This Sunday is going to be awesome! Don’t miss it! We’re in week 3 of “This Is How We Roll” and I’ll be talking about worship. But it’s also Baby/Child Dedication Day! Right now we’re going to dedicating 11 different children spread out through the 3 services! Baby/Child Dedication is all about praying for the child and their parents. It’s also gives the chance for the parents to recommit their lives to Jesus, to each other, and to raise their child/children in a Christian home. And it gives the church community a chance to commit to do our part as a support to see that happen. It’s always very special and a lot of fun! If you’re interested in participating, but can’t do so this weekend, our next Baby/Chlid Dedication will be Mother’s Day, May 10th.
HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT: Coastal’s 25th Anniversary Service/Celebration will be Sunday morning, April 12th (the Sunday after Easter)! We’re going to have 1 huge/combined service outside underneath a huge tent on our campus and then we’re going to have a reception/party afterwards! We will worship, sing, & celebrate in true Coastal style! We’d also like to invite anyone and everyone from our past and from afar to come back and celebrate with us, if at all possible! Reach out to those folks who have moved away that you know. Let me know if you/they can come! We’re even working on a special rate at one of our area hotels.
Oh, before I forget, I can’t thank you enough for all the food brought last weekend to restock our Food Pantry! Coastal you’re awesome! Lots of people get fed throughout the year because of your donation.
Here are 5 Things I want you to make note of:
- Most of our LIFE Groups BEGIN NEXT WEEK! You can still sign up for a Group – on your Connect Card, at the LIFE Group table, or on our website! There are 3 different ways to sign up, but you only have to sign up one way/one time.
- We need more 1st Impression/parking volunteers! If you are willing to volunteer, please give Chris Ranew (706-941-2004) or Greg Orr (843-367-4051) a call. They will put you to work!
- Our next Newcomer’s Lunch is Sunday, February 22nd, immediately after the 11:45am service (approx. 1pm). Our Newcomers Lunch is an informal gathering where you will enjoy a great meal, meet other new people, meet our staff, hear Coastal’s story, and learn about possible next steps. Childcare is provided. It’s a great next step for those who are new to Coastal! You can sign up on our website!
- On Sunday, Februrary 22nd, we kick off a brand new series called, “Happily Ever After.” It’s a series all about relationships – love, sex, dating, single/married. You won’t want to miss a single week! Invite & bring a friend!
- Believe it or not, Easter Sunday is only 8 weeks away! Start praying and planting seeds now for all the people you will invite! We’ll be kicking off a new series on Easter Sunday entitled, “Love Can”!
Pastor Chris (friend me on facebook if we’re not already friends)
P.S. Give digital giving a try – either through our website or through mobile TEXT Giving (843-277-8337)! They’re both simple, safe, and secure!
Coastal exists to share & experience LIFE – the life of Jesus!