I just want to take a moment to share with you a couple of ways how your generosity makes an IMPACT in our community – ways that you might not even realize.  On Friday (yesterday) we were made aware of a need in our community at MUSC Children’s Hospital.  Normally, the Hospital takes drop off toy donations for the children who are staying at the Hospital during Christmas.  However, because of COVID, the decision was made not to do that this year, instead relying on online donations and orders.  They came up short.  So today our church gave $2,000 in gift cards to help purchase toys for the children staying in the Hospital over Christmas.   Here is part of the email we already got back from the Hospital:

  • “Thank you so much for your extremely generous gift for the MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children’s Hospital.  We are so incredibly grateful for your willingness to help during this time of need.  Your gift of $2,000 in the form of gift cards will be a huge help in getting our patients toys during their stay in the hospital during the holidays.  I can not thank you enough for your generosity.  We are so incredibly grateful!” 

And then on Thursday of this week our church gave its annual t-shirt gift to all the students, faculty, and teachers at Oakland Elementary School – 685 t-shirts (over $4,600)!  Usually the entire school goes outside and forms a particular picture or sign and takes a big “family picture.”  This year because of COVID each classroom took a picture wearing their shirts holding up a letter that spelled out, “Proud to be an Oakland Orca” (see picture). Today on their last day of school before Christmas Break, I was overwhelmed with hundreds of handwritten thank you notes from the kids and teachers.  And by the way, those same children and teachers donated over 2700 canned goods and non-perishable food items to our Food Bank yesterday!

Coastal, these are just two examples of your generosity in action this week alone – not even counting everything that’s happening today with the Christmas Party at the Suburban Hotel or our Annual Christmas Offering. Now, if you feel led to help cover the cost of the gift to the Children’s Hospital or the t-shirts at Oakland – great – reach out to me and let me know OR better yet, simply give this weekend.  But just know that when I say, “It is the generous, consistent giving of our church that enables us to do everything we do,” I mean it.  Coastal, we are known as a generous church that is making an IMPACT in our community!

When I read 2 Corinthians 9:13-15, I can’t help but think of you, “As a result of your ministry, they will give glory to God. For your generosity to them and to all believers will prove that you are obedient to the Good News of Christ. And they will pray for you with deep affection because of the overflowing grace God has given to you. Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words!”  So, thank you Coastal!  Thank you for your continued generosity!  I am so proud to be your Pastor and to serve with you at a church like ours!

Merry Christmas!     

Pastor Chris