at Coastal and valuing our volunteers.

Now over the years at Coastal, I’ve preached a lot of messages about serving.  We’ve had countless Ministry Fairs where we transformed our building into a Ministry Expo, where we highlight each and every ministry of our church with a booth and challenge you to find a place to serve and volunteer.  I’ve preached entire sermon series on serving, spiritual gifts, and plugging into ministry.

Now while I believe that we as a church have to constantly improve our systems in helping people take next steps in their spiritual journey, I don’t think the reason more people don’t serve in ministry or volunteer is because they didn’t go to a ministry fair.  I don’t think the reason more people don’t serve in ministry or volunteer is because they haven’t taken a spiritual gift assessment or personality test.  

I think the reason we have a high number of committed volunteers here at Coastal is two-fold.  People will serve when they fall more deeply in love with Jesus.  Service is an outflow of a love relationship with Jesus.  We serve because of our devotion to Jesus.  Sometimes, the danger of a sermon on serving and volunteering is that you can either feel guilty for not doing more or you can run like crazy into multiple ministries.  The key is to grow in your love for Jesus and when you do, you’ll understand who He has made you to be and then you’ll WANT to serve Him by serving others.  We don’t want to guilt you into serving or giving.  Instead we want to GRACE you into it, because of all that He has done for you.  You are loved more than you can imagine;  you are treasured more than you know, because you matter to God.  Let His love for you become the motivation for your serving and giving.

Here’s the other reason I believe we produce a lot of committed volunteers here.  We consistently teach that the Christian life is fundamentally a life of servanthood.  That’s our primary position – servant.  Jesus is our Master and we are His servants.  Whatever He says goes.  In our world where we are the center of the universe and everything revolves around me and my needs, we have to continually remind ourselves that we serve God by serving others, by putting others ahead of ourselves.  And even in the modern church where we have created a culture of finding a church that offers the best and the most and “I didn’t get anything out of that service” and “I’m burned out” and “I’m too busy” and “I’ve served my time,” somewhere in all of that we have forgotten that we are here to glorify God, reach out to people who are far from Him, and to be a servant to all.  It’s not about me and you.  It’s about Him.  Matthew 20:26-28, “Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave – just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”   

We talk about life all the time here.  We exist to share and experience what?  The LIFE and LOVE of Jesus.  Jesus came that we might have LIFE and have it more abundantly.  Well, Jesus said something very interesting about LIFE in Luke 9:23-25, “Then he said to the crowd, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross daily, and follow me.  If you try to keep your life for yourself, you will lose it.  But if you give up your life for me, you will find true life.  And how do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose or forfeit your own soul in the process?”  Jesus is saying that we find our lives not by focusing on ourselves, but by giving away our lives for the sake of Jesus.

The month of August, as we move into the Fall and make plans to move into our new facility, we’ll be focusing on finding a place to serve in the family here at Coastal.  It’s real simple.  If you call Coastal your home, ask yourself this question – what is my ministry and where am I serving on Sunday mornings?  My wife Janet has a goal to see 40 new volunteers this year in Coastal Kidz.  Maybe that’s your ministry.  If so, either respond to this email or reach out to Janet directly and let her know that you’re in – or 843-442-8299.  But maybe it’s 1st Impressions, or our Cafe, or the Security Team, or the Tech Booth, or countless other opportunities.  This Sunday, stop by the LIFE Team Tables, check out all the different opportunities to serve, and sign up!  

In His Service & Yours!
Pastor Chris 

  1. Help provide school supplies for the families in the Ardmore/Sherwood Forrest neighborhoods!  Collect supplies from the list in your bulletin (or on our Social Media posts) and then drop them off at the Coastal Outreach Box Truck before any service THIS SUNDAY, August 1st or next Sunday, August 8th.  Supplies will then be distributed at the PINK House Tailgate on Saturday, August 14th!
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, August 4th, 9am-1pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, August 7th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, August 10th, 8am-1pm.
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party, Clothing Distribution, & BACK TO SCHOOL BASH, Saturday, August 14th, 10am-1pm. 
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  3. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Monday night, August 9th, 6-8:30pm. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  4. Our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park is Sunday, August 8th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public,” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized, simply respond to this email or sign up on our website.  
  5. If you haven’t already seen it, make sure you check out our WAVES Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) Summer Calendar.  They have a ton of events, activities, and service projects all summer!  There is a River Dogs Game TONIGHT, July 30th (be at the church at 6pm to catch the bus to the game)!  On Wednesday, August 4th, 6pm at the church there is a Guys/Girls Night!  Friday, August 6th, Frankie’s Fun Park (leave from the church at 6pm)! Go to our website, their Instagram pageor reach out to Ryan Spell for all the details. Oh and by the way, all the events are FREE!!  Bring your Student and invite a friend!

    P.S. Right now, we are in the process of planning out our Fall Semester of LIFE Groups!  If you are interested in possibly leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group (in person or online), please sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or respond to this email.  If you have any questions you can also reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at  

Friday’s 5 – 7-23-21

I’M BACK!  Janet and I got back from our vacation earlier this week.  We had a great time, but as always, it’s also good to be home.  I’m also excited to be preaching again for the next couple of weeks!  I’ll be kicking off our “Summer Reading” series this Sunday with the book, “Love Your Life, Not Theirs” by Rachel Cruze.  I hope to see you in church this Sunday!

Now, what I’m about to tell you is probably going to blow you away – it’s very possible that our new facility will be completed in about 6 weeks!  If everything continues to stay on schedule (and yes, that is a BIG if), we are hoping to get a temporary CO (Certificate of Occupancy) by Labor Day.  In other words, it’s about to get crazy busy on our campus over the next 6 weeks!  I’m asking you to commit this final stretch to prayer.  As it gets closer, and those dates get confirmed, we’ll let everyone know about an Open House Party, a “soft opening” (the first Sunday with Coastal Kidz in the new building), and a Grand Opening for our community.

But before we open the doors to our new multi-million dollar facility, I need to have a little Pastoral “heart to heart” conversation with you and just lay it on the line.  If you consider Coastal your church family, we need you serving in some Ministry on Sunday mornings.  This beautiful new facility brings with it a need for new volunteers in almost every Sunday morning LIFE Team – Coastal Kidz, Cafe, Security, 1st Impressions, Communion, Parking, Prayer Team, Worship, Tech.  From a purely practical standpoint, just think about how the enlarged facility will require more 1st Impressions Volunteers (more doors/entry points), more Security Volunteers (more space to cover), and more Coastal Kidz Volunteers (more classrooms/classes).

In fact, let’s talk about Coastal Kidz for a just a moment.  The truth is, the focus of this new facility really is on our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry.  We strongly believe that if a church is going to continue to grow, we must have a growing, thriving Children’s Ministry.  And when it comes to our facility (when we were portable or in our current building) our church has always done the very best we can with what we have.  But now Coastal Kidz (our Children’s Ministry – Birth to 5th Grade) is getting ready to move into a brand new, bigger, newly furnished facility.  There will be a secure indoor and outdoor playground.  The classrooms will be equipped with the latest technology and security.  In fact, parents will now be able to open an app on their phone and literally watch their child in their classroom, during the service (talk about peace of mind, especially for new parents).  And because of our additional classroom space we’ll be able to offer more age appropriate classes to better meet the needs of our children. 

Now, the saddest thing I could imagine is that we open up this new facility, and we literally don’t have enough volunteers in Coastal Kidz to pull it off.  Don’t let that happen!  If you used to serve in Coastal Kidz, but you took a break during the shut down and haven’t yet jumped back in – JUMP BACK IN!  If you’ve been thinking about serving, but just haven’t pulled the trigger, stop thinking about it and JUST DO IT!  If you’ve been coming on Sunday mornings, enjoying the service, maybe even sending your children to Coastal Kidz, it’s time for you to get involved and give back.  Honestly, if you come to Coastal and you don’t have a Sunday morning Ministry where you’re serving in some capacity (at least once a month), it’s time for you to get off your you know what and get involved.  And you should be serving, not just because there is a need (there is always a need), but you should be serving because this is your family, and we’re on a mission – to share and experience the LIFE and LOVE of Jesus with Charleston and the world!  And Jesus said that you find LIFE by giving your life away in service to others.  And at Coastal we sincerely believe that if you change the life of a child, you change the world!  Join Coastal Kidz and be a world changer!

My wife Janet, our Children’s Director, has a BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)!  She wants to see 40 new volunteers this year in Coastal Kidz (returning volunteers & brand new volunteers).  Those volunteers include Teachers, Assistants, Nursery, and Child Check In.  Will you be one of those new or returning volunteers?  If you’re currently serving, will you help recruit those new volunteers?  I believe that Coastal should have one of the best Children’s Ministry’s in town!  Let’s make that happen!  Stop what you’re doing right now and either respond to this email or reach out to Janet and let her know that you’re in – or 843-442-8299. You might not even know what you want to do or where you want to serve, but there is nothing Janet enjoys more than talking to people about Coastal Kidz and helping them find a place to serve (and if Coastal Kidz isn’t for you, she’ll even help you find another Ministry). She is having a Coastal Kidz Volunteer Training on Saturday, August 14, 10:00AM – 11:30AM, or Monday, August 23, 6:30PM – 8:00PM (all volunteers need to attend just one).  This will be a great time to pray, plan, and prepare for all that God has in store for Coastal KIdz (plus you’ll get a tour of our new facility).  Mark it on your calendar and tell Janet you’re coming!  Let’s do this Coastal!  

Pastor Chris 

  1. Help provide school supplies for the families in the Ardmore/Sherwood Forrest neighborhoods!  Collect supplies from the list in your bulletin this Sunday and then drop them off at the Coastal Outreach Box Truck before any service on August 1st or August 8th.  Supplies will then be distributed at the PINK House Tailgate on Saturday, August 14th!
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, TODAY Friday, July 23rd, 10am-12noon. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, August 4th, 9am-1pm.  Meet at: 2105 Cosgrove Ave. North Charleston.
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, August 7th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  3. Our “Summer Reading” series starts THIS Sunday, July 25th.  “Summer Reading” is another favorite Summer tradition here at Coastal where we pick a group of books for you to read over the Summer and then the subject matter of each of those books becomes the sermon topic for that particular Sunday. Here are all the books and their links.  Happy Reading! 
    Love Your Life, Not Theirs by Rachel Cruze
    U-Turns by Tony Evans
    The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer
    Winning the War in Your Mind by Craig Groeschel
    Uncommon Ground by Timothy Keller
    Gentle and Lowly by Dane C. Ortlund
    The Praying Life by Paul Miller
  4. Our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park is Sunday, August 8th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public,” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized, simply respond to this email or sign up on our website.
  5. What are your Next Steps at Coastal?  If you’re fairly new to Coastal, a great next step is our Newcomers Reception.  Our next Newcomers Reception is THISSunday, July 25th, in the Welcome Center immediately following the 11:15am service (at approximately 12:30pm).  This is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, as well as meet some other new people.  You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or simply show up on Sunday.  
    Another next step is officially making Coastal your church family by becoming a Member. Our next Membership Class is Monday night, August 9th, 6-8:30pm. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  6. If you haven’t already seen it, make sure you check out our WAVES Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) Summer Calendar.  They have a ton of events, activities, and service projects all summer!  There is a Gaming Tournament TONIGHT at 6pm at the church and a River Dogs Game next Friday night, July 30th!   Go to our website, their Instagram pageor reach out to Ryan Spell for all the details. Oh and by the way, all the events are FREE!!  Bring your Student and invite a friend!

    P.S. I know it seems like a long way off, but we are in the process of thinking through and planning out our Fall Semester of LIFE Groups.  If you are interested in possibly leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group (in person or online), please sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or respond to this email.  If you have any questions you can also reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at  

Friday’s 5 – 7-9-21

Mountain Rest.  That’s actually where Janet and I are going next week on vacation – Chattooga Lake in Mountain Rest, SC (see picture above).  It’s located in Oconee County, the northwestern most corner of the state where South Carolina, Georgia, and North Carolina all meet.  We leave this Sunday after church and will be gone a little over a week.  Our daughter and her husband are even going to be joining us for a few days.  There will be no cell phone coverage and no internet – and we can’t wait!  This is actually the first vacation, where we’ve gotten out of town, away from Coastal, in over a year and a half.  Now some of that has been because of COVID and the shutdown and Coastal Kidz set-up and the new construction.  But it’s definitely been way too long and way overdue.  We don’t have a lot of plans other than resting, relaxing, and just having fun.  Janet’s bringing her sewing machine, so I’m sure she’ll be in undistracted sewing heaven.  We’ll take a few day trips to Highlands NC, various waterfalls, and the Holy City (Clemson).  I’ll be fishing, canoeing, and grilling.  Again, we can’t wait!

I tell you all of that, to ask you this question:  how are you doing at obeying the Sabbath Principle?  God’s word, the Bible, is filled with principles for life.  It is the owner’s manual for life.  You obey it, your life gets blessed.  If you ignore it, you do it to your own detriment.  When God puts a command in the Bible, He doesn’t do it capriciously.  He doesn’t do it because He wants to make your life miserable or limit your fun.  God puts a principle in the Bible because He knows what’s best for you.  It’ll save you a lot of heartaches and a lot of problems.  When you follow the owner’s manual, then life is a whole lot easier and a lot less stressful.  

Of all the commands in the Bible, the most famous are God’s Big Ten – the Ten Commandments.  One of God’s Ten Commandments is about rest.  Exodus 20:9-10, “Six days a week are set apart for your daily duties and regular work, but the seventh day is a day of rest dedicated to the Lord your God.”  Rest in your life as a human being is so important, God put it in the Big Ten, right up there with “Don’t steal”, “Don’t murder”, “Don’t commit adultery”.  He says every seven days you take a day off.  That’s how important He considers rest.

Many of you would say, “I’d never murder anybody; I’d never commit adultery,” but we violate the spirit of the fourth commandment all the time.  God says it’s just as important.  Six days you’re to work.  Every week you take one day off to recharge.  That’s the Sabbath principle.  Sabbath simply means a day of rest.  Sunday is not a Sabbath for me.  Sundays are workdays for me.  So I have to take my Sabbath some other day.  You may too.  For most of you, Saturday or Sunday is going to be your day off, your day of rest.  Now, what are you supposed to do on your Sabbath?  What we usually do is play catch up on all the work we didn’t get done.  That’s not taking a day off.  You should use your day off, your weekly Sabbath, for three things:  

1. Restyour body.  You’re not wired to go 24-7, every day, work, work, work, with no break.  Your brain, your body is not built for that.  You’re wired to rest your body.  Have you discovered that if you don’t take time off, your body will make time off?  It will shut down.

2. Rechargeyour emotions.  You can’t keep charging without recharging.  Eventually, you’re going to drain the battery.  You need to know what recharges your emotions.  And that’s different for different people.  For some people, solitude recharges their emotions.  When was the last time you were just by yourself without the computer or TV on?  For many people just being with people you love is recharging.  Different recreational activities can be rejuvenating for different people – a long walk on the beach, being outdoors, a good book, sewing, painting, fishing, hunting – as crazy as this sounds to me, some people are actually recharged by doing yard work.

3. Refocusyour spirit.  There’s a word for that in the Bible.  It’s called “worship” – refocusing my spirit on God.  It’s reconnecting with God.  You need that.  One of the benefits of worship is it helps give you a bigger perspective on life.  You can have a problem and it starts to overwhelm you.  Your life becomes smaller and smaller, and it starts caving in.  Then you worship and think about how big God is, and all of a sudden the problem isn’t as big anymore.  Nothing else in life can give you that kind of perspective like worship.

So, how about you?  How are you doing at obeying the Sabbath Principle.  Did you know that God wants you to enjoy your rest?  Psalm 127:2, “It is useless to rise up early and go to bed late and work your worried fingers to the bone.  Don’t you know that God enjoys giving rest to those He loves?”  Mountain Rest.  Moses had to go to a mountain to be reminded just how important it is to rest – I guess I do too.

Pastor Chris 

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

  1. Attention all Young Adults (college to 30ish)!  We’ll be gathering at Frankies Fun Park on Saturday, July 17th at 6pm.  Spread the word – invite and bring a friend!  Email Pastor Scott with any questions. Also, text @yacoastal to 81010 to receive text updates about this event and other young adult events and opportunities.
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party and Clothing Distribution, (TOMORROW) Saturday, July 10th, 10am-1pm. 
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, July 13th, 8am-1pm.
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, July 21st, 9am-1pm.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  3. Our “Summer Reading” series starts Sunday, July 25th.  “Summer Reading” is another favorite Summer tradition here at Coastal where we pick a group of books for you to read over the Summer and then the subject matter of each of those books becomes the sermon topic for that particular Sunday.  There will be a very small number of the books available for purchase (at a discounted price – $10 each) at the church.  Here are all the books and their links.  Happy Reading! 
    Love Your Life, Not Theirs by Rachel Cruze
    U-Turns by Tony Evans
    The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer
    Winning the War in Your Mind by Craig Groeschel
    Uncommon Ground by Timothy Keller
    Gentle and Lowly by Dane C. Ortlund
    The Praying Life by Paul Miller
  4. Our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park has been RESCHEDULED to Sunday, August 8th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public,” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized, simply respond to this email or sign up on our website
  5. What are your Next Steps at Coastal?  If you’re fairly new to Coastal, a great next step is our Newcomers Reception.  Our next Newcomers Reception is Sunday, July 25th, in the Welcome Center immediately following the 11:15am service (at approximately 12:30pm).  This is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, as well as meet some other new people.  You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  

    Another next step is officially making Coastal your church family by becoming a Member. Our next Membership Class is Monday night, August 9th, 6-8:30pm. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  6. If you haven’t already seen it, make sure you check out our WAVES Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) Summer Calendar.  They have a ton of events, activities, and service projects all summer!  Tonight, 8-10pm, they are having a Movie Night (seeing “Black Widow”) at Citadel Mall Theater. This coming week the Middle School Students will be going to Summit Park on Wednesday, July 14th, 10am-12noon.   Go to our website, their Instagram pageor reach out to Ryan Spell for all the details. Oh and by the way, all the events are FREE!!  Bring your Student and invite a friend!

    P.S. I know it seems like a long way off, but we are in the process of thinking through and planning out our Fall Semester of LIFE Groups.  If you are interested in possibly leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group (in person or online), please sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or respond to this email.  If you have any questions you can also reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at

Friday’s 5 – 7-2-21

First of all, I just want to thank everyone for all the love you’ve shown me, your Pastor, this week!  My Birthday was yesterday (I turned 54), and I was overwhelmed by all the expressions of love!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!  Coastal is not just a church that I attend or a job where I work.  It’s a family that I’m a part of!  I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor!  

This Sunday is 4th of July (WE’LL ONLY HAVE 1 SERVICE: 9:30am)!  I realize we are facing a lot of problems in our country today and that the divisions seem to be greater and deeper than ever before, but I believe we still have much to be grateful for in our great country.  I am so thankful to God for the birth of America and the privilege that was mine to be born here in the land of the free and home of the brave. As we celebrate our independence may we as individuals, families, and as a church recognize our dependence on God. He alone is our source of blessing, and let us prayerfully humble ourselves in obedience to God and His Holy Word.  Ultimately, the hope of the world is not and never has been a President, a Political Party, or a Platform – it’s in the person of Jesus Christ.  And it’s our mission to share and experience the LIFE and LOVE of Jesus with Charleston and the world!  Maybe it’s time we spent less time complaining on social media and more time praying and being the light of the world that Jesus talked about in Matthew 5:14: “You are the light of the world—like a city on a mountain, glowing in the night for all to see.”  The truth is, the darker this world gets, the greater our opportunity to shine!

Speaking of being the light of the world – another Summer of IMPACT is in the books!  As I said last week, it’s been the BEST SUMMER OF IMPACT EVER!  Here are just a few examples of what I mean:  Last Saturday over 30 volunteers boxed, delivered, and gave away 867 meals in our “Grab & Go Meal Drive-Thru!”  On Monday night almost 80 volunteers met at Coastal to pack 140 “On the Go Meal Kits” for the Ronald McDonald House of Charleston (and they did it in less than 40 minutes!).  Every Wednesday night a large group of Volunteers has been sewing pillowcases for the kids at’ MUSC Children’s Hospital.  They’ve now sewn over 100 pillowcases!  Seriously, I could go on and on and on.  This year’s Summer of IMPACT projects had 531 volunteer serving 1,455 hours!  And 75 brand new volunteers!  In the days ahead, be on the lookout for a little slide show of the various projects.  And make sure that you reach out to Chris Jones, our Outreach Pastor, and tell him what an awesome job he did of leading and organizing this year’s Summer of IMPACT.  I know what he’ll tell you – that it could not have been done without all the awesome Project Leaders and Volunteers.  And most importantly, continue to pray for all the seeds of love that were planted, that they will bear much fruit for years to come!

Making An IMPACT With You!
Pastor Chris 

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, July 7th, 9am-1pm.
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party and Clothing Distribution, Saturday, July 10th, 10am-1pm. 
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, July 13th, 8am-1pm.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Our “Summer Reading” series starts Sunday, July 25th.  “Summer Reading” is another favorite Summer tradition here at Coastal where we pick a group of books for you to read over the Summer and then the subject matter of each of those books becomes the sermon topic for that particular Sunday.  There will be a very small number of the books available for purchase (at a discounted price – $10 each) at the church.  Here are all the books and their links.  Happy Reading! 
    Love Your Life, Not Theirs by Rachel Cruze
    U-Turns by Tony Evans
    The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer
    Winning the War in Your Mind by Craig Groeschel
    Uncommon Ground by Timothy Keller
    Gentle and Lowly by Dane C. Ortlund
    The Praying Life by Paul Miller
  3. Our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park has been RESCHEDULED to Sunday, August 8th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public,” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized, simply respond to this email or sign up on our website
  4. What are your Next Steps at Coastal?  If you’re fairly new to Coastal, a great next step is our Newcomers Reception.  Our next Newcomers Reception is Sunday, July 25th, in the Welcome Center immediately following the 11:15am service (at approximately 12:30pm).  This is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, as well as meet some other new people.  You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  
    Another next step is officially making Coastal your church family by becoming a Member. Our next Membership Class is Monday night, August 9th, 6-8:30pm. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  5. If you haven’t already seen it, make sure you check out our WAVES Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) Summer Calendar.  They have a ton of events, activities, and service projects all summer!  This coming week the High School Students will be going to Top Golf on Wednesday, July 7th, 10am-4pm;  Movie Night “Black Widow” at Citadel Mall Theater on Friday, July 9th, 8-10pm. Go to our website, their Instagram pageor reach out to Ryan Spell for all the details. Oh and by the way, all the events are FREE!!  Bring your Student and invite a friend!

    P.S. I know it seems like a long way off, but we are in the process of thinking through and planning out our Fall Semester of LIFE Groups.  If you are interested in possibly leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group (in person or online), please sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or respond to this email.  If you have any questions you can also reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at


Friday’s 5 – 6-25-21

Including today, there are 6 days left of Summer of IMPACT and 6 projects (yes – July is just 6 days away)!  I know we’ve said this over and over, but it’s true – this has been the BEST SUMMER OF IMPACT EVER!  We’ve had more projects, more volunteers, more hours served, and more new people serving than ever before!  A huge shout out goes to Chris Jones our Pastor of Outreach who oversees, organizes, and leads Summer of IMPACT.  But I know Chris Jones, and he wouldn’t want his name mentioned without applauding all of this year’s Leaders and all of the Volunteers!  We couldn’t do what we do without all of them!  And they truly knocked it out of the park this year!  So the only thing left to do, is to go to our website and sign up today! 

Speaking of remaining projects, I’m excited to “resurrect” our Grab & Go Meal Drive-Thru this Saturday, 11am-1pm!  It’s a way to commemorate all that we did a year ago during the shutdown.  While we’re at capacity with the Volunteers who have already signed up to serve, there are several key ways that everyone can help:  

  1. Come through the drive-thru (11am-1pm), pick up a few meals (pulled pork BBQ, Mac n’ Cheese, Green Beans, Dessert) and bless someone you know who might be in need or someone who just needs a little encouragement.  Maybe you take a few meals to the 1st Responders you know.  
  2. We need donations of pre-packaged/homemade desserts dropped off by Saturday morning at 10am (cookies, brownies, Rice Krispy Treats, Little Debbies, etc.).  Desserts either need to be individually wrapped or can easily be put in ziploc baggies.
  3. Our Food Bank is getting dangerously LOW!  Come through the Drive-Thru on Saturday and drop off any canned goods or non-perishable food items for our Community Food Bank.    
  4. Give financially.  If you would like to help sponsor the meal financially you can do so by giving on our website: or simply text ANY amount to 843-277-8337 and use the key word “meals” (ex. $100 meals).
  5. Spread the word!  Tell your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers and encourage them to drive through. 

I hope you’re enjoying our “At the Movies” series this year!  This past week we took 170 people to see “Peter Rabbit 2” at the Citadel Mall Theater!  And speaking of the Citadel Mall Theater, don’t forget that all 1st Time Guests AND the person who invited them receive a FREE movie ticket!  So INVITE & BRING GUESTS!

One last thing, July 4th this year falls on a Sunday – we will only have 1 service, the 9:30am service.  So before you hit the beach, head out on the boat, or fire up the grill, join us for worship!

Making An IMPACT With You!
Pastor Chris 

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Typically, in this section of our Friday 5, we list all the upcoming Outreach Projects.  For the month of June – there really is only ONE thing we want you to focus on:  SUMMER OF IMPACT!  Simply click on this link:  Take a look at all the opportunities. Find the project(s) right for you and then sign up today! You can sign up for as many opportunities as you want directly from our website.  And by the way, you don’t even have to call Coastal your home to participate!  Spread the word  and invite and bring your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to serve!  If you are looking to Make an IMPACT in our community, this is the way to do it!  Let’s make this the best Summer ever!
    If you have any questions about Summer of IMPACT and the different projects, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Our “Summer Reading” series starts Sunday, July 25th.  “Summer Reading” is another favorite Summer tradition here at Coastal where we pick a group of books for you to read over the Summer and then the subject matter of each of those books becomes the sermon topic for that particular Sunday.  There will be a very small number of the books available for purchase (at a discounted price – $10 each) at the church beginning this Sunday, June 27th.  Here are all the books and their links.  Happy Reading! 
    Love Your Life, Not Theirs by Rachel Cruze
    U-Turns by Tony Evans
    The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer
    Winning the War in Your Mind by Craig Groeschel
    Uncommon Ground by Timothy Keller
    Gentle and Lowly by Dane C. Ortlund
    The Praying Life by Paul Miller
  3. Our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park has been RESCHEDULED to Sunday, August 8th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public,” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized, simply respond to this email or sign up on our website.
  4. What are your Next Steps at Coastal?  If you’re fairly new to Coastal, a great next step is our Newcomers Reception.  Our next Newcomers Reception is Sunday, July 25th, in the Welcome Center immediately following the 11:15am service (at approximately 12:30pm).  This is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, as well as meet some other new people.  You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  
    Another next step is officially making Coastal your church family by becoming a Member. Our next Membership Class is Monday night, August 9th, 6-8:30pm. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  5. If you haven’t already seen it, make sure you check out our WAVES Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) Summer Calendar.  They have a ton of events, activities, and service projects all through June, July, and August!   This coming week alone they’ll be serving at the Grab & Go Meal Drive-Thru on Saturday, serving at Tricounty Family Ministry on Tuesday, and enjoying the Ropes Course at Wild Blue on Wednesday. Go to our website, their Instagram pageor reach out to Ryan Spell for all the details. Oh and by the way, all the events are FREE!!  Bring your Student and invite a friend!

    P.S. I know it seems like a long way off, but we are in the process of thinking through and planning out our Fall Semester of LIFE Groups.  If you are interested in possibly leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group (in person or online), please sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or respond to this email.  If you have any questions you can also reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at

Grab & Go Meal Drive-Thru

THIS Saturday, June 26th, from 11am-1pm, I want to invite you to come out to Coastal for our “Grab & Go Meal Drive-Thru” and pick up a box meal as a celebration of the free meals we gave away during the Covid Shutdown in 2020. We literally gave away thousands of meals last year through the “Drive-Thru” (AND thousands of rolls of toilet paper)!  The menu this Saturday is Pulled Pork BBQ, Mac ‘n Cheese, Green Beans, and a dessert!  We do need donations of prepackaged/homemade desserts dropped off this week by Saturday morning at 10am (cookies, brownies, Rice Krispy Treats, Little Debbies, etc.).  Desserts either need to be individually wrapped or can easily be put in ziploc baggies.

PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD SO OUR COMMUNITY CAN STOP BY FOR A FREE MEAL!  This meal is for anyone and everyone!  If you’re hungry, in need, or know someone who is, we’d love to help.  Sometimes, just one meal that you don’t have to buy/cook for the family goes a long way.  

Now, I know what you might be thinking, “Pastor Chris, I don’t fit into any of those categories.  Our family has plenty of food.”  Well, this is how YOU can help.  Come through the Drive-Thru on Saturday, pick up boxes and deliver them to people you know (maybe Neighbors, Nurses, First Responders, etc.). It’s our way to help you love and serve our community!

Another way that ANYONE could definitely help would be to come through the Drive-Thru on Saturday and drop off any canned goods or non-perishable food items for our Community Food Bank.  Our Food Bank is getting dangerously LOW! Also, if you would like to help sponsor the meal financially you can do so by giving on our website: or simply text ANY amount to 843-277-8337 and use the key word “meals” (ex. $100 meals).

Hope to see you come through the Drive-Thru on Saturday!

Pastor Chris


Friday’s 5 – 6-18-21

First of all, before I jump into this Sunday and Father’s Day, let me just say that this has already been our BEST SUMMER OF IMPACT EVER!  We’ll share some overall numbers at the end of Summer of IMPACT, but here are just a few fun facts.  We have already exceeded the number of individual sign ups from ANY previous Summer of IMPACT!  And it looks as though we will exceed the number of overall volunteer hours by 545 hours!  June is quickly coming to an end, but there is still about a week and a half of opportunities to serve.  Two projects in particular could definitely use more Volunteers:  Tricounty Family Ministries-Emergency Grocery Distribution & Project Uplift-Ardmore.  Go to our website and sign up today! 

I also want to put a plug in for a project that I’m helping to lead – the Grab & Go Meal Drive-Thru on Saturday, June 26th.  Volunteer-wise, we’re looking pretty good, but here’s where you could help – come through the drive-thru (11am-1pm), pick up a few meals and bless someone you know who might be in need or someone who just needs a little encouragement.  Maybe you take a few meals to the 1st Responders you know.  Also, look for our social media posts next week about this project and start sharing and spreading the word!  The church is taking care of the meal itself (pulled pork BBQ, Mac n’ Cheese, Green Beans), but we need desserts!  We’re looking for people to drop off prepackaged cookies, brownies, Rick Krispy Treats, Little Debbies, etc. next week.

One last thing for you to consider about Summer of IMPACT:  it is your generous, consistent giving that enables our church to do all that we do – including Summer of IMPACT.  This month alone we’re putting on 7 different Tailgate Parties (not including the Grab & Go Meal Drive-Thru), feeding literally hundreds and hundreds of people in our community.  Our church gladly buys all the food and supplies for these and other projects.  But when I say the church, keep in mind that means YOU.  You are the church.  People tend to travel and go on vacations over the Summer, which is great (Janet and I are looking forward to getting away this Summer).  Just remember that the Ministry and IMPACT of Coastal continues whether you’re here on a Sunday or not.  And everything we do is made possible by your consistent, generous giving.  You can give through our website or simply text ANY amount to 843-277-8337.

And finally, this Sunday is FATHER’S DAY!  There will be FREE Kona Ice for everyone, Baby/Child Dedication, a gift for all the guys (I’m real excited about the gift), and some fun giveaways (yes, probably MEAT) at the end of each service!  Don’t miss it!  Invite and bring your friends!  And remember, every 1st time guest (and the person who invited them – YOU) gets a FREE Movie Ticket to Citadel Mall Theater during our “At the Movies” series!

Making An IMPACT With You!
Pastor Chris 

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Typically, in this section of our Friday 5, we list all the upcoming Outreach Projects.  For the month of June – there really is only ONE thing we want you to focus on:  SUMMER OF IMPACT!  Simply click on this link:  Take a look at all the opportunities. Find the project(s) right for you and then sign up today! You can sign up for as many opportunities as you want directly from our website.  And by the way, you don’t even have to call Coastal your home to participate!  Spread the word  and invite and bring your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to serve!  If you are looking to Make an IMPACT in our community, this is the way to do it!  Let’s make this the best Summer ever!
    If you have any questions about Summer of IMPACT and the different projects, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. As a fun way to celebrate the Summer and our “At the Movies”series, we’ll be taking anyone who is available to see the new “Peter Rabbit 2” movie THIS Tuesday, June 22nd, 10am (doors open at 9:30am) at the Citadel Mall Theater.  And we’re picking up the cost of the ticket!  It’s our way to thank you and bless our community (your friends – yes, please invite and bring friends).  Simply let us know how many people you’ll be bringing to the movie (respond to this email or let us know on your Connect Card). 
  3. Our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park has been RESCHEDULED to Sunday, August 8th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public,” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized, simply respond to this email or sign up on our website.
  4. What are your Next Steps at Coastal?  If you’re fairly new to Coastal, a great next step is our Newcomers Reception.  Our next Newcomers Reception is Sunday, July 25th, in the Welcome Center immediately following the 11:15am service (at approximately 12:30pm).  This is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, as well as meet some other new people.  You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  
    Another next step is officially making Coastal your church family by becoming a Member. Our next Membership Class is Monday night, August 9th, 6-8:30pm. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  5. If you haven’t already seen it, make sure you check out our WAVES Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) Summer Calendar.  They have a ton of events, activities, and service projects all through June, July, and August!   This coming week alone they’ve got an Instagram Food Hookup on Monday, Movie on Tuesday, Carowinds trip on Wednesday, and serving at the church on Saturday. Go to our website, their Instagram pageor reach out to Ryan Spell for all the details. Oh and by the way, all the events are FREE!!  Bring your Student and invite a friend!

    P.S. Janet and I will be back on Facebook LIVE Wednesday evening, June 23rd at 8pm from my own personal Facebook page for Cookin’ & Dishin’ (or Grillin’ & Chillin’) with PC & Janet!  We’ll be cooking a meal (and giving it away to a lucky winner), talking about all things Coastal, and as always laughing and having fun!  We would love for you to join us!

Father’s Day

This coming Sunday is Father’s Day and I want to personally invite you to spend part of your day with us at Coastal Community Church!  Father’s Day is always a lot of fun at Coastal – Baby Dedication, FREE Kona Ice for everyone, a special gift for all the men (trust me guys – you’re going to LOVE it!), and we even have a some fun giveaways at the end of each service!

We have 2 identical services to make it convenient for you:  9:30am or 11:15am.  We’re in a series right now called, “At The Movies!” where we use current/popular movies to talk about spiritual truth.  And speaking of movies, we’re also taking anyone who is available to see “Peter Rabbit 2” FREE, ON US, this coming Tuesday morning at the Citadel Mall Theater!  Doors open at 9:30am – movie starts at 10am.  If you haven’t already signed up to come, simply respond to this email and let us know how many people you’re bringing or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday  And yes, as always, invite & bring your friends!

As you can see, Father’s Day is going to be AWESOME at Coastal!  So if you are in town, please come and join us – 9:30am or 11:15am.  If you’re out of town, you can catch both services live online.  We also have a dynamic Children’s Ministry called Coastal Kidz for all kids Birth-5th Grade during both services.  I promise you – you’ll be glad you came!

Hope to see you & your friends on Sunday!

Pastor Chris


Friday’s 5 – 6-11-21

I know I say this a lot – but don’t miss this Sunday at Coastal!  In fact, if you haven’t made it back to in-person worship, this would be a great week to come back!  We’re kicking off a favorite sermon series tradition here at Coastal – “At the Movies!”  We originally did this series back in 2008, brought it back in 2011, and have done it every Summer since.  Anybody here remember the first movie you ever went to see as a kid?  One of the first movies I remember seeing as a kid was Bambi at the old Ultravision Movie Theater where Moe’s is now on Sam Rittenburg.  And yes, I cried when Bambi’s mother got shot.  I remember the first time I saw The Wizard of Oz and being freaked out by the flying monkeys.  I remember seeing the movie Jaws in the Pinehaven Movie Theater in North Charleston and then being afraid to get in the water that whole summer at Folly Beach.

Without a doubt, our world today still has a love affair with the movies.  In fact, I will go as far to say that our culture gets a lot of what it believes about God, about spirituality, and about life from the movies they watch and the music they listen to.  Now don’t get me wrong.  I’m not saying they get it right.  But through movies and music they are asking questions and raising issues.  The good news is that as followers of Jesus we’ve got answers.  So instead of imitating, condemning, or ignoring the culture, why not seek to engage the culture, to redeem the culture.  That’s what Jesus did.  That’s what we do here at Coastal, and that’s what this series is all about.  We’re going to open up God’s word and boldly proclaim the truth.  The 6 movies we’re going to use are all just hooks to have some fun and get the conversation started.

And not only will we be serving popcorn and giving away several free movie tickets & other fun prizes to people at the end of each service this Sunday, but every 1st time guest during the entire 6 week series will receive a FREE MOVIE TICKET to the Citadel Mall movie theater (yes, they’re open again)!  And if you bring a friend with you – you get a ticket too!  On top of all that, we’re having a BEACH BAPTISM this Sunday afternoon at 5pm out at Folly Beach County Park.  Come out early and enjoy the day at the beach with your Coastal family!  Like I said, “DON’T MISS THIS SUNDAY! & BRING A FRIEND!”

I can’t say enough great things about the start to “Summer of IMPACT”!  In just the first two weeks alone, we’ve seen 222 Volunteers, over 15 different projects, volunteering 667 hours!!  There are still plenty of opportunities to sign up and serve, but 2 projects in particular could definitely use more Volunteers:  Tricounty Family Ministries-Emergency Grocery Distribution & Project Uplift-Ardmore.  Go to our website and sign up today!  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.  And if you’ve already signed up, the only thing left to do is to show up!

Making An IMPACT With You!
Pastor Chris 

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Typically, in this section of our Friday 5 we list all the upcoming Outreach Projects.  For the month of June – there really is only ONE thing we want you to focus on:  SUMMER OF IMPACT! Simply click on this link:  Take a look at all the opportunities. Find the project(s) right for you and then sign up today! You can sign up for as many opportunities as you want directly from our website.  And by the way, you don’t even have to call Coastal your home to participate!  Spread the word  and invite and bring your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to serve!  If you are looking to Make an IMPACT in our community, this is the way to do it!  Let’s make this the best Summer ever!
    If you have any questions about Summer of IMPACT and the different projects, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. As a fun way to celebrate the Summer and our “At the Movies”series, we’ll be taking anyone who is available to see the new “Peter Rabbit 2” movie on Tuesday, June 22nd, 10am (doors open at 9:30am) at the Citadel Mall Theater.  And we’re picking up the cost of the ticket!  It’s our way to thank you and bless our community (your friends – yes, please invite and bring friends).  Simply let us know how many people you’ll be bringing to the movie (respond to this email or let us know on your Connect Card). 
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park THIS Sunday, June 13th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email or sign up on our website
  4. Father’s Day, June 20th, is going to be a lot fun at Coastal!  First of all, we’re having another Baby/Child Dedication.  If you would like your family to participate, sign up on your Connect Card.  Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.  There will also be FREE Kona Ice for everyone, a gift for all the guys (I’m real excited about the gift), and some fun giveaways (yes, probably MEAT) at the end of each service!
  5. If you haven’t already seen it, make sure you check out our WAVES Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) Summer Calendar.  They have a ton of events, activities, and service projects all through June, July, and August!  Go to our website, their Instagram pageor reach out to Ryan Spell for all the details.  This Saturday they are going to Paintball of Charleston and will be leaving the church at 11:30am and returning at 5pm.  Oh and by the way, all the events are FREE!!  Bring your Student and invite a friend!

    P.S. On Tuesday, June 15th, Coastal is hosting Oakland Elementary School’s Kindergarten Graduation at 9am and their 5th Grade Graduation at 11am.  Oakland’s Graduation is Students only, but we would still like a few volunteers to help with doors and gifts.  If you are interested in serving at this Graduation, please respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  This is a great opportunity to make a huge IMPACT in our community.

At the Movies 2021

I just wanted to personally invite you to a new sermon series that kicks off this Sunday at Coastal Community Church called, “At The Movies!”  I think you’d agree that our world has a love affair with movies – I know I do!  So for the next 6 weeks, we’re going to use 6 different current/popular movies to talk about Biblical truth.  This week I’ll be using the movie, “Cruella.”  Come enjoy great music, a relevant message, and an awesome Children’s Ministry for kids birth to 5th grade.

I would also encourage you to invite and bring a friend with you – we expect guests at Coastal!  In fact, here’s where the FREE MOVIE TICKETS come in.  Not only will we be serving popcorn and giving away several free movie tickets & other fun prizes to people at the end of each service this Sunday, but every 1st time guest during the entire 6 week series will receive a FREE MOVIE TICKET to the Citadel Mall movie theater (yes, they’re open again)!  And if you bring a friend with you – you get a ticket too! 

Come a few minutes early and enjoy a hot cup of coffee or a treat from our Cafe – all FREE!  It’s going to be a great day and an awesome series!  We have 2 services to make it convenient for you:  9:30am or 11:15am (in-person or online)!

Have a great week!  Hope to see you and your friends on Sunday!

Pastor Chris

P.S. As another fun way to celebrate our “At the Movies”series, we’ll be taking anyone who is available to see the new “Peter Rabbit 2” movie on Tuesday, June 22nd, 10am (doors open at 9:30am) at the Citadel Mall Theater.  And we’re picking up the cost of the ticket!  It’s our way to thank you and bless our community (your friends – yes, please invite and bring friends).  Simply let us know how many people you’ll be bringing to the movie (respond to this email or let us know on your Connect Card this Sunday). 


Friday’s 5 – 6-4-21

This Sunday, I’ll be closing out our “Conversations” series.  The idea for the series has been that there are many important conversations that every believer needs to have a handle on and every parent needs to be prepared to pass on to the next generation.  So far, we’ve talked about our identity in Christ, developing friends, being a Christian in the digital age, and holding on to our faith.  There are many, many other subjects that we could talk about – sex/relationships, money/finances, just to name a few.  But there’s one topic I felt compelled to talk about this week, one that we definitely need to have a grasp on, and one that we definitely need to be prepared to talk with our kids about – failure.  

Failure is a part of life.  And yet many parents today will do everything in their power to create this unrealistic, pain-free bubble of success around their children.  But if you provide such a safety net for your little child that he or she never has an opportunity to fail, you’re doing them a dis-service.  You’re setting them up for greater pain.  You see, when they get out in the real world, they’re going to lose; they’re going to fail.  Nobody wins all the time.  Part of maturity is learning that.  They need to learn that it’s ok to make mistakes, it’s ok to fail.  What you want them to do is to learn from it.  That’s what we’re going to talk about on Sunday – how to handle failure.  And you never know, it’s possible that your greatest life message, your greatest contribution, your most significant input in this world, might just be in the area of your greatest failure, if, if you give it to God.  Don’t miss it!

It’s been a great start to “Summer of IMPACT”!  Already we’ve had Teams of Volunteers help with small home repairs in the Ardmore Neighborhood, sew pillowcases for MUSC Children’s Hospital, and feed the residents of Joseph Floyd Manor.  And that’s just over the last 3 days!  But we’re just getting started!  There’s still plenty of different projects to be a part of.  Simply click on this link: Summer of IMPACTtake a look at all the different opportunities, find the project(s) right for you, and then sign up today! One great opportunity tomorrow is Saturday Serve!  We meet at the church at 8:30am, hear a “pitch” from the leaders of the different projects that day, pray, and you pick what you want to do and go serve.  It’s THAT easy!  And it’s the backbone of all our serving at Coastal.  We would love to see you in the morning!  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.  And if you’ve already signed up, the only thing left to do is to show up!

Don’t forget that we kick-off “AT THE MOVIES” on Sunday, June 13th!  “At the Movies” is where we take current or popular movies and use them as a hook to talk about spiritual truth.  The movies we are using this year are:  “Cruella”, “Peter Rabbit 2”, “Fast & Furious 9”, “Black Widow”, “Space Jam”, and “Jungle Cruise.”  ALL 1st Time Guests will receive FREE Movie Tickets to Citadel Mall Theater (and the person who invited them – YOU) throughout the entire series.  There will be popcorn, movie trailers, and cool giveaways!  And this Sunday we’ll have a special invite tool for you to use to invite your friends to the series. 

One more thing.  I’ll say it as simply as I can.  It really is time for most of you to return to in-person worship!  Don’t put it off any longer, come back this Sunday!  I miss you! 

Making An IMPACT With You!
Pastor Chris 

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Typically, in this section of our Friday 5 we list all the upcoming Outreach Projects.  For the month of June – there really is only ONE thing we want you to focus on:  SUMMER OF IMPACT! Simply click on this link:  Take a look at all the opportunities. Find the project(s) right for you and then sign up today! You can sign up for as many opportunities as you want directly from our website.  And by the way, you don’t even have to call Coastal your home to participate!  Spread the word  and invite and bring your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to serve!  If you are looking to Make an IMPACT in our community, this is the way to do it!  Let’s make this the best Summer ever!
    If you have any questions about Summer of IMPACT and the different projects, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. As a fun way to celebrate the Summer and our “At the Movies”series, we’ll be taking anyone who is available to see the new “Peter Rabbit 2” movie on Tuesday, June 22nd, 10am (doors open at 9:30am) at the Citadel Mall Theater.  And we’re picking up the cost of the ticket!  It’s our way to thank you and bless our community (your friends – yes, please invite and bring friends).  Simply let us know how many people you’ll be bringing to the movie (respond to this email or let us know on your Connect Card). 
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park on Sunday, June 13th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email or sign up on our website.  
  4. Father’s Day, June 20th, is going to be a lot fun at Coastal!  First of all, we’re having another Baby/Child Dedication.  If you would like your family to participate, sign up on your Connect Card.  Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.  There will also be FREE Kona Ice for everyone, a gift for all the guys (I’m real excited about the gift), and some fun giveaways (yes, probably MEAT) at the end of each service!  
  5. We’re serving our community by rolling up our sleeves – literally! As part of our June 5th Saturday Serve, Coastal is hosting a Blood Drive from 8:30am-1:30pm at the church.  Every donor will receive a $10 gift card. You can use that gift card to meet your own needs or you can donate the gift card back to the church where we’ll use it to help struggling neighbors in our community. Let’s come together as a church and donate life! You can easily sign up for a convenient time slot by clicking here:

    P.S. Coastal is hosting the 8th Grade Graduation for Orange Grove Middle School on Thursday, June 10th, at 9:30am. Our auditorium will be standing room only!  If you are available, we need volunteers to help make this a wonderful experience for all of our guests!  We need people to work the cafe (cookies & lemonade), run golf carts, open doors, take pictures at a selfie/photo booth, and greet all of our guests.  And then on Tuesday, June 15th, we are hosting Oakland Elementary School’s Kindergarten Graduation at 9am and their 5th Grade Graduation at 11am.  Oakland’s Graduation is Students only, but we would still like a few volunteers to help with doors and gifts.  If you are interested in serving either or both Graduations, please respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  These Graduations are a great opportunity to make a huge IMPACT in our community.

Friday’s 5 – 5-28-21

Well, typically, Memorial Weekend officially marks the end of the school year (almost, but not quite this year) and the beginning of Summer.  In fact, this year, Memorial Day is actually the last day of May – Monday, May 31st!  But no matter when your child gets out of school this year, Summer begins this Tuesday, June 1st!  I am seriously excited about all the awesome things happening at Coastal this Summer and in particular during the month of June – the biggest of which is Summer of IMPACT!     If you and your family haven’t yet signed up for multiple projects, it’s time to do so!  And I seriously encourage you to spread the word with your friends, neighbors, family, and co-workers, especially those people in your life who don’t have a church or who aren’t even believers.  Why?  Because God created everyone with the desire to be a part of something bigger than yourself and to make a difference.  And believe it or not, most churches don’t have a very good reputation for serving and loving their communities unconditionally.  So leverage Summer of IMPACT as way to include those who might not darken the door of a church yet, but would be willing to volunteer in the community.  Don’t you see?  Not only is Summer of IMPACT an opportunity to serve and bless our community and you, but it is also an opportunity for outreach!  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.

Another reason I’m excited about June here at Coastal is that on Sunday, June 13th, we kick off one of our favorite sermon series traditions here at Coastal – “AT THE MOVIES”!  It’s where we take current or popular movies and use them as a hook to talk about spiritual truth.  ALL 1st Time Guests will receive FREE Movie Tickets to Citadel Mall Theater (and the person who invited them – YOU) throughout the entire series.  There will be popcorn, movie trailers, and cool giveaways!We’ll also be taking anyone who is available to see the new “Peter Rabbit 2” movie on Tuesday, June 22nd, 10am at the Citadel Mall Theater.  And we’re picking up the cost of the ticket!  It’s our way to thank you and bless our community (your friends – yes, please invite and bring friends).  Simply let us know how many people you’ll be bringing to the movie (respond to this email or let us know on your Connect Card). 

But the best part of our “At the Movies” kick-off on June 13th is that it’s also the day of our Beach Baptism out at Folly Beach County Park at 5pm!  Come out early (traffic might be an issue) and make it a fun day for your entire family!    If you are interested in getting Baptized, simply respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  Either way, come out and celebrate with us!

And then, of course, there is Father’s Day on Sunday, June 20th! There will be FREE Kona Ice for everyone, a gift for all the guys (I’m real excited about the gift), and some fun giveaways (yes, probably MEAT) at the end of each service!  Oh, and on top of all of that (Summer of IMPACT, At the Movies, Beach Baptism, Father’s Day), our Student Ministry (6th-12th Grade) just unveiled their Summer Calendar with a ton of events, activities, and service projects!  Go to their Instagram page and see Ryan Spell for all the details.

As you can see, it’s going to be a great Summer at Coastal!  The only thing that’s potentially missing right now is. . .YOU!  We can only provide the opportunities for connections, community, and service.  You have to make the choice to participate.  I hope you will!  I love YOU, I love being your Pastor, and I love what we get to do together!

Making An IMPACT With You!
Pastor Chris 

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Typically, in this section of our Friday 5 we list all the upcoming Outreach Projects.  For the month of June – there really is only ONE thing we want you to focus on:  SUMMER OF IMPACT!  Simply click on this link:  Take a look at all the opportunities. Find the project(s) right for you and then sign up today! You can sign up for as many opportunities as you want directly from our website.  And by the way, you don’t even have to call Coastal your home to participate!  Spread the word  and invite and bring your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to serve!  If you are looking to Make an IMPACT in our community, this is the way to do it!  Let’s make this the best Summer ever!
    If you have any questions about Summer of IMPACT and the different projects, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Are you grieving the loss of a spouse or do you know someone who is?  You are invited to join our FREE “Loss of a Spouse” Seminar through our Grief Share Support Group on Tuesday, June 1st, 6:30-8:30pm at Coastal.  Discover practical advice, support, prayer, and encouragement from others who’ve been there.  Learn what to expect in your grief and how to cope with life without your spouse.  Register at or call Freeda (540-903-5030) or Sue (616-443-6553).
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park on Sunday, June 13th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email or sign up on our website
  4. If you would like your family to participate in the Baby/Child Dedication on Father’s Day (June 20th), sign up on your Connect Card.  Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.  Coastal’s Baby Dedication is a special time for our parents and children. The purpose of our Baby Dedication is not for the child’s salvation or commitment to Christ. It is more of a prayer/renewal time for the parents as they commit to raise their child the way God wants them to and a time of prayer for the child to grow to be the man or woman God has called them to be. It is also a time for our church family to commit to you, the parents, to be the support that you need.  Most people think of a Baby Dedication as just for our newborns, but we’ve had all different ages participate. If you’ve never had that special prayer time for you and your child, we’d love for you to sign up and participate.
  5. We’re serving our community by rolling up our sleeves – literally! As part of our June 5th Saturday Serve, Coastal is hosting a Blood Drive from 8:30am-1:30pm at the church.  Every donor will receive a $10 gift card. You can use that gift card to meet your own needs or you can donate the gift card back to the church where we’ll use it to help struggling neighbors in our community. Let’s come together as a church and donate life! You can easily sign up for a convenient time slot by clicking here:

    P.S. The Summer is a great time to consider automating your giving!  You can do that through your Bank, through our TEXT to GIVE provider (843-277-8337), or our Offering Envelope.  If you have any questions you can call the church (843-571-1777) and Ashley will step you through it.   People tend to travel and go on vacations over the Summer.  Just remember that the Ministry and IMPACT of Coastal continues whether you’re here on a Sunday or not.  And everything we do is made possible by your consistent, generous giving.  You can give through our website or simply text ANY amount to 843-277-8337.


Cookin’ & Dishin’ with Pastor Chris & Janet

WE’RE BACK Baby!  Not sure if it’s by “popular demand” or not, but either way our little Cooking Show – Cookin’ & Dishin’ (sometimes called Grillin’ & Chillin’) with Pastor Chris & Janet will be back on Facebook Live THIS Wednesday (TOMORROW) evening, May 26th at 8pm!  This was something we did during the COVID Shutdown to connect with everyone and wound up having a lot of fun in the process.  It’s from my own personal Facebook page, so if we’re not friends yet, please friend me.  Just like we did before, we’ll be cooking a meal, talking about all things Coastal, and as always a lot of laughing and having fun!  And as an added bonus, we’ll actually be drawing names and giving away 2 FREE MEALS!  

This week’s menu is: Tomato Soup (Janet’s favorite), Cheese Biscuits (these are LEGIT – you’ll never want a Red Lobster cheese biscuit again), and Brownies (some of the best – and easiest – I’ve ever had)!

I hope you’ll join us!  

Pastor Chris


Friday’s 5 – 5-21-21

Summer of IMPACT is now less than two weeks away!! If you are fairly new to Coastal, Summer of IMPACT is a month-long effort (the entire month of June) where we as a church saturate our community with the love of Jesus through simple acts of service.  There is something for everyone – from serving through our existing partnerships with non-profit organizations all over Charleston like the Lowcountry Food Bank, Soldiers Angels, the Ronald McDonald House, Tri-County Family Ministries, and Lowcountry Orphan Relief, to sewing pillowcases for the Children’s Hospital, to helping widows, the elderly, and single moms with small home projects, to feeding, clothing, and bring supplies to literally hundreds of hungry, hurting, and homeless people all over Charleston. There are opportunities nearly every day of the month. You simply sign-up and then show-up. It’s literally that easy.  Every project has a leader and every project is well-organized. 

So here’s what I am asking you to do RIGHT NOW:  Click on this link:  Take a look at all the opportunities. Find the project(s) right for you and then sign up today! You can sign up for as many opportunities as you want directly from our website.  And by the way, you don’t even have to call Coastal your home to participate!  Spread the word  and invite and bring your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to serve!  If you are looking to Make an IMPACT in our community, this is the way to do it!  Let’s make this the best Summer ever!  I love you, I love our church, and I love being your Pastor!    

Speaking of Making an IMPACT, this past week has been Teacher Appreciation Week over at Oakland Elementary School.  There are two schools directly across the street from our church, Orange Grove Charter Middle School (the older school which originally housed Oakland), and Oakland Elementary School (the newer building behind Orange Grove).  During the first 14 years of our church, when we were portable, I promised God that wherever He physically planted our church that we would be a good neighbor to our community.  Well, when we ended up in our current location at 460 Arlington Dr. you’d have to be blind not see the little Elementary School right across the street.  It was the perfect place to start loving and serving our community.  And that’s exactly what we’ve done for the past 17 years.  And now, words truly can’t describe the special relationship that we have with Oakland.  I wish each and every one of you could have heard all the words of gratitude and goodwill expressed about our church (YOU) this week from the Staff at Oakland.  Every day this week each Teacher and Faculty member got a gift or some treat from our church.

Just remember that all of this (including Summer of IMPACT) is made possible by your consistent, generous giving.  You can give through our website or simply text ANY amount to 843-277-8337. I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor! 

Pastor Chris 

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, May 21st, 9am-11am. We meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, May 26th, 9am-12noon.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Are you grieving the loss of a spouse or do you know someone who is?  You are invited to join our FREE “Loss of a Spouse” Seminar through our Grief Share Support Group on Tuesday, June 1st, 6:30-8:30pm at Coastal.  Discover practical advice, support, prayer, and encouragement from others who’ve been there.  Learn what to expect in your grief and how to cope with life without your spouse.  Register at or call Freeda (540-903-5030) or Sue (616-443-6553).
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park on Sunday, June 13th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email or sign up on our website.
  4. If you would like your family to participate in the Baby/Child Dedication on Father’s Day (June 20th), sign up on your Connect Card.  Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.  Coastal’s Baby Dedication is a special time for our parents and children. The purpose of our Baby Dedication is not for the child’s salvation or commitment to Christ. It is more of a prayer/renewal time for the parents as they commit to raise their child the way God wants them to and a time of prayer for the child to grow to be the man or woman God has called them to be. It is also a time for our church family to commit to you, the parents, to be the support that you need.  Most people think of a Baby Dedication as just for our newborns, but we’ve had all different ages participate. If you’ve never had that special prayer time for you and your child, we’d love for you to sign up and participate.
  5. We’re serving our community by rolling up our sleeves – literally! As part of our June 5th Saturday Serve, Coastal is hosting a Blood Drive from 8:30am-1:30pm at the church.  Every donor will receive a $10 gift card. You can use that gift card to meet your own needs or you can donate the gift card back to the church where we’ll use it to help struggling neighbors in our community. Let’s come together as a church and donate life! You can easily sign up for a convenient time slot by clicking here:

    P.S. WE’RE BACK by popular demand!   Janet and I will be back on Facebook LIVE Wednesday evening, May 26th at 8pm from my own personal Facebook page for Cookin’ & Dishin’ (or Grillin’ & Chllin’) with PC & Janet!  We’ll be cooking a meal (and giving it away to a lucky winner), talking about all things Coastal, and as always laughing and having fun!  We would love for you to join us!

Friday’s 5 – 5-14-21

Wow – what an AMAZING Mother’s Day at Coastal this past Sunday!  We kicked off our new series called “Conversations,” talking about our identity in Christ.  We had 9 families participate in our Baby/Child Dedication (Our next one will be Father’s Day – sign up on your Connect Card).  And we continue to see families each week that we haven’t seen in-person in over a year.  In fact, other than Easter weekend, this was the first Sunday that we were well over 50% of our normal in-person attendance.  I hope that trend continues.  But most importantly, whether you’re in-person or online, continue to invite your friends to join us!

This Sunday in our “Conversations” series, I’ll be talking about forming healthy friendships.  The importance of making Godly friends is a valuable life skill whether you’re 12 or 27 or 53 (like me), whether you’re  single, married, kids or no kids.  1 Corinthians 15:33 says, “Don’t be fooled by those who say such things, for “bad company corrupts good character.”  “Don’t be fooled.”  In other words, “Don’t delude yourself into thinking that you are incapable of being impacted by other people.”  I’ve heard it said, and you’ve probably heard it too, “Your character is the sum total of the 5 people you spend the most time with.”  In other words, the kind of friends you have determine the kind of person you’re becoming.  Think about that.  That’s why we have to be intentional about the people in our lives and the people in our kids’ lives.  Don’t miss this Sunday and this crucial conversation.

And speaking of conversations, there has been a lot of talk this week about masks/face coverings.  First of all, let’s just make sure that whatever conversation you engage in that you always keep Ephesians 4:29 in mind, “Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.”  Since the beginning of the pandemic our church has been following our local and state government mask mandate.  This week those mandates have been officially lifted in our State, County, and City.  As a church, we have been requiring our Staff & Volunteers to wear masks and simply encouraging others to do so.  Beginning this Sunday, we will no longer require Staff or Volunteers to wear them.  However, we will continue to provide them for those who need one.  And we know and understand that many people, including Staff & Volunteers will still choose to wear facemasks, and we fully support their personal decision to do so.  As we always do at Coastal, continue to use wisdom and discernment and above all else, show love and grace to all people in whatever personal decision they make.  And even on occasion, be willing to set aside your own personal preferences for the love of others.  

Oh and on an unrelated note, not only were people freaking out this week over a possible gas shortage, but evidently there is/was a Chick-fil-a Sauce shortage and a chicken wing shortage!  I seriously wish we would display the same sense of urgency with “sharing and experiencing the LIFE and LOVE of Jesus with Charleston and the world” that we do with the silly and ultimately unimportant things of this world.  

I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor! 

Pastor Chris 

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Suburban Hotel Tailgate –  Let’s make an impact together by serving local veterans and persons transitioning from a local homeless shelter in Charleston into permanent housing at the Suburban Hotel in North Charleston!   THIS Saturday, May 15th, 10am-1pm meet at Coastal in the Welcome Center! This is a project that is suitable for the whole family.
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, May 21st, 9am-11am. We meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, May 26th, 9am-12noon.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Are you grieving the loss of a spouse or do you know someone who is?  You are invited to join our FREE “Loss of a Spouse” Seminar through our Grief Share Support Group on Tuesday, June 1st, 6:30-8:30pm at Coastal.  Discover practical advice, support, prayer, and encouragement from others who’ve been there.  Learn what to expect in your grief and how to cope with life without your spouse.  Register at or call Freeda (540-903-5030) or Sue (616-443-6553).
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park on Sunday, June 13th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email or sign up on our website
  4. One of the ways our church marks the coming of Summer is through “SUMMER OF IMPACT!”  For the entire month of June, our church will saturate Charleston with a variety of outreach projects almost every day!  What better way to show that we are followers of Jesus than by serving the people right here in our community!  The 2021 Summer of IMPACT Catalog with all the details is now available online.  Check out all the different opportunities and sign up today!  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  5. We’re serving our community by rolling up our sleeves – literally! As part of our June 5th Saturday Serve, Coastal is hosting a Blood Drive from 8:30am-1:30pm at the church.  Every donor will receive a $10 gift card. You can use that gift card to meet your own needs or you can donate the gift card back to the church where we’ll use it to help struggling neighbors in our community. Let’s come together as a church and donate life! You can easily sign up for a convenient time slot by clicking here:

    P.S. If you’re fairly new to Coastal, a great next step is our Newcomers Reception.  Our next Newcomers Reception is THIS Sunday, May 16th, in the Welcome Center immediately following the 11:15am service (at approximately 12:30pm).  This will also be available online!  This is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, as well as meet some other new people.  RSVP online or on your Connect Card.


Summer of IMPACT

It’s almost here – SUMMER!!  One of the ways our church marks the beginning of Summer is through something called Summer of IMPACT!  If you are fairly new to Coastal, Summer of IMPACT is a month-long effort (the entire month of June) where we as a church saturate our community with the love of Jesus through simple acts of service.  There is something for everyone – from serving through our existing partnerships with non-profit organizations all over Charleston like the Lowcountry Food Bank, Soldiers Angels, the Ronald McDonald House, Tri-County Family Ministries, and Lowcountry Orphan Relief, to sewing pillowcases for the Children’s Hospital, to helping widows, the elderly, and single moms with small home projects, to feeding, clothing, and bring supplies to literally hundreds of hungry, hurting, and homeless people all over Charleston. There are opportunities nearly every day of the month. You simply sign-up and then show-up. It’s literally that easy.  Every project has a leader and every project is well-organized. 

So here’s what I am asking you to do RIGHT NOW:

Click on this link:

Take a look at all the opportunities. Find the project(s) right for you and then sign up today! You can sign up for as many opportunities as you want directly from our website.  And by the way, you don’t even have to call Coastal your home to participate!  Spread the word (forward this email) and invite and bring your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to serve!

If you are looking to Make an IMPACT in our community, this is the way to do it!  Let’s make this the best Summer ever!  I love you, I love our church, and I love being your Pastor!    

In His Service & Yours,
Pastor Chris


Friday’s 5 – 5-7-21

Alright everyone – this Sunday, May 9th, is Mother’s Day!  We kick off a new series called, “Conversations.”  The idea for the series is that there are some important, crucial conversations that every parent needs to be prepared to have with their kids.  But don’t worry, this series is for everyone, whether you’re a parent or not, because what we’re going to be talking about in this series are some foundational life truths that all of us need to have a handle on and, yes, have the ability to pass on to the next generation.  We’ll cover things like forming healthy friendships, being a disciple in the digital age, holding on to your faith.  And this Sunday we begin with one of the most important conversations you need to be prepared to have and have a grip on – don’t let anyone steal your identity.  It’s going to be a great series to kick off on Mother’s Day and take us to the Summer.  Don’t miss it!  And as always, make sure you invite and bring your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers!  It’s going to be a BIG DAY!  We have a gift for all the Moms (and women), fun giveaways at the end of each service, a photo booth, Baby/Child Dedication during the service, and FREE Kona Ice!  It’s going to be a great day for many of you to return to in-person worship!  

I also want to thank those of you who started parking further away on Sunday mornings.  That will be especially important this Sunday on Mother’s Day!  There is plenty of parking at Oakland Elementary School, down the first drive right past the Greenway.  There is also parking available behind the Middle School where our Coastal Kidz container is located.  Again, think with our Guests in mind.

And speaking of the Coastal Kidz container – every Saturday morning at 8am we meet there to unload it and set everything up at Orange Grove Middle School.  When we’re done we go over to the church and set up the chairs.  We could always use your help!

The other thing that May always marks is Teacher Appreciation Week at Oakland Elementary School – Monday, May 17th – Friday, May 21st.  We have a special relationship with the school.  Each year we go over the top to express our love and appreciation to the Teachers and Staff of Oakland.  We have several special things planned – lunch, breakfast, gift cards, small gifts.  Just remember that all of our community outreach projects (this one included) are funded by your consistent, generous giving.  You can give through our website or simply text ANY amount to 843-277-8337. 

Pastor Chris 

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party and Clothing Distribution, Saturday, May 8th, 10am-1pm. 
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, May 11th, 8am-1pm.
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, May 12th, 9am-12noon.
    Suburban Hotel Tailgate –  Let’s make an impact together by serving local veterans and persons transitioning from a local homeless shelter in Charleston into permanent housing at the Suburban Hotel in North Charleston!   Saturday, May 15th, 10am-1pm meet at Coastal in the Welcome Center! This is a project that is suitable for the whole family.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Are you grieving the loss of a spouse or do you know someone who is?  You are invited to join our FREE “Loss of a Spouse” Seminar through our Grief Share Support Group on Tuesday, June 1st, 6:30-8:30pm at Coastal.  Discover practical advice, support, prayer, and encouragement from others who’ve been there.  Learn what to expect in your grief and how to cope with life without your spouse.  Register at or call Freeda (540-903-5030) or Sue (616-443-6553).
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park on Sunday, June 13th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email or sign up on our website.  
  4. One of the ways our church marks the coming of Summer is through “SUMMER OF IMPACT!”  For the entire month of June, our church will saturate Charleston with a variety of outreach projects almost every day!  What better way to show that we are followers of Jesus than by serving the people right here in our community!  The 2021 Summer of IMPACT Catalog with all the details is now available online.  Check out all the different opportunities and sign up today!  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  5. We’re serving our community by rolling up our sleeves – literally! As part of our June 5th Saturday Serve, Coastal is hosting a Blood Drive from 8:30am-1:30pm at the church.  Every donor will receive a $10 gift card. You can use that gift card to meet your own needs or you can donate the gift card back to the church where we’ll use it to help struggling neighbors in our community. Let’s come together as a church and donate life! You can easily sign up for a convenient time slot by clicking here:

    P.S. If you’re fairly new to Coastal, a great next step is our Newcomers Reception.  Our next Newcomers Reception is Sunday, May 16th, in the Welcome Center immediately following the 11:15am service (at approximately 12:30pm).  This will also be available online!  This is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, as well as meet some other new people.  RSVP online or on your Connect Card.

Friday’s 5 – 4-30-21

Check out the progress pictures above of our new facility (thanks to the Speer family for the drone shots)!  Things are really starting to take shape.  If it’s been a while since you’ve seen our campus, come by and I’d love to give you a tour.  None of this would be possible without your consistent generous giving!  Thank you for your faithfulness! 

This Sunday, I’ll be wrapping up our “Bridges” series (and yes, I will be preaching).  I’ll be talking about how once we cross the bridge of faith, God then uses us to be bridge builders to the world around us.  We become bridge builders where we live, work, parent, and play.  In a way, it’s like a family trait that gets passed down to us from our Heavenly Father.  You and I are to be constantly building bridges to reach out to people who are disconnected from God.

And then on the following Sunday, Mother’s Day, May 9th, we kick off a new series I’m excited about (I know, I get excited about every series we do) called, “Conversations.”  A couple of years ago I read a really good book on communication called, “Crucial Conversations:  Tools For Talking When Stakes Are High.”  Well, the idea for this series is that there are several “crucial conversations” that every parent needs to have with their children — not letting anyone steal their identity, forming healthy friendships, following Jesus in a digital age, and holding on to your faith (just to name a few). Kids can easily get confused between what the world says and what God says.  And if you’re a parent, you might feel unprepared to have difficult, yet crucial conversations with your kids. In this series you’ll get practical advice for talking with your kids about the stuff that matters.  But trust me, even if you aren’t a parent, the truths you’ll learn from this series will help you grow in your own faith and find significance in the God who created you.  It’s going to be a great series to kick off on Mother’s Day and take us to the Summer.

And speaking of Mother’s Day – invite and bring your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers!  It’s going to be a BIG DAY!  We have a gift for all the Moms (and women), fun giveaways at the end of each service, a photo booth, Baby/Child Dedication during the service, and FREE Kona Ice!  

Now, there are two things I need your help with.  One is parking.  Actually, you can start helping with parking this Sunday.  As more and more people are making their way back to church that means more parking spaces are needed.  I am asking all of our regular attenders to start parking as far away as possible so that when a guest shows up on our campus they can easily find a parking space. Typically in our early Sunday morning Volunteer Meeting I tell all our Volunteers, “The further away you park, the more you love Jesus.”  So where am I asking you to park?  There is plenty of parking at Oakland Elementary School, down the first drive right past the Greenway.  There is also parking available behind the Middle School where our Coastal Kidz container is located.  Again, think with our Guests in mind.  When our construction is completed, we’ll have more parking available.

The other thing I need your help with is our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry (Birth – 5th Grade).  It’s been so awesome the last several weeks, seeing more and more people starting to return to in-person worship.  But more people means more kids which means more volunteers.  I want to invite you to check out Coastal Kidz and see if this is the place for you to start serving. Teaching a child about Jesus or caring for a little one so their parents can grow closer to Jesus is not only alot of fun, but you are also making an eternal IMPACT.  Most of our Coastal KIdz volunteers serve once or twice a month.  

If you used to serve in Coastal Kidz and just now started coming back to in-person worship, we’re ready for you to jump back in.  In fact, this Spring & Summer is going to be the perfect time to prepare our Coastal Kidz Volunteers before the Grand Opening of our new Children’s Facility in the Fall!  If you are interested in Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry, simply respond to this email, indicate it on your Connect Card, or directly contact our Children’s Director, Janet Rollins, at or 843-442-8299.

Pastor Chris 

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is tomorrow, May 1st.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party and Clothing Distribution, Saturday, May 8th, 10am-1pm. 
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, May 11th, 8am-1pm.
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, May 12th, 9am-12noon.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Are you grieving the loss of a spouse or do you know someone who is?  You are invited to join our FREE “Loss of a Spouse” Seminar through our Grief Share Support Group on Tuesday, June 1st, 6:30-8:30pm at Coastal.  Discover practical advice, support, prayer, and encouragement from others who’ve been there.  Learn what to expect in your grief and how to cope with life without your spouse.  Register at or call Freeda (540-903-5030) or Sue (616-443-6553).
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park on Sunday, June 13th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email or sign up on our website.  
  4. One of the ways our church marks the coming of Summer is through “SUMMER OF IMPACT!”  For the entire month of June, our church will saturate Charleston with a variety of outreach projects almost every day!  What better way to show that we are followers of Jesus than by serving the people right here in our community!  The 2021 Summer of IMPACT Catalog with all the details is now available online.  Check out all the different opportunities and sign up today!  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  5. If you would like your family to participate in the Baby/Child Dedication on Mother’s Day (May 9th) or Father’s Day (June 20th), sign up on your Connect Card.  Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.  Coastal’s Baby Dedication is a special time for our parents and children. The purpose of our Baby Dedication is not for the child’s salvation or commitment to Christ. It is more of a prayer/renewal time for the parents as they commit to raise their child the way God wants them to and a time of prayer for the child to grow to be the man or woman God has called them to be. It is also a time for our church family to commit to you, the parents, to be the support that you need.  Most people think of a Baby Dedication as just for our newborns, but we’ve had all different ages participate. If you’ve never had that special prayer time for you and your child, we’d love for you to sign up and participate.

    P.S. If you’re fairly new to Coastal, a great next step is our Newcomers Reception.  Our next Newcomers Reception is Sunday, May 16th, in the Welcome Center immediately following the 11:15am service (at approximately 12:30pm).  This will also be available online!  This is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, as well as meet some other new people.  RSVP online or on your Connect Card.

Friday’s 5 – 4-23-21

My little girl came home this week.  Okay, she’s not so little anymore.  She’s married and turns 30 next week.  We had a great visit.  Before she came, she told Janet she wanted to learn to sew this week.  My son-in-law Andrew LOVES my grilling.  So as you can imagine, we’ve both been in heaven this week – sewing, grilling, and loving on our kids.  In fact, as I type these words, they just left minutes ago and headed back to their home in Knoxville, TN.  We hugged, cried, and waved good bye.  Family.  There’s nothing like it.  

When I went off to college (years ago), my only contact with friends and family back home was a pay phone in my dorm hallway and handwritten letters.  I kept a jar of quarters in my room for those late night phone calls and always looked forward to one of the guys in the dorm answering the pay phone and calling out, “Phone call for Chris!”  For those of you under 30, google “pay phone” to see what I’m talking about.  By the time my daughter went off to college and then out to Los Angeles, to say that I was thankful for all the technology changes that allowed us to talk at any time or to “see” each other via Zoom or FaceTime would be quite the understatement.  And now, even though they are a lot closer in Knoxville, we so look forward to those phone calls, even if just for a minute or two to check in.  However, as thankful as I am for all the technology, nothing compares to when I get to physically see and hug my little girl.

That’s kind of how I feel about church online.  When the world shut down, I can’t begin to express my gratitude for all the technology we’ve invested in that enables us to communicate, “see” each other, and stay connected.  And it’s not going way – it’s here to stay.  It is a great tool that we will continue to invest in, develop, and leverage for the Kingdom.  However, it’s not a replacement for the gathered church.  It’s not the same as actually seeing each other in person, worshipping together, hugging each other.  I saw a family of 5 last Sunday that I had not seen in person in over a year.  It’s hard to describe the emotion that welled up inside of me as I hugged each one of them.  Honestly, it was kind of like seeing my daughter this week.  Why?  Because we’re family.  

So, I’ll say this as simply as I can.  It’s time for many of you to come back to in-person worship.  It’s time.  Sure, there are a few of you who are genuinely immunocompromised or caring for those who are.  But many of you have simply gotten out of the habit.  You are out and about in the community, your kids are in school (in person) and in sports, you’re going to restaurants, Costco, Wal-Mart, and grocery stores.  It’s simply become easy and convenient just to stay home on Sunday morning and “watch it online.”  But it’s not the same.  It’s not.  If you’re concerned, wear a mask and come to the 11:15am service. I say it all the time and I sincerely mean it – I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor.  A Pastor is a Shepherd and sometimes a Shepherd has to call the sheep home.  Come home.   

Pastor Chris 

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, TODAY, Friday, April 23rd, 9am-11am. We meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, April 28thh, 9am-12noon.
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, May 1st.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Are you grieving the loss of a spouse or do you know someone who is?  You are invited to join our FREE “Loss of a Spouse” Seminar through our Grief Share Support Group on Tuesday, June 1st, 6:30-8:30pm at Coastal.  Discover practical advice, support, prayer, and encouragement from others who’ve been there.  Learn what to expect in your grief and how to cope with life without your spouse.  Register at or call Freeda (540-903-5030) or Sue (616-443-6553).
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach on Sunday, June 13th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email or sign up on our website.
  4. One of the ways our church marks the coming of Summer is through “SUMMER OF IMPACT!”  For the entire month of June, our church will saturate Charleston with a variety of outreach projects almost every day!  What better way to show that we are followers of Jesus than by serving the people right here in our community!  The 2021 Summer of IMPACT Catalog with all the details is now available online.  Check out all the different opportunities and sign up today!  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  5. If you would like your family to participate in the Baby/Child Dedication on Mother’s Day (May 9th) or Father’s Day (June 20th), sign up on your Connect Card.  Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.  Coastal’s Baby Dedication is a special time for our parents and children. The purpose of our Baby Dedication is not for the child’s salvation or commitment to Christ. It is more of a prayer/renewal time for the parents as they commit to raise their child the way God wants them to and a time of prayer for the child to grow to be the man or woman God has called them to be. It is also a time for our church family to commit to you, the parents, to be the support that you need.  Most people think of a Baby Dedication as just for our newborns, but we’ve had all different ages participate. If you’ve never had that special prayer time for you and your child, we’d love for you to sign up and participate.

    P.S. If you’re fairly new to Coastal, a great next step is our Newcomers Reception.  Our next Newcomers Reception is Sunday, May 16th, in the Welcome Center immediately following the 11:15am service (at approximately 12:30pm).  This will also be available online!  This is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, as well as meet some other new people.  RSVP online or on your Connect Card.

Friday’s 5 – 4-16-21

Life.  Despite all of our knowledge and all of the medical and scientific advances, from the very beginning to the very end, life is so very fragile and mysterious.  This past week I saw that spectrum up close and personal.  I met and prayed with a young couple from our church struggling with the pain and heartache of miscarriage – the beginning of life.  I also met and prayed with a wife and her 13 year old son who just lost their husband and father to a sudden heart attack – the end of life.  

Even though we know the passages that are often quoted at times like these that talk about heavenly mansions and new bodies and that life is just a mist or a vapor, that is here for a moment and then gone – it is difficult when that mansion and that new body and that mist is made personal and real and given a name.  The name of the man who died of a heart attack was Chris Osteen.  He got up early Tuesday morning, fixed Walker, his son, breakfast and took him to school, as was his custom.  He came home and breathed his last breath.  He was 50 years old.  I have known Chris, his wife Brandi, and their son Walker for the past 10 years.  Brandi & Walker came to Coastal this past Easter and walked across the Bridge.  Brandi indicated on her Connect Card that she walked across the Bridge because she needed to be reminded of the hope of heaven.  Little did she know on Easter Sunday just how real that Bridge walk would become.  

But we don’t know, do we?  We never do.  I was 13 years old, just like Walker, when my Dad died.  Honestly, all of it at the time was a blur.  I was hurt, angry, and lost.  I remember a lot of adults, who I didn’t really know, saying a lot things to me.  But at the end of the day, I just wanted my Dad back.  I don’t have easy answers for the wonderful couple who just so desperately want to have a baby and can’t, or for the 13 year old boy who wants to know why his dad will never get to see him hit a home run or teach him to drive.  I get upset when Christians offer 2 cent answers to million dollar questions.  What I’ve learned is that what people really need in moments of deepest grief is simply to know that you’re there for them – in whatever way they need.  

It took me a while, but I eventually learned that God did not cause my Dad to die.  He did, however, use his death in a powerful way in my life.  He brought something very beautiful out of it.  My guess is that a lot of adults said those same things to me when I was Walker’s age.  But at the time, I just needed someone to love me, to be there for me, after the service was over, after the food was gone, and after everyone else went on with there lives.  And I’m so very thankful, that by the grace of God, He put those people in my life.  That’s the beauty of true fellowship, of the church – people who, over time, walk out the truth that God’s love for you is big enough to handle your pain, your grief, your doubt and even your anger.  They just keep loving you through it.  

Pray for that young couple struggling with infertility and the loss of life at its very beginning.  Be willing to walk through the fire with them.  Pray for the Osteen family and the long road ahead.  Chris’ funeral will be this Sunday at 5pm at Coastal.  Pray for me and our church as we serve and minister to this family.  Hug your loved ones tight tonight and tell them you love them.  And by the way, if you are hurting and struggling with grief and loss, we have a great Support Group at Coastal called Grief Share filled with people willing to walk with you and love you through it.  They meet at the church on Monday nights at 6:30pm.  If you have any questions about the Group, please reach to Sue Muoio at  

I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor.  No one is guaranteed their next breath.  It’s all a gift from God.  So why not live and love each day like it’s our last!  One day we will all walk across that bridge, and the only thing that will matter is our faith in Jesus.  So until He calls us home or comes again, let’s “share and experience the life and love of Jesus with Charleston and the world!”

Pastor Chris 

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Suburban Hotel Tailgate –  Let’s make an impact together by serving local veterans and persons transitioning from a local homeless shelter in Charleston into permanent housing at the Suburban Hotel in North Charleston!   Saturday, April 17th, 10am-1pm meet at Coastal in the Welcome Center! This is a project that is suitable for the whole family.
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, April 20th, 8am-1pm.
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, April 23rd, 9am-11am. We meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Interested in officially making Coastal your church family by becoming a Member?  Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning (TOMORROW), April 17th, 9:30am-12noon. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach on Sunday, June 13th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email or sign up on our website
  4. One of the ways our church marks the coming of Summer is through “SUMMER OF IMPACT!”  For the entire month of June, our church will saturate Charleston with a variety of outreach projects almost every day!  What better way to show that we are followers of Jesus than by serving the people right here in our community!  The 2021 Summer of IMPACT Catalog with all the details is now available online.  Check out all the different opportunities and sign up today!  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  5. If you would like your family to participate in the Baby/Child Dedication on Mother’s Day (May 9th) or Father’s Day (June 20th), sign up on your Connect Card.  Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.  Coastal’s Baby Dedication is a special time for our parents and children. The purpose of our Baby Dedication is not for the child’s salvation or commitment to Christ. It is more of a prayer/renewal time for the parents as they commit to raise their child the way God wants them to and a time of prayer for the child to grow to be the man or woman God has called them to be. It is also a time for our church family to commit to you, the parents, to be the support that you need.  Most people think of a Baby Dedication as just for our newborns, but we’ve had all different ages participate. If you’ve never had that special prayer time for you and your child, we’d love for you to sign up and participate.

    P.S. Coastal is 100% fully funded by the generous, consistent giving our our people.  We could not do what we do without you!  And whether we gather in-person or online, the ministry and impact of Coastal never ceases.  Your weekly gifts are a vital resource that allow us to continue the work that God has called us to do.  If you need us to mail you offering envelopes or step you through online giving or TEXT Giving (text any amount to 843-277-8337), please respond to this email or call the church office (843-571-1777).  Thank you so much for your continued faithfulness!

Friday’s 5 – 4-9-21

Wow – we had an amazing Easter Weekend at Coastal!  First of all, I can’t thank all of our volunteers enough for all of your hard work – 6 services over 3 days!  All of our Teams – Praise & Worship, Tech, Coastal Kidz, Security, Cafe, Prayer, 1st Impressions – knocked it out of the park!  Many, many people were at multiple services and some were at all 6.  We seriously have the best volunteers at Coastal and could not do what we do without you!  We kicked off a new series over the weekend called, “Bridges,” and hundreds of people literally walked across a bridge, representing various next steps in their faith.  It was a very moving moment in each service.  Going into the weekend, I seriously had no idea how many people to expect in attendance in-person.  For the last several months we’ve been averaging around 350 people in-person (about 40% of our pre-covid in-person attendance).  I really thought that if we doubled that in-person (700) it would be a miracle.  Well, we had 1081 people in-person over the weekend!  And then we had another 1175 online – for a grand total of 2256!  

Like always, we had a lot of 1st time guests – people who were invited by a friend or who saw an ad, received a post card, or found us online.  But what was also so powerful is that I saw people in each one of our 6 services that I literally haven’t seen in-person in over a year.  Easter was their first time back in-person since the shutdown.  It was very emotional for me as a Pastor/Shepherd and for them – most were in tears.  I expect to see more and more of that in the weeks ahead, people starting to return to in-person worship.  Again, if you are out and about in the community, your kids are in school (in person) and in sports, you’re going to restaurants, the gym, Costco, Wal-Mart, Target and grocery stores. . . it’s time to come back to in-person worship.  Consider this a loving, Pastoral nudge.

Don’t forget that we go back to our regular Sunday morning worship services times this week – 9:30am & 11:15am.  Also, there is no Coastal Kidz set-up or Chair set-up tomorrow as we were able to leave everything up this week for Spring Break.  We will be stacking and packing our chairs and breaking down Coastal Kidz after the 11:15am service on Sunday.  If you took home and put up a Yard Sign, please pick them up and return them to the church.  We really try to do our best to reuse them each Easter.  

If it’s been a while since you’ve been by our campus, I can’t wait for you to see all the progress on our new facility!  It’s really beginning to take shape.  In fact, if you are ever in the area, I’d love to give you a tour!  I love you Coastal!  And I love being your Pastor!

Pastor Chris 

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party and Clothing Distribution, Saturday, April 10th, 10am-1pm. 
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, April 13th, 8am-1pm.
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, April 14th, 9am-1pm.
    Suburban Hotel Tailgate –  Let’s make an impact together by serving local veterans and persons transitioning from a local homeless shelter in Charleston into permanent housing at the Suburban Hotel in North Charleston!   Saturday, April 17th, 10am-1pm meet at Coastal in the Welcome Center! This is a project that is suitable for the whole family.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Interested in officially making Coastal your church family by becoming a Member?  Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, April 17th, 9:30am-12noon. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  3. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach on Sunday, June 13th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email or sign up on our website.  
  4. We are excited to announce that Coastal is starting a Celebrate Recovery Support Group/Ministry!  Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind.  If you have a track record of personal recovery and you are interested in possibly serving in this Christ-centered ministry, please let us know on your connect card or you can reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at
  5. If you would like your family to participate in the Baby/Child Dedication on Mother’s Day (May 9th) or Father’s Day (June 20th), sign up on your Connect Card.  Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.  Coastal’s Baby Dedication is a special time for our parents and children. The purpose of our Baby Dedication is not for the child’s salvation or commitment to Christ. It is more of a prayer/renewal time for the parents as they commit to raise their child the way God wants them to and a time of prayer for the child to grow to be the man or woman God has called them to be. It is also a time for our church family to commit to you, the parents, to be the support that you need.  Most people think of a Baby Dedication as just for our newborns, but we’ve had all different ages participate. If you’ve never had that special prayer time for you and your child, we’d love for you to sign up and participate.

    P.S. One of the ways our church marks the coming of Summer is through “SUMMER OF IMPACT!”  For the entire month of June, our church will saturate Charleston with a variety of outreach projects almost every day!  What better way to show that we are followers of Jesus than by serving the people right here in our community!  The 2021 Summer of IMPACT Catalog with all the details will be available both in-person in the bulletin and on our website on Sunday!  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.

Good Friday 5 – 4-2-21

Finally – Easter Weekend is here!  Today is Good Friday.  Think about this.  While you were asleep last night/early this morning, nearly 2000 years ago Jesus was captured in the Garden and condemned to die by the Jewish leaders who hated him.  As you were waking up Jesus was being shuffled back and forth between Pilate and Herod for even more trials and abuse. While you were getting dressed, the Roman soldiers were brutally beating Him and putting thorns on His head.  By the time you were on your way to work He was on his way to the cross.  Satan was laughing –  convinced that he won.  It was Friday. . . but here’s the GOOD NEWS – Sunday was coming!  Can’t wait to celebrate that with you and your friends & family this weekend – Friday (tonight), April 2nd, 7pm (this is the only service that will have NO COASTAL KIDZ); Saturday, April 3rd, 4:30pm, 6pm;  Sunday, April 4th, 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am.  (FREE KONA ICE at the Saturday and Sunday services for the kids!)

It’s still not too late to make that call, send that email or text, walk across the street or the office, and invite someone to church for this weekend!  You never know the power of a simple invitation.  40 years ago a friend from school invited me to church.  I ended up giving my life to Jesus and committing to full-time Christian ministry!  Simply put, it changed my life!  Who do you know that needs Jesus?

A few other quick reminders about Easter at Coastal: Parking & Seating really is important on Big Services like Easter.  Please, please park as far away as possible and sit to the front and center of each section.  And this is important – COME EARLY!  With more guests on our campus, make sure you’re even more gracious, kind, loving, and helpful to everyone!  Treat everyone as your welcomed, expected guest in your home.  I also want to challenge you to give above and beyond this Easter Weekend toward our construction project.  You can give through our website, our App, or TEXT any amount to 843-277-8337. It’s simple, safe, secure, and convenient!   If it’s been a while since you’ve been by our campus, I can’t wait for you to see all the progress on our new facility!  We are just past the midway point and hope to have a Grand Opening in late August or early September!

Pastor Chris 

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is THIS Saturday (tomorrow), April 3rd.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a community Tailgate Party and Clothing Distribution, Saturday, April 10th, 10am-1pm. 
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, April 13th, 8am-1pm.
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, April 14th, 9am-1pm.
    Suburban Hotel Tailgate –  Let’s make an impact together by serving local veterans and persons transitioning from a local homeless shelter in Charleston into permanent housing at the Suburban Hotel in North Charleston!   Saturday, April 17th, 10am-1pm meet at Coastal in the Welcome Center! This is a project that is suitable for the whole family.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Interested in officially making Coastal your church family by becoming a Member?  Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, April 17th, 9:30am-12noon. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  3. Is Baptism your next step? The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  And at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email or sign up on our website.  We are also planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach on Sunday, June 13th, at 5pm.  You can also sign up for that on our website.
  4. We are excited to announce that Coastal is starting a Celebrate Recovery Support Group/Ministry!  Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind.  If you have a track record of personal recovery and you are interested in possibly serving in this Christ-centered ministry, please let us know on your connect card or you can reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at
  5. If you would like your family to participate in the Baby/Child Dedication on Mother’s Day (May 9th) or Father’s Day (June 20th), sign up on your Connect Card.  Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.  Coastal’s Baby Dedication is a special time for our parents and children. The purpose of our Baby Dedication is not for the child’s salvation or commitment to Christ. It is more of a prayer/renewal time for the parents as they commit to raise their child the way God wants them to and a time of prayer for the child to grow to be the man or woman God has called them to be. It is also a time for our church family to commit to you, the parents, to be the support that you need.  Most people think of a Baby Dedication as just for our newborns, but we’ve had all different ages participate. If you’ve never had that special prayer time for you and your child, we’d love for you to sign up and participate.

    P.S. One of the ways our church marks the coming of Summer is through “SUMMER OF IMPACT!”  For the entire month of June, our church will saturate Charleston with a variety of outreach projects almost every day!  What better way to show that we are followers of Jesus than by serving the people right here in our community!  In the next few weeks, be on the lookout for our 2021 Summer of IMPACT calendar with all the details!  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.

You’re Invited to Easter at Coastal!

I want to personally invite you and your friends & family to attend one of Coastal Community Church’s 6 Easter Services this weekend!  We begin a brand new 5 week series called, “Bridges.”  The idea for the series is that Jesus is the bridge we need to cross in a variety of areas of our life.  Jesus is the bridge to peace, reconciliation, freedom, and of course on Easter – Jesus is the bridge to eternal life!

Our 6 Identical Easter Service Times are:
– Friday, April 2nd: 7pm (only service without Coastal Kidz/Nursery)
– Saturday, April 3rd: 4:30pm & 6pm
– Sunday, April 4th:  8:30am, 10am, 11:30am.
(There will be FREE Kona Ice on Saturday and Sunday!)

Please let us know which service you plan on attending by registering at  Our regular Nursery & Children’s Ministry (Birth-5th Grade) will be provided during Saturday and Sunday services (not Friday night).  Your kids will be safe & secure and will have a blast!  Our Cafe provides great coffee and a treat for free; the music will be ROCKIN’; the message will be straight from God’s Word and apply to your every day life; and you’ll meet a bunch of people just like you!  We expect guests each week at Coastal, so invite and bring someone with you (all 1st time guests receive a FREE Gift)!  I promise you, you’ll be glad you came!

Hope to see you, your friends, and family on Easter Weekend!
Pastor Chris Rollins (friend me on Facebook or Instagram)
Coastal Community Church
460 Arlington Dr.
(directly across the street from Oakland Elementary and Orange Grove Middle Schools)

P.S.  If it’s been a while since you’ve been by our campus, I can’t wait for you to see all the progress on our new facility!  We are just past the midway point and hope to have a Grand Opening in late August or early September! 


Friday’s 5 – 3-26-21

Well, it’s time – time to make the ask and invite your friends to church this Easter!  Our Easter services are officially ONE WEEK AWAY!  Hopefully by now you’re well aware that we’re having 6 identical services over three days:  Friday, April 2nd, 7pm (this is the only service that will have NO COASTAL KIDZ); Saturday, April 3rd, 4:30pm, 6pm;  Sunday, April 4th, 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am.  And speaking of making the ask, what’s the worst thing that can happen?  They say no.  And by the way, just because someone says no, keep praying, keep loving, keep serving, look for the open door and ask again later.  But think for a moment about the best thing that could happen.  You could be used by God to literally affect someone’s eternity.  It’s possible that they hear the Good News of the Gospel and give their life to Jesus!  We have the opportunity to literally change the trajectory of entire generations by a simple ask.  Don’t  believe me?  You’re a part of Coastal today because a friend invited me to church when I was 13 years old.  One week later from that ask I gave my life to Jesus and felt God’s call for ministry.  Make the ask! 

For those of you on Social Media, please go to our Easter at Coastal webpage and click on the “Download Shareable Easter Invite Images for Social Media” button.  A zip file containing a folder of 10 different images will automatically download on your computer.  Or you can simply click on this link and download them now!  These are great images to use on Facebook and Instagram to get the word out and invite people to Coastal for Easter!

And while you’re on our Easter At Coastal page, make sure you go ahead and register for the service you and your family and friends are planning to attend!  That way we can spread everyone out and let people know when a service is reaching capacity.  Make sure you connect with your Ministry Leader and sign up now to serve at one or more of our services.  If you are not currently serving in a Ministry, Easter is a great time to get started!  Respond to this email and we’ll put you in touch with a Ministry Leader.

For many of you, I believe that Easter weekend is a great time to come back to in-person worship!  I am so thankful for the online ministry of our church during the pandemic.  We’ve gone “all in” and made a huge investment in this ministry.  It is here to stay, and it will continue to be a powerful tool to leverage for the community and for the Kingdom.  However, it is NOT a replacement for gathering together in person for worship and fellowship.  If you are out and about in the community, your kids are in school (in person) and in sports, you’re going to restaurants, Costco, Wal-Mart, and grocery stores. . . it’s time to come back to in person worship.  Our staff and volunteers continue to wear masks and so do many others.  We’ve made many other adjustments in our facility and our service – prepackaged communion, touchless entry/exit, hand sanitizing & mask stations. We no longer pass the offering buckets or offer self serve at our Cafe. We’ve also removed almost half of our chairs to spread people out.  On top of all of that, I’ve heard that many people at Coastal have been vaccinated – including by the way ALL 4 OF YOUR PASTORS (we get our 2nd shot early this coming week).

I say none of that to guilt or pressure anyone.  There are some in our community at Coastal who are elderly, sick, immunocompromised, and who have still been diligently avoiding crowds or all in person interactions at all costs.  You are loved, you are in my prayers daily, and you are a valuable part of our community.  And having talked to many of you, I know you are sincerely looking forward to the day when you will rejoin us in person soon.  Until that day, stay online, stay engaged, and please feel free to reach out to me personally to check in.  I love hearing from you!  However, my point is that many do not fall into those categories and for the most part, with taking a few precautions, you’re fully engaged in the community.  If that’s you, consider this a loving, Pastoral nudge to join us again for in person worship.  Trust me, I look forward to the day when we no longer have to navigate any of this.  But until that day, let’s continue to show grace and kindness to everyone (it seems like I’ve read that somewhere).  I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor!    

Pastor Chris 

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, March 31st, 9am-1pm.
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, April 3rd.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Interested in officially making Coastal your church family by becoming a Member?  Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, April 17th, 9:30am-12noon. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  3. Did you know that Coastal’s Prayer Team is now ready and available to pray with people in-person during our Worship Services?  During both services our Prayer Team volunteers will be wearing Red Lanyards.  All you have to do is tap anyone on the Prayer Team on the shoulder for prayer and they will step off to the side and pray with you.  Prayer Team members will also be sitting in the front row to the left of stage during the response time (the end of each sermon/communion time) ready to pray with anyone during the last songs of the service.  If you are interested in joining our Prayer Team, please reach out to Galen Moyer at
  4. We are excited to announce that Coastal is starting a Celebrate Recovery Support Group/Ministry!  Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind.  If you have a track record of personal recovery and you are interested in possibly serving in this Christ-centered ministry, please let us know on your connect card or you can reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at  
  5. How awesome was it that we Baptized an entire family of 4 this past Sunday during our 11:15am service?!  Is that possibly your next step? The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  And at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email or sign up on our website.  We are also planning our Annual Beach Baptism out at Folly Beach on Sunday, June 13th, at 5pm.  You can also sign up for that on our website.

    P.S. I want to challenge you to give toward our “Daring Faith” offering for Easter Weekend.  Because a large number of people stepped out in faith and gave to “Daring Faith,” our church was able to begin our construction project.  You can visit our Daring Faith page on our website to learn more about the project.  It’s slated to be complete in late August!  Easter Weekend would be a great time for you and your family to give above and beyond as a step of faith toward this project.  You can give through our website, our App, or TEXT any amount to 843-277-8337. It’s simple, safe, secure, and convenient!

Friday’s 5 – 3-19-21

Bridges.  They are an integral part of the life and community here in Charleston.  They are an every day part of your life and my life that we take for granted.  In fact, depending on how you count, there are 14 major bridges across waterways in the Charleston area.  And if you’ve been in Charleston for any length of time, think about all the memories you’ve had over bridges.  Growing up I can remember singing, “Over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house we go” when we headed downtown and crossed the Ashley River Bridge to see my grandmother.  Depending on your age, maybe you remember the first time you drove over the old two lane Cooper River bridge (that was scary)!  Of course a common bridge memory for literally tens of thousands of people is the annual Bridge Run.  Now think for a moment what life would be like without bridges.  We would be a separated, lonely people, living on islands unto ourselves, never connecting and communicating with the world around us.

Well, on Easter weekend we are beginning a brand new 5-week series at Coastal called “Bridges.”  The idea for the series is that Jesus is the bridge we need to cross in a variety of areas of our life.  Jesus is the bridge from death to life (Easter Weekend).  Jesus is the bridge from religion to a relationship.  Jesus is the bridge from brokenness to restoration. Jesus is the bridge from division to reconciliation. And finally, Jesus is the bridge from us (the church) to our community.  I really believe that it’s going to be a great series!  

And speaking of Easter Weekend, here’s your Easter Countdown: Easter Weekend (Friday, April 2nd-Sunday, April 4th) is now just 14 days away!  Hopefully by now you’ve started inviting your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers.  Make sure you pick up all the different invite tools at church this weekend to help you make that invitation – yard signs, books, and tickets! 

We also need you to go to our Easter at Coastal webpage and click on the “Download Shareable Easter Invite Images for Social Media” button.  A zip file containing a folder of 10 different images will automatically download on your computer.  Or you can simply click on this link and download them now!  Start using these images on Facebook and Instagram to get the word out and invite people to Coastal for Easter.  

And while you’re on our Easter At Coastal page, go ahead and register for the service you and your family and friends are planning to attend!  That way we can spread everyone out and let people know when a service is reaching capacity.  Make sure you connect with your Ministry Leader and sign up now to serve at one or more of our services.  If you are not serving in a Ministry, Easter is a great time to get started!  Most importantly, bathe all of this in prayer!  Ask God to use our church to draw people to Himself and to prepare the hearts and minds of everyone we will be reaching out to.  I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor! 

Pastor Chris 

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there TODAY, Friday, March 19th, 9am-11am. We meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Oakland Elementary School Outdoor Movie Night –  Our church is putting on an outdoor movie for our friends over at Oakland Elementary School TONIGHT!  We’ll be setting up our truck (with music) and tents, and giving away popcorn and drinks.  Gates open at 6:30pm and movies starts at 7:30pm.  Great opportunity for the whole family!
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a clothing distribution TOMORROW, Saturday, March 20th, 10am-1pm.
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, March 31st, 9am-1pm.
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, April 3rd.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Interested in officially making Coastal your church family by becoming a Member?  Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, April 17th, 9:30am-12noon. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  3. Did you know that Coastal’s Prayer Team is now ready and available to pray with people in-person during our Worship Services?  During both services our Prayer Team volunteers will be wearing Red Lanyards.  All you have to do is tap anyone on the Prayer Team on the shoulder for prayer and they will step off to the side and pray with you.  Prayer Team members will also be sitting in the front row to the left of stage during the response time (the end of each sermon/communion time) ready to pray with anyone during the last songs of the service.  If you are interested in joining our Prayer Team, please reach out to Galen Moyer at
  4. We are excited to announce that Coastal is starting a Celebrate Recovery Support Group/Ministry!  Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind.  If you have a track record of personal recovery and you are interested in possibly serving in this Christ-centered ministry, please let us know on your connect card or you can reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at
  5. Did you know that we have 5 Blessing Boxes in the community!  Consider choosing a Blessing Box as a family and restock it with non-perishable food, toiletries, and even notes & cards of encouragement. This can be done by going directly to the Blessing Box.  Here are the addresses to our Boxes:
  • 413 Geddes Avenue, Charleston
  • 928 Savage Road, Charleston
  • 2758 East Surrey Drive, North Charleston
  • 1998 Hugo Avenue, North Charleston
  • 1050 St. Andrews Blvd., Charleston 

P.S. I want to challenge you to give toward our “Daring Faith” offering for Easter Weekend.  Because a large number of people stepped out in faith and gave to “Daring Faith,” our church was able to begin our construction project.  You can visit our Daring Faith page on our website to learn more about the project.  It’s slated to be complete in late August!  Easter Weekend would be a great time for you and your family to give above and beyond as a step of faith toward this project.  You can give through our website, our App, or TEXT any amount to 843-277-8337. It’s simple, safe, secure, and convenient!


Easter Invite!

Easter Weekend (Friday, April 2nd-Sunday, April 4th) is now just 17 days away!  It’s time to start inviting your friends and getting the word out.  And that’s where we need your help!  First of all, drop by the church this week and pick up yard signs!  Put one in your yard and then strategically place others in neighborhoods, shopping centers, high traffic areas, and intersections.  Take a picture of your signs and share it on social media with the hashtag #easteratcoastal.  

We have a little Easter book that we want to give to you as a gift as you finish out your Easter Fast and for you to give to a friend. The book is entitled, “At the Cross.” It looks at the different people who were at the cross with Jesus.  The last chapter is entitled, “You, At the Cross.”  It’s a great tool for sharing the Gospel with someone.  You can pick all of this up at the church during the week.  We even have a stack of books and yard signs available on the front porch of the church for pick up after office hours.  

We also need you to go to our Easter at Coastal webpage and click on the “Download Shareable Easter Invite Images for Social Media” button.  A zip file containing a folder of 10 different images will automatically download on your computer.  Or you can simply click on this link and download them now!  Start using these images on Facebook and Instagram to get the word out and invite people to Coastal for Easter.  

While you’re on our Easter At Coastal page, go ahead and register for the service you and your family and friends are planning to attend!  That way we can spread everyone out and let people know when a service is reaching capacity.  Make sure you connect with your Ministry Leader and sign up now to serve at one or more of our services.  If you are not serving in a Ministry, Easter is a great time to get started!  Most importantly, bathe all of this in prayer!  Ask God to use our church to draw people to Himself and to prepare the hearts and minds of everyone we will be reaching out to.  I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor!  Happy Easter – Christ is Risen!  Let’s celebrate!

Pastor Chris

P.S. I want to challenge you to give toward our “Daring Faith” offering for Easter Weekend.  Because a large number of people stepped out in faith and gave to “Daring Faith,” our church was able to begin our construction project.  You can visit our Daring Faith page on our website to learn more about the project.  It’s slated to be complete in late August!  Easter Weekend would be a great time for you and your family to give above and beyond as a step of faith toward this project.  You can give through our website, our App, or TEXT any amount to 843-277-8337. It’s simple, safe, secure, and convenient!


Friday’s 5 – 3-12-21

Are you ready for this?  Easter Weekend is now officially 3 week away.  This year we are having 6 services over 3 days – Friday, April 2nd, 7pm (no Coastal Kidz for this service only);  Saturday, April 3rd, 4:30pm, 6pm;  Sunday, April 4th, 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am.  This Sunday, be prepared to take home some Easter Invite Tools – tickets, books, yard signs – all designed for you to use to invite your friends to Easter at Coastal this year!  We have 150 yard signs that we want to saturate Charleston with!  Pick up several and strategically place them in neighborhoods, shopping centers, high traffic areas, and intersections.  And then take a picture of your sign and share it on social media with the hashtag:  #easteratcoastal.  The little books we are giving away are a free gift for you, as you close out your Easter Fast, and for you to give to a friend – take one and give one away!  The book is entitled, “At the Cross.”  It looks at the different people who were at the cross with Jesus.  It’s a great tool for sharing the Gospel with someone.  The tickets are simply Ticket Master tickets that we’ve used for many years now with our service times.  Obviously, you and your friends don’t need a ticket to attend a service.  They’re simply great little invite cards for you to give away.  

We would however, like to know which of our 6 services you and your friends are planning on attending.  So, go to Easter at Coastal and sign up today!  That way we can spread everyone out and let you know when a service is reaching capacity.  Start spreading the word and register today!  

Make sure you reach out to your Ministry Leader to let them know when you can serve over the Easter Weekend!  Services like these require “all hands on deck.”  Consider attending one of the services and then serving at multiple services.  If you aren’t serving anywhere right now, Easter is a great time to start!  Respond to this email, and we’ll direct you to a Ministry.

Also, I want to challenge you to give toward our “Daring Faith” offering for Easter Weekend.  Because a large number of people stepped out in faith and gave to “Daring Faith,” our church was able to begin our construction project.  That project is now well under way, and Easter Weekend would be a great time for you and your family to give above and beyond as a step of faith.  In fact, you should notice some exciting progress on our construction project this weekend!  

So many people are hurting and searching for hope right now.  Let’s do everything in our power to leverage this Easter for Jesus!  And as always Coastal, let’s work, share, and invite like it all depends on us.  Let’s pray like it all depends on God. And then let’s walk by faith, trust God for outcome, and celebrate the results!  If together we do that, then this will be the best Easter ever!  I love you Coastal and I love being your Pastor!

Pastor Chris 

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a Neighborhood Tailgate Party there TOMORROW, Saturday, March 13th, 10am-2pm (meet at the church at 10am).  And then we’re coming back to the Pink House for a clothing distribution on Saturday, March 20th, 10am-1pm.
    Tricounty Family Ministries –  We will be assisting with their Emergency Grocery Distribution, Wednesday, March 17th, 9am-1pm.
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there Friday, March 19th, 9am-11am. We meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Oakland Elementary School Outdoor Movie Night –  Our church is putting an outdoor movie for our friends over at Oakland Elementary School.  We’ll be setting up our truck (with music), tents, and giving away popcorn and drinks.  Gates open at 6:30pm and movies starts at 7:30pm.  Great opportunity for the whole family!  
    Suburban Hotel Tailgate –  Let’s make an impact together by serving local veterans and persons transitioning from a local homeless shelter in Charleston into permanent housing at the Suburban Hotel in North Charleston!  Saturday, March 20th, 10am-1pm meet at Coastal in the Welcome Center! This is a project that is suitable for the whole family.
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Interested in officially making Coastal your church family by becoming a Member?  Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, April 17th, 9:30am-12noon. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  3. THIS Sunday, March 14th is Time Change Sunday! Your clocks “Spring Forward” one hour late Saturday night/early Sunday morning.  While we “lose” an hour, we do get longer days!  Somebody once said that “Sunday morning church is a Saturday night decision.”  Make the decision NOW to make it a priority – don’t wait until Sunday morning to make that call.
  4. During the Construction Project our entire Children’s Ministry, Coastal Kidz, has gone portable!  In other words, they are meeting across the street from our church at Orange Grove Middle School.  To make that happen, each Saturday morning at 8am a group of volunteers meets at the school, unloads our container, and sets up all of our classrooms and environments.  With enough volunteers, the entire process takes less than an hour.  If you would be interested in serving (even once a month), simply respond to this email or reach out to our Children’s Director, Janet Rollins at 843-442-8299. 
  5. We are excited to announce that Coastal is starting a Celebrate Recovery Support Group/Ministry!  Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind.  If you have a track record of personal recovery and you are interested in possibly serving in this Christ-centered ministry, please let us know on your connect card or you can reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at

    P.S. One of the ways our church marks the coming of Summer is through “SUMMER OF IMPACT!”  For the entire month of June, our church will saturate Charleston with a variety of outreach projects almost every day!  What better way to show that we are followers of Jesus than by serving the people right here in our community!  If you have led a project in the past or if you have any ideas about new projects, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613. 

Tailgating at the Pink House

Probably one of the most consistently embraced and supported outreach events that our church has done over the years is our Tailgate Parties!  It’s where we roll up into a community with trucks and tents and grills and food and supplies and clothes and then we simply serve!  Our first Tailgate Party was over in North Charleston near Rivers and Cosgrove.  We then added another Tailgate Party over at the Suburban Hotel.  

Well, this Saturday, March 13th we’re excited to announce that we’re adding our 3rd Tailgate Party over at the PINK House in the Ardmore Neighborhood right here in West Ashley.  And as always we’ll be giving away FREE burgers, hot dogs, Mac & Cheese, chips and dessert!  We’ll meet at the church this Saturday at 10am, load up all the supplies, and head over to the Pink House.  We’ll be there until 2pm or until all the food is gone.  This is definitely a project for the whole family.  And don’t worry if you can’t stay until the end, come out any time you can and help.

If you are interested in serving in this or any of our many Outreach projects, you can sign up right now on our website ( so we can know who’s coming and if we’ll have enough people.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.  Can’t wait to see everyone on Saturday.  Feel free to bring corn hole, frisbees, a football, etc.  We really want to hang out with and love on this community!  

Pastor Chris

P.S. This Sunday, be prepared to take home some Easter Invite Tools – tickets, books, yard signs – all designed for you to invite your friends to Easter at Coastal!  In fact you can now go to our Easter at Coastal landing page to let us know which service you are attending!  Register today!  And then just as important – let your Ministry Leader know when you can serve!  Services like these require “all hands on deck.”


Celebrate Recovery

Have you recovered from the pain of alcohol or drug addiction?  Have you ever felt called to lead a small group to share your testimony with others helping them to overcome similar life circumstances?  We have great news!  Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, 12 step recovery program for anyone struggling with hurt, pain or addiction of any kind.  Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our lives.

We are excited to announce that right now at Coastal we are in the beginning stages of creating a core team of people to get this ministry off the ground!  We are looking for people with the experience and passion for helping others in recovery.  If you have a track record of personal recovery and you are interested in possibly serving in this Christ-centered ministry, please let us know on your connect card or reach out to Pastor Scott at

We really believe that this ministry has the potential to make a huge IMPACT not only in our church, but in our community!  Even if you don’t feel led to be a part of the Core Team, please be in prayer as we lay the foundation for this exciting opportunity.  Together let’s share and experience the LIFE and LOVE of Jesus with Charleston and the world! 

Pastor Chris

P.S. This Sunday, be prepared to take home some Easter Invite Tools – tickets, books, yard signs – all designed for you to invite your friends to Easter at Coastal!  In fact you can now go to our Easter at Coastal landing page to let us know which service you are attending!  Register today!  And then just as important – let your Ministry Leader know when you can serve!  Services like these require “all hands on deck.”


Friday’s 5 – 3-5-21

November 10th, 2019 was an historic Sunday in the life of our church.  We gave the largest single offering in the history of our church for our “Daring Faith” Campaign – $202,635.80!  Our 3 year commitment grand total came in at just over $1.7 million!  It was that offering and those commitments that enabled our church to step out in faith and move forward with our construction project – completely rebuilding and expanding our Children’s space, greatly expanding our Fellowship/Atrium space, connecting our 2 buildings and preparing our campus for the next phase.  That construction project is well under way.  In fact, we are just about at the half-way point.  Construction should be complete sometime in August.  This new facility will positively impact every aspect of our ministry – children, students, groups, outreach, online church – everything!  But it will especially impact our Coastal Kidz Children’s Ministry!  We will be well positioned to continue to reach the next generation for Jesus!  

So here’s what I want you to do – I want to challenge you to give above and beyond your regular giving for a Special Easter Offering that will go toward our new building.  Whether you made a specific “Daring Faith” commitment back in November of 2019 or not, I want to challenge you to give something above and beyond for Easter.  We can’t all give the same amount, but we can all make a sacrifice.  And as we’ve learned over and over again at Coastal, it’s when we all step out in faith and sacrifice together that God shows up and does a miracle!  For those of you who are new to our church since 2019, I would encourage you to go to our Daring Faith page on our website to learn more about our Daring Faith Campaign and to see a short video of what exactly we’re building.  2 Corinthians 8:11, “Now you should finish what you started. Let the eagerness you showed in the beginning be matched now by your giving. Give in proportion to what you have.”

Pastor Chris 

Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:

    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is THIS Saturday (tomorrow), March 6th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  Make plans NOW to be there!
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, March 9th, 8am-1pm.
    PINK House –  The PINK House is a community center in the Ardmore subdivision in West Ashley.  We are going to be putting on a Neighborhood Tailgate Party there on Saturday, March 13th, 10am-2pm.   
    If you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613. 
  2. Interested in officially making Coastal your church family by becoming a Member?  Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, April 17th, 9:30am-12noon. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.
  3. NEXT Sunday, March 14th is Time Change Sunday! Your clocks “Spring Forward” one hour late Saturday night/early Sunday morning.  While we “lose” an hour, we do get longer days!  Somebody once said that “Sunday morning church is a Saturday night decision.”  Make the decision NOW to make it a priority – don’t wait until Sunday morning to make that call.
  4. Easter Sunday is April 4th!  Coastal is having 6 Easter Services over 3 days this year:  Friday, April 2nd, 7pm (no Coastal Kidz);  Saturday, April 3rd, 4:30pm, 6pm;  Sunday, April 4th, 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am.  Start praying about who you’re going to invite and bring.  And with 6 services, keep in mind that it’s ALL HANDS ON DECK!  In other words, we need everyone serving and volunteering!  Check with your LIFE Team Leader and go ahead and sign up now!
  5. If you’re fairly new to Coastal, a great next step is our Newcomers Reception.  Our next Newcomers Reception is THIS Sunday, March 7th, in the Welcome Center immediately following the 11:15am service (at approximately 12:30pm).  This will also be available online!  This is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, as well as meet some other new people.  RSVP online or on your Connect Card.

    P.S. The easiest way to stay connected, see all the announcements, listen to our messages, and fill out a Connect Card, is through our App.  Yes, if you didn’t already know it, Coastal has a FREE App you can download for your phone or mobile device.  Download it today from your App Store!  If you’re searching for it, make sure you search for “Coastal Community Church of Charleston or Coastal CC Charleston” (There are other Coastal Community Churches around the country).  If it’s been a while since you checked out the App, open it up!  We’ve updated it and made some improvements!
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Online Connect Card

  • If this is your 1st or 2nd time joining us, we'd love to mail you a little more information about Coastal along with a thank you for tuning in today.