This Sunday, July 24th, we kick off another favorite Summer Sermon Series tradition here at Coastal –“Summer Reading”!  “Summer Reading” is where we pick a group of books for you to read over the Summer, and then the subject matter of each of those books becomes the sermon topic for that particular Sunday.  Now before some of you freak out thinking that I’ve gone heretical, thrown out the Bible, and I’m now preaching from other books instead of the Bible, throw away your email and simmer down.  That’s not what we’re doing.  We’re not preaching from the books themselves.  If anything, I think you’ll discover that during this series you will find yourself compelled to go to scripture as we point people to the truth of His Word and a deeper relationship with God.  

Here is the Book List and the order in which we will be using them:

Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
Knowing God by J.I. Packer
Celebration of Discipline by Ricard Foster
The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer
The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom
The Pilgrims Progress by John Bunyan

You might notice something a little different about this year’s book list.  Typically, we choose fairly current Christian Living books.  This year’s books are NOT fairly current.  In fact, they are the opposite.  Many of them have been around for a long time.  They are what you would call, “Christian Classics,” and many of them are not light reading.  But for thousands and thousands of Christians worldwide, most of these books have been foundational in shaping their faith.  So, I hope you’ll pick up one or two or all of them and read them or read them again over the Summer.  After all:  Leaders are what?  Readers!  Retired Admiral James Stavridis of the US Navy once said this, “The single best way a leader can learn and grow is through reading.  So many of our best leaders develop and enhance their ability to lead through endless contact with books.”

We really did have an amazing week of VBS this year!  And I’ve got some exciting news to share with you!  Our Mobile Clothing Distribution Box Truck is now fully and completely funded!  Our Goal was $40,000 and our church (YOU) gave $44,377!  It really has been an unbelievable Summer here at Coastal – from our “At the Movies” series, Baby Dedication, Father’s Day, 41 people getting Baptized at the beach, VBS, and Summer of IMPACT!  In the last 6 weeks alone we have had 100 first and second time guest Connect Cards filled out (representing hundreds of people), given away 222 movie tickets, and 178 guest bags!  Listen to me Coastal, all of this is not normal for most churches!  Well, I don’t know about you, but I don’t want normal.  Keep reaching out, keep praying, keep reading your Bible, keep giving, keep inviting your friends, keep serving.  In fact, if you have some people in your life that struggle with even believing that there is a God, make sure you invite and bring them to church this Sunday.  That’s what I’ll be talking about.

One last thing, keep me and our entire Staff in your prayers.  We’re going out of town next week for a “Church Systems Boot Camp.”  It’s a small conference that’s a part of the Pastor’s Coaching Network that I’ve been a part of for about 12 years now.  We haven’t really gone to any conferences together in several years now, so I’m excited to get away with our team, learn & grow together, and have some fun (it’s in Orlando)!  We are truly blessed here at Coastal with a great Staff Team!  These are exciting times at Coastal!  But I truly believe, the best is yet to come!  I love you Coastal, I love being your Pastor, and I love what we get to do together!  See you Sunday!

Pastor Chris

    Joseph Floyd Manor Tailgate –  Our Tailgate will be rolling and serving our friends downtown at the Joseph Floyd Manor –  Thursday, July 28th, 10am-1pm. Meet at the church.
    Coffee & Doughnuts with the Vets at Patriot Villas –  Friday, July 29th, 8:30am-11am.  Meet at Coastal. 
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, July 29th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Clothing Team –  Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes Friday, August 5th (and again August 12th), 9am-11am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island. 
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, August 6th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!  
    Soldier’s Angels – We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, August 9th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (The Elks Lodge).
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief –  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, August 12th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.

    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. We are planning another BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park on Sunday, August 14th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith.  At Coastal we call it “going public,” and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card, or sign up on our website.
  3. New to Coastal? Join us in the Chapel or online Sunday, August 21st immediately following the 11:15am service for our next Newcomer’s Reception. Learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, and get plugged in. Lunch & childcare (and some fun giveaways) provided. RSVP online or on your Connect Card on Sunday!!
  4. We are in the planning stages for our FALL LIFE GROUPS!  LIFE Groups are the primary vehicle at Coastal for community – learning, friendships, fellowship, and care.  We typically have all different types of Groups – Bible studies, book studies, activity groups, active groups, support groups, men’s/women’s groups.  Would you possibly be interested in leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group this Fall?  The Fall Semester begins in September and depending on the Group, lasts for 8-12 weeks.  Sign up on your Connect Card or contact Pastor Scott Huff at if you are interested in leading a Group.
  5. Our church feeds an enormous amount of people through our Community Food Bank.  That’s especially true during the Summer and with the rising costs of food.  As a result, our Food Bank is starting to get a little low.  If you are able, would you consider donating non-perishable food items (anything really, but canned protein goes really fast)?  And now that we have a refrigerator and freezer, we also take perishables – eggs, meat, cheese, bread, milk, frozen meals, etc.  You can drop off food during the week or on Sunday mornings. Thank you!

P.S. Interested in officially making the Coastal church family, your church family? Our next Membership Class is Saturday morning, August 27th, 9-11:30am. You can respond to this email, sign up on our website, or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.  You can join us either in-person or online through Zoom.