People are searching. Call it whatever you want, but people are searching for fulfillment, for meaning, for significance. They want to be happy. The problem is they are searching for it in all the wrong places, and it’s leaving them empty. They’re chasing after “the good life.” But what they really want, what they really need, whether they recognize it or not, is the life that Jesus offers – the BLESSED life! The good news is that God wants to bless your life – but not in the way the world understands blessing.
In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus’ most famous teaching, He tells us how to live the life that God blesses. In fact, He begins His teaching with these 8 powerful, extraordinary statements. We know them as “the Beatitudes.” Each one of them begins with the word, “Blessed.” But, again, they’re not what you might think. Last week, we started with the first one, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Poor and blessing definitely don’t seem to go together. But what we discovered is that Jesus was talking about people who humble themselves and realize their need for God.
This Sunday, we are going to look at the 2nd of these revolutionary statements that Jesus made. And it’s another one of these almost upside/down statements that leaves you scratching your head. Matthew 5:4, “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” We don’t even like to use the word MOURN. We live in a society that’s addicted to entertainment and the pursuit of pleasure. We want to lighten up, loosen up, live it up, and laugh it up. In fact, we take great pains to do everything we can to avoid sorrow and pain. The mantra for many today would be something like this, “Blessed are those who manage to laugh their way through life.” And again, there’s nothing wrong with having a good sense of humor or having a good time. But the reality is, there isn’t a person reading this, who hasn’t experienced the truth of Proverbs 14:13, “Laughter can conceal a heavy heart; when the laughter ends, the grief remains.”
And so while the world wines and dines and laughs itself into delirium, the Word of God continues to whisper the wisdom of Jesus. And here that wisdom is saying, “If you’re truly interested in deep joy and lasting fulfillment, then blessed are the sorrowful. Happy are the sad.” Now, what in the world does that mean? What, exactly, is He describing? Again, probably not what you might expect ,but you’ll have to come to church on Sunday to find out! Haha – how’s that for a cliffhanger?! I love you Coastal! I love being your Pastor! I love what we get to do together! And I can’t wait to see you on Sunday!
Pastor Chris
Coffee & Doughnuts with the Vets at Patriot Villas: TODAY, Friday, April 19th, 8:30am-11:30am. Meet at Coastal.
Brighton Place Tailgate: We will be putting on a Tailgate for the Brighton Place community (here in West Ashley – near Citadel Mall) on Wednesday, April 24th, 6-8pm. Meet at Coastal.
Food Pantry Sort & Stock: Coastal feeds an enormous amount of people. Come to the church and help keep our Food Pantry organized (and have a lot of fun while you’re at it)! Thursday, April 25th, 11:30am-1pm.
Lowcountry Orphan Relief: Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, April 26th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
Downtown Charleston “Hotdog Ministry”: We will be grilling and serving hotdogs to the homeless and hungry downtown! Friday, April 26th, 4-6:30pm. Meet at Coastal.
Coffee & Doughnuts with the Vets at Patriot Villas – Friday, May 3rd, 8:30am-11:30am. Meet at Coastal.
Clothing Team: Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes, Friday, May 3rd, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
Saturday Serve: The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month. The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, May 4th. We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!
As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website. If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613. - Coastal Community Church’s Internship Program is an eight-week, Summer Ministry experience designed to give participants (ages 16-26) a glimpse into life in ministry. Passionate & gifted participants will gain valuable experience while working alongside Coastal staff members in areas of Administration, Outreach, Worship Arts, Production & Communications, Children’s, or Student Ministries. If you’re interested in providing housing for out of state interns, please reach out to Find out more by visiting our internship program page at
- On Mother’s Day, May 12th, Coastal will celebrate all the women in our lives with fun giveaways, FREE Kona Ice for all ages, a family photo station, and Baby/Child Dedication in all 3 services. If you would like your child to participate in the Dedication Service, sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday. Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.
- We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park on Sunday, June 9th, at 5pm. You can sign up for it on our website. The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus. Baptism is a public profession of your faith, and it’s a great celebration! It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday. If you are interested in getting Baptized, simply respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card, or sign up on our website.
- Are you grieving the loss of a spouse or do you know someone who is? Join one of the FREE special GriefShare sessions on Monday, May 20th at 2pm or 6pm at Coastal. Register at or contact Freeda (540-903-5030) or Sue (616-443-6553).
P.S. Mark your calendars now – Coastal’s VBS is July 8th-12th, 6-8:15pm for children 4 years old – 5th Grade. This year’s theme is, “SCUBA – Diving Into Friendship With God!” Registration for Volunteers and children is now open! Go to our website and register today!