I hope you enjoyed our series kick-off to “At the Movies!” this past Sunday! I decided to do something different this year, in that I’m picking 6 of my own personal all-time favorite movies. This past Sunday I used “Rocky” as a springboard to talk about David & Goliath. This Sunday I’ll be using another one of my all-time favorite movies, but you’ll have to come to church to find out which one. Don’t forget that all of your friends that you bring to church will get FREE movie tickets in the mail to the Citadel Mall Movie Theater.
Here are 5 other things to remember:
- Our 2015 Summer Semester of LIFE Groups has started! It’s still not too late to join. Check out the groups online and sign up today!
- VBS Volunteers Needed! VBS-July 20-24th, 6-8pm. VBS at Coastal is “All Hands On Deck!” In other words, we need EVERYONE to help/volunteer to make it a success! Please complete the VBS Volunteer Insert in your Bulletin this Sunday and place it in the offering plate. We need CREW LEADERS!
- Our Students & Volunteers leave for Student LIFE Missions Camp this Monday morning and will return on Friday. They need to be at the church no later than 8am on Monday. They will return on Friday approximately 4pm-5pm. Keep them in your prayers!
- We’re planning another Baby/Child Dedication Service on Father’s Day, June 21st during the 3rd Service (11:45am). If you are interested in participating, please respond to this email or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday.
- BEACH BAPTISM – Sunday, June 28th, Folly Beach County Park! Our Students (6th-12th Grade) are having a Beach Day that same day, 1-5pm, so we’re going to join them for a Church-Wide Baptism Service at 5pm! If you are interested in being Baptized in the ocean please respond to this email or sign up online.
Going to be out of town this Summer? Stay consistent in your giving. Give TEXT Giving (843-277-8337) or online giving a try!
Forever and Always All In!