THIS Saturday, June 26th, from 11am-1pm, I want to invite you to come out to Coastal for our “Grab & Go Meal Drive-Thru” and pick up a box meal as a celebration of the free meals we gave away during the Covid Shutdown in 2020. We literally gave away thousands of meals last year through the “Drive-Thru” (AND thousands of rolls of toilet paper)! The menu this Saturday is Pulled Pork BBQ, Mac ‘n Cheese, Green Beans, and a dessert! We do need donations of prepackaged/homemade desserts dropped off this week by Saturday morning at 10am (cookies, brownies, Rice Krispy Treats, Little Debbies, etc.). Desserts either need to be individually wrapped or can easily be put in ziploc baggies.
PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD SO OUR COMMUNITY CAN STOP BY FOR A FREE MEAL! This meal is for anyone and everyone! If you’re hungry, in need, or know someone who is, we’d love to help. Sometimes, just one meal that you don’t have to buy/cook for the family goes a long way.
Now, I know what you might be thinking, “Pastor Chris, I don’t fit into any of those categories. Our family has plenty of food.” Well, this is how YOU can help. Come through the Drive-Thru on Saturday, pick up boxes and deliver them to people you know (maybe Neighbors, Nurses, First Responders, etc.). It’s our way to help you love and serve our community!
Another way that ANYONE could definitely help would be to come through the Drive-Thru on Saturday and drop off any canned goods or non-perishable food items for our Community Food Bank. Our Food Bank is getting dangerously LOW! Also, if you would like to help sponsor the meal financially you can do so by giving on our website: or simply text ANY amount to 843-277-8337 and use the key word “meals” (ex. $100 meals).
Hope to see you come through the Drive-Thru on Saturday!