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Wizardly Team


Friday’s Five

Dear Coastal,

I AM SO READY TO SEE EVERYONE ON SUNDAY!!  We are back to our regular service times – 9:30am & 11:15am.  The next two weeks are going to be awesome as we prepare for our Big Day on October 1st.  Yes, it’s official, we’re kicking off our “After God’s Heart” series on Sunday, October 1st with Tailgating, Kona Ice, Jump Castles AND outdoor Baptisms!  Don’t miss it!  Start thinking now about who you’re going to invite and bring!  With moving the date, we could definitely use some more “Tailgaters”.  Respond to this email or sign up on Sunday if you can participate.

LIFE Groups start this Sunday!  It’s not too late to sign up!  While there are multiple ways to sign up, you only have to sign up ONE TIME, ONE WAY!  1.) You can view the LIFE Group Catalog and sign up online.  2.) You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  3.) There will be several tables in the back of the auditorium with all the different sign up lists – you can sign up there.  Once you sign up, your LIFE Group Leader will contact you before the Group begins.

Yes, we are still collecting supplies/donations the month of September for Hurricane Relief to send to Parkway Fellowship Church in Katy, TX  (See the list at the end of this email.)  You can bring the supplies to the church during the week or on Sundays.  If you would like to give above and beyond your regular giving, directly toward the Flood Relief, you can give through TEXTing.  TEXT the amount to 843-277-8337 (space) and then type the keyword “Harvey” or “Irma”.  The money given toward Irma will go toward relief here in Charleston or in Florida.

Speaking of relief here in Charleston, Josh and Carson Boyd from our church (you’ve probably seen Carson in the Nursery or in Child Check-In where she serves) had over 8 inches of water flood their home on James Island during the storm.  They have two small children – a 2 year old girl and a 2 month old little boy.  Right now, they’re living with family.  They’ve already gutted their home, waiting on it to dry out, and then begins the process of rebuilding – sheetrock, flooring, etc. That’s where WE come in!  I’ll be in touch with the Boyd’s and when the rebuilding process begins we’ll spread the word!  If you’re willing and able to help, please let us know by responding to this email.  Feel free to send a word of encouragement to Josh and Carson at:  Thank you in advance for having such caring/giving hearts.

Friday’s 5:

  1. Please be praying for Matt Beam, one of our Elders, as he is having a tumor removed from one of his kidneys today at MUSC.  We are praying for NO CANCER and complete healing.  Matt will be out of work for approximately 2 weeks and won’t be able to lift anything for about a month.  Feel free to send Matt & Kathy a note of encouragement at:  Among many other things, Matt & Kathy also lead our awesome Cafe Team.
  2. Looking for an awesome place to serve?  Have some available time during the week?  Consider joining our “Monday Morning Follow-Up Team” or our “Super Service Friday Team.”  The Monday Team meets on Mondays from 9-11am.  The Friday Team meets Fridays from 10:30am-12:30pm.  Both of these Teams are essential to accomplishing what we do on Sundays!  If you’re interested in serving, simply respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  If you’re a mom with small children, we’ll even provide Child Care (just let us know the ages and number of children).
  3. Sunday, October 1st is going to be a BIG DAY at Coastal!  We’ll be kicking off a new series, “After God’s Heart.”  It’s a series about the life of David.  Begin praying now about who you will invite and bring!  Pray for your ONE!  There will be Tailgating, Food, Jump Castles, Kona Ice, and Baptisms!
  4. WE NEED TAILGATERS for our Big Day, Sunday, October 1st.  Respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday if you’d like to participate.
  5. On Sunday, October 1st, after each service, in the center of all the Tailgating Tents we’re going to have an outdoor Baptism Service!  You can sign up to get Baptized on our website, on your Connect Card, or simply respond to this email.


Pastor Chris

Hurricane Relief:
Bottled water
Hygiene items
feminine products
bar soap
Shampoo / Conditioner Razors
Shaving Cream
New, packaged underwear & socks (all sizes)
Contact Lens Saline Solution
Infant formula

Clean Up Supplies:
Heavy duty trash bags
Plastic bins
Packing/Shipping Tape
Box cutters / Sheetrock knives
Box fans
Laundry detergent
Cleaning rags
Gift Cards in increments no larger than $100 (groceries, gas, Lowes/HomeDepot)
Clorox wipes
Ziplock bags (quart & gallon)


Good Sunday Morning!

Dear Coastal,

Good morning!  Can you believe it – two years in a row now and we cancel services because of a Hurricane!  And what a crazy Hurricane this one in particular has been!  Well, what did I expect?  After all, this is hurricane season and this is Charleston.  And like I’ve said over and over again, “Storms are a fact of life.  You’re either coming out of one, heading into one, or you’re smack dab in the middle of one right now.”

The truth is we could all just as easily say, “I didn’t expect to lose my job.  I didn’t think the economy would tank like it did.  Never in a million years did I think I would get cancer.  I never thought my husband would have an affair.  I never dreamed that my kids would make such poor decisions.  I never pictured being a widow at this age.  You’re not supposed to bury your children.”  Life is unpredictable.  But God is faithful.  “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” -James 4:8

I’ll be honest with you, it feels really weird not to be getting ready to head to church this morning and worship together with you.  So, make sure you take some time today to give God thanks today.  If you’re frustrated or angry, pour out your heart to Him.  Remember, His love for you is big enough – big enough to even handle your anger and pain.  Pray for those people who did not fare as well as Charleston through this storm.  Pray for people of Florida and the people of Texas.  Take some time today to help a neighbor.  Smile, laugh, hug your children.  Remember Coastal, we don’t just go to church – we what?  WE ARE THE CHURCH!  So let’s be the church, today and everyday, where we live, where we work, and where we play.  Let’s let the light of Christ shine through us, in our actions and in our attitudes.

Also, take time today and honor God and worship Him through Giving.  Your tithes and offerings make a REAL difference at Coastal and are vital to the every-day ministry and mission of our church. With a Holiday Weekend last Sunday and no services this Sunday, our online/mobile giving becomes more important and even more practical.  You can give online from our website, from our app, or via text at 843-277-8337.

Oh and just in case you are REALLY MISSING MY PREACHING, we have a little surprise for you!  For a little over a month now, we’ve been recording the video of our messages!  Here is a link to our USTREAM channel where you can watch any of our previous 6 messages.  Just scroll down past the livestream channel and you’ll see them.  Enjoy!

I really believe that 27 years ago, in many ways, God used Hurricane Hugo to till the soil of people’s hearts, to prepare them for the Good News of the Gospel.  And I believe He can do the same thing today with Hurricane Harvey and Irma.  Together let’s pray for that!  And as the news comes in about Florida, just like Texas we will be praying about what we can do together to respond.

Well, I can’t wait hear all your stories, HUG ALL YOUR NECKS, and see you and your friends next Sunday!  I love you Coastal!  And I love what we get to do together!

Pastor Chris

P.S.  Don’t forget:

– All LIFE Groups are being officially postponed one week and unless notified otherwise will now start the week of September 17th.
– We are postponing our BIG DAY/Tailgating Party/Outdoor Baptism origninally scheduled for September 17th.  Right now we hope to reschedule it for Sunday, October 1st.  But we will make that official call after the storm.


Hurricane Irma (Sunday Services Cancelled)

Dear Coastal Friends & Family,

By now you’re probably making your final preparations for Hurricane Irma. This is certainly a storm to take seriously, and I want you to know that myself and Janet, and all of our pastors and staff are praying for you and for our community in the days ahead.

And while it’s still too early to tell exactly what impact Irma will have on our area, I wanted to write to share a few important updates AND a little hope and encouragement for you today.

#1 – In light of Hurricane Irma, school closings, and probable evacuation, all services this Sunday, September 10th, will be cancelled.  We do plan to meet next Sunday, September 17 at 9:30am and 11:15am like normal, so watch your email and social media for updates.

#2 – Our Membership Class originally scheduled for this Saturday is cancelled and will be rescheduled.

#3 – All LIFE Groups are being officially postponed one week and unless notified otherwise will now start the week of September 17th.

#4 – We are postponing our BIG DAY/Tailgating Party/Outdoor Baptism origninally scheduled for September 17th.  Right now we hope to reschedule it for Sunday, October 1st.  But we will make that official call after the storm.

With the storm making it’s way to us, I know many people are stressed and worried. Storms, however, really are a part of life, whether we give them names like Hugo, Matthew, Harvey, and Irma, or names like depression, bankruptcy, cancer, divorce, and death.  God never promises us a storm free life, not even to the faithful, but He does promise to walk with us through the storm.  He promises to never leave us or forsake us.  And if we let Him, He even has the miraculous ability to use our greatest storm, our deepest pain, for our good and His glory.   Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

There is help.  There is healing.  And there is hope.  His name is Jesus.  And that’s not just a trite saying, a t-shirt, or a meme.  If you will draw near to Him, He will draw near to you.  I know that to be true personally and so do many of you.  In the days ahead, let’s strive to be a calming presence in the midst of the storm.  Let’s show kindness where others show anger and hostility.  Let’s be patient when surrounded with impatience.  Let’s be the hands, heart, feet, and voice of Jesus to our community.  Remember Coastal, we don’t just GO to church, WE ARE THE CHURCH!  And as always, together we will look for ways to serve our community!

If you have any prayer requests or needs before, during, or after the storm, please send me an email or a text.  Know that you are loved!  I’ll check in with you again soon.  Be smart. Be safe. Be prayerful!

Psalm 62:5-8, “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.  My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.  Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.”

Matthew 14:27, “…But Jesus spoke to them at once. “Don’t be afraid,” he said. “Take courage. I am here!”

Nahum 1:7, “The LORD is good, a strong refuge when trouble comes. He is close to those who trust in him.”

Standing Strong With You & Praying For You!
Pastor Chris

P.S.  Your tithes and offerings make a REAL difference at Coastal and are vital to the every-day ministry and mission of our church. Since we will not be meeting this Sunday, September 10th for our normal worship services, you can give online from our website, from our app, or via text at 843-277-8337.


Friday’s Five / Hurricane Relief

Dear Coastal,

DON’T FORGET – ONLY 1 SERVICE THIS SUNDAY – 9:30AM – NO 11:15AM SERVICE!  If you’re in town this Labor Day weekend, let’s pack out our building with one huge combined service!  You might even get to meet some people you don’t normally see from another service!

Okay, now that that’s out of the way – WOW – I can’t say enough good things about LIFE Group Sunday last week!  Each and every one of our LIFE Group Leaders did such an amazing job with their Tables/Booths!  And the best part is that we had over 300 LIFE Group Sign-Ups!  LIFE Groups begin the week of September 10th.  It’s not too late to sign up!  While there are multiple ways to sign up, you only have to sign up ONE TIME, ONE WAY!  1.) You can view the LIFE Group Catalog and sign up online.  2.) You can sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  3.) There will be several tables in the back of the auditorium with all the different sign up lists – you can sign up there.  Once you sign up, your LIFE Group Leader will contact you before the Group begins.

Hurricane Harvey Relief:
Living in Charleston, we are well acquainted with hurricanes and storms.  We’ve all seen the heartbreaking images coming out of Texas and the Houston area in particular as they begin what looks like a very, very long recovery process from Hurricane Harvey.  As a church we’ve been praying about how we can help.  Most of you know that I’ve been in a Pastor’s Coaching Network for a number of years.  About 5 times a year I meet with 25-30 Pastors from around the country for a time of learning and coaching.  In fact it’s how I met our new Associate Pastor Scott.  Well it just so happens that one of those Pastors that both Scott and I have been in Coaching with is Mike McGown of Parkway Fellowship Church in Katy, TX (basically a suburb just west of Houston –

We got in touch with Pastor Mike and asked how we could help (most of this week, Pastor Mike has been trapped at his home surrounded by water).  We decided to partner with their church in helping with their recovery.  Their church is being used as a collection/distribution center.  They sent us a list of needs that they are collecting for Flood Relief.  During the month of September (beginning this Sunday) we are going to be collecting these items at the church and then look to deliver these items in early October (some items/supplies will be shipped/sent earlier).  We’ve also talked to our good friends at Oakland Elementary School across the street and the students/faculty will be joining with us in collecting these items (how awesome is that!).

Here is the list we were sent:
Bottled water
Hygiene items
feminine products
bar soap
Shampoo / Conditioner Razors
Shaving Cream
New, packaged underwear & socks (all sizes)
Contact Lens Saline Solution
Infant formula

Heavy duty trash bags
Plastic bins
Packing/Shipping Tape
Box cutters / Sheetrock knives
Box fans
Laundry detergent
Cleaning rags
Gift Cards in increments no larger than $100 (groceries, gas, Lowes/HomeDepot)
Clorox wipes
Ziplock bags (quart & gallon)

One of our “Tailgating” Tents, on Sunday, September 17th will be set aside specifically for Hurricane Relief Collection!  When you invite & bring your friends to church that day, encourage them to bring supplies!

A portion of our offering over the next month will be given/sent directly to Parkway Fellowship Church for Flood Relief.  If you would like to give above and beyond your regular giving, directly toward the Flood Relief, you can give through TEXTing.  TEXT the amount to 843-277-8337 (space) and then type the keyword “Harvey”.

Obviously we can give to/through many different organizations, but I thought it might be good to have a contact there in the area that we actually know and trust – and who can get the supplies/money to the people who need it most.   If you are interested in making the trip with us to Houston or if you have access to a large trailer or shipping/delivery contacts, please let us know.  Thank you in advance for having such caring/giving hearts.

Friday’s 5:

  1.  Have you heard yet that this Sunday, September 3rd (Labor Day Weekend) we will only have one Sunday morning Worship Service – our 9:30am service – no 11:15am service?
  2. Our next Membership Class is Saturday, September 9th, 9am-12noon.  Childcare and refreshments provided. You can sign up online, on your Connect Card on Sunday, or respond to this email.
  3. Sunday, September 17th is going to be a BIG DAY at Coastal!  We’ll be kicking off a new series, “After God’s Heart.”  It’s a series about the life of David.  Begin praying now about who you will invite and bring!  Pray for your ONE!  There will be Tailgating, Food, Jump Castles, Kona Ice, and Baptisms!
  4. WE NEED TAILGATERS for our Big Day, Sunday, September 17th.  Respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday if you’d like to participate.
  5. On Sunday, September 17th, after each service, in the center of all the Tailgating Tents we’re going to have an outdoor Baptism Service!  You can sign up to get Baptized on our website, on your Connect Card, or simply respond to this email.


Pastor Chris

P.S. Travel weekends (like Labor Day Weekend) are a great time to watch our services live online and to take advantage of all the digital ways to give to Coastal and automate your giving:

  • TEXTing (843-277-8337)
  • Our App (did you know Coastal has an App?  Look for our FREE App in your App Store – Coastal Community Church of Charleston)
  • Or our website.

Friday’s Five

Dear Coastal,

If this past weekend/Sunday is any indication of what the Fall holds at Coastal, hold on to your seats! First of all, we had 80 Students show up for their Back to School Bash Lock-In! WAVES Student Ministry starts meeting regularly for 6.2.SIX this coming Wednesday night, 6pm-8:15pm. Get your 6th-12th Grade Student and their friends there! And then on Sunday we had 542 in worship, a bunch of new volunteers for Shadow Day, lots of people already started signing up for LIFE Groups, and one more person gave their life to Christ! This Fall is going to be AWESOME!

And speaking of the Fall, on Sunday, September 17th, we’re kicking off a new series on the life of David called, “After God’s Heart.” It’s going to be a great series to invite your friends. In fact, on the 17th I’ll be preaching from 1 Samuel 16 when David was first annointed to be the new King. But what’s so amazing about this story is that NOBODY, not even his own family considered the possibility of God using him. The key verse from this story and the entire series is found in 1 Samuel 16:7, “But the LORD said to Samuel, ‘Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him (refering to Eliab, David’s older brother). The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” Wow! That’ll PREACH! So invite and bring as many people as possible and come prepared for a good heart workout!

To kick the series off we’re also having our Annual Coastal Tailgating Competition! We need at least 10-15 people/groups to volunteer for our Tailgating Competition. And then after each service, in the center of all the Tailgating Tents we’re going to have an outdoor Baptism Service! You can sign up to get Baptized on our website, on your Connect Card, or simply respond to this email. You can sign up to Tailgate on your Connect Card or by simply responding to this email. It’s going to be an awesome day and a great series! I think we can break 700 people in attendance! Other than Easter, that will be our largest attendance ever!

Friday’s 5:

  1. Our second (if you didn’t attend the first) LIFE Group Training (for all Leaders and Assistants) is tomorrow, Saturday morning, August 26th, 10am-12noon. The Fall Semester starts the week of September 10th.
  2. This Sunday is LIFE Group Sunday at Coastal! It’s similar to a Job or College Fair, but for LIFE GROUPS! Not only will you get to sign up for a Group, but you can check out all the different Groups, meet the Group Leaders, enjoy some great snacks, and have a BLAST! By the way, you can go ahead and check out the semester catalog online and sign up today! Once you sign up for a group, your Group Leader will contact you before the semester begins. All Groups begin the week of September 10th.
  3. Our next Membership Class is Saturday, September 9th, 9am-12noon. Childcare and refreshments provided. You can sign up online, on your Connect Card on Sunday, or respond to this email.
  4. On Sunday, September 3rd (Labor Day Weekend) we will only have one Sunday morning Worship Service – our 9:30am service.
  5. WE NEED TAILGATERS for our our Big Day, Sunday, September 17th. Respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday if you’d like to participate.

Better Together!

Pastor Chris

P.S. Again, don’t forget on Sunday, September 3rd (Labor Day Weekend) we will only have one Sunday morning Worship Service – our 9:30am service – no 11:15am service. Let’s pack out the 9:30am service!


Friday’s Five

Dear Coastal,

Let me ask you a question.  Are you in need of a miracle in your life?  Do you need a miracle in your relationships?  Are you in need of a miracle in your finances?  Are you struggling with something in your life right now that seems so big, so overwhelming, that short of a miracle, you see no way out?  Well, this week’s book and message are for you!  The book is “Grave Robber” by Mark Batterson.  In the book Mark takes a look at the 7 miracles of Jesus in Gospel of John.  But it’s more than just a book about miracles.  It’s a book about Jesus.  And like Mark says, if you follow Jesus long enough, you eventually find yourself in the middle of some miracles.  My message Sunday is going to take a look at one of those miracles in John 9.  Go ahead and read the passage over the weeke and be prepared for God to do some miracles on Sunday!  Don’t miss it!

And speaking of this Sunday – a couple of things – first of all, it’s “Shadow Day”!  It’s an opportunity for those of you interested in serving to get a behind the scenes look at a particular Ministry – Cafe, 1st Impressions, Coastal Kidz, Security, Tech Booth.  If you haven’t already signed up, simply respond to this email, let us know which Ministry you’re interested in, and we will contact you.  And then secondly, we’ll have our new Fall Semester LIFE Group Catalog available and you can go ahead and start signing up for LIFE Groups!  It’s going to be an awesome semester with a lot of great Groups!

On Sunday, September 17th, we’re kicking off a new series on the life of David called, “After God’s Own Heart.”  It’s going to be a great series to invite your friends.  Each week, as we look at his life, we’ll talk about what it takes to have a heart for God. So invite and bring as many people as possible and come prepared for a good heart workout!

To kick the series off we’re also having our Annual Coastal Tailgating Competition!  We need at least 10-15 people/groups to volunteer for our Tailgating Competition.  And then after each service, in the center of all the Tailgating Tents we’re going to have an outdoor Baptism Service!  You can sign up to get Baptized on our website, on your Connect Card, or simply respond to this email.  You can sign up to Tailgate on your Connect Card or by simply responding to this email.  It’s going to be an awesome day and a great series!

Friday’s 5:

  1. Our WAVES Student Ministry is having their Back to School Bash tonight with a LOCK-IN at the church – 7pm-7am!
  2. Weren’t able to make our last Membership Class?  Our next 2 classes (pick one) are – Saturday mornings, August 19th (this Saturday) & September 9th, 9am-12noon.  Childcare and refreshments provided. You can sign up online, on your Connect Card on Sunday, or respond to this email.
  3. LIFE Group Training (for all Leaders and Assistants) will be (pick one) Tuesday night, August 22nd, 7-9pm or Saturday morning, August 26th, 10am-12noon.  LIFE Group Sunday is August 27th and the Fall Semester starts the week of September 10th.
  4. Sign up and join Coastal’s Fantasy Football League!  It’s a PPR, points based league, with weekly head-to-head matchups for bragging rights.  Draft night will be held at Coastal on Sunday night, August 27th @6pm (if you can’t make it in person, you can draft online).  The number of people who sign up will determine the number of of leagues and the number of people in each league.  You can respond to this email to sign up or sign up on your Connect Card.  Sign up deadline is August 20th.  This League is for ANYONE – men or women!
  5. On Sunday, September 3rd (Labor Day Weekend) we will only have one Sunday morning Worship Service – our 9:30am service.

All IN!

Pastor Chris


Friday’s Five

Dear Coastal,

Well, the Summer is officially almost over.  While we’ve had a lot of people out of town and traveling from week to week, one constant this Summer has been the number of 1st time guests each week at our church.  Well, this Sunday, immediately after our 11:15am service we have an event just for those of you who are new to Coastal – our Newcomer’s Reception (about 30 minutes in length).  It’s a great opportunity to learn more about our church, meet our Staff, Ministry Leaders, and other new people, and discover possible next steps.  Childcare and pizza are provided.  If you’re interested in attending, the easiest thing to do is to attend the 11:15 service this Sunday and then walk over to the Coastal Kidz Building through the Child Check-in doors and follow the signs to the reception (just outside the 1st-5th Grade auditorium).  You can let us know you’re coming by signing up for the Newcomer’s Reception on our website or by simply responding to this email now.  You’ll be glad you came!  Thanks!

We still have 3 weeks left in our “Summer Reading” series, but I want to go ahead and let you know about our next Big Day.  On Sunday, September 17th, we’re kicking off a series on the Life of David called, “After God’s Own Heart.”  It’s going to be a great series to invite your friends.  David is one of the most recognizable characters in the Bible – from an overlooked nobody who replaced the mad King Saul, to a shepherd on the hillside who wrote many of the Psalms, to the boy warriror who defeated Goliath with sling and a stone, to the fallen King who commits adultery with Bathsheba.  Each week, as we look at his life, we’ll talk about what it takes to have a heart for God. So invite and bring as many people as possible and come prepared for a good heart workout!

To kick the series off we’re also having our Annual Coastal Tailgating Competition outside that day!  We need at least 10-15 people/groups to volunteer for our Tailgating Competition.  And then after each service, in the center of all the Tailgating Tents we’re going to have an outdoor Baptism Service!  You can sign up to get Baptized on our website, on your Connect Card, or simply respond to this email.  You can sign up to Tailgate on your Connect Card or by simply responding to this email.  As you can see, it’s going to be an awesome day and a great series!

Friday’s 5:

  1. If you have a rising 6th Grader, there is a Welcome to WAVES Party for your Student TONIGHT, August 11th, 6:30pm-7:30pm at Sky Zone in Mt. Pleasant (FREE – includes jumping for an hour, pizza & drink)!  This is a great way for you and your student to meet our Youth Pastor Ryan Spell and other volunteers, answer any of your questions, and have a lot of fun!
  2. Weren’t able to make our last Membership Class?  Our next 2 classes (pick one) are – Saturday mornings, August 19th & September 9th, 9am-12noon.  Childcare and refreshments provided. You can sign up online, on your Connect Card on Sunday, or respond to this email.
  3. LIFE Group Training (for all Leaders and Assistants) will be (pick one) Tuesday night, August 22nd, 7-9pm or Saturday morning, August 26th, 10am-12noon.  LIFE Group Sunday is August 27th and the Fall Semester starts the week of September 10th.
  4. Love Football and Smack Talk?  Sign up and join Coastal’s Fantasy Football League!  It’s a PPR, points based league, with weekly head-to-head matchups for bragging rights.  Draft night will be held at Coastal on Sunday night, August 27th @6pm (if you can’t make it in person, you can draft online).  The number of people who sign up will determine the number of of leagues and the number of people in each league.  You can respond to this email to sign up or sign up on your Connect Card.  Sign up deadline is August 20th.  This League is for ANYONE – men or women!
  5. Interested in serving at Coastal?  Like to get a behind the scenes look at a particular Ministry?  Sign up for “Shadow Day” on Sunday, August 20th (the Sunday before the Solar Eclipse – get it – “Shadow Day”).  You can sign up on your Connect Card.  Just indicate the area that you would like to “shadow” and a LIFE Team Leader will contact you.

All IN!

Pastor Chris

P.S. On Sunday, September 3rd (Labor Day Weekend) we will only have one Sunday morning Worship Service – our 9:30am service.


Friday’s Five

Dear Coastal,

First of all, and most importantly – 2 more people indicated on their Connect Card that they gave their life to Jesus this past Sunday!  Coastal, that’s why we do what we do!  That’s why we serve, that’s why we share, that’s why we love, that’s why we reach out, that’s why we invite!  Just think about the potential impact of those decisions, not just for those individuals, but for their families and friends for generations and on into eternity! 

Last Sunday we kicked off our “Summer Reading” series by talking about Tim Keller’s book, “Prodigal God” and Luke 15.  Reread the entire chapter of Luke 15 this week.  We’re on the same mission that Jesus had – to seek and save the lost.  There is no such thing as “good” people or “bad” people.  There are only lost people and found people.  And if you’ve been found, you help FIND other people!  Keep praying for your ONE!

Oh, I’m writing this from Los Angeles!  Our entire staff is out here this week for a Church Systems Boot Camp Conference!  We’re learning a lot, but yes, we’re also having a blast together!  The staff will be flying back tomorrow in time for church on Sunday, but Janet and I are staying a little longer to hang out with our daughter Lydia who lives here in LA.  Keep us all in your prayers!

Galen Moyer, from our church, will be preaching for me this Sunday!  Galen has spent his entire life in Ministry – as a Pastor of a local church and currently a Hospice Chaplain.  He and his wife Perry have served faithfully at Coastal in numerous roles over the years.  He’ll be using the book, “The Case for Christ” as the springboard for his message.  The following Sunday, August 6th, you’ll get a chance to hear our new Associate Pastor, Scott Whitaker preach.  He’ll be using the book, “The Greatness Principle.”  I promise you won’t want to miss the next two weeks! 

Friday’s 5:

  1. Don’t forget, especially over the Summer with so many people traveling, you can support the ministry of Coastal any time and any where by giving through our website, our app, or through TEXTing (843-277-8337).  Coastal is fully funded by the generous, consistent giving of it’s members – YOU!
  2. Weren’t able to make our last Membership Class?  Our next 2 classes (pick one) are – Saturday mornings, August 19th & September 9th, 9am-12noon.  Childcare and refreshments provided. You can sign up online, on your Connect Card on Sunday, or respond to this email.
  3. We are planning and organizing our Fall Semester of LIFE Groups!  If you are interested in leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group, please let us know now!  LIFE Group Training will be (pick one) Tuesday night, August 22nd, 7-9pm or Saturday morning, August 26th, 10am-12noon.  LIFE Group Sunday is August 27th and the Fall Semester starts the week of September 10th.  If you are leading a Group, we need all your info by Friday, August 11th.
  4. If you have a rising 6th Grader, there is a Welcome to WAVES Party for your Student on Friday, August 11th, 6:30pm-7:30pm at Sky Zone in Mt. Pleasant (FREE – includes jumping for an hour, pizza & drink)!  This is a great way for you and your student to meet our Youth Pastor Ryan Spell and other volunteers, answer any of your questions, and have a lot of fun!
  5. New to Coastal?  Like to meet our Staff, Ministry Leaders and other new people?  Like to learn more about Pastor Chris and the history of our church?  Make plans to attend our next Necomer’s Reception, Sunday, August 13th, immediately after our 11:15am service (it’s only about 30 minutes).  Childcare and pizza are provided.  You can sign up for our Newcomer’s Reception on our website or simply by responding to this email now.

Happy Reading!

Pastor Chris

P.S. Mark your calendar now!  Our next BIG DAY is going to be Sunday, September 17th!  We’ll be kicking off a new Fall Sermon Series with Tailgating & Baptisms OUTSIDE!!  We’ll be signing up people for both soon!  Start praying for who you will invite!


Friday’s 5

Dear Coastal,

I can’t say enough good things about this year’s VBS!  Everything has gone so smooth!  Right now (despite some pretty sketchy weather) we’ve seen over 140 children!  Tonight is the Closing Program. For the Closing Program there will be a Big Party outside from 6-7pm with a petting zoo, jump castles, giant slide, FREE Kona Ice, and hotdogs!  At 6:30pm Ryan, Joe, AND ME will all be taking a pie in the face because the kids GAVE OVER $1000!  The money raised is going to the Lusungu Children’s Home in Zambia, Africa – our mission this week (you can still give tonight).  And then at 7pm everyone will go inside the auditorium for a magician, video, and songs from our children!  It’s been an AWESOME week!  Even if you haven’t been able to come out to VBS during the week, everyone is invited to come tonight and enjoy all the fun!  I know I say this all the time, but it’s true – WE HAVE THE BEST VOLUNTEERS AT COASTAL!

I also want to thank our church for your generosity – your giving!  Everything we do, including our VBS, is fully funded by the consistent, generous giving of our church – YOU!  And this year’s VBS was specifically funded through our Christmas Offering.  On top of that so many people have donated food, supplies, and their time!  Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!  Together we are changing the world – one child at a time!

Our entire Staff is heading out to Los Angeles this Sunday after church!  My Pastor’s Coaching Network will be meeting on Monday & Tuesday at a church in LA.  And then on Wednesday through Friday we’ll all be participating in a Church Systems Bootcamp Conference together!  Keep us in your prayers!  Growing churches require growing leaders and staff.  And we are blessed at Coastal with a great staff!  The staff will be returning to Charleston on Saturday, July 29th.  Janet and I will be staying back in Los Angeles a little bit longer to hang out with our daughter Lydia and for a much needed vacation.  I’ll be preaching this Sunday, July 23rd.  Galen Moyer will be preaching on July 30th.  Scott Whitaker will be preaching on August 6th.

Friday’s 5:

  1. Our next Sermon Series, “Summer Reading,” begins this Sunday, July 23rd.  The idea for the series is that each week we’ll be using a the subject matter from one of 7 different books as the subject matter for that Sunday’s message.  All 7 of the books are books that I recommend and are definitely worth reading.  The 7 Books this Summer in order are:  “The Prodigal God” by Tim Keller, “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel, “The Greatness Principle” by Nelson Searcy, “Accidental Pharisees” by Larry Osborne, “Grave Robber” by Mark Batterson, “God Will Use This For Good” by Max Lucado, and “More Than A Carpenter” by Josh McDowell.  Happy Reading!  Remember, “Leaders are Readers!”  We will have a very small amount (first come, first serve) of each book available for sale for only $5 per book!  You can also purchase each book online (Amazon or Christian Book Distributor).
  2. Weren’t able to make our last Membership Class?  Our next 2 classes (pick one) are – Saturday mornings, August 19th & September 9th, 9am-12noon.  Childcare and refreshments provided. You can sign up online, on your Connect Card on Sunday, or respond to this email.
  3. We are planning and organizing our Fall Semester of LIFE Groups!  If you are interested in leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group, please let us know now!  LIFE Group Training will be (pick one) Tuesday night, August 22nd, 7-9pm or Saturday morning, August 26th, 10am-12noon.  LIFE Group Sunday is August 27th and the Fall Semester starts the week of September 10th.  If you are leading a Group, we need all your info by Friday, August 11th.
  4. If you have a rising 6th Grader, there is a Welcome to WAVES Party for your Student on Friday, August 11th, 6:30pm-7:30pm at Sky Zone in Mt. Pleasant (FREE – includes jumping for an hour, pizza & drink)!  This is a great way for you and your student to meet our Youth Pastor Ryan Spell and other volunteers, answer any of your questions, and have a lot of fun!
  5. New to Coastal?  Like to meet our Staff, Ministry Leaders and other new people?  Like to learn more about Pastor Chris and the history of our church?  Make plans to attend our next Necomer’s Reception, Sunday, August 13th, immediately after our 11:15am service (it’s only about 30 minutes).  Childcare and pizza are provided.  You can sign up for our Newcomer’s Reception on our website or simply by responding to this email now.


Pastor Chris

P.S. Ryan Spell is leading a Team of 13 people from our church for a Missions Trip to Peru on Monday, July 31st.  Keep them in your prayers!


Friday’s Five – 7-14-17

Dear Coastal,

We had one more person give their life to Jesus this past Sunday – one more light to turn on our ONE Sign, one more person who crossed over from death to life, one more reason to celebrate!  Keep it up Coastal!  Keep reaching out to your ONE!  Keep praying for your ONE and for the growth of our church!

VBS begings this Monday – July 17-21, 6-8pm for children 4 years old – 5th Grade!  If you haven’t already done so, PLEASE REGISTER ONLINE!  Online Registration shuts down tonight!  This gives our Registration Team time to put everyone together in their groups.  But don’t worry, Walk Up Registration will still be available each night of VBS!  So keep spreading the word and bring kids with you each night!  The real heroes of VBS are all of our AWESOME VOLUNTEERS!  Not only is VBS life changing for all the kids, but it’s also life changing for our volunteers!  If you haven’t signed up to volunteer yet, reach out to Janet at or 843-442-8299.

The Embrace Grace (Ministry to Single Pregnant Moms) Baby Shower is one month away, Saturday, August 12th at 3pm, at the home of Heather Ranew (1515 Ashley Garden Blvd)!  The shower changes lives with EXTRAVAGANT LOVE! Will you consider being a part of this extravagant love by adopting a young, brave mom and showering her with the things she needs for her baby?  Select from the links below to purchase her gifts. You can also join together with a group of friends, your LIFE Group, co-workers, etc. to cover a list and bless a single young mom.  We would LOVE to have whoever is purchasing items to come and experience God’s tangible presence at the shower!  Once gifts are purchased & received, you can simply drop them off at the church.

Here are the links for each Mom and their wishlists:

Amber –
Daisha –
Rashwanna –
Taylor –
Tiffany –

Thank you for blessing an Embrace Grace mom and her baby by purchasing gifts for her to open at the shower. Please continue to pray for these brave moms. If you would like to attend the Baby Shower, please RSVP with Morgan Wessel at

Friday’s 5:

  1. Our next Sermon Series, “Summer Reading,” begins Sunday, July 23rd.  The idea for the series is that each week I’ll be using a the subject matter from one of 7 different books as the subject matter for that Sunday’s message.  All 7 of the books are books that I recommend and are definitely worth reading.  The 7 Books this Summer in order are:  “The Prodigal God” by Tim Keller, “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel, “The Greatness Principle” by Nelson Searcy, “Accidental Pharisees” by Larry Osborne, “Grave Robber” by Mark Batterson, “God Will Use This For Good” by Max Lucado, and “More Than A Carpenter” by Josh McDowell.  Happy Reading!  Remember, “Leaders are Readers!”  We will have a very small amount (first come, first serve) of each book available for sale for only $5 per book!  You can also purchase each book online (Amazon or Christian Book Distributor).

  2. Weren’t able to make our last Membership Class?  Our next 2 classes (pick one) are – Saturday mornings, August 19th & September 9th, 9am-12noon.  Childcare and refreshments provided. You can sign up online, on your Connect Card on Sunday, or respond to this email.
  3. We are planning and organizing our Fall Semester of LIFE Groups!  If you are interested in leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group, please let us know!  LIFE Group Training will be (pick one) Tuesday night, August 22nd, 7-9pm or Saturday morning, August 26th, 10am-12noon.  LIFE Group Sunday is August 27th and the Fall Semester starts the week of September 10th.

  4. If you have a rising 6th Grader, there is a Welcome to WAVES Party for your Student on Friday, August 11th, 6:30pm-7:30pm at Sky Zone in Mt. Pleasant (FREE – includes jumping for an hour, pizza & drink)!  This is a great way for you and your student to meet our Youth Pastor Ryan Spell and other volunteers, answer any of your questions, and have a lot of fun!

  5. New to Coastal?  Like to meet our Staff, Ministry Leaders and other new people?  Like to learn more about Pastor Chris and the history of our church?  Make plans to attend our next Necomer’s Reception, Sunday, August 13th, immediately after our 11:15am service (it’s only about 30 minutes).  Childcare and pizza are provided.  You can sign up for our Newcomer’s Reception on our website or simply by responding to this email now.


Pastor Chris

P.S. Mark your calendar now!  Our next Baptism Service is going to Sunday, September 17th!  We’ll be kicking off a new Fall Sermon Series with Tailgating & Baptisms OUTSIDE!!  We’ll be signing up people for both soon!


Friday’s Five – 7-7-17

Dear Coastal,

I can’t thank everyone enough for all the “Birthday Love” this past weekend!  The party (we definitely need to dance more often), the heartfelt cards, the thoughtful gifts, the calls and emails – all of it – so very generous, kind, and loving!  I am a deeply grateful Pastor of the best church family on the planet!  If this weekend was any indication at all, the 50’s are going to be awesome!

We have 2 more weeks of our “At the Movies” series before we start “Summer Reading.”  This week’s message is all about SEX!  As always, we will share the truth of God’s Word, but do so in grace and love.  For far too long the church has pretty much either defined it’s position on sex by what it’s against, or we’ve just been silent.  Don’t miss this Sunday as we talk about how to experience God’s plan for a great sex life!

Friday’s 5:

  1. Don’t forget to bring non-perishable food for our Food Pantry this Sunday.  There will be a drop off table in the back off the auditorium.
  2. There is a VBS Crew Leader Volunteer Meeting July 10th, 7pm-8:30pm!
  3. VBS is just over a week away – July 17-21, 6-8pm for children 4 years old – 5th Grade!  If you haven’t already done so, PLEASE REGISTER ONLINE!  We need everyone to volunteer in some way to help make VBS a success.  Make sure you fill out and turn in the VBS Voluteer Insert in your Sunday Program.
  4. Weren’t able to make our last Membership Class?  Our next 2 classes (pick one) are – Saturday mornings, August 19th & September 9th, 9am-12noon.  Childcare and refreshments provided. You can sign up online, on your Connect Card on Sunday, or respond to this email.
  5. We are planning and organizing our Fall Semester of LIFE Groups!  If you are interested in leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group, please let us know!  LIFE Group Training will be (pick one) Tuesday night, August 22nd, 7-9pm or Saturday morning, August 26th, 10am-12noon.  LIFE Group Sunday is August 27th and the Fall Semester starts the week of September 10th.

All In,

Pastor Chris

P.S. Our Students are leaving from the church on Saturday (tomorrow) at 7am for an all day Carowinds Trip.  The discounted tickets are all sold at this point, but there is still room for a few more students in the vans.  The cost would be $55 (ticket at the gate & transportation).  Contact Ryan Spell if you are interested –
