First of all, before I jump into this Sunday and Father’s Day, let me just say that this past Sunday was AMAZING! We had a great kickoff to our “At the Movies” series with 730 people in person and another 500 people online. We had lots and lots of guests, gave away lots of movie tickets, and ate A LOT of popcorn! But the best part of last week was definitely Sunday afternoon at Folly Beach where WE BAPTIZED 41 PEOPLE!! That’s the most people we’ve ever baptized at any one time and a ton of people came out early, enjoyed time at the beach, and celebrated with us! It was truly miraculous – something I will never take for granted!
And then I know I say this every year (because it’s true), but this has already been our BEST SUMMER OF IMPACT EVER! The energy, excitement, and enthusiasm with all the different projects has been so high you can almost reach out and touch it! Each and every project has gone so well – great leaders, lots of volunteers, and lots of NEW volunteers! And we are just past the mid-way point. There are still lots of opportunities left. Go to our website, check out the remaining projects, and sign up today!
One thing for you to consider about Summer of IMPACT: it is your generous, consistent giving that enables our church to do all that we do – including Summer of IMPACT. This month alone we’re putting on 14 different Tailgate Parties, feeding literally hundreds and hundreds of people in our community. Our church gladly buys all the food and supplies for these and other projects. But when I say the church, keep in mind that means YOU. You are the church. People tend to travel and go on vacations over the Summer, which is great (Janet and I are looking forward to getting away later this Summer). Just remember that the Ministry and IMPACT of Coastal continues whether you’re here on a Sunday or not. And everything we do is made possible by your consistent, generous giving. You can give through our website or simply text ANY amount to 843-277-8337.
And speaking of giving, I want to share an exciting announcement! This year for our VBS Special Offering we’re going to step out in faith and attempt something we’ve never done before for VBS. We’re going to purchase and up fit a 3rd Coastal Box Truck that will become a MOBILE CLOTHING DISTRIBUTION TRUCK! I can’t tell you how excited we are about this! Our church gives away hundreds and hundreds of articles of clothing every month – and it’s growing! We’ve discovered that one key component of this ministry is being able to take the clothes to wherever the need is located. A box truck upfitted with racks, storage, and bins would enable us to do that and free up our clothing team and their vans that they are using now. I’m saying a step of faith because normally for our VBS offering we take up $2,000-$5,000. A new box truck will cost approximately $40,000. But, I know the need and I have a big faith in an even bigger God and where God guides, He always provides. So begin praying now about what you can give. If you’re excited about this opportunity, simply put your money where your excitement is. If you want to start giving now toward that project, use the keyword “boxtruck.”
This Sunday is FATHER’S DAY! And yes, it’s going to be AWESOME! There will be FREE Kona Ice for everyone, Baby/Child Dedication, a gift for all the guys (you’re going to love the gift), and some fun giveaways (yes, probably MEAT) at the end of each service! Don’t miss it! Invite and bring your friends! And remember, every 1st time guest (and the person who invited them – YOU) gets a FREE Movie Ticket to Citadel Mall Theater during our “At the Movies” series!
Making An IMPACT With You!
Pastor Chris
Summer of IMPACT!!!! – Summer of IMPACT (SOI) has officially reached the mid-way point! SOI is a month-long effort (the entire month of June) where we as a church saturate our community with the love of Jesus through simple acts of service. There is something for everyone – from serving through our existing partnerships with non-profit organizations all over Charleston like the Lowcountry Food Bank, Soldiers Angels, the Ronald McDonald House, Carolina Youth Development Center, Charleston Vets, The Pink House, Patriots Villas, and Lowcountry Orphan Relief, to sewing lap throws for the residents of Joseph Floyd Manor, to feeding, clothing, and bringing supplies to literally hundreds of hungry, hurting, and homeless people all over Charleston. There are opportunities nearly every day of the month. You simply sign-up and then show-up. It’s that easy. Every project has a leader and every project is well-organized.
So here’s what I am asking you to do RIGHT NOW:
Click on this link:
Take a look at all the opportunities. Find the project(s) right for you and then sign up today! You can sign up for as many opportunities as you want directly from our website.
As always, if you are interested in serving in any of these projects, you can sign up on your Connect Card this Sunday or sign up now on our website. If you have any questions, please reach out to Pastor Chris Jones at 843-870-4613. - You are invited to attend the Charleston Riverdogs game on Sunday, July 31st at 5pm with your Coastal family! Tickets are FREE but MUST BE reserved ahead of time by providing your email and number of tickets needed on your Connect Card or to Pastor Scott at so that the digital tickets may be forwarded to your email. We already have 213 tickets reserved! Please reach out to Pastor Scott with any questions.
- As a fun way to celebrate the Summer and our “At the Movies” series, we’d like to take any children from our church and their friends (and children at heart) to the 10am special showing of the new “Minions” movie at Citadel Mall Cinema on Wednesday, July 6th – on us (any concessions on you)! Doors open at 9:30am. RSVP on your Connect Card or respond to this email with a number of tickets.
- We are in the planning stages for our FALL LIFE GROUPS! LIFE Groups are the primary vehicle at Coastal for community – learning, friendships, fellowship, and care. We typically have all different types of Groups – Bible studies, book studies, activity groups, active groups, support groups, men’s/women’s groups. Would you possibly be interested in leading, assisting, or hosting a LIFE Group this Fall? The Fall Semester begins in September and depending on the Group, lasts for 8-12 weeks. Sign up on your Connect Card or contact Pastor Scott Huff at if you are interested in leading a Group.
- We are so excited about Vacation Bible School at Coastal this year! After COVID & Construction, VBS is back and will be better than ever in our brand new facility! The dates & times for VBS this year are Monday, July 11th – Friday, July 15th, 6pm-8pm! This year’s theme is “Make Waves – What you do today, can change the world around you!” VBS at Coastal is ALL HANDS ON DECK! In other words, it takes EVERYONE to pull off a great VBS for our church and our community. There will be greeters, security, snacks, registration, teachers, games, worship, decorations, nursery, crafts – in other words, something for EVERYONE! If you are interested in serving in any capacity, please go to our website and sign up today! To register your child, ages 4 year olds – 5th Grade, go to and sign them up today! If you have any questions, contact Janet Rollins at or 843-442-8299.
P.S. New to Coastal? Join us in the Coastal Chapel or online Sunday, June 26th immediately following the 11:15am service for our next Newcomer’s Reception. Learn more about Coastal, meet staff and key volunteers, and get plugged in. Lunch & childcare provided. RSVP online or on your Connect Card on Sunday!
P.S.S. Our church has moved to a new management software, and we’re updating our church database! You could help us by texting “ME” to 843-571-1777, then follow the link to claim your account, see your information, verify that it’s correct, and make any necessary changes. If you receive an error, that means that we do not have your cell phone number in our system. So fill out a Connect Card with your correct information and check the “change in contact information” box. Once you claim your account, you’ll be able to keep your information up to date, text keywords to sign up for Groups and events, and text “CHECK” to check your children into Coastal Kidz on Sunday mornings before you even leave your house or on your way to church (and pick up your printed out stickers waiting for you when you arrive).