Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!  I LOVE VALENTINE’S DAY!  Why you ask?  Because today is mine and Janet’s Wedding Anniversary – 35 years in fact!  Our very first date was actually on Valentine’s Day as well.  I was a freshman and Janet was a senior at a small Bible College in Atlanta (Atlanta Christian College – now Point University).  On that first Valentine’s Day date I told Janet that I loved her.  She replied, “I love you too.”  But honestly, her response was more like, “Aww, I love Jesus and puppies and ice cream, and being at Bible College where we love everyone like a brother and sister in Christ, sure, I love you too, Chris Rollins.”  But I knew this was different and I figured she would too, soon enough.  She did.  We were engaged in May and got married the following Valentine’s Day!  Janet is the first and only woman I’ve ever dated or kissed.  So yes, I am a romantic and yes, I love Valentine’s Day.

However, over the years as I’ve told people to “Have a Happy Valentine’s Day” I’ve actually had people snap back, “You mean, ‘Happy Single Awareness Day’, don’t you?!”  Or today is the day I usually hear all about the Hallmark/Flower Industry conspiracy.  One married woman once told me, “I told my husband, ‘You better not get me flowers or chocolate on Valentine’s Day!  I don’t want that stuff unless you do it all year long.'”

Okay, okay I get it.  Not everyone feels the same way about Valentine’s Day that I do.  But hear me out, romance has very little to do with expensive candlelight dinners, flowers, or chocolates – although for some people it might.  Romance is simply choosing to love someone exactly the way they need to be loved, expecting nothing in return, regardless of how you feel and regardless of how they respond.  It’s the little things, done consistently, over time.  It’s willingly sacrificing your needs for someone else – putting their needs ahead of your own.  And when you find someone who will do that with you – trust me, there’s nothing better!

But here’s what I want you to think about today.  If that’s the real definition of romance – then in many ways, our God is the “Great Romantic.”  He knows exactly the way each of us needs to be loved and He willingly chooses to love us that way, regardless of how we respond, expecting nothing in return.  He does the little things (and big things), consistently, over time – things that we usually take for granted.  Thank God today for His great love for you and ask Him to help you to be a better lover!

Pastor Chris