This Sunday, during the 11:30am service, we’re having another Baptism!  I want to tell you a little bit about the story of the man we’ll be Baptizing.  His name is Stephen Ziker.  Stephen is Jewish.  He has been attending Coastal now for a little over a year.  Stephen’s first connection to Coastal was, of all things, our Sewing Group.  Stephen’s wife of 48 years passed away last year.  She was a believer, and while her faith was something that she shared with their children, it was not something that she and Stephen had shared together.  His wife loved to sew and had a lot of fabric and equipment in their home (equipment that over the years Stephen helped fix and maintain).  After her passing, to maintain a connection with his wife, and to help with the grieving process, Stephen taught himself to sew and got involved in our Sewing Group.  Through Evalyn, Beth, and others in the Sewing Group, they directed this hurting, grieving man to Coastal’s Grief Share Group.  

Grief Share was exactly what Stephen needed.  It helped him process his grief and put him on a path of discovery and questions about God and faith.  Now, between Sue, Freeda, Kim, and everyone in Grief Share and all his new sewing buddies, Stephen was surrounded with new, loving, supportive Christian friends who kept inviting him to come and check out Coastal on Sunday mornings.  

And check out Coastal he did.  Stephen started attending Coastal regularly and got involved in the life of our church.  He had many questions.  He started attending various LIFE Groups and meeting with me on a regular basis.  We bought him a new Study Bible which he started reading.  He also read, “The Case for Christ” by Lee Strobel and even joined Pastor Ryan’s LIFE Group on Lee Strobel’s other book, “The Case for Faith.”  Honestly, over the past year, between Sunday morning sermons, LIFE Groups, meetings with me, Sue & Freeda, and several others, Stephen probably heard the Gospel presented and explained more than anyone I know.  He even came to our Evangelism Training Seminar!  I actually called him out on that one a little bit – a Jewish unbeliever, who is still considering the claims of Christ on his life, coming to a training where you learn to share your story, share your faith, and invite people to church – haha!  

But for whatever reason, he just wasn’t ready to surrender and open up his heart to Jesus.  But then on the afternoon of Friday, March 24th, during a phone conversation with his daughter (who is also a believer living in Charlotte), the floodgates of Stephen’s heart opened up and he received Jesus as his Lord and Savior!  He sent me, Sue, and Freeda the following email to tell us the Good News:  

  • “During my Friday discussion session this afternoon with my daughter Jeri, the Lord saw fit to help me Open my Heart to Jesus and the Holy Spirit . . .Thank you for all your prayers, support, understanding, and teachings as the Lord has drawn me out of the depths of my Despair and Anguish last year into The Light of the Holy Spirit!  There certainly are NO Coincidences!  My steps have clearly been guided to this moment today.  Thank you for your wonderful kindness, prayers, and guidance through this most difficult time in my life!  In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – Amen!

Coastal, I share that story with you for several reasons.  First, and most importantly, so that you can celebrate with all the Angels in Heaven that someone who was once lost is now found (Luke 15)!  But I also share that story to remind you not to lose hope or give up on anyone.  No one is beyond the grace of God!  Keep praying!  Keep loving!  Keep serving!  Keep inviting!  Stephen’s story is a great example of the “chain of salvation.”  What I mean by that is that God used many, many people, experiences, and circumstances as a link in the chain of Stephen coming to faith.  And if you serve or give or are involved in any capacity at Coastal, you too were a link in that chain.

Stephen was actually volunteering this week in our office.  We both shared how excited we are about his Baptism this Sunday.  And then Stephen shared something with me that I will never forget.  He said, “Pastor Chris, I don’t know how to explain it, but I have a sense joy and peace in my life I’ve never had before.  It’s like I’m a brand new person!”  You are Stephen!  You are!  Coastal – that right there is why we do what we do, and it never gets old!  I love you Coastal (and I love you, my new Brother Stephen)!  I love being your Pastor!  And I love what we get to do TOGETHER!  

Pastor Chris 

If we’re not friends on Facebook or Instagram – give me a follow!
On Instagram:  jampastorchris

    Coffee & Doughnuts with the Vets at Patriot Villas –  Friday (TODAY), April 21st, 8:30am-11am.  Meet at Coastal.
    Lowcountry Orphan Relief:  Lowcountry Orphan Relief provides support services and aid to meet the needs of Lowcountry children identified as at-risk or suffering from abandonment, abuse and/or neglect. Coastal will be serving there, Friday, April 28th, 9:30am-11:30am. Meet at 1850 Truxton Ave in North Charleston.
    Downtown Charleston “Hotdog Ministry”:  We will be grilling and serving hotdogs to homeless and hungry downtown!  Friday, April 28th, 4-6pm.  Meet at Coastal.
    Coffee & Doughnuts with the Vets at Patriot Villas –  Friday, May 5th, 8:30am-11am.  Meet at Coastal.
    Clothing Team: Our Coastal Clothing Team will be organizing and sorting clothes, Friday, May 5th, 9:30am-11:30am.  Meet at 2952 Old Pond Road on Johns Island.
    Saturday Serve –  The foundation of all of our serving opportunities at Coastal really starts with Saturday Serve – the first Saturday of every month.  The next Saturday Serve is Saturday, May 6th.  We meet in the Welcome Center/Cafe at 8:30am, project leaders make a “pitch” for their serving opportunity, and then we serve!
    Soldier’s Angels: We’ll be helping with the Veteran’s Mobile Food Distribution, Tuesday, May 9th, 8am-1pm.  Meet at 1113 Sam Rittenburg Blvd. (The Elks Lodge).
    Charleston Vets Potluck: Wednesday, May 10th, 6-8pm.  Sign up online to serve and then an email will be sent to volunteers about signing up to bring food. Meet at Coastal.

    As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website.  If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613.
  2. On Mother’s Day, May 14th, Coastal will celebrate all the women in our lives with fun giveaways, free Kona Ice for all ages, a family photo station, and baby & child dedication during all 3 services. If you would like your family to participate in the baby/child dedication, sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday OR sign up online. Include the child’s full name and the service you will be attending.
  3. Coastal Day at the Riverdogs!  Join us on Sunday, May 21 at 5pm at Joe Riley Park for the Charleston Riverdogs Baseball Game. Tickets are FREE (our Gift to YOU) and will be distributed digitally (you MUST have an email to receive the tickets). Parking at the stadium is also FREE on that day.  Please submit your name, email, and number of tickets on your Connect Card beginning this Sunday OR by simply emailing Pastor Scott at
  4. If you’re fairly new to Coastal, a great next step is our Newcomers Reception.  Our next Newcomers Reception is NEXT Sunday, April 30th, in our Chapel immediately following the 11:30am service (at approximately 12:45pm).  This is a great way to learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, as well as meet some other new people. Pizza and childcare provided. You can sign up on our website today or on your Connect Card on Sunday!
  5. We are planning our Annual BEACH BAPTISM out at Folly Beach County Park on Sunday, June 11th, at 5pm.  You can sign up for it on our website.  The only requirement for Baptism is that you have personally given your life to Jesus.  Baptism is a public profession of your faith, and it’s a great celebration!  It beautifully illustrates Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection.  If you’re unable to participate in our Beach Baptism, remember at Coastal we’re ready for you to get Baptized any service, any Sunday.  If you are interested in getting Baptized simply respond to this email, sign up on your Connect Card, or sign up on our website.

P.S. One of the ways our church marks the beginning of Summer every year is through something called Summer of IMPACT!  If you are fairly new to Coastal, Summer of IMPACT is a month-long effort (the entire month of June) where we as a church saturate our community with the love of Jesus through simple acts of service.  It’s basically what we normally do all throughout the year, but MULTIPLIED during the month of June!  There is something for everyone.  There are opportunities nearly every day of the month. You simply sign-up and then show-up.  It’s that easy.  Every project has a leader and every project is well-organized. 

So here’s what I am asking you to do RIGHT NOW:

Click on this link:

Take a look at all the opportunities. Find the project(s) right for you and then sign up! You can sign up for as many opportunities as you want directly from our website.  And by the way, you don’t even have to call Coastal your home to participate! Invite and bring your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers to serve!  If you are looking to make an IMPACT in our community, this is the way to do it! 

P.S.S. Mark your calendars now – July 10th-14th, from 6-8:15pm each night, for children 4 years old – 5th Grade!  This year’s theme is a Space Theme!  You can start registering your children now!  You can also start signing up to serve at VBS! Check out the flyer in your bulletin this weekend for more information!