WOW!  WOW!  WOW!  I can not say enough great things about VBS this week!  First of all, it has been the largest VBS we’ve ever had, with 335 children in attendance and approximately 200 volunteers!  And speaking of volunteers, I know I say this all the time, but we really do have the best volunteers on the planet!  We could not do all that our church does without you!  And you’ve done so much this week, with excellence, joy, and enthusiasm!  I am proud to be your Pastor!  I’ve just loved hearing all the stories this week of children learning about and loving Jesus.  That’s why we do what we do!  By the way, this is also why we give sacrificially here at our church.  And this is why we’ll continue to walk by faith and trust God for big things – so that we can reach the next generation for Jesus!  Honestly, the real question is, what does VBS look like next year at Coastal with another 50-100 kids?  And yes, the obvious question is, “When do we get started on our next building?”  Don’t worry, when the time is right, we’ll step out in faith and get started on that next phase (sooner than later).

Speaking of giving sacrificially, right now (not counting tonight’s offering) our VBS offering this week is over $13,000!  And 8 grocery carts are filled with food for our Food Pantry!

And VBS is not quite over yet!  Tonight is our Party and Closing Program!  From 6pm-7pm (weather permitting) we’ll be outside for hotdogs, Kona Ice, and jump castles.  And then at 7pm we’ll come inside for songs and a slide show!  It’s all FREE, and you’re invited to join us!

One last note about VBS.  To pull off a week long event of this magnitude, with this many moving parts, this many kids, and this many volunteers, requires great leadership.  I know she’s my wife, but Janet Rollins, our Children’s Director, is a great leader!  Like all great leaders, she is quick to defer and point to all of her leaders and volunteers.  But Janet, I’m proud of you – GREAT JOB!  I love you Janet, I love being your husband, and I am truly humbled by what we get to do together!

Shining the Light of Jesus with You!
Pastor Chris


    Coffee & Doughnuts with the Vets at Patriot Villas –  TODAY, Friday, July 14th, 8:30am-11am.  Meet at Coastal.
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief:  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, TODAY, Friday, July 14th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Ronald McDonald House Meals That Heal:  Saturday, July 15th, 4-6pm.  Online signup required. Contact Rachel Speer for more info.
    Hope Center Tailgate:  The Hope Center, managed by the city of Charleston, serves as a one-stop shop in downtown Charleston to assist those who are homeless or who are at-risk of being homeless. We’re sending a Tailgate Team to serve dinner to anyone who is hungry. We meet at Coastal on Tuesday, July 18th, 12pm-3pm.
    Patriot Villas Veterans Tailgate & Game Night –  We will be putting on a Tailgate for the Veterans at Patriot Villas on Thursday, July 20th, 6-8pm.  Meet at Coastal.
    VA Hospitality Project: This team serves at the VA Hospital in Charleston by providing a hospitality cart, greeting incoming patients and employees, visiting patients, and helping Volunteer Services with small sorting projects.  Wednesday, July 26th, 8:30am-12pm.  Meet at Coastal.
    Food Pantry Sort & Stock –  Thursday, July 27th, 11:30am-1pm.  As you know, our church feeds A LOT of people!  Come help us prep Coastal’s Food Pantry!
    Coffee & Doughnuts with the Vets at Patriot Villas –  Friday, July 28th, 8:30am-11:30am.  Meet at Coastal.
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief:  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there Friday, July 28th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Downtown Charleston “Hotdog Ministry”:  We will be grilling and serving hotdogs to the homeless and hungry downtown!  Friday, July 28th, 4-6pm.  Meet at Coastal.

    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. Peru Missions Trip Needs – There are 25 people from Coastal going on a Missions Trip to Peru, July 22nd-29th.  Not only are we sending them with $10,000 to build 10 homes, but there are still several other needs the group has, that we can help meet:

    20 – #11 wrenches (ratchet style preferably)
    20 – 1000 piece bags of candy (tootsie rolls or similar – soft candy is best just not milk chocolate because it melts)

    If you can help with any of these items, go to the following Sign-up Genius link and sign up today:

    Bring these items to the church this Sunday, July 16th.  If you have any questions, email Pastor Scott at
  3. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, August 19th, 9am-11:45am in the Chapel. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  Dinner & childcare provided!
  4. The whole church is invited to a Special Worship Service!  On Sunday night, July 30th, at 6pm, we are having an Ordination Service to ordain Jacob Bonetti into full time Christian Ministry as a Pastor.  Jacob has been our Youth Pastor here at Coastal for over a year now and has done an excellent job.  God’s call on his life is evident and obvious to all, and it’s time to officially recognize it.  We’d also encourage you to bring him a card with a handwritten note of encouragement.  There will be a table for cards & any gifts (not required). Childcare (Nursery & Preschool) will be provided during the service.  There will be a brief reception immediately following the service.  Please respond to this email or let us know on your Connect Card if you plan on attending (so we can plan on food) and let us know if you need childcare (how many children). 
  5. We are in the planning stages for our FALL LIFE GROUPS!  LIFE Groups are the primary vehicle at Coastal for community – learning, friendships, fellowship, and care.  We typically have all different types of Groups – Bible studies, book studies, activity groups, active groups, support groups, men’s/women’s groups.  Would you possibly be interested in leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group this Fall?  The Fall Semester begins in September and depending on the Group, lasts for 8-12 weeks.  Sign up on your Connect Card or contact Pastor Scott Huff at if you are interested in leading a Group.

    Training for new Fall Life Group Leaders will be offered in-person on Monday, August 21st, 6:30-8pm or Saturday, August 26th, 9-10:30am.  Returning Leaders’ Training will be online on Thursday, August 24th from 8-8:45pm.  All Leaders only need to attend one session.  RSVP on your Connect Card.

P.S. We are planning our 2nd BEACH BAPTISM of the Summer out at Folly Beach County Park on Sunday, August 20th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith, and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized, simply respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card, or sign up on our website.