If you are a volunteer at Coastal, I hope you’ve made plans to come out tonight, 6:30pm-8:30pm, for our Volunteer Banquet! This Banquet is for ALL Coastal Volunteers. If you serve in ANY capacity, you (your spouse & children) are invited! It’s our way of thanking our volunteers. It’s a night of great food, worship, fellowship, and for me to share some “insider information” about things happening at Coastal (I have a few surprises). We also have a gift for you! We will be serving Fried Chicken, Rotisserie Chicken, and all kinds of yummy sides and desserts from 6:30pm-7:15pm. Your children are welcome to come and eat with you. Childcare will be provided from 7:15pm – 8:30pm. If you are coming and have not yet signed up, PLEASE RESPOND TO THIS EMAIL. If you need childcare, PLEASE let us know how many children you’re bringing so we can plan accordingly. Can’t wait to see everyone tonight!
And speaking of our awesome volunteers, our next Saturday Serve is THIS Saturday, December 7th – TOMORROW MORNING! Saturday Serve is open to EVERYONE in our community. You do not need to be a Member of our church to participate. We meet in the Coastal Café at 8:30am. After a few minutes of getting to know one another, leaders of multiple community projects will brief you on the particulars of the projects they are leading. Afterwards, you’ll choose the project that’s of interest to you and off you’ll go! All projects are typically finished before lunchtime, so it’s not a sacrifice of your entire Saturday. Come out and help us tangibly share and experience the LIFE and LOVE of Jesus with our community! Our regular monthly Saturday Serve opportunities include:
- Prepping meals for My Sister’s House / SC Strong in the Coastal kitchen.
- Serving with The North Charleston Tailgate (burgers/hot dogs, food & clothing distribution for those in need).
- Sorting food at The Lowcountry Food Bank
- Preparing crafts for nursing home residents through our Children’s Outreach.
- Restocking our blessing boxes with non-perishable food and toiletries.
- Sewing pillowcases for Nursing Home Residents/and the N.C. tailgate (not meeting this month – will resume this project in January).
If you have any questions about Saturday Serve or have ideas for on going projects or stand alone projects, please reach out to Chris Jones at Jonescg73@gmail.com or 843-870-4613.
See you Sunday!
Pastor Chris
Here are this week’s “Friday 5”:
- Our 2020 Winter/Spring Semester of LIFE Groups is now taking shape! If you are interested in leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group, please sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday or respond to this email. If you have any questions you can also reach out to Pastor Scott Huff at scotth@coastalcommunitychurch.org. LIFE Group Sunday will be January 26th!
- Right now 333 people have signed up to start receiving our Daily Christmas Devotional “The Reason” each day leading up to Christmas! I hope you’ve already been enjoying it as much as I have! If you haven’t signed up to start receiving it, it’s not too late! The devotional is emailed out to you each morning from December 1st through the 25th. The devotionals cover several Old Testament prophecies, the events around Jesus’ birth, and His character. If you would like to receive the daily devotional please email Pastor Scott at scotth@coastalcommunitychurch.org or respond to this email. We pray that this small daily reminder will keep the focus on “The Reason” for the Season!
- Attention all Coastal Young Adults (18-30ish). You are invited to a CHRISTMAS PARTY on Tuesday night, December 17th, 6:30pm in the Coastal Gym! Wear your best Christmas outfit, invite and bring a friend, and be prepared to have a blast! There will be food, games, and volleyball! If you have any questions, please email Pastor Scott at scotth@coastalcommunitychurch.org. (If you’re wondering if you’re too old for this party – YOU ARE!)
- If haven’t heard, we have purchased a RightNow Media subscription for everyone who attends Coastal! You should have received an email last week from RightNow asking you to create a login and password so that you can have access to their thousands of video based Bible studies and faith-based children’s entertainment online or on the RightNow app. This is a great tool for you and your family to use to grow in your faith and understanding of God’s Word. If you did not receive the email from RightNow please email Pastor Scott at scotth@coastalcommunitychurch.org.
- Mark you calendars now! Along with our regular services on Sunday, December 22nd, we’ll have special Christmas Eve services on Tuesday, December 24th at 3pm, 4:30pm, and 6pm. Children ages Birth-5th Grade can enjoy a Christmas Party during each service. If you serve in any Ministry, please contact your Ministry Leader and volunteer to serve now at one of our services.
P.S. I wanted to thank everyone who responded to Oakland Elementary School’s Christmas Angel Tree! As always, your generosity never ceases to amaze me! There are still a few ornaments/items left (a few more were added), so feel free to pick them up/mark them off on Sunday. Don’t forget that the gifts need to be brought back to the church no later than Sunday, December 15th.