“Leaders are Readers!”  I wholeheartedly agree with that statement!  On Sunday, July 27th, we begin a brand new series at Coastal called, “Summer Reading.”  The idea for the series is simple.  I pick 6 different books that I consider worthwhile for the church to read.  We provide a small number of the books at a very discounted price and encourage you to read them.  Then, each week we use a different one of the books as a springboard for the message.

Here is a list of the books we’re using:  Circle Maker by Mark Batterson.  It’s a great book on prayer!  Catalyst Leader by Brad Lomenick.  It’s a great book on leadership that our staff is reading together right now.  Autopsy of a Deceased Church by Thom Rainer.  We used one of his books last year and this one is just as powerful.  The Dude’s Guide to Manhood:  Finding True Manliness in a World of Counterfeits by Darrin Patrick.  The title should speak for itself.  I hope every man (and woman) in our church reads it!  Unglued:  Making Wise Choices in the Midst of Raw Emotions by Lysa Terkeurst.  God gave us emotions to experience life, not destroy it.  It’s a book every woman (and man) ought to read.  And then finally, How to Be Rich by Andy Stanley, a great book on generosity.

Now before some of you freak out thinking that Pastor Chris has gone heretical and soft and has thrown out the Bible and is now preaching from other books or encouraging you to read other books instead of the Bible, throw away your email and take your medication.  That’s not what we’re doing.  If anything, I think you’ll discover that during this series you will find yourself compelled to go to scripture as we point people to the truth of His Word and a deeper relationship with God.  Some of you LOVE to read and need very little nudging to pick up a book and read it.  Others of you made a vow after school that you would never read another book again!  And then there is everything in between.  I hope that some of you will read all of the books and that all of you will read at least one of the books.  Growing Christian Leaders are Readers!  Join us this Summer and READ!