This coming Sunday is Father’s Day and I want to personally invite you to spend part of your day with us at Coastal Community Church!  Father’s Day is always a lot of fun at Coastal – Baby Dedication, FREE Kona Ice for everyone, a special gift for all the men (trust me guys – you’re going to LOVE it!), and we even have a some fun giveaways at the end of each service!

We have 2 identical services to make it convenient for you:  9:30am or 11:15am.  We’re in a series right now called, “At The Movies!” where we use current/popular movies to talk about spiritual truth.  And speaking of movies, we’re also taking anyone who is available to see “Peter Rabbit 2” FREE, ON US, this coming Tuesday morning at the Citadel Mall Theater!  Doors open at 9:30am – movie starts at 10am.  If you haven’t already signed up to come, simply respond to this email and let us know how many people you’re bringing or sign up on your Connect Card on Sunday  And yes, as always, invite & bring your friends!

As you can see, Father’s Day is going to be AWESOME at Coastal!  So if you are in town, please come and join us – 9:30am or 11:15am.  If you’re out of town, you can catch both services live online.  We also have a dynamic Children’s Ministry called Coastal Kidz for all kids Birth-5th Grade during both services.  I promise you – you’ll be glad you came!

Hope to see you & your friends on Sunday!

Pastor Chris